Something Different

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This is my first story I've posted on here!  I've been a long time watcher, and tho...

This is my first story I've posted on here! I've been a long time watcher, and thought I should contribute! Let me know what you think.... about the story, the flow, suggestions.. anything! I'm continually going back and making slight modifications to the story. Please rate, too! :)


This story contains sexually explicit acts between two consenting young adolescents. If offended or uneasy about such situations, please don't continue. Otherwise, enjoy!

"Something Different" story and characters owned by Takoda


I was in sixth grade when she began attending Briarwood Middle School. Her name was Alexis and she was the new girl from Arizona who had moved out here to Tacoma Washington with her parents. She was enrolled in my home class, so we had several classes together every day. It seemed to take a while for the kids to welcome her in, and maybe it was due to the fact that she was not like any of the other girls at school. She was a hyena, for starters, and I never saw too many of them around these parts. I heard they prefer warmer weather, and a place like Tacoma wouldn't be considered their top choice. She was a little taller and had a thicker build than the other girls, kinda like the build of many boys in my class. I really think she intimidated a lot of them because of her size, so they ignored her for the most part.

On the other hand, she and I hit it off right from the beginning. On her first day, Mrs. Parker assigned her to the empty desk next to mine. She was real shy at first, giving me the occasional timid smile but never saying too much. As the days went on she grew comfortable enough to start talking regularly to me. We would joke around about the teacher's high voice (she was a mouse, after all!) and she would talk about how cold the weather was here compared to where she lived in Arizona. The more we talked, the more I grew to like her.

She never really engaged with any one else, boy or girl, the way she did with me. I think it is due in part to whom I was. Being a gray wolf, I think she related better to me because we were both from more of a feral ancestry than many of the more domesticated canine and feline students. I also heard from one of the calico girls in class that Alexis thought I was cute. Now, I wasn't considered to be very popular, but I wasn't an outcast either. I was your typical 13 year old boy, standing just over five and a half feet tall with a slender build. My black and gray top coat was accented by a white under coat that showed through more predominately in places like my neck and chest. My eyes were an indigo blue, usually making them the first thing people noticed about me.

As the months went on, Alexis and I became best friends and did most everything together. We would go see movies and explore the woods around town, and she'd come over a lot to swim in my hot tub. I really liked her, but wasn't sure if she felt the same way. I didn't want to ruin our friendship by expressing feelings she may not have in return. After all, I was perfectly content at just being her friend and spending time with her.

Well, school was finally out for the summer and I spent just about every day doing something with her. It was late Friday afternoon and I hadn't seen Alexis yet, so I called her up to invite her over for dinner and then get in the hot tub. I picked up the kitchen phone and dialed in the number, someone answering on the third ring

"Hello? Henderson residence..." It was Alexis

"Hey Lexi!"

"Oh hi, Neeko! I was just going to call and see if I could come over!"

"Really? Haha! I was gonna see if you wanted to come over for dinner and then we could swim in the hot tub."

"Absolutely! You know I always love getting nice and steamy in there... it gives me a chance to warm up from all this cold weather! Oh, but do you think it would be okay if I spent the night too? My parents aren't going to be home until really late, and they want me to try and find a place to stay for the night"

I swore my heart skipped a beat at hearing what she just said. A girl, let alone Alexis, wants to sleep over at my house! I instantly felt nervous, excited, and anxious all at the same time at the thought.

"Of course you can! But let me just ask my mom real quick." I set down the receiver and sprinted around the house, yelling for my mom. After some convincing about behaving and cleaning up after ourselves, she finally agreed. I dashed back to the phone and said in excitement "she said it's alright that you can sleep over!"

"Awesome!" I could tell she was just excited about it as I was. "I'll pack some clothes for the night and then my dad will come drop me off in about half an hour"

"Okay, see you then!" I hung up the phone and bounded upstairs to my room to clean a bit before she got here.

