Prom Night

Story by Luppy on SoFurry

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I haven't posted anything new in a while and I'm still working on my short story so I just decided to do this for fun. One thing everyone needs to know about my stories now, though, is that during yiff scenes I no longer use knots. I do however, use sheaths. I can't really explain why im doing that, I just feel like doing that from now on. So if that bothers some im sowwy. However, if I am to continue my Soul series (Senior Soul, and new series will be College Soul) I will use knots in there since I used them in the first portion. Please note that this is a M/M story and is not intended to be read by those under the age of 18. Also, please do not plagiarize this work or any other works by me. Alrighty here we go enjoy please!

Prom Night

"Alright Nathan, how do I look?" Ryan asked, coming into Nathan's room without warning.

Nathan wasn't doing anything special besides playing one of his favorite online multiplayer games. Still, he didn't like it when Ryan just barged in his room like it was his own. Though Nathan did figure he should be used to it by now; Ryan and he had been friends since high school, and ever since they got dorms fairly close to each other, they would visit almost every week to play video games, watch movies, bullshit and talk, or just hang out. Nathan could do things like that on a daily basis with Ryan. Which was just one of the many things he liked about him.

This was, however, not the time for Ryan to be disturbing Nathan. His assassin just joined a team of dark knights and mages and were fixing to fight an elder tree.

Nathan looked quickly away from the computer screen at his canine pal. He was wearing a green tie with a black suit and a white shirt inside. Nathan really enjoyed the tie, as green was his favorite color. Though he was too sucked into his playing to give an original critique on the ensemble.

"You look fine." Nathan said blatantly, and turned right back to his game.

Ryan sighed.

"Why do I come to the nerdy rabbit for fashion advice...?" Ryan asked himself partly, turning to fix his tie in the door mirror.

"Because I have a good sense of style. And you know that." Nathan said, not laying his eyes off the game, for they were now at the boss, and he couldn't afford to die from not hitting the potions key.

"Yeah, you would have had the coolest suit at the prom...if you were going." Ryan said, continuing to look at himself. Not only did he have to check for wrinkles on the suit, but he fairly enjoyed working out and his results were displayed well in his reflection.

"I told you, I don't like dances...or suits...or girls." Nathan said, still keeping a good eye on the computer.

"Just because your gay doesn't mean you can't have a good time. Besides, I figure most straight girls would love to dance with you, since they know you're not just looking for a quick round."

Nathan giggled, "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"You bet I'm right." Ryan said, turning and giving Nathan a thumbs up.

"I'm still not going."

"Well, poo."

Nathan giggled again. The tree had already killed two of the party's players, and as Ryan kept talking to him, Nathan started to lose focus. And interest.

"Oh well." Ryan said, turning back to the mirror.

"Why do you want me to go anyway? Your going with the love of your life, aren't you?" Nathan asked, playfully.

"Yes, but I still want you, my best friend, to be there."

"For what reason?"

The corgi then walked over to the skinny but sturdy gray rabbit sitting at his desk. He got down on his left knee.

"No." Nathan said, dumbfounded. He actually stopped playing his game to see this full front.

"Rachel Summers, will you marry me?" Ryan proposed, as he pulled out a box containing a beautiful though fairly small diamond set on a golden ring.

"NO! can't do this!" Nathan yelled with extreme anxiety for his long term friend, walking around the room.

Ryan was puzzled.

"What's wrong with me possibly proposing to her tonight? I've been talking about it for a while, and if the moment feels right, I really think I can pull it off...right?" Ryan tried to understand Nathan's sudden frustration.

It wasn't the fact that Ryan and he were only in their second year of college. It wasn't because Nathan didn't think Ryan could be a fit husband, and it wasn't because Nathan secretly used to like Ryan and had wanted them to be together. It was because Nathan knew Rachel Summers. Everyone knew.

