Cody's Mom and New Friend (Commission)

Story by NadiaBlack on SoFurry

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This was a recent 20 page ($60) commission that I wrote. if you would like your own commission, please message me?

Cody woke up in a cold sweat, a bit disoriented before he finally psyched himself back to where he had been before He had been eating with his mother, enjoying a good day with her. He had been enjoying more as well, she had let him place his hands on her arms after they had had some pizza together and she had been so fucking firm. She went back into her stern dominatrix personna, the one that she had used on Cody before and made him...cum from rubbing one out. He realized that wasn't exactly a normal thing for mothers to do with their sons, but on another level he definitely deeply appreciated the fact that his mother had done that for him. He rolled over and smiled before he decided to walk downstairs.

The young adult saw her cooking breakfast and humming to herself. Her red hair was flowing loose all down her bare muscular back as the woman who was only slightly taller than the little twerp of a high schooler watched her go to work. As he tip-toed toward her he saw her bottom peeking out from below, then realized she had absolutely nothing on accept the apron, her white skin exposing itself to light as she sang to herself and continued working. He found himself standing there and staring before suddenly he whipped her hair back. "What are you doing here, wimp?" his mom asked in her authoritarian voice.

"Oh,...nothing" he replied as he saw her saunter toward him, moving her hips in a rather exaggerated motion as she slowlying got to him and placed a hand under his face, pushing it up so they could gaze upon one another. "Is my disappointment of a son getting off on looking at his own mommy?" she asked with a great cruelty, raising her bicep into the air and pressing down on his shoulder, forcing him to lean down and allowing her to look at him from a much higher and more dominant angle.

"What? No!" his mom had told him that it was all just a game last time, that she was doing it for fun and didn't mean any of it. She sounded like she had meant it at the time, but now he just wasn't so sure. Something about how she generally carried herself made him legitimately wonder if she actually felt that way about him. "I was just...just watching you make breakfast was all" he said as he looked up at her, his eyes going directly to her bicep as he felt himself reach down and had to snap himself out of the urge to touch his own cock for her. That would be a very bad thing to do at this particular moment, he decided.

"Hmm, I don't know about that" suddenly Tess's hand left her son's shoulder and struck again so quickly se viper might have. He felt it on his crotch and started breathing hard, not sure what to do against the woman who was currently sexually tormenting him. He looked up "Hmmm, you say you aren't perving on your mom, little boy. But it seems like you are staring at me with your little boner taking up a ton of space in those pants" she squeezed him and made him yelp, then laughed heartily to herself "Youa re such a wimp!"

He wasn't actually hurt by that action so much as surprised, but the confrontation between him and his mom was becoming painful in its own way. She was so upfront about all the ways in which he wanted to molest and break him and he was just...there, watching her act. "Mom it's just morning wood!" he said, knowing that wasn't true. He was getting off on her. He had been hesitant to jerk off to his own mother last time, and now that he was seeing the results of starting something of a sexual relationship with her he realized why. He tried to pull away "Let me go!" he found himself whining.

She grabbed both of his wrists as he pulled away, then pressed the wrists together and suddenly grabbed them with one hand "I'm not planning on letting you go any time soon, you naughty young man" she said, spreading out her smile. "And it seems like you can't exactly break out of the little lock I have on your wrists, can you?"

He tugged twice, finding that her grip was like iron to him. He looked down at her forearm and understood why it was huge and looked freaking sexy as hell. He felt himself rubbing his knees together again, aroused by the muscle but also the terror. His mom could abuse him any way she saw fit and he had absolutely no way to stop her. He was literally a toy in her hands now. "Please let me go" he begged as she brought him to the counter and began cooking, ignoring him as she worked with ehr other hand. He saw her nearly nacked body and felt himself get intoxicated by how those muscles moved as she prepared the eggs.

She took a few minutes to let him come to terms with his own helplessness, temporarily distracting herself with nonsense to make it clear that she didn't need to even pay attention to him, but eventually her head turned back toward him and she found herself rubbing her chin. "You Want more freedom?' she asked, a huge grin spreading across her face, "Why don't you just break yourself out, you little pussy! Come on, it's just mommy's hands against yours! Surely even you can break out of that!'

