Syzygy Ch. 01

Story by Sachiko on SoFurry

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This is my first story, first attempt at writing anywhere. I welcome constructive and harsh critiscm. This one took me a while, about three weeks off and on working on it, but I plan on continuing it as an on-going series if time permits. Comments are best sent to [email protected] as I usually am on there more than here. Uh, I guess story and characters are copyright me - that's it. Story contains M/M consensual sex.

A crumpling sound - maybe a piece of paper awoke him from his sleep accompanied with the ominous sound of the automated female voice announcing the stations along the track. Looking around, the exhausted timber wolf noticed the stale smell of cigarette smoke lazily hanging around in the empty diminutive locomotive car he was situated in. The wolf glanced at his watch drowsily, it took a few moments to register but he noticed the display read 5:30. Over thirty minutes had passed since he had last taken a look at his watch. Chalcedony station; the name took a few seconds to process inside his head as well. Chalcedony, he had heard the name, but had never taken the subway that far before.

The audible and somewhat eerie sound of the tracks 'click-clacking' out side the car penetrated through the silence as the unusually large wolf stroked his paw through the well groomed pelt that donned him. That couldn't be right - Chalcedony was on the complete opposite side of the city, an entire hour away from where he had been working earlier that day. It was almost like his mind didn't want to work. He didn't recall succumbing to slumber on the train car; all he remembered a furre sitting across from him on the adjacent seat before he lost consciousness.

A single silhouette, a shadow that he couldn't make out in his current state. Some of it had started coming back to him as he sat assessing his current situation, but it was still erratic. His pearly brown eyes danced across the tunnel walls as the train zoomed along, the occasional access tunnel light briefly illuminating the dimly lit interior of the car. His mind trying to focus on the cloudy image in his mind; the wolf imagined a nice cup of steaming hot coffee would be a godsend at this point.

Coyote. It came to him in a flash after he had stopped thinking about it. The furre across from him was a coyote. Tapping his paws impulsively on his cargo slacks while wondering who and where the furre had come from, the wolf glanced up and down the length of the train searching for a map to display where he currently was. Spotting what he was looking for at the end of the train, he got up; staggering over a multitude of garbage and other random objects scattered across the floor before eventually reaching the map.

Casually, the two-tone black and grey wolf traced his finger over the route he was traveling on, humming along to a fast-paced tune playing in his head. An awkward attempt at trying to calm himself most likely. Flagstone, Prince Falls, Copper Flats.... As he read over the stations on the map, the canine started to realize he had never heard off these stops before, he must've been further off than he had originally anticipated. Starting to get worrisome, he gazed towards the last HUB on the map. Harrington.

It couldn't be far, not now he presumed. He was timorous, there was nothing more the canine wanted at that point other than to get off of the subway and back out into civilization. As he sauntered back towards his seat his thoughts wandered back to the coyote he had seen sitting across from him before everything became one gigantic blur in his memory. The wolf positioned himself back in the original seat he had been sitting at, eyes clenched tightly shut - trying to recall something that just wasn't coming to him no matter how hard he thought about it.

Thinking. He was never good at thinking. His impatience with the simplest of tasks certainly didn't commingle well with putting his brain through the arduous task of thinking. As he began to relax, a sudden change in air temperature made the wolf jump; it felt like the entire warm atmosphere had just been sucked out of the room in an instant. Reaching for his leather jacket, he noticed a crumpled up piece of paper underneath his seat. It looked like a business card of some sort.

His arm exerted in the direction of the card; the wolf clasped his paw around it smoothening out the creases. Sure enough, a business card it was. A depiction of a coyote in the upper right corner caught his eye, he wore a big toothy smile and an out-dated over sized circa 1930's cowboy hat which dipped just over his brows. His upper torso covered in a fancy, elegant brown cloak. The timber wolf was drawn into his eyes, they looked almost mesmerizing - almost like they were staring right back at him in a sense.

At the bottom of the card was a name, typed in small fine print. Straining his eyes, bringing the card closer to his brown orbs; the wolf managed to barely make out the name. Khatchadour. His mind read, and re-read the name before he muttered it out loud, his voice slightly bouncing off the walls of the empty train car. Underneath the coyotes name was a company listing - Khatch Endeavors, but no apparent address.

He flipped the card over and discerned some messy smudged writing. His name was identified at the top, clearly making it be known that this message was intended for his eyes. Scanning apprehensively he read a phone number accompanied with a date, time and name of a bar - Scandals. Conjecturing on who this furre was and what he wanted had the wolf confused as he hesitatingly slipped the card into a slit in his wallet.

'Harrington station... last stop. Please proceed to your nearest exit and have a nice day.' The female voice with the heavy intonation had frightened the wolf, nearly making him jump out of his seat. Even though nobody was around, or saw the reaction - an embarrassed blush crept onto his face, turning his fur a light shade of cherry red.

