A visit with a dragon (Uvuzi/dragon)

Story by Strega on SoFurry

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Uvuzi continues to make friends as she meets the red dragon commander of Monstertown's air guard.

Note: The mysterious comments about the rakshasa will be explained in a separate story. This one just got written first.

A visit with a dragon

By Strega

On Mill Street in Greyston was a house like many others. Every foot of streetfront cost, so the house was narrow, but deep, with a tiled portico sporting a few chairs. The second floor was set slightly back, and the addition of an overhang allowed for a wide balcony better furnished than the portico. From here a ramp led up to a rooftop garden, at one end of which sat a sunroom.

Tiktik the kobold was sweeping the balcony when he heard the thunder of wings. Taller buildings blocked his view, but he saw a flash of great membranous wings at the end of the street. One of Monstertown's smaller town squares was that way and he correctly surmised that a dragon had just landed. This was unusual but not unheard-of and being a kobold, and thus fascinated by all things dragon, he watched to see if anything else developed.

Something did. A great scaled head appeared at the end of the street, followed by a sharp-ridged neck, taloned foreclaws and the rest of a dragon.

It was not the first time a dragon or other scaly came up Mill Street. It was not that long ago that a green-scaled lamia slithered in to visit with the Mistress. There were two ways this was unusual, though.

First was that the dragon was much larger than the average one that might walk down a street. This one was several houses long and carefully furled its wings to avoid knocking over chimneys even as the populace made every effort to get out of its way. Not because they were afraid it would lash out, for this was Greyston, called Monstertown after all, but because it was ten tons of dragon and anything by big had right of way by default.

The other unusual thing was that this massive dragon was not just some random visitor. Silver crescents inlaid into the scales at several points along each flank, including just behind each frilled ear, showed that this was a colonel in the city guard. Not that Tiktik needed to see them to know that. He'd seen Colonel Firewing fly overhead enough times to recognize the pattern of the red dragon's scales.

The red dragon made his way up the street, careful enough that no one got stepped on and only one cart was overturned. Tiktik's desire to see him closer was satisfied when he turned and slid his scaly head up onto the balcony right in front of the kobold.

"I would speak to your mistress," the dragon hissed, without so much as a 'hello'.

Tiktik repressed the urge to prostrate himself before this magnificence, for the dragon's head alone was ten feet long. Not counting the horns! He'd never seen such a large dragon up close.

Tiktik forced himself to remain calm. It would not do to embarrass the Mistress by fawning over the colonel. Just the same, he was too busy gawking to pick his words with any care.

"Good morning, colonel. I expect you are here to see the Mistress?"

It was the second visit by a senior guardsman in a month. How odd. The Mistress had never so much as met anyone above a captain before. The last one was a rakshasa, a subtle creature who could have come and gone in the form of a hestan catman with them never being the wiser, had he not chosen to reveal himself.

The dragon looking across the balcony at Tiktik was not a subtle creature. It could snap him up and swallow him whole and the tiny meal wouldn't even warrant a burp.

"That is what I said," hissed the dragon. He scraped his scaly chin along the balcony tiles irritably and Tiktik realized that he had. So much for his dignity.

Such was the red dragon's size he could have rested his head on the roof just as easily and it was from there that a voice came.

"Colonel," purred a voice, and Tiktik knew Mistress was here. She slithered down the ramp from the roof, having left the sunroom where she'd been digesting her meal. At the near end she was humanoid, a blue-furred skunkette with tousled white headfur and patches of white on breast, chin and groin to go with the double stripes proceeding down her back. Further back she was snakey, a thick coil of furry skunk-snake sporting a vaguely man-shaped bulge in its middle.

At the end followed a fluffy skunk tail. Skunkette lamia, some called her, the result of a meeting between an almost-nonesuch skunk-man and a blue-scaled lamia. Before the skunk disappeared down the lamia's gullet he managed to impregnate her, fathering Uvuzi and her sister.

Uvuzi arranged her coils, not bothering to conceal the bulge with illusion the dragon would easily see through. She'd done nothing illegal, after all. Just the same, Tiktik saw she was nervous by how she held her tail. Who wouldn't be? She was relatively formidable, but completely outmatched by the red dragon. Even if he weren't The Law, he was a dragon, and a huge one.

"Trophies," hissed Firewing, and swung his head to survey the furnishings. He wasn't wrong.

