Chapter II: Shattered Dreams

Story by Rhazagal on SoFurry

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#2 of When Worlds Collide

WARNING! This story contains adult themes involving two male furries. If you don't like M/M furry stuff, stop reading, otherwise...Enjoy!

The following morning Alan woke up early. He still felt miserable and his body was stiff from sleeping in the same curled up position.

With bloodshot eyes he stared at the digital display of the clock on his nightstand: 5:34. Good, he had atleast 45 minutes before anyone else would wake up. Sitting up he looked at his wrinkeled uniform and sighed. He needed a shower, bad.

Pushing the button the door slid open, letting out only a quiet hiss. Alan peered around the dimly lit hallway and, upon noticing it was empty, sneaked to the other end of it where the showers and toilets of their class were located.

The sanitary premises were split in two sections with a wall tiled with white tiles. An arrow pointing to the left stated "boys" and another pointing to the right respectivley stated "girls". Alan headed to the boys area and sat on a bench.

He still felt confused and slightly miserable due to his shocking realization the day before. "What would mom and dad think if they heard their son is a fag...And Katie would let me hear about it for a long time." the cheetah thought as he undressed, casting the clothes to the bench and floor.

Turning on one of the showerheads Alan waited for a moment for the water to adjust before stepping under the warm water. Alan leaned his forehead against the cold tile wall as the water soaked his spotted fur. During the time he stood there, leaning against the wall, he came to a conclusion: he would hide his feelings from everyone, especially from Jim.

Snapping out of his dark thoughts he started to soap himself up, working his way over his shoulders, chest, arms, back and legs. Straightening up he started to scrub the soap off, making sure he got all of it away.

All of a sudden, a very powerful image flashed across his mind. A memory from few years away, from the summer before he and Jim had left for Pegasi Falls. The two of them had been in Jim's fmily's summer cottage by a lake. It had been a hot day and they had spent most of it swimming.

The image of Jim in his blue speedos, laughing and disporting in the water caused a pleasant tingle go down Alan's spine. Looking down Alan noticed he was fondling himself and his pink tip was already making it's way out, peeking from the furry sheath. He bit his lower lip. Surely he could paw off in the shower. No one was there, no one would ever know.

Still biting at his lip the cheetah closed his eyes and resumed stroking, picturing Jim in his speedos. Picturing how they had wrestled in the water, how Jim and he were locked in a passionate kiss..."No, that didn't happen" Alan thought to himself, frowning slightly. Wrapping a paw around his throbbing shaft he started to slowly pump his hand up and down, up and down.

He took support from the wall with his free paw as he resumed stroking himself. Since no one was there to see, Alan simply let himself go, speeding up his pumping. Every now and then he cupped his hand over the tip, rubbing it slowly with his palm. The attention he gave to the sensitive tip sent pleasant jolts down his legs. He imagined how Jim held him close, how the touch of his childhood friend's fur felt against his, how Jim drowe his pulsating hardon to Alan, their sweaty bodies entwined on a bed...

"Oh, Jim..." Alan moaned quietly, the pre seeping from his member soaking his paw, making his work a bit easier although the water washed most away almost instantly.

"Mmmmh...Jim" He moaned louder, feeling his climax drawing near. With one last stroke Alan came, his member spurting ribbon after ribbon of semen on the wall, from where the water washed it quickly away.

Alan panted hard, never he had felt an orgasm this strong. His legs felt wobbly and his heart was hammering as he finished washing himself up. As he took a towel from one of the shelfs he heard someone speak. "When are you planning on telling Jim?"

Alan dropped thw towel in surprise, his heart seemed to skip a few beats as he jumped and turned around in mid-air, letting out a surprised "Eep!".

There, leaning against the wall with his arms casually crossed over his chest, was Marcus. The reindeer just looked at Alan with his deep, brown eyes as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

"Y-You..H-How, how much did y-you see Marc?" Alan managed to blurt out. The cheetah was trembling, knowing he had been caught red-handed fapping off whilst dreaming of another guy.

Marcus merely shrugged, smiling a bit. "I saw, and heard, just about everything."

Alan gulped. With clear panic in both his eyes and voice he hastily spoke "P-Please don't tell anyone Marc...I-I'll do anything you want if you just won't tell anyone, e-especially Jim."