The canine pressed his muzzle up against the repulsive, dirty, finger-smudged window, the vapor from his accelerated rate of breathing distorting his vision. Off in the distance he spotted a poorly lit, run-down looking train station. "Well this is great, doesn't this place ever get cleaned?" he snorted arrogantly as the train arrived and slowly began it's deceleration before coming to a strident screeching halt.

Angst-ridden at the slum-hole of a station, the wolf stood up gathering his belongings and slinging his shoulder bag over his right side before he advanced towards the doors. He lifted his paw towards the button, opening the doors of the train. As they parted completely and he was able to step out onto the platform his nose twitched a few times, before picking up a revolting smell hovering in the damp air.

It smelt like stale urine and vomit to the wolf, he didn't want to think about it though. The smell was overpowering and relentless, making him gag multiple times on his way towards the stairs. His muzzle was wrinkled in appearance as he desperately attempted to block out as much of the unpleasant odor as possible. Making sure to avoid the occasional puddles of 'fluid' strewn across the horribly cracked stained marble flooring.

As he rounded a corner heading towards the flight of steps, his eyes picked out a slouched over woozy looking lion. The lion looked around dizzily, focusing in on the wolf's direction for a brief moment before muttering some disjointed gibberish. He was in another world, the wolf could tell that he was on some sort of heavy drug just by taking a glance at his dilated pupils and if that wasn't enough; the multiple broken glass pipes laying beside his haunches would've surely told the story.

The timber wolf merely shook his head, repentant for the feline's circumstances although he had likely brought it on himself. The lion had now sprawled out onto the floor, laying in his own vomit contracting uncontrollably. Continuing up the stair way towards the street, the wolf heard some perceptible words stem from the lions mouth; he had asked for drugs. Clearing his throat, Farkas turned around lazily "Sorry, I don't deal with furres like you. Why don't you do something with your life instead of withering away in the dungeon you got down here?" the wolf responded in a ridiculing tone giving a momentary look back towards the cat before continuing his ascent.

He came to the apex of the stairs; leaving the disembodied moans of the addict behind. A gentle winter breeze welcomed him back into the 'outside world' after being trapped in that subway for so long, although the wolf didn't care at all. Shivering, he yanked his jacket zipper up completely and threw his arms around himself trying to retain as much body heat as possible. A light snow had started to fall and the sun had already disappeared behind the horizon; the darkness making it hard for the canine to get his bearings in a part of the city he had never frequented before.

The wolf peeked at his wrist watch; 6:03. He really should've been home by now. It was a Friday night and work had been a major drag as usual, having the weekend at this particular time was certainly ideal for him; he had only wished it would last for an eternity. The canine had never encountered and dealed with such infuriating, exasperating or aggravating people as he had in his line of work; and to top it off the employees he worked with weren't much of an improvement. He wouldn't have even been in this god damn current state of affairs if his boss would've used some common sense for a brief second and loaned him a car for the three days. But instead of even getting a ride he had to sit and listen to an idiotic speech on company policies relating to new employees before just getting up and walking out of the office, hearing enough crap for one day.

The snow had picked up, falling insistently in droves with the wind getting stronger. Covered in a light swathe of the white fluffy stuff, the shaking timber wolf continued to amble in no general direction, cursing the fact that the leather jacket he was wearing was no help in keeping him warm from the cold. Looking for a street sign to pin point his location; at long last, he spotted one and mentally mapped his position in his head, eventually figuring out that he was farther away from home than he had originally anticipated.

Ears pinned back against his head, eyes clenched tightly shut to ward off the painful stinging sensations of the snow pelting his body, he attempted to examine the streets for an open establishment. Everything looked closed and isolated, not too much of a shock considering the fact that Christmas was right around the corner and everybody had stuff to do, or places to run around at this time of the year. Christmas. He wished he could experience that joyous time of the year once again with family and friends like it used to materialize in the past.

He remembered it vividly, the day he finally came out after a long perilous battle with-in himself. Coming out of the so-called 'closet' had destroyed his life and thrown him into a vortex though, and it had left him wondering if he had made the correct decision. It had not gone over with his parents well at all, in fact a disaster was more like it; they strongly believed in their religion and would not accept the fact that their only child was gay. Literally kicked out of his own house as a seventeen year old, left to fend for him self. It didn't take long for the word to spread around the small, tight-knit community and eventually he was indirectly forced to leave.

Snapping back to the present, the canine had realized just how far he had stepped forward despite the fact of everything that had transpired. Unknowingly to everyone around him, the wolf had been carrying out a long-term, long distance relationship with another openly gay furre whom he had essentially vented his entire life story to through the internet. The arctic wolf had volunteered to take time out of his agenda to drive down and take the timber wolf into his life and home, and he did just that. The time the two spent together had to have been some of the best moments of their lives, as an instant bond and kinship were immediately cemented further. The sex was fantastic as well, so neither of them could complain.