To the left was a chair constructed of pale yellow belly scutes, with stronger struts of armored hide as legs and armrests. Mesh bags held masses of red scales, much smaller than the colonel's, to serve as cushions.

Directly ahead lay a beanbag easily large enough for a man to rest, save that the 'beans' were innumerable green scales, polished and rounded by digestion but not wholly consumed.

To the right was another chair, doubly wide like a loveseat, this one of grey-black scutes with bags of black scales as pads. And yet another chair next to that one, with pale near-white scutes and blue scales.

The bag of green scales might be from any scaly, but the chairs could be nothing but the remnants of dragons, swallowed whole and their indigestible remains regurgitated. The love seat was from a larger one, the red and blue-white a second and third. There was ample seating for guests and it had all been in a lamia's gut


"Explain," hissed the dragon.

Tiktik could see how nervous his mistress was by the way her tail bristled. The instinctive urge to spray the dragon with stinking skunk musk and flee must be strong, however legal her activities. But that wouldn't save her from a monster powerful enough to tear her house down or incinerate the block. At most it would anger Firewing, not a good approach if survival was the goal.

So the Mistress arranged her coils comfortably and explained.

"I was younger when I met the Red," she purred. "He thundered down out of the sky and surprised me. He was quite drunk, and very sad. A Gold had just eaten his mother and the other young ones were killed in the fight. He fled, but by the time he reached me he had nowhere to do. I was astonished when he chose to stuff his head down my throat. He pulled it back out and we talked; he'd wanted to see if I could swallow him the way he'd seen his mother swallowed. Then he did it again!"

She paused and made a helpless gesture. "I didn't know what to do! He was as large as myself, and could breathe fire inside me. But he kept pushing, and I began to work my way over him. Even when I had him fully down, save his tail which didn't fit at first, I worried it was all a trick. But it wasn't."

"Do you expect me to believe," the red dragon hissed, "that one of my kind fed himself to you? Voluntarily?"

"Colonel," Uvuzi said seriously, "He was at least my size. If I had tried to coil him up and squeeze he'd have burned me alive or torn me apart. He was small compared to you but when I found the ridge along his belly with my hands he humped himself right down my throat. He could have killed or hurt me even after I swallowed him but," she gestured at the red and yellow chair, "that's what happened instead. I worried for a whole day after I ate him that it was all a trick but nature took its course and when I eventually heaved up that mass of scales I kept it. Souvenir, trophy? Call it what you will."

"Very well," rasped the dragon. A wisp of smoke curled from one nostril. "Continue."

"I travel many places," Uvuzi purred. She idly rubbed the softening bulge of her meal. "In one I met this black dragon with ragged wings. Bigger than the red, too big for me to eat, but friendly. Very fond of the ladies. I'd seen his fondness for them get him killed, yet he'd reappear later, no worse for wear. When my sister heard about my adventure with the Red and was envious, the two of us invited him over. He was quite willing. My sister's jaws are much larger than mine. She swallowed his head, and then the rest." Uvuzi licked her chops. "I only swallowed a smaller part of him. That is how I learned what a certain part of a dragon tastes like."

"And you kept this, too." A massive claw appeared over the railing, and Colonel Firewing poked the black scute chair with a gleaming black talon the length of a man's forearm.

"My sister stayed with me until he was digested," Uvuzi purred. "She had no use for what she threw up. He returned to life again, that Black. I don't know how he does it, but he does. One of these days my sister and I will visit him again."

"This one," she went on. She rested her hand on the beanbag filled with green scales. "A lamia. My brother. I met him here, when he came to try to court me. There aren't many of us, lamias that is, and he wanted a lover like himself. I was not sure if I could trust him, so I had him come to my lair in the wilderness. There I gave him a test. I left him alone with one of my kobolds."

She turned to Tiktik, still silently watching. "He already knew I valued them. He ate Mora the second he had the chance. So I let him court me, knowing it would make him careless. He was as long as myself, and very strong. Though I got him by surprise and coiled him up, many kobolds had to help me swallow him. He made a very long bulge."

She flicked her tail. "He could not be trusted. I almost left the scales behind, just as I left the shit he became. But there were many of them, and I saw a use."

"You lured your own brother away from the city and ate him," Firewing growled. But he did not lift his chin from the tiles. He just watched her, occasionally turning to look at Tiktik and the many kobolds peering through the second story windows.