Half an hour later I heard a knock at the front door, and ran downstairs yelling "Alexis is here!" I opened it and saw her standing there, a huge grin on her face. "Hi Lexi! Come on in!" I said, sheepishly smiling back at her, and stepped aside to let her in. I grabbed her belongings and ran them up to my room, eager to get back down and see her glowing smile!

"How bout playing some Wii before dinner?" I asked a little breathlessly from the stair running.

"Okay! Sounds fun!"

We always liked playing around on the Wii, often playing games where we could compete against one another. We played tennis this time, her kicking my butt... as always. About an hour of continually getting my ass beat by a girl, my mom yelled in from the kitchen to get cleaned up for dinner. We walked in just as she was taking meat loaf out of the oven, causing the whole house to fill with its delicious aroma. After we got washed up, Alexis and I sat at the table while my mom finished placing out all the utensils. She called upstairs for my dad, and once he came and sat down we all passed around dishes and loaded up our plates.

The dinner conversation was just the usual small talk about how our days went and what we had planned for the evening. Alexis was over a lot since the summer began, so my parents were real comfortable around her and talked to her like she was their own daughter. After my third piece of meat loaf, I finally called it quits and grabbed my and Alexis' empty plates to take to the dish washer. Once the table was cleared and everything was washed, Alexis and I headed up to my room to get changed for the hot tub. I grabbed some blue swimming shorts from my dresser and then headed to the bathroom to change, leaving her there so she could get dressed in privacy. When I was done, I went back to my room and cracked the door open, thinking she already had her suit on. Just as I was about to ask if she was ready, my words caught in my throat at the sight.

She was standing next to my bed facing me; her arms were in the air as she worked to get her pink top piece over her head, which at the moment was covering her face. I watched in silence at her changing, taking in her beautiful hyena body. The first thing that caught my attention was her chest. Two small dark-gray nubs poked out of raised mounds of creamy brown colored fur on her chest. My eyes followed that same colored fur down her stomach to underneath the pink bottom piece she already had on. I couldn't help but let my eyes linger at there, or more specifically, the place between her legs. I saw something that I thought was a shadow from the room's lamp, but upon second glance I knew it wasn't. There between her legs, tucked tightly beneath her suit was a bulge! I must have never noticed it before! Whether from it always being dark outside when we were in the hot tub, or never actually having seen her change into her suit. It looked just like the bulge I'd see when standing in front of the mirror in my tighty-whities.

My gaze must have lingered for too long, cause my thoughts were interrupted with "NEEKO! WHAT THE HELL!" I snapped my eyes back up to hers and instantly apologized "Oh I'm soo sorry Alexis, I thought you were done changing and I was coming to see if you were ready to head do - "

"Don't you knock before entering?!" I could tell she was embarrassed and a little upset.

"Well yeah, but not when it's my own room... I didn't mean to, honest!" I must have given my innocent-looking puppy face because she sighed and said in a much more calm tone "It's alight, you just scared me is all"

We walked out to the hot tub on the back patio, all the while my mind still replaying what I saw between her legs. Outside the sun was setting as I removed the cover, the steam creating a moist cloud of warmth as it rose from the water's surface and into the cold air. Alexis climbed in first, swinging one leg over the ledge and letting out a long "ahhhhh" as she felt the tub's warmth. I climbed in next, sitting by her and letting out a long breath as I adjusted to the water's heat.

We sat in silence for a while, enjoying the warmth from the water and the tingling sensation of our heads still being in the cool air. The steam rose all around us, creating a blanket of moisture that dampened our head fur. I leaned my head back against the ledge and closed my eyes. Just as my thoughts were beginning to turn from what I had witnessed earlier in my room, Alexis asked a question that brought me right back to it

"Uh...Neeko?" she asked

"Yeah?" I said, eyes still closed

"Up in your room... when you saw me changing. You were staring between my legs, weren't you" She softly and quietly stated. I lifted my head and looked at her, seeing that she was staring me right in the eyes, an expressionless look on her face.

"U-uh no, I was j-just..."

