Life's a Bitch, Death's a Vixen: Four Sisters, Part 2

Story by Blindseer on SoFurry

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#3 of Life's a Bitch, Death's a Vixen

I apoligize for having this up much later than I should have. It's been extremely difficult to find time to write, and some weeks it has gotten to the point where if I can write a paragraph a day it's a lot. Because of this, I've decided to split this saga up even further into three parts. Hopefully things will calm down and I'll be able to get the next segment up much quicker. I highly recommend you read the previous stories if you haven't, because I don't think this will make too much sense as a stand alone story.

Please enjoy, feedback appreciated.

Thanks to SilverAutomatic for helping me edit this throughout the entire process.

**This story contains some religious aspects, please don't email me and say "Such and such is wrong" or "I'm offended by..." because I'm warning you now. If you feel strongly about religion, I suggest you skip this story, and this in no way reflects what I believe about the afterlife or anything else regarding religion.

"Wake up lazy bones!" Caroline yelled. I woke up and looked to see her standing over me. "Come on, get up," she said pulling my arm.

"What a weird dream-" I began but quickly stopped when I took a look around me and noticed I was in Heaven once again. "What the hell happened!?"

"Well we went back to the bar to meet-"

"I remember that, but what happened after Kayley killed me!?"

"It was really weird. After she had done it she just sat there for a while and didn't say anything. Her two sisters kept tormenting me but all of a sudden in a totally different tone of voice Kayley told them to stop. They just laughed and continued what they were doing but she stood up and I saw that she had fur and everything again. Oh and her eyes weren't red anymore, they were green. Anyway, she told them to stop again and when they ignored her she attacked them. Unfortunately the three of her sisters managed to overtake her and immediately after they killed her they killed me."

"Damn," I said. "You okay, you know, with the whole being dead thing?"

"I think I'll manage," Caroline said. Sam walked up next to her and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Glad to see you two met again," I said.

"I'm sorry about Kayley... There was nothing I could do..."

"It's not your fault," I sighed. "I've got to find someone now. I'll see ya later."

"Wait a second!" Caroline said grabbing my shoulder as I turned to leave. "Am I going to see you again...? So I can properly thank you?" I turned back around and pulled her hand from my shoulder. Sam eyes widened a little and she made a gesture asking if she should leave to which Caroline nodded. Sam walked away silently.

"Thank me for what?"

"Thank you for what!? Mike you've done so much-"

"No, don't worry about it. Your thanks is enough."

"No it's not!" Caroline said stamping her feet a little as a child would in a temper tantrum. "I have to do something for you..."

I let out a loud sigh. "What do you have in mind?"

"I think you have a pretty good idea," she said leaning in close to me and putting a finger to my lips when I tried to speak. "I want to do this... You definitely deserve it," she said kissing me softly. I returned it, slowly at first, but more passionately as time went on.

As I was about to go further however, I thought of Kayley and realized what I was doing. I jerked away from Caroline rapidly, causing her to let out a small cry of shock. "I thought..." she started.

"Look," I said hugging her close, "God knows how much I want to... But neither of us can. It's not right to Kayley, and it isn't right to Sam."

"But Sam said it would be okay if I did it once with you-"

"No," I said releasing her from my embrace. "Please don't tempt me Caroline... Kayley means so much to me and I don't want anything coming between us. You understand what I mean?"

"I guess," she said disappointed.

"I'm sorry," I said softly.

"It's okay. You're right though, it's not fair to Sam. She wasn't really that happy with it... She was just going to let me do it because I wanted to so badly."

"She really must love you to allow you to do something like that."

"I know," she said a bit more cheerfully.

"Well I've got to get going... Thanks for understanding," I said pulling her into another hug.

"Goodbye," she said miserably. "You never did answer my question," she said beginning to weep softly.

"What was it?" I said pulling her even closer.

"Am I going to see you again?" she sobbed into my shoulder.

"I'm not sure..."

"Promise me," she choked out, "Promise me I'll see you again."

"I promise I'll see you again," I said kissing the top of her head. She pulled away and looked up at me. "Please don't cry." I wiped the tears away from under her eyes. She raised a hand up and swiftly brought it across my face. "Ouch!"

"Sorry," she giggled. "Made me feel better though. Seriously though Mike, I better see you again," she said starting to tear up again.

"You will, don't worry. Goodbye," I said letting her go again. Caroline smiled and wiped another tear away from her eye before heading off in the direction Sam had left.

I wandered out of sight before pulling out the special piece of parchment which allowed me to get in touch with the angels. I wrote John and sat down waiting for him to arrive. "Interesting turn of events," he said.

"I know. Where's Kayley now?" I asked.

"She's back in Hell."

"And her sisters?"

"They're still free."

"What level is she in?"

"Ordinarily she'd be in the lowest for the atrocities she committed, but because she was sort of brainwashed she was sentenced to the first level."

"Send me to her!"

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"I can't just send an innocent person to Hell, Mike."

"You have to-"

"Hold your horses boy! But if someone was to sayyyyyy, take their own life, well they

certainly couldn't be allowed back into Heaven after doing that now could they?"

"But- Oh. Thanks John."

"Thanks for what? I didn't give you any ideas."

"Right." He smiled.

"Good luck finding her," he said.

"Thanks," I said. He offered his hand and I shook it firmly.

"I've got to get going now," he said disappearing. I pulled out Liz's dagger and stared at it. This was going to be tough...

"Hey runt, been a while," Kyle said kicking me. I opened my eyes and saw I was back at the Gates of Hell. I stood up and pushed him back roughly.

"Kyle! Have you seen Kayley around!?"

"Yeah, she came back here for the first time since she fuckin' killed me!"

"Where is she now?"

"I think in her apartment."

"Thank you," I said tearing off towards her building.

"Wait a minute you little bastard! I got a bone to pick with ya!" he yelled. I paid him no heed and continued running.

"Kayley," I yelled as I burst into her room.

"Mike!?" she yelled startled. "Oh my god! I can't believe you're here!" she cried as she grabbed me into a tight hug. "You gave up Heaven for me!?"

"And I'd do it again." She pulled away and her tail went between her legs.

"I can't believe you came back after all that," she said quietly. "You shouldn't be here, I really don't deserve you."

"Don't talk like that," I said pulling her into another embrace and giving her a kiss. "It was more my fault than yours... I'm sorry I was fooling around with Caroline. I hope you know it wasn't serious and it really didn't mean anything, she was just teasing me."

Kayley opened her mouth to speak but before any words could come out thunder cracked loudly outside. "That's odd," I said.

"It, it can't be," Kayley stammered.

"What? What's happening? What can't be?"

"We need to get outside, now!" Kayley pulled me hard by the hand until we stood on the worn down street outside her building. I noticed people were lined all along the street and groveling.

"What's going on?"

"Just be quiet and get down on your knees," Kayley whispered. The air seemed to be growing hotter as we sat there. Then, a large demon escorted by two lions appeared way down in the center of the street. As she got closer I could tell she was enormous, standing nearly ten feet tall.

"Who's that?" I whispered.

"The Devil herself, now shut up!" Kayley hissed. The demon continued to make her way down the street, and as she got closer the air was definitely getting hotter. She stopped only when she stood before Kayley. She picked her up by the scruff of her neck and lifted her up easily in front of her face so they were looking at each other eye to eye. Kayley yipped in pain but she didn't protest or struggle at all against her painful treatment. The demon didn't say anything, just continued to look at what she was holding up. I could see tears forming in Kayley's eyes from the intense pain.

