Ashley's Awesome Summer

Story by NadiaBlack on SoFurry

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Another commission of mine, this one was very long. 42 pages for $126

If you'd like to commission your own story, I do basically anything and would love to hear some commission possibilities

Ashley was done talking to her parents, it was a bit exhausting but at least she made sure that she would be alone for a bit. She loved the folks who adopted her and all, but they sure could get exhausting when they spent so long reminding her how to be a good big sister. But hey, they were gone for a week now, that meant that she'd be able to hang out by herself. Well, almost by herself.

Summer was the genetic son of the two people, and was much darker than her. He also had much more intense curves, mainly on his lower body, while Ashley was more of a muscular little stick figure without much breast or ass on her. She dressed the part too, usually wearing something simple like today's jeans and t-shirt. "Hey, Summer" She said as she opened up the door to her little brother's room, immediately slapping her hand over her mouth to stop herself from commenting on what she saw. She looked at his hair, hanging long on one side, looking adorable, especially compared to the relatively short and practical cut she kept on her own scalp.

That big, sexy ass of his was barely held in by the tiny shorts he had on! The bottoms of the cheeks were hanging out, round as orbs and dark as caramel, shaking slightly with each movement the 18 year old boy made as he looked at nothing in particular. She felt herself growing in her jeans, that infamous cock of hers doing what it often did and getting her into trouble. Suddenly he seemed to have detected her presence and looked up, smiling at her. She could swear she could see the tops of his panties, too, when he got up. They were pink for Christ's sake!

"Oh hey" she started, getting calm again and smiling at him "Mom and Dad are finally gone, just us two for a bit," she said as she smiled at him. The kid sure had a cute face, and she appreciated his hairstyle too.

"Oh that's great, I'm gonna miss them though" he said as he walked up to his sister and spread his arms out. Kid always was a hugger, and was usually pretty shameless about it too. His eyes were barely higher up than her nipples, so she had to shoot her hips back so as not to rub her boner all over his belly. She hugged him back a bit tightly and sniffed his hair. Damn did he used a nice conditioner. "Thanks for looking after me while they are gone"

"Uh yeah, no problem" she said, lightly pushing him away and feeling herself start to hyperventilate. She had gotten so hot just from hugging him, it was totally ridiculous! It was wrong, he was her little brother for crying out loud. She went to her room and decided she didn't even want to masturbate, it would just be weird to rub one out knowing what had given her the boner in the first place. She just put on some music and started breathing deeply, trying to get those buttcheeks out of her head.

She closed her eyes and let the song flow over her, but that didn't stop the erection. Instead she only felt it grow bigger and stronger as she kept imagining her brother in various positions, begging for this and that for his big sister as she gave him exactly what he wanted. She found herself breathing in a rough pattern, grabbing her thighs, tensing her brow...she could not fall to this kind of perverse lust! She would have to find another way to take away the hardness. Maybe a shower would do fine?

She was getting up when her door burst open, and right there was the comparatively miniscule Summer in a white bikini. He always did like covering his nipples in public, even if by doing so he would only draw more attention to them. She was fairly confident that he knew that and legitimately just enjoyed the attention. She could see that they were kind of hard, and also that his chest was absolutely smooth and hairless. 'Hey Ashley" he said as he walked up to her and placed a hand on her arm "Lets go swimming"

"Uhh, I'm busy" she said, blinking several times as she took in that body. She'd sometimes make fun of him for how much skin and hair care Summer went through in a day, but seeing him like this left no question as to the effectiveness of his routines.

"busy with what, listening to music?' he said, lightly touching her hair before walking to her speaker. She saw his big as bouncing...How did he get fat distribution like that! His belly was flat as a pancake but from behind he was positively thick! She felt herself crossing her legs, trying to cover her bulge as she saw that ass shaking about everywhere, nearly begging for her to just come in and grab it with both hands! Or maybe something even naughtier...

"Hey don't barge into my room, Okay!" she said, lightly grabbing his shoulder and pulling him back. She looked him up and down, not sure what to say about...anything. She had no preparedness for this kind of situation. Summer saw how flustered she was and just grabbed her hand, leading her out of her room and toward his, quickly getting her body across the hall before he walked in front of his mirror, rubbing his chin and checking out his torso in the mirror

"I look pretty good in this, huh?" he asked, shaking his ass a bit, demonstrating some supermodel style poses, and then looking back at her with a smile "I do, right?" he said, his smile quickly fading away as he awaited her judgement

"I mean it's kind of weird that you'd go to me, you know I've never really been a fashion person, but that definitely looks like a suit" she waved her hand in a gesture of confused frustration, before breathing in deep sigh and finally just up and asking- "and what are you even doing in a suit like that? You realize yoru asscheeks are eating the back of the bottoms" he wiggled it at her to demonstrate. Really bouncing around everywhere.

"Their supposed to eat it, it's a thong" he said, turning around and shaking his butt just a bit "I think it looks pretty good on me...but I could change if you wanted me too. I mean I have a few different swimsuits, what looks best?"

She thought for a few seconds. Her heart was telling her to tell him to just keep what he had on, but her brain was saying that was a bad idea and would get her in trouble. All the thumping made her heart hard to ignore, though. She walked to him and lightly placed an arm on his shoulder. Her hand reached up and rubbed her chin as she considered everything she could say "well, it looks fine I suppose" she turned around and started walking out

"Hey, Misha don't know her, someone very popular is having a big pool party in a few weeks, and I was kind of thinking you could be my plus one" he said, finding himself blushing a bit as he asked that. She looked over her shoulder, feeling blood pump through her entire body like it was trying to jump out of her and all over her brother. She blinked a few times, considering the offer he just made

"Could be alright" she shrugged after saying that, grabbing the door handle and then thinking a bit deeper. But she didn't walk out, he looked at her toned butt as she just stood there, seeming to thin for a few minutes, and then turned around "So my little brother is getting invited to pool parties now, huh? What the little social butterfly YOU turned out to be" she smiled brightly, returning to talk to him some more. He blushed and walked toward her, nly taking a few steps

"Yeah I've been making some more friends at school. You were right, confidence is a big factor, when I like myself people seem to like me more" he scratched his head, considering all of the advice his big sister had given him throughout his school career. Everything that made no sense or he refused to obey, all the stuff that made him want to say she was wrong "thanks for all that. Maybe someday I'll be popular like you were"

She walked up to him, nearly facing the younger brother. She brought her hand to her chin. Had she been that popular when she was a student? She supposed that she did have a lot of friends on the various teams, and more than once she threw a big party with a ton of boys who were trying to get with her as her baby bro probably watched from his upstairs window. "Yeah Summer, I think you may already be as popular as I was. I mean you seem to have plenty of friends now, which is good. And you seem to, you know, be able to express yourself and all that" she reached over and grabbed his hand. He felt his heartbeat race to a much higher speed. He had no idea why it would do that, he was just making contact with a sister who he had known for his entire life, it wasn't like this was the love of his life or some new cute girl he'd had to work up the courage to touch

"Thanks, Ashley" he said, starting to jiggle a bit as he got in close to her, grabbing her around the arm ever so slightly, then lightly nuzzling his head against her shoulder "So, you don't think its weird to go to a pool party with a bunch of kids who just graduated high school? I mean some of the girls have older boyfriends, so you wouldn't be the only one over twenty at the party

She smiled, tickling his chin slightly "aww, but everyone my age would already be taken, then?" he blushed heavily at the salacious suggestion, stepping back and lightly pulling his collar while she just aleaguehd and approached him, scuffing up his hair a bit "Relax man, I wasn't going to make things weird by flirting with every guy at the party. Honestly I am SOOO done with the stage in my life where I just fuck arund" she felt weird revealing this much to her borther, but it also felt very freeing "pardon my French, but the fact of the matter is at this point in my life some real interpersonal connection would be vastly preferable to quick meaningless pleasure, you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, no. I mean, intimacy" he started blushing, lightly playing with his side cut. He realized he was getting quite flustered, and had some other feelings throwing through him "I mean could you even imagine just meeting someone you loved...who loved you too? And just living the rest of your life with them, just loving each other and...Oh I sound like a silly schoolgirl, don't I?"

"Summer" the sister said, leading her brother to the bed and lightly setting him down, her hand tight and strong against his shoulder "there's nothing fundamentally wrong with the idea of true love or any of that. You just have to understand that it still requires some work is all" she said, sighing to herself. She hadn't found her one yet, but that didn't mean she had no wisdom on the subject. Certainly she should be able to say more in a more coherent voice than someone like him, or many of his friends, would ever be able to say on the subject of real love. "Loving is an active process and all that."

"Yeah, I guess it is. I...well you know I haven't dated much" he said, looking at her then back at his knees

"Yeah why is that? You're hella cute" she lightly tickled his chin, enjoying the smile she got creeping over his face "I mean I know if I was your classmate I'd have to beat up all the other girls so I could get your sweetness all for myself" she smiled, not sure if that was too vulgar, but she legitimately felt that it was true, so she decided it wouldn't be a huge deal to say it

"Stop, you are way too nice to me, I'm not that cute" he said, pushing her away lightly "Uhh yeah girls flirt with me pretty regularly, I guess? But they all seem either valid or self-obsessed, it's just hard to get anything straight out of them" he shrugged gain "Besides, they probably just flirt with me as some sick joke or desperation maneuver, I really am not very handsome, just a boy occupying a...a strange niche. Maybe some of them fetishize me" his voice got weaker until he wasn't really saying anything.

Ashley grabbed both of his arms, forcing him to make eye contact with her 'Don't talk like that" she commanded "you are a very attractive person and you deserve to love yourself!' she thought about adding deserving the love of another, but that could imply some things she did not truly mean to say to anybody, especially not an impressionable youngster like her little brother "In fact, you are my little brother, and I don't let anybody soil my good family name. You ever say anything like that about my family again" she raised a fist, but her giggling let him know it was an idle, symbolic threat "I'll knock your lights out!"

He fell on his back, holding his arms up defensively 'Eep! Don't knock my lights out!: he shouted, having played this game with her more times than he could count and enjoyed nearly every one. Those were memories he would bring to his grave, he realized 'i'm just a weak little boy lost in adolescent malaise!"

"Hey, say something nice about my little brother"

"Uhh, he is really cute, he loves his family, he has kickass hair" Summer found her truly loved complimenting himself. His sister had given him the confidence to do that, what else could she have him do? "He really and truly loves his family"

"What a coincidence" Ashley said, resting her hand on his shoulder "His big sister loves her family too" she thought for a second 'hey, so you actually like how you look in that, then? Why'd you model it for me if you were so convinced you look good in it, ya doofus"

"Well i just bought a bunch and this one was my favorite, but I didn't know if maybe I should go with another that may suit me better. Also, don 't call me a doofus!"

Other swimsuits? The idea certainly excited her, even if she didn't want to admit it. "Ohyeah, I did call you a doofus. I guess that means I have to knock my own lights out, huh?" she clenched her fist and pointed it at her own face, sticking her tongue out of her mouth in concentration, before her brother grabbed her forearm. He was definitely impressed with how thick and hard it was. When she clenched her fist it was like a tree branch wrapped in the finest silks, accepting his embrace but completely unwilling to change shape for it

"No, don't do that, I still have like 15 hours left in this day and it'll be super boring if my sister is unconscious the whole time!" he shouted, and that was enough to get her to lower her arm, looking at him with a huge smile on her face

"Oh, so you still wanna hang out with me like you did when we were kids. You aren't inviting me to the pool party just cuz I'm the coolest person you know, are you?" she said before lightly booping his nose, causing him to blush profusely

"Well, I mean, you would make a bit of an awesome plus one. But yeah your presence there could definitely increase my cool facts by a few units" he scratched his head again, brushing at his side cut right afterward "You aren't like, mad at me for using you or anything, are you big sis?" he said, backing away with some degree of fright

"Summer, if I was mad at you you'd know it. I'm just kind of amused is all. But I'd gladly be your plus one if you wanted me to, I think we could have all kinds of adventures taking on the popular kids, just the two of us" she got up and di a few karate moves, getting a big laugh and brief round of applause out of her brother before she bowed at him "Any other kinds of trouble you were wanting to get into some time soon, or mainly just looking forward to the party?"

"Huh?" he said, not sure if he knew what she was getting at. He rubbed his chin and looked at her from a few different head tilts "Uhh I eman I don't have that many plans between now and then, no. do you?" he asked, suddenly playing with the skin on his thighs as she looked him over

"Well I was about to go swimming, you know I like talking to you cus I could have been soaking in twenty minutes ago if I weren't so busy talking to you" she said as she walked to the door, looking back at him and giving him a wink, causing him to look away as she stood in the frame, rubbing her china 's she considered whether or not she should do anything special before changing into her suit.