"NOOOOO!" he said, feeling her pull him in and rub her hands across his body, feeling up his skinny form. "Please let me go I promise I'll be good!" he didn't even know what she wanted but any promise he could give would be a price he'd pay to have her let him free. She did not, continuing to explore him before pressing his head down on the counter with one hand and flipping her omelette with the other "I think I'll actually keep you for a while," she said before placing him in a headlock.

He was intoxicated inside of her arms. The muscle was so hard that he could barely even stand to be in its presence. He reached up, ostensibly, to let himself go, but he found that he was mostly just fondling the hard flesh that was keeping him imprisoned. He found it so sexy that she was able to manhandle him like this that he wanted to never speak again. He could probably reveal that on accident and that would be so humiliating.

She carried him easily, smiling at how he was forced to walk with her as she wrapped her powerful arms around him, then forced back of his head into her cleavage as she sat down to eat, handling her fork with ehr other hand as she held him in place by his head "You are so easy to handle, too! Most guys would at least resist a little bit when carted around like I'm doing to you, but it's absolutely no trouble at all to get you from place to place because you are just a sack of potatoes for me. You know a little heavy, but not at all resistant in a meaningful way"

He struggled a few more times just to prove her point before relaxing in her grip and accepting it for the time being. No point in fighting back against something if you honestly stood no chance against it he figured that in time something would come up to make her let go of him. He also felt quite a bit of lust for the arm around his face, almost not wanting to be let go of.

She didn't offer him any breakfast, finishing it up before walking him to her room and grabbing her phone. "You know I know that girl is protecting you from bullies, right? I actually help coach her volleyball team, I have her number in my phone maybe I should her up"

He freaked out in her arms, fighting impotently against her as he considered the humiliation of her seeing his muscle fetish. He realized she probably had seen the better part of it already, he was never super subtle about staring at girls in class, but to see him get manhandled by his mom like this? "Please no!" he whined 'WHy do you need to invite her? Isn't it more fun just too leave me here on my own?"

"More fun? I'm not actually sure about that. But it would definitely be less responsible. You know that I have things to do today, you really shouldn't try and talk me out of them" she tightened her hold and made him wail, before picking out the number in her phone "Why are you such a baby all the time? You can't fight bullies, you can't take care of yourself, and you can't stand the idea that maybe mommy has to do something in the day" she sighed, dialing the number and holding him in her arms

"Oh, yes? Yeah Alanna this is Tess. I was wondering,are you free? Oh you are? Yeah I want you to take care of him" he was freaking out. She was just telling that girl everything! Alanna was probably his best friend,a s embarrassing as that may have been, but here was his mom blabbing everything about his personal life to the girl and expecting him to just sit there and let it happen! Buta s he started trying to break out of her grip he realized that he really did not have another option, all he could do was stay there and let her mom blab everything.

"Well, she should be over in about twenty minutes" his mom said with a bright smile before backing up and placing him between her thighs. She wasn't squeezing hard, but holding him in place with an incredible firmness "Now I just gotta keep you where you are while I wait for her, my little disappointment of a son" she squeezed the sides of his head to punctuate and emphasize that last point, successfully raising a scream and some clawing out of him. She smirked at how he was clawing, what a bitch he was.

Cody didn't know how long he sat between those thighs, looking at nothing but the perfection of his mom's muscular legs as he fruitlessly struggled to regain his freedom. He did know that if he scratched or used his fingernails she would send a jolt of pressure against him, making him scream out and calm down. He waited there and looked up her skirt at her naked pussy, feeling his cock get harder. Should he jerk off here and now? He didn't want to offend her and get a real punishment thrown his way, but on the other hand it did seem like a pretty attractive proposition to just take a bit of pleasure right then and there and consider explaining himself later. He found his hand reaching down and occasionally adjusting his boner, but no more. He didn't want to really make a big deal out of any of this. He was just surviving for the time being.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and his mom loosened up her thighs only to grab him by the front of his shirt and pick him up. Those awesome arms of hers were springing to life again and he was looking down at how she flexed as she carried him to the door, using him like a doll or towel as she opened it up for Alanna "hey girl, hope a bit of babysitting isn't too much of a problem. This baby is a bit long but shouldn't give you much trouble"

"Tess you know I'm good for it" the blonde athlete said, stepping into the room. She was much taller than Tess at 5'11, and had short blonde hair she was mostly keeping under a baseball cap. Her breasts were bigger, but her hips berpaha slightly thinner than those of Cody's mother. She definitely had killer arms and legs, with a midsection that slanted down into what was obviously a very nice waist taper but not a heavily exaggerated one. "I just gotta keep him from like, burning the house down and stuff until you get back from some errands, Tess?"