It seemed like everything was going so well, almost like it had come straight out of a fairy-tale perfect ending until the phone rang late one afternoon. It had been a call from the car dealership where the arctic wolf had worked as a mechanic; judging from the tone of the voice on the opposite end - the timber wolf had known something was wrong right away. Shortly after he regretfully learned that his mate had been working underneath a half-ton pickup when the hydraulic lifts failed and sent the vehicle slamming down onto his body, instantly killing him. He recalled the pain, remembered the anguish of that day. Although they had only been together for six months, the wolf felt like he had lost a life-long friend. He had been enjoyably surprised, and some what shocked when he was notified that he had inherited the house, the vehicle and was given a job in some capacity working for the same company. Instead of leaving and starting over once again in another new place, he decided to stay and attempt to put down some sort of roots for himself.

Mind wandering somewhere else evidently, crunching through the snowfall, the wolf realized it had been just about three months now; he couldn't believe how the time had flown by. A poignant mutter escaped his muzzle "Marrok" the evidence of missing him clear through his voice. He needed to move on though, what had happened was done - dwelling on the past wasn't going to change anything.

As if it wasn't bad enough, the weather started to get even worse as he continued down the sidewalk. The wind became uncharacteristically strong, starting to mildly toss the defenseless timber wolf around in the streets. Remembering seeing the name of the bar on the card he picked up in the subway, the wolf hurriedly slapped his paws against his pockets; attempting to detect his wallet. Worrying that he had lost it, the canine breathed a deep contented sigh of relief as the last pocket he searched contained what he was looking for. Seeking out a relatively concealed shelter to protect him from the wind, he speedily sprinted towards an enclosed phone booth, almost tripping over his long bushy tail in the process; the swinging doors on the booth noisily smacking into each other as the wolf rushed through.

He had completely forgotten about the phone number that was scribbled down in addition to the other inscriptions on the piece of paper. Timidly picking up the receiver, the canine dialed the number with a certain apprehensive nature; not quite sure of what he was getting him self into. The last number was entered and the wolf held his breath. One ring, two, three; the automated answering machine picked up after a momentary lapse. "Hello, you've reached Khatch Endeavors. If you would like main reception press one. If you would like informat-" listening to the programmed computerized voice was worse than hearing one of those boring operas his mother used to make him attend.

Finally the option he wanted to hear "If you would like to talk to Mr. Khatchadour personally, press nine" heeding enough of that boring voice, the timber wolf hastily punched the nine on the keypad. Anxiously awaiting a voice on the other end of the line as the phone rang once again, he nervously tapped his feet on the freezing cement underneath him. "Hello" a deep and powerful male voice spoke with such authority and dominance; it made the fur on the back of the wolf's neck stand up on end. A pause ensued, the wolf gulped before gathering the courage to speak. "Mr. Khatchadour, Farkas speaking. I-"

Interrupted and surprised, Farkas listened intently of to which the coyote had to say. "I'm sorry; you must've reached me at a bad time. Leave a message and I'll be sure to return your phone call as soon as possible" Feeling utterly inane and harebrained, Farkas slapped himself realizing he had just talked to a message recording unknowingly. Recovering from his temporary imprudence, the wolf slammed the hand piece down ending the phone call before the beep. He had decided he would call later, talking to this coyote in person was more important than leaving a stupid message. Recollecting the date; the time, he wondered how he overlooked such obvious things all the time. Glancing at the card once again he noticed that the two corresponded to the next day exactly at noon.

The wolf figured he had better drop in and make a visit to the bar; besides, it would be a warm and welcome embrace from the freezing bitter cold. Maybe he would even get a drink or two depending on how his mood held up. Opening up the dangling phone book near the far wall of the booth, Farkas searched for a pub named 'Scandals'. Curious tendencies creeping in, he figured there obviously had to have been a reason Khatchadour had written the name of the bar on the card. His paw traced an imaginary line down the center of the page, eyes scanning continuously looking for the query.

The canine detected the listing near the bottom of the page and scribbled down the address on the business card. It wasn't far; in fact it was just down the street at the end of the block. The wolf had a multitude of questions running through his head and he wanted to find some answers to them as soon as possible. Licking his tender muzzle and rubbing his paws together in a futile attempt to warm him self up, Farkas tentatively stepped back outside. Setting his sights at the end of the street he strode towards the bar indomitably.

Heading muzzle first into the whipping and thrashing blustery weather had began to prove a grueling task to the lanky wolf. The strenuous task was forcing him to pant and groan uncontrollably as he moved onwards trying to will his tiring haunches to push him further ahead. Farkas wasn't used to this weather, he had never experienced it until Marrok had brought him up here; but it was safe to say he didn't like it one bit. The wolf would've preferred basking out in the radiance of the searing sun and the sweltering warmth, sipping away on some ice cold lemonade rather than freezing his ass off like this.

