Unplanned Obsolescence - Robolopunny vs Roboscorbunny

Story by Catullus Sedecim on SoFurry

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#7 of Versus

A lovely little commission from Technophile34 on FA. Please enjoy!

It had been years since the factory had been open. Years since it had been used. Years since the massive machines, years since humans had moved along the now empty floor.

And quite frankly, years since Mary-Beth had given a fuck about anything and anyone other than herself. She had one of the most brilliant AI processors in the entire world, and was custom designed to be a living sex toy, to put on a performance, and in this particular world of course, to fight. Unfortunately for her, stuck in a run-down old factory, her chances of being purchased and allowed to display her talents one day had vanished. Unfortunately for her fellow inhabitants of the factory, her desire to conquer in erotic combat had not.

She had made her home atop one of the old machines, which had assembled the doll's parts long ago. Only seven or so feet off the floor, it was practically a mountain to the miniature creatures, and her lair in a hood that had been meant to catch and disperse paint fumes was like a dragon's cave. Carved in the appearance of a luscious and busty Lopunny, few would come here willingly. But of course if nobody came to do battle on their own, she would go out and find opponents, sometimes more than just one, to sate her lust for combat. It had been almost a week. If someone didn't come by tomorrow, then she would have to go out hunting. She was practically itching for the battle.

She caught a blink of light. It would mean very little to the typical person, but there were no people here, and the vermin that would normally infest an abandoned factory had learned their lesson about poking around a factory filled with machines built for eroticism and combat. You could end up with five severed appendages like that. Besides, with that much light, they weren't a natural creature. So, the little dolls outside her lair HAD realized how long it had been, and were sending a sacrifice. How nice of them.

She rose to her feet, with a silent whirr of servos and hydraulics, unfolding into the full Lopunny form, her long ears jointed at the middle so they could flop with the appropriate level of 'cuteness' for the creature. Of course, what the pair were about to do was anything but cute.

Well, maybe a little cute. To tell the truth, anything done by these creatures had to be a LITTLE bit cute, considering their size, and the fact that they had been designed based on creatures made for children, despite their more adult purpose. Of course the children, and all the humans, were long gone, but they still had large eyes and round faces, which contrasted with the violence they could inflict on each other.

"Who's there?" She called out, her voice as intimidating as it could sound with the limitations of the vocal modulator, perpetually set to make her sound like a lilting valley girl. "Oh my gosh, you know I can see you right? Are you here to, like, challenge me?"

"CHALLENGE YE?!" The answer was immediate, somewhat shockingly so. She wasn't used to someone sounding so bold. "I ain't here to challenge ye, ye bampot, I'm here to rip ye arms off and shove 'em down ye gob!"

Now that was... A response. She stood still for a second, unsure of what dialect chip the creature was using. It took her a fraction of a second to download a dictionary update.

"I don't really have a gob, idiot, it's just servos under the rubber mask."


It looked like this one might be interesting. She watched as the other creature stepped into the light. She was another lapine, like Mary-Beth, but with a different coloration. It wasn't just a shiny variant either, orange and white. Another half second passed before she downloaded the model name. Scorbunny. She scoffed. At least they'd turned the "b" upside down for her name. Perhaps even humans ran out of processing power. Well, she'd heard that some of the other dolls had gotten machines in the sub basements working on creating new models. It might explain the lack of wear and tear on some of her more recent... For lack of a more demeaning word... Opponents. This one had an attitude, though. She liked that. She could toy with her for a while.

Her body was... Interesting. It looked very similar to Mary-Beth's, at least at first glance. The base mold was probably the same, but there were some new additions she could see. The connections between leg and torso were a little less well hidden than her own were, it would let her dig in to rip out wires later. In fact, all the joints seemed like that, perhaps just a little off. The consequence of an inferior assembly team, made by the dolls themselves rather than the humans like she had been.

If she had saliva glands, she'd have been salivating at the thought of all the fun she was about to have tearing this new creature apart, making her spark and spill oil.

"If that's what you want to believe," the facial plates were made of latex and rubber stretched over servers, which perfectly allowed the creatures to replicate every aspect of human emotion and facial expression, and it was clear this woman was confident, "You sound pretty confident for a sacrifice."


"You're standing in a room full of spare parts with the woman who ripped them off of the other dolls, what do you THINK you are?"


"That much is clear..."