Marcus took a step closer and the young cheetah backed away accordingly. Alan thought he was going to faint as he felt his back bump into the cold tile-wall. Marcus leaned closer, the reindeer's face only a few inches away from Alan's.

The cheetah was almost hysterical now, his voice quivering and his entire body shaking very visibly. "I'll do anything Marc...anything if you promise to stay umpfh-"

Marcus had placed his hand on Alan's mouth "Shhh kittycat... I don't plan to out you, lest alone blab about this little secret crush of yours." Seeing the disbelief on Alan's face Marcus went on "Alan, I'm your friend and friends keep secrets. Friends won't let eachother down no matter what."

For the first time now, the reindeer seemed to hesitate. "Ok Al here's the deal... I'll tell you a little secret of mine, which you can use if I ever happen to blab about what I just witnessed here."

Alan's voice was rather muffled by Marcus' hand "What?"

Marcus withdrew the hand and took a step back, an obvious blush creeping on his face. "Hmmm...I like other guys too...A lot." Alan's mouth fell slightly open at Marc's words. He simply couldn't believe what he was hearing. The reindeer was actually confessing he was gay? It simply didn't seem rational at all.

"How...How long have know, been into guys?" Alan asked as he blinked rather stupidly, still gaping at Marcus like the reindeer had just said he was actually a human in disguise.

Marcus cleared his throat, still rather red from the cheeks "Ever since the second week we spent here in the academy." he then looked over his shoulder. "You'd better get dressed Al...others will be up soon and I think you want to go see Jim as he gets out from the med-office"

Alan nodded and Marcus swiftly left, leaving the rather puzzled cheetah leaning against the wall. Suddenly Alan realized he had been tad naked during the entire conversation. He did the only thing there was to do in a situation like that: he blushed.

The door of the med-office opened and a familiar, if somewhat patched and battered looking, dark-grey rat stepped out just as Alan came around a corner. A cougar wearing a white lab-coat and horn-rimmed glasses followed after Jim.

The cougar smiled slightly and looked at Jim over his glasses "Remember to be careful from now on young man. You took quite a beating and I seriously recommend you avoid straining yourself."

Jim was about to say something but the cougar, doctor B as he was known, made a silencing gesture with his hand "I know, I know. You love spending time in the gym and practising martial arts, but those are out of question for atleast a week."

Jim sighed and then saluted "Understood sir. I shall follow your recommendation and avoid physical exercises."

Doctor B smiled and readjusted his glasses. "Hmmm...Seems like someone is here to see you cadet Graven"

Jim turned his head, spotted Alan and flashed a grin "Hey kittycat! Good to see you old buddy."

Alan smiled and shifted nervously "Yeah. I told you I'd be coming. Now we better hurry up if we want to catch something to eat before todays lectures."

"I'll be here if anyone needs me. Oh and Alan, would you be so kind as to tell captain Magrath that Susan and Katie should come here ASAP? I need to clarify a few things with them." doctor B said before vanishing back into his office, not giving Alan the chance to answer.

Captain Magrath was sitting behind his desk, going through the schedule for today. The small room slowly filled with his cadets. The last ones to arrive were Alan and Jim. Alan saluted "Sir! Doctor Browning has requested cadets Hopping K and Evans S to arrive to his office ASAP."

Magrath nodded without lifting his gaze from the pocket-sized computer. "Katie, Susan you heard what Alan said." Katie and Susan stood up and briskly marched out of the room, only stopping in front of Magrath's desk to salute. The lion waved dismissively with his paw "Take your seats boys, we are having an interesting day today."

After Jim and Alan had taken their seats Magrath finally looked at his cadets. "I have yet another treat for you cadets. We have the priviledge of getting hand-to-hand combat training from a seasoned veteran, who has freshly arrived from Uzapa VI. As you know, Uzapa VI is one of the few Edenian colonies located outside the Gateway, and the only place where we have had ground engagements with the humans."

Magrath held a small pause, letting his words sink in to the still croggy minds of his cadets. "The person we are getting to instruct us has been fighting against the humans for as long as Uzapa system has been hot." The lion then smiled "I know her name might lead some of you..." he glanced at one specific hyena " make some really funny versions of it. She has, however, the permission to whoop your sorry ass should you make fun of her in any way." Magrath had been looking at Charles most of the time, knowing the hyena was bound to cause trouble.