Rachel Summers wasn't your everyday, light-tan collie studying at Capitol University in Des Moines, Iowa. She was one of the prettiest, most friendly girls you will ever meet there, but unless you're a transfer student or a very ignorant Ryan, you would know that Rachel is somewhat of a slut. Before she began dating Ryan about a year ago, when she had just gotten into college, she would party and drink at the equivalent level of any frat boy. She would get herself laid on the weekends, and it was a surprise to many to find she had not acquired any disease, as she would blatantly say in some of her last year classes, along with other useless jabbering no one wanted to hear. It seemed once she started dating Ryan, though, that she had become so much more considerate and well put together. And Nathan was happy for that. He just didn't want Ryan getting hurt. For the worst comes out in all of us sometimes, as he knows.

"I just want to make sure you know what kind of commitment marriage is, and if you really wanna do it with Rachel. If you do, more power to you. If you don't,'re making the right decision."

"Shut up. I'll make my own decisions, thanks." Ryan said, smiling at Nathan, and Nathan smiled back.

Nathan went back to his computer and looked at the screen. His character had died while he was away, so he decided to close out of the game. When he did, he caught a glimpse of the right corner of his desktop home screen.

"So tell me this, Ryan." Nathan said.

"What is it?" Ryan asked, fixing his hair in the mirror.

"Did you make the decision to be late to the dance? Because it started at 8:00. It's 8:20."

Ryan let out a crowd of fucks and shits as he scrambled to get the things he didn't already have ready, such as dress shoes and a condom, to be safe. He and Rachel had been doing it for awhile now, and Ryan always felt the need to bring it, even if they were just hanging around the house and watching a movie.

With everything together and prepared for the prom, Ryan hopped in his 2009 Black Traverse and turned on the engine. Nathan went on his second story apartment balcony to wave Ryan off, and tell him to have fun.

As Ryan drove away, Nathan couldn't help but wonder why he just got out on his balcony to wave his best friend off and wish him a good time at his dance. He sounded like Ryan's mom.

Nathan didn't leave the balcony. Out on the small concrete landing he looked at two plastic armchairs he rarely used. He then sat in one of them, looking up to the sky. It was dark, with stars trying their best stop the world from going completely black. Even though it was nighttime, Nathan figured someone could see him from below, him being as light as he is.

Nathan and Ryan were now twenty years old, both attending the same college. They both got good grades in school, both loved eating and playing video games, both were in good shape, and they laughed at the same jokes as well as watched the same shows. The only difference between them was that one was a light brown corgi with a white bottom, and the other was a gray rabbit with a white bottom. Also, Nathan was gay, while Ryan was straight.

Nathan always knew Ryan was never against gays to begin with. Even with this knowledge it took him a while to come out to him personally. This was because at first, Nathan had figured Ryan was also gay.

Throughout high school Ryan never had a girlfriend of any kind. This was rather strange to Nathan, because Nathan, at this point, was still dating girls, to see if there was really any chance of him just being confused, and not actually homosexual. When Nathan asked Ryan about it, Ryan just said he was waiting for the right girl, and he hadn't found her yet. Nathan took this as "I'm gay and I don't want anyone to know, so I'm going to just say the right girl hasn't come up yet (and never will)." So, Nathan spent much of his time trying to please Ryan as a friend so eventually he would come around and ask him out. Well, time passed like running water and Ryan still hadn't given Nathan any indication of him being gay or wanting him. Nathan didn't want to feel greedy, but one night he couldn't stand the wait anymore and he devised a plan. If he was to come out to Ryan, maybe Ryan would feel comfortable enough to come out too. It seemed fairly reasonable to him, so that's what he did. This was Ryan's response.

Well don't let anyone get you down, okay? Don't listen to other people; just be who you are.

It wasn't the response Nathan was looking for in that phone call. It was certain to Nathan now that Ryan was definitely straight, since they were so alike, and if he didn't like him as a boyfriend, he probably wouldn't like anyone else as one, either.

So the high school years continued and Ryan still had no girlfriend, though Nathan never tried to be with him again. He did, however, come out of his overall shell his junior year and decided to let everyone know of his secret. Almost instantly he was able to find someone like him that did like him. He figured it wouldn't hurt to date around a little too see how the game was played (he had never gone out with a male before). He enjoyed the time he had, but in the end he realized it wasn't meant to be, and left with good conscience.