Quicker than he had expected, the bar was upon him with-in a few short minutes. The wolf verified he was at the correct place by taking a look at the worn and faded wooden sign dangling above him precariously. Satisfied that he had the correct place, he looked the building over inquisitively trying to get a decent indication of the place he was about to trot into. Other than the pathetic looking sign along with the part of town the pub was positioned in, Farkas was pleasantly surprised at how stylish and well designed the establishment appeared. Two outsized arched timber doors gave off the aurora of an old citadel or bastion entrance.

Standing in front of the doorway, the freezing timber wolf took a deep breath and placed his paw on the handle, yanking it open and stepping inside to be greeted by the sound of blaring techno music piercing through the room. It sounded like a remix of some sort, but nothing he had ever heard. His arrival had warranted a few succinct glances and stares from the patrons scattered around the floor, curious about the new arrival. Feeling the attention and multiple eyes watching his every move as he walked towards a lone vacated table near the rear of the room caused the reticent wolf to pin his ears back in coyness.

Before Farkas had a chance to remove his jacket and plop himself into the chair, an austere voice startled him. "Can I get ya something to drink, sexy?" The wolf jumped as he felt a hoof grope his rump. Spinning around he stood face to face with a gorgeous towering white equine. Seeing the wolf react to his touch made the stallion laugh slightly, a mischievous and daring grin spreading across his lips. Blushing profusely and realizing he was in a gay bar, the canine managed to squeak out a barely audible response. "Beer."

As the stallion turned and strolled away flaunting his tail, Farkas couldn't help but to let his orbs swiftly trail over the equines backside; intently watching as the 'tender disappeared behind a counter. Their eyes locked, not for long - but a brief second; the wolf could have sworn the horse had winked at him in a lewd manner. It didn't matter; he was going to play hard to get tonight. Usually he would be up to the sex, but tonight was different; tonight sex was the last thing on his mind.

He toned out the music, the chatter, the entire bar as he ruminated in his own thoughts. He still didn't know why he was here or why the bar had been written on the business card - there had to be something he was missing, something that he had not taken into account. As he entrenched himself deeper a familiar voice broke his thoughts; all the noise in the pub coming back in one colossal surge. "On the house" the stallion stated as he placed the beer down on the table, taking a seat beside the wolf; his compelling sapphire eyes bearing down on the canine across from him.

Farkas didn't protest as the equines reach traveled across his lap and onto his groin, gently tugging on his rapidly hardening sheath through his slacks. He liked it, he enjoyed it - the sensations flowing through his body were wonderful, it had been a long time, or so it had seemed since another furre had gotten intimate with him. A soft moan escaping his muzzle was evident, displaying the immeasurable pleasure flooding through his body. His cock was starting to respond to the incessant and unremitting attention. Noticing the corollary he was having on the lust-ridden wolf, the grinning stallion removed his hand from the canines lap and leaned over towards the wolf's ear whispering seductively "Why don't we go get some privacy, puppy?" Opening his eyes at the words, Farkas looked in the direction of the aroused stallion; delicately fondling his hardening cock. He was big, actually big was an understatement - the canine could see the faint outline of his rod straining against the fabric of his shorts, his left leg placed in such a position that the bloated head of his member was visible to the wolf.

The wolf involuntarily licked his muzzle, imagining that sleek black cock plunging in and out of his muzzle, being rammed down his throat making him gag in ecstasy; the relentless pounding of the stallion's powerful hips slamming into his face. He wanted it, yet he didn't - sort of a trivial conundrum dancing throughout his cranium. His body yanked him one way while his intellect hauled him back the other, a miniature tug of war being played out with-in himself.

Lifting his beverage up deftly, Farkas made brief eye contact with the eager horse before taking a long swig of his beer musing over his response to the equines preceding question. "Maybe later" the wolf cackled, resolutely placing his mug back onto the table; a slight conceited resonance perceptible in his voice. Irritated and rejected, the sleek white stallion stood up; rearranging his raging erection before strolling to the opposite side of the bar attempting to find a more willing participant. Farkas knew he would likely regret it later on, passing up the opportunity of a decent fuck; especially considering and taking into account how incredibly horny he had been lately. Why the hell had he ignored the stud stallion's advance?

He could have been getting a nice hard cock rammed up his tail hole right now in some back room, but instead he was sitting at a table by himself, lamenting his decision to pass up the keen horse. Finishing his beer, Farkas made his way clumsily over towards the male strippers; searching for some fun and merriment to add to his evening. Amid his walk towards the poles, the wolf was subjected to a chorus of subtle hoots and hollers and the occasional grope of his rump - which he deliberately disregarded with a slight flick of his bushy tail.

