Fire and Water

wolf, incest, death, love, magic, violence (not in yiff), oral, vaginal Vapora had always led an awkward life. She was a beautiful wolfess about twenty years old with eyes as blue and full of luster as saphires. She sttod about six...

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Fire From the Darkness Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Convincing the others the next day was not as easy as he hoped. None of them wanted to travel extra for a maybe when they had a certainty. They were suspicious and curious to a one. Only Sayuri acted differently, but even...

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Love of Two, Fate of Many Chapter 3

Chapter 3 "Come on love, pin his ass to the ground!" Tsukiko yelled from the edge of the crowd. Her brother was locked in a grapple with a steer from the next village over. Weeks had gone by since the night they had their dreams and it...

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Love of Two, Fate of Many Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Darkness. It was all Hinata saw around him. It enveloped him. Consumed him. Whispered to him. Voices. There were voices in the darkness. They whispered, and talked. They spoke in many different languages. They spoke of things...

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Fire From the Darkness Chapter 9

Chapter 9 The group set out from the Temple the next morning, after an extensive goodbye to Tabol. They set out on foot, being faster than any beast of burden, and able to go across terrain the poor creatures would find...

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Fire From the Darkness Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Firus held Sayuri's paw in his own as they walked down the hall towards their quarters. Since they were all spending one last night here, he figured they shouldn't let the bed go to waste. When they reached the door, he opened it with...

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Fire From the Darkness Chapter 7

CHAPTER 7 author's note: I have finally decided on a monetary system for the world of Condea. The coins come in the three basic metals of copper, silver, and gold, in the denominations of Faths and Gillis. 10 Faths make a Gilli, and 5...

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No Ordinary Festival

Hinata woke to his beloved sister shifting against him in the bed they were sharing. Her naked form pressing against his was as heaven to the wolf. He wrapped one wing around her chest as he hugged her closer with his arm. She rolled over in his...

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Love of Two, Fate of Many - Chapter 1

Hinata looked down at the sleeping female wolf he was tied to. She was laying on top of his chest with her beautiful wings spread across the bed they shared. He wrapped his own wings tighter around her as he hugged her closer to him, causing her to...

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Fire From the Darkness Chapter 6

CHAPTER 6 Firus looked at Tabol with disbelief and confusion. "How is that even possible?" He asked. Tabol shook his head, "That's the point. It shouldn't be. Not with arcane magic. The last of...

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Fire From the Darkness: Prologue

All characters and story elements with names are © me, except for Tazina. Tazina is © my friend, who would rather remain unnamed. All elements that do not have a specific name (such as the race that Hatako belongs to) are taken, and altered,...

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Fire From the Darkness Chapter 5

CHAPTER 5 _This would be a great place for a temple._ Tazina thought to herself. Walking around the village near the seal she found that it wasn't that bad, for this realm at least. She missed her private little pit though. She missed the screams,...

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