Devoted Threefold

Story by Firus Lupinalos on SoFurry

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#4 of Devotion

Devoted Threefold

Conall woke up groggily to the buzz of his alarm clock, the whining drone slowly lodging itself deep into his dream world until his unconscious mind could no longer ignore the noise. He rubbed a paw over his face to try and wake up his muscles as his brain cried out for more rest. Then the memories of the previous day flew back into his consciousness and his eyes widened as his muzzle broke out in a grin. His sister, his mate, had told him practically outright that she would actually enjoy having Leona as a second mate to him, that she wanted to have a little time with her herself. The thought of it made him grin like an idiot. His sister and his best friend having sex, that idea made his morning hard shaft give an almost painful throb.

He laughed to himself as he dragged himself to the shower and turned the water on full and hot. He hung his head low as he put a paw against the wall behind the shower head and let the water, using the water to wash the ideas he was having out of his head, the heat of it doing nothing to ease his stiff erection. He wrapped his free paw around his hard cock and groaned tiredly as he started to stroke himself slowly as the water flowed over his head and down his back, coursing channels in his fur and infusing his body with the steamy heat.

The young male gripped loosely around his shaft as he worked his paw up and down along its length, moaning with the feeling of the heated water. He quickly built his pace and was rubbing himself fiercely as the steam clouded around him and filled his head with mist, his thoughts becoming inconsistent and insubstantial. He moaned loudly to himself, not caring about the thin bathroom door as his cock gave an involuntary jump in his paw, a little drop of precum dripping from the tip to be washed away. He moved away from the shower head to lean his back against the back wall, his head resting against the small tiles as he continued to stroke his red pulsing shaft with abandon.

The young wolf's knot began to inflate as his hips started to buck unconsciously, his jaw dropping open and his tongue lolling out in a

pleasure filled expression as his balls tightened against his body, the pressure building inside him. He let out a soft howl as he squeezed his paw around the bottom of his shaft behind his knot, the action bringing a sudden and wonderful release to the pressure within him. His cock spasmed in his paw, spurting his seed over his wet fur to be washed away by the still rushing water. He slumped to the floor of the shower, resting against the smooth tile, the water now beating against his chest as he released his shaft as it very slowly started to deflate, the blood leaving the spent organ for now. Conall just sat there panting as the water beat against his body, letting his thoughts restore themselves to order.

He had always had a thing for the masturbating in the shower, and loved to watch porn showing shower sex. The warmth and closeness of it appealed to him as well as the wetness. He always got up a few minutes before he technically needed to in the morning, just so he would have enough time to satisfy this little fetish. It was worth the slight soreness during the day from having next to no real lubrication. The feeling of the steam and the water running through his fur was well worth it.

'I'm definitely going to have to take both of my ladies in the shower eventually.' He thought to himself. He had seen both females wet and glistening in the sun from swimming before, and they had both been very attractive to him, sleeker, with more of an accent to their curves. The thought of seeing them naked like that, of being with them like that was almost enough to make him pleasure himself again. Instead the young male shook his head to clear his thoughts and rose, with a smile to wash his body and start the day. He had some very good news that he had to deliver, and he wasn't sure exactly how he was going to do that.

He let the water course over his head and back as he took the bottle of shampoo and squirting a generous amount of the liquid into his paw, and lathering it into his fur as her thought about it. Normally he would give good news over this type of decision by pretending to be depresses like he had chosen to say no, and then say yes. He didn't like that idea for this, not only did she know him better than that, but it seemed too callus. He wanted to do something though, not just tell her behind the gym or something like that. And then he had it. Leona was arguably the hottest girl in the school, and was known for not really having a boyfriend. Everybody knew that she and Conall were just good friends, even if they had been so for years. So why not basically make the announcement public? That was the whole point after all.