"It would not be legal to eat him here," Uvuzi purred. "He had his chance to earn my trust. He betrayed it the instant he had a chance. I gave him the fate he deserved, did to him what he did to Mora."

"That leaves one," Firewing rumbled. His eyes turned to the white and blue scales.

"Ah," Uvuzi purred. "That one was different. The red was willing, if suicidal, the green was wicked, the black was happy to feed my sister as long as he got to play with us. This one did nothing wrong at all, except fly badly."

She slithered closer and touched the arm of the chair, made like all the solid bits from regurgitated belly scutes. "It was winter in the forest, and he was flying through a snowstorm. Some dragons don't mind the cold, but he did, and when he landed in the snow, perhaps hoping to find shelter, my kobolds spotted him. They evolved a plan. We hurried by in my carriage, and as if by accident almost ran him over. When he leapt back he landed in the icy river, chilling him to the bone. I feigned sympathy, coiled around him to warm him up." She smiled. "When I was done he was very warm. A nice thick layer of skunkfur was between him and the snow."

"You hunted and ate a dragon for no more reason than you were hungry," growled Firewing. Wisps of smoke rose from his nostrils, a sign his internal furnace was heating.

"I am a predator," Uvuzi said with no hint of apology. "It is in my nature to eat thinking creatures. The urge comes from my mother, who ate my father the same day he sired me. But here," she waved at the surrounding buildings, "I heed the law. And you know that, Colonel. You didn't come here, block the street," she pointed down off the balcony to where a cursing merchant was trying to convince his horses to pull his wagon past a scaly dragon rump and forty feet of tail, "To accuse me. I'm a small fish, Colonel Firewing. You're not here to arrest me. You would have sent lesser officers to do that."

"So," she purred, and rested one hand on the bulge that used to be a bandit, sold to her at the Meat Market early that morning. "Why are you making a spectacle of yourself, Colonel?"

"Impertinence," rumbled Firewing, who could slurp her up like a noodle. Even she would only provoke a modest belch, and she knew it, but she faced the dragon down. Tiktik looked from one to the other, not sure what the mistress was doing. Was she actively provoking the dragon? Why?

And then he saw it. He'd read the faces of many dragons, admittedly mostly from afar through a spyglass. He had a knack for spying their feelings through the hard bony scales and Firewing had gone all shifty-eyed. If Tiktik had to put a word to that expression, he'd say that Firewing was embarrassed. The dragon knew he'd been foolish, but he couldn't admit it.

The great horned head heaved up off the bacony. This entire time Firewing only allowed part of his weight to rest there, but the timbers under the stone still creaked as the weight came off. His head alone weighed more than the Mistress and her meal.

The red dragon's voice boomed out. Up until now only those on the balcony could hear. Now the whole street did. "Very well," Firewing rumbled. "I am satisfied that your dragon trophies constitute no crime. My informant was incorrect. I must show him my displeasure." He scratched behind a frilled ear with sharp black talons the length of a man's arm.

"Go about your business," he hissed to the passers-by who even now had to maneuver past the bulk of red scaly body. With some care he reversed himself on the street and made his way back toward the corner square.

Tiktik watched him go, but he saw the other thing too. When Firewing put his claw down on the balcony after scratching himself, he left a cut gemstone there. His mistress didn't need to say anything. Tiktik made a show of going to the railing to watch the red dragon disappear down the street, and when he leaned down to get a better view he palmed the gem.

There was a spirited discussion going on behind the windows, where two dozen kobolds had watched the entire encounter with rapt attention. Some with magical skills had used minor spells to record images of the great Red and the mistress and the images were suspended in midair for all to admire.

"Come along, Tiktik," the Mistress purred, and he followed her slithery coils up the ramp and to the sunroom. She didn't speak again until the door shut. Below on the balcony kobolds were making a show of dusting and straightening up, while no doubt hoping to find a cast-off scale or to burn the scrapes the great dragon made on the tile into their memory. To say that the average kobold idolizes the great scalies was a bit of an understatement.

The Mistress was their dragon, or close enough, but that didn't mean they couldn't admire others from afar. Or from up close in this case.

"So," Uvuzi purred as she arranged her coils in the sunbeams. Though furry, she had lamia blood, and digesting an entire human was easier when she was warmed by the sun. "Let us see why the colonel was really here."