She had been pretty aloof, and her brother there had been pretty nice about everything. Was she being too harsh in the start? Was she too quick to drop her aloofness and began to treat him as a close friend or potential mate? The attraction was weird but its not like she had to avoid him just because of that. Besides, she was his sister, she'd always have to hang with him in some capacity. "Uhh, well actually let me think about it some. I assume that new suit is something you bought for the explicit purpose of showing off your butt to everybody once the party starts?"

"Oh, you know me too well" he said, holding his hands close to his body and giggling 'yeah I was totally gonna slut it up in this...its not too slutty, is it? Yu made the comment about my butt and I guess that's technically true" he nervously dug his fingers under the string-thing bra straps, looking at her with a disheartening expression slowly spreading across his face

"What? Now I was just giving you the business, man" sh reached her long arm down to his puffy hair, scruffing that rather impressively styled sidecut 'I totally respect you for wearing that it's gonna be the hot thing at the party. Well, the real hot thing is gonna be your butt, but it'll show that hot thing off"

He took a step back and placed a finger on his lip, blushing at her as he tried to hide his expression beneath his hand. She was rarely a charmer at all, but to talk to him about sexuality like that? Something special to say the least. He cleared his throat and then locked her in the eye, finding the contact of gazes quite intimate and a bit intimidating "Thank you, Ashley. I really appreciate that. I'm a bit insecure about the big booty sometimes, if I'm being honest"

"Insecure? Why. your ass is awesome! Any girl I know, and a lot of boys, would kill for an ass like that" she placed a hand on his shoulder "and between you and me? Butts like that really get in the girls with cocks. I can't even tell you how many sub-par guys have gotten in bed with me just by showing off that round, pert, squeezable backside. It's just irresistible sometiems" she shrugged at him, feeling a bit embarrassed to have delivered that particular sermon but also empowered for having delivered it, hoping that she imparted something on her little brother that would help him out

"Wow, thanks" he was playing with his hair by that point, looking up with a very pure and innocent seeming admiration "It means so much to get a compliment by stud like you" he said, reaching forward to grab her hand "Do you still want to go swimming with the boy with the big sexy butt?"

She smiled, her hand closed around his "Oh when you put it like that how could I resist! Are you going to wear this suit? Does it stay on in the water?" she looked down at the back, there were a few parts where it seemed kind of flimsy. He gulped him himself

"Uhh, I may show you another one. You can choose which you prefer" he said as he backed up and started twiddling his thumbs. She wanted to see him change, but not yet. They weren't there. She realized they were going to be there soon, however. She wanted to be there, personally, and so did he, but rushing it too much would probably harm the boy more than it would help him. So instead she just leaned in and lightly ran her thumb across the sweet lips of her new male

She leaned in, fluttering the eyelashes on her handsome face as she moved it toward his adorable contenance, slightly re-angling her head and most of all puckering up her lips"Kiss me goodbye before you change?" he was in a state of apparent shock. She placed a hand on his chest and found that his heart was beating a mile a minute. He wanted this bad. She grabbed him from the back of the head and moved in slowly, pursing her lips as she collided with her mouth with his.

He could have said something, he realized. But as the situation came to a head, he realized that he really didn't want to say anything, he was in fact quite happy with how the situation was turning out. He didn't know if the kiss was going to mean anything, but the idea that he was about to have his first one was turning him on to no end, he even found himself jamming his knees together in his limitless excitement as the kiss came to a head.

Archie had done this plenty of times before, both in general and around his back as she slowly moved in. she had no interest in rushing this, it was to be a very specifically designed and executed operation that would focus heavily on meeting her brother's needs. She made sure to rub the back of his head just enough that he would open his mouth and let her stick her lips around his bottom lip. She had always really liked "Gripping" other people with her own lips, she thought it was an excellent way to make sure that the other person would be more excited by the way one was kissed.

The initial lock surprised Summer in the best possible way. He was left reeling into ecstasy from the confusing, surprising, mesmerizing manner in which his sister was convinced to make love to him. He felt his face burned red as she made her seal around his bottom lip and slowly touch it with her tongue, then suddenly pull away and smile, kissing him on the side of the face and then on the forehead. She grabbed his shoulders with both arms and considered letting the lock open to say something. She didn't.

He was starting to lean back when she reached behind him and took control, leaning him forward with her hands and making sure that her face met with his face in a loving kiss, embracing him from behind and nearly wrestling him downward in order to demonstrate her affection. She wasn't even really kissing all that intently, just creating a seal on his lips with her own lips and ensuring that she was very close, spreading her own body heat to him.

He had never been kissed like that before. He had really never been kissed at all in a romantic context, but it was probably the best first kiss a guy could ask for. She worked expertly and lovingly to chew on his lips but not in a painful way, to explore with her tongue but not overstimulate him so early in the relationship, and to make sure her hands went over just the right places to keep him hot and bothered throughout the entire kiss.

She spanked him again and moved forward, taking both of their bodies on a tiny ride as she mused on how perfectly their bodies fit together, making sure that she could press him into a wall as she lightly moved her hands across his back. He felt jolts of pleasure spread across his entire body wherever her fingers dragged, a need to open up more spread through him as he moved right into her, eyes closed intently as he awkwardly moved his hands up and down her body.

He was not exactly the most skilled or knowledgeable kisser out there, but Ashley was okay with that. For a beginner he was doing well, as well as demonstrating a lot of passion with his movements. She was sure that she could train him to be a world class kisser before too long, and that he would be a very obedient student who made teaching an absolute breeze. Her brother was perfect for this kind of thing.

She pressed on and held her hands behind his back, macking on him ever harder as she made sure, for now, to hold her crotch back and leave him curious as to whether she was hard or not. She knew that he was aroused beyond the normal physical limits of humanity, but she did not want to do anything to him that would make him think this had to be a salacious or unwholesome relationship. Yet. instead she just kept on with what had been making him excited the whole time, ensuring that she was moving in a pattern that would make him happiest, most excited, and generally into a mewling little sub for her to play with.

He leaned into it and closed his eyes, feeling a hand lightly pat his ass. He realized that he would do anything for his sister, even break some of the most serious taboos he could possibly think of. Her kiss awakened some deeper feelings of love for her than he knew he had inside of him, and when she pulled away and waved at him, they kept their eye contact even as she started backing up.

He had just done something very bad, and when she pulled away at first he was confused. Why was he so excited for his own blood? Why was she so fine with everything that had just occurred? He found his hands moving around his body and his eyes darting in every direction as he considered saying something but found an avalanche of words get stuck in his throat. He walked up and moped in her general direction, the beat in his chest too loud to make himself think and the general direction of his desires too much to even look at his sister right then.

She patted him on the head. "Just some practice, make sure you make a proper snack for that party in case somebody there wants to make out with you. I'd say you definitely pass the test. If Any girl there actually wanted you, a simple kiss would absolutely convince them that they wanted more."

He felt his world recombine into one basic shape and his eyes darted forward and upward, his hands now awkwardly rubbing against each other, "You really think so?" he asked excitedly, lightly moving around in front of her "I mean, I know you may really think so and I know that I enjoyed the kiss, but are you sure other people would?'

She rubbed the top of his head "You need to stop being so critical of yourself at all times, you are capable of doing tons of stuff just fine, my man. And yeah I am sure a lot of people would be so interested in kissing you right there and like that that you wouldn't even believe it. Summer, I am not just lying to you when I say you are so cute and desirable"

He moved his hips around and squaked in his expression of utter, unmediated joy "Wow, thanks! I mean I know you felt that way but every time you say it helps me work through some stuff that I was having trouble with and, well, it's just a great thing to know that somebody else in my life is so loving and supportive and...and well just wants to see me succeed!" she said as he moved in and hugged her as hard as he could. Ashley had to shoot her hips back to avoid smashing her boner right into his soft belly

"No problem" she said as she started rubbing down his head "I mean what else are big sisters for" she said as she kissed his forehead and wrapped her arms around him, lifting him up and pressing her nose against his "You know that you are one of the most wonderful people I have ever met, yeah? Did you know that about yourself?" she said to the boy that she was holding, causing him to blush and squeak so much she was starting to think his heart would explode right there on the spot

"Oh stop it!" he shouted, running his arms and legs around in a manner that strongly suggested that he did not, in fact, want her to stop anything. It sort of suggested that he wanted her to keep going with a renewed intensity because he found it so pleasant to have a woman get all over him like that, and the weightlessness of being lifted into the air made him feel positively angelic

She moved him around some, looking at him from new angles as she coyly considered all the naughty things she could do with her newly obedient baby brother. She could certainly abuse him if she wanted to, but she had no interest in that sort of thing, she still considered herself a good sister if a highly unconventional one. "You know that I am just making sure that you don't suffer from a crippling uncoolness or anything" she said as she slowly lowered him in front of her, finding his knees so ruberry that she had to hold his hand to make sure that he didn't fall forward during his connection with the ground. She had utterly shocked his system, hadn't she? Well that was fine, she was going to shock him in a few more ways before she was done, and she had a general feeling that he was going to enjoy a large portion of it. 'Put on something extra cute just for me, okay?" she asked as she grabbed the door

"Okay!" he said, waving at her as she closed it behind her then immediately jumping to grab the pink one-piece that was covered in tiny holes. His chest, sides, and parts of his belly would be exposed, not to mention the fact that there was almost no back at all on the suit, instead just a huge oval that showed the survey of his spine. He had some trouble pulling himself into the unspeakably tight number, but when he looked in the mirror and considered how exciting he would be for his sister it all became worth it.

Ashley found a simple suit for her simple body the one she used to wear when she swam for the high school team. She took her clothes off in two swift motions before stepping into it, finding that it fit her as well as ever. It was a bi tight, she had grown slightly in height and decently in muscle since she last wore it, but when she faced the mirror she saw a reflection she could get behind.

She rubbed down her torso, looking at how her abs showed through the thin material. She looked at her profile, puffing up her chest and flexing her pcs, raising up her nonexistent boobs as she rubbed a hand over her flat tummy. Well it wasn't flat, it was covered in regular and symmetrical lumps, the kinds she found that guys loved to touch and look at. Not that she minded the attention, it could actually be a lot of fun sometimes.

She looked herself head on and saw that her bulge was utterly obvious in the tight suit. She had always had a bit of trouble hiding it, since she was pretty well hung and didn't practice much with tucking or anything. She kind of figured it would usually be best to show it off. But was it too forward to wear this? She guessed that she never really tried to hide it before, especially not while she was swimming. So if she did go out of her way to hide it now, that would definitely carry a sexual undertone, maybe an even stronger one than showing it off would. She decided to stay as is, and went to walk out the door.

She saw her brother's room was still closed off, smiling to herself as she walked up to it, knocking on the door "hey Summer, get that big fat booty out here so I can see how that swimsuit fits it" she giggled at her own commanding tone, but backed up respectfully as she saw the door begin to open, smiling down to see what her little brother had on.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds, just admiring the show. Summer saw his sister's abs, defined as a marble statue's belly and just brimming outward. His eyes traveled downard to her bulge, and when he saw it he had to cross his bouncy little thighs. She was even bigger than he had remembered! Was she not done growing the last time he'd seen her in a swimsuit, or was he just seeing it closer up. He blinked a few times, hoping that he wouldn't be too obvious in his perverted staring.

For her own part, Ashley was quite distracted by the way her little brother was wearing that pink suit. It contrasted nicely with his darker skin shade, the way it showed ff his cute little belly was nice, and he loked pretty fucking adorable when he was as charmed as he was at that partcular moment. She felt herself straighten and grow in her little swim bottoms, but knew that there should be more before she really let him have it

"You look nice" she said, setting a hand down on his shoulder and smiling at him, carrying enough energy and brightness in those upturned lips to make him flustered and blush in her general direction. She appreciated that, little acknowledgement of his attraction to her, and found himself appreciating things more when she wrapped her arms around him "Hey little bro, remember when I used to carry you around everywhere? You really haven't grown too much since then..."

The tiny young man had to look down, feeling his heart race faster and faster as he lightly twisted his foot in an attempt to avoid the confrontation with such strong emotions 'well yeah, it seems like I am about the same size as ever...I don't know do you really think you could?"

"Oh shut up and stop doubting me" she said, sweeping him off of his feet and holding him in, their chests pressing together as she moved one hand down to grab his ass "Hmm, even leotards become little ass flossers when you wear em" she lightly slapped his butt, eliciting a light moan from him "Don't be such a wimp, Summer. I just gave you a nice little love tap" she moved her head toward his and blew into his ear,then lightly kissed his earlobe.