He smiled as he washed the shampoo from his fur and shut off the water. He reached out of the shower for a towel and found a smoky white paw waiting with one for him. "You can be very loud sometimes love," His sister said with an audible smile. "You should try and be quieter when you want your 'private moments'." He took towel from her, chuckling lightly as he blushed and she exited the bathroom. He used the towel to dry his fur, still smiling about his sister as he stepped out and saw a little message on the mirror written in the fog from the steam.

'Give this to the vixen, and tell her I said she's not the only one who can play dirty.' Taped to the mirror just under the slowly disappearing words was a picture of his sister. She was laying side long on her bed, her head hanging down over the edge. One of her paws was lifting the waist of her pale ice blue panties up her legs toward her arched knees. The other was under that nearly sheer fabric covering herself from view, with one knuckle raised at an obvious angle of self pleasure. Her breasts were made to look bigger by her position and were just barely covered decently by the half bra she was wearing in that same silky ice blue as her panties. Conall shuddered as he looked down at the picture and smiled. 'Leona's going to love this I think,' He thought with a smirk.

The white male took the picture off the mirror and felt himself becoming aroused again. He chuckled to himself, thoroughly enjoying the little competition that had been touched off between the two beautiful females. The part he found funniest was the fact that he thought that the one he thought would be most convinced by each picture was the other female. That was a delicious thought to him and he quickly put the picture face down on the counter, turning to dress for the day and slipped the photo into his pocket before he became too excited by the eye pleasing image that he fully intended to copy onto his computer before giving to its intended recipient.

Before Conall had set out for school he had sent Leona a short message on his phone, saying only to meet him out in the quad. She had replied with a puzzled emote but tentatively agreed and sure enough, as he approached the courtyard between buildings he found her talking with a couple friends at a table and smiled to himself. That was almost exactly what he had wanted.

As he walked toward the table, she looked up as if she had been doing so periodically and smiled when she saw him. She had a sort of gleam to her eye that spoke to him of the picture he had discovered in his backpack and made him laugh softly. She stood as he came near the bench she was sitting on, her backpack beside her. Instead of stopping in front of her, he took another step forward and drew her up and around in his arms, kissing her deeply. She started for a second and then melted into the kiss, closing her eyes as he did, wrapping her arms around his neck as he set her down again.

As they opened their eyes, they smiled and became aware of a sort of stunned silence in a bubble around that that seemed to be quickly spreading. They leaned their foreheads against each other and she murred softly. "I think I've got my answer then," she said happily.

"Are you sure? Maybe I should just kiss you again to make sure you got it," he replied, leaning in to kiss her lightly on her lips. The vixen laughed gently as they pulled apart and hugged him tightly to her. The crowd that had gone still now started to buzz with whispered words.

Conall whispered gently in her ear, "My sister said that she was more than okay with you being my mate in public. In fact, how would you feel about a true three-way relationship with us?" He smiled as he asked her this, wanting to see her reaction.

Leona pulled back from him with a startled look on her face, her eyes obviously thinking and considering. "I, um, wha-" She stammered before clearing her voice and leaning close to him again, her voice still wavering a little bit as she whispered back, "You mean, you, your sister and I, together? Does your sister know I um..." She blushed and tilted her head to the side a bit.

The male drew the photo his sister had left in the bathroom out of his pocket, being careful to keep the picture side of it towards his body and flipped it, showing it to her. "You tell me. She told me to give this to you and to say that you aren't the only one who knows how to play dirty."

The vixen took the picture wide eyed and looked from it, back up to him and blushed harder, murring softly. She groaned quietly and hugged him tight, pressing the picture to his back and whispering in his ear, "She's bi too?"

The wolf laughed a little in her ear. "Baby she saw your picture and I could smell how much she wanted you right then," He told her, causing her to blush furiously and bury her head in his chest. She murmured something into his shirt and he leaned in closer. "What was that?"

She lifted her head a little and said just loud enough for him to hear, "Yes, yes I will be the mate of you both. I've wanted your sister almost as long as I've wanted you." She pulled her head back and kissed him then, deeply and lovingly. Their tongues met between their muzzles as they kissed, dancing and curling around each other.