Out of his peripherial vision Magrath noticed someone was waiting behind the door. "All stand up and greet sergeant Tatjana Cokorin of the 262nd mobile infantry platoon!" The cadets sprang up and snapped a salute. The door swung open and a rather small, very sleek vixen entered. She was wearing a standard-issue green uniform and black army boots, which were polished to almost mirror-like sheen. Her shoulder-lenght brown hair was tied to a neat ponytail, which was sticking out from the back of her cap. As the sergeant turned to face the cadets, most of them opened their mouths slightly, for the vixen's face had several scars trailing over the otherwise beautiful, yet hard features.

The sergeant saluted Magrath and then turned to look at the cadets. "At ease cadets!" She barked the order like they were in a boot camp. "I'm here to teach you how to handle yourselves, in case you happen to lose your weapons. Even if you will be comfortably sitting in your form-fitting chairs inside an air-conditioned tin can, you may still need to defend your hides from human boarding parties." the vixen then inserted a disk in a slot on Magrath's table, and a hologram flared to life from a projector embedded to the desk. "This is actual recording from my helmet cam..."

The video started to play, displaying the airlock of an Edenian cruiser. Sergeant Cokorin walked to the side of the class and stopped by a wall. "The ship in question is EES Norand. The humans managed to board it, slaughtered the crew, incapacitated the ship and then left. Our job was to make sure no humans had stayed behind"

The airlock opened and revealed a mess. Spent shell casing, blood and dead crew-members everywhere. The walls were lined with long rows of bullet holes and the occasional marks of grenades. After about fifteen minutes, sergeant Cokorin stopped the video and retreived the disk. "The crew of Norand didn't stand a chance against the onslaught of the human BP's, because they relied too much on their guns. In such narrow spaces, skills in HtH are invaluable." She was using shortened forms of some of the words, as if she was in a hurry to get everything said in minimum time.

Magrath, who had been leaning against a wall for the whole time, straightened up and looked at his cadets "I guess that concludes the theoretical part. Now it's time for the practical side of it. To the gym cadets. Double time!"

The sound of metal scraping against stone filled the room as the cadets stood up and jogged out, followed by the vixen sergeant.

Several sweaty and intense hours later, Jim, Alan, Charles and Marcus were at the office of doctor B. The sergeant hadn't spared anyone, except for the already beaten Jim, during the merciless training session. Charles was in the worst shape, holding an ice bag on his groin, whimpering every time he even slightly altered his position.

Charles had whispered, with a sly grin and a small chukle, to Marcus during the self-defence lesson "That sergeant cockring is quite a nutbuster." Unfortunately to the hyena, Cokorin heard what he said and took him as a volunteer to demonstrate how effective a kick to the nuts really is.

Marcus klicked his tongue and smiled amusedly at Charles "Smart move, wuffy. Now we all know how to take our opponent out of action quickly."

"Shut up! Can't you see I'm suffering? I bet I'll never be a father now..." Charles whined.

Jim chukled "Yeah right. The girl who would want to have cubs with YOU had to be a mental case!"

"Up yours you mean little sewer rat!" Charles said, looking sour.

Alan looked to Marcus and rolled his eyes as if saying "Here they go again."

Doctor B trodded out of his office and smiled at the bickering cadets "Calm down boys. I won't tolerate fighting of any kind in MY med-office."

The cougar smiled and looked at the four over his glasses "The three of you should be going now. I'll keep this wise-guy here a little longer for one last check."

Alan, Jim and Marcus stood up and shuffled out of the room. In the doorway Jim grinned once more to Charles "You got it right wuffy, the sergeant truly IS a real nutbuster!"

Charles swore heavily and tossed the ice bag towards Jim, who dodged and then left the room.

During the next few days, Magrath's cadets continued to practise hand-to-hand combat under the instructions of sergeant Cokorin and captain Magrath. Naturally the cadets also had the lessons they usually had.

The normally active Alan seemed rather dreamy and distracted to Magrath, something that made the lion slightly worried.

At the end of the fourth day of their self-defence training, just as the last lecture had ended, the cadets of Magrath were flowing out of the class. As Alan passed Magrath's desk, the lion spoke "Alan, I expect to see you in my office after the evening meal."

The cheetah seemed to note only barely he had been addressed "Huh? I-I mean yes Sir!"

Hastily Alan followed his three friends out of the room, leaving the lion alone. Magrath sighed and leaned his elbows against the surface of his desk, rubbing his eyes with his other paw. "Quite a day..." he thought.