"Oh, that's right" his mom said, dropping him and tickling Alanna's chin. The larger girl giggled, walking in and closing the door behind her, only for his mom to spank her. Cody blinked and rubbed his eyes, trying to determine if what he was seeing was real. No way his mother was actually being this sexually playful with a girl his age...right?

"Tess are we really doing this?" the blonde asked as she placed her hands on the redhead's breasts and started squeezing, elliciting a series of ooh's and ahh's before closing in her face and kissing the woman on the lips, locking them and trading some tongue action for a few seconds before the younger one slowly pulled away "You are such a fucking aweosme kisser"

"Oh I know. You have no idea what a relief it is to finally be in a room with a young person who actually knows the first thing about love" ess said, pointing unsubtly back at her baby boy "But the idea of getting away from him is very nice. You will allow me to for a few hours?"

"Yeah, sure thing babe" the younger woman said, lightly grabbing the mother's biceps as she walked by and then picked up her son "i can look after this tyke for as long as you want," she said, holding him by his bottom with one arm and pulling him tightly into a chest-to-chest hug with the other "Oh yeah he's light as he ever was, I'm sure it will be no trouble keeping him under wraps and under control. Way easier than protecting him from the real men that bully his pathetic ass on a daily basis"

"Oh and it's so nice that you do that for me" his mom said, pinching Cody's cheek. Cody had to consider what she had just said. His protector, the woman who he thought was his best friend, his biggest crush...wasn only protecting him to get a good deal with his mom? She had no actual interest in his safety beyond how it could make her think highly of her? He started feeling himself physically lose confidence as the two women kept chatting around him.

"Hey, can you start by just keeping him still for a few minutes while mommy gets changed?" his mom patted the younger woman on the butt again and both of them broke out in a tiny sigh of relief. He couldn't even believe what he was seeing! How were they acting so...shamelessly in front of him!

"Sure thing babe" the younger woman said, continuing to pull him tight as she walked to the couch and turned on the TV, watching some baseball as she held him firmly with her other arm. "What, you didn't think I was protecting you for my health, did you?" the older, bigger girl asked before playfully kissing him on the forehead. In retrospect it was sor of weird that she would be so devoted to protecting him for seemingly no reason, but he accepted things as they were for the time being.

His time on the couch was limited, Thank God, and soon enough his mom was out of her room, dressed in a nice red blouse and black pencil miniskirt, purring at Alanna before leaning in and sharing a passionate kiss with her. Cody felt himself grow in sexual excitement and shame simultaneously as he saw it unfold in front of him. He had no idea what was exciting him so much in particular, but something about the manner in which they interacted made him very high while at the same time sinking to the lowest of lows.

"Bye bye babe. I'll see ya later tonight" Alanna said, shaking hands with the older woman before craning her head to get a good continuous shot at her buns as the smaller, older mother walked out of the building. She hugged her little charge in even more tightly than she had been holding him. "Time to hang out with your big buff defender now, isn't it?' she asked before getting hind own.

He looked up at her and felt the nerves travel through his body as he saw every muscle on her star to flex threatening him subtly while at the same time making his heart jump around in his chest. "Well I suppose so, yes" he said, and then she pushed him down. She smiled wide as she saw him on his butt

"WHy don't you just get up?" she asked, feeling her body tingle excitement as he just looked up at her helplessly

'Oh, okay" he said, slowly getting to his feet only for her to grab him by the arm "I need to entertain myself somehow" she said, not letting him respond as she walked him to a wall and then forcefully shoved him into it "You Can entertain me for sure, though" she said with a cruel and wicked smirk before leaning right into him, letting her breasts press into his face.

"MMMMPH!" was all he could seem to verbalize as he lay beneath the suffocating cleavage, hsi face completely engulfed as she made sure to really rub herself into him. It was pretty great to have her own personal toy to use like this.