Nathan closed his eyes while looking at the stars. He realized something. He had never been in love before.

There's always going to be that girlfriend or boyfriend that you say "I love you" to each time you wave goodbye or go away for a short time, but you don't always mean it. Nathan never meant it. Love was such a strong thing, and Nathan was sure that when he did find it, he would know; he just hadn't found it yet. He did, however, love many of his friends and family. Just never in love. Nathan figured, given the chance, he could find someone that he truly cared the world for, but it wasn't like that person would be dropped into his lap tonight.

Nathan shut the sliding glass door to the patio balcony. He got back on his computer and loaded his game again. Not three minutes later the game's home screen popped up.

As he logged in, Nathan couldn't help but think more about this love thing. He knew it wasn't easy for anyone to find love; the only problem was he was afraid he had already found it.

On the balcony Nathan was convincing himself of a few things, and he realizes it. He convinced himself that the discussion with Ryan over a couple of years ago had ended his secret love affair with him, and he was over it. This realization got especially clouded when he tried to date someone he wasn't completely sure about. It wasn't a waste of time, for he needed to see how it all worked, but he knew he wouldn't have ever loved that fur as much as he needed to to be in a standing relationship. No, he was not over Ryan, and he thought he knew this at one point before, and just put it out of his mind again, for he knew it would never work out.

It wasn't so easy to put it out anymore. He now saw Ryan twenty-four seven around campus. He was in his home and in his face for a good chunk of the day. And their relationship as best friends did not help. He continued to do the things he did with Ryan before he told him: sleepovers, endless hours on games, going out to eat, seeing movies...the memories were planted in Nathan so deeply he would never get them out for as long as he lived. And if he was somehow able to get them out, where would that leave him? They were good memories...just having them for later was killing him.

Nathan's character pulled up on the screen. He didn't touch the mouse, or the keys.

He was so good at convincing himself of things that weren't true. He knew he had been in love before. And he knew who it was with as well.


He closed the game out again, and laid his head back in his swerving chair. He's been here before. Nathan's known all along that he had certain feelings for him a friend just can't express. He also knows that none of his feelings matter; they were a lost cause from the beginning, and there a lost cause now. Ryan will never want Nathan the way Nathan wanted Ryan.

He pulled back in his chair, and sighed. There was always a way out of this state.

Nathan pulled his desktop up again, and clicked the internet shortcut. He unzipped his pants.

Not a minute later the front opened, and was slammed shut. Nathan jumped by the sounds, zipped his pants up, and logged off the computer. He didn't finish, but this was a much more pressing matter. He must have forgotten to lock the door when Ryan left. No, he was sure he did. The only way someone could have come in was if they had a key. Nathan's bedroom door was closed, but even if it was open he still couldn't see the intruder; his front door was not visible from the bedroom doors' angle.

Nathan got up, searched his underwear drawer, and took out the handheld gun his father had given to him when he left for college. He slowly walked to the door with the gun. He grabbed the knob and opened it swiftly while keeping the gun up.

No one was there.

He pressed his back against the left wall leading to the living room. His heart was starting to beat fast; he had never encountered a break-in before. His father had taught him how to use a gun about junior year, but he never had to actually use it.

He got to the edge of the wall leading to the living room. He swerved around, and held the gun with a firm grip.

At first he didn't notice anything. His living room looked the way he left it. For a while it also looked empty.

Nathan quickly realized by moving a little farther to the door that someone had come in, but, someone with a key.

It was Ryan, though some would not be able to tell from his angle to Nathans. His back was turned, and he looked like he was having trouble standing.

Nathan rushed to his room, hid the gun again, rushed back, and helped Ryan try to stand. For how skinny Nathan was, his muscles made up for it in strength.

"Ryan? Are you okay?" Nathan asked with a sympathetic voice. He wasn't bleeding, but Nathan only knew that by the absence of blood on his body. If you were to see how he was standing, you would assume Ryan had been shot in the back, and could barely manage to get up on his own.