Not feeling very hungry, the lion decided to head directly to his office and wait for Alan. On his way he ran into the last person he wanted to see in the academy. Captain Steele, a brown velociraptor with gleaming yellow eyes, came around a corner.

The two looked at eachother with pure hate in their eyes. One of Steele's large claws ticked nervously against the floor.

With dry, formal voice Magrath greeted the other "Captain Steele"

The response came with equal formalness "Captain Magrath"

The two stared at eachother for a while longer before resuming walking. What little friendship there had been between the two of them, had been utterly wiped out by the little incident in the mess hall few days ago.

Alan didn't quite have appetite, for he was both curious and concerned about his meeting with captain Magrath and then there was Jim...

With idle and dreamy eyes alan munched at his bread, leaning cheek against his palm, staring at his tray. Suddenly someone smacked him to the side of his head. Snapping out of his thoughts, Alan blinked a few times "Wh-What?"

Charles gave Alan a concerned look "I said, you should be going to Magrath's office or you'll be late."

Jim looked at the cheetah, looking worried too "You've been oddly light-headed of something wrong kittycat?"

Alan shook his head and smiled tiredly "It's nothing...I'm fine, really." with that he stood up and left.

Charles looked after Alan as he left. The hyena then slowly shook his head "If it was anyone but that kittycat, I'd say he was in love. Only someone with a huge crush acts like that, but uhh...Alan-the-super-geek having a crush on someone? Hardly."

Marcus almost choked on his water when Charles stated out his opinion about why Alan was acting so strange. Wiping his mouth the reindeer nodded "Yeah...Alan having a crush on someone. That would be new..."

"I just hope kittycat gets alright soon...if he doesn't focus, he might make a mistake at a crucial point and thus fail to get his wings" Jim said, both looking and sounding concerned.

Alan entered Magrath's small office at the other end of their dorm-hallway. The lion was sitting behind his desk with his hands crossed on the table. "Take a seat Alan." the lion said, gesturing to the chair opposite to the desk.

Alan nodded and sat down. Magrath straightened his back "Do you know why I asked you to come here Alan?"

Alan shook his head a little "No Sir. I don't know why I was ordered to come here."

Magrath smiled a bit "You are here because I'm worried about you Alan. You haven't been paying attention during the lectures of late." The lion leaned slightly closer, looking serious "Is there something bothering you Alan?"

"N-No Sir."

"Really? I think you are not being quite honest now." Magrath leaned a bit closer "Alan, if you so wish, this conversation will stay inside these walls. I have told you guys and gals a hundred times, that if there is something, anything you want to talk about and keep it private, I'll listen. Talking to someone often helps you know."

Alan hesitated and lowered his gaze to the desk "Well uhh...Sir the thing is, that I uhhh...W-Will this really stay just between you and me Sir?"

Magrath nodded. "If you so wish."

For a moment there was complete silence, during which Magrath kept his eyes fixed on the troubled youngster.

Finally Alan spoke "I haven't been paying attention, because...I have feelings towards a certain someone."

Magrath nodded "I see. Is this 'certain someone'from within our group?"

Alan nodded "Yes, but I'm...I'm..."

"Afraid your feelings won't be answered." Magrath concluded Alan's sentence. As the cheetah looked up surprised, Magrath smiled in a very fatherly fashion "I too have been young once. I know what it's like to be head over heels in love with someone, and fear that you're not good enough for that someone."

Alan didn't say anything and the lion went on "You know the rules of the academy Alan. Relationships are tolerated as long as they don't hinder the performance of the persons involved."

Magrath turned serious again "Your performance is hindered due to this little crush of yours. I can't, or actually it's more that I won't, tell you to stop having those feelings, but you must solve this or you'll get kicked out of the academy."

Alan nodded again, his ears pressed flat against his head "Y-Yes Sir, b-but what should I do?"

Magrath ran a hand through his mane and frowned slightly "I suggest you go and talk to this person and tell how you feel. Do note that this is only a suggestion, not a direct order. However, I DO order you to pull yourself together."

Magrath smiled slightly slyly "I can't possibly afford to lose the best damn potential science officer there is in the whole academy."

Alan laughed a little, feeling much better now that he had talked to someone. "Yes Sir. I think I'll try and muster up the courage to tell hi- I mean her how I feel"

Magrath stood up and escorted Alan out of the office. "Carry on cadet. You'll make a fine science officer one day. Now if you excuse me, I have some good ol' paperwork to do."