Tiktik nodded and set the gem in a frame designed for such things. He'd recognized it at once as a speaking-stone, one of a pair of enchanted gems. When they were active and you spoke to one, the other would resonate and produce your words. Some larger ones even sent an image of the speaker, but this one was only the size of an eyeball. It was a minor magic, but still expensive to make. That the colonel had left it meant he badly wanted to talk in private.

Tiktik looked at his Mistress, but she trusted her majordomo with her life. She nodded and he tapped the sapphire with a claw.

There was a ping and the gem glowed. A moment later a voice emerged, the hissing tones of the dragon. The thunder of wings, much muted, came through as well. Firewing was flying as he spoke.

"You are not alone," the gem hissed. Firewing's gem must be larger, or simply more powerful. He could see them.

"Tiktik is my closest confidant," Uvuzi purred. The kobold almost burst with pride. "He keeps many secrets for me."

"Very well," hissed Firewing. "I can only visit you as I did today once, I should not have done it. It was, as you say, a spectacle."

There was a growl at the far end of the conversation. The dragon was angry. At who? Not them. "I should have sent a messenger instead. Foolish. I am not thinking clearly."

There was another irritated hiss. "I require clear thought. It is interfering with my duties. I will send a carriage for you in two days, when you have digested your meal. No, tomorrow. I would not wait so long."

The dragon was talking to himself as much as them. It was a strange glimpse into the life of what amounted to a minor god. Anywhere but Monstertown, Firewing would have a great lair,most likely hordes of kobolds or other subjects attending his every whim. Instead he chose to live here where he was one monster among many.

"It will be worth your while to come. Be discreet." The gem went dark.

"Discreet, says the great scaly butt that stopped up our street," purred Uvuzi, but she was smiling as she said it. She opened a felt-lined case and put the gem with the others she owned. One for her sister, one for her mother, one for a certain rakshasa lord, and now this one.

"No one else saw the gem, Mistress," Tiktik said. "Your body blocked the view from the windows."

And now the important question. "Do you trust him, Mistress? Will you go?"

"Well, of course," the skunk-snake purred. "It would be rude not to." And generally impolitic, she didn't say. You didn't turn down an invitation from a dragon, after all. You accepted, or you ran.

She had a pretty good idea what was going on, now. It should be safe, profitable, and best of all, interesting.


The nondescript carriage arrived early the next day. Fortunately the Mistress's digestion was quick and little of her human meal remained in her body. With her meal processed and passed her long furry body was sleek and powerful. All that remained of the man were a few softening bones in her guy and some new fat.

"I should go alone," she purred to Tiktik as she adjusted the serpent armband on her upper arm. Like her earrings it was magical, a teleportation device that would bring her back to a pre-planned place of safety. It could only be used once, then requiring expensive recharging. She hoped not to use it today, because if she had to run from Firewing, that was it for her time in the city.

Her earrings were magical too, protective magics that would be little use against a dragon of the colonel's age and power.

"It is a strange situation," she mused. Only Tiktik was there to hear.

He nodded. His mistress was, when bent on hunting, sneaky. Creep up on the prey or make it think she was harmless. Playing the friend had gotten her many formidable meals that would otherwise be too dangerous to tackle. You couldn't just coil up and swallow everything. Sometimes you had to be discreet.

"Yes, mistress," Tiktik said. "After all, he is much too big to eat."

Uvuzi just smiled as she slithered up into the carriage. The driver, a scarred lizard man no doubt deep in Firewing's service, silently waited until the door was shut before flipping the reins to get the horses going.

She lived in the district called All Towne, the long suburb that stretched along the trade road. The more expensive property was near the market but she lived closer to Goblin Towne, in a rather less reputable part of town. She still liked it a lot, and it didn't hurt that her house was right up the street from the exotic dance hall where she now performed three nights a week. That brought in some money, especially when she took a client into one of the private rooms. The patrons always joked that she'd come out alone and with a client-shaped bulge, and anywhere but Monstertown maybe she would, but they knew what she was here. Here she obeyed the law.

Only a select few knew she could swallow someone and not digest them. That was a recent development, and took magic items she only had on loan. It still seemed insane to her. Who would ask to be eaten? More people than she expected, and people who paid well, it turned out.

She could see out of the carriage through the window mesh but no one could see in. They made their way to the great trade road that connected the main entrances to Greyston, northwest and southeast, and past the noisy market they turned left. Dragon Court. Just as she'd expected.

