Furry High School: Spring Romance: Chapter Two

Story by The Roz Wolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Furry High School: Spring Romance

Chapter Two

Steam billowed in the locker room, the only sound the constant patter of the shower waters as they hit the tiles around Kaipo's moist form, his amber fur matted down against his toned, slender body. His ears perked, turning his head to wash the shampoo from his facial fur at the sound of the door's opening. Glancing around the room, he lifted a paw, turning the shower off "Hello? Someone there?"

He took a few paw steps out of the shower area, grabbing his towel off the wall and wrapping it around his waist, stepping along past the rows of lockers "Anyone else in here?" The lion called out, pausing with a muddled look as he stopped at the last locker row, finding no fur there. With a little shrug, he turned, bumping into someone behind him, falling down to his rear on the tiles "Ow! Heeey..." Blinking a few times, his mouth dropped slowly open as his gaze wandered up the buff, nude husky in front of him, ending up on the crystal blue gaze focused downwards.

"Oh, you alright Kaipo?" Robert reached down, taking one of the feline's paws and lifting him up to his feet, Kaipo trembling a little as his eyes found the canine's warm smile "Well?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, yeah, I'm good now...err, good, thanks Rob..."

"Ya sure? Here, lemme check."

Kaipo's eyes snapped open wide again with those words, the feline's movements freezing as Rob stepped past him, setting a firm paw to his rear "Here, lemme just..." His other arm stretched around the lion's waist in a near embrace, pulling the towel loose, the cloth pooling around the feline's hind paws. His first paw settled to Kaipo's rear, giving each cheek a firm squeeze before Rob stood full again, turning that warm smile back to the lion's gaze. His other arm held around him though as the husky stood, bringing Kaipo chest to chest with the canine, tilting his chin backwards to hold onto his gaze "Looks like you're fine."

Kaipo found his voice absent for the moment, his gaze drifting, loosing himself into the depths of the canine's striking gaze. He had no knowledge of how long the embrace lasted until a feel brought him swiftly back, shivering, his mouth hanging open in a look of terrified embarrassment as he felt his length sliding from within his sheath against the gentle fur of the husky's thigh. Rob gave a glance down to it, lifting his muzzle back with a sly grin "I had no clue showers made you so excited..." He joked in a murmur, his muzzle closing, touching his lips faintly to Kaipo's, a chill running through the lion now, nearly melting in the gentle strength of the embrace, the loving soft touch of the kiss. Again the feline lost time, his eyes slipping shut, pressing his lips firm into the touch. Gradually it was broken as Rob drew his muzzle back, opening it to speak, and...

The alarm went off, Kaipo snapping up in his bed, his sheets flinging forwards with the sudden motion. The lion was huffing, sweat clinging to the tips of his fur, wetting the skin beneath. Shifting his gaze back and forth, looking around, he fumbled a bit, clicking his lamp on, finding himself in his bed. With a sigh, he glanced to the clock, rubbing his eyes "Damn..." The lion mumbled, lifting his sheets a little more, a little blush crossing over his cheeks with the show of his excitement from the dream. He flopped his head back to the pillow, switching the light back off and curling onto his side, pulling his bed sheets back up over him.

"Kaipo! Time for school!"

He grumbled, rolling over to his other side in the bed "I'll be down in a minute..." Came his mumble, snuggling into his bed.


"Be down in a minute!" He yelled back, tossing his sheets off again and shifting to sit on the edge of the bed "No fair...I always get woken up during that dream..." He dropped his fist on the alarm clock with a scowl before slipping to his hind paws, shuffling his steps over to the closet and fetching an outfit for the day.

Kaipo dropped his bag down beside his desk, sliding into his chair and adjusting its spot before digging out his textbook and notebook, setting them out on his desk. A pair of jean shorts and a button up blue t-shirt with white stripes set down from the shoulders to the bottom of the shirt's front were his attire for the day, along with his usual blue and white sneakers.