He responded with a moan, wrapping his arms across her body and pressing his head into her torso, warming her up. She had to breathe deeply, surprised by what he was doing. She pulled him up across her body, breathing harder in response. She looked into his eyes, trying to gauge why exactly he was acting like this, and slowly realized that he probably wasn't even doing any of this on purpose. She looked down at him and lightly gulped, pulling him up so she couldn't see how hard she was. He looked at her a bit confused, his legs wrapping around her. "Ashley, can we please go swimming?"

Right, swimming, that was what he wanted the whole time, wasn't it? To take a quick dip in a pool and cool off. Sounds like a ton of fun. Except, of course, how she was in no condition to go swimming with him. She realized that she could probably outswim him for days on end, even if those glutes were really giving him extra power, but no matter what they did they would end up having an awkward time in the pool. She looked into his eyes "You want to go swimming, huh?" she said, grasping him even tighter

"Yeah I wanna go swimming. That's what this suit is for! It won't just come off from the slightest water pressure or anything, this is a legitimate bathing suit designed to take some pressure and stay on my body, thank you very much he said aughtilly, flipping his hair around

Damn he could whip that hair of his. Why was she so into it? Maybe it was just innately sexy, whatever it was she was feeling herself start to leak precum "Yeah a pool may be nice. But I think what you are wearing looks more like a wrestling costume" she said as she tightened her grip to make sure it was inescapable, clenching her fingers together behind his back 'And I think, baby bro, that you are in a perfect position to get powerbombed" she raised her lips in a wicked smile as she ran back into his room

Ashley, wait!" he would usually be mad at her. He'd usually be mad at anyone for something like this, but he only found himself playfully giggling. He guessed that was just his natural response to what he knew was just some childish horseplay, it's not like she really wanted to bomb him into the ground or anything, she was just messing around with him, manhandling him...just being rough stuff. He breathed in before she jumped, landing him back-first on his bed, falling on top of him and holding him down

"1...2...3! A new world champion!" she said, raising her fists sand quickly turning away from him, showing him her back and buttocks as she quickly made it for the door. Her boner was at least staying inside of her swimsuit, that much was definitely a solid plus. She breathed in and hoped that the simple ruse she had done had worked

"Wait, Ashley...are we not going swimming?" asked Summer, curled up on his bed in an awkward position and sounding like a British orphan begging for scraps of food

"Huh?" she said in the doorframe, thinking for a second "uhh, yeah maybe but I realized I gotta go to the bathroom" that was technically the truth, she supposed, and with that Ashley quickly shoved herself through the door and ran the shower, pulling her cock out of her swimsuit and finding that it was coiled and ready to spring to life at a moment's notice. Even with her great height, her hand would barley cover a third of her cock when she gripped it, requiring long strokes as she pleasured herself. She found her mind wandering, but often returning to imaged of her younger brother. That much disturbed her. She didn't want to be attracted to him, she just sort of...was

She started working her cock, softly sighing as she did so, finding her big member was easily getting excited just from thinking about him. Images of her little brother kept popping into her head, she closed her eyes and saw Summer flirting with her, kissing her legs, begging for her cock, wearing yoga pants and squeezing his plump ass for her. She felt bad imagining all of this, but it felt so good to have fantasies in her head. She started jerking herself off even harder, rocking her entire body as her mighty cock started challenging her head. She started using both, imagining her hands as Summer's mouth or ass, her fantasy ever changing. She huffed and puffed, then suddenly stopped

It was weird that she thought that way about him. She looked around the floor, unsure what to think about him or about herself. And then she saw them, immediately knowing both that she needed them and she would regret using them. Summer had left a pair of panties on the floor, by the looks of things he had done some serious aerobic exercise before he peeled them off for a shower and forgot to pick them up. She reached her two out and grabbed them, pulling it i n before she lifted them with her hand and siffed them. They smelled like him alright, every aspect of his musk and odor filled her nose as she slowly started working herself harder and harder.

It was like she was right there with him, feeling his lust escape from his as she huffed in his odor and worked her crank like a machine, having literally gotten inside his panties and enjoying every moment of her sweet, sweet seduction that she had worked out in her imagination. She grabbed some toilet paper and wadded it up when she felt herself getting close, her little brothers ass and crotch filling up her mind as she applied it and closed her eyes, shooting the force of a canon right into her own hand. Somehow the fist sized wad was completely soaked, some of the TP even shredded by the intense forces to which she had subjected it. That was quite the little predicament for her, wasn't it?

She threw the wad in the toilet and started huffing. That was probably a fucked up fantasy to have, but it was just a fantasy. She wasn't actually going to fuck her brother or anything, of course that would be immoral. But she could certainly imagine a fantasy relationship with him, nothing too egregiously wrong with that. She saw a good pair of buns, what was the problem? And so she sniffed his old panties, they had a nice smell on them. Why would anyone get on her for that?

Well, she did enjoy his natural musk without his permission, which was kind of invasive for a sister, but it's not like they were blood relatives or anything. It wouldn't be an incest baby if she got him pregnant... she covered her motuh with her hand and contemplated the thought she just had. Everyone knew futa like her could impregnate boys, she recalled how freaked out some of her perspective male partners had gotten way back in sex ed when the teacher explained that. Certainly Summer knew it too, everyone knew it. But it's not like he would be considering it since he wasn't into her like that, he was just a fun loving little guy who wanted to hang out with his big sister. She looked down, huffing and tugging her cock back into her panties

She posed in the mirror, not liking the bulge too much but supposing she would have to deal with it. Back when she bought it she loved how it showed her off, how all the other girls on the team and the boys in the audience would stare at her as she walked by, but could she show it off to her little brother like this? She sighed, knowing that SUmmer was probably going to have some strong opinion she'd have to deal with. But she'd do just that, deal with his opinions and move on. Because that was what big sisters were supposed to do, wasn't it?"

She shimmied back to his room, pushing open the door that was open just a crack. Summer was on his phone, texting before he extended his arm and made a silly face, snapping a picture of himself "yeah that's a nice one" he muttered, before looking at the door opening "There you are," he said, getting up and haughtily walking toward her "Are you finally ready to go swimming with me, or do you have another excuse to attend to?' he crossed his arms in a proud gesture, immediately feeling sort of bad about what he had done. She just walked up to him with her even smile

"You could have just walked down there, big-brain" she said before wrapping her arms around him and lifting him from the ground, easily holding his weight as she pushed him along toward the door, holding him like he weighed nothing. Even with her sexual energy completely drained, she still felt like there was some sort of electricity between herself and her little brother whenever contact was made between their skins, or even between the thin layers of fabric covering their skins. She definitely enjoyed walking him downstairs and getting out of the pool with him, smelling his hair before she walked to the water

Summer was mesmerized, trying his best to stay afloat only resulted in his body melting into the arms of the woman carrying him. Maybe that was for the best, he thought for sure that he'd only humiliate himself even worse if he was somehow forced to walk down on his own. Although maybe then he'd be able to show his butt off to her some more. He chided himself internally for that though, knowing that he shouldn't think his sister would think about him like that. She was just the coolest person ever in his little world, so he was arbitrarily protecting unrequited romantic feelings for her to entertain himself, nothing about what they had together was in any way real, he was just pretending that it was. He sighed, reaching down to adjust the back of his suit before she sniffed his hair. That made him rethink everything. She set him down and he could barely find the strength in his knees to support his weight

She rubbed his head "hey, maybe things would be easier if you were weightless" she said, before picking him up again and running to the deep end, jumping in with him in tow, submerging both of them in the cool, clear waters below.

They were falling in slow motion. Water was slightly irritating Summer's eyes as he looked at his sister float weightlessly, her short hair dancing subtly in the water's motion as she reached up to propel herself to the surface again. He felt his heart ache with desire as he saw that, surfacing and splashing around with her just a bit more, trying to rid himself of such thoughts of her.

Ashley was in athletic shorts and a t-shirt, having enjoyed a good workout for some relaxation on the couch in front of her favorite boob tube. She flipped aimlessly through channels, looking for anything good and finding relatively little, so she just settled on an old cheesy Japanese monster movies. She liked the scenes where there was a man in a rubber suit, but a lot of the rest was just sort of boring to her. Still, it was a good distraction for when she was interested in relaxing.

"Hey Ashley, watcha doin" her brother was right in front of her in a pair of shorts and a balck half-shirt, swaying his hips like crazy as he approached the couch. Ashley recognized that voice from a thousand previous summers, it was how he would talk when he was bored and looking to make some mischief. She smirked, mischief was usually a fun game to play with him, even if she was kind of tired at that specific second

"Just watching some TV is all. What are you doing?" she asked as she grabbed the remote, idly adjusting the volume up and down

"Hmm, well I think you should watch TV with me!' he ran toward her in a pretty girly manner, bouncing about everywhere before he turned around, shaking his ass at her. She could see like, 70% of his cheek in the outfit he was wearing, that got her a bit worked up and uncomfortable with the situation

"Summer, please I'm just trying to watch this" she said, moving her head to get a better angle but finding her eyes returning to his ass no matter what she did. Why was that booty of his so friggin mesmerizing? It just wasn't fair!

"I want to watch it with you! Can't you make room for me on the couch?" he asked, sticking his ass out further and starting to twerk it, bouncing his cheeks with such skill and aesthetic appeal that she found herself biting her lip. She was definitely getting a bulge in her pants

"FIne, go get in a chair," she said as she looked around for a pillow or blanket to strategically place over herself, she had no interest in letting him see her physical arousal, even if she was pretty sure she could pass it off if she had to

"No, on the couch. Come on, make room for me" he huffed, crossing his arms. She did as he said, getting on one side, sitting up properly, and looking at him from behind. Did he know how much control he had over her with that big bouncing butt? Or was he just guessing?

"Oh, thanks" he said, glancing back before backing up. He dropped his ass on her thigh, leaning his head against her chest and looking at the screen "Huh, their just talking. Why are you watching this?' he asked, slowly moving his ass up her thigh.

She swallowed, trying not to sweat. Her boner was the size of friggin Texas yet here he was moving up her leg like it wasn't a big deal. She felt herself preparing to receive something from him that she didn't really want...what would he say if he felt it? What would she say if he said anything at all? She subtly adjusted her body before finally placing her hands on the bare flanks of her little brother, finding the flesh surprisingly accepting of her touch "It's a monster movie, we're gonna see some model buildings get knocked down in a few minutes. I personally find that sort of thing pretty fun" she said, trying to hold her breath and not reveal how excited she was. Could he feel her pulse?

Summer had no idea what he was doing and even less of an idea of why he was being such a tremendous brat. He felt her hard thighs underneath him and her strong hands on his sides, however, and started to feel himself get very physically excited. He had always been pretty interested in how muscular his sister was, so why was he...well why was he physically aroused at this moment? Was it just because he found her objectively attractive, or was something about her even more suggestive than he had imagined? No, he wasn't in love with him or anything. What kind of weirdo falls in love with his sister. Even if it is a half sister that's...weird. Something people do in like Alabama or something

He grabbed him by the torso as the man in the monster suit came on screen and started crashing through buildings, spitting acid all over them from the longhorn on his face...OK she was not seeing things that was definitely a suggestive image. Still, her short breaths were taking their toll and she finally realized that she needed to take a deep breath, and despite her trying to hide it she definitely made a loud extended hissed as she released her lungs all over her little brother's back. The tactical part of that was probably the worst,w asn't it?"

He fidgeted when he felt his sister's cool breath all over him, his toes curled and his back feel further into her as he brought a hand up to his mouth, biting his fingers as he closed his eyes and leaned into her. He told himself it was probably nothing, just an accidental laps in proper etiquette. But in his heart he couldn't help but wonder whether he had caused her to breathe more deeply than he had been. He glanced at the stream, watching the rampage and smiling lightly at the experience of being so close to another human being. Especially a human who was one of his all time favorites. "Hey Ashley, this movie is alright. You have some decent taste"

"Thanks, Summer" she said, before lightly nuzzling him "You know when you aren't being a little brat you can be a pretty pleasant companion" she said before considering her phrasing "You know, like playmate. I mean like someone who your close with. Like friend, you are a decent friend" she stumbled "I am gald to have a brother who I cna be so friendly with" she found herself saying, realizing that she was speaking half-gibberish in order to distract herself from the fact that she was in a highly erotic situation that she would rather be completely platonic.

He watched the TV with her and considered some of what she was saying. He leaned back some more and bit his lower lip "thanks. Right back atcha" he said as he watched the monster tear apart some model tanks that were clearly made of plastic 'hay, Ashley, I got a new swimsuit in the mail yesterday, would you want to see me try it on?" he asked suggestively "Its just...I don't know I liked the dark blue on yours, so I actually ordered myself a black one. That isn't gonna look overly goth on me, is it?"