"Ah,are you helpless right there?" Alanna mocked as she smothered him against the wall, her body easily overpowered him as her breasts squished his face, leaving him barely able to breathe as she went in harder and harder, smiling down at hima s her hands subtly began to explore his body "You really are something of a wimp, Cody. I have no idea why I ever even bothered protecting you from bullies. All you are going to do is backup and open yourself for even more bullying!"

He screamed into hsi breasts, hsi sounds completely muffled as she pressed forward against his face. She laughed hard before she pulled away from him, flexing her arms "You like looking at me while I'm showing off like this, don't you?" he looked up and saw her massive biceps. They were almost as big as his mom, maybe slightly bigger. He nodded his head as she laughed "WHat, you are just going to admit to loving these?" she lowered her fist down and then brought it back up, quickly flexing her bicep.

He walked up to her to get a better look as she strained against her shirt, threatening to burst out at any second from the tremendous pressures her muscles were putting on it. "You are something of a wimp, Cody. it's just sort of pathetic to see someone so desperate for me and all that junk. But I guess you can touch me if you want to"

It was almost too good to be true, a woman who he had idolized was offering him an opportunity 'really?" he questioned, his hand tentatively approaching the arm as he admired it some more she was starting to spurt little veins from it that traveled up and down the muscle, he could even see some of them poking through the sleeve "are you sure you would be okay with me touching them?"

She just rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand physically forcing it against her bicep "Yes dude, I am sure I am okay with it. Are you okay with it?" she looked down and saw that he was more than okay, he was grabbing her bicep like his life depended on it. He felt himself growing ever harder in his pants as he inspected the muscle more closely seeing how defined nd hard it was against his touch.

She reached down to lightly cup his face as he handled the opposite bicep, going alternatively soft and hard on the flesh as he tested in it every way he could think of, getting his hands all over the muscle before looking back at her. "So you only protected me from bullies because my mom told you too? I you like me or not?"

She shrugged "you are an okay kid, I guess. I'm not sure if I'll ever see you as more than a kid, though" she mused as she pushed him back a bit "as for me wanting to protect you? I guess I just wanted too, but her words helped. Ido have to say it can be hard to bring the effort in since you are SOOO cute when you get embarassed" she rubbed her fingers around his face and leaned down for a quick kiss to his nose.

He walked back and blushed at her, feeling something stir in his heart as he looked up at her, unsure of what tos ay next except "well, thanks. I appreciate all of those sentiments" he said as he rubbed his nose clean and walked back up to her, feeling her bicep again and pressing down with both hands.

"Hah, tryna smash it little guy? I find your effort pretty light" she said, bringing her forearm up to flex, she literally shot his wimpy hands off other arm, leaving him swinging them around in exasperation as she placed her own hands on his shoulders 'SO you want to just stay in the here and worship my muscles while we wait for your mom to get back home, then?"

He wasn't exactly planning on saying it like that, but the idea definitely did hold a special appeal to him. Before he really processed it he was on his knees and feeling up her strong calves as his face slowly moved toward her crotch and he inhaled her aroma. It was a pretty wonderful smell that had him reaching all the way around her leg to get a good handle on the other end of her, rubbing his face against her upper thigh "you have such a magnificent body Alanna, thank you for letting me touch it

"Hah, you sound kind of weird when you are like that. And I guess it's safe to assume you have a boner right now, yeah?" he didn't say anything, so she took it as a yes and leaned back, smiling down on the little guy. "Well, just so you know, it is a bit weird to get hard over something like this. But I would be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying any of it."

Cody looked up and wanted to question what was going on with her. She didn't seem to like him very much in a romantic sense, but nonetheless would obviously have an appreciation for him. Was she going to undress and show him more of her body or...or was she going to do something else entirely? Surprise him maybe with some unforeseen sexual pleasure that he hadn't even been considering? He felt himself hump her leg just a bit more as he looked up at her and smiled brightly, licking a bit at her thigh

"Chomping at the bit, huh?" she asked as she slowly started pulling him up. Cody found his feet dragging in the air as his face was brought right into his lover's in a wonderful embrace and he handled her backside and front side at the same time, doing his best to keep up with the way she seemed to know exactly how he wanted to be treated. How was she so frigging wonderful to him all the time? Was he in love with her? Suddenly he felt his limbs going all over the place as the thought of love started filling up his head. Was he going to start really wanting her in...that way? Surely she would never accept him as a real lover, would she?

