
Story by SwampRat on SoFurry

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A response to a sad story - By SwampRat

(c) 1993, 1994 The Rashathran Society

Dedicated to My Friend and Love boojum. I hope your life has a happier ending,

Than your story - Afril

( Small re-write for punctuation and clarity )

* * *

Afril sighs and watches the rain come down. It soaks his robe and his fur but

he doesn't care. His last lover turned out to be a Real SOB, Literally kicking

him out the door with barely Anything On! As he slowly walks home, not caring

if he lives or not, he notices his feet have taken him on the Long path. "Damn!

Now I won't get home for an Hour!" Drenched, he stands under a tree, crying and

not wanting to. As he stands, lightning hits a dead oak nearby, and he scurries

out, remembering about trees and lightning... As he watches, it Falls over To

Mash a small structure nearby. His ears twitch as a muffled scream comes from

under the downed tree. Horrified, Afril runs over to see if he can help.

The tent is a write-off, mangled and mashed. He stands a moment, unable to

move.. 'What if...' A soft noise sends a shock through his body! "Someone IS

alive!" The fox frantically searches around for whoever screamed and finds a

wet bundle under a branch. Moving the cloth reveals a rabbit-head. With a dark,

nasty-looking wound. He examines it as best he can in the darkness... It is

only a graze, but it is bad enough. He moves the blanket and sees that it is a

Male bunny. His claws slide around the long cock, stroking it gently. 'What am

I doing?' Afril shakes himself out of his reverie, but licks his paw,

Mmmmmmming at the taste. He carefully checks the body over for breaks and

bruises. As he nears the abdomen his tongue flicks out and slides along the

length of the rabbits erection. The fox stops a moment, noticing what his

tongue is doing. It starts curling around the warm dick, snuggling it tight.

'Afril Stop that! He needs Help, Not se....' A drop of pre-cum is squeezed out,

hot and tasting of grass. Afril's tongue rapidly flips back into his muzzle and

he closes his eyes, savoring the drop, rolling it around until it is completely


The fox shudders, feeling his maleness slide free of it's sheath and grow, and

his mouth waters... He carefully lifts the brown bunny, sliding that delectable

cock into his muzzle, nuzzling the small but quite lovely fuzzy nuts. He

notices the male has no sheath and shrugs, sucking on it as if it were a

pacifier Which for him, it pretty much is. Afril retraces his steps and makes

his way home via the short-cut, But is still panting and out of breath when he

makes it to the front door. "Open.." He manages, and the door vanishes into the

wall. He steps inside and making his way to the den, slowly puts his burden

down on the carpet and makes a fire. Shivering he drops his robe and shakes the

water out. Then he goes to the cabinet and gets some bandages and other things.

Carefully he works on the cut, closing it up and puts a stitch in it, using

small, neat lines that should leave very little scar-tissue.

Afril cleans up and finds his paws are starting to shake. "Can't catch cold Now

Love.." He sighs and smiles, thinking of his new charge. He returns and sees

the 'little' fellow shivering as well. Tossing the blanket and his robe into

the wash he looks at his erection and pats it. "Down Boy.. We don't know if he

Likes males or not." Carefully scooping the rabbit up, he goes out to his

covered deck and still shivering, steps into his hot-tub. Sliding the bunny's

butt onto a ledge isn't hard. Letting go of it Is. With a sigh, Afril moves his

paws free and pours a glass of brandy, watching the lightning play outside he

sips it. When he has stopped shivering, he slides around and takes the rabbit

in his arms again and gently pours a little brandy down it's throat.

It chokes and kicks weakly, but Afril makes sure at least 3 good swallows get

down in him. "I know it burns, but it will do you a world of good..." He

nuzzles the long ears, sipping on the rest, and lazing. His free paw again

finds the nicely-sized erection and strokes it slowly. His mouth salivates at

the remembrance of the drop of pre-cum. "Well.... Just a taste." Lifting his

new friend up, Afril lays him carefully on the decking, licking at the

maleness. Closing his eyes, he slips the head in his muzzle. Another drop of

cock-sap oozes out.. The fox growls softly and inhales the penis, both paws

grasping the sodden rump, squeezing the fur. It makes a noise as he lifts it,

moving his muzzle back and forth, but it doesn't Seem to mind. The rabbit's

arms drape over the whitish ears, as it half lays on him. Afril Giggles. 'You

are supposed to slump Afterwards, Love..' But he slows down, despite the fact

his testicles are swollen and his own cock is demanding attention.