She blinked a few times, trying not to verbalize any of her enormous lust "No, I don't think it will," she said, reaching her hands around him and slowly pushing him off of her, coughing to clear her throat and getting up, placing a palm on his back. She didn't want him to see her erection, so she decided this would be a better position for them to take until the exercise had calmed her down and she wouldn't seem like a pervert when he looked back at her

"Cool, it's just in my room' he said, running through the hallway and up the stairs. She followed him every step of the way, watching that big fat ass jiggle and shake as she tried not to make a big deal out of her strong feelings of sexual desire.

He got in his room and immediately closed the door, leaving her out there with her thoughts. She considered the panties that she had smelled the other day. She now had the smell his lower body exudes in her head and she would never get it out again. He was perforating it through the house whenever he moved, and it was a constant spectre when she sniffed inside of his room. Did he know how much lust he was arousing in her heart? No, he was just an innocent boy, she was pretty sure that he had never even kissed a girl beside her, mom, and a few assorted aunts.

He found himself looking himself over in the black swimsuit, it was very high cut, the holes for his hips went up his sides until they were level with his belly button, but he thought his thin waist looked good in them. The straps at the bottom, of course, was entirely obscured from view by his plump rump, and no matter how many times he pulled it out it would ist get sucked back in after a few steps. He sighed and acknowledged the fact that he was going to show off his ass no matter what he wore. He hoped his big sister didn't think he was weird for that.

Summer walked to the door and felt his heart pounding. He looked in the mirror and saw himself, wondering if he looked good enough. He adjusted his hair slightly and looked at his forehead to see if he was sweating or anything. As far as he could tell he was perspiration free at that particular moment, Thank God. he had no idea what he would do if he ended up having to face his sister trying to look sexy but actually just looking kind of weird and desperate. Oh god, what if he came out as weird and desperate either way? The thought started eating away at him, but then he steeled his resolve. Getting nervous would only get him more sweaty, disheveled, and more weird looking to his big sister. He walked to the door and opened it right up, looking up at her with a smile as he swayed his hips. "Well, what do you think of it?' he asked as he made sure to show off his ass more than he had been doing.

Ashley looked down at her little brother...well honestly he was just presenting to her at this point, wasn't he? Those thighs and that big sexy thick booty screamed for her to get in there and give Summer a piece of her mind, and maybe some other stuff as well. She walked right in and tickled him below the chin "wow, you look so sexy right now," she said as she walked around him "have I ever told you that you seriously have like, a perfect butt?" she looked down at it and licked her lips. She didn't want to molest him...yet, but she definitely had plans on getting sort of handsy with him, she started off by just resting her palms on his shoulders and slowly surling her fingers around him "MMM, you are like a little snack. Did you know that?"

Summer looked at his mirror. His sister was so big and confident and strong looking and here she was getting close to him! Wait, did she just call him a snack? That was probably just an accident, people her age just meant something different when they said that word...didn't they? He felt himself get subtly excited by the idea that, perhaps, she did actually mean something more intimate with what she said. "Well I try to be a cutie I guess" he said, and then she dropped a bomb on him, leaning her head way down and taking a long, sensual sniff from his hair.

He felt himself freeze up and twitch as the nose inspected him, feeling his body start to shake as he moved back into his sister's body. She caught him and turned him around, raising his chin so he wasn't staring at her erection quite so easily. Although she did start to question if that much discretion was really necessary anymore. She could just go straight frat boy on him and take what she wanted with no real regard for him as a person. But that would be immoral, wouldn't it? Beside, she did love her brother, the little tease that he could be.

"Hmm, lets see the outfit a bit closer up" she said before she reached her hands under his shoulders and lifted him up from the ground, easily getting him close to her torso "Wrap your legs around me so this will be easier," she said, and somehow he ended up obeying, his thighs going under her ribcage as she hugged him close in, her strong arms supporting him from his lower hips without properly grabbing his bottom, yet. She did feel something against her rock hard abs, it would seem like the younger brother was very excited about being this close to the older sister. "I think you do look pretty cute right now, I definitely think that was a good choice in a swimsuit. Although if I'm being honest, you make nearly any swimsuit look awesome when you put it on" it was some pretty thick-laid sweet talking, but she legitimately meant it. He was a very attractive little guy. "Maybe we could see this thing in action? The water glossy on your skin, your hair flat and weighed down, your little body weightless as it floats up and you giggle and splash around? I may even get changed to join you in the pool, or maybe I'll just watch from dry land and tell you how things end up looking"

Summer was breaking down, feeling himself turn to mush from his big sister's expert flirtation and seduction techniques, his hands moving across her shoulders as he felt himself completely at her will. He had been lustful before at many points in his life, but now he just really needed to be his sister's personal little playtoy. If he couldn't even be that what would be the point of living? "Hey uhhh, are you sure you really want to take me down by the pool and not stay up here?"

"We can at least go downstairs, we have a guest bed right next to the exit" she chided before kissing him on the neck, carrying him down as her hand reached down and squeezed his ass "Hey, so, you seem to be pretty forward with me so far. I guess it's only fair I be sort of roward with you. Do you have a crush on me, little brother?" she was carrying him down the first flight of stairs when she asked that, and as soon as she finished her sentence she felt his heart beating against hers as he cleared his throat and stammered

"Ooh, did I put you on the spot, Summer?" Ashley inquired, rubbing her forehead against his. Hmm, well, just something you can think about for awhile as we keep going. We have more days to discuss everything we feel, and explore what our feelings actually end up being" she said before she released steamy breath on his naked neck. It was enough to drive him wild, getting him to clasp his hand son her back and tighten the grip his legs had around her to the pint that he was afraid he might her. Although when he opened his eyes so see if there was any damage she looked fine, her finger exploring his face

"Maybe this will help us feel things out?" she asked before leaning in and puckering her lips. He looked as she came in, his heart pounding and racing. She was going to lay a smooch on him, and he was going to sit there and take it. He wanted it, needed her lips to come into contact with his and make him feel whole again. He found himself crossing his ankles and closing his eyes, the longing for her lips was becoming so intense that he couldn't even really think anymore over the sound of his own heartbeat. He just wanted to focus on the sensation.

Her lips met with his and the sparks reached from his mouth into his fingers and toes, his entire body lighting up as he gripped even harder and let her force whatever she wanted into and at his body. He had grown an implicit trust over many years, but now he felt something even greater growing for her. Did he feel she may be his ideal lover?

She grabbed his lips with hers, lightly chewing on them before making, her tongue exploring the front of his teeth and digging in a bit more deeply as she leaned into him. Her hands explored his back and her tongue started getting slightly more forward, pressing his teeth further back and getting under them, into his minty mouth. Was he brushing his teeth just for her? Did he freshen up in the specific hopes of getting a kiss from his big futa sister?

He reached behind her head and played with her hair as her body pressed even more deeply into his. Those short locks provided an excellent handle for his body which, without proper pressure release, may very well have simply exploded from contact with the sheer eroticism his sister always seemed to exude. The kiss continued for what seemed like several eternities, Summer continually falling deeper and deeper into the need to please his current lover.

Suddenly there was an interruption, a phone in Ashley's tiny pocket sent off, and she pulled away. Summer reached up and touched her face, she playfully pushed his hand away "I gotta take this" she said as she backed up, checking on it "Oh, geeze" she said as she looked at it more intently

"What?" he asked as she got closer, desperately seeing some more stimulation. His nipples were practically poking holes in his top and his erection was making a pretty significant indentation as well.

"Oh, some friends need some help," she said as she slipped it back into her pocket. In reality it was her college asking for donations, but she needed to distance herself from what she had just done. She had to get out and consider the implications of her actions "geeze, sorry to do ya like this" she said as she pulled a twenty from her pocket 'Order pizza or something, I don't know" she said as she slipped it to him

"Are you gonna be gone that long?" he asked, forlorn. He tried to place his hand on her again but she parried his reach with a slap.

"I might be, it's not really clear right now," she said, turning her back on him and walking away at a painfully slow pace "I'll...well I'll just get back to you before too long, does that sound like a deal?" she said, raising an eyebrow and craning her neck so she could face him without revealing the extent of her erection. He just sort of pensively smiled at her

"I'll be waiting for you!" he said, encouraged

She sighed as she left, getting into her car and driving to nowhere in particular. She was trying not to consider the fact that she had committed a pretty obvious act of incest, but somehow the knowledge that she had kept popping back into her head. She wasn't exactly sure what to do with that information, just that she should probably keep herself distanced from her little brother until she had worked out how she was going to handle him.

Did she want to pursue a relationship with him? Certainly she had had secret and discreet relationships before, but in front of their parents? She'd have to constantly hide everything they did from nearly everybody that either of them knew. But that may be worth it, she REALLY liked her little brother and she felt like she may be willing to sacrifice more than she may have initially considered in order to get with him.

She saw some romantic comedy in the movie theatre, sipping on a large soda as she saw a pair of celebrities act out their perfect relationship in a fantasy world. She had never exactly been the biggest fan of these kinds of movies, but she felt at peace while watching it. That was probably a bad sign, it almost certainly meant she had caught a terminal case of feelings for a blood relative.

She got out of the theatre and made a slow, sad trek home. The drive was quiet, she didn't want to play any music right then, it would probably just magnify whatever feelings she was holding. She just got to the garage, parked, and walked right into the house. Sumemr was nowhere to be seen, and as she walked in further, worried that he may have done something stupid, she saw that the pool was illuminated

They had bottom lights installed in it so you could swim more easily at night, without accidentally smashing your head into concrete or anything. Ashley had always thought the blue tinge looked very beautiful in the dark of night, the way it clearly shined on

But today she saw something truly magnificent. Her brother's body had impressed her a lot, she was not in a place where she could admit that, but the way the water and light bounced off of it when she looked straight at him was truly breathtaking. She felt all of the sexual energy she had just diverted come back in stride, making her heart race and her mouth water as she took a step toward her brother even as every bit of better judgement in her being told her it was definitely a bad idea. But who could resist such an adorable sight?"

Summer looked up and released his typical enormous smile, slowly approaching the edge of the pool in a butterfly stroke before poking his head up through the water, his eyes made contact with her as his lips curled into a devious smile "Oh hey, there's some food in the oven" he said before flipping over and swimming away. The tight swimsuit was inside of his crack and she could see his ass in perfect detail as he swam to the other side. It got her so hot and bothered to know that he looked like that, she had to bite her lip and ignore the influx of thoughts as she considered the simple thing he had just told her

"Oh thanks I think I'll have some" she said, looking back at him and breathing hard she raced inside and opened the oven, finding a roast and immediately eating from it. Summer knew how to cook, that much was obvious. He was really better at it than anyone else in their family, he liked to pick up cookbooks and discover new recipes, every one he tried seemed to turn to gold just from him touching it. She'd have to ask what his cooking secret was at some point, she was sure he'd give it.

She thought more deeply into his cooking, but images of him in an apron, seductively staring at her popped into her head. Soon he was in just an apron, completely naked beside the thin garment covering some of his front and none of his backside. She saw him leaning over to take things out of the oven, getting things on the stove, and occasionally just so he could show himself off to her. She felt herself getting hard again, going upstairs to have a quick masturbation session and try to get her energies aligned.

She considered the bathroom, but had no idea if he'd be going in any time soon, so she just retreated into her own room and opened her fly up, grabbing her meat and mercilessly beating it as she saw the pool lights through her window. She just closed her eyes and told herself that if she had already started jerking it there was no real point in going somewhere just so she could avoid looking at something. Still, she'd find herself opening her eyes just a crack to see if she could catch a glance at him.

Summer felt good in the water. It was cool on the warm, humid night, and it also gave him that floaty weightless feeling that made him feel like he was some kind of God or something, serving a greater good as he gracefully went through the clouds. He rubbed his chin and considered what poetic devices he'd actually like to use if he were to describe the exact sensation, but then he looked up and saw a light from his sister's window. Could she be looking down from up there? No, probably not. He looked to his left and then to his right, then climbed out of the pool on the far side from the house, facing her.

He sighed as he started unhooking the various pins keeping his suit on, making sure that when he took it off she'd be able to see. If she was watching she would, anyway. And she probably wasn't watching. She almost definitely wasn't watching, this was really nothing more than a silly game that he was playing with himself for his own amusement in order to prove nothing in particular to no given body. He smirked at his own exercise in equivocation as he finally did it, taking his suit off

Through the crack in her eye Ashley could see her little brother fish something out of his crack. She opened up and saw him keep going, pulling his top off and suddenly appearing naked at the opposite side of the pool. Why would he do something like that? Was he showing off to the neighbors? She moved in and looked at what was going on, feeling her cock become more excited as her hand started moving faster and faster

He raised his hands above his head and gracefully fell into the water, butt-naked, and began to swim to the other side in a backstroke. Ashley saw his front and felt her mouth water, but when he hit the wall and changed his momentum, he did a butterfly, showing off his ample ass in a variety of different poses and angles as he made his way back to the other side. He was a skinny dipper all of the sudden? He was going to just parade his naked body around in front of..well, nobody in particular.