"I KNOW who I am!" the doll continued, "I'm Annis McVitty, the toughest cunt in this factory. Me friends call me Ann, me best friends call me V, me serial number calls me 0928-54, and ye can call me nothing at all, 'cause I'm about to rip yer vocal processor out!"

With a furious battle cry, the Scorbunny dashed forward, and for a moment the Lopunny was surprised by the speed of her foe. The Scorbunny wasn't just some cheaply made imitation of a fighter, that much was clear, she was the real deal. Just what the Lopunny wanted, those eyes were narrowed, glaring furiously at her as she charged forward, faster than most creatures would be able to even see.

Unfortunately for the Scorbunny, the Lopunny was not MOST creatures. She was a top of the line combat doll, able to watch bullets fly as if in slow motion and rip the wings off of a fly as if it were standing still. She may have been taken aback in the moment, but by the time the Scorbunny had moved even two inches, the Lopunny was already reacting.

With the arm cocked back, the Scorbunny had practically sent an engraved invitation to announce the punch that was coming towards the Lopunny's face, and the Lopunny was easily capable of dodging her head to the side, and reaching out to catch the incoming punch in her hands. She twisted her hips, getting her back pressed below the Scorbunny's center of gravity, and yanked forward, using her foe's momentum to drop her down on her back, the Lopunny still gripping that arm tightly in her hands, holding it off the ground. A good attitude, but she wouldn't be able to last long in this fight, she was already in trouble, as the Lopunny pressed her foot against the other doll's shoulder, digging in to the uneven connection for the arm.

Her software was of high quality, and she'd clearly been assembled well enough to still move like she was supposed to, but the joints themselves were roughly made, and Mary-Beth was able to slip just a bit of her foot into the crack between shoulder and upper arm, looking down at the Scorbunny with a wicked grin.

"Oi, don't you feckin' d-AAAAGHHH~!"

She pressed down with all her weight, and felt the satisfying snap as the joint popped, the connections severing. The arm was still lodged in, they weren't exactly the most fragile creatures in the world, but the other mon would be lucky if she could move it at all after just that stomp. And of course the Lopunny had no intention of stopping the fight there, either.

She laughed as the other creature writhed in agony, "Oh, what's wrong, princess? Does it hurt?" She teased, listening to the light pops as more wires and bolts bent out of place, metal grinding against metal as she pulled harder.

"If ye rip it off, I'll beat ye to death with it!" Despite the agony that her pain processors must have been pumping out, the torture was just seeming to piss the Scorbunny off.

"Oooh, something's got you in a bad mood. Is it the arm~?" The Lopunny answered with a cruel smile, readjusting her grip on to lower on the arm, letting the hands flop limp as her arm was no longer capable of receiving the signals for what to do with them, "Well, I recommend amputation!"


With that, she gave a final pull, removing her enemy's arm completely from the shoulder in a shower of sparks, like a fireworks display was being erected in the other doll's arm socket. The force of the pull sent her stumbling back a bit as it popped out, but she was quickly able to adjust her balance and catch herself, leaving her standing a few steps away from the other doll, sparking arm in her hand. She looked up at the other creature with a sadistic smile on her face.

"I like that idea about beating me to death~" She laughed, "But how about we change which one of us is dying, huh?"

With that, she charged forward, wielding the arm like a golf club, and swinging it hard into the side of the Scorbunny's head, teeing off on her and surely knocking a few pins and processors out of joint to stun her. The Scorbunny was knocked to the side by the blow, and the Lopunny followed up, delivering a second, sparking, stunning smash, this time right to the torso. The force of the machines allowed the blow to be harder than it had any right to be, and smashing her center of gravity sent her rolling another step or two away from the Lopunny. Now the Scorbunny was lying facedown, trying to struggle up to her knees, looking back at her in a hands and knees position with only one hand to balance.

"Aww, what's wrong? Running away, princess~?" She laughed, and rushed forward, raising the arm like a bat, and going to try to deliver a full baseball-style swing at the doll, knock her away again...

But to her surprise, the Scorbunny rose to her feet, and caught the blow in front of her, stopping it with her hand.

"Oi!" She growled at the Lopunny, glaring up at her, "NOBODY calls me princess!"

The Lopunny tried to pull the arm back, but no luck. Somehow the other woman had more strength to bring to bare in this fight. The others couldn't have gotten any better parts, and the connections were clearly weak, but somehow, the strength in her body was incredible. She yanked again, and the bat didn't budge.