The bell rang and they pulled apart reluctantly. The crowd dispersed around them, still whispering. Conall said to her quietly, "Come home with me after school, we can... have some fun, especially when my sister gets home." He smiled at the last and kissed her cheek as she nodded. "I love you," he said to her, pulling away slightly.

Leona brought her paws down to his and licked his nose, giggling softly. "I love you too. I'll see you later," She replied to him picking up her backpack and tucked the picture away in her bra with a wink, turning away and swinging her hips back and forth sexily as she walked away towards her first class.

The rest of the day was mostly a silent form of torture for the two young mates. They could not stop their hormones from raging during the classes they were separated and were always casting smirking glances at each other during the classes they had together. Their only relief was lunch which they took outside behind the gym, eating the mass cooked food in companionable silence as they leaned their backs against the rough stone wall, their shoulders touching. When they finished they held paws and spoke of things that had led up to this point in their lives and where they might lead from here.

"I never thought that your sister would ever actually want to... You know, do that kind of thing with me," Leona said at one point. "I'd hoped, even fantasized about it a couple times..." The vixen broke off with a blush, drawing the highly attractive photo from her bra and smirking down at it.

Conall laughed softly to himself. "Trust me, I fantasized about it myself more than once. Actually it was one of my favorites. Thinking about the two of you lying on a bed together, slowly drawing your paws down each other's sides and fronts. Kissing in soft smooth motions, your breasts pressed gently against each other. Slowly moving your paws down t-" He broke off laughing and bracing himself as the vixen slapped his shoulder with the back of her paw, blushing very visibly through her dark fur.

"Stop that!" She practically hissed at him, folding her ears back. "You're going to make me need to take a cold shower before I lose my mind."

The wolf smirked at her evilly. "Oh that's another fantasy of mine. Your fur slicked down to your skin, your soft breasts made to look bigger by contrast, nipples hard en-"

"Stop!" The female whispered huskily, aiming her paw at his shoulder again. "You're lucky I've already had P.E. or I'd have to kill you," She said with a threatening tone to her voice before her muzzle broke out in an evil grin. "Even so I may have to make you pay for getting me so riled up near the bell," She promised, her tone carrying a seductive note to it now.

"Oh, don't even get me started on that one," He whispered back. "I think we might find a few things around my house to help you."

The young fox chuckled darkly. "Oh don't worry. My mother has a few... toys in her room she'll let me borrow if I ask. She's never been coy about the subject of sex. She bought me that sexy lingerie I had in that picture for my birthday this year when I made a joking mention of maybe having to seduce someone." She winked at him suggestively, running a paw up his thigh. The male murred softly and leaned in to kiss her softly on her lips. She deepened the kiss quickly, hungrily locking her muzzle to his with soft noises of contentment.

They pulled back from each other and the young wolf noticed a hungry light in the female's eye. "So you still have it then. Excellent. Have you and your mother ever..." He trailed off, leaving the question unfinished.

"No," Leona said giggling gently. "But that doesn't mean anything. Actually, I don't think she's made any statement on her view on incest, and it's come up once or twice. Anyway... no, she and I have never played around, but we're close and she has never shied away from discussing sex or saying that she'd help me get things when I was ready." She practically purred as she said the last.

"Lucky," he whispered. "Our mom still loves us, but she's said outright that she doesn't accept us." His friend turned mate hugged him close as he sighed. "That hurts, but dad says she'll be able to accept it for unchangeable and eventually remember that we're still her little ones and enjoy our company again."

The vixen rubbed a paw over his back gently. "I'm sorry Hun. But at least it will work out eventually," she said softly in his ear.

"Yeah, there is that. And we have you now, so things most definitely aren't all bad." He kissed her softly as he whispered his words to her. They slowly pulled apart and stood, picking up their backpacks and the remnants of their food, lacing their paws together as they walked back towards the main grounds and the rest of their day with small smiles on their faces.