The rabbit was on Ryan's left side, holding Ryan's left arm up on his shoulder. As he tried to move his body upward a bit, Ryan's right hand slid across his waist, and he dropped the bottle of alcohol on the floor. The sight of the bottle let Nathan know it was empty. He was drunk.

"C'mon, buddy. Let's get you to bed." Nathan said softly, and he helped Ryan across the living room to his bedroom.

He just had a little oversized twin bed, but it was enough for one or even two, if you were to cuddle together. Nathan helped Ryan to sit on the bed, but it turned out Ryan was able to accomplish that on his own.

"Can you talk?" Nathan asked.

Ryan just sat there for a few seconds, with his hair in his face. His suit was untidy and wrinkled up, as if he was moving around in it and was being careless. His tie had been merely draped over his neck and when Nathan helped him to his room it had dropped on the floor.

He spoke after a short time.

"I got there late."

"Yeah, you knew you were gonna be late. What happened then?"

Ryan hiccupped.

"I looked for Rachel."


"I couldn't find her, and then I asked others. They didn't know..."

"So what did you do?" Nathan wasn't sure where this was going.

"I went into the bathroom to waste time. I thought she was gonna be late too. Looked in the mirror, and saw four hind feet in one of the stalls. Two of them looked like Rachel's. I knew."

Nathan's eyes opened a little more at this.

"Then I opened the door... (Ryan reaches in his suit's pocket for the ring box) and caught her fucking Aaron." Ryan threw the box across the room. It hit the wall, and ricocheted on the floor, the box popping open and the ring falling on the carpet.

Nathan wasn't sure what to say. When he saw Ryan and her together, he never thought it was going to be forever. He just didn't think Rachel would pull something like this.

"Ryan, I'm..." Nathan started, but Ryan wouldn't let him finish and got up. His eyes were wide open now, and a little red. Nathan could tell he had been crying.

"I've never gone out with a girl. She was my first. I waited for her. I've been waiting for her. You know I've never dated anyone, and I was trying to find someone I could really and truly love, and when I think I have it right, it fucks me over. I've been waiting so long, Nathan, I thought this was it..." Ryan slammed back on the bed, and buried his face into his paws. He looked like he was about to explode.

Nathan was nervous, but he was not afraid. He wouldn't let Ryan do anything stupid, unless he wasn't there to help him. Which was almost never the case.

"I know, Ryan, it sucks to have someone do that to you. And you don't deserve that kind of shit from anyone. I'm so sorry."

Nathan put his left arm around Ryan's back.

"You knew, didn't you?" Ryan asked, paws still covering his face.

"Knew what?"

"She was a whore."

Nathan stopped for a second.

"I know. Everyone knew." Ryan said.

"You were so happy with her, and she seemed to be really happy with you too. I thought you had changed her for the better, and I didn't want to ruin that by saying she may, well..."

"Do this to me." Ryan finished the sentence.

Nathan didn't say anything.

Ryan let his paws fall from his face. He looked down, and then turned to Nathan. He pulled him a little closer, and then hugged him tight.

Nathan was shocked by this. Ryan had never intentionally hugged him through sentimentality. His heart started pounding.

"I'm thankful you're here for me. You've always been there for me, when things got bad."

Nathan's head was over Ryan's neck, as he was pulling them close. He could smell Ryan's original odor, a smell he had grown to love over the years. It smelled like fresh clothes from the dryer, and a hint of outdoors.

"...I've never really told you how much you mean to me, Nathan. We have so much in common, and we work the best together. You're always making me laugh, and I always find excuses to see you. Whether we play or just talk, I can always be with you. Please don't ever leave me; I don't know how I would survive without you, bud." Ryan said, still holding Nathan.

Every word cut threw Nathan like knives. Ryan really never told him how he felt about him; this was all new. Nathan had said countless times to Ryan that he was the best, his friendship with him was everything, and how school would be a real bitch if he wasn't there.

Ryan hiccupped again.

"Ryan, you're drunk..." Nathan said.

"I mean every word I'm saying to you (Ryan lets go of Nathan, but stays close). I swear. I'm sorry; I needed something to help me drive home. You weren't there, so I got...weak."

Nathan believed Ryan.