"How are you doing that?"

"Heat management software," the other fighter answered, "Don't have to worry about overheating when I tear ye apart. Lets me grip tighter."

"Tear ME apart?" The Lopunny adjusted her grip, using both hands along the length of the arm now, trying to yank it away from her, "I ripped your arm off!"

"YEAH!" the Scorbunny answered, "Why do ye think I'm tryin' to get it BACK, ye scabby roaster?!"

The Lopunny glared at her, trying to yank away, but it wasn't working. She glared, feeling her own gears start to grind... She'd have to find another option.

"Because," She answered with a bright smile, "You're not thinking of the match!"

Strong was good, but strong could only push you so far, and sometimes it could even hurt your chances. In this case, strong was going to give Mary-Beth a chance to execute her next move. Rather than continuing to pull, she leaped forward, her whole body pulling the other woman's arm up enough to use it as a base to leap over her back, landing on her feet and yanking forward. The pull was enough to lodge the arm under her chin, and she yanked again, dragging the Lopunny up by the hold the arm was giving her beneath the chin, smiling a little at the simulated gagging sounds, and the real grinding of metal and squirming as she strained the connections to the processors in the head. She felt her foe kicking her legs as she dragged her up over her back.

"You're starting to annoy me," She said with a small smile, "Why don't you just... GET OFF MY BACK!"

The Lopunny felt the machinery of her body whirr to life as she bent forward, bending double and using all her power to throw the other machine woman to the ground, as hard as she could, hopefully smashing her hard enough to damage the internal machinery. The throw was good... But she hadn't taken into account how much better the new technology was, and the Scorbunny landed on her feet, somehow having calculated the perfect position and rotating all the way over, what would have been effectively a powerbomb instead leading to her opponent landing in front of her... And Mary-Beth was out of position to counter whatever came next.

"Surprise, cunt!" She yelled, and before Mary-Beth could bring her hands up to block, the Scorbunny's foot smashed forward, and she was knocked in the head, her internal stability sensors spinning and firing out alerts, she fell hard on the ground, 'dazed,' or at least running slow, as the connections in her body were knocked slightly out of whack. She gave a low groan, but she knew it would take a minute or two to be able to reset herself so she could rise. But as she looked up, she saw the Scorbunny approaching, holding a metallic bar in one hand, a solid reinforced piece of equipment, larger than her torso, that had once belonged to a Greninja the mons down below had hoped would be able to stop her. It hadn't gone any better than anyone else, and she'd shattered part of it, but now the jagged metal looked worrying, as the Scorbunny stepped forward.

"Now what's this fer, I wonder?" She asked rhetorically, then shrugged, "Ach, donchoo worry. Ay'll figure it out in a min'. Just HOLD STILL!" She cried out, and then drove the metal pole down hard. She gasped as she felt it crush through her midsection, pushing aside the gears that made it so easy for her to bend her body in fighting, jamming her and leaving her stuck. To her shock, she could barely move, even as her systems rebooted to let her. She couldn't move the torso at all, left or right, and her legs were barely any better, though their systems were still rebooting. She looked up, eyes wide, the metal shaft sticking out of her chest. Her body began to twitch, not in her control, trying to remake connections that were long gone. She had to get control back, SOMEHOW. She tried to settle herself, but it wasn't easy... And the other woman was doing everything in her power to ensure she didn't get the chance.

She could only watch in shock as the Scorbunny picked up her removed hand, looking it over, "Now here's the thing about us newer models. We got all sorts o' modes ye out o' date trash heaps couldn't dream of. Includin' the ability to keep wifi connections to severed bits. Short version o' that, cunt?" She laughed, and then kneeled down, and DROVE the hand into her pussy. The Lopunny gasped as she was spread open, the pleasure pushing through her, but she was under control.

"Think that's... Gonna pleasure me?"

"No!" The Scorbunny smiled sadistically, "Think this will!"

The Lopunny felt nothing for a second... And the hand started vibrating, heavily. The Lopunny moaned out, her body bucking and twisting as the vibration started! Her eyes rolled back and she could only cry out, trying to reconnect, but with her connections jarred and now her sensors overloading with pleasurable information, there was little she could do but just lie back and take it... And feel the vibrations roll through her body. Sure, they were minor, HEAVY vibrating could shake her apart, make her whole body shut down, and this was just pleasure... But excess pleasure, on top of the feeling of being impaled through the midsection? Her sensors were going wild, and she was just desperately trying to get back ANY control of her body... And screaming all the while as she fought to do it!