Summer grabbed his suit and swam again, getting to the edge of the pool closer to the house and walking inside. She noted how he made no effort to reapply his swimsuit was he just walking through the house completely naked? She felt her heart race and jerked harder on her shaft as she imagined his trek through the home.

She heard him come up, his wet feet slapped on the floor, up the stairs and toward her room. She felt her heart rate increase as he entered the bathroom, turning the shower on. Had he just went through the entire house sopping wet and completely naked? Surely he knew that she would be able to see him if she was leaving her room? Was he taking a gamble that she wouldn't check on him?

Or was he taking a gamble that she would? She got hotter and hotter as she started using two hands on her throbbing cock, closing her eyes and pushing it into her body as she went all out for an extreme orgasm, hoping against hope that her nerves would finally achieve some semblance of calm once she came like that

Summer was slightly disappointed. He was telling himself that he had no idea what he expected to happen, but that was a lie. He expected his sister to walk out and see him walking around naked and say he was a nughty boy who needed a punishment. She would maybe choke him a little bit, spank his ass, who knows how she my make him service her in order to make it clear that she was in charge and he was supposed to do whatever she said.

He just let the water go over his skin, rubbing himself with soap as he felt the chlorine wash away then lathered his body so that it smelled nice and fresh rather than like a swimming pool. He closed his eyes and whistles just a bit as he got in deep, making sure that the soap got everywhere and that his body would positively shine.

Ashley came into a sock with enough force that she ruined it. She bawled that sock up and threw it into her trash can, then realized how obvious it looked and grabbed some college papers to waddup and cover the sock. She probably needed that little bit of spring cleaning, nt just for her discretion but because her room was kind of a mess. If only she had a boyfriend who could clean it all up. She giggled at the idea of dating her little brother for the sole purpose of employing hima s her own personal little maid. He would do a great job at that, wouldn't he?"

She she took off her shirt and ants, revealing herself in nothing but boyshorts, she considered taking a shower. It would be a nice stress relief, certainly, but on the other hand it could involve a confrontation with...him. She rubbed her chin and considered if it was worth it, but as she considered her position more and more she realized that it wouldn't be. She raised an armpit and sniffed it. Nowhere near rank enough to require a shower, she'd just get right back into bed and closed her eyes, hoping that the next day would bring less complicated challenges

Summer get out of his shower and stood there naked in the hallway for a few minutes waiting for his sister to do anything. She didn't, so he just slipped into his own room. He grabbed his stuffed bear Hildy and rubbed her close to his chest, seeking some degree of warmth from whatever he could cuddle before he got in his bed and shut his eyes. It was a hard fought battle to finally get to sleep, but after what seemed like hours of tossing and turning he ended up where he wanted to be and scuttled into his little dreamland.

The monster movie, while cheesy, had come to him during a very sensitive time. He dreamt that he was alone in the big city, his family had been driven out and he was just an aimless adult with few career prospects and a big question mark in his future. He wandered around town in a general malaise before an enormous monster began to stomp on things. The military was useless to stop the beast that looked down on him like he was a bug, and he found himself running away but without any hope of escape. He was crying as the monster's foot raised itself overhead, collapsing on the ground and it came down with a sickening stomp!

He got up and hyperventilation before he reached around his body to ensure that it was all still there. Well at least as far as he could tell it was, that was as good as he was going to get any time soon. He blinked in the mirror and realized that he wasn't going to be able to sleep, even with the help from his adorable bear. He'd been truly embarrassed to sleep with mom and dad when he had a bad dream, he was eighteen after all, but sometimes when he had a nightmare he just couldn't get over it. He wiped a tear from his eyes as he got his bearings straight and realized that there was no mom and dad tonight.

He'd have to ask to sleep with his big sister. Ashley, his big sister...who he had a crush on. Ashley, who may have just seen her swim around naked he got on the floor and had a brief panic attack, looking down at his bear "Hildy, she'll never understand. Shell just think I'm being dirty!" he whined, waiting for any sense of response to come from the bear

"You're right, she is family. She probably will understand" he said as he picked the bear up and ran to his dresser, grabbing a sheer pink silk nighty to wear to the door he had to knock on.

Ashley was in a light sleep when she heard a rapping at her door. She groaned groggily, only for the rapping to repeat. She threw a pillow at the door and then considered where and when she was. She did have a brother somewhere in the house who probably wanted to get something from her. That was it,w asn't it? Summer wanted something. She dragged herself to the door and opened it, standing there in her topless glory and looking down at Summer

The sight woke her completely up. His hair was tousled in the most elegant way imaginable, she didn't even know it could actually end up shaped like that outside of orange juice ads. His face had a pitiful pout on it that begged for something from her. His shoulders were bear, and his neck was stuffed with the head of the teddy bear she had bought him for his birthday when he turned four. On his torso was a sheer pink fabric that revealed his nipples were quite puffy and his belly was quite flat, leading down to an opaque fluffy black skirt. She wondered what kind of panties he was wearing, but banished the thought from her head. "What are you looking for, Summer?"

"Well" he said, looking down at her crotch and then back up, finding himself getting lost in her glorious abs as his brain tried to deliver to him a coherent message to communicate to his big sister "I may have...sort of...had a bad dream" he looked up at her face, it was just vaguely inquisitive but he felt a mighty need to justify himself a bit more to his wonderful sister

"And I was wondering if, maybe, I could sleep in your bed with you. Just for the night" he said as he reached up and slightly adjusted a strap of his. His eyes went back to the abs on display

Ashley looked down and saw that she had a bare torso. That was probably lewd. 'Sure" she answered before slamming the door in his face, running to grab a half shirt from her clean clothes pile, and running back with the matching blue sleepwear on. The door opened again, and she saw the most precious look of relief on her little brother's face "You can sleep in here with me" her brain was already informing her that she had made a poor decision, but what was she gonna do when her own brother was acting like this toward er?

"Oh, goodie!" he said as he jumped into the air and clapped his hands "Wait can Hildy come too?" he said as he gripped his bear and begged with every square millimeter of eye he could summon up at that hour

"Yes, Hildy is always welcomed," she said as she pinched the bear's nose, and then booped him "I did give her to you in the first place," she said before grabbing his arm and pulling him toward the bed "So you sleep on the left side and I can sleep on the right," she said before yawning and raising an arm "Now, let's get in and have some rest. I'm pooped" she said, although it wasn't necessarily entirely true

She got in beside him somehow expected he would just sort of stick to where he had been assigned. It as a king sized bed after all, there was plenty of room for both of them. Even if there was not, the natural way to sleep in such tight spaces would probably be asses to ass, and he'd muster that no problem. Wheat she had failed to consider, however, was her little brother's natural inclination toward cuddling. She was a few minutes into rest when she felt a hand wrap around her flank. She didn't look back, but she felt the body against her. She had to look over her shoulder. His other hand was grabbing that bear like he was trying to strangle it in the crook of his elbow. She rolled her eyes and repositioned them.

The brother was placed in front of her, the two of them facing the same direction, she draped her arms over his torso and tried to just leave it at that. It wasn't quite as simple as she had hoped, of course. She found that the young man was fidgety in his sleep, and that the combination of his close smell and warm body was a powerful aphrodisiac. She moved her crotch forward against his body and found that he may not have been wearing any panties at all, she cuddled in closely and closed her eyes, convincing herself to just go to sleep as she fell into his body, wrapping around him and finding some element of peace

He woke up to the light sounds of his sister's snoring. Not a loud, ugly snore, but a cute little breathing pattern that let you know that she was getting some well-deserved rest. He pressed his bottom back and find something most disturbing, he had forgotten his panties, what's more, his sleeping sister was hard as a rock and essentially hotdogging him! He considered rolling around but any time he tried to move his ass he felt stimulation and his sister would moan like she had also felt some stimulation, he groaned and leaned back into her, trying to ignore the obvious sexual tension and think of a way out of the situation without mutual humiliation. He grabbed Hildy even harder, nothing to himself that in the future he probably shouldn't be so trusting of bears.

He repositioned himself, slowly but surely repositioning his body into a mutual hug so things could be slightly less awkward between the two of them. He placed a hand over her thigh and sighed to himself. He really did love her, didn't he. He moved his face into her shoulder and fund her arms provided the safest walls he had ever felt in his life.

A night of pleasant dreasm was broken by teh early light of sun and sound of chirping birds. Ashley looked down at the boy she was with and saw himd esparately clinging to her arm and resting hsi face against her bicep she felt her ehart sink as she considere dthe salacious thoughts she had had about him all day. He wasn't something to fuck at all, he was somethingto proect. She needed to ensure that he got everything he needed, not tthat she would get everything that she wantd. She rubbed his bottoma nd found that he had nothing on at all after his sheer nightie had ridden u around his hips. Her cock pressed against him.

She told herself it was just a simple case of morning wood but her heart told her it was something more. As she pressed back to try and reduce the stimulation she considered that, perhaps, she was in the middle of a dangerous game with herself and she should just...kick him out? No, it wouldn't be fair for her to stop caring for him just because she had decided to refuse to act on the sexual tension she would have to grin and bare it as he caused her arousal, it wasn't really his fault after all, all he was actually doing was existing. Just existing in a way that made her a bit uncomfortable was all.

The thoughts went on like that for horus as he cuddled his body into hers, occasionally breaking the silence with a yawn or an approach of closer cuddling, his lips made contact with her muscles on occasion and they she made sure to look into his face. He seems quite satisfied, she hoped that he was having pleasant dreams.

When he woke up he found he was shoved directly into his big sister's half-shirt, her body heat warming him through the thin layer of cotton. He pressed his face in, and then his belly. Oh no, he had seduced her! He felt that big cock against his belly and worried that she would bend him over right then and there and make love to him for the first time, stealing his virginity! When he looked up to see her slightly strained face he realized that notion was prue fantasy, she had no interest in doing anything to him beyond the light cuping for his bare bottom.

Bare bottom...he had forgotten to wear any panties tonight! She literally had a direct line right to his anus and she...didn't take it. He raised an inquisitive eyebrow but decided it would probably be for the best of he just ignore it and moved onto the next thing, after all she did deserve some right to determine her own actions and keep her own privacy.

"Want some breakfast?" he asked pensively, holding her close, he couldn't hold her far, could he? He just had to dig his nose way down deep in her flesh and get a whiff of everything it had to offer.

"Some eggs would be pretty iller right now, actually" She said as she yawned again and slowly pushed him off, getting herself nice and limber before slamming the covers over her erection. There was no reason for her baby brother needed to see that, after all. At best it would confuse him and at worst it would reveal something about herself that she would rather not share. He walked out of the bed, that was a relief

"I'll make some bacon too" he said as he got to the door. When she looked at him she saw that the nighty hadn't fallen yet, that ass really did act like a shelf, didn't it? And it was functioning as one too right now, letting that big old ass stay bare as he walked out. She imagined her hard morning wood ramming in there fast and pulling put slowly, she closed her eyes and tried everything she could to banish the thought.

He looked back at her and yawned, rubbing his mouth before he made his way down the stairs and toward the kitchen. He was going to have to really work for her, wasn't e? But that was fine because he felt a spark in his heart and a wind in his ass. In his ass? He reached behind him and realized he was naked from the waist down. She had probably seen that, hadn't she? Why would she refuse to comment on something like that? Was she just sexually uncomfortable? Was she looking to avoid starting a conflict by any means necessary? Could it be something else?

Ashley was getting dressed in her room as she heard her brother get around the house. He always did seem to move better when she ordered him around. Maybe she was a positive force in his life despite all the weird and fucked up shit that she did to him. She felt bad about all of that honest. She just wasn't sure if or when she would do anything to mitigate the effects of her flirting and teasing.

He got started on breakfast quickly, imagining himself and his sister as a married couple as he licked his lips and started making the most delicious things he could think of this wouldn't be an ordinary breakfast at all, he decided. This would be a showcase of his skills as a homemaker, a try out for a position as wife, if you would. And he definitely would, all she would have to do was ask him and he'd say yes on the spot. She seemed to like him that way, was something wrong with him?

She came down, stretching her back and neck as she went to confront the young man and see if she could have a normal conversation with him. Certainly they had been talking and interacting a lot in recent times, but those had consistently been anything BUT normal. It wasn't normal to be that into your little brother, and it definitely wasn't normal to get a boner while protecting him from the boogieman.

She was kicking forward with each step, hands in her pockets and a light jacket over her t shirt as she walked into Summer wearing his nighty and an apron, a huge plate of eggs and bacon in front of him "Hey Summer!" he said, waving his hand in a huge arc "I'm wearing underwear this time" he said, lifting the front of his skirt and showing off some pink panties "Not that you could tell from behind..."