"Ryan, I'll always be there for you. And you know that."

"Yeah. I'm sorry you have to spend your night worrying about me. (Ryan chuckled) It's usually about me, isn't it...I've never worried about you. You never seem to be down, but I know I should ask you every once in a while. It's what friends do..." Ryan reached left paw over to touch Nathan's.

For some reason the contact seemed more sensual then the hug and a spark of energy went through Nathan along with the touch.

"I am happy when you are happy, Ryan." Nathan said.

The words somehow came out too soon, and Nathan didn't realize what he was saying until he actually said it. He hoped Ryan wouldn't feel weird or awkward by this.

" make me happy. All these years I've been searching for a girl just like you. But no one will ever be like you. Do you remember that night you told me you were gay?"

"Yes. I won't ever forget."

"...It took all my being not to rush over to your house and make love to you then."

Nathan flinched and his hand jumped, causing Ryan's to move a bit too, but not enough to leave Nathan's. This can't be happening, Nathan thought.

"'re need some..."

Ryan stopped him again.

"Please Nathan; I know you've liked me from the beginning. I'm finally ready for you. It took a broken heart to realize it, but I need you in my life. And, I can't wait any longer."

Ryan reached over and kissed Nathan on the mouth.

Nathan's body went into a shock for a second. He had been kissed by a male before, but never Ryan. It was ten times better than he could have ever imagined; Ryan's moist lips pressed against his, he got closer and wrapped his left paw around Nathan's side, feeling his curves from his front to his back.

Nathan knew in his mind this was not the right thing to do. Ryan was drunk, he knew that, and even though he seemed to have enough sense to complete multiple sentences, he knew it was morally wrong.

But there was no way Nathan could resist. He had been waiting too long, and now the time had come. He couldn't push away.

Ryan let go of the hold he had on Nathan's lips and kissed him again, farther on the upper lip this time. He sucked on it as Nathan's two lips sucked on his wet bottom one. They were only kissing and Nathan felt intoxicated himself. They both sat differently on the bed, one leg out, the other in, to be more comfortable while making out.

They continued to go up and down each other lips slowly, and eventually they were able to draw a little deeper in. Nathan could feel the beginning of Ryan's tongue, and Ryan allowed him in, with such welcoming, into his mouth. While their lips smacked their paws moved all over each other, Nathan's left now reaching under Ryan's pulled out shirt and Ryan's right searching Nathan's lower back for his ass, finding it easily. All this touching was suiting Nathan well and he was beginning to develop an erection. He slipped a peak at Ryan's crotch area as they came up for air. It was starting to bulge as well, which sent a pulse through Nathan's, knowing Ryan was enjoying their time.

They rested their mouths by Nathan pulling under Ryan and nudging his neck with his face. The break allowed Ryan to take off his suit's overshirt, while Nathan unbuttoned the top of his white undershirt.

It was not long before Ryan had no clothing covering his front and back, and he was not fixing to be alone. He reached over to kiss Nathan again while lifting up his tee shirt. It was a loose v-neck and pulled up easy. He left Nathan's lips with a smile as he pulled the shirt over him.

"Lay on the bed." Ryan demanded.

Nathan did not speak but did as he said and laid over his blue comforter.

Ryan did not waste any time and quickly pulled down his own pants while throwing off his shoes. He was left in his socks and loose boxers, which did little to hide the hard cock he was carrying.

Ryan got in a pouncing position with his ass in the air, close to Nathan. He grabbed Nathan's loungers and slipped them off as easily as the shirt. Nathan was wearing blue boxer briefs, sticking to his legs so the erection was covered well enough.

"Let's take these annoying things off." Ryan said.

"Please." Nathan encouraged, smiling and ready.

Ryan grabbed the top of the boxers and slipped them off carefully. As soon as the boxers went down far enough, Nathan's seven and a half-inch, pink member stood strong, its sheath pulled down all the way.

"Shit, Nathan you've had that all this time?"

Nathan just smiled and nodded.

Ryan smiled back. He now positioned himself so his ass was still in the air, but his face was right on top of Nathan's cock. It was pulsating like crazy, a little bit of pre cum trying to form out from it.