Alan saluted and Magrath saluted back before heading to his office once again.

For a moment Alan just stood there in the hallway, thinking whether he should tell Jim or not. After a while he headed to Jim's room and knocked. No answer.

"I think Jim went to the gym to work out a bit" said Emberglaze, who had just walked up the stairs.

Alan smiled a bit "Thanks EG. I'll go and pay the gym a visit." without further ado Alan rushed past the puzzled dragon and down the flight of stairs.

The academy's gym was completely empty except for a sole figure hitting a punching bag. Alan stood in the doorway for a while, watching how Jim worked out. Suddenly Alan remembered why he actually was there and walked to Jim. With every step he took, his insecurity grew.

Jim noticed Alan had arrived and flashed a grin "Hey kittycat! Did Magrath chew you bad?"

Alan shook his head "Not really. He just...gave me some advice."

Jim nodded "I'm glad to hear that buddy, but you still look burdened." the rat frowned and stopped his workout "Is something wrong Alan? Look...if you don't pull your act together soon, you'll get chucked out of the academy. I...I don't know what to do if they'd kick you out man..."

Alan's ears perked slightly up and he smiled "Don't worry Jim. After I talked to Magrath I feel much better."

Jim sat down on a weightlifting bench and let out a deep, relaxed sigh "Aaaah...So, care to tell why you've been so light-headed?"

Alan chewed on his lower lip. Moment of truth was drawing nigh. "Well's because I think I'm in love with...with someone."

Jim let out a hearty laugh and shook his head in disbelief "Well I'll be damned! Charles was right!"

Alan started to stammer "Wh-what?"

Jim merely smiled "Never you mind that kittycat, but hey congratulations who's the lucky girl?"

Alan shifted uneasily. His cheeks were burning and his heart was pounding. For a moment he gathered courage and then dropped the bomb "It's...It's you Jim. I...After those Steele's idiots beat you and you lied in the med-office, I realized I care very much about you Jim...more than I probably should..."

Jim was thunderstruck. All he could squeak out was "What?"

Alan gulped. He felt a rather large lump startting to form in his throat "Jim I...I l-like you very very much..." hastily he added "But I, I'm quite sure you don't feel the same way..."

Jim stood up and placed his paws on Alan's shoulders. Alan looked up with watery eyes and blinked as he saw the rat smiling "Alan...I'm glad you found the courage to tell me this..." Jim's smile turned rather sad "...but I don't swing that way. I'm...I'm sorry Alan, but I'm not into guys at all."

Alan sniffed, the tears were burning his eyes "I thought so Jim...I'm s-sorry I ever brought this up."

Jim patted the cheetah on shoulder and then backed away "It's ok kittycat. Oh, and don't worry, we can still be friends...I'm not going to hate you for liking me so much, in fact I'm a bit flattered, just isn't my cup of tea, if you know what I mean."

Alan turned away to hide the tears that now flowed freely down his cheeks. Jim backed away another step "Sorry desire something I can't give. A-Are you alright kittycat?"

Alan nodded. His head, ears and shoulders hung low, displaying his sadness "I'm fine...j-just fine. I-I need some time alone..."

"Alright...take care Alan." With that, Jim hurriedly left the gym and practically ran to his room, pushing aside those who stood in his way.

Meanwhile, in the gym, Alan had started to sob incontrollably. Disappointment, sorrow and even anger were welling up in him. With shaky knees he sat down on the weight lifting bench and buried his face to his paws.

Suddenly Alan felt someone place a hand on his shoulder. He recognized the calm, deep voice of Marcus "So you told Jim and he didn't take it too well..."

Angrily alan swiped the reindeer's hand off "Thank you captain Obvious"

Marcus sighed and sat down next to the broken-hearted cheetah. "I'm sorry that Jim couldn't give you what you desired..." once more he placed his hand on Alan's shoulder "...he doesn't know what he's missing."

Alan sniffed and wiped his eyes to his sleeve "I hate being gay..."

The reindeer sighed and shifted a bit closer " don't mean that."

Alan sniffed again and suddenly flung himself on Marcus' arms, burying his face to the reindeer's shoulder, sobbing once again.