"Put her down! You're hurting her!" I yelled standing up.

The lions moved towards me but before they could attack the demon ordered them to stop. "And who are you to question how I treat the people in my domain? They're here for punishment and I will do to them as I please," she said. She lifted her up slightly higher and a steady stream of tears now began to fall from Kayley's eyes.

"I said put her down!"

"Look at you. You stand before me with your knees quaking and your voice cracking from fear, all for this little skank."

"Don't talk about her like that!" All eyes were now on me and the situation which was now unfolding. The Devil let out a loud laugh.

"You're scared shitless and yet you continue to defy the most powerful being in the underworld. I like that kid, I like that a lot." She lifted Kayley up even higher causing her to cry out in pain again. Unable to contain myself any longer I took a swing at her. It didn't affect her at all, but she let out another loud laugh. "What's your name kid?"

"Mike Wyvern," I replied angrily.

"Well Mike Wyvern, your girlfriend here is in a lot of trouble." Kayley looked down at me.

"Mike please, don't get involved."

"Did I say you could speak!?" she roared at Kayley. She bowed her head in shame.

"What'd she do?"

"She can fill you in on that. You do know what you did, don't you?" she asked Kayley. Kayley nodded her head. "Well then, explain it to him." Kayley gave me an extremely sad look. "I'm waiting," she said impatiently.

"I," Kayley began but then stopped.

"You what, honey? Just tell me."

"I was supposed to help her find the other half of her soul so... so that she could take over Heaven and Earth."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"God split her soul into two when He banished her from Heaven, and hid half of it on Earth. By doing this He halved her power. If she managed to get it back and get her complete soul, then she'd have power rivaled only by God Himself."

"And how long did I give you to find it?" the Devil asked. "I'd say it was a couple of centuries at least, no?" Kayley nodded. "And yet you failed to obey!" she hissed raising Kayley as high as she could which elicited a loud whimper from Kayley.

"Put her down!"

"We've already determined there's nothing you can do to stop me," the Devil laughed.

"Please... Just, put her down," I begged, throwing myself down at her feet.

"Ugh, this is truly sickening... such dedication. All of you disperse!" she roared and the crowd scattered into a multitude of different directions, including the two lions who were guarding her. She dropped Kayley heavily to the ground and sighed. "Follow me," she said motioning for me to follow. I bent down and helped Kayley stand up, kissing her before following. "Just you Mr. Wyvern." Kayley stopped in her tracks and watched as I was led down a side alley. "Normally I'd banish your mate there to the worst Hell has to offer, but I'm going to give you a chance to save her from that fate. Now before I begin, are you interested?"

"Of course! But why are you sparing her?"

"I'm not all evil," she replied. She appeared to be a rabbit with red fur, but two dragon like wings sat folded up behind her. She also had a vicious set of fangs. "Besides, by giving you a little motivation I might get what I want a little bit quicker. You're going to fulfill what Kayley was supposed to a long time ago, however I'm going to give you one year to do it. That should certainly hasten the process."

"What's going to happen to Kayley in the meantime?"

"Should you accept she'll continue her job as Death. If you decline as I said before she'll be sent to the lowest level of Hell. I should add that if you fail to complete your task in time or at all, both you and her will be subject to the same punishment."

"So what exactly do I have to do?"

"I'm going to send you to a person who'll be able to help you. From there it's up to you. I suggest you get started, you have one year." My head began to spin and I closed my eyes to escape from the dizzying sensation.

When I opened my eyes again I was standing in my cloak at an old bookstore. Through a window I was able to see a young coyote pouring over a book on a cluttered desk. As I entered the store a bell went off, indicating that someone had arrived. The coyote looked up from his book to see me walking towards him. He raised an eyebrow and said, "Can I help you?"

"I believe you can. What's your name?"

"Todd. Todd Robertson. Who are you?"

"Mike Wyvern."

"What? That's impossible! There are hundreds of articles which talk about his murder

almost twelve years ago now. So who are you really?"

"Mike Wyvern." The coyote adjusted the glasses sitting on his muzzle and took a good look at me.

"Sir, please just tell me who you are."

"I'm Mike Wyvern! I'm not kidding. Look at some of the articles, there must be pictures." He got up from his seat and walked over to a computer. He pulled up a search engine and tapped a few keys before hitting enter. At least two hundred articles popped up. He clicked on the top result and in there was one of my school photos. Todd took a good look at the picture and then turned back towards me and turned pale as a ghost.

"But, but how?" he stammered. I explained to him why I was looking for him, and he sat shaking his head in disbelief the entire time. "This, this isn't happening! This is just a dream. I'll wake up any second now and everything will be okay." He smacked himself hard and winced at the pain.

"Do you know it's real yet?" I asked yawning. He smacked himself again and opened his eyes as if expecting me to have disappeared. "As much as you may not want to believe it, this is actually happening. Now will you please help me?"

"What am I supposed to do?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I have no idea." We both sat staring at each other and thinking.

Then, surprising me greatly, he stood up and shouted, "I've got it!"

"You do?"

"Yes. One moment!" He went hastily into a backroom and I could hear him moving boxes around. Finally he emerged carrying a wooden box with a glass top. It was thick with dust. "Here," he said placing the object down in front of me.

"What is it?"

"Look in it!" he said pointing through the glass and wiping off the covering layer of dust. In it was an old leather-bound book, the title far too worn to read.

"Well what the hell is it?"

"It's almost two thousand years old and is worth millions! The owner keeps it in the back in an old safe. I'm not really sure how he obtained it, but I would assume it was illegally since he never mentions it to anyone. Anyway, for whatever reason he told me, and I recall him saying something about it dealing with biblical stories! This must be what I can help you with."

"So, how do I get it out?"

"You don't."

"What do you mean I don't? How is a book that I can't read going to help me?"

"Well it's my boss's prized possession, and like I said it's worth millions! You can't just expect me to give you such an object." His eyes went as wide as dinner plates as I smashed my hand through the glass and pulled out the book, throwing it down onto the table before me. "You... You can't do that! Put it back, please!" I ignored him and began flipping through page after page.

After nearly a minute of his whining the bell of the door went off and an attractive leopardess stepped in. Todd looked up and pulled his ears down to his head. "H, Hi Jane," he stammered.

"Hey Todd. Did my book come in yet?"

"Uh, yes! Yes it did! I'll be right back," he said turning around and tripping over a small stack of books on the floor. He stood up, and even through his thick tan fur his blush was visible. "Heh, I'm alright," he laughed nervously. He readjusted his glasses and walked into the backroom where I heard him swear loudly and yell at himself. He came back out carrying a book and wearing a fake smile. "Here ya go," he said nearly throwing the book at her. She caught it and giggled.

"Thanks Todd. I already paid for it, I think."

"Yeah you did. I remember!"

"Well, thanks again then." She smiled and turned around. "See you soon," she said as she walked out. Todd waved behind her grinning stupidly even a few minutes after she was gone.

"Okay lover boy, I ain't getting any younger."

"Don't call me that! I don't love her, she's just a good customer and friend is all."

I let out a snort of laughter. "A friend that you'd like to bone."

"Shut up! And give me back that book." He made a grab for it but I pulled it away.

"Not until you admit you have a crush on that lady friend of yours."

"Okay fine," he sighed sinking down into a chair. "I do, but it's not like she could ever love anyone like me. She could be a freakin' supermodel and I'm just a, well a book worm I guess." He sighed again and sank even lower. "Everyone picks on me, even you!" I watched as his facial features contorted into a glare clearly wishing death onto me.