The timber wolf walked with a sort of aurora, an overconfident attitude if you will, about him; it wasn't overly palpable, but still rather discernable. Marrok had always called him a complete and absolute slut; others had labeled him a tormenter and a teaser. It all applied to him. Those who knew and had fucked him realized how much of a submissive little bitch the wolf became once they got him into the bed - as long as they could get him there in the first place.

Farkas abruptly found himself near the strippers; diffidently sitting down on a undersized stool he flashed a quick smile to the stooped over, drunken rabbit beside him. Ignoring the muddled drivel stemming from the rodents mouth, the wolf almost instantaneously became aware of the large remarkable, lustrous jaguar ostensibly looking in his general direction from the other side of the table. He sat; arms folded, legs crossed - a cunning grin observable. His dazzling yellow orbs in a stationary stance looking towards the wolf, except for the occasional blink. The shirtless jaguar seemed to be playing the same game as the wolf, as he let his crossed arms drop to his lap; proceeding to run a paw through his matted down chest fur, paw traveling slowly and seductively along the contoured and defined crevices of his toned body. His paw made a clear point of paying extra attention to his stimulated nipples, the silver piercing through each glistening with small droplets of sweat.

The enthused wolf watched the jaguar enthrallingly, eyes surveying every move the cat made. He couldn't seem to remove his gaze off of the jaguar's body, no matter how hard he tried; it was almost as if something was drawing him towards the gorgeous feline. Sexy, exquisite and striking - those words defined the jaguar absolutely perfectly, in fact, the wolf had never seen such an elegant creature, let alone such perfect eyes. His eyes. Those dreamy eyes that seemed to twinkle, that seemed to invite him closer; he couldn't put his finger quite on it, but something about those spheres were truly irresistible.

A trivial smirk appeared at the corner of the jaguar's mouth as the consequences of his actions had drawn the poor wolf right into his waiting paws. He had been given instructions to seduce this wolf and have his way with him, for what reasons - the cat couldn't verbalize; for he was simply doing what he was told, no questions asked. His gaze focused back in on the canine, a negligible sparkle twinkling through his eyes. Sure to make his actions prominent to wolf across from him, the large cat let his hand disappear under the table; an inimitable sound of a zipper being opened heard. The definition in his eyes underwent visible transformation as he arched his back lustfully; muscles in his arm contracting as he dynamically stroked himself, a loud rumbling purr emanating from with-in.

Getting up from his seat nimbly, the big black jaguar swayed his hips teasingly in a fluid motion as he advanced towards a set of gold trimmed double doors not located far from their current location. He could feel the wolf watching him, wanting to follow him; obviously not desiring or wanting to allow him self to let the jaguar escape his grasp. As he ducked under the low door frame, the feline turned around coyly; making a simple brisk 'come here' gesture with his finger towards the wolf before turning around and continuing on.

As if on an imaginary leash, Farkas literally was yanked up from his seat. He wanted to go, to follow the seductive cat, but on his own accord. It felt like he was being tugged along behind the jaguar, unable to resist the temptations and thoughts that were flooding his mind. The wolf set out on a brisk walk towards the double doors, as he walked through, he was greeted to a vibrantly lit corridor with doors lining the length. Peering ahead, he noticed that the jaguar had stopped at the bottom of a grand spiraling glass staircase, looking back in his direction; almost like he was making sure he had his wolf in tow.

Turning back around satisfied, the feline had began his ascent up the stairwell; his haunches working hard to power his large frame up the steps; the muscles in his thighs expanding and contracting profusely. He adjusted his pace so as that he wouldn't leave the trailing dog too far behind. Purring and smiling in excitement of what was to come as he drew near to the top of the stairs, the jaguar listened for the clicking of the wolf's nails on the glass before rushing towards a door on the right. Throwing him self into the room, he made sure to leave the entrance partially open; hoping his 'toy' would notice the hint.

The wolf noticed. Opening the door, scrutinizing the room; Farkas failed to see the jaguar anywhere. He scanned the bed and the rest of the room, his eyes taking in the luxurious enmities scattered around stylishly. He hadn't even known that this extension of the bar existed - but then again, how would he? Considering this had been the first time he had set foot in this part of town. Stepping into the room, an overpowering saccharine fragrance filled the timber wolf's nostrils, knocking him slightly back. Continuing forward he discerned the chic green silk sheets that covered the bed, the beautiful drapes that hung from the window - the décor was fantastic; almost fit for some sort of king. Gawking at the furnishings excessively - maybe too excessively, Farkas hadn't been paying enough attention to his other surroundings to notice the speedy black blur that had come at him from behind.