There was a breath of cool damp air from the marshes at the base of the waterfall, two hundred feet down from where they were and past a stone railing much scarred and repaired from mis-timed draconic takeoffs and landings. Once in a while, she'd heard, a dragon or other big flier would completely misjudge the approach and smack into the cliff, ending up in the fens much to the amusement of other fliers. There were some dangerous creatures down in that swamp, but nothing a good-sized dragon need worry about. The rumor of a colossal swamp kraken was, as far as she knew, just a rumor.

Ahead of them was the cliff that bounded the city on all sides, stretching upward close to a thousand feet. All around the city the steep valley walls were pockmarked with caves, some natural and some less so. Very expensive homes sat in some and others were the dens of fliers. Some of the big ones could, and did, accommodate entire dragons.

The passed by the great flagstoned courtyards that served as landing pads, currently unoccupied save for a pair of wyverns being saddled up for flight by the guard, and turned into a cave. The gate shut behind them, there was a rattle of locks and the carriage stopped.

The lizard man opened the carriage door as silently as he'd shut it, and gestured to a alcove. She'd heard there were elevators leading to some of the caves and this proved to be one, as the stone floor of the alcove carried her upward without a sound. Magic or some trick of hydraulics? She couldn't tell.

After a trip of perhaps a minute the platform stopped and here she was at last. Or not quite. She was an an antechamber little bigger than the elevator. A great round stone door as thick as a man was tall rolled aside and she finally saw the colonel.

His den was a great wide cavern, hundreds of feet wide and deep and a hundred high, enough room for him to pace back and forth without his wings brushing the ceiling. There was no sign of the legendary pile of treasure dragons supposedly had, just a mass of rocks and gravel that shows clear signs of being slept on. Though the walls were hung with tapestries and a few suits of armor stood around on pedestals, interspersed with statues, it was a surprisingly spartan dwelling. It was just her, some decorations that to a dragon were merely bric-a-brac, and Firewing. There was a barely visible shimmer at the entrance, and the dimness of the outside light told her there was an illusionary wall there, either to conceal the cave entrance or just make it impossible to see in.

Firewing was stalking back and forth at the entrance, his tail lashing like an angry cat's. The imposing slither of scales on the stones made Uvuzi stay well back. He was wide-eyed, almost feral, and more than twenty times her mass. On a good day, after a good meal, she might tip the scales at a thousand pounds. At her very heaviest, stretched tight around a meal her own size, she might approach fifteen hundred. Firewing easily massed ten tons and was more than a hundred feet from nose to tailtip.

"Colonel," Uvuzi purred. "I know why I am here."

"Do you." A growl rasped up out of a fiery throat. He was looking out of the cave, and a thunder of wings sounded as some other great flier passed by. Firewing let out a long hiss and leaned toward the entrance, wanting very badly to leap out and and pursue whoever it was.

Uvuzi kept her distance. It wasn't safe to approach yet. Not until the colonel was paying attention to her and not to whatever was occupying his attention.

"Colonel," Uvuzi purred. She arranged her coils to wait. "You are not the first man to send a carriage for me. To them I am interesting and exotic, and the thought I might eat them adds to their excitement. I am discreet, quiet about my affairs. Sometimes a certain itch builds and builds until it needs to be scratched, doesn't it?"

Firewing sat with such force that the stone floor, scratched by his claws, trembled. "It is intolerable. She taunts me and there is nothing I can do about it. Politics. Bah!"

"There is something you can do about it," the skunk-snake purred. Now that he was looking at her she slithered along the wall of the cave until she was viewing him three quarters on. He sat with his wings furled around himself, tense and peevish.

"I am here," she purred. "Let me scratch the itch."

With a feral hiss Firewing unfurled his wings and stepped forward. Uvuzi ducked as armored neck scutes far larger than the ones in her furniture passed overhead. Sharp black talons the length of her arm scraped the stone as he walked forward and over her, and great scaly haunches, muscular and tense, straddled her on either side.

Uvuzi's experience with dragons was limited, but not nonexistent. She's had her suspicions confirmed the moment she stepped into the cavern. The intense animal musk of an aroused male dragon filled it and it was no surprise when a great spiny shaft slithered heavily out of a slit between Firewing's haunches.