For a moment Marcus was stupefied, but then wrapped his arms protectively around the small feline. Slowly he pressed his cheek against the top of Alan's head "There there...just let it all out and you'll feel better..."

Alan squeezed himself tightly against the reindeer. It felt good to literally have a shoulder against which to cry. After a few more moments Alan finally let go. He hicoughed once and then smiled at Marcus "TH-Thanks Marcus I f-feel much better now."

Marcus stood up and helped Alan to get up too. "Come on now Alan...I'll take you to your room."

The two walked out of the gym and through the mostly empty hallways. The electronic clock display at the main hall indicated it was 10:38 PM, thus the lack of people in the hallways.

Up a one last flight of stairs and they arrived to their dorm hallway. In silence Alan and Marcus walked untill they reached the door labeled with Alan's name on it. The door slid open with the usual low, quiet hiss.

Marcus smiled a bit "Get some rest Alan. Everything seems better after having a few hours of sleep."

Alan remained silent, leaning against the doorway and looking most miserable. He felt crushed. The only one he ever had so far had any feelings for, had turned him down and it hurt. "Luckily Marcus was there to help me, otherwise I might still be crying my eyes out at the gym..." Alan thought, whilst leaning his cheek against the comfortably cool metal.

"I'll be seeing you in the morning Alan...good night" Marcus said and turned to leave.

Alan reacted instantly. He span around with all the feline grace and dexterity he had, and grabbed the reindeer's arm.

Marcus looked confused for a moment and even opened his mouth to say something, but he never got the chance.

Grabbing a tight hold of the front of Marcus'jacket, the smaller feline pulled the tall reindeer's head lower and...kissed him.

As their lips connected, Marcus first blinked in surprise, unable to believe what was happening. Very soon though, the reindeer melted to the kiss and slowly wrapped his arms around Alan, pulling the cheetah closer to him.

Alan had his eyes closed. The masculine scent emitting from Marcus, how safe he felt in the firm yet gentle embrace of the other. At that precise moment, Alan didn't give a damn about the surrounding world.

After a time which felt like an eternity, Marcus broke the kiss. Smiling slightly nervously the reindeer looked at Alan's eyes "Mmmm...What was that for?"

Alan was growing rather red on the face, startting to feel embarrased about the impulsive act "That was...thanks for being here for me when I needed it Marc."

Marcus didn't say anything, merely smiled warmly and pulled the cheetah more tightly against himself.

Alan looked up to the reindeer's eyes, almsot transfixed by how beautiful they were "If...If it's ok with you, c-could you sleep in my room? I mean...I really wouldn't want to be alone right now..."

Marcus smiled, if possible, even broader "If you really want me to"

The rest of the night the two simply lied in the bed on eachothers arms. It was still way too early for either of them to even THINK of anything more intimate than this.

Meanwhile, in another room on the very same hallway, Magrath was sitting on his bed, watching how his lover, half concealed in the shadows, was slowly ridding himself from the confines of his clothing. Almost painfully slowly the other was unbuttoning his shirt.

Magrath purred quietly as the last button opened "You seem to have been training Charles"

With a graceful rotating motion, Charles dropped his shirt, letting it fall on the ground "Yes, hope you like what you see sweetie." The figure stepped towards Magrath. THe dim glow from the sole lamp on the desk reflected from the cougar's horn-rimmed glasses.

Magrath stood up and rather quickly pulled his black skin-tight undershirt up and over his head, hurling it nonchalantly to a corner. Slowly he caressed the tight abs of the cougar, enjoying how smooth and silky the fur was "Oh yes. I like what I see very let me see those beautiful eyes of yours."

With an air of casualty, doctor B removed his glasses and placed them on the table.

Magrath purred slightly louder and nuzzled the cheek of his cougar lover. How good the musk emitting from Charles was! With a quick motion Magrath wrapped his arms around the other feline, pulling the cougar against himself.

Charles let out a quiet murr followed by a small grin as Magrath grabbed him into a loving embrace. The firm, masculine yet gentle arms of the lion had always had such a comforting effect on Charles. The cougar leaned his head against the muscled chest of Magrath. He could feel the steady heartbeat of the lion, feel the warmth of the other. Slowly he inhaled, absorbing the almost intoxicating scent of the other male.

Slowly Magrath moved his hand up and down Charles' back, brushing through the smooth, velvety fur. Magrath admired the well-groomed fur of Charles; the cougar took always such a good care of his fur. "It's been a while since we last had a chance to be this close..."