"Hey Kaipo!" Ami settled down in her chair beside the lion with a smile, slumping just a bit in the seat, setting her book onto the desktop as well, lifting a slender hand and brushing a few errant pink locks back from over her face and along with her ears. The bunny girl's color seemed to naturally be pink all over, most of her fur coat indeed pink, the remaining portions simply a lighter pink. Even her pupils were pink as they settled on the feline beside her. Her silky locks were a lighter pink, tumbling down near her waist. The fur of her muzzle's sides and underside shifted to lighter pink, while her nose was the same pink as the rest of her coat. Her left ear was pierced almost the full length, with a total of seventeen gold rings set in the furry surface. A white tank top emblazoned with "Hottie" in pink sparkling letters, covered over her modest breasts, cut-off to show her slender tummy and the light pink fur of it. A pair of denim cover-alls fitted baggily onto her form beneath the waist, the top buttoned up over her chest, the garment covering most of her form from beneath the shirt. Her hind paws were bare, a golden toe ring set onto each of the three toes both paws possessed, the tops of them pink, the soles a lighter pink. Her hands shared the same coloring, pink on top, their palms a lighter pink, a golden pinky ring on both hands.

"Hmm? Oh, hey Ami!" The lion spoke in a slight whisper, glancing up towards the Doberman wearing the gray suit settled behind the desk in front of the room before turning his gaze back to the bunny "What's up? How did the thing go with Hina and Val last night?"

The bunny giggled softly, covering her mouth partially with her fingertips "I think we managed to get his mind off his boyfriend just a few hours. I saw him in the hallway this morning though, he seemed to be doing a little better."

"Good, good...ack!" The lion boy started a little, looking down at the floor, Ami blinking a few times and leaning down to try and meet his gaze "What's wrong Kaipo?"

"I forgot to talk to the guys about doing something to cheer up Val."

"Don't worry, just ask them about it during gym class." The bunny gave the lion a wink, straightening out in her chair along with Kaipo straightening in his own as their teacher stood, stepping over to the black board, sparing a glance to the students "Alright class, before we begin today's lesson, we have two new students joining us. Mister Calinski, Miss Cole, please come up and introduce yourselves."

A pair of furs left their desks, the first, a shapely panda girl outfitted in a pair of jean shorts with the cuffs of the pant legs rolled up to make the garment even shorter, a little hole tailored for the fuzzy gray puff of her tail, a long sleeved pink shirt settled snuggly around her ample breasts, the cuffs reaching down past her wrists, shifting into a strand of material across the palm and top of both hands, the material strand joining a ring settled around the base of her middle fingers. The fur beneath the pink material of her hands was an onyx color, with the fur of nearly the rest of her coat a pure white. Along her knees, her fur shifted again from white to onyx, with a pair of leather high-heel boots zipped up on her hind paws. The fur along her face was mostly that pure white color, save for little circles of onyx surrounding her sky blue eyes, her black nose standing out firmly in the white. Her locks were a rainbow of colors, with the onyx of her round ears poking up from them, the strands reaching down between her shoulders.

Following behind was a Dalmatian boy, wearing a short pair of cut off jeans, the legs almost virtually absent from the garment, strands of denim settled around the tops of his thighs where the clothing had been altered, the shorts having a hole tailored in the back above his tight behind for the black-spotted white length of his tail. A black t-shirt rested over the toned muscles of his chest and abs, with the white words "Doggie Style" printed across the shirt's chest. The black spots marked his white fur randomly along his entire visible coat, the fur covering over, but hardly hiding the tone of his muscular canine form. A pair of red, black and white sneakers covered his hind paws, with a red baseball cap with a black brim set on his head, the brim turned around, facing behind him. His black ears poked slightly from beneath the hat; the gray of his eyes wandering, nodding with a smile to each fur he stepped past to find the front of the room, standing beside the panda and facing the class.

"Hello everyone, my name's Lilly Cole." The panda girl almost excitedly introduced herself, casting a smile to the canine beside her as he spoke "Hey, my name's T.K. Calinski." With that, the pair both gave a glance to the teacher beside them.

"That will do, you can both take your seats now. Everyone, take out your books, and pass in your assignments from last class and we will begin."

Kaipo sat quietly on the bench in the locker room, a towel settled around his shoulders, his gaze anchored down on the floor for the moment. His shirt was in a pile on the bench beside him, his jean shorts still on, along with his sneakers. The feline's ears twitched, lifting his head up as Rob and Matt walked past, a smile rather quickly finding his muzzle at the sight the husky presented, attired only in a towel wrapped around his waist, the equine attired in the same fashion as they made their way towards the showers "Rob! Matt!" Kaipo lifted a paw, waving the two over.