"Whoa, calm down. I was just teasin' ya." My words didn't have any effect on him and he continued to mope. "Look, I'll make you a deal." His ears perked up slightly but he continued to sit slumped down in the chair. "You help me and give me this book," I began watching as his eyebrows furrowed in a sort of angry way, "And I'll get you and that sexy lady together. Do we have a deal?" His head shot up as he contemplated over what I had said.

"Fine," he half muttered. I stuck out a hand which he shook loosely.

"We'll get started right away," I said making him stand up and go over to the phone.

"I can't, can't call her!" Todd protested as he held the store's phone in his hands.

"You can and you will," I said shoving the phone back into his hands as he tried to put it

down. "Just say hi, can you do that?"


"Okay then. After that, tell her you think she's a really nice girl and that you'd like to take her out sometime. Now can you do that?"

"Yes... But what if she says no? It'll be really awkward and-"

"She's not going to say no," I interrupted. He opened his mouth to speak but before he got any words out I cut him off again and said, "And even in the one in a billion chance your shot down, there're others girls and the world won't come to an end."

"How can you be so freakin' sure of yourself?" he asked putting his head between his hands.

"Truth be told I'm not. I was always as nervous as you are now when I asked out a girl, but I found giving yourself false confidence helps a lot. Don't worry about her answer, just worry about your approach." He sighed and then pulled his hands away from his face. "Now call her," I ordered.

Very slowly he punched her number into the phone, nervously drumming his fingers as the phone rang. "Hello?" I heard a female voice on the other end of the line say.

"He, hey Jane. It's me, Todd, from the bookstore," he managed to get out. I shook my head disapprovingly.

"Oh hey Todd!" she said. "What's up?"

"Um well..."

"What?" she asked. I hit him hard across the back of the head.

"No student of mine will fail!" I yelled at him. "Now be more confident and ask her already!"

"Well I think you're a really nice girl and uhh," he trailed off.

"Finish it!" I yelled, but before he could get out the words she spoke.

"Aww Toddy, are you asking me out?"

"Ummm, uhhh, yeah," he stammered.

"That's so sweet! I'd love to go out with you!"

"Really? You would!?" he squealed excitedly.

"Of course, you're a sweet guy. So what were you thinking?" A look of panic flashed across Todd's face, and he looked at me questioningly. I just shrugged my shoulders.

"You know her better than I pal, do something you know you'd both enjoy."

Todd sat in silence for a minute, prompting Jane to ask, "Todd, you still there?"

"Um yeah. How about we go check out that Shakespeare play there putting on this Saturday... I think it's Romeo and Juliet."

"I love Romeo and Juliet! It's my favorite play," she said.

"Great! I'll pick you up at eight?"

"That sounds good," she said.

"Okay, well see you later I guess."

"See ya soon," she said and then I could here the click of the receiver as it was placed down. Todd sat holding the phone next to his ear for long after she had hung up. He wore a grin stretching from ear to ear.

After nearly ten minutes he turned to me and said, "She said yes."

"I couldn't tell," I said sarcastically.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" he yelled happily wagging his tail behind him and

throwing us into a tight hug.

"Whoa, calm down. I can hardly breathe," I said pulling his arms away from me. "So the book's mine now?"

"No, you have to help me out this Saturday."

"Hey my end of the bargain is done, there was nothing about going on any date."

"Please," he begged so pathetically that there was no way I could say no. I rolled my eyes

and sighed.

"One date, but that's it. Then the book is mine and I'll be on my way, okay?"


On the day before Todd's big date, I sat lounged out in a chair of the bookshop. "Oh God what am I going to wear?" Todd kept muttering and pacing. I put the old book that was practically mine down. I had been reading it intensely over the past couple of days, but found nothing useful. It was, as Todd had said, a book of old biblical stories, mostly ones that I had never seen before. If any information on the half of the Devil's soul I was looking for was anywhere, it would probably be in this book.

"Will you sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up?" I said venting my frustration. I rubbed my temples and looked over at him. He sat down in a chair and rocked back and forth while rubbing his hands together. I sighed and looked out the window, it was a rainy day and there had been very few customers. "Calm down, seriously. You'll be fine, and I'll be right there with you. You have nothing to worry about." Todd didn't say anything but fidgeted with his glasses and began to shuffle his feet. "Why are you such a wreck?"

"I have no idea! I'm really nervous, I can't help it I'm sorry!"

"It's getting late," I said looking out the window and noticing it was nearly pitch black out now. "Shut down the shop and go home and relax! Try and calm yourself down, and then get some sleep."

"Okay," he stammered. He shut down the shop and put on his rain jacket before stepping out into the cold damp air. It was quite a trek from his house to the bookshop by foot, nearly fifteen blocks. As we stepped outside I looked up into the sky. "Mike?" Todd asked when he noticed I wasn't following him, "You alright?"


"I asked if you're alright?"

"Oh, yeah. It's just been a long time since I've seen any rain... Damn near forgotten what it felt like to look up into it." He nodded and continued to walk, and after another couple of moments I followed.

That night passed very slowly. It consisted mainly of Todd muttering to himself and sitting up in bed nearly every five minutes, until finally his exhaustion overtook him and he fell asleep. With Todd's nervousness finished for the night I felt myself getting drowsy and went towards a small guestroom he had made up for me. However, just as I was about to doze off I felt a soft touch on my cheek.

"Mike you awake?" someone called out softly.

"Kayley?" I whispered.

"Yes. Let's go into the other room for a second." Half asleep I stumbled blindly through the darkness until I bumped into Kayley. She grabbed my hand and led me easily through the dark to Todd's den, where she flipped on the lights.

"How'd you get out?" I asked squinting my eyes a little to protect them from the bright light.

"I convinced Kyle to let me out," she smiled.

"You didn't... You know..."

"Of course not," she giggled, "I just reminded him that you'd be coming back and that you wouldn't be happy at all if he didn't treat me well." I laughed.

"So what brings you here?"

"I needed to see you! It's been so long... I mean we hardly talked at all before we got separated again." I sat down on the floor and Kayley laid her head in my lap. I stroked through her headfur as I told of Todd and his date Jane, as well as everything else that had happened. When I was done Kayley giggled and looked up at me.

"You know you never asked me out," she said.

"Because you practically asked me out," I replied.

"That's true," she said nodding her head slightly. We sat for a minute in silence, until Kayley sighed contentedly and said, "You know the only thing I really missed out on was a formal ceremony to make our bond official."

"You mean a wedding?"

"Something like that," she said. I mused over her words for a minute before speaking again.

"I promise you that when we get back in Heaven we'll make it official. We'll invite everyone, it'll be great!"

"Okay, but..." she sort of trailed off.

"But what?"

"Well you never did propose to me or anything," she said smiling.

"Aww come on, are you serious? You already know-"

"Please?" she begged while batting her eyes. I stood her up, slowly got down onto one knee, and grabbed one of her hands tightly in my own.

"You know I'm no good with words... especially when put on the spot like this... But I'll do my best. Kayley Trevor," I began, thinking of a proper way to ask her, "Will you be my mate for all eternity?" I finished.

"Of course Mr. Mike Wyvern," she said bending down and giving me a kiss. "Thank you," she whispered softly into my ear. "Now the only thing I need is a ring," she winked.

"Greedy bitch," I muttered.

"What was that?" she asked in mock anger.