By the time the wolf turned around, the jaguar was already upon him. The felines head rammed into the shocked canines stomach knocking the air out of his lungs with a loud 'oomph'. Both furres landed on the bed, Farkas pinned easily below the now smiling and laughing jaguar. "Y- you didn't even k- know what hit ya m- man" the big cat blurted out trying to catch his breath, still looking down towards the helpless looking wolf beneath him. The wolf had continued to struggle under the weight of the smiling cat, twisting and turning feebly; recovering from being temporarily winded he managed to eek out a docile response. "What the hell? G- get off of me."

"Not yet, we're going to have some fun. Ya game?" Not bothering to wait for a response, the feline continued on. "See, I have a little problem, and I think you're going to help me take care of it" the jaguar pointed towards his strained shorts, rubbing his hardening cock briefly before leaning down and licking the squirming timber wolf affectionately. "I know you can't resist me, I saw the way you watched me down there. Let go for a while, have some fun with me." The jaguar purred proudly as his paws explored the wolf's body, peeling his loose fitting shirt off of his chest. "And besides, you haven't gotten much, shall we say - release? Since Marrok met his unfortunate accident."

Hearing that name made Farkas jump. "What do you know about Marrok?" the wolf asked incensed and enraged, baring his incisors as saliva flew from his mouth. Realizing that the expression on the jaguar's face evidently showed that he hadn't planned on responding, Farkas growled before repeating his question. "I asked what you know abo-." This time a shaking finger placed in front of his muzzle halted his speech "Shhhh, all will be answered in due time puppy" the feline lowered his head down taking in the wolf's musky scent before entrancing them both in a deep passionate kiss.

Farkas closed his eyes, feeling the invading tongue probing his mouth relentlessly. Returning the favor a soft moan seeped out of his muzzle. Before he knew it, the jaguar broke the kiss and leapt to his feet, finally giving the wolf some mobility. Still grinning, the cat yanked down his pants and boxers, revealing a semi-flaccid pink cock; stroking his length leisurely. The wolf marveled at the feline member, he couldn't help himself from licking his lips as his eyes traced up and down the piece of flesh. The jaguar was sporting an impressive nine inches of rock hard meat now and the timber wolf yearned for it all shoved down his throat; his own cock straining uncomfortably against his slacks, aroused by the sight in front of him.

Feeling like he had lost all self control within himself, the wolf scampered forward lustfully grabbing the jaguar's cock greedily before running his tounge up and down the length, slurping up the occasional drop of milk that dribbled out of the felines cock head. The tangy taste of the nectar drove the wolf wild, he wanted more. Farkas bobbed his head up and down the length furiously, sucking on the jaguar meat in his mouth with vigor the cat had never seen before, twisting his head back and forth in repeated motions, the wolf attempted to meet the jaguar's feral thrusts into the back of his throat. "Mmmm, you're good" the jaguar panted before growling loudly, placing his paw on the back of the wolf's head encouragingly.

The jaguar gasping abruptly as he felt his dangling orbs enveloped by the wolf's hot maw. His loins erupting with pleasure as the wolf switched between practiced motions of licking the underside of his cock, and thoroughly muzzling his orbs, coating them with a mixture of saliva and pre. Moaning uncontrollably around the hardened jaguar meat in his mouth, Farkas placed his paw on the cats lower stomach letting it course it's way through his malleable black fur; his other paw working to try and unfasten his own slacks.

Without warning his muzzle was rammed down onto the full length of the cats cock, the inner walls of his throat gagging and contracting desperately; his maw milking the intrusion like a pup suckling on its mother's teat. Pulling off momentarily; a long thread of cum and saliva dangling from his chin, the wolf looked up to see the jaguar out of breath, panting hysterically. Grinning at the pleasure he was bringing his new friend, Farkas went back down on the length, wrapping his paw around the base of the cock stroking it agonizingly slow, not wanting a release from the big cat too soon.

"Oh, god... don't stop" the fatigued feline roared, not caring who had heard him. Resuming his feverish assault on the shaft in his mouth, Farkas gripped his balls, tugging downwards on them, trying to coax the cats love juice out of him - his darting tounge flickering around the head of the cats cock further stimulating the lust ridden jaguar. The wolf could tell the jaguar was close, his hips were now pounding into the wolf's muzzle inexorably, eyes rolled into the back of his sockets. Farkas drank the jaguar's pungent scent in through his nostrils, continuing to wrap his tounge around the cock in his maw, the wolf preparing to receive the piquant taste of jaguar cum.

The cat hastily removed his member from the willing wolf's maw, aiming his dripping slit towards Farkas' dangling tounge. A thunderous wail echoed throughout the room as the jaguar hit his volatile orgasm. He watched as his thick, long ropes of velvety white feline cum landed in various destinations all over the wolf's muzzle and awaiting insatiable tounge. He purred loudly, satisfyingly watching the wolf greedily lick up his semen, letting it slowly accrue on his tounge. Savoring the taste, in need of more, Farkas hungrily milked the last drops of seed that flowed from the spent rod, groaning lustfully while lolling the huge load around in his mouth, eyes fluttering open before he let the balmy rich liquid slide down his throat.