So it was going down like this? He was going to be completely ...well he would just be bold-faced with his attraction to her from this point on, then? Or was he meaning to lighten the mood with a joke? She looked at the smile on his face and it seemed anything BUT innocent, he was definitely implying something that was in some way lewd or crude when he said that to her. Why did she have to deal with the guy who was like THIS? And on her vacation no less

"Oh yeah, that's good. Shame you couldn't find them while we were sleeping together" she said, getting at the table. She chuckled at saying they had slept together, what a disingenuous way of describing what they had been through the previous night. At least she hoped it was. "Did you sleep well

"Yeah your arms were an awesome spot to hide from nightmares," he said as he played some foot and then served it to her, smiling demurely at her, she grabbed his hand and kissed it. He shriveled in ecstacy, his knees rocking lightly as he moved into her. She came in again, this time kissing his cheek. He blushed heavily and reached down to grab her shoulder "Ashley, what are you doing?" he whined through his obvious arousal.

"Just showing my cook how much I appreciate his cooking" she said before kissing up his arm, finding that his soft limbs gave way to her lips and his entire body seemed to fall in order to make room for her to continue her series of kisses. She was going to enjoy making something out of, that wouldn't do at all. She couldn't get so salacious with her own brother, that would be highly immoral! She would have to just eat breakfast and not flirt with him so aggressively. She regretted all teh sex she had had in college during this exchange, it seemed like she knew nothing but ways to get the guy who wanted in her pants to dig out her sausage and work it

"Maybe we could watch some tv or something today" she said, trying to keep swimsuits out of the equation "Maybe some more monster movies?"

"Maybe" said Summer as he moved into her, his arms slowly wrapping around her body "But they may scare me a bit. I may need you to comfort me. Would that be okay?"

He was begging for closeness now. That was bad,she would put herself in a very compromising position by giving him that closeness. She wanted to give it to him, it seemed, more than she wanted pretty much anything in the world, but at the same time she knew that if she tried she was going to end up doing something she would regret. She had to just make things boring

"now, I don't think I'd want to give you nightmares again. Let's watch something that won't excite you quite so much" she said before looking at her plate and digging in, enjoying the way he got his eggs so moist and salty. She gave the OK sign with her hand as she shoves them in, making noises that were almost orgasmic.

When she was half done she looked to her side and saw him just standing there, hand over his mouth, deeply admiring her. He was in love at this point, wasn't 'TM he? Was she just as in love with him? She certainly hoped she wasn't, but she definitely felt SOMETHING raising up in her belly. Ashley sighed and finished her breakfast, trying her best to avoid confrontation before going to the other side of the house and just watching television until she no longer needed to consider her brother or their recently complicated relationship.

She sat down on the couch and turned it on, replacing back into it and resting her face on her fist, seems like she had gotten more tired than she had originally thought. Maybe she shouldn't have gotten so distracted humping her brother's naked butt. She smiled at the lions on tv before resting her eyes, slowly dozing off.

Summer saw his sister curled up on the couch and couldn't resist getting in her lap and curling up right with her, placing his body across hers and bringing her hands over his torso so that she could feel him. He was facing her, feeling her breath on his neck and breathing onto he's in the knot he had tied them in.

She nudged herself awake, slowly,and saw her little brother sitting there in front of her. She had to blink a few times to make sure that she was seeing what she thought she was seeing, and then got up to consider her own personal little ethical quandary, certainly it would be immoral to actually pursue a sexual relationship with him, wouldn't it? But then again he was a consenting adult, and SHE was hard as a rock, and it didn't seem fair that she would just ignore her grievances while completely legitimizing his

"Like that spot there?' she asked as she grabbed him. He kissed her on the shoulder "MMM-hmm" he said as he leaned his head into her, enjoying the warmth of her armpit and kissing across her chest. She felt herself harden against his thigh. She just sort of thrust her hips forward, the idea of hiding her erection had become too exhausting and she just wanted to see how he would react to it.

He seemed stunned, like a cat that had caught the laser pointer. He just reached down and vaguely felt about before he firmly landed both hands on the shaft "It's so big" he said with awe. She could feel him worshipping her as he said those words. How the hell was she ever going to stop doing anything with him when he obsessed over the very ground she walked on like that? Was she just going to have to marry her brother?

"Yeah it is. Why don't you unzip me and see just how big it can get" he took her challenge and unzipped her'' I could feel it last night. It felt so much of it in my naked little ass" he whined, starting to rub it with his hands and lightly trill at the pleasure of being able to handle her

She would pet his head and whisper in his ear, allowing him a calm state while he slowly wrapped the undies from her erection, the winner slit was easy enough to find, but she barely fit in the particular boy shorts so he had to stretch them even further than she already had in order to get them to fit outside of the garment .

She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, considering the implications of what she was doing, she was about to let her little brother have a go at her cock, and for whatever reason she wasn't actually all that scared of what could happen. She tried to remind herself to think of the alternatives, but the sound of her thoughts were completely drowned out by the beat of her heart in her ears and groin. She reached her feet out and tugged at the base of the couch with them, letting her younger brother have his way with her bulge as she slowly found herself reaching down in order to encourage him. She realized that she did actually have a deep sexual love for him. She moaned like she was in love when he pulled on her cock

Summer just stared at it for a few seconds. He wasn't sure if he had ever seen anything so beautiful in his entire life. His first instinct was to bring it into his mouth and kiss it, but she hadn't given him permission to use his mouth, just his hands. Maybe one day he'd be able to, but for now just staring into the hole at the front was enough to give him chills and shivers. He felt himself getting more aroused as he stroked the skin, almost like it was himself he was stimulating just by making his sister happy

Ashley's tight skin shifted in her brother's hands as she began to ooze precum out of her tip. It was thicker than milk and pooled around her brother's hands, making the job much more lubricated and, by extension, more pleasant for each of them.

Summer leaned in to get a good smell of the precum, falling in love with the strange aroma before he lightly blew against her cock and rubbed harder. He had seen it from a distance before but lacked a proper appreciation for how gigantic it truly was, both of his hands barely covered half the length! She had bigger hands, but I doubt she still had to move them quite a bit when she got herself off. He smirked at the thought. She wouldn't need to jerk off any more, ever again. She had a cute boy to do that job for her now.

Summer heard the continued noises from her sister. It was something novel to him, she sounded entirely dignified while seemingly entranced in the pleasure he had been providing. It was like she was experiencing sex as the truly dominant aprtner while he willingly walked into total submission. His own heart raced at the idea of such a naughty contradiction and he found his head attaching itself to his sister's shaft and sucking for dear life, desperate to get what he needed from her body.

Ashley looked down as her brother slurped the precum from her shaft. She felt her face get hot and let out a few more deep, passionate moans as she slowly pushed herself forward. The kid just like giving blowjobs, huh? At least as far as she could figure out that seemed like the only likely explanation. She didn't even bring up the idea of a blowjob to him, he had just decided that it would be a good idea to give her one. Not that she had a problem with receiving one. On the contrary, it was a pretty awesome experience to have him on her cock, sucking for dear life. But she could surely get one better out of him

"Suck deeper" she ordered as she applied pressure to the back of his head, pushing him onto her shaft. She felt no real resistance from him, but she made sure she pushed in carefully' especially when it seemed like he was gagging on something. Her head and a few inches were in when she had finally gotten to the back of his throat, so to speak, and knew that any more sucking would require that he deep throated the dick, which he couldn't do. She had at least assumed that he wouldn't be able to do it. Could she really be sure that he lacked that ability until she had tested it?

"Open up your throat" she demanded of him, before going right into another primal moan of lust and rocking her hips against his mouth. She felt her meat forcefully push itself in and had to bite down on her lip. This was going to be a very special experience for her after all, because she felt that he was already taking her inside of that deep, deep gullet of his. Running a hand down his neck gave her the same result, there was a bulge growing inside of him that only her cock could explain, she was going to have to make some quick work out of him in just a few minutes.

He went in as deep as he could, belching and slurping loudly as he tried his best to keep things wet and wild on her while staying alive. Doing both at once was made easier by the constant supply of precum he was being fed, but his own saliva still had to do a lot of the job. Ashley elected not to tell him about the massive stain that was forming right under his lips, she was sure that they could clean it up some other time.

He was halfway down the shaft when she firmly grabbed that side cut of his and started applying a firm, constant pressure against him with her cock. She felt him stretch ever so slightly as his slurping and gasping became louder than ever, his body seeming like it was about to explode from the intense pressure she was subjecting it to, but she kept on going forward.

Summer did feel himself change to accommodate her, her colossal cock pounding at the gates and his own body gladly opening those gates in order to show that he loved her as much as he said he did, his own throat standing no chance against his need to ensure that the cock inside of him got the best experience of its life.

The sounds she was making were suggesting he was fairly successful on that front. She was releasing a hard, deep breath as she slowly slid herself through those beautiful lips of his until her balls gently tapped against his chin. She giggled at the collission, bringing a hand down and scruffing his hair "that's a fucking experte blowjob, man" she said before she puleld a few inches out "You are so good at this"

He was reinvigorated like no other time in his life after that, diving in deep and hacking into nothing in particular as suddenly his life's only goal was his sister's perfect orgasm. Her warmness was pouring into his chest as his heart beat faster and faster, hands on her thighs as he pulled his head directly in, bringing his lips down to her shaft as he felt himself fill up and the cock inside of his gullet bend slightly to fit inside of his body, before he had to pull out and give both of their fleshes a well deserved break. The cycle went on for several minutes, his sister lasting longer than he had suspected as well as having a harder cock than he thought she would have. Not that he thought she would be soft, he just had no idea this level of erection was actually possible

"I'm getting pretty close" the woman in his mouth said, bringing his face down closer to her crotch "Could you go any...faster?". He couldn't do it without sacrificing the need to breathe, but he had his priorities in order. The femboy dove in for all he was worth in the search for that perfect orgasm he would give his sister, his tongue grinding against her shaft as he repeatedly headbutted her abdomen and shoved his chin right against her balls. She didn't mind though, the sound of him slurping and sputtering were enough on their own to justify the impact

But the feeling on her shaft? That was beyond trade, any sensation would be worth it so she could experience such an expert blowjob. She started bucking her hips right into him and closing her eyes, licking her lips, generally making it known that she was about to blow her entire load right into his sweet, accepting mouth. Summer kept blowing her with an astounding vigour, until she suddenly stopped and held his head in place. He stopped humping so hard and she simply began to moan in an intense pleasure

He stayed back and looked up at his sister's beautiful eyes as he waited for what came next, and it hit him like nothing had ever hit him before. The first volley of jizz went right down his throat. She barely even noticed the sensation as she humped to set up the second spurt

Despite all the trouble breathing, Summer worked with the humping, angling his mouth to better accept her cock and load as he desired little more than fundamentally and completely pleasing his sister. He mostly caught the cum after that, she pulled her cock out some and there was more room for it to spurt without getting so deep into him, along with relatively lower pressure spurts after that.

Summer had never tasted cum before, and he would find out that day that he actually loved it. He worked it around in his mouth, chewing on the thick concoction. It was surprisingly stringy and very goopy. It smacked loudly as he worked it with his teeth, releasing ever more of its flavor. He worked it in his mouth and loved the strange salty bitterness, eating more and more as he looked for his sister's approval and got it in droves.

Ashley loved the noises he was making as he went down on her, hungrily eating the cum as it spilled out of his mouth. He sounded like he was a starving dog or something, eating so desperately that he could hardly control himself.

For his part, Summer was secretly enjoying every second of his sister's orgasm. He felt that his face had finally become what it was meant to be and that his sister had finally become the relative who he had always wanted. He had his head pushed off the cock and found himself being lifted into his sister's lap, hacking up so much cum that he was sure it could be a meal in and of itself. As for what was in his mouth, it took Summer a few seconds to really try to notice the taste. He loved it.

Ashley giggled as she saw her little brother chew on her goo, enjoying the strange bitterness and strong saltiness as he almost seemed to block her out, huffing in through his messy face and rubbing his tongue along his teeth until Ashley placed her hand under his chin and forced him to make eye contact with her. "Did you like that?" she asked, leaning back and hugging him slowly so that their chests pressed together

"Oh , you have no idea how much I loved that" he said dreamillya s he reached behind her head and gripped for all he was worth, feeling her body heat fuse with his as he lightly sniffed his sister's hair. It wasn't exactly a flowery scent, but it was very pretty in its own way. "It was very challenging for me, but I guess I am proud I gave you an orgasm. Did you enjoy everything that I did for you?" he asked, looking down at his knees before angling his eyes to get a good view of her face

"That was an amazing blowjob" she said as she stroked his chin, hugging him in closer. After her orgasm she had started thinking with her brain again, and her brain was asking her in no uncertain terms what she was planning on doing now that she had nutted in her brother's mouth, was she going to...pursue a relationship? Just pretend it never happened? Tearfully admit the whole thing to her parents and beg for mercy? Obviously she had done something socially unacceptable, but how did he feel about it?