"Nothing dearest," I replied in a sing song manner. She laughed as I released her hand from my own and tried to pull her into another hug.

"Hey, I know what you're thinking of doing! Not until are wedding night mister!" she said pulling back. Kayley laughed at my look of confusion. "I'm jokin' honey. I want to just as badly as you, but I need to get back... I promise I'll visit again soon okay?"

"Alright," I said hugging her. She gave me one last kiss and then disappeared.

By the time Kayley had left, Todd's alarm had gone off and he walked into the room with me. "Who were you talking too?" he asked.

"My mate," I said quietly.

"Oh. Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's fine..." I shook my head violently, trying to forget that Kayley had left. "What time you have to open up the shop?"

"Um seven, and it's five now. You wanna hang around here or come with me to the shop?"

"That depends."

"On?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"You going to be a wreck all day like last night?"

"Oh my God. Jane! Tonight! I almost forgot!"

"After yesterday I thought that'd be the only thing on your mind... Anyway I guess I'll hang out here, look more in that book." Todd began to shake, and I gave him a hard a slap on the back. "Snap out of it, you'll be fine."

"Right," he said rocking back and forth slightly. "I'm gonna go get ready for work." I sat

down on the couch in the den and closed my eyes.

I had been a sleep for probably an hour before Todd leaving for work woke me up. "Oh hey Mike," he said noticing that I had gotten up. "I'm just leavin'." I laughed when I noticed he was wearing no pants. "What? What's so funny?"

"Goin' to work without pants are we?"

"What are you talking abo- Ack! Oh man!" he yelled looking down and blushing. Todd ran towards his room, and returned a minute later wearing a sheepish grin. "Heh, thanks... I owe you one, I'm just so damn nervous everything's slippin' my mind. I'll be home around six... to get ready for tonight," he said as he walked out the door.

After Todd had left I went back to read the ancient book. I had read half of it so far and still had found nothing that was helpful with regards to my task. The text seemed to fade together as I began to zone out, absent mindedly flipping pages without bothering to read them. A bright red stain across one of the pages caught my attention. Beneath the stain was a picture of a large tomb stone, and beneath that were the words, "The Banishing of the Devil". This was it! This was what I was looking for! Though I wondered what had made the stain on the paper, I didn't bother to investigate and began reading thoroughly. I went through the entire chapter in about an hour, and as soon as I had finished it once I went through it again.

To my disappointment, the book contained no exact location of where to look for the Devil's soul in it. The information it did give however, was that it had been sealed away long ago in a tomb, presumably the one in the picture. "Well," I said aloud to myself in a sarcastic tone, "I best get looking." I sat disappointed despite the fact I at least had some idea of what I was looking for now. If only it had given a-

Something in the back cover of the book slipped out as I tossed it to the side. I picked it up and opened it slowly. It was a note, written in a language I could not understand. I decided I'd ask Todd. He read a lot of books and was pretty smart, if anyone could figure this out it would most likely be him. I opened the book back up to the red stain, looking at it more closely. It didn't look like blood, that tended to brown with age. Before I could examine it any further however something pounced on me and knocked me off the couch I had been sitting on. "Who the fuc- Kayley!? What are you doing here? I wasn't expecting to see you till way later." I looked up at her nude form as she sat rather contentedly on my chest.

"Surprise," she said leaning down and giving me a kiss.

"I found some more stuff abou-"

"Forget about that for now," she smiled. "There's something we haven't done in ages that I'm dying to do right now."

"Sheesh, like a bitch in heat," I said as she cuddled herself close to me.

"What was that?" she asked, allowing a sly smile to play across her face.

"Nothing," I said.

"You know Mike, I can hold out much longer than you," she said pulling away from me and sitting up.

"No! For God's sake no!" She laughed and cuddled up close to me another time.

"Thought so." She leaned in close and gave me another kiss. It didn't take long for me to get out of my clothes, and soon she was lying on the couch, her legs spread wide. I sank between her legs and kissed her inner thighs, always moving close to her sex but never actually making contact with it. Kayley moaned in frustration. "Please, no more teasing," she begged. Despite her pleas I continued teasing her. Finally, I made contact with her sex, a swift light kiss.

Apparently my teasing had gotten her much closer to her climax than I had realized, for as soon as I finished Kayley howled out in pleasure. She breathed heavily for a couple of minutes until she caught her breath. "No more teasing!" she said. I went down between her legs again, though this time kissing her sex to start. I gently spread her lips apart with my fingers, and proceeded to slowly sink my tongue into her depths. Kayley's legs began to close around my head as she drew closer to her second orgasm. She threw her hands around the back of my head. When she let out another loud howl of pleasure she pulled my head tight against her sex. "Mmph, God that was amazing," she purred. She let go of my head, and I slid out from my position. "Well someone's certainly ready," she said noticing my arousal. I picked her up into my arms.

"I think you've gained weight," I said as I held her in my arms. Her thin and athletic body certainly wasn't heavy, but because of all her muscle she weighed a good deal more than one would think just by looking at her.

"Excuse me!?"

"It was a joke dearest."

"Don't make me beat you, because I will if I have to," Kayley giggled.

"I know," I said nuzzling my head into her neck. She kissed the top of my head.

"Come on," she whispered, "I'm tired of waiting." That was a request I was all to happy to fulfill. Slowly I placed her down onto my cock and held her when I was just at her entrance. I entered her gently, allowing her juices to act as a lubricant. Inch by inch I went, until our hips touched together. She leaned up and gave me a soft kiss. She nuzzled her head under my neck as I began to thrust into her, each time giving her a moment's recovery before reentering her depths. It didn't take all that long before I felt my climax only moments away. I slammed myself as deep into her as I could before spurting my seed into her. She smiled and hopped out of my arms and onto the couch, but as I went down to pleasure her she pushed my head away. "It's okay, I got what I needed before," she smiled.

"Took a lot outta me," I yawned.

"Been a long time."

"I've got an idea," I said lifting her up and bringing her into the guest bedroom. I laid her down and hopped in next to her.

"Mmmm," she let out as I threw an arm over her and pulled her close, "And how long has it been since we did this?"

"Way too long," I sighed contentedly. "Hey Kayley?"


"You know the Devil said you'd been working for her for two hundred years. That's a long ass time, so just how old are you?"

"It recently became two hundred years that I'd been working for her," Kayley started, and then she closed her eyes in thought. "And I was twenty-eight when I died, and then..." she paused for a moment, "It was two years as Death before I started helping her. So I'm two hundred and thirty years old."

"Holy shit, talk about robbing the cradle."

"Quiet you," she said playfully nipping one of my fingers. I drew my arm back for a moment and then wrapped it tightly around her again.

"I love you," I whispered into her ear.

"Love you too."

I couldn't have been awake all that long after that, her warm fur and the comfort provided by the entire situation made it impossible for me to keep my eyes open. All I know is, I had to wake up all too soon.

"Honey," I heard Kayley say as she prodded me gently, "Mike come on, you gotta get up."

"Mmph, just five more minutes," I said turning over and throwing the pillow over my head.

"It's kinda important for you to get up right now," she said.

"Why?" I yawned.

"Well for one, I think you're friend may be home."


"Hey Mike, I just got home and we got to start getting ready for- Oh good Lord!" Todd said

throwing his hands over his eyes as he entered the room.

"Told you," Kayley giggled.

"I'll uhh, be in the other room," he turned and left. I got up and dressed, and so did Kayley.

"I should probably introduce you to him," I said.