He moves over to a tray, where scented and flavored oils warm inside decorated

pots and instruments of loving torture (Feathers, Ticklers, Life-like penis' of

various sizes and shapes) are kept in a box. Afril declines the temptation,

swirling a claw through one of the oil-pots, then slides it under the tail,

carefully inserting it into a tight hole that swells his nuts still further.

The rabbit shudders and even lets out a whisper of a moan. The fox smiles and

gently, lovingly, tickles the anal walls, working his cleaned and

well-manicured digit in and around. He sucks and slurps, holding the bunny's

crotch to his muzzle, wrapping his tongue around it, sucking hard and hungrily

for a few moments. Then slowly he lets it slide out, pulling back so he can nip

and tease the head Very gently with his teeth. He feels the hands dig into his

fur and he Mmmmmmmm's, humming, vibrating his muzzle as he softly sucks. The

creature gives out a soft cry and spurts warm, sweet cum into Afril's mouth. He

breaths slowly, still wriggling his claw in the now tight ass, tickling the

nuts that are pressed to his chin. His tongue curls up at the edges, holding

the spurting maleness, until it is just dribbling.

Afril swallows, wishing it were more, and clamping his lips at the base slowly

pulls back, grinning as the fingers grip his head tightly, the cum and pre-cum

being forced out of the long fleshy tube. He holds the tip just inside his

lips, gently lapping at it before letting it slide out with a sigh. Jiggling

the tight nut-sack tells him he won't get anything more for a while and he

rolls the last little bit around, savoring the taste before he swallows it,

chasing it with the last of the brandy. He sighs and smiles, cuddling his new

friend in his arms.

* * *

A bell clangs noisily and with a Yip, Afril wakes, half-in the tub. He grunts,

sitting up again, Damn glad he installed that alarm. Closing the cabinet, he

rinses his goblet out and puts it away. Turning, he finds the bunny no longer

has an erection and seems to be sleeping safe on the decking. "Thank the

Gods..." Smiling, he lifts the smaller mammal and takes him into the drying

room. Holding the rabbit at arm's length, he steps on the Button. Warm dry air

blasts him, rapidly drying his fur. Turning the male so it will dry all over

Almost proves to be too much for him as the little rabbit's tail flies up,

exposing a beautiful pink anus. Afril drools and his dick throbs. He sighs and

closes his eyes, the image burned into his brain. It takes but a few minutes

for the dryer to work, but it seems like an eternity before it kicks off.

Keeping his eyes closed, the fox moves to the table and combs his friends fur

out by touch, putting a special fur oil on the comb and cleaning it after each


Once that is done he walks over to the anti-stat bar and jumps as his fur falls

into place, more or less.. "Screw it. I will get the knots out in the..." He

looks at the clock. "Later today." Sighing, the white fox cradles his charge in

his arms and takes the elevator to the third floor where he goes to the bedroom

and sets him down on the sheets. Afril looks at himself and then slips a condom

over his cock, snuggling it over his sheath and fastening it in place with a

snap-ring. "That will keep you from drying out, you naughty little monster." He

giggles, and lays next to the bunny, pulling a comforter over them both. As he

falls asleep, the house comes to life, all kinds of automatics scurrying

around, washing and cleaning and doing whatever needs to be done. By the time

the sun rises they are all back in their cubicles, re-charging and ready for

use again.

* * *

Afril moans as the sun-catcher on the roof turns, flooding the room with dozens

of shifting colors, making it impossible to sleep. "Damn alarm clock..." he

sighs and looks beside him. There, snoozing away, is a brown rabbit. Who needed

to use the bathroom and didn't make it. The fox giggles and pats the damp spot,

remembering other damp spots left there by Lovers in the heat of passion. He

sighs and puts the comforter in the laundry, stepping into his workroom and

doing about half an hours worth of work-out. Sweaty, and semi-awake he returns

and picks up the rabbit, carrying him into the shower. As he leaves the

bedroom, he presses a button and the bed-sheets are automatically changed. He

chuckles about modern appliances and goes into the bath, stopping en-route to

get a pair of plastic manacles and vinyl-coated chain.

Afril giggles as he snaps the manacles on the rabbits thighs, and then latches

the chains to them. "Not too tight Love.." He feels them for fit and then hooks

the ends on a pair of d-rings in the shower stall ceiling. Now the bunny is

suspended in front of him. The fox leans into the shower wall. "The usual."