"Thinking hard little guy?" she teased as she pright his head right up against her shoulder and flexed for him, expanding it to enormous sizes and letting him move his hands and tongue over the long, hard muscle in order to show him what he was missing and how much he had to appreciate her ability to make him happy. The guy played right into it, grabbing her anatomy every place he could and dropping kisses intermittently to make sure that she knew he appreciated her that way.

Suddenly she pushed him away, holding a somewhat pained expression on her face. "You really want to kiss my muscles, don't you?" something about how she had asked the question had him swimming in guilt

"Well yes...sorry I didn't answer. You just have such a nice body and with my mom I've gotten used to just picking up whenever they get -" and then he was swung around, causing him to lose track of everything he had been saying.

"Listen, little guy, I am not your mom. Do not treat me like I am because that is just gonna piss me off more and more, and make me want to use this body against you rather than for you. You know these aren't for show, each one of them is a deadly slab of eat that I could use to completely consume your body and make you a quivering pile of shattered bones. So why don't you just stop running your mouth and start listening?! Got it?"

Was he supposed to answer that? He sat there frozen as he tried to consider what to do, handling her wrists and feeling himself get more and more nervous. "Uhh, yes man I have it" he instinctively rolled his head back in preparation for a punch, like he would with his bullies.

"Good boy" she said, patting him on the head and setting him down. He saw the magnificent young woman stretch and walk to the door. "You know we've really spend a lot of time lollygagging. I think your mom should be home right about....'

Tess swung the door opened and smiled, looking at the taller younger woman she had guarding the house and child within "were you just talking about me?" Tess said, looking at Cody and then at Alanna "It seems like the two of you have been adventuring together. Shame, I may have wanted to join in the fun" his mom started auntering toward him, placing her hands on his shoulders before looking back at the woman who had sort of been guarding him for a little while.

"Oh yeah, adventures? I'd say we were definitely having our fair share. I showed the little guy my muscles and he got overzealous. I suppose that's only natural when you have a body like mine and he's only ever seen a body like yours up close" Tess started flexing for the older woman.

"Oh, what is that supposed to mean?" the redheaded mother said, pushing her son forward as she started doing her own flexes. You may be taller but I am BUILT like a champion bodybuilder, and I think you will find I have an overall more aesthetically pleasing body compared to your...perfectly serviceable physique"

"Serviceable? Is that how old people pronounce 'superior'" Alanna shot back, posing some more. "Hey we could let the little wimp decide. Cody! Which of us do you think has a more awesomely impressive physique?" he opened his mouth to speak but he quickly found a fast manhandling by his mother was distracting him from speaking.

He felt his mom press him forward, completely overpowering his body as she made her way toward his current...friend? Lover? Guardian? Bully? He wasn't really sure what his relationship with Alanna was at that particular point in time, only that he liked her a lot and would have liked to stay with her for a bit.

She was approaching the mm just s fast, both of them striding until poor Cody was sandwiched between their breasts, barely abel to breath as the two musuclar women butted heads over the fate of the spindly young man between them "he sure seems to like you" his mom started, smiling warmly at the girl.

Alanna giggled "yeah he's kind of obsessive that way. I mean I protected him from bullies a few times and I think he thinks that means I've made a marriage proposal toward him"

"Oh yeah I get that" his mom said, waving her hand "he is always making cockamamy asumptions like that with me, too. Did you know that he asked me to put on a muscle show for him just a few days ago? The kind that I would do when he was a little boy!

"He looked at your muscle shows as a little boy, huh? That explains a lot" Alanna replied, smashing her boobs even further in, causing the light-headed Cody to maon in desparationa nd slap his hands around fruitlessly in the vain hope that they would just let him go.

