Becoming Symbiotic #2

Story by hippo1263 on SoFurry

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#2 of Becoming Symbiotic

You basked in the afterglow of your multiple orgasms and the subsequent growth. Your form exudes power. 7ft tall, gigantic muscles all over and a cock to would put any living being to shame. You felt stronger than you looked too. Your muscles feel pumped so much you're certain you could break steel walls with your fists. Your long red tongue flicked on your godly pecs as you groaned.

You feel an instinct slowly creep along your thoughts, like an alluring voice, slowly closing in. You felt like a god, but you were the only one with a symbiote in sight. This feeling of emptiness and hunger was growing within you. So many men could be turned into gods like you. An image of a guy you dated for a few week burned in your mind, your dick oozing corrupting goo in reaction.

" Steeeeeeeeve"

You groaned with your deep alien voice. Yes, he had to be the first to witness your new self.

You finally stood up and noticed how the park itself seemed to also have been changed by this symbiotic rain. The water in a nearby became a solid black. Grass and leaves turned darker and glossier, they moved and jerked like they were in need to infect other plants. The tree you were standing under seemed full and rich with corrupting goo, its bark looking more like skin now. As you made your way out of the mutated park, you felt gazes of all those life forms. They all seemed to bow to you, in worship. You groaned in approval.

You run along the shadows of the late night streets with uncanny speed. Your huge monstrous legs pushing your hulking form, breaking the pavement with every step. You feel a bystander witnessing your form between two shadows. You lust at their fear but they don't deserve your unholy gift, for now at least...

You finally arrive at Steve's apartment, your body urges you to enter. You can smell him his toned body from here. Your huge clawed hand grabs the door handle and crushes it in pieces, the door slowly open.

Once inside Steve's living room, you concentrate on absorbing the black goop inside your body so he can recognize you. Slowly the symbiote crawls off your skin and concentrates around your huge cock and balls. You feel tendrils expand on the side and covers your ass as it turns into a black speedo. You grin in approval of the subterfuge but feels incomplete without your true form. Your own humanity disgusts you.

You walk to Steve's bedroom and open the door.

"Huh? Who is this?"

Steve says with confusion in his voice as he sees the 7ft tall silhouette enter his room.

You open the light so he can see your familiar face.

"It's just me..." You say to reassure him.

"What the fuck man, you're huge! What happened to you?"

His face shows a mixture of confusion and curiosity.

"I got a gift"

You say while looking at him straight in the eyes.

"And I can give it to you too"

You start flexing your muscles for him. He gets up and comes closer, you can feel his interest as he absorbs the sight of your godlike body.

"This is crazy man, can I touch?"

He extends his hand to your bicep.

You flex your arm for him, your flexed bicep is bigger than his head. He grasps it and pull out a soft moan.

"Oh my god, how did you get this? You said you could share your gift"

You can spot his dick getting hard in his boxers as he said that.

"Just follow my lead"

You then lift him up and kiss him deeply. He moans in surprise and returns the kiss. He is shaking with arousal now. Your symbiote also trembles in excitement


it screams in your mind. This makes you shudder in anticipation also, you wonder what kind of monster he will become. You absorb your black speedo while he his distracted by the kiss and pull his boxers down.

He looks down and sees your massive dick, he pulls out a loud moan.

"Make me cum Steve, and it will turn you like me."

You drop him down and let him go wild on your 14 inches monster. He starts sucking the tip and furiously pumping it with his two hands. You moan deeply, your voice dropping deeper as it becomes harder to hide your true nature.

"Hmmmmm don't stop"

You flex you biceps for him as as you feel galons of pre building up to your cock.

"Drink it all, let it get deep inside you"

You say as you grab him by the back of the head and push it towards you dick. You feel your corrupting pre coming, you feel it's thickness building up. Three big spurts shoot out of you and Steve drinks it all like his life depended on it. You can feel your spawn slowly entering his body.


You roar in approval.

Steve pulls back and sees dark blue cum ooze down from your dick. He feels like he should be screaming in fear but there's something in him that slowly turns this fear into lust. You reach back to him and kiss him deeply with you long alien tongue.

"Embrace this symbiote growing within you."

You can feel pleasure building in his body, he madly moans as you pump his dick with your thick hands.

"It will turn you into something better."

You graps your mighty 14 inches cock and frot his dick on it. He groans as his dick starts growing. Inches and inches slowing climb across your massive cock. He looks at it in mad fascination. You then drop down on your knees and coil your long tongue around his cock and jerk it off with it.


He loudly moans as it booms to 12 inches long. You then suck it completely in your hungry maw.


Steve screams in arousal but you have other plans for him. You pull his dick out of your mouth and see it is now a 16 inches long and 6 inches thick monster. It is now dark blue in color has inhumanly thick black veins all around it. You both moan in approval. You lift him up and kiss him wildly again. He then looks directly into your eyes and says.

"I'm ready. Turn me into a fucking beast"

Your arousal skyrocket from these words and you hurl him on your dick while jerking him off and kissing him. He moans as he is slowly impaled on your monster.

You then slowly show him your true form. Black goo oozes from your skin as your moans turn deep and alien. Finally it covers your head and you roar in excitement.

"You look so fucking hot..."

He pants as he gazes at your monstrous form.

You then slam him onto his bed and start fucking him senseless. Heavy thrust after heavy thrust make you scream in arousal. You see his dark blue skin starting to spread from his cock to his waist as a huge 8 pack explode from him. He looks as wide as your hulking body now. You can hear his moans turning deeper and deeper until you two share a deep alien voice. His pecs then start to grow as the blue skin crawls up to them. They keep growing more and more even surpassing your own. They become almost as big as beach balls.


He screams as his arms get thicker, his biceps getting bigger than watermelons. His spine then changes and grows upward, his head reaching higher and higher. You then notice his tongue is now long and forked like a snake. You see his symbiote merging his legs together as the dark blue ooze crawls down to his feet. You feel flesh growing around your pulsating cock as more and more meat grows across his naga body until he becomes 4ft wide from where his torso starts.



You pull your head back and roars as you cum inside him. Shots after shots fill him with your seed with now end in sight. He roars in pleasure as his symbiote absorbs your seed and grows in mass. His lower section get longer until it reaches behind you. Two fleshy nubs grow under his arms as you fill him, they grow and grow until two massive muscled arms burst from them. Finally, the symbiote fully covers his head, finishing his glorious hulking naga form.

You marvel at your spawn and eagerly suck his massive cock, your tongue curling around the shaft and pumping from the base. This is Steve's breaking point. He spams and screeches as his monstrous tool explodes within your maw. Your muscles instantly grow from the rush of symbiote entering your body. Your pecs push 2 feet further and get 1 feet wider. You grow a massive 8 packs, each ab strong enough to crush mountains. Your arms become wider than a normal person's torso. You grow in size until you have to crouch under the 10ft ceiling. Then you feel your cock and balls absorb the remaining goop. You feel them getting heavier and heavier as your balls bloat and reach your knees, becoming 3ft wide each. Your cock pulses with growth, you feel it eagerly absorbing every last drop of growth inducing symbiote and booming to a full 4ft long and 1ft 7in thick.

Power fills your being and you love it.

Things finally starts to slow down, Steve curls around your massive body and passionately kisses you.

" This feels amazing. We must spread this everywhere"

He says as he kisses you wildly again.

" Spread more and grow more"

Your dicks ooze cums in anticipation.