Really Frustrating Roommate

Story by Argyron on SoFurry

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The following story is a sequel to Striped Charr's original, Frustrating Roommate, which I got permission to continue after a quick message. This one picks up a few months after the original with our two main characters returning. If you have not read the first part, please see the link below. The original is a really quick, fun read that Striped Charr deserves a lot of love for creating. And of course, check out his other stories.

As always, if homosexual acts between two anthropomorphic males is not your cup of tea, or if you are not of age to be reading such material, then I would recommend pressing the back button.

Really Frustrating Roommate

Story by Argyron, Characters by Striped Charr

I think my father once told me that your reputation is worth more than your actual skills. I always thought he was wrong, that in this modern day with computers we actually had to prove ourselves to everyone. And I guess before college, social medial like furspace had pretty much proven that correct.

And exit stage right, my roommate to prove me wrong again.

The first time I had noticed his reputation preceded him was when I was on my way back to the dorm with my best friend, Brian. The rustic red fox and I had just spent the evening melting our brains on western literature for next weeks midterms. I remember us laughing about how our heads felt like slush, and honestly not even able to answer simple problems anymore.

Yet the minute we were back at the dorm and walking down the hall, the vulpine abruptly stopped in his tracks. I turned and looked at him, his eyes glassed over as he smiled back. "I think I'm just gonna go back to my room and sleep."

I turned back, one ear falling as I shuffled the heavy books in my paws. "You sure you don't want to watch the new episode of..."

But my words were cut short by a voice I had become very familiar with. "Hey doggies, wanna come chase a cat?"

I cringed and looked up at Brian, the goofy half-cracked smile on his face more than enough to tell me why he suddenly didn't want to hang out anymore. "Sorry man, I just want to get some good sleep tonight." He shifted backwards, whipping his tail as he turned. "See you tomorrow at the library."

"Sure," I bid him goodnight as my other ear fell in disappointment. See, everyone knew my roommate was a little bit too enthusiastic about playing. They avoided my room like the plague when he was there, which mean I was spending a lot less time in it. Not that I particularly minded being away from my roommate that much.

Before I could turn around, two paws were wrapped around my midsection. "Oh, did I scare him away?"

I sighed as those paws clutched tightly against me. Before that fateful night where I had let my frustration get the better of me, we had boundaries. Sure, Jackie ignored those boundaries all the time, but we still had them. Now, all I could do in his grasph was whine, "Jackie."

"Oh come on, puppy, we haven't played in months. Aren't you feeling even a bit little 'frustrated' with all this school work?" He nipped at my ears, he liked nipping at my ears because he knew that annoyed me.

"Jackie," I growled as I pushed past him, though I'm almost positive he thought nothing of it as he sped back to our room. I wish I could say my eyes didn't look at his ass as he went by, but how could I not? His lithe, ropey tail swished around the hallway like a beacon to draw my eyes in. They locked onto his bouncing joggers as his barely covered behind passed by. I had a feeling that perfect ass was going to be burned into my memory for the rest of my life no matter what I thought of the person it was part of.

Getting into our room, I tossed the books I had been carrying on my desk and pulled out my laptop. "Jackie, you've got to stop hitting on my friends," I said while opening the computer and hopping into bed.

"You puppies are so sensitive, it's a compliment."

I rolled my eyes and clicked through the library, looking for something to watch. "Not when they are straight. You're scaring all my friends away!"

There was a sudden shift in my bed and a second later I had a cheetah nestled under my arm. See, one of the other things that had happened after our last... social bonding... is the cheetah learned what it really means to be tied to a canine. After a little bit of a struggle that I quite enjoyed watching and feeling, he gave up and plopped down on top of me. Next thing I knew, my laptop was open and the two of us were watching Game of Bones.

Remember what I said about boundaries? Well, after that morning he felt there were no more boundaries between us spooning, and honestly I kind of let him. I guess I still felt guilty for what I had done the night before. Plus, having the warm body against my chest felt good and he did smell nice. I mean I could still sense that ever-slight masculine scent, but still. Wiggling up against me now, I sighed as I listened to his gentle purrs, and then pressed the button to start.

There were a couple of things that did annoy me about spooning with this cat. For one, and I'm not sure when he managed to do it, but his clothes always came off before he noodled up next to me. I knew he was fully naked even now as I ran my paw down through his chest fur. And for two, he liked to wiggle his perfectly cut rear against me during all the sex scenes. He did these things because he knew that they frustrated me.

Sure enough, about ten minutes into the episode there was a sex scene and he was squirming. "Jackie, quit wiggling," I barked.

But he didn't stop. Instead, the feline started squirming more than usual. "Sorry puppy, I'm just trying to get comfortable," he lied. I could feel his paws and were they were wandering as he twisted back and slipped them up my shirt. I knew when his tail was suddenly wrapped around mine as well. He was up to something and I didn't like it.

Wrestling with the spotted cat for a little bit, I finally got fed-up and pushed him down into the mattress, two paws against his shoulders. His hot breath bathed over my muzzle as I locked eyes with him. "Now stop squirming, Jack..." My brain was short circuited by the touch of his paws, which had strategically managed to unbutton my jeans and grab at my member. He stroked slowly, sending shivers up my spine as those gentle paw pads caressed all the way to the tip. I gritted my teeth as my tip throbbed, splashing his sheath and stomach with a spiderweb of clear fluids.