"I know you were, it's okay. It's just.... I'm not like most girls." She tilted her head down, eyes looking into the water. I wasn't sure what she was talking about, or why she said that, but I could tell she was a little sad.

"I know you're not, and that's why I like you. You're not some air-headed ditz who is only concerned about being popular or having trendy clothes". I was trying to cheer her up.

"I don't mean like that." She slowly breathed in a deep breath "I'm different.... physically". Well, I knew she was a little bit larger than most the other girls our age, but I didn't see why she would be so saddened about that.

"You're a beautiful girl, Alexis. I don't know what you're saying". I saw a slight smile form at the corner of her lips, but something was still bothering her.

"Thank you Neeko. It's just that... well, I kinda... like you" She said nervously with her head still tilted down, then looking up at me as she finished saying it.

"You... like me? Really!!" My heart began racing so fast in my chest knowing that the girl I've liked for months likes me too!

"I like you too, Alexis. I've liked you since I first met you in class!" She smiled at me and gave me a look like she wanted something. Curious as to know what it was, I leaned closer and suddenly felt her lips press against mine! I closed my eyes and felt like I was floating in this hot tub cloud as I felt her warm, wet lips caress mine in my very first kiss! I wrapped my arms around her neck as she wrapped hers around mine and we began kissing, surrounded by the blanket of steam. We explored the soft, sweet feel of each others lips for a while, when she broke off the kiss and unwrapped her arms. Looking me in the face I saw that sad look again.

"There's something I have to tell you.... About me" Her eyes looked like they were searching mine.

"You just told me you like me... what else would I care about!" I said, still unsure about what she was getting at. She gave me an uneasy smile, drew in another deep breath, and said

"I know you were staring at the lump in between my legs, Neeko. I don't have a normal look....down most girls do" Motioning to between her legs. What she said caught me off guard, but before I could say anything, she continued

"All of us female hyenas have something called a pseudo-penis. It basically looks like a male's penis, but it's not the same. Some hyena girls get it removed at a very young age due to possible complications during birth, and to feel more socially normal." I didn't know how to react to what she was telling me, so I just kept quiet and let her continue.

"My parents are more traditional, so they never had mine removed. They think I should be comfortable with who I am and how I was made" she looked at me and said nothing else, waiting for some sort of response. Trying to arrange my thoughts for a second, I finally said

"How come you're telling me this?"

"Because I like you, and I don't want you to find out and be shocked or disgusted about it! I wanted to tell you now, so if you wanted to walk away you could." Even amongst her already damp fur, I noticed a tear falling down her cheek.

"I like you for who you are and everything about you. No matter if you may be a little different physically!" She smiled wide and embraced me in another passionate kiss! I could hear slight sniffles from her crying, either out of relief or happiness, I didn't know. All I knew was she likes me... Alexis likes me! We kissed for a while longer, and then she turned around to sit back on my lap, laying her head against my shoulder. We sat in silence, watching the stars come out one by one and listening to the bubbling water of the tub. Thoughts raced around in my head with what she had explained to me, and all I could think about is what it looked like. I chided myself for thinking such things, but I couldn't help it! I just had to know. Unable to wonder any longer, I nervously whispered in her ear

"Alexis? Uh.... Can I touch it?"

She didn't flinch or act disgusted or even say no to my request. Instead, I felt her hand grab mine and slowly pull it toward her lap. She spread her legs open as she guided my hand to the place in between her legs. My heart was pounding a thousand miles a second at the realization of what she just did and where my hand was now sitting! Not completely sure what to do, I began grasping and squeezing at the bulge trapped beneath her suit. Soft moans escaped her lips as my hand continued to grope her unique appendage, which began getting harder beneath the fabric! I felt around the expanding tube in wonder as it continued to grow in both girth and length, becoming as stiff as my own cock gets when it's hard! Alexis moaned and gasped as I felt up her penis, letting out a surprised "eep!" as I slid my hand beneath the bathing suit and grasped the naked tube in my hand.