"What's up Kaipo?" Rob spoke up, setting one paw against his hips as the other held shut his towel, his tail swishing a bit beneath the cloth.

"Hey, did Hina and Ami tell you guys about what happened with Val?"

"Yah, that's prettah harsh what tha boy's boyfriend did. What ahbout it?" The equine rested his shoulder to one of the lockers, holding his towel shut in a similar fashion as the husky.

"I said I'd see if we could do something to cheer him up. Would you guys be up for doin' something for him?"

"Man, of course we would," Rob smirked as he spoke "You have anything in mind?"

Kaipo gave a shake of his head "I hadn't thought of anything yet. Think we could get Justin in on it as well? The more furs, the more fun, ya know?"

"Sure thang Kaipo, Ah'll talk tah him 'bout it next period."

"That works. You wanna get together and talk about it after tryouts tonight?"

"That'll work." Rob gave a nod to the equine before nodding to Kaipo, that warm smile returning to the husky's muzzle, sending a faint quiver through the lion as he caught that crystal blue gaze again, giving a nod with a stutter "A-alright...thanks guys..." He waited a few moments until they had both stepped a bit away before letting out a loud sigh, turning his gaze to follow the husky once more, the pink of his tongue tip tracing along his lips as Rob slipped his towel off and stepped into the showers. The lion stood up with that, taking his towel in one paw, dabbing it across his forehead as he watched Rob, feeling the warmth of his blush creeping up across his face once again, drawing his towel once again over his forehead, his tail giving a few erratic swishes behind him, thwacking against the open door of his locker. The clang of it hitting the frame brought him from his daze, glancing back to his locker and sighing deeply once more. Slowly though, his eyes found the now wet husky in the showers, mentally caressing that sculpted form with his gaze.

A paw caught his shoulder, the feline freezing as it turned him partially, finding a Dalmatian facing him wearing a little smirk "Oh...h-hey...T.K., is it?" He mumbled through a nervous grin. T.K. didn't respond immediately, glancing from the side of his gaze towards the object of the feline's attentions until moments ago before turning to meet his gaze "Nice view." The canine responded, lifting his brows with a sly grin before releasing his grip on the lion and padding off a few feet to his own locker, rummaging through nonchalantly, leaving Kaipo standing there with a stunned look.

"I am Coach Ajax Parker. Now, some of you may know me as Mister Parker from your classes, some of you may not know me at all. But let me just say this, I expect the same of you for this team that I expect in your studies." The Doberman stepped back and forth along the track before the assembled furs, his toned, somewhat lithe form outfitted in a pair of navy blue running shorts with the school's emblem in white set on the left leg and a hole tailored for his short tail, and a jacket in the same navy blue, with the school's emblem set on the jacket over the canine's left pec. "Do not expect to get on this team. I only take the best, that is why our team is so small every year, and that is also precisely why we win every year."

Kaipo sat in the grass with a little smirk, watching the freshmen furs fidget with the speech Coach Parker gave, remembering his reaction was the same as he heard it last year. He was dressed similarly to the Doberman, the same pair of running shorts with a hole tailored for his tail, his jacket left unzipped though, showing some of the white tank top beneath it, the school's emblem done in navy blue, settled over his right pec.

"I see we have some furs returning from last year as well. Those who are know we have several openings on the varsity team from those who graduated last year." The Doberman paused in his pacing, glancing to the group "I expect you'll be trying out for those spots. Now, for those of you who don't know, I have two assistants this year. Coach Williams; whom I know those of you from last year will remember..." A rather tall lion standing off to the side of Coach Parker gave a nod of his head, looking to be a bit more toned than the canine, his mane fully grown in, looking just a little shaggy, "And Coach Hill; who's new to the district this year. I've heard good things about her, but," the Doberman glanced to a tigress standing off on the other side of the spot he was pacing in. She herself was a bit tall as well, about the same size as the canine, looking just about as muscular as well. Her long orange locks were tied back into a pony tail at the moment, both her and Coach Williams wearing the same outfit, the navy blue jacket, along with a pair of navy blue warm-up pants with the school's emblem in white on the right hip. "We'll have to wait and see if I've heard right. Okay, those of you planning to take part in the track events on the team, go with Coach Williams, those of you planning to take part in the field events, go with Coach Hill. Just keep in mind though," The Doberman lifted a hand with his index finger pointed upwards "You will take part in both. Now...move!"