The jaguar opened his eyes gradually, still feeling the intense after effects of his orgasm. "If your maw is any indication of what your tail hole is going to feel like, I think I picked the right guy to have some fun with tonight." The jaguar let his blazing eyes, dancing with passion and lust journey over Farkas' upper body; his meditative voice traveling into the wolf's ears, making him whine and moan in gratification. "Hope you like it rough and hard, puppy - I don't always play nice ya know."

Farkas barely had time to say anything before he felt his pants being pulled off, an arm wrapping his waist flipping him over so he was situated on all fours. Submissively raising his tail, Farkas looked back towards the Jaguar with glazed over, pleading eyes; pushing back, trying to impale himself on the cat's thick shaft. His progress was halted as the feline let his cock head come to rest against the outer ring of the horny canine's rectum; desperately needing some relief, Farkas made his discontent known, whimpering like the bitch in heat that he was. "Seems like my little puppy wants something" the jaguar said, rubbing his cock in a circular motion around Farkas' puckered anus. Irritated and annoyed, Farkas knew what the dominant feline sought to hear - but he also knew what he wanted, and he'd do anything to get it, submit to anything the jaguar required. "Please... please fuck me" the wolf groaned in ecstasy as he felt a paw wrap around his cock, persuading his entire length out of his sheath. "I need your cock in my ass, fuck me as your submissive little horny bitch... make me yours, ta-"

The wolf was suddenly cut off in his begging as the Jaguar pounded his hips forward with no remorse, sinking his entire nine inch length into the canine's rectum. A devious grin spread across the feline's mouth as he satisfyingly watched the impaled wolf scurry forward; a shrill howl mixed with pleasure and pain coming from deep with-in as he clawed his way across the sheets, leaving tell tale slits in the green silk. The jaguar would have none of it though, making sure the skewered wolf didn't escape his grasp he began a slow and steady rhythm sliding his cock in and out of Farkas' ass, tenderly sinking his teeth into the back of his neck, marking him as his own. "God... uh, you're so tight" the feline cooed as the wolf's anal cavity milked his shaft, speeding up his thrusts - both furres moaning in unanimity as the coordinated smacking of the jaguar's hips into Farkas' rump resonated metrically off of the walls in the room.

Now sliding back and forth on the invading shaft partly on his own accord, clenching his ass firmly, Farkas' mindlessly started humping forward as the feline's paw seized hold of his length, stroking him impishly. Fervently the wolf started plunging his own cock into the waiting paw in front of him, moaning in elation as the erect member still slammed into his ass from behind, the tiny barbs on the jaguar's cock adding a new level of stimulant he had never experienced before. Wanting to switch positions, the cat pulled the wolf off of his dripping member, stretching out on his back motioning for the wolf to ride him. Farkas wasted no time, lustfully he positioned his anal ring over the tip of the jaguar's member; gripping the base of the erect feline cock before slamming himself down in one fluid motion. His heavy orbs slapping off the cat's chest rhythmatically, before leaning down and locking his lover in an omnipresent, insidious kiss; continuing to slide his hips onto the hardened jaguar meat below him.

Panting and out of breath, Farkas closed his eyes before looking back into his mate's. "Harder. Fuck me harder." Complying with the wolf's yearning desire, the jaguar impelled his hips forward, grinding his cock even further into Farkas' hot passage sending the wolf into a delusional frenzy as he nailed his prostate. "Again... oh god, do that again. Whatever you just did" Farkas cried out, barely able to hear him self think. Jovially the feline slammed his hips upwards once more, nearly sending the writhing canine over the edge. Farkas felt like his world was spinning, he was close himself yet all he could focus on for the moment was the amazing creature below him. He had never felt such love, such contempt, such covetousness for another being - not even Marrok. His desire for the cat was prominent and overpowering, someone who could love him, someone who could breed him, someone who could truly make him their bitch in essence. He only hoped the Cat felt similarly.

He was brought back once again by the soothing, dominant voice of the cat below him "Oh puppy, I don't think I can last much longer." Speeding up his thrusts, the jaguar gripped Farkas' hips, letting his paws chafe around the rump of the whimpering wolf devotedly, staring into his eyes as both of them grew nearer to their climaxes. With a resounding roar and a violent shake of his head, the jaguar thrust his hips up one last time, rooting his shaft deep in the warm confines of his lovers ass, his seed flowing out of his aching member filling up the wolf's starving passage. He could feel the wolf's rectal walls milking every last drop out of his deflating rod, perceptibly famished for far too long. Still realizing that Farkas hadn't gotten off, he proceeded to wrap his paw around the wolf's knot, squeezing vigorously; more-so than the wolf needed to topple over the edge.