"Oi, stick a gag in it, ye pile o' jobby!" She glared, and then a wicked smile danced over the Scorbunny's face.

"Or, actually... How about I do it for ye!" She declared, and an apartment popped open in her upper thigh, and the Scorbunny whipped out a double-ended dildo. "Chew on this, why don't ya?" She asked, and then JAMMED it into the Lopunny's mouth. She tried to bite on the machinery, but the material was too thick, the plastic too well formed, for that defense to work.

"Fuck... You..." She tried to answer, but her voicebox was blocked, and the phrase came out more as "Frghl... Yrrrg...."

"Sorry, I don't got a dictionary installed for cock-gagged bimbo, yer gonna have to try that again!" The Scorbunny chuckled, clearly enjoying her dominance, "Oh, but before I forget..."

WIth that, the Scorbunny sent another signal to the machines, and the dildo in her mouth started vibrating. The hand did, too, more, now, than it had been before even, with the dildo matching it in the rapidity. If this got too much harder, the rapid vibration would start to chip away at the machinery that comprised her 'teeth,' and even now she could feel the connections shaking loose. As her body shook, and she tried to prevent an orgasm, the thought passed through her mind of how long it had been since she had given herself a proper tune-up, and the ridiculousness of focusing on something like that at a time like this would have made her laugh, except, you know, the improvised dildo gag. Instead she just moaned, vibrations coursed through her.

"Come on, cunt!" The Scorbunny yelled out, driving her foot into the Lopunny's midsection. Once, twice, three times she crushed the subtle machinery just to the side of the metal rod that impaled her "WHY DON'T YE OVERHEAT!" And with that, she moved her foot up, stomped one of her sensitive (if purely aesthetic) breasts... And as she gripped the lovingly molded nipple between her toes... She began to vibrate even harder.

Warnings flashed in front of her eyes, as the attempts to process the sensations grew too great. Too much pleasure, too much, she was overheating... She was going to overheat, oh fuck, she was going to overheat! Her body shook as the vibration was all she could feel... And as all other failsafes crashed, she finally released a jet of coolant... Thick oily liquid gushing from her pussy, heavy coolant coming (or rather, cumming) from her cunt, in the doll's equivalent to the biological orgasm. The purpose was different, cooling rather than breeding, but the result was the same... Too much sensation in the body... A sticky mess between the legs.

The assault was far from over, and the Scorbunny continued to pound her foot into the Lopunny's body. Alerts flashed in front of her eyes, as bits of her machinery got nicked and jostled with every stomp, with every vibrating twitch of the Scorbunny's foot on her breasts, the Lopunny shook and shuddered. Their alert system was primitive in much the same way that a human's was primitive, 'pain,' for lack of a better way to describe their error messages, did not go away just because you knew about it. Nor did pleasure, and right now, that was the main problem. She looked out through a red haze of flashing messages to see the Scorbunny lift up a large, metallic object, one she recognized all too well. A mechanical cock, or rather, a double-ended mechanical cock, that she had ripped out of a Flareon who had made the mistake of challenging her, assuming hooking a cock into herself would have spared her. It hadn't. She'd worked the shaft off inside her, bringing her foe to a terminal overheat, then jammed the heavy metallic cock down her throat.

Now the Scorbunny lifted the dildo in her hand, and smiled wickedly at her. Her body still shaking, she could only watch in shock as her orange-and-white opponent lifted the dildo like a weapon, and slammed it down in the Lopunny's mouth. Then she raised her foot to stomp again, this time on the dildo itself, and the vibration resumed, the Lopunny gasping as the Scorbunny vibrated her foot against the dildo, and then the dildo against her mouth. It felt like she was being beaten up from the inside of her mouth as the dildo shook, and of course, the pleasure increased. The fact that 'pleasure' came from an overheat, after all, meant that she was just as easily fucked in the mouth as she was in the cunt.