I hadn't gotten any action since the last time with this cheetah, I was on edge, and add in that my brain was still slush from over-studying and here I was frozen above the cat. Excuses for why I didn't tell him to get his paws off my junk sailed through my mind:

You're really pent-up, does it matter who's paw?

Maybe just a little bit of tongue, he'd like that.

I bet he can deep throat better than any girl.

Just let it happen, you liked it last time.

He can take the knot, he'll let you tie him!

But before I could make a decision, he slid down my length and gripped my already formed knot. Electricity shot through my body and fried the last circuits in my brain, I was going to breed him.

Keeping one paw on his chest, I clumsily shuffled out of my jeans and boxers before tossing them somewhere else in the room. Jackie's eyes stayed locked on me the entire time. I could even feel his gentle purring under my paw, but for once, the spotted cat stayed quiet.

After my clothes were gone, I pushed his legs up until they were wrapped around my midsection with his tail flicking just under my groin. His paws had long-since left my member, now retreating back to touch his own spiny tip, but this was about my pleasure. I grabbed those paws and hoisted them above his head. He looked frustrated at me, really annoyed and slightly growling in the back of his throat, but otherwise kept quiet. I then repositioned my own member, dragging the tip across his sheath and balls. A trail of my fluids across his fur followed wherever my tip went before arriving at his entrance. I let my wolfhood apply a bit of pressure, letting the pre lubricate the hole.

I'm not saying that my dick is the biggest canine cock at the school, but if I had to guess I would say it was up there. As his hole stretched open, I clenched my stomach muscles and exhaled. He fit me like a glove. I let the whole rod sink in, all the way down until the knot was kissing his hole, and then opened my eyes.

The feline beneath me was purring as loud as ever, his head turned to the side as he took short gasps. He might not be a female, but he sure was cute like this. I smirked and decided to see what other noises I could get him to make.

I pulled out much faster than I had pushed in, letting him feel the length as it left his body. Upon getting to the tip, I let him know this wasn't going to be a slow ride. Pushing back with as much force as possible, I started railing his rear. The cheetah instantly started squeaking under my thrusting, chirping even as I battered his backside. I kept my tempo.

His lithe legs curled around me as if asking for me to push harder. I felt his tail start coiling around mine, the base of which dragged up until I was dragging my sack across it. And in my paws, I could feel his claws extending and contracting each time I pressed in. All of this was different from last time, adding to the moment and really getting my heart beating faster.

I pushed harder, and was rewarded with meows as his backside began stretching around my fat knot. His breathing was fast, nearly matching mine as I built up a sweat, and I could feel his hole constricting more. He was near the edge, ready to bust even though I wasn't nearly as ready yet. I started thrashing against his hole, really trying to split him open. I wanted to tie before he came, and I was going to make sure it happened.

His hole continued to stretch as I pushed in harder, finally reaching the widest point of my cock. I pulled back and waited a second before slamming forward and listening to the ear-shattering yowl as we became locked together. Almost instantly after lodging my bulging mass into him he started cumming, thick ropes of pearlescent seed splattering between our bellies. I tried to ignore having my stomach coated with another guys cum, closing my eyes and instead focusing on the way his hole continued to clench with each dwindling spurt from his cock.

I was close now, my knot having fully expanded to lock us together. I tugged back and felt stars appear in front of my eyes, my God this cat was tight. Before I knew it, I was pushed forward and spraying his insides with all my pent-up seed. I stopped breathing, blacking out for a second as wave after wave of cum flowed into the feline.

I don't remember when I toppled over onto Jackie, releasing his paws and just laying there in a hot, breathless afterglow. I awoke a few minutes later to his paws wrapped around my midsection, holding me tightly. I tried to pull away, but instead found our noses suddenly touching and a wide smirk spread across his face. He licked my lips and I blushed, ashamed, and I tried to look away.

"I think you might be broken, puppy," he chirped before reaching up to nibble on my ears. " I mean, feels like this time you really tried to get me pregnant."

"Jackie, don't!"

"Don't what, get you frustrated?" I looked away as he continued to nip at my periodically flicking ears, wondering if this was going to be a new normal between us. Of course, I also wondered if it really mattered.

After a bit longer of laying in this slightly uncomfortable position to catch our breaths, we shuffled again until we could both see my computer screen. I had to reach-up and pull my boxers away, but otherwise we were right back where we were before. Okay, so not exactly where we were before. I now had a large mass of canine cock lodged up another males ass, and that males was purring so contently you'd think my cock was meant to be there. As I hit play, I fell back onto the pillow, paws wrapped tightly around him, and inhaled his scent again, still had that essence of male but also still kinda nice.

I let my paw roam over his body, feeling the clear outline of my cock inside of him. He lifted his paw and placed it on top of mine, purring louder now. I tried to ignore him. He looked up at me and dragged his rough tongue over my chin, I tried to pull away. This was weird, awkward to say the least, and I didn't know what to think about that, but unfortunately I wouldn't get to.

Both our ears flicked towards our dorm door as the knob suddenly twisted. Fuck, we hadn't locked the door. With a loud bang, the wood flew open as Brian entered. "Hey, I heard there's a party across campus and wanted to see," but the words abruptly ended. The rustic red fox stood paralyzed, his eyes glazing over at the sight of us naked and clearly locked together.

I held up a paw, tried to come up with words, really anything to keep my reputation in tack, But of course I didn't speak first...

"Hey Brian, decided to chase a cat?"