"No that's okay. I think I'll just go home and-"

"Now," I said pulling the end of her tail playfully with me out the door. She followed and

snatched her tail back from me, huffing as she overacted and began brushing it back to perfection.

"Bastard," she said punching me on the arm.

"Bitch," I jokingly snapped back.

"Sorry about umm, walkin' in on you," Todd apologized as we entered into the living room where he sat.

"Don't worry yourself about it. Anyway, this is Kayley. Kayley, Todd."

"Nice to meet you," Todd said turning away slightly in embarrassment.

"Aww you're so cute," Kayley said throwing herself down next to him and forcing him to look at her.

"Um, uh," he let out as he looked down at the ground in front of him.

"It was a compliment, if you get complimented you thank someone," I told him.

"Thanks," he said timidly.

"Aww, and you're so nervous around women. So cute," she said again.

"I think that's enough embarrassing him for one day," I laughed. Todd had managed to turn a bright red even through his fur. "But, down to business. Let's get you ready for that date of your's tonight."

"Okay, I'm gonna take my leave then honey," Kayley said planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Alright, I'll see ya later then," I said hugging her.

"Why doesn't she come along?" I looked at Kayley and shrugged.

"You want to? I think we're seeing Romeo and Juliet or something like that."

"Sounds like a plan. Besides," she said allowing a smirk to cross her face, "You can't just ask a woman to marry you without wooing her at all." I stuck my tongue out at her.

By the time I'd manage to calm Todd enough to get him dressed and in proper order, we were running nearly ten minutes late. Slowly he pulled up in front of Jane's home and honked the horn twice. She came running out and hopped into the front seat next to Todd.

"Hey Todd."

"Hey," he said.

"Tell her she looks good," I said from the back seat.

"Excuse me, are you eyeing other women?" Kayley said throwing herself into my arms. I

pulled her tight and gave her a kiss.

"Yep, right in front of you."

"You look great tonight!" Todd said turning towards Jane as he pulled out and began to drive down the road.

"Are you saying I don't look good any other night?" Jane joked. Todd however, did not pick up on the fact that she was joking, and he began to nervously babble.

"No! Of course not! You look good every day it's just that-" Jane's laughter cut Todd off.

"Relax a second cutie," she said resting her hand on his shoulder. "I'm just joking with you."

To say that night was enjoyable would be a huge exaggeration, at least from my perspective. Todd and Jane seemed to have a good time though, and I was appreciative of any time I got to spend with Kayley. As the show passed at a snail's pace, I held her hand tight in my own, periodically stroking the fur along the back of her hand with my thumb. Todd's date ended with a goodnight kiss at Jane's door and a promise that he'd call her again real soon.

"You did well," I said patting him hard on the back.

"Thanks so much," he sighed as we got into his car. "I can't believe that went so well," he said mostly to himself.

"I never had any doubts," I said laughing. He shot me a glare and I quieted down and turned my attention back to Kayley. "So how was your date sweetheart?"

"He was a real jerk. The whole time he kept feeling me up. And what a cheapskate! He wouldn't even buy me popcorn during intermission." I poked her hard in her side, causing her to jump up with a giggle.

"Well did he get lucky again that night?"

"Mmmm," Kayley purred as I played with her headfur, "That depends on how he manages to play his cards for the next five minutes or so during the ride."

"You two are going to make me puke!" Todd let out from the front.

"Oh like your much better," Kayley jokingly spat back at him. "Quoting Romeo to impress her, ha!"

The rest of the short ride passed in silence. When we got back to Todd's home, he immediately wished us a goodnight and retreated to his bedroom. I scooped Kayley up into my arms and brought her with me into my own room. I laid her down in the bed beside me. "I'm so tired," she yawned.

"You can't be tired, you owe me a lay!"

"Mmm, some other time," she smiled and said with exhaustion evident in her voice. I pulled her towards me and lifted her head so it rested on my chest. I wrapped an arm around her just beneath her breasts. She purred, and within moments was fast asleep.

"Come on sweetie, get up," Kayley whispered softly into my ear. Slowly I sat up, blinking my eyes a couple of times to get used to the morning light before facing her. "I've got to get going."

"Thanks for keeping me company," I said grabbing her into a hug.

"Thank you for keeping me company. I was going nuts for a while," she smiled.

"Will you come back soon?"

"Depends on how long it takes to convince Kyle to let me out again. Twice in a row is a lot..."

"Alright," I said disappointed. "Promise me you'll come back as soon as you're able."

"That goes without saying. Love you," she whispered.

"Love you too," I murmured as she disappeared. I got out of bed slowly and went out to see

what Todd was up too.

"Morning," he said as I entered into the kitchen.


"Kayley left?"

"Mmhm." Todd just shook his head.

"Well what are you up to today?"

"I have no clue, what about you?"

"Well it's Sunday, so no work... I was thinking maybe I could help you out with finding what

you're looking for."

"You wanna help?" I asked looking up at him.

"Yeah. I mean, you helped me with Jane and all so you know... Kinda one of those, the least I can do sorta deals," he finally managed to get out.

"Thanks. Wait here for a minute," I said going into my room to find the book. "Check this out," I said opening it to the page with the tomb in it.

"Looks like something you might find in Egypt," he said as he first saw it.

"And then there's this," I said handing him the note. He squinted his eyes as he began to read the note over.

"I think it might be some kind of... I've never seen anything like this." A perplexed look showed up on his muzzle. He continued to study the note. "I wonder..." he said after nearly ten minutes. He put the note down and came back into the room carrying a small mirror. "Ha!" he yelled out as he placed the mirror down next to it. "It's in English, the handwriting is just really difficult to make out," he said narrowing his eyes. He picked his head back up and looked back towards me. "Give me an hour or two and I'll figure this out for you." As he left the room, I made no attempt to follow. I'd have probably only gotten in the way any way.

I flicked on the TV, not paying much attention to all that much that was said, but the noise served as a distraction to the otherwise overwhelming silence of the place. "And in sports..." I heard a newscaster begin. The stories went on like this, until there was close to only two minutes left till the next news program. "And in other news, there have been a recent string of tomb vandalisms in parts of Egypt. Officials are still confused as to the crime's motives, but believe it may be the work of some cult because of odd symbols left behind at some of the scenes." As the news reporter began wrapping up her story, a picture of the tomb I was looking for flashed across the screen. "What luck!" I yelled excitedly, for along with the picture was the name of the town where the tomb was found.

Todd hurried into the room. "What?" he asked as he observed my look of total euphoria.

"I found the tomb! All I gotta do is get there, and find out what's on that note of course." I whooped excitedly.

"Well I've got most of it done. I think its just saying that the soul's locked away in the tomb, and exactly how it got there."

"So you don't think it's necessary?"


"Then sir, I'll be seeing you," I said offering him a hand.

"You're leaving already?" he asked as he hesitantly put his own hand out.

"I don't think there's any reason for me to delay going anymore, you've got Jane and the rest of the world seems to be in order."

"Alright. Thanks for helping me out." He took me into a hug which caught me off guard and nearly knocked me over.

"I couldn't do what I need to without your help, so thank you," I said pulling away. "I'll see you again." I began to walk out the door when he called out to me again. "What?" I asked.

"How you getting there?"


"Plane? Can't you just teleport or something?"

"I could... But I have a really strong feeling that I need to get on a plane there. Don't know why...." He nodded and waved goodbye. I closed the door and began to make my way to the airport.