Background processes still functioning, somehow, warned her of the danger she was in. She'd been in rough spots before, but not like this. If she wasn't careful, this could do worse than overheate her, it was already dislodging some delicate internal attachments. She devoted all the resources she could afford to her arm, to reaching out and grabbing the one leg that the Scorbunny was kneeling on, knowing if she could get her hand around it and upset that balance, the Scorbunny would go to the ground.

Her prediction paid off. She was able to grasp, and pull, bucking her body up at the same time just a little, and sending the Scorbunny down to the ground. Before her opponent could react, she twisted as well, kicked out, and slammed her foot into the other bot's cheek. It stunned the other creature enough that the Lopunny was able to reach down, and grab the long metal bar that had been jammed into her. With the vibrations over, she was able to regain her focus, the alerts lessened, and she recovered herself, hoppping up to her feet, spitting the dildo back out onto the ground, kicking away the Scorbunny's severed hand, and wielding the log, jagged beam like a medieval soldier's spear as she stepped forward, twisting it around, threatening the helpless bunny who looked up at her from her back, trying to regain her senses herself, and then raising it high, ready to be driven down hard into that helpless pussy.

In a single smooth motion that almost looked like it had been planned ahead of time by a sex-mad choreographer, she kneeled down, and drove the jagged metal forward, deep into her opponent's pussy. Even she nearly winced as she felt it press in, she had, after all, experienced just how agonizing that length of metal could be recently. And how pleasurable, as well, as she saw the Scorbunny's eyes screw shut, and her lips pull up into what was a clear sign of unpleasantly overwhelmed arousal.

"Sorry to say it, skank, but ya just don't got what it takes to handle a woman like me. You're nothing but a bootleg brand next to my real Chanel, and honey, I'm afraid you're about to fall off the back of a truck~" She laughed, and twisted the metal around inside the Scorbunny as she spoke, twisting it like she was stirring a pot with an overly large spoon, and the sounds of gasps, the shaking, squirming, and twitching told her in no uncertain terms that this particular pot was about to come to a boil.

"F-fuck off... Wench... Ahhh, I c-can take th-that thing harder and deeper th-than ye could even imagine!"

"Oh, is that so~?" Mary-Beth chuckled, "I dunno, I can imagine a lot. Let's test that out~"

She drove the bar deeper, and was rewarded with a gush of cooling fluid that coated her fingers and the bar. Her smile grew wider, and crueller as she saw her opponent squirming like a fish caught on a spear, her body flailing as the bar reached deep into her passage, so deep that she started to hear a light grinding of metal on metal, knowing that the bar had penetrated into the Scorbunny so far that it was affecting her deepest inner machinery.

"AGGHH~!" The Scorbunny cried out, pounding on the ground with her fists and writhing as warning sirens went off in her body so rapidly even the Lopunny was able to hear them. Not that the sound of the sirens was necessary to let Mary-Beth know the agony her victim was experiencing, she could hear it herself from the sound of grinding gears and the gushing feminine juices that poured from the Scorbunny's slit. Mary-Beth was not ashamed to admit she enjoyed the feeling of the other woman writhing against the metal bar. She reveled in it, she loved the way her opponents squirmed under her attentions, struggling desperately and failing completely to deal with both the pleasure and the pain she was capable of inflicting.

She stepped back, smiled cruelly, and drove a kick directly into the Scorbunny's side, knocking the orange-and-white lapine onto her front. It was a position she'd seen many of her opponents in, one she relished, helpless beneath her and this time with a long thick bar sticking out of her pussy. She laughed, and reached down, grabbing the Scorbunny's long, segmented ears, and pressing her foot down on the other woman's back. She could feel the 'excitement,' the elevated internal temperature, even through the white-and-orange woman's back.

"Aww, come on, what's wrong, hoppy? Too deep~?" She taunted.

"Nn... Nnggg... N-no..." The Scorbunny was clearly too lost in her agony to even think about what she was saying, Mary-Beth had got enough of an idea of this woman's behavior to realize that she would never have said something that even sounded that close to a submission if she wasn't well aware of how much trouble she was in. On the other paw, of course, it was a shame the fight was getting so close to over, it was so rare to find someone so worth her time. Then again, all good things had to come to an end, and it was time to send the Scorbunny out with a rather literal bang.

"No~? Not too deep~?" Her voice dripped like honey, "Alright then, let's get it DEEPER!" She shoved the rod in deeper to the Scorbunny's hungry cunny, driving in, and reaching down to pull those ears up, and yank with all she had. The sound of metal grinding on metal rang through the abandoned machinery, echoing off the walls.