Ryan didn't have to get the thumbs- up from Nathan to start. He grabbed the shaft of Nathan's dick firmly with his left paw and began kissing the tip with his wet lips.

This sensation was all new to Nathan. He had never gotten this far with anyone, though he really didn't have much time to even think about it. He closed his eyes as Ryan worked his lips around his cock, kissing a little deeper.

"Ohhh, Ryan, that feels so damn good..." Nathan pleaded.

Ryan smiled a little with the cock still around his lips. He then took Nathan's member, readied his mouth, and began to slide it inside.

It was the perfect fit in his mouth, and each time he got deeper it made him want to go farther. As Ryan felt the cock hit the sides of his mouth, he let his tongue lick around it, tasting its natural fluids that had come out a little when he pulled it in fast.

He pulled out, took his left paw, and slowly but jacked the moist cock up and down to allow some more of the pre cum to slip out. What was as little as a few droplets that formed seemed like a full drink to Ryan, and he licked the top, savoring every last morsel he could get.

He then pulled the dick back in. He had not swallowed all the fluids he had gathered, and with the remaining liquids he wiped them around the cock in his mouth. Everything was warm and sticky inside, and Ryan could smell the musk coming from his mouth. The moment made Ryan grab his boxers with his right paw and slip them off as quick as he could, and when he did, he grabbed his own member with envy, and began rubbing it very slowly, as to not cause a premature climax.

It was getting too much for Ryan, and he had to start now. He began to move up and down with Nathan's member at a normal pace. The pulling in and out of Nathan's cock made Ryan extra horny as he pulsated with his own cock and could feel pre cum slip out. He felt it, noticed how much was actually there, and rubbed it over his nine-inch, hard penis and hairy balls.

"Go faster, Ryan, faster..egh, please..."

Ryan did exactly as he was told and moved at a much faster, and harder, rate. More and more fluids were coming up now, though he knew it wasn't the pure cum he was searching for, so he continued.

Nathan couldn't help his urges as he got a small hold on Ryan's hair and head with his right paw, and motioned it with the rhythm it was already moving to. He didn't grab too hard, but enough to make Ryan feel forced, which gave him a little more pleasure, to his surprise. Ryan spread out his legs and moved his paw around his own moist cock.

They got faster and faster, and the time shortened with every push. Finally, they hit the mark.

Ryan could feel the warm seed slip out in the back of his throat. He immediately pulled out and grabbed the cock with his left paw and jerked out the rest as it squirted him a couple more times in the face. He smiled as it went all over him, the warm, sticky feeling he had been waiting for.

"Shit...that was great..." Nathan said, panting a little.

Ryan licked some of the white cum around his muzzle.

"How about we finish?" Ryan said.

Nathan wasn't too sure of what Ryan meant, until Ryan took a heap load of the cum off his face with one swoop from his right paw and slathered his cock with it, the warmness of it all sending a tingle through his body.

Nathan understood by these movements, and could not have nodded faster.

Ryan smiled, and motioned Nathan to get up and turn around. Nathan did so, and while he did, he spread his legs out a little wider and grabbed the beds wooden frame with his paws.

Ryan was ready for it, but Nathan was not. Ryan quickly took as much cum as he could find on his face and neck with his right paw again, grabbed Nathan's left ass cheek with his left paw, opened it up some more, and slathered the sides and inside of his ass with it, going up and down slowly. He then stuck his index finger actually inside his hole a bit, not being able to resist himself.

"Ryan...ohhhhh...that feels amazing...."

"Nathan, if I begin to hurt you I want you to tell me, okay?" Ryan said.

"You could never hurt me, Ryan. Please...don't hold back. I'll be fine."

Nathan turned his head and smiled back at Ryan. Ryan returned the warm, glowing smile.

Ryan then got close enough to Nathan to rub his wet and sticky cock between his ass cheeks and on the inside sides of it to get the fluids slipping together easily. This sent another tingle through both of them this time, and Nathan's member was still hard, even after ejaculation.