He felt warm, that was for sure. His body heat felt good against her. She realized that she was going to need to clean his face up pretty soon since it was covered in cum, and she knew that he was going to remember this day for a long time. "You are breathing normally again" she observed. She liked that she had one thing she could say that would be relevant and demonstrate her concern for her brother's safety.

"Yeah it looks like I am" he said, smiling demurely and leaning into her, lightly nuzzling her face. She giggled and pushed him off, bringing him to the bathroom "just...take off that shirt, maybe" she said as she started really bserving just how much cum had dripped all over it, and he obeyed her demand. Ashley looked at his cute torso and casually grabbed a nipple between two fingers as she turned the shower on "There we go. You just get yourself washed up while I go take care of the mess, sound nice?"

He grabbed his forearm in his palm, looking down and then looking back up "yeah I think that does sound nice but...but" he breathed in harshly before letting it out "well, do you think maybe you could get in the shower with me after you do? Or maybe I could just clean it up and you could" his voice was cut off when an index finger pressed into her lips. He was offered a knowing smile and a kiss on the forehead before his sister left the bathroom.

In the shower he found himself exploring the idea of their relationship. He certainly felt like it would be a nice thing to have, but he had no idea how he could really organize any of it, how would they ensure their parents never found out? How would they make sure that they were doing something healthy? How would he make sure that he didn't end up pregnant? As scrubbed the goo off of his chest he clenched up and considered pregnancy from his sister.

It didn't disturb him as much when he started really thinking about it. Something about the concept of having a little baby inside of him deeply comforted him on some level, like he was going to participate in the grand cycle of life in a way that he would otherwise have to simply watch from afar. He rubbed his belly and smiled naughtily as he considered the possibility in more detail, images of him and his sister holding an infant together started floating into his mind.

He opened the shwoer door and started breathing hard, grasping at his chest and sighing into the wind. He was very interested in her. He smirked and slapped himself. He wasn't just "Very interested", he was in love with his own big sister! What would she say if she found out he'd caught feelings for her this early in their relationship? Or worse, that he had caught feeling for her years before they were even IN a sexual relationship, that he had always admired her in some capacity?

She cleaned up her little mess fast enough, and after that started thinking about her brother. Where did she want to take things? Did she want to impregnate him? Somehow the idea of living out the rest of her life as his lover seemed more appealing than it logically should have, they weren't blood relatives or anything either, so it would be just fine genetically if she were to put a fetus inside of him.

But did she really want to force him into it? She had seen how he looked at her, how eager he was to please her. All she had to do was ask and he'd do literally anything for her excellence. In that way she was sort of confined by her own morality. How could she justify exercising her incredible powers of encouragement on a brother who would fall for them without a second thought?

She pinned some money between a fridge magnet and the fridge door with a note saying he could buy dinner before she retreated to her room. She didn't want him there as she considered her options, but they had to live in the same house. Maybe this was one of the many reasons why it would be a bad idea to pursue something with him. She couldn't escape at all if things went south. Yet here things were going just fine, she had merely contrived a Southern trajectory by arbitrarily cutting herself off in order to facilitate some meditation.

She spent the next few days like that, sneaking around the house and more or less avoiding her little brothers. She had to walk through the back doors and everything just to make sure she wouldn't get many face to face confrontations, instead just getting out and doing the bare minimum to survive. Surprisingly enough, however, when she did occasionally make contact with Summer he didn't do too much to start a conversation

Summer wasn't sure what he thought either. He was going through the motions like a ghost for the first day, but after that he began to feel like, perhaps, he was in a less desperate position. He loved his sister a lot but...but if he couldn't date her should he really make that much of an effort? Having already blown her, he felt something freeing...he'd always know that she would like him, even if she had to scorn him for whatever arbitrary thing.

It was a few days later that he heard a knocking on his door. Summer opened it up and Ashley was right there with a huge smile on her face. "Hey Summer" she said as she extended her hand, waiting on a handshake. Pensively, he extended it and felt her mighty grip before she wrapped her arms around his back 'Any way you could try on that pink swimsuit again? Maybe we could go down and go swimming? You know how much I like seeing you in those skivvies. And the pink one looks best on you"

This was all so sudden, but definitely welcome. He had actually been wondering what Ashley's favorite swimsuit was. He smiled at her and got up, shaking his body just a bit 'Okay, i can do that!" he said, giving her a thumbs up "Swimming with you...could be fun" he said with an awkward, somewhat contrived smile. She returned a much more normal looking smile to him.

The time he spent inside this room putting his pink bikini on felt like there was an atomic bomb waiting to go off. He walked around his room and gulped a few times, waiting for her to reach hima s he runs his hand srepeatredly. Ashley placed her athletic swimsuit on, looking out her window into the pool and smiling at it. She was going to get into the water again, wasn't he?

When she walked back to his room, she didn't even bother knocking. The door was torn open and he blushed, letting her eyes move all around his body as his moved around hers. Ashley smiled and walked in slowly, letting her gait build suspense before she picked him up in both hands, pulling his body against hers.

"So do you like showing that off to me? I mean, do you generally like me? On an emotional level. I mean to say, that is" she said as she handled him roughly against her body, breathing in heavilly as she got him in closer, enjoying the feeling of her brother against her breast. "Do you like me in a romantic way?"

He froze. She was actually going to ask him that? He pulled at his strap nervously and looked down, then back at her face, seeing that beautiful smile. 'Well I mean it's interesting that you ask...that" he felt his voice shrinking as his feet beat against her legs, making her nervous 'Why...I mean is there any specific reason why you ask that question in particular?

"Ya see, I was only asking because...and don't tell this to anybody, it may be embarrassing if it gets out...I have a pretty massive crush on you" she kissed him on the nose, pulling him in more tightly and feeling him beat against her like he was a drum or something, his entire body seemed to break down as he had to face the fact that all of his dreams had come true

"You really...I mean..." he managed to stammer, being brought down to the bed in the basement, he reached around her "Yes I have the world's biggest crush on you Ashley! Oh god you have no idea how perfect you are, how crazy I go when I'm with you and how much longing I feel when I am without you! You are like, the best person in the world and my very favorite and...and..." he started blushing again, his hands wrapping around her shoulders even tighter as he just started hugging her with all of his miniscule kight

She felt him squeezing and patted him on the back a few times, affirming the legitimacy of what he felt "ahh, there baby. I know it can be hard to say this kind of thing, but now we now where we stand with each other. Like how I know you are a total slut for my killer bod now" she teased before placing him on the bed and rubbing her hands across his bare shoulders, lightly pressing her thumbs under the neckline of his swimsuit, and generally exploring his body in every way she could think of.

He gasped at that, leaning into her and letting her explore to her heart's desire as he looked vaguely into her, not quite able to gaze directly into his sister's beauty, he often found himself looking sideways. She noticed this, of course, but was far too polite to really say anything about it, instead choosing to demonstrate that she still loved him by thoroughly rubbing his thighs and nuzzling her forehead into his. Every one of these things made him hot for her, he found himself pressing a finger into his mouth

She reached a hand around his arm, fingers lightly digging into his flesh as she pulled her face in and locked lips with him. She pressed her lips under his first, tasting his saliva before she pressed her lips forward and let her tongue explore his mouth, he moaned at that, grabbing her arms with both hands and just sort of wrapping his legs around her, unsure of what to do. She placed a knee on the bed and leaned into him, her tongue refusing to relent one bit as she shoved herself and her muscle further into him, handling both his arms with her eyes closed, jamming forward for all she was worth before she finally pulled away, wiping her mouth and smiling at him "hey, Summer. Are you liking this?"

He huffed three times, each one seeming like he was trying to pull sanity into his love-addled body. His hands went all over the place before settling on her arms. He smiled at her and she smiled at him "Oh God yes, please do this more. I could...I could go for doing this every day

"Well that's good, because I could go for doing this to you every day," she said as she handled his head, bringing his nose into her abdomen and crotch, looking down with a delightfully predatory smile "I love you Summer. I think I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Do you feel the same way about me?"

He rammed forward and hugged her lower abdomen, his head squeezing against her tight abdominal muscles as he started laying kisses up and down it "Oh my god yes, I love you SOOOOOO much!" he shouted, kissing her a few more times "I've loved you for quite a bit actually, and I would love nothing more than...are you serious about spending the rest of your life with me?" he moved his head away from her seeing her hard abs and crotch. He felt his mouth began to water ass he placed his hands on her bare hips, feeling the intensity of her muscular body

"What? Yeah of course I am. I love you, you love me, we compliment each other in all sorts of ways, what's to oppose in us living with each other?' she raised an eyebrow as she lightly began to massage his shoulders, soliciting a low mumble from him before she gently shoved a thumb toward his face, lightly stimulating his lips "Would you have any interest, right now, in maybe going a bit further, sexually?"

He tightly clenched his eyes and started breathing even harder, placing his hands higher up on her torso "I mean...I don't know, I have no idea how any of this is...well of course...i just don't want to you want me to try?"

She lightly ran her fingers through his hanging kinky hair "Of course I want you to try, I would love that" she said before leaning down to kiss him, then grabbing the side of her suit and pulling it over, letting her big hard cocks flop out and point directly at him. The length alone was enough to leave him in awe, but it was beautiful in terms of pure aesthetics, plus it was dripping an amazingly delicious-looking precum. He shoved his face against the head an dbegan lickig, looking up at her fore approval. She nodded, before grabbing his shoulder

"Just click along the shaft" she said, pulling him to and fro on her phallus, making sure he left tongue tracings along the way. Her skin tasted different from his, somehow saltier, even when considering the sweat. But he loved the taste, when he got it in his mouth all he wanted was more. Once she had pulled him all the way across her shaft she started giving a new direction "Kiss it on the way back to the head. Let me know how much you love me?" she then did a few loud cartoony kisses before slowly pushing him back

He kissed for all he was worth, leaving a trail of thoroughly loved flesh as he was carried again toward the head, slowly set in front of it, and given all the time in the world. He looked up at her, and she gave a nod. He went in and slowly started swirling his tongue around the head, the salty precum filling his mouth with that taste he wanted to become thoroughly familiar with. She groaned. He kept going with that, slowly licking harder and harder ass he brought his face in, honestly having no idea what he was supposed to be doing but enjoying everything enough that his lack of knowledge became in and of itself an irrelevance of circumstance. All that mattered was pleasing his big sister

She pulled in some more, letting his lips get around the head. He had to sort of stretch his jaws to make it, but once he did she started moaning for him, running her hands up and down his shoulders as she cooed and cheered for him "you are such a good lover, Summer" she said before she took his head in further, slowly penetrating down his throat. She expected to get a bad cough and pull out. What she got was a bunch of little gags. At each one she would slow down and every time he would pull himself in further, addicted to p[leasing her and desperate to gain her approval. She was okay with him feeling that way

She groaned and just felt his mouth work on her cock. It was wonderful. He was mostly on his own, moving at a pretty decent pace and making sure to caress her shaft in every way he possibly could as he lovingly made it up and down her hard cock repeatedly. She heard the desperate suffering of his effort. He would regularly gag and belch, moan and groan, or release some other, grosser sounds in his desperate and regular attempts to jam as much of her as he possibly could right down his own throat. She loved those sounds, each one, to her, signifying the lengths that he would go to lover her

She pulled him in again before reaching down across his body, placing a finger in that thoroughly wedgied crack. "You know" she began, shoving a finger "Since you were so kind as to please me for everything you were worth, it's only fair I return the favor" she said before lightly shoving that finger into his ass. Making him moan into her as she jammed her cock forward once again, breathing hard and looking down "Fuck, you wnat to lose your anal virginity too?"

He mumbled at her and she backed her cock out, slowly fingering him "Lets try, huh?" she suggested, pulling herself away to a loud resounding pop of his lips disconnecting from her head. Summer looked over the cock he had worked, noting just how insanely wet it was with his saliva. In some ways it only made it more appetixing, but the sound of an anal insertion was music to his ears.

"yes ma'am" he said, moving his body around and showing her his backside. She pulled his bottoms out of his crack and handled both of his big, sexy cheeks as she slowly pressed her cock against his hole "Your spit makes great lube" she pointed out, looking down at his blushing face and puffed up nipples as he reached toward her hands.