"AAAGGHH!" Tears and saliva fell down the scorbunny's face, and combining that with the screaching metal she seemed to be crying and screaming both inside and out. It was one of the loudest and most horrific sounds that the Lopunny had heard, the sound of visceral physical and sexual destruction. And she loved it. She loved grinding her opponents into nothing, feeling them struggle and suffer, hearing their cries, and with the advanced mechanics in her eyes, seeing the shock on the faces of the other dolls in the factory when yet another hope was dashed by her power. She was the beast of the factory, a nightmare to anyone who stood to her, and even their most powerful champion so far was nothing compared to her might.

She stomped down on the Scorbunny's back, time and again, and then with her hand on those ears she gave a final pull. There was a horrific "CRACK!" sound, and the grinding became for a moment louder than ever before, and then suddenly halted. The Scorbunny's body was bent almost at a ninety degree angle now, and the wide-open look in her eyes told Mary-Beth that she had not only defeated her physically, but she was, somehow, quite literally, broken.

She gave a high girlish giggle that didn't quite match up with the vicious nature of her assault, and reached down to pull the bent bar from her prey's cunt. It wouldn't move, jammed tight, and she needed to reroute power to her arm before she could manage to yank it free. It popped free with a scrape and snap, cut off at the end, part of the mangled bar still bent stuck fast between the internal gears.

"Wow, would you look at that~" She giggled, waving the metal around and then tossing it to the side, letting the bent metal clang against the ground and bounce to a stop. She picked up the dildo, and looked at the other mon on the floor, bent into a permant V shape, then slowly licked along the metallic shaft. As her tongue slipped along electric sensors at the top, she felt a little jump, letting her know that the sense-connections were still active. Well, all the scrap of the mons she destroyed was her property, so that made this her cock.

She slipped it between her lower lips, settling it into the socket of her pussy, and allowing her to experience it like a cock of her own, as well as one that filled her hungry pussy. She remembered the helpless look in the eye of its previous owner as she'd used this psuedoshaft to force a terminal overheat. Now it was time to show this Scorbunny exactly how badly a mon could suffer, and not just here, but in front of everyone. With 'her' cock properly in place, unremovable until she could reach down and detach it by hand, she grabbed the bent Scorbunny by the ears, and dragged her out to the large platform outside of her 'cave.' Even from as far up as she was, her hypersensitive audio receivers allowed her to hear the collective dismayed, if not exactly shocked, response to seeing yet another one of their would-be heroes reduced to so much scrap metal.

She threw down, back bent over the lip of what had once been an elevated assembly line, so she could look down at their faces and see the look of disappointment when they realized just how helpless their bitch had been made. The pleasure of that dominance was just as great as the pleasure of the tight, twice-overheated Scorbunny pussy that she now jammed herself into, realizing from the temperature that that last jamming thrust of the bar had been enough to release even more lubricating coolant, and that just felt so hot and pleasant.

The Scorbunny grasped helplessly at the air, and her single remaining hand eventually landed on the edge of the conveyor, clutching tight enough to crush the metal. Mary-Beth laughed as her opponent's hand squeezed tight on the metal, burying herself deep in the Scorbunny's hot, soaked pussy.

"What's wrong, girl~?" She taunted, "Not feeling so tough, are ya? Not feeling like you're... GAH!" The scorbunny's pussy clutched tight, and those arms rotated, dragging her up into the air, and then sending her into a free-fall. The scorbunny's hands clearly had some unusually effective grasping and rotational power, she only needed the hands and the arms to twist, but then again that could be the danger of these creatures, even they could sometimes forget their anatomy wasn't exactly normal. Now she was suspended, almost helpless, while her opponent hung above her, staring down in her eyes.

"Ah, not lookin' so tough now, are ya lass?!" The other lapine laughed, "Now ye know I got ye. I been built for nae other reason than to smash ye to bits. If one of us falls, we both do, ye weak pile o' scrap. Ye may take me down, but I go down, ye do too!"