"Alright, it's ready. Here we go." Ryan declared, and he slowly slipped his long, hard cock into Nathan's virgin tail hole.

Nathan's stubby rabbit tail went up as quick as an alarm sounding when he felt the cock pop his hole open for business. It was a slight pinch for him, but the pleasure heavily outweighed the pain of it all, and Nathan thought he could feel more pre cum slip out of him.

"Damn it, that feels so fucking good...uugghh..." Ryan moaned, as he grabbed Nathan's shoulders and pushed in a little farther.

Nathan's grip on the bed frame tightened as he felt the nine-inch member explore the walls of his rectum. His own cum was now inside of him, lathered around the cock and now slipping on the walls. It proceeded further in.

It was easier to get through then Ryan thought, but then again, he wasn't the one being penetrated. He looked at Nathan, whose eyes were closed, and his face was tightened.

"Nathan, are you okay? I can stop...ehhg... at any moment..." Ryan said, but Nathan stopped him.

"Don't, please...I want you to finish...inside me, please..." Nathan pleaded again, panting a little harder than before.

Ryan could see the hurt, but he could also see the passion Nathan had. He wanted this, and it would be wrong of him to stop now and not give him what he wanted.

Ryan continued deeper in, getting slower and slower, until he couldn't go any further. He almost had it all the way in, about 7 and half inches.

"Now...ughh...your doing great...just a little more..." Ryan said, and he slowly pulled his hard member out. Then a little back in, then more out.

His motions became a quick succession of thrusts as he furthered his climax's endpoint. He could feel more pre cum squirt out, which made the farther inside of the rectum a little more easily worked. There moans were constant now, both from pleasure and pain. At this point Nathan was actually starting to enjoy some of the pain he was incurring. It left some force to their lovemaking, and he found that enjoyable.

"Ohhggh...don't...don't stop..." Nathan moaned.

"I'm...eghh...I'm almost there, Nathan..."

The thrusts were getting shorter, but fiercer. The tightness was ripping Nathan's ass apart, if it had not already been so. Ryan's grip on Nathan's shoulders was also tightening, and the grab made Nathan shudder. Everything was becoming a hot blur. Their love was so intense, neither of them could think, but only do.

Ryan could feel it coming up. It would happen suddenly and without warning, he knew, so he continued without the thought of when it would really occur. His balls continually slapped against the outside and partly inside of Nathan's ass, while Nathan's simply motioned from the force of it all. Nathan could also feel more of his own seed coming up from his cock, not sure how he could still harbor any left from the blowjob.

The thrusts were coming fast now as they were going to end soon. Nathan could have cried from the pain of Ryan's member pulling in and out for the last few times, though it was only a common reaction. He was truly intoxicated and pleasured by their lovemaking, and it was too much for him.

"Auugghh..." Nathan moaned one last time, as he squirted three more jets of pure white cum over the bed frame.

Not a second later did Ryan also finally release his flood of hot seed inside of Nathan's body, causing him and Nathan to buckle.

Nathan could barely hold on to the frame anymore, and Ryan was extremely worn out as well, using Nathan's shoulders as a slight helper.

When Nathan turned his body to lie on the bed, some of the warm cum slipped out of his hole. But he didn't care. It was, after all, Ryan's.

Ryan then fell down with Nathan, leaving them both lying on their backs, facing each other.

Nathan could see some spots on Ryan's face where cum still lingered. He took off his right sock that neither of them had taken off with his right paw, and wiped it over the places where his seed was.

Ryan giggled, and Nathan smiled, as he cleaned him off. They passionately kissed one last time before drifting off to sleep, holding themselves close.

Oh what fun! Well yes this was after all just a fun little thing to do while im finishing the semester and thinking about what I wanna do for another story im working on. I need to stop making it so my stories can have follow ups...why cant I just make a simple, one-shot yiff story? Oh well. That's life. Hope everyones doing fine and whoah 94 watchers I feel speciaallll :D ty to everyone that clicked the watch button and ever faved me too its what gets me to continue my work. One last thing: WHO'S READY FOR SUMMARR? Mmmmmeeeeeee! k cyz later guys ;)