"Ha, this is the life," I said as I sat down in a vacant first class seat aboard the plane I had boarded to Egypt. A gorgeous wolfess was seated next to me, and she threw a curious glance over in my direction. I stared at her as she seemed to stare at me.

"Never flown first class before?" she asked after I had completely settled in.

"Whuh!?" I asked surprised.

"I asked if you've ever flown first class before," she smiled.

"Um, uh no," I said turning away. We sat in silence for a while.

"I don't mean to offend or anything, but what's with the cloak? You kinda look like a wannabe grim reaper or something."

"Heh, really?" I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. "Sorta, comes with the territory in my line of work."

"Really? What do you do?"

"Umm, I'm an actor!"

"Ooooo, what movies have you been in?"

"No movies really, just you know, local plays and such. So what do you do?"

"I'm a student."

"What are you studying?"

"I'm not sure really, I was thinking psychology." I nodded. Again, we sat in silence for a while, then she spoke up again. "So you're pretty cute," she said looking over at me, "You seeing anyone right now, cause that airplane bathroom's looking awful inviting."

"I'm flattered really," I chuckled, "But I'm kinda in a relationship."

"Damn, must be one lucky lady."

"I think I'm the lucky one."

"Tell me about her," she said resting her chin on her hand, facing in my direction.

"I don't know really how to describe her... She's amazing really, I'd even go so far as to say she's perfect, for me at least."

"What's her name?"


"You must really love her," she said. I looked at her questioningly and she laughed. "Not to sound to full of myself, but most guys would have taken my offer regardless of their current love life, unless they were really dedicated to their lover, or they were gay of course. You don't strike me as the latter. Not that it would matter at all if you were," she added. I smiled and nodded. "I'm hungry, you know what time it is?" she asked looking out the window.

"I think it might be dinner time," I said as I watched the stewardess with a cart full of food make her way down the aisle.

"Chicken or steak?" she asked when she got to the wolfess's seat.

"I think I'll have chicken," she said. The stewardess handed her a tray and then disappeared behind the curtain into coach class.

"That's weird," she said, "She completely ignored you. Aren't you going to say something?"

"No, I'm uh, not hungry." The growling from my stomach betrayed me.

"Bullshit," she said. "Come on let's go get you something to eat-"

"No it's fine really. I don't wanna be a bother."

"At least take some of mine, they always give me way more than I can eat." She patted her slim stomach. She was thin, and had an athlete's build. I stared for a moment at her six pack as she pulled the bottom part of her shirt back down. "You know if you like what you see you can always see more," she winked.

"Right." I watched as she began to eat. "You know, I don't think I ever found out your name."

"Oh, Carrie," she said. "What's yours?"


"Well Mike, you gonna eat?" she asked offering some of the food from her tray.

"You're sure you're not gonna eat it?" She scooped up a small portion of mashed potatoes onto her fork.

"I'm sure I'm not going to, now be a good boy and open up," she said as she brought the fork close to my mouth. Obediently, I opened up, and she placed it into my mouth. "Good," she smiled. She began to split the food, one bite for her and then one for me. "That hit the spot," she said when the plate remained empty. "You want dessert?" she said running her hands down her sides. As I was about to speak she cut me off. "I was only joking," she said innocently. "I'm too tired for that anyway." She pulled a pillow out from under her seat and wrapped the blanket which had previously been folded neatly over her lap, around her. "Cold, no?" she shivered.

"Not really."

"Well then you won't mind if I borrow some of your heat then, will you?"

"I guess not." She snuggled up close to me.

"Better," she sighed contentedly.

"You know, I thought you were just going to take my blanket."

"This works better," she yawned. I just shrugged my shoulders, which caused her to lift her head up in annoyance.

"Excuse me, if you're going to act as my pillow, the least you can do is hold still."

"Do they give muzzles in first class?" She faked a look of disgust but burst out laughing, which caused the people in front of us to look back for the first time the entire trip.

"What's she laughing at?" I heard one whisper to the other.

"No clue, maybe she's crazy?" Carrie seemed not to hear however, and rested her head back on my shoulder after they had turned away. She fell asleep, and I sat with her for close to an hour before a sudden commotion began behind me in coach class.

"Gonna have to leave you for a minute dearest, hope you don't mind." I pushed her off of me gently so she began to lean against the wall.

"Hey, where'd that guy come from?"

"I don't remember him either!"

"They can see me, that's not good," I thought. I ran through the curtain to see a distressed feline walking down the aisle with a knife.

"Nobody move! I've got a bomb! You get back!" he yelled and brandished the knife in my direction.

"Whoa take it easy pal, what exactly you plan on doing?"

"I'm taking this plane!"

"Let's think about this logically hmm?" I said as I took a step forward. "What do you plan on proving?"

"I'm going to prove how evil America is!" he said.

"Look, the odds are stacked in my favor. So I'll tell you what, fold now and you won't get hurt."

"Really?" he said charging forward with the knife. I grabbed his arm and with one swift motion cracked it panifully. "Ouch!" he cried out. "Mother fucker," he said. He took two steps backward and tripped. He curled up into a ball and started to sob.

"Get him," the passengers began to chant. The tabby began to sob louder as the passengers

surged towards him.

"Try and kill innocent people!" a rather large bulldog said. "I'm gonna kill you real nice and slow." The cat had put his hands over his head just as the big dog was about to swing down.

"Stop!" I said. "Leave him alone."

"Are you supporting him? 'Cause I'll kill you too you little bitch!"

"Just listen to me. If you kill him, you're not going to prove anything!"

"Oh we will," the dog said about to take a swing again.


"I don't care what you have to say," he snarled.

"No! Don't hurt him please," a young raccoon cub ran out towards the cat. She grabbed him into a hug with her small arms. "Look how scared he is! It's okay mister, they won't hurt you," she said soothingly. The feline grabbed her tiny form into his arms and began to sob into her shoulder.

"He's got my baby!" a female voice rang out from the back of the crowd.

"He doesn't have your baby!" I shot back. "She ran over to him, now leave him alone!" The big dog looked down at the small girl clutched tightly in the arms of the crying feline. He sighed.

"I guess you're right, I was gonna make a real big mistake." I walked over towards the cat, and sat down next to him.

"I don't want you to get in any more trouble than you have to. When this plane lands you can turn yourself in. Do you understand me?" He nodded slowly, a defeated look mixed in with the sadness of his eyes.

"There, all betta," the raccoon girl said pulling away. "No more crying, okay?" The cat smiled.


"Promise?" she asked.

"I promise." She giggled and skipped off to find her mother.

"Well that's it. Everyone go sit down, I'll watch him for the rest of the flight, none of you are to bother him." I looked down the aisle towards a frightened stewardess. "Tell the pilot that the flight will go on as scheduled." She winced and nodded her head before turning and running towards the cockpit.

"What's your name?" I asked as I sat him down in the seat across from me. Carrie had woken up long ago and sat watching me and my feline company like a hawk.

"Most people in your country just call me Al." Carrie flicked her tail at me. I turned around

to face her.


"He's hot," she whispered.

"Carrie, perhaps you slept through all the going's on, but he just tried to take over the fuckin' plane!"

"I know, but I'm in heat and if you don't fuck me then I got to find someone else soon or I'm going to go mad!"

"That's what this is about?"

"Yes! If you humans had a normal sense of smell, you'd be able to tell," she said. I rolled my eyes. "Well are you going to take me, or do I have to use my female charm on him," she said nodding in Al's direction. I thought about it for a moment. Would it be better to be unfaithful to Kayley just this once to help her out, or to let her get involved with a would-be terrorist?