Charles nodded, brushing his cheek on Magrath's chest "I know. I've been terribly busy taking care of the bruised cadets. That sergeant should really have some mercy on me! I'm drowning to patients" He sighed and hugged his lover tighter.

Magrath sighed too and patted Charles' back reassurringly "She only wants to make sure our boys and gals know how to defend themselves in a tight spot" with one finger he lifted the cougar's chin and stared deep into those stunningly golden eyes. For a moment the two simply looked at eachother, like they had done so many times before.

Charles leaned forward and placed a tender kiss on Magrath's lips "I love you Michael...always have and always will."

Magrath murred quietly, rubbing their noses together with his eyes closed "The feeling is most mutual Charles."

The cougar purred happily and ran his paws through Magrath's mane, kissing the lion once more. Charles parted his lips slightly, licking the lips and fangs of the lion.

Willingly magrath opened his mouth, inviting Charles in. The cougar slipped his tongue in to Magrath's mouth, moving slowly around, savouring the familiar taste.

Pulling Charles tightly against him, Magrath fell backwards on the bed. The lion ran his hands over the cougar's back, moving slowly lower and lower untill his hands made contact with the synthethic fabric of Charles' pants.

The cougar broke the kiss and let out a soft groan as he felt his lover's hands slide over his back. Charles slid down Magrath's body, plantting a kiss here, another there, inhaling deeply the ever growing maly scent.

The lion shivered slightly every time he felt the delicate touch of Charle's lips on his body. Suddenly the pleasant weight on him disappeared as the cougar slid on the floor. The sound of a zipper opening, followed by a quiet thud, were both telltale signs of Charles ridding himself from the confines of his remaining clothes.

Having ridden himself from clothes, Charles moved to do the same to his lovely lion. Slowly, teasingly he opened the button and slid down the zipper on Magrath's pants. Lifting the lion's hips slightly he curled his fingers under the fabric and pulled the pants and the underwear off, leaving the other feline lying completely naked on the bed.

Magrath sat up and smiled warmly, spreading his legs. The cool air hitting his private areas felt good, but the lion knew something even better was to come.

Charles knelt in front of Magrath, a small, loving smile on his face. Leaning closer he breathed once over Magraths sheath and scrotum, smiling to himself as the lion responded with a soft gasp. Charles looked up at Magrath and gave the lion's scrotum a few licks. He then moved upwards, running his tongue over Magrath's sheat and the pink tip that was emerging from it.

Magrath closed his eyes, threw his head back and let out a deep, satisfied growl. Charles gigglemurred and lapped the tip of Magrath's gradually growing shaft. the cougar propped his other paw on Magrath's waist and cupped the lion's furry balls to the other, rolling them around on his hand.

A drop of clear fluid pushed out of the tip of Magrath's throbbing lionhood. Charles licked up the salty fluid and then took the lion's penis into his maw. He pushed his head lower and lower, taking up almost all of Magrath's lenght untill he felt the cock push into his throat. Slowly and with experience Charles started to bob his head, running his tongue around and over the sensitive spots he knew by heart.

The lion's voice was slightly hoarse as he grunted out "Ok...enough of that." Immediately Charles pulled up and looked at the lion, a most fuzzy and warm smile on his face. The cougar knew all too well, that the best part was yet to come. Quickly Charles climbed back on the bed and, as Magrath made way, propped himself on all fours.

Gently the lion placed a paw on Charles' back and pushed, forcing the cougar to rest on his elbows. Magrath took a moment and looked at the uplifted rear of his lover, absorbing every small detail, every beautiful curve and shape. Taking a grip on the cougar's tail, Magrath flicked it aside, revealing the pink tailhole.

Gently Magrath nudged at Charles' furry sacs, sniffing deep the musk of the other feline. He leaned closer to deliver a long, wet lick over the cougar's scrotum, between the warm buttocks and over the tailhole. Charles groaned quietly as the lion's slightly rough tongue caressed his private areas. Once more Magrath ran his tongue over the pink ring, once more Charles gasped quietly. Magrath placed his paws on the cougar's hips, slightly surprised by how firm they had gotten since the last time he had had a chance to touch them. Growling lightly out of sheer lust the lion pushed his tongue against Charles' tailhole, penetrating his lover with his tongue. Slowly he moved around, lubing the hot, moist passage with his saliva.