It was firm but slightly squishy, like a hollow tube made of soft flesh. She was putting me in a trance with her moans, quietly urging me on with my fondling. I started stroking her like I would my own length...up and movements made difficult by her confining bathing suit. Alexis grabbed the back of my neck and panted in ecstasy as I continued to jack her off!

My own shaft had emerged from its sheath and was straining against the confines of my swim suit, poking at Alexis in the ass. I wondered if she noticed this, when I suddenly felt a hand squeezing my cock through the swim suit. I too began to moan at her touch, and openly gasped when her hand slipped underneath my shorts! I could now feel her skin against my meat as she began stroking me in the same manner I was doing her. It was such an incredible sensation! Stroking the cock on the girl whom I've liked for so long, while she was stroking my own at the same time!

The warmth we felt from the hot tub was being made even hotter by our sexual exploits, both of us gyrating around while stroking the others' fleshy tube! We were both panting and moaning at the pleasure we were receiving from each other, attempting to stroke our opposite appendages faster and faster. Just when I thought I may explode, the hand in my shorts pulled out and Alexis delicately whispered in my ear

"It's pretty late. We should go... play... in your room".

I slipped my hand from her suit as she stood and faced me. Even in the dim evening light, I could see an impressive tent formed between her legs! The sight made me so horny, I wanted to pull her suit off and suck on that tube like there was no tomorrow! I knew it wouldn't be safe out here though, so regrettably I contained myself and we both stepped out to dry off. We snuck up stairs to my room, making sure not to cause too much noise and wake any nosey parents! She entered my room first and I closed the door behind us. As soon as it shut, she grabbed me by the shoulders and threw me onto the bed, me landing on my back. She had a seductive look on her face like she wasn't telling me something. She pounced on me then! Straddling my waist and passionately kissing me.

"I'll... show you mine if you.... show me yours" she said in a very sexy tone between kisses. Without waiting for an answer, she got off the bed and began removing her swim suit, first taking off her top and throwing it to the floor, then slowly peeling off her tent-bearing bottoms. I stared transfixed as she slowly lowered them, ever so slowly!

I watched as she strained to get them over her gorging erection, and when she finally did, it bounced up like a trapped spring! I stared with my mouth wide open at seeing her enormous tube. It was the same fleshy color as her nipples, dark-gray from the base to the tip. Comparing it upon my own size, I guessed that it was about 6 inches long and 2 inches wide! Instead of having a tapered tip like mine did, her organ was fairly blunt at the end and had an even girth its whole length.

Something on it sparkled in the rooms' light, and my attention was brought to a vertical slit loosely closing the entrance to her tube. A small amount of her wetness was dripping off the end, leaving a thin sticky line as it fell to the floor beneath her. I could smell the sweet, spicy musk of her arousal as her organ slightly pulsated in place. She giggled at my expression and teased me by twisting her hips, causing her tube to slap against her thighs with each turn.

"I bet you've never seen one of these before..." she teased, walking over to me and standing just inches away from where I sat on the bed. Her massive organ was level with my face, and just mere inches away! I could see all the fine details of it - the moist slit that exposed a glimpse of pink inner flesh. The soft and smooth texture of its skin, lined with coursing veins. And the wet, sticky juice that was still seeping out her entrance.... Driving me wild with the scent!

I think I caught her by surprise as I dove right in with my muzzle, enveloping her entire tube into my maw. She let out a quick gasp, and then a low moooan as I began suckling and nursing on her organ. I'm not gay, and any other time the feeling of a dick in my mouth would have disgusted me, but knowing this one belonged to Alexis.... It was pure bliss! Grabbing her ass and shoving her into my maw, I sucked and slurped away at her flesh, guzzling down the sweet nectar dripping forth from within!