Kaipo sat up in the bleachers huffing softly, his jacket settled on the bench beside him, his bag settled atop that. The feline had done as well as he had expected to, surpassing most of the other furs who had tried out, and actually managing to get Coach Parker to say he was "Good." That had been the particular highlight of the afternoon for the lion, countering the surprise of finding...

"Kaipo!" He lifted his gaze up, catching sight of the Dalmatian climbing up the bleachers towards him, flopping down to a seat next to him with a smile. The lion had purposely avoiding the canine the when he found he was in the same sixth period, terribly unnerved by his encounter in the locker room.

"Oh, hey T.K...what's up? You think you might get on the team?"

He chuckled a bit, smirking to the feline "I'm definitely on. Coach Williams said I did great."

Kaipo blinked a few times "Great? He really said that?" During the whole last season, that was one word he had never heard from the Doberman.

"Yep. Said I was a great runner. Really promising." T.K. met the lion's gaze again with a smirk "Not that it was a surprise to me though." He glanced back out onto the field to the rest of the furs still running through their tryouts, finding Coach Parker amongst them. Still holding his smirk, he shifted his gaze again to the fur beside him "Say, Coach Parker...he's pretty beefy, ain't he?"

Kaipo froze, his eyes going wide at that "W-what?" The lion replied nervously, slowly glancing to the canine beside him.

"Huh? Oh, I said Coach Parker is pretty bossy."

"Oh...um...yeah, he can come off like that sometimes..." Kaipo quirked a brow, an odd glance given to T.K. a moment before looking back out onto the field.

The jeep's radio pumped out a rap song as the subwoofers thumped in the back of the jeep, Matt nodding his head to the rhythm as he cruised along through the suburbs. Rob sat in the passenger seat, one arm resting on the opening of the window in the door, his warm smile there as the breeze ruffled through his fur. Kaipo sat in the back, all three fur's bags piled up on the other seat at the moment. Leaning forwards, the lion cleared his voice "So what do you guys think we could do to cheer Val up?"

The husky looked over his shoulder, sending Kaipo another quiver as those crystal blues found his eyes, his warm smile cast onto him "How about an all-nighter this weekend? Movies and video games until we all pass out, hmm?"

"Sounds good tah me, Rob." Matt added as he turned the corner onto Kaipo's street.

"That works for me too." Kaipo gave a nod, glancing to the backpacks before a little smirk came to him "I'll ask my Mom if we can have it at my house. That work?"

"It's alright with me." The husky gave a nod, looking up to the horse beside him "Good for you Matt?"

"Yep. Justin said he'd be up fer somethang too."

"Alright then. I'll see if Val wants to, and if it's a yes, then I'll tell you guys."

"Sounds good Kaipo." Matt replied as he pulled the jeep to a stop, glancing over his shoulder to the lion "Alright, now...get out." He grinned slyly, getting a light punch in the shoulder from the feline "Thanks for the ride guys."

"Not ah problem. See yah in class tomorrah." The equine gave a wave, as did Rob "Yeah, see ya tomorrow Kaipo!"

"See ya!" The lion gave a wave, pulling his backpack straps onto one shoulder and stepping down the walkway to his house.

Kaipo lay quietly in his bed with his clothing absent, the sheets resting down, covering beneath his knees. His paws were settled between his head and the pillows, fingers laced together, staring at the ceiling. What was with T.K? He shifted to lay on his side, looking at the alarm, a smile crossing his muzzle Mmm...Rob sleeping at my house...I've gotta pull this off... His gaze wandered down along his front, passing over his hidden length before ending up on his legs T.K. was great? He let out a soft sigh, rolling over to his back again, turning his eyes back to the ceiling. Looks like I'll have competition this year after all...still... His thoughts drifted back to the few encounters the day had brought about with the canine, the offhanded comments... He saw me watching Rob...but... Another sigh sounded from him, giving a shake of his head. Weird... Snuggling back up on his side, he drew the sheets up over himself, reaching a paw out a turning his lamp off before slipping his eyes shut.