"Aren't there any others on this plane you're interested in?"

"No. There's like, five guys on this flight, and they're all too old. And before you ask I'm not into chicks."

"Won't you let one of them help you out, just this once?"


"Stubborn bitch."

"Don't call me that!" she said way too loudly.

"Keep it down," I hissed.

"Well then don't be mean to me," she huffed. "Are you going to help me?"

"Does this need to be attended to right now?"

"Yes," she said with an urgency equal only to a young child in desperate need of a bathroom. I frowned at her.

"Talk to him," I sighed. Two minutes after Carrie had jumped into the young tabby's seat, there had been a hurried dragging off in the direction of the bathroom. Approximately ten minutes later, a very befuddled Al led by a very satisfied looking Carrie, sat down across from me.

"Thanks sweetie," she said giving him a kiss and returning to her own seat. She cuddled up close to me and sighed contentedly.

"Happy?" I asked sarcastically.

"Mmmm," was all she said before she dozed off. I looked over to Al.

"What the hell was that?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"A lady in heat who was in desperate need of release I guess." Al grinned broadly. "Good huh?"

"Yeah," he said sheepishly. "I just wish I wasn't such a fuckin' idiot. What the hell was I thinking? Did I really think I could prove anything through violence? I'm such a fuckin' idiot," he repeated.

"Chill," I told him.

"How can I chill!? I boned! I'm going to jail forever! And now I won't be able to talk to Carrie anymore-"

"So you like her?" I taunted.

"No! I mean, uh..." He sighed and there was a significant pause before he spoke again. "I guess. I mean, she's really good looking and she did just, well ya know," he said, head hung low while his hand scratched around his ears.

I laughed. "Well, just relax, there's nothing you can do right now. And besides, if you don't keep it down you'll wake her up, and I'd imagine that she'd be extremely bitchy-"

"I'm awake now, thank you!" she said hitting me hard.

"Ow! Your violence only proves my point," I said. She hit me again and then giggled.

"Why are you taken?" she sighed.

"You see Al there," I pointed to the tabby who now had tears in his eyes again, "I think he could really use a female's comfort right now. Plus, you did use him as a sex toy," I added.

"I know," she said, "And I heard what he said, about me... But I didn't really want anything to come from this..."

"Regardless of what you wanted, he seems to think your relationship has taken on some meaning."

"I should go talk to him," she said standing up. I couldn't make out much of what she said, but Al seemed to cheer up, and Carrie soon threw her arms around him and pulled him into a kiss. They talked for a while before Carrie stood up and walked back towards my seat. "I'll be back in one sec," she said giving him a light peck on the cheek.

"I need your help," she said sitting in my lap and pulling herself close.


"We need to let Al escape."

"Oh hell no. If you wanna do something crazy like that than you can just do it yourself, cause I'm not getting in trouble for you-"

"Shut up. I know you're not human Mike. Well you're human, but you're like, supernatural. It can't be coincidence that no one else saw you till everyone's lives were in danger. The stewardess ignoring you, even the funny robes- you look good in them don't get me wrong, they're just not very common is all."

"Are you feeling okay? Listen to yourself-"

"Mike I said shut up. You're lying and I know it, but I'm not gonna say anything to anyone if you just 'fess up and tell me what the hell you are." I studied her face.

"You have very pretty eyes, you know that?" I said as I looked into her yellow-green eyes.

"Stop trying to distract me, what are you?" she asked. I picked her up and she squealed as I placed her down into the seat next to me.

"You're not supposed to know about that kind of stuff..."

"Well it's too late for that isn't it?"

"Yeah... I guess," I sighed. "Hope you're ready for a hell of a tale." I explained to her

everything that had happened in my life-time, or rather, my afterlife-time. She sat wide eyed and with an open mouth the entire time.

"Damn," she said when I had finished. "I never knew that things would be so complicated after I died."

"I hope you don't have to go through everything I have," I said. "But back to the point, what exactly do you expect me to do? I'm sure they've phoned in the police, and there probably waiting at the airport already-"

"But you have to do something! You can't just let him get arrested!" Al overheard her and look towards me with the saddest look I've ever seen.

"This is your captain speaking," cackled the loud speaker, "We'll be landing in about an hour." There was a soft click as the message ended.

"Pity none of you will be alive when it does," came a voice from farther up. All attention was drawn to the front of the aisle as a figure wearing an elaborate suit of armor stood up.

"Fuck," I said.

"Who's that?"

"Ah, Mikey boy! Just the man I was looking for." Tracy stepped close enough for me to recognize her. I hopped out of my seat and into the aisle.

"What are you doing here?"

"Lookin' for you dearie! You shouldn't be back on Earth, so I'm here to send you back." She drew her sword and smiled. Suddenly, her expression changed and she lashed out her sword into the seat adjacent to her, catching an old man in the throat. He coughed as blood began pouring from his neck. A gasp went up from the passengers, and then there was wide spread panic as people began to scramble over one another in an attempt to get as far away from Tracy as possible.

"Leave the rest of them alone!" I shouted. I drew my dagger.

"You wanna fight? Alright, let's go!" she said stepping towards me. I managed to block the first swing she took with her sword with the dagger. The next one knocked it out of my hand, and the third I had to dodge by hopping backwards. Tracy stopped her assault and let out a laugh. "What a joke, what kind of a fight are you going to give me?" she taunted. Behind her, I saw the huge form the of the bull dog from earlier rise up. As he readied himself to join the fray I yelled out to him.

"Stay out of this, and keep everyone else away!" I yelled. But he didn't listen, and as he tried to attack Tracy she simply side-stepped his blow and brought her sword down across the back of his neck, cleanly separating his head from the rest of his body.

"Come on Mikie, make this interesting," she said tossing my dagger back to me. I dodged two more swings of her sword before managing to make a stab at her. The blade bounced off against her armor. She began a new onslaught. I began to tire, and could not keep up with her. "Ahh Mikie, this was too easy," she said as she pointed the tip of her sword to my throat as I lay helpless on my back. As she was thrusting down someone tackled her.

"Al, stay out of this! You don't know what you're getting into!"

"I know exactly what I'm doing. I've made a lot of mistakes lately, and this is the only way I can ever make up for them," he grunted as he held Tracy down. "Quick, finish her!"

"Annoying mortal," she said as she stood up and knocked him off. "I can't believe you actually thought you could do anything to me."

"Maybe I couldn't, but he can," he laughed. Tracy pushed her sword down through his chest before quickly turning around in time to see me charging at her. Her eyes filled with surprise as I managed to bring the dagger across her face, cutting her deep from her jaw to her eye. She held a hand to her wounded muzzle.

"How...?" she said as she slumped down to the ground. As I stood ready to finish her, she called out, "No, Mike don't!" Her face reminded me so much of Kayley that I dropped my weapon to my side. "I'm like Kayley... I have the power to keep my sins in check-" she started.

"She's distracting you!" someone cried out from the back. Tracy thrust her sword forward, but I side stepped it and sent it clattering to the ground. Tracy just laughed. "Good show Mikie boy, good show," she laughed. I looked at her wounded form as she sat against the side of a seat. "Aren't you going to finish me?" I shook my head no. "Aww, don't tell me you've grown soft Mikie."

"No, because I believe that everyone has some good in them. Even you," I added. Tracy spat blood at me.

"Bastard, just send me back!"


"Finish me!"