"Farkas I-" the feline tried speaking, but was cut off by a vociferous feral howl from the wolf. Reaching his nirvana-esque orgasm, Farkas threw his head back as his reddened wolf meat erupted with volleys of his seed. He watched deliriously as the long substantial jets of his cum amassed in various places all over the jaguar's face and chest. He collapsed into his lovers torso as the high subsided, lovingly licking his own milk off of the purring feline's face; making sure not to miss a drop, the wolf covered the jaguar's yielding fur twice before setting his head down strenuously - his beautiful, amorous orbs traveling over the jaguar's upper body before locking in harmony with those marvelous yellow eyes that he had come to love and adore.

If there was ever a perfect moment, this was undoubtedly it. Still resting his laurels on the jaguar's semi-erect cock, Farkas realized he hadn't even found out the feline's name. Although the cat already knew his surprisingly - he also knew Marrok, or supposedly he had claimed. Lifting his head up from the dried cum that had assembled in the jaguar's chest fur, Farkas smiled blissfully "What can I call you?" He awaited a response from the purring feline, but wasn't fully expecting an answer. As if mulling over it for a short while, the jaguar responded. "Isoke. Isoke will do just fine." Farkas let the name roll off of his tongue a couple times, fond of how it sounded "Mmm, Isoke."

Farkas cuddled close to Isoke, pulling off his spent rod. Some seed that had pooled inside his rump lazily spilled out, trickling down Isoke's member slowly, the hungry wolf wasted no time in eagerly licking up the fluid - acting as if it were the last consumable thing available. A low rumble escaped his throat as he relished the unique taste of the jaguar's milk once again. Farkas nuzzled his nose into Isoke's pectoral region, consuming his musky scent; bushy tail wagging playfully; looking up into his eyes again, the wolf noticed a look of discomfort, a look of confrontation with-in. It seemed as if Isoke was contemplating a tough decision, eyes scanning the room nervously more or less like he was looking for something imperative.

"Isoke... Isoke!" The concerned wolf shook the jaguar, a slight hint of uneasiness donning his maw. "Hey man, you alright? It looks like you zoned out there, had me worried for a second." Isoke looked in his direction for a concise moment flashing a friendly smile before looking towards the back wall of the room uncertainly. Clearing his throat, the feline spoke up gaining the canine's undivided attention "Farkas, I have a lot to tell you, but... -" Isoke fixed his keen gaze on the door for an instant before continuing. "But, I can't divulge anything here right now - not in this place, it's not safe. I have a vehicle waiting outside; we'll leave this place early tomorrow morning; long before dawn, however until then you must rest. You're not able to listen to everything I need to tell you in your current condition... I think our little 'game' took quite a bit out of you."

"Isoke, is... is this about Mar-" Again cut off by the jaguar, Farkas tried to protest his case but Isoke wouldn't have any of it. Wrapping his arms tightly around the canine, he intertwined with the wolf forcing his darting tongue in between his lips. Farkas decided to play back, trying to force the tongue out of his maw half-heartedly, letting their tongues engage in an avid wrestling match. Pulling away fairly quick after he was fairly certain the wolf would be silent, Isoke spoke calmly. "Farkas, you need to rest, it's getting late - you won't be getting much sleep as it is." Heeding the advice, the wolf scurried under the sheets but partially expecting Isoke to join him. Farkas let out a questioning whine as the jaguar moved to the foot of the cot, picking up a magazine off the end table and divulging in its contents. "Aren't you going to sleep at all, Isoke?" the curious wolf asked, hoping his lover would join him. Isoke's eyes peered up slightly, spheres traveling over his mate before speaking softly and sympathetically "I don't entail it, don't worry about me.. I'll be here all night; I'll wake you when it's time to go."

Feeling content and satisfied, Farkas curled up; pulling the sheets around his frame he let fatigue overcome him once more. He replayed the events of the last fourteen hours over in his head, trying to make sense of everything, trying to put everything together. Alas it wasn't fitting just right, at least not yet - tomorrow he looked forward to and also somewhat dreaded what Isoke was going to divulge. Before he lost consciousness the last words he heard from the cat's mouth were "We have a lengthy arduous journey ahead of us both, sleep well my wolf."

The monotonous sound of flipping pages filled the air, reverberating throughout the dimly lit room as the sleeping wolf tossed and turned uncomfortably, while his lover sat at the end of the bed - occasionally placing his watchful eyes over Farkas. Recalling how much he had enjoyed fucking the wolf, Isoke hoped he would have the chance again fairly soon; looking down at his growing erection he knew he'd eventually need it. The jaguar stood up, replacing the scattered sheets back over the restless canine before settling in for a long night.