She grabbed my head, pulling on my ears and moaning out loud as I nursed and suckled off her like a new born pup. She guided me back onto the bed until she was straddling my chest, knees bent on either side of my head while I continued to nurse away. I caressed her legs and thighs, occasionally reaching up to rub my thumb over her erect nipples and grasp her petite breasts. Alexis started gyrating and bucking her hips, like jacking herself off within my suckling muzzle, all the while her pants and moans becoming higher in pitch and intensity.

Inside my muzzle, my tongue roamed all around her organ, giving long strokes underneath her length and then flicking at her tip... until it caught between her folds and slipped inside! I couldn't believe it! My tongue pushed further and further inside her tube, until it was all the way in. I started lapping my tongue in and out in quick motions, stroking the inside of her passage as my muzzle continued suckling on the outside! Alexis was going wild above me, thrashing around, having to use a hand to stifle the moans trying to escape her mouth.

Just as my tongue began to tire from lapping at her inner walls, she let out a loud, loooong moan and bucked hard against my muzzle. I felt her organ pulsate as a torrent of her sweet nectar flooded around my tongue and into my mouth. I gulped and slurped, nursing more intensely, trying to make sure not to waste a single drop as her orgasm fed me more and more of her delicious milk. After what seemed like minutes, her spasms slowed down and her juices subsided to mere dribbles.

Alexis let out a long, happy siiiiigh and pulled out of my muzzle, my tongue slipping out from inside her hot flesh with a mixture of saliva and juices trailing behind. She stood back on the floor and grabbed a hold of my swim shorts, almost ripping them as she yanked them off. My neglected member sprang to life, being freed from the captive clothing. I saw she had a hungry, predatory look on her face as she gazed over my pulsing wolf meat. Alexis licked her lips at the sight and said with a very sexy smile

"Lay back and relax...It's my turn to eat you!"

I sat back on the bed, resting my head on the pillow as she climbed up and laid belly down between my legs. Grabbing my stiff organ in her hand, she gently suckled on just the tip, nibbling ever so gently with her teeth. She then kissed down its length, licking along my swelling knot before running her tongue along the base up to the tip again. This time when she reached the top, she engulfed my whole cock in her mouth... all the way to my knot! Pre-cum rhythmically shot from my tip; so much so that squelching noises could be heard as she began her turn to nurse.

I couldn't help but moan out loud as she did wonders on my twitching member, only stopping in her suckling to swallow pooling pre-cum and saliva. I closed my eyes and let myself get lost in all the earth shattering pleasures Alexis was giving me! I heard slight moans coming from her mouth, and looked to see her eyes were closed as she was engulfed in her turn to feed. The sight of her muzzle swallowing my cock all the way to my knot, along with her moans and the wet suckling noise, sent me over the edge! My legs stiffened and toes curled as I stifled back a HOOOWL and shot globs of wolf cum through my pulsing shaft and into her hungrily awaiting throat! She moaned aloud as she eagerly swallowed every single drop of cum I gave her, coaxing more from my shaft with her lapping tongue.

When no more cum could be nursed out, Alexis sat up and looked at me while licking her chops, saying "mmmmm... that was delicious. Sweet wolfy cream!

"Wow....that...was...incredible!" I said breathlessly. She gave another seductive and mischievous smile, and knee-waddled up my legs so she was now straddling my waist. " Just wait until you feel this....." she said as she grasped her tube with one hand, and grabbed my still rock-hard meat with the other. She lifted up and forward, and placed herself over my tip. I couldn't believe what I saw!

Like putting on a sock, she slid her tube over my cock, engulfing it in slick, wet, warmth! I watched in utter amazement as her sleeve-like appendage stretched to accommodate my size, taking on its shape as she slid further down. I heard slight grunts and whimpers coming from her as she worked herself down, hinting to me that this was her first time sticking something inside her tube. More pre shot from my tip, lubricating her efforts and seemingly making it a little easier for my length to push deeper.

Finally she was able to slide her sleeve down all the way to my knot. I gazed at our union... my red wolf cock was no longer visible. Instead, it looked like there was a dark-gray tube connecting the two of us; save for my red knot which was still exposed at the base. She released the hold on her member, and scooted up a bit more so she was now hovering directly over my lap.