Charles had to chomp on his finger to prevent himself from screaming. The walls were thick, but loud voices could still be heard and as the two didn't want the cadets to get any whiff of their relationship...

Magrath pulled his tongue out of Charles, licking his lips. The pent up lust and love of several days caused his member to ache with burning desire. Not letting go if the cougar's hips, Magrath propped himself behind Charles. The lion sighed contently as he slowly pushed the tip of his member against the comfortably loose tailhole of his feline lover. The lion's mouth fell slightly open as he pushed deeper in to the cavity, the warmth slowly surrounding his feline rod sending pleasant jolts down his spine. As he was about halfway in he stopped. For a few seconds he didn't do anything, merely rested in his beloved cougar. Slowly he started to hump, matching his breathing with his thrusts, going slightly deeper with every hump. The sensation of cool air hitting his rod every time he pulled out and then the following warmth as he pushed back in felt simply amazing.

As if making way for the lion's rod, Charles' own black rod was sliding out from the confines of his sheath. The cougar could feel Magrath's paw coil around his pulsating rod, starting to slowly stroke in rhyme with his thrusts. A warm weight landed on the cougar's back as Magrath bent over to rest on it. Charles gasped softly as the velvety lips of the lion caressed his back, moving slowly all the way up to his neck.

As the pre seeping from Magrath's member further lubed the cougar's lovehole up, Magrath increased the pace of his thrusts slightly. Gently he nipped the neck and ear of his lover. The heat of the cougar's body, the intoxicatingly good musk, the precum soaking the paw stroking Charles' penis, it all felt so good. Quietly he murmurred three words to the cougar's ear, each followed by a hilting thrust "I-Love-You"

Charles groaned contently upon hearing the lion's confirmation of love "I love you too Michael...more than life itself." Every thrust the lion made, every loving caress over his throbbing rod took the cougar closer to his limit. Charles could feel his testicles drawing closer to his body, preparing to release their contents "Oh Michael...I'm close..."

Hearing the cougar's words Magrath slowed down, trying to extend Charles' plasure as long as possible. His own climax wasn't too far either, for he had been living in denial for his mate. He could feel it; the semen was rushing through his member, ready to burst out. With one last thrust Magrath drove himself as deep into his mate as possible and moaned with his head thrown back, pushing tightly against the cougar's rump as wave after wave of hot semen flooded into Charles' tailhole.

Charles felt how Magrath pushed his sticky lovejuice into him and that sent the cougar crashing over the edge. His rod started to spasm in Magrath's paw, squirting ribbons of cum on the blanket. Panting hard the two collapsed on the bed, enjoying the afterglow of their simultaneous climaxes. Magrath wrapped his arms arounf the cougar and affectionately started to groom his neck.

Drowzily Charles smiled and reached out to pat the lion's firm thigh " always." The cougar felt how Magrath's limp member withdrew from him and, just as his, back into the sheath to wait for the next time. Charles snuggled closer to his beloved mate, letting out a content sigh as the lion pulled a blanket over them.

Magrath felt sleepy. His eyelids felt heavy and he had to struggle to stay awake "I'm glad you liked it too Charles...guess you'll be gone -again- in the morning."

"Yes, I'm afraid I must go, once again, before you wake up." Charles said, followed by a few seconds of silence which the cougar then broke "Michael...I'm worried"

"Mmmm...About what?"


Magrath opened an eye "Huh? What do you mean?"

Charles sighed, not sounding so happy anymore "Soon your cadets will get their wings and you'll be sent with them to the far reaces of Edenia...possibly directly to the Gateway. Since I'm stuck here the chances are we'll never see eachother again..."

"Oh...I see" the lion said, a small smile curling on his muzzle "But you don't have to worry about that my love. I've already arranged things with general Lee. You are accompanying me and my cadets as the senior med-officer aboard EES Dawn Rose"

Charles' heart skipped a few beats. His tired brain was struggling to comprehend what he heard. Slowly it dawned to him: he could still be with his beloved lion even after the graduation ceremony. Charles turned around, smiling warmly and kissed his mate deeply.

Magrath mrowed in surprise, blinking a few times before melting to the passionate kiss. As the cougar broke the kiss, he put an arm over Magrath's trimmed chest "I think...that I'll be here when you wake up Michael."

Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it^_^

Want more? Just let me know ;) (repost, read first chapter for reason)