"Oh yeah I'm sure that messed up his development all kinds of different ways. But what can I say, it was entertaining for him and I like having myself admired"s he said as she raised a bicep. Alanna immediately reached out to touch t, then flexed her other arm. Cody's mom understood implicitly, taking Alanna's arm in hand "Mmm, you are almost as firm as me"

"Way to give a backhanded compliment, power pecs" Alanna responded as she jiggled her chest a bit more to thoroughly punish Cdy's poor head "But I get the basic idea I think you are trying to lay down here. You want your baby boy to grow a pair some time and actually act like a man. Sorry to break it to ya, sister, but I've been his guardian angel for quite some time and he's shown no signs of maturing so far"

"You may not have completely healed his maturbation by being so...philanthropic toward him. But I understand that he can be a pathetic figure so I won't fault you on that, per se" Cody's mom said as she started rubbing her chin

"You tryna say that he'll be jerking off to the muscles I showed him today for quite some time? Cus I'll agree with you there, sweet cheeks" Alanna said, bending down to kiss Tess on her forehead. The older woman giggled a bit and pressed her chest forward, squeezing Cody's head even worse than it already had been and forcing him to struggle hard for any semplace of air.

"Yes, that is precisely what I was trying to say" his haughty mother said, looking her younger counterpart in the eye. It would be a very interesting battle of wills if Tess ever truly got in a real fight with Alanna"By the way, we should probably let him have some breathing room" slowly backing up from him and letting Cody drop down on his butt in desperate need of air as he adjusted his throat ever so slightly

"Hah, little wimp needs air" Alanna said as she picked him up. "So, seems like you want to spend some time with me in the near future. DO you think you are MAN enough to be with a girl like me?"

"Oh stop teasing him" Tess said, waving her hand around "we both now he totally isn't. You'd crush him with casual hugs half the time. I know I do" his mom cracked her knuckles.

"Hey!" Cody said, red-faced 'I may not fit a traditional sense of manliness but I have a lot to offer!" he had no idea what any of it was but he disliked his mom talking to him that way. "And I would suggest you let us figure things out for ourselves"

"Oh yes" his mom said casually "I suppose you and Alanna should be able to figure things out for yourselves. Tell me, blondie, what do you want to do to see if my baby boy here has what it takes to be with you?"

"Take them off" Alanna ordered, looking at Cody sort of cowering in fear "I want to know which of us is bigger. Take your stupid undies off so we can have a good look. I'll do the same."

"I'm bigger, I mean you don't even have a.." he started looking at her disapproving look and realizing that it may have been a mistake to question her like that. After all, despite being female she was much taller and more muscular than him. She was bigger "where it counts" in two ways, maybe she would think a third. "Okay" he said as he awkwardly grabbed the waistband of his underwear.

She just looked down at him and laughed when he finally got them off, showing off a hilariously small penis for her '"Oh that is RICH!" she shouted as she dropped her own panties, showing off a wide set vagina and one of the largest clits he had ever seen in his life. Alanna showed off her genitalia for him just a bit before reaching behind his head and smiling at him. "Now, are you so sure that you are bigger?"

He looked down at her clit. The woman had an absolute beast hiding in her panties and he badly wanted to ask why. It seemed strange that someone would just naturally be that big, could she possibly be on steroids? He looked down some more and crossed his legs. "Actually, I think I'd rather not" he said, half-smiling as the two women just kept smoldering at him. He realized that in all likelihood he would have to open his legs up, but he would rather delay such a thing for as long as physically possible rather than just show off his small cock.

"Sorry he's such a little wimp" Tess said before grabbing his waistband and pantsing him right in front of his crush and best friend. He still had his tighty whities on but things were not looking good for him at all. His bulge seemed smaller than that massive clit, and as the woman who owned it looked down at him he realized that she definitely knew.

"Eh, I get it. He has a super humiliating problem. I can't even imagine how embarrassing it must be to be a guy who is smaller than most girls" Alanna said as she reached and trickeld his chin, forcing the short boy to look up at him as she grabbed the front of his briefs and physically pulled them off, leaving his lower body bare and his ridiculously tiny erection flopping out in the breeze. "FUCK that's tnier than it looked!

Cody felt himself grow even harder as both women laughed and pointed at his pathetic dick, neither even making coherent statements as both of them seemed so entertained by his tiny presence that both teamed up to appreciate it. "Wait, let's smooch em together and see who is bigger in which dimensions!"

"Sure thing Tess!" Alanna agreed, squatting down and ramming herself front-first into Cody until their genitals were rubbing together "Seems like i"m maybe half an inch longer than his literal micropenis" Alanna pointed out with a strong sense of pride as she nibbled on his ears and forehead.