It was larger than the vast majority of her meals, over ten feet long and as thick as her thickest coil, with a series of fleshy hooks along the underside and a bulbous knot at the base. It was much, much too large for her asshole, where most men spent themselves, and of course out of the question that she let it anywhere near her pussy. That was fine. She was here because the colonel knew she could swallow a man whole with little effort. Uvuzi opened her mouth, unhinged her jaws and engulfed his tip.

The result was instant and not unexpected. Pent up beyond endurance Firewing began to thrust, driving his cock down her throat. Foot after foot of massive dragon cock disappeared into her maw, bulging her neck to unnatural thickness and swelling her humanoid torso into its shape. You wouldn't guess she could stretch that way to look at her, and that was how she earned many of her meals. People just didn't expect that the modestly sized skunk could swallow a man whole, even when the skunkette was attached to a furry lower body the size of a huge python.

The colonel knew, or was too horny to care whether she could really do it. His hind claws dug into solid stone as he humped and he forced her coils back along the floor as she struggled to straighten herself out enough to swallow his entire cock. More and more slipped down her throat until her jaws were working their way over his knot. It was even larger than a certain massive foxtaur's but bit by bit she swallowed it, trusting his tough skin - even here - to protect him from the sharp inward-hooking teeth that kept her prey from pulling back out.

If it hurt, he didn't show it. Hissing like a giant, angry teakettle Firewing thrust in until she's swallowed it all. His cock alone was as massive as the young red dragon she'd eaten and this dragon was very willing to be swallowed too. With his knot in her mouth and the rest of his ten feet in her throat Uvuzi bore down with her throat muscles, doing her very best to squeeze him down her gullet to the waiting stomach. So long was the colonel's cock that his tip was already there, sliding forward and back in the first third of her belly.

If it somehow detached from his groin it would go down her throat to join the tip, knot and all, to form an awkward bulge until it was digested. Of course it didn't. Firewing arched, thrusting with all his might as Uvuzi struggled to anchor her coils against the stone. She was a yielding vessel, a sock stretched around a rampant dragon cock. She swallowed with all her might, kneading him with her throat muscles, and the colonel was so horny he began to shudder almost at once. Great muscles spasmed in his haunches, driving him down her throat, and Firewing out out a roar as his cock pulsed.

Normally, males came in a small enough volume that she had to judge whether it happened by their behavior. There were exceptions. You noticed when a gallon of foxtaur cum was suddenly in your throat, but for lesser males you never felt it.

Then there was Firewing. His cock alone was as heavy as her entire body and when the hot dragon cum began to spurt she definitely noticed. He shuddered, arched, and came, his knot throbbing in her jaws, the long spiny shaft moving of its own accord in her throat. He came and came until she began to wonder if there was a limit, gallon upon gallon. There was no question of whether to swallow it, as his tip was already in her stomach. By the time he finally began to pull out, he'd replaced yesterday's bulge of man with a similarly sized, soft and sloshing one. A few half-digested man-bones floated around in the goo, their dissolution momentarily halted.

Calmer now, he stepped back, careful not to step on her as his cock pulled out of the sucking tightness of skunk-snake gullet. By the time his tip appeared she'd milked him dry. All the while she yawned to keep her teeth out of him, just as she would if she were regurgitating swallowed prey. Otherwise he'd have stuck fast in her jaws.

Uvuzi popped her jaws back into place and considered the hundred-plus-pound lump of dragon semen in her thickness coil. It would be much easier to digest than meat and bone and it wasn't as though she hadn't swallowed dragon cum before. Just not nearly this much at once! It was the first time she'd sucked off a red dragon and only the second time she's done it to a dragon, period. Red dragons, it turned out, were spicy. She burped and tasted heat and lust.

"So." She turned and considered the vista of city before her. "What a nice view." Earlier, she'd seen a flicker of wings. "Green dragon?"

"Yes." Firewing sat once more, coiling his spined tail around his claws like an enormous cat. "She is the first arrival for a local dragon conclave that's being held here. It is an honor to be the host but she is on heat and has no interest in mixing colors. Just the same she taunts me, flying by and driving her musk into my cave. She is smaller than I, and elsewhere I would force myself on her if she did this, or eat her. Or both. Here, I can only endure. Politics."

"You let her get to you," Uvuzi purred. The sloshing lump in her middle showed how much. "You must be flexible enough to simply bend down and fix that problem, colonel. Or, there are many kobolds who would be happy to help."