She was right, to a point. She was stuck in the scot-accented rabbit's cunt, and there was no simple way to take her down completely. On the other hand, well, only one of them had the option of an 'Other hand.' She pressed her feet to the wall, and pushed off, using all the power she could channel into it to force herself up. There was a horrific screech as she did, the rod bending back into position in the jammed Scorbunny's torso. She wasn't bent, any more, the gears were able to move just a few more ticks, until she was stuck in a purely straight position. The lopunny was sitting up straight as well, they looked like lovers in the missionary position, each hanging on to the ledge by only one hand, though the Lopunny at least was doing it by choice, while her opponent did it because she only had the one hand to hang on with.

"You might be right on that~" The Lopunny's voice trailed high, never dropping her almost valley girl tone no matter how intense the battle got, "But there difference is, we might both fall... But only one of us can catch herself!" With that, she yanked on to the shoulder of the scorbunny. Metal creaked and squealed, and sparks flew from her shoulder, the tiny lights illuminating the way to the ground below. It would have been high for a human. For these creatures, it was like a massive cliff and a deadly, rock-filled abyss down below.

The scorbunny quickly wrapped her legs around the Lopunny's body in return, squeezing herself close, and consequently, forcing herself back down onto that stiff cock. She could feel every millimeter of the Scorbunny's perfectly designed pussy against her, feel just a hint of the pleasure and overwhelming sensations she had inflicted on the cock's previous owner. The connections were perfect, the sensations incredible, it was no wonder attempting to process them lead to an overheat. She gave a sadistic smile in the face of the scorbunny, holding on with both of her own hands, while the other lapine wrapped her arms tight and forced herself to hilt on that throbbing cock just to keep from tumbling to her death.

"Ooooh, no wonder guys like to fuck me so much. Should probably turn this back on them, didn't know it'd feel this good~" She laughed.

"Y-yeah?!" The scorbunny asked, and wrapped herself up around the Lopunny tighter, "Ye think this is nice? Ye ain't even gettin' started. Let's feckin' go, cunt!" She yelled out, then began to vibrate. Pleasure pumped into the Lopunny's body all of a sudden, and her hands instinctively grasped tighter... Then looser as well. She didn't know much about getting her cock milked, but she knew enough to know that this level of sensation could play havoc with her ability to keep under control of some of her finer functions, meaning that she had to get out of the scorbunny, before the sensations sent them both tumbling down to the hard floor.

She didn't have much time to lose, either. The pleasure, and the power, from that vibrating body was growing. Not only that, the scorbunny's pussy was making things harder by coating the cock in some sort of electro-active lubricant. It meant the pleasure was getting greater, and somehow the vibrations were too. She felt her hand slip a little. She could worry about getting this bitch off her later, she had to get to flat ground now! Her gears creaked as she pulled herself up, crawling her way to the flat area above. It wasn't easy, carrying both their weight with only her cock and the clenching vibrating muscles of the scorbunny to support them, but she managed it.

She rolled onto the stable surface, but the scorbunny kept them rolling, leaving her on her back, and staring up at the other creature. Her cock was jammed deep in that pussy, and the vibrations seemed to only be growing. Growing, and growing, and... Oh, fuck, through the electro-gel pussyjuices, she recognized the rhythm. If she kept letting the Scorbunny subject her to this, she wouldn't just overheat, the rapid vibrations would shake her inner workings apart! This was too much, she had to disengage! She reached down, trying to grab onto the scorbunny and force her off, but no progress was being made, and she started to realize it couldn't, either. Her temperature was growing, but the gel had seaped into her connectors, keeping that cock attached.

"Ye like this, ye weak lil' whore? Take it! Blow it in me cunt ye fat wench!" She growled. Mary-Beth decided to take a different tact, as her orgasm continued to grow, and the temperature buiilt. She started to divert what power she could to managing it, stopping the overheat release, even panting like an overwhelmed bitch to try to add in air cooling. She couldn't just outlast this, she had to do more, she had to escape! She might be able to outfuck the pleasure, though likely not while trying to process the sensations of a new cock, but she could certainly put her foe on her back and pull out. She twisted her hips, rolling the Scorbunny onto her back, then grabbing the other lapine's and trying to pull out.