"Seems like you would be correct," his mother said, fanning her head a little bit as she appreciated the length on the grill. "But you definitely beat him in terms of thickness. Cody, wouldn't you agree that her clit is twice as thicka syour cocck?"

He didn't want to talk very much, but as he looked up at the two women he realized that he wouldn't have much of a choice at all. Both of them were more than capable of beating an answer out of him if they wanted, and worse if they were feeling especially brutal. He coughed into his hand to try and resist saying anything, but he felt them look at him harder and flex their muscles against him. He was not in the mood to get double-smothered again, nor any other creative punishment they may come up with in order to coax some sort of answer out of him.

"I think you are absolutely right" he found himself almost crying as he said it "Mom. she is bigger than me in every way and I am completely humiliated" he said, looking down at the crotch contact, realizing that this was by far the closest that he had ever gotten to a girl, and he would probably get n further. Was his cock even physically capable of penetrating her vulva? Seemed like he wouldn't get far enough for it to really technically be sex.

"Seems like it, chmp" said Alanna as she pushed his shoulders and then walked around him "But Tess, how do you compare she almost purred. He realized she was probably mostly just trying to get his mom undressed, buta s he peaked over his head he saw that the trick was completely working, his mom really was getting undressed!

She was a good looking woman and he felt his muscle lust overcoming him again as she took off her pencil skirt and revealed her thighs in a apir of white oanties, then she slowly worked those down and showed off her own engorged genitalia. Her clit was not as big as Alannas, but as he looked into it, he realized it was big..bigger than his cock.

"Ahh, seems like the little guy is already defeated" his mom said ash eh started touching her son's face "and Cody isn't doing too great, either!" the two girls laughed hard at his mom's little mean joke. He found himself giggling slightly too. He supposed that it was funny even if he was the butt of it.

"Let's see the damage" his mom's aid casually as she got her crotch right into his coming uncomfortably close to sex once again "well I'm not as big as you are, Tess, but it seems I have a considerablea dvanatge in lnegth and breadth. My son is the only male in the room but he still has the smallest cock!" Alanna laughed hard at that, going so far as to slap her knee and grab her belly "You're right! What a pathetic little guy! It's so sad that he got such a bad lot in life! She said, placing hands on his mom's body as she kept laughing "We really ought to stop making fun of him, its sad more than funny at this point"

I suppose" Tess said, grabbing the blonde's butt with both hands "But it IS still very funny" and with that the two broke into uproarious laughter once again.

He was pushed onto his back by their movements, looking up as the two of them angled their heads down in what felt like a harsh dual judgement of his character, of his performance of everything about him. "You Want more of him, Alanna?" his mom casually asked.

The younger girl rubbed her china's s he reached down and picked him up by the collar, easily swinging him into the air as she inspected him form a few different angles "I mean I might, I guess" she mused as she easily manhandled him "You really want me to be his girlfriend or whatever?"

"Yeah whatever your nat to call it, just make sure to follow him around and generally keep him out of trouble and all that" his mom shrugged her shoulders. "We can't have the little boy braving the world by himself. He would quite literally get squashed! I mean, in all likelihood at least..."

"Oh yeah, I get that. And sure, I'll take your offer to be his guardian. But he should prepare for a LOT more muscle worship in the near future". Cody saw the vicious smile from his friend, the athletic girl was almost staring into his soul. He felt his body move around in her gripa s he realized he was loving his current predicament. He was going to have two muscular women to regularly worship now, and when he thought about things that was really all he ever wanted.

Island of Birth (Commission)

Rick and Matthew Morgan were looking at the island, both smiling nervously as they approached in their small speedboat. Matthew appreciated the sun, the cold water, the wind in his face, and the beauty of the thick foliage ahead of him. He felt nice...

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Ashley's Awesome Summer

Ashley was done talking to her parents, it was a bit exhausting but at least she made sure that she would be alone for a bit. She loved the folks who adopted her and all, but they sure could get exhausting when they spent so long reminding her how to...

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Cassidy the Femboy

Cassidy admired himself in the mirror, impatiently awaiting for his Daddy to get home. He was wearing a special outfit that he hoped Daddy would love, a nice school girl number with a black-and-purple skirt and tight rainbow leggings. He adjusted his...

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