"Is this going to hurt?" he asked, feeling the cockhead slip itselfin. The saliva made good lubricant and the feeling was much more pleasant than he had expected. He groaned as he sank into the bed and closed his eyes, feeling himself get plowed harder and harder by the invading dick. He looked up and started sounding off in a few different ways as he pulled on the covers and felt his prostate get stimulated in a way he had never felt before in his entire life. That was enough to get him properly moaning at her and reaching around her body

She got down low and kissed his forehead twice, then played with his hair and shoved the rest of her length in, letting his ass just get a feel for her big, rock-hard cock. He shouted, and then hugged her even more tightly. She jerked herself forward and slowly gt her head to stimulate him, then pulled back. He kissed her on the cheek and she kissed him on the forehead, continuing to fuck him with an ever increasing tempo.

He felt himself squeezing around her as she came in and out, it was heavenly. His breath was hard and he kept imagining himself in different situations as he repeatedly accepted her cock inside of him, coming down on it hard and screaming in ecstasy as he accepted her love, fully knowing that it was wrong. Her hands went across his body and just sort of teased hima s she moved her cock in and out.

Ashley appreciated how tight Summer was on an almost religious level. She loved how her cock could still slip in and out of him so easily. Being so hard could definitely have its benefits for her. She just stood on her two feet at this point, dominating his bedded body as she breathed deeply out toward him and started to slowly get more violent and more sexually aggressive, continually making her way into her brother as he screamed out in pleasure and passion.

"Summer" Ashley said as she began to move her hands around his body "You have no idea how much I love this. You have no idea how much I love you. I would gladly keep doing this from now until the end of time, you know" she let him suck on her thumb. He was eager to accept any of her anatomy into his mouth, moaning at her as she stuck it in "Did you know that?"

Summer gave moan and backed up, the thumb popping out of his mouth "Yes, fuck, I knew that. I love you just as muuuuuch" he moaned as he began riding the cock even harder, getting low on it and screaming out in ecstacy.

She reached down with one hand and began lightly holding his windpipe, listening to how he whined lightly as she put the pressure on. It was music to her ears. Summer smiled as he felt himself getting short of breath, taking in less and less air by the second as his sister choked him harder.

Ashley took it as something of a challenge, moving to use her other hand as well, she began choking him with both hands at once, putting so much pressure on him that he got woozy and started going in and out of consciousness. That was fun and all, ans she would have to make sure to do more later, but for now she decided that maybe plane old sex would be safer.

Summer did smile at her and kiss her hands when she took them from his neck. "Choke me more some day" he mused as he felt her continue to fuck him, finding new use for her hands as she did so.

Hands began exploring once again, slowly moving across torsos as Ashley got in close and began kissing her brother's head, landing smooches all across his neck and cheeks before she slipped her tongue straight down his throat and started feeling up his shoulders and upper arms, ensuring that he felt her love across every inch of his anatomy.

When she felt she got a good reaction out of him that way she held the back of his head with both hands and increased the speed and angle of her fucking, making sure that she would start to stimulate his prostate as muchas possible. He shouted into her mouth and she knew that she was doing something for him. She went in more deeply, rubbing that sweet path to his torso as good as she could as she licked around the back of his mouth and began to place hands around his neck.

He rubbed her shoulders and ribs, unable to keep up with her but happy to be in a place where she could dominate him. He closed his eyes and felt her fucking harcer, leaning into her and letting her express her will on him in that fashion. She was making him scream, apparently getting closer and closer to his own moment of ecstacy. She loved doing that to him, and loved him for letting her do that.

The sexual encounter rose in pleasure for both of them as Ashley made sure that everything was working. She grabbed erogenous zones on her partner, slowly fucked faster, and made sure to regularly kiss as she prepared to blow her wad. Summer could feel the pressure building up, but had no reference point for an anal orgasm. When he finally felt himself reaching the top of his crescendo, she sent him over the edge. It was one of the most intense experiences of his life, he found himself holding onto her wrists and screaming at the top of his lungs as she took him for a long ride, his ass wrapping around the cock that filled it up with cum, squirting again and again until he was dripping despite her pegging him up.

The first shot went deep inside of him and warmed him up, letting him feel something glorp inside of him. He squeezed his sister with his thighs and released a high shout of pleasure before she closed her eyes, backed up, and humped him again. This time they synchronized their screams of pleasure as their hands explored each others' bodies, letting them grab on as she looked down and released a second spurt

He was already feeling completely full, but the next creampie convinced him that there was more room in him yet, the cum making him feel absolutely toasty inside as it filled the back of his colon and then slowly filled up the front, starting to leak out of him as Ashley pulled out again in preparation for her next stroke.

She flipped him up after that, cum dripping all over her cock and balls as he grabbed onto her shoulders and slid onto her cock, she thrust upward and let herself please hima s well as she could, the next eruption traveling even further up his body. He felt like whatever she was doing was definitely going to get him pregnant, grabbing at her shoulders and screaming out in pleasure once again as she drilled her cock right in him.

Ashley then dropped Summer back onto the bed, pulling out and letting what seemed like a quart of semen fall to the ground while even more of the fluid was still stuck inside of his body. She came forward again, thrusting as hard as she could while she closed her eyes and just imagined what her male must feel like while she did that. Somehow the idea that her ci was pleasing him felt even better than the act of cumming inside of his tight hole.

Smaller spurts happenend as she kept fucking him for a few more seconds, cum gt everywhere and they both started breathing hard. She let her torso fall into hsi when she was done, her face right against his neck as she squeezed off a few final breaths and soaked inside of him, letting herself soften under his hole's wonderful pressure.

He felt the seed slip into him, stream after stream filling him up and making him gasp as he tightly gripped his loving sister in his arms, falling into her embrace as she stroked and kissed his body. "I'm putting a baby inside of you," she whispered in his ear, surrpsiing even herself with how eotic it sounded

"Oh I know" he said as he hugged her, feeling the goo fill him up "I want nothing more in the whole world"

She collapsed on him and hugged him, kissing his neck "I love you" she whispered "and yes, I'll go to the stupid pool party"


Summer was walking around in his bikini again, admiring his midriff. He had been under the supervision of his parents for quite a bit, but they wireless attentive than they were. He guessed that all the vacationing had made them more interested in things like each other or beaches than they really were in ensuring that their son was healthy. Hiding the pregnancy from them would only get more difficult, however, as he got bigger and more bloated. He sighed as he handled the heavy mass in his stomach, just happy that he was able to be alone with his sister now that it was Spring Break

She came behind him and placed her hands on his shoulders, causing him to lean back into her and moan lightly in a mixture of pain and pleasure. "Summer" he said in an ecstatic voice "You always know just how to spoil me" he said before turning around and kissing her on the chest finding that she was wearing a pretty skimpy swimsuit as well, and he could easily get to the muscular core underneath her more modest outside.

"Well thanks, Summer. You know you look great as well" she said as she tussles his hair. "But I gotta be honest, you do seem much more comfortable and free with yourself now that you are in a house. Are you really planning on dropping it all and moving in with me before too long?"

He wrung his hands as he backed up. He was enrolled in college at the moment, his sister constantly visiting him and taking him out here and there. He was also heavily pregnant, which could complicate things in his college experience. He sighed as he considered where he was stuck, walking up to her and giving a hug "I would like that very much, I think," she said as she started rubbing her hands all over his body, finding that he was leaning into her and becoming more talkative in his own right

"Yes! Of course I am willing to do all of that. I mean, your place isn't as fancy as mom and dad's" he said, giddy as he looked around and observed the scenery "But I'm not studying anything that can't be stopped and picked up later, but this baby is coming whether we like it or not" he said as he rubbed his hands all over his pregnant belly. He always felt oddly sexy when he did this sort of thing, although Summer would tell him that it wasn't odd at all. The entire point of sex was to lead up to his current state, he should feel like that sort of sexuality is the most normal thing in the world.

He did not, of course. He doubted that he ever would, but he definitely appreciated that she was so kind to him and always made sure to make him think of himself as an attractive person who would sock the crowd. "I am going to protect both of you, forever' she said as she hugged into him "I am going to provide for both of you, forever. Society may say that what we have is wrong or unnatural or whatever, but I know it's fine. I mean, the baby is looking completely normal from everything, and you seem absolutely glowing with your pregnant energy

He fell into her, remembering how worried he had been. It was silly, of course, they weren't even blood relatives, why would there be any reason to think the baby would be anything BUT completely normal? Still, for whatever reason he found himself cripplingly worried and constantly looking for her attention and confirmation during the early days of his pregnancy. What if it had this disease, or atht, or the other? But she showed her stoicicism and strength to him as she constantly ensured him that it would all be fine.

She found his worrying quite precious, a sign that he cared so deeply for his family that he would entertain some rather drastic possibilities because he needed to leave no stone unturned before saying that they were safe. She knew that kind of love would serve both of them very well in the coming years. She closed her eyes and moved in, deeply kissing him again as her hands moved around his bootylicious bod, making sure to knead and pinch every part they went over and leave him a quivering mess of whimpers and shakes

He did exactly as she had planned, moving around like crazy as he accepted her physical love, his hands occasionally tapping her but mostly he was just letting her do as she pleased because deep down he knew that she knew best. Her hands felt so strong and confident to him, rubbing his back like that made him lean in again, kissing her on the shoulders as she made sure to move down lower and show him some new love some love that she had, perhaps, only recently practices with.

"You really want to be my husband? To join me forever, to build a home with me, to raise a family with me, to obey what I say so that I can make you, me, and the baby as happy as possible?" he hugged her in response, closing his eyes tightly

"You have no idea. I cannot put into words how much I love you. I can't describe how much I love our baby either, all I can say is that I am going to completely cherish you for the rest of my life, ensuring that you and our baby are always our top priority. I know that at times things may seem rocky or dower or even hopeless, but I have faith in your ability to come out of the situation unscathed and my ability to follow your advice implicitly, allowing us to function as a true team" he said before pulling away and playing with his hair

"That all sounds right to me. You'll make an excellent partner yet, mark my words" she said as her hands began to explore his shoulders, occasionally going in his mouth or something. She kneeled as deeply as she could and looked intently at his belly, rubbing her hand against it "do you think he's going to be kicking any time soon?"

He clasped his hands "You know Ihave no control of that" he said as he blushed deeply.. Ashley did have an incredible skill of sort of causing the baby to act out. He had no idea where she had gotten it from, but he was sort of jealous that she could do it and very impressed whenever she did. Who had ever heard of somebody being able to control a fetus like that, after all? It was so novel that he had to find entertainment in it.

He looked down and saw the kick occurs, feeling it soon afterward as he clasped the section of his belly where it had taken place. Ashley kissed him deeply again, pressing her hands all over his body and making him wet for her, almost spasming with pleasure and anticipation from just a few correct contacts.

After a few seconds of this she suddenly pulled away, smiling at him with her typical telling smile and moving her hands all around his body. He giggled "Jeez Ashley, you already put one baby inside of me, do you really think you need to put another one in?" he said as he lightly moved a hand across her erection, confirming that she was indeed quite hard for him.

"Need? I don't suppose. Although it could be fun to raise some twins with you" she said before lightly patting his butt "and don't tempt me to try that" she said before wiggling her eyebrows at him. They both laughed hard at the sexiness of the situation before embracing in a tight, passionate kiss.

He blushed bright red again, his hands going all over her head and shoulders as he started breathing in deeply. He was hers at this point, wasn't he? Nobody else's but his big sisters. Maybe the wife's as well, but his big sister and future wife seemed to negotiate their differing desires very easily. He felt himself start moving around again as he considered how much he loved her, how much she loved him, and how many new experiences the baby would bring along. She kept him down to Earth about the challenges of cohabitation and child-rearing, of course. It would be no cake-walk to bring the thing from infancy to adulthood, but he knew that if anyone was capable of effectively raising a child it would be him and his loving, strong, doting sister.

"Kiss me again, Ashley" he said, needing her love, remembering the first time she had ever done it, and holding his body tightly to her arms. She did as he asked, slowly moving her face in and locking lips with him, her tongue going inside and makings ure to move around, getting every nook and cranny as she moved her face around to service his.

They handled each other for a bit after that, just moving hands up and down. They were making love, he guessed, and in a way that he had experienced with nobody, never even thought about with anybody except his sister. They kept going like that for a few minutes, until suddenly she pulled away and patted him on the nose.

"We'll be a perfect little couple"

Cassidy the Femboy

Cassidy admired himself in the mirror, impatiently awaiting for his Daddy to get home. He was wearing a special outfit that he hoped Daddy would love, a nice school girl number with a black-and-purple skirt and tight rainbow leggings. He adjusted his...

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Army of Two

Autumn stood behind the counter, chin in his hands, foot lightly tapping against the ground. He was working in a coffee shop and today had not been eventful at all, in the past two hours he hadn't gotten one customer. He looked around the tiny store...

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"Rejoice, For Your King has Been Impregnated!"

My royal bride had been quite beautiful. She was smaller than me, at least apparently. I had seen pictures of Princess Kelley before, and if anything they failed to do her justice. She had a very cute face with a small, sharp chin and adorably small...

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