"There...mmmph!... how does that feel?" She asked, gasping as she tried to make herself comfortable.

"Oooooooo wow... this feels... like heaven!" It was the only thing I could think of to describe an otherwise indescribable feeling! She straddled my waist, resting her arms against my chest as she began lowering her body down upon my shaft. Again, I was completely amazed in what I saw! As she lowered herself down, her organ scrunched around my meat, so that I was actually beginning to enter up into her body! She rose back up, making her tube look like one of those Chinese finger traps - stretching and pulling as she lifted, and scrunching as she lowered back down.

She began a steady rhythm of lifting and pushing down on me. Every time she lifted, I could feel my cock being sucked and pulled by her passage, creating something like a vacuum. When she pushed down, her tube eased on the tension and would scrunch down my shaft a bit more every time.

We both groaned and panted at our mating; the connection of her sleeve salivating over my cock with her juices, making squelching and suckling noises. She lay down against me, wrapping her arms around my neck as we both rhythmically humped against one another. I could feel her pert nipples brushing against my chest fur, sliding up and down with her every thrust. Our pelvises were grinding, me trying to bury my cock as far into her body as I could and her trying to envelop all of me with her slick organ.

As our thrusts became harder and more determined, so did our moans. With every buck of the hips, Alexis would gasp and moan "uuuhh!....uuhhh!....uuhhh!". I had to keep reminding her to be quiet and that my parents were sleeping. I knew it was hard for her and that if I let her, she would probably scream and moan so loud the entire neighborhood would hear!

I wanted this moment to last forever, but my instincts were beginning to take over. I had to tie with her! I'd never done it before, but I just knew I needed to! I needed to knot with her and breed her like nature intended! I picked up in my pushing against her downward thrusts, trying to catch my knot inside her velvety sleeve. I think she knew what I was trying to do, cause she started to force herself harder against my lap with each thrust.

After several attempts, I finally felt her organ slowly stretch around my knot and come to rest firmly against my sheath. Alexis let out a little whimper at being stretched so far, and I knew her tube probably tore a little in the process. We paused for a minute, allowing her to get comfortable after being stretched so wide. Slowly at first, she began thrusting against me again. She was no longer able to pull up as much since my knot had her sleeve locked in place against my lap. Aware of this, she began to gyrate against me instead, moving her hips around in circles and pressing hard against my lap.

"Ooooo Neeko! This feels so....incredible!" she said in a growling voice "Please... cum inside me. I w-want... no... I need you to cream inside me!"

Hearing that sent me over the edge! I felt my balls pull tight against me as my cock pulsed and erupted inside her tube as it shot out ropes of hot wolf seed! Just as I started cumming, Alexis buried her head in my chest and screamed into my fur

"Oooo God... Neeeeekoo!"

Her organ pulsated and tightly clenched my shaft, sucking on it and greedily milking all the cum I had in me! It was like she was trying to suck my cock up into her body the way her tube was clenching and squeezing over me! I felt a burst of gooey warmth then, spilling around my cock buried inside her tight sleeve- both from the overflow of juices she was cumming, as well as the cream I was giving her.

We both came for what seemed like forever - her passage sucking up all it could... like she was dependent on my cum for survival! My cock was happy to oblige, continually spewing out wolf seed again and again. Finally, after a while, my flow slowed to a trickle as her organ also lessened its suckling, slowing down to a shallow twitch. I knew we would be stuck together for a while, my knot still holding her tube firmly against me. I closed my eyes with Alexis still lying on my chest, both of us completely drained... in more ways than one! Basking in our afterglow and the overwhelming happiness of having just mated with my best friend, I softly whispered into her ear "I love you, Alexis".

I heard a yawn, followed by a soft "I love you too Neeko". I began to doze off... feeling her warm, wet sleeve still gripping me tightly... holding me inside the girl I love.