"Fine, then I'll do it myself," she said angrily reaching over for her sword. I grabbed her hand and held it gently in my own. "What, what are you doing?" she asked, trying to maintain a look of anger despite her obvious surprise.

"You look just like Kayley," I said grabbing her other hand.

"No shit Sherlock. You already know we're-"

"Twins, I know," I finished.

"Let go of me," she said.

"You've been more than capable of pulling your hands away the entire time, you know that." When she made no attempt to pull away I smiled. "Well?"

"Shut up," she said in a defeated manner. Her eyes changed from a deep amber to a soft green. "I, I haven't felt this good in ages," she said smiling as best she could. Slowly the wound on her face began to heal, and pretty soon all that was left were the blood stains in her fur. She cocked her head to the side and smiled up at me. "Thank you," she said grabbing me into a hug.

"You know you're gonna have to go back, to uh, well you know..."

"I know, but before I do I'm gonna help ya a little. Danielle and Rachel are looking for the same thing you are, you know the Devil's soul. They've been tearing up tomb after tomb in search of it, so be careful."

"That's it?"

"That's it."

"Tracy," I heard Kayley growl. "Get away from Mike."

"No need to worry dearest sister," Tracy said turning towards Kayley. "I'm not fucking with your mate, although he is pretty good lookin'-"

"You're, you're back to normal? But how?"

"Not sure, but Mike helped-" Kayley threw down her scythe and grabbed Tracy into an enormous hug. The passengers had long since crowded around and were watching the events that unfolded unblinking.

"It's been so long," Kayley cried.

"I know," Tracy said. They let go of each other and just stood staring at one another. "Well, I better get back-"

"You can live with us!" Kayley blurted out.

"What!?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah seriously, Kayley. I mean, after all the shit I've tried to do you're just gonna-"

"All that's just water under the bridge," Kayley smiled. "Things are different now. And you," she said pointing a finger in my direction, "You know you have no say in the matter. Besides, I think you'd like the idea of a ménage a twa," she winked.

"So what are you doing here exactly?" I asked Kayley after Tracy had left.

"I'm here to collect a few souls," she said looking around at the bodies.

"Am I gonna see you tonight?"

"Don't think so, sorry hon. I really got to get going, I promise I'll visit you as soon as possible." Kayley rounded up who she needed to and disappeared, leaving me alone with a shocked and terrified crowd.

"Umm," I stammered. "What you all witnessed here today is-"

"A miracle!" an old lady shouted out.

"No, not exactly. See, I really, like, really, need you to mention this to no one. None of you are meant to see any of this."

"Who are you!?" someone yelled.

"I'm Mike Wyvern-"

"The kid who got murdered a while ago?"


"He's a hero!" the crowd rang out.

"No! No I'm not! Just, do me a favor, you can't tell anyone about this. The only hero here was Al, who saved you from an unknown hijacker at the cost of his own life, okay?" There was a general murmur of agreement from among the crowd, though I knew that there'd be a few who'd talk of their experiences. I parted the crowd as I looked for Carrie. I found her in a fetal position, crying hysterically. "You alright?"

"No," she sobbed. She sat up straight and climbed into my lap and draped my arms around


"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? What do you mean what's wrong? Are you fucking stupid or something? Al just got killed you stupid mother-" I signaled for her to stop and she cut herself off. "I'm sorry, I'm just really upset," she said tearing up again.

"I know," I said. "It'll pass though, and you'll see him again."

"I'd like to believe that..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well where's he going to end up?"


"In Heaven or Hell?"

"Ohh, I got ya. That's a tough question, but I'm gonna have to say Heaven. I'm pretty sure the good outweighed the bad. He attempted to kill everyone, but in the end actually ended up saving them all. Plus he realized what he did was wrong." Carrie leaned up and gave me a quick kiss before curling up into a small ball.

"I hope you're right."

"Don't worry about it," I said stroking her hair softly, "You'll see him again."

"How can you be so sure?" she asked angrily as she sat up to confront me.

"I already told you," I said calmly as I pulled her into my chest again.

"Let go of me," she growled.

"Calm down, why are you so angry?"

"Let go of me," she repeated. I released her and she took a quick look up at me. "I hope I never see you again!" she yelled. "It's all your fuckin' fault! If you weren't on this god damned plane then that stupid vixen bitch would never have come here-" I picked her up and sat her down next to me, causing her to quiet down immediately. I decided it would be in my best interest not to lose my temper, so I got up, and walked back to my old seat. Immediately I was swarmed with passengers, asking all sorts of questions and bothering me relentlessly. I smiled and pushed them away as politely as I could for the remainder of the flight.

"Please remember what I told you, don't tell anyone about this," was all I said as I exited the plane out onto the runway, where a shuttle bus waited to pick up the passengers and deliver them to the police. I decided I'd just walk, despite the danger, mainly to avoid the questions of the passengers.

When I stepped into the airport I sighed deeply, before looking around and deciding my next course of action. "I guess I could just teleport there," I said aloud to myself.

"Mike wait a second," someone panted. I turned around to see Carrie bent over and breathing heavily. "You walk really fast you know that?" I ignored her. "Mike I'm really sorry... I shouldn't have said all that stuff, it wasn't right. I shouldn't let what happened become the end of the world. Hell as bad as it is, I was just hanging out with Al to make him feel better... Besides it's not your fault, and I know you didn't want any of this to happen either..." She paused and looked down at the ground for a moment. There was a moment of silence before she spoke again. "Sounded better in my head a couple of minutes ago," she laughed nervously.

"It was pretty corny," I smiled. "Glad to see you're in better spirits."

"You forgive me!?"


"Thanks," she smiled. "So umm, where are you going?"

"I'm not a hundred percent sure... It's kinda in the middle of nowhere, small little town kinda deal, you know?"


"I never did ask, what are you doing here anyway?"

"I don't really have a plan, I was just gonna wander from city to city and take in all the different sites... So I was kinda umm, well if you wouldn't mind anyway-"

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to come," I answered. "If that's what you were going to ask," I added.

"Why not?" she whined.

"It's going to be extremely dangerous, and if Kayley's other sisters are around then-"

"Aww come on... I'm a big girl, I can fend for myself," she said stepping into a kung fu stance, which extracted a few curious glances in her direction from the passing crowd. I rolled my eyes at her. "Don't you roll your eyes at me! I can beat the hell outta you." I laughed and began walking away. "Don't laugh! Mike stop being mean to me!" she protested. I just kept laughing and continued on my way. Finally she ran in front of me and pushed me back to a halt. "Are you gonna let me come?"

"You can come," I said, "But listen to me carefully, if it gets dangerous I want you to stay away and get to somewhere safe, okay?"

"You're the best," she said jumping up around my neck causing me to catch her as we rounded a corner into an area of the building that wasn't packed. She gave me a deep kiss and purred. I scowled at her.

"Please..." was all I needed to say to get my point across.

"I'll behave," she sighed. "Where are you going right now?"

"Well I'm gonna... Hmmm, guess the best way to describe it is teleport, to where we need to go. We have to get out of here now, I'm surprised the police didn't manage to stop you. They rounded up the other passengers." Still carrying her, I walked further to make sure I was completely out of sight.

"Hey Mike?"


"If you can teleport, why'd you take the plane?"

"Dunno, had a feeling that I should."

"I'm glad you did," she smiled. A moment of silence passed as I continued walking before she asked, "So how do you teleport or whatever?"

"Do you ever stop asking questions? Just close your eyes," I watched as she obeyed, "And I'll do the rest," I finished.