Trying was, unfortunately, the operative word. Soon as she was on top, her oppponent locked her thighs in around the lapine's hips, and pulled her close once more. She might be too jammed up in the middle to properly twist, but she didn't need weight, and they both knew it. Pleasure and pressure and heat grew up in the Lopunny's body, she was going to overheat, and she could feel it, she couldn't hold out much longer. She glared down into the Scorbunny's face, who, despite all the torment she had been put through, continued to just smile cruelly up at her, with a look in her eyes that said she knew how much trouble the Lopunny was in. She pulled, she twitched, she shook, but she couldn't put an end to this. She was going to go over, she was going to blow, and when that happened... The only question left was whether her end would come from an overheat or just being shaken apart. For the first time in her career, in all her years as the monster everyone in the factory feared, she felt weakness. She felt the doom she brought the others. Her opponent just looked up at her, confidently, as the last few barriers stopping a total collapse and overheat release were breaking down.

"Ye never had a chance, slut. Yer obsolete, just give up and join the rest of the scrap heap, there's a new feckin' model o' monster for this factory!"

She said it, and gave a squeeze... And she felt her first forced and unwilling overheat rush through her. Every gear, piston, and bit of wire that could stretch or stiffen out did, and warning sirens blared in her ears, red critical alerts flashed in her eyes. She gushed, feeling the coolent fall out around her cock, cooling a little, but getting worse. Her hand twitched and shook, and then suddenly stopped, the vibrations forced into her by the Scorbunny's pussy were too much to handle. She fell forward, onto her chest, with her lips inches from the other creature's full lips. She could look into that dripping mouth, looking helplessly at what looked like the same sort of cave that a monster like her could be found in, even starting to whimper as she continued to gush and vibrate.

"Ye put up a good fight, Mary-Beth," the Scorbunny's voice was a little softer now, now that she was victorious, now that her foe was shaking and twisting and defeated on top of her.

"Ahhhh..." She gasped, "Ah, ah... I..." Her hips pumped, pressing in, again and again, releasing gushes of coolant and joints buckling as the vibration got to her, "I... I d-didn't..." She groaned out, tears starting to fall down her cheeks, feeling beaten and helpless and a lifetime of suffering inflicted all at once through an artificial cock, "I... J-just wanted... T-to... F-fight..."

"I know..." The Scorbunny answered, and reached up to grab her head, pull her in, and give her a warm, almost loving and affectionate kiss, then pull away, "It's what we're made for."

"I... I lost..." She whimpered, and felt her head being pulled down to the Scorbunny's neck like a crying child held by her mother.

"We all lose eventually..." The Scorbunny comforted her, stroking along her head, along her ears, "Ye had a good run. All ye can ask for."

The Lopunny tried to answer, but the words wouldn't come out, just garbles of previous voice clips and random phonemes, which the Scorbunny answered by holding her closer and continuing to pet her, almost affectionately.

"Sounds like ye voice synthesizer's busted," the orange and white bunny practically purred, "I'll just do the rest o' the talkin'. Don't ye worry. Everyone has a first win, and a first loss. Ye don't get to choose a first loss, but I couldn't ask for a better first win."

The Lopunny whimpered, continuing to pump and shake, circuits and boards being jostled loose, the world seeming to burn like the inside of her opponent's cunt. Or, perhaps more accurately right now, the insides of her shell considering the overheated circuits. She tried to speak once again, but she couldn't even remember how to move her mouth now.

"Ah know ye tried to say somethin' there. Don't worry," her opponent answered, "Ye don't need to talk. Just let me share this with ye... And fade out."

Just like her cock had been doing for that pussy since the second it entered, Mary-Beth obeyed, and the world went black.

The world went white. Slowly she felt her processes begin to return, she felt everything coming back. Her arms, her legs... She didn't remember the specifics, just a few images of a Scorbunny, and knowledge she'd been taken down. She looked around herself, down on the factory floor that she hadn't seen in years, and saw several nearby mons shaking and recoiling in fear.

She looked down at her hands, "You, like, put me back together." She looked to the others, "Why?"

A shaking Salazzle standing near the dollhouse's door spoke, "A-Annis... She... We... N-nobody else has a chance."

Of course not. Who could? The Lopunny stood up, and all the other mons jumped away as if a bomb were about to explode. She walked to the door, and the Salazzle shrunk away, but didn't seem to think of hiding or stepping aside.

"W-We..." Her proximity made her the unofficial group spokeswoman, much to the apparent relief "We want you t-to..."

"Get out of my way," the Lopunny said, and pushed her aside.

"We want you t-" She slapped the Salazzle hard enough one eye popped from the socket when she fell.

"You guys get out of my way," she said, looking up at the conveyer and the cave that had once been hers, "I've got a long way to climb."

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