"Undignified," hissed the dragon. He was more...rigid in his ways than some dragons, it seemed. Some didn't let pride get in the way of self service. "And the kobolds would talk. I can't just eat them afterward."

"No, you can't," she purred, imagining ten or twenty kobolds working on that vast erection and ending up ankle deep in dragon cum. Even if they kept their silence, and some wouldn't, the smell of it would tell anyone with a nose what happened.

There were many officers of the guard with well known sex lives, but the colonels and generals had their positions to think of. A certain dignity of office is required.

"You needed someone you could sneak in and out, and who wouldn't talk." Uvuzi yawned, showing the gape that swallowed a two-plus-foot thick knot. "Well, here I am."

"So you are," hissed Firewing. "What is your rate?"

"Whatever you think it worth, Colonel. I do not see piles of treasure, and I wouldn't think to ask for it if I did. I am not so special that I think I am worth a fortune. I am simply someone who, it turns out, can swallow your cock."

Firewing turned to look out over the city. "I do not have piles of treasure. Too easily stolen, when everyone knows where my lair is. I cannot eat every thief, as some slip by when I am away. Instead I own banks, and buildings. I am not too proud to sleep on stones, with my wealth elsewhere."

He swung his head back around to look at her, all fangs and scales and twisted horns. He could ensure her silence with a blast of flame or a gulp, and explain why this was necessary to Lord Gray. Colonels are allowed the occasional sin. Instead he spoke.

"Colonel Dezayd believes you trustworthy," Firewing hissed. That was the rakshasa lord she met last month, who loaned her certain magical jewelry in return for favors. "You have done as he asked and the word has not leaked. I would have a similar arrangement."

"I am listening, colonel."

"Your home," the dragon hissed. "The payments on it are substantial. Your dancing cannot earn you so much money. You are using your savings, or hunting for prey whose gear you can sell to support yourself. Come to me when I ask, stay silent, and the payments will be forgiven. I own the bank that owns your home. Eventually, if you scratch my itches long enough, it will be yours outright. Failing that, you will simply resume the balance of payments afterward."

"Why, colonel," Uvuzi said with a smile. She just about managed to imitate his hiss. "Are you offering to rent me?"

"Yes," Firewing hissed. "What do you say?"

"I say," the skunk-snake said as she slithered forward, "Lie on your side and lift your leg. You cannot possibly be spent after being pent up for so long."

And he wasn't. Out slithered the formidable dragon cock, and she squeezed the great knot in her coils as she worked her jaws over the rest. Slower this time, as his first frantic need was sated, but the itch was still there. The green dragon had taunted him and taunted him until he was desperate for relief. Now he got it.

It was an entire day before the carriage returned to the front of the house, and when she slithered forth, the untrained eye would miss the long subtle bulge of swallowed prey. The eyes watching were not untrained. Various persons of interest who enjoyed watching her sun herself on the portico as she digested her meals noted the bulge and divined that she had swallowed and already largely digested something the size of a werewolf, or possibly two or three humans.

Her kobolds were likewise fooled, if a bit disappointed that she didn't want a massage for the sloshing bulge, and she went up the ramps to her sunroom with Tiktik alone. He wasn't deceived for an instant. Though she had swallowed every drop and washed herself of dragon scent, he knew where she'd gone and who she'd been with. He didn't say a word until the sunroom was shut.

Once again Uvuzi arranged her coils in convenient sunbeams. The bulge was long, but soft. The only reason it wasn't still larger was that she'd already digested the first few loads of dragon cum. Firewing had saved up. Now, at least for a time, his stresses were spent, gone down a skunkette's throat.

Tiktik didn't ask for details. She'd tell him in due time, or not.

"I expect you need no breakfast, Mistress."

"Certainly not," Uvuzi purred. She stroked the long bulge of dragon. Not the way she usually ate dragons, but dragon nevertheless. "I'm quite full."

Captain Landon of Monstertown

Captain Landon - Large 7th level human female fighter polar werebear. LN (good tendencies). Human form Str 18 (+4) 34 +(12) Con 16 (+3) 24 (+7) Dex 11 (+1) 13 (+2) Int 13 (+2) 13 (+2) Wis 13 (+2) 13 (+2) Cha 10 10 (+0) Feral Bear or Bearwoman...

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Sweetwater and Bella (Otter/wolverine rape and vore)

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Yutu and Pinga (bear/bear UB)

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