Warm water cascades down on him, a furry soap, and a fur-toner oil mixed in

every few minutes. He washes, scrubbing his body with a long-handled brush,

making sure to get his tail well done. 'Someday I am going to cut you off and

make a dozen wigs..' The sodden appendage just wags. He giggles, working his

feet over with another brush. Sighing, he turns his attention to his new


Careful of the wound, the white fox gently cleans the rabbit, working the soap

and oil in deep to the skin. The rabbit's little maleness stays flaccid in his

paws, and he resists the temptation to lap on the lovely nut-sack, but he Does

scrub on them. "Rinse." The soap and oil stop as he finishes with the long legs

and feet. Now the water is just water and he scoops handfuls of it up to wash

the smaller mammal off. When no more bubbles appear he rinses himself off,

luxuriating in the water. His cock throbs as he strokes it and his eyes fall to

the small but firm butt in front of him. "No. Absolutely no.." Did it just wink

at him? Trick of the light.. "I Mustn't. I Really shouldn't..." He finds

himself rubbing his dripping dick-tip, slick with oil and pre-cum against the

hole. With one final sob, he holds the rabbit and presses his cock inward.

Afril gasps, feeling the muscles give way. He slides in easily, gently. His

tail quivers and he shudders. "Ooooohhhhhh Gods. So wonderfully warm and

Tight." He gets ahold of himself and only lets half of the 7-inch doggy-cock

sink in. Letting the intense feelings pass he holds the male to him, almost

crying with pleasure and love. He licks the rabbit's ears, and watches in joy

as something stirs below. The fox moans, hips pulling the male-meat out,

little-by-little. The feeling is too intense and he Thrusts in full, not

stopping until his knobs are pressed tight against the tail-hole. He watches

carefully for signs of pain or discomfort. The only thing that moves is the

dick that stands hard and ready. Afril Slaps his paws to his own butt, digging

his claws in and shuddering at the pain/pleasure. He jerks, hips shoving his

lover away and then back again. The male swings with his movements, But Afril

doesn't care.. The feeling of being deep in a tight warm hole, having his butt

tortured, and having someone warm and breathing next to him is all he needs..

Quivering, he cries out, tears running down his cheeks as his cock throbs in

the bunny's tail-hole. The white fox shudders, holding the furry male to him as

he floods it's ass with his cum, his tears falling softly on top of the

animal's head. Afril stands, back against a wall, holding the rabbit, and just

letting all his emotions settle. Love and lust, pain and pleasure. Fear of

being hurt yet again fighting the Joy of loving someone. He sighs and kisses

the wet forehead, knowing another piece of his heart has been stolen. "Dry.."

He croaks, unable and unwilling to let go of his new friend. The water stops

and warm air swirls around them. Sighing, Afril pushes back from the wall, and

slowly eases out, stopping about half-way as the pleasure gets too intense. He

fights the urge to hump the little one again, Forcing his hips backward. As his

cock pops free, Too clean for the fox's liking, it gives out a drop of smegma.

Afril giggles and presses the drop against the now closed anus as if kissing

it. Then wipes his maleness clean with an astringent towel, and combs his fur

as it dries. This done, he unsnaps the manacles and towels the wet-spots to

help them dry and restore some circulation back into the legs.

His charge stands, wobbly and needing help, but it doesn't matter. The fox

kisses his friend, lifting him from the floor to waltz over to a warm slab of

marble. Afril hums to himself combing the rabbit's lovely fur and kissing each

body-part that he combs. He nuzzles the round nuts gently, pressing his lips to

them. "Gods, if you only Knew what you have done for me My furry one." He

carefully deposits the bunny in his bed and turns the monitor on before putting

on a 'Teddie', yipping as it catches his nuts. "I Told them to make the crotch

panel bigger.." He goes down and makes a snack, returning with a cup of warm

vegetable broth. The rabbit takes a few mouthfuls but doesn't seem to want any

more. Afril kisses his forehead tenderly and returns the dishes downstairs to

the kitchen. He dusts and cleans what little the automatics didn't, and then

returns to change into a robe. "Time to earn my keep.." Going out to the back

porch, He steps into his boots and walks across the grass to the satellite

dishes, making sure they are not damaged. He sighs at the empty stable, Feeling

the same pain he felt the night his beloved pony stallion died, and knowing he

Still can't bring himself to replace that Loving caring, blind friend who was

so much a part of his life just a few years earlier.

Shaking his head, he returns to the back door and sets the boots beside the

door, then goes inside and wipes his eyes. Feeling a little better he checks on

his charge and then goes to the second floor and steps into his office. A

terminal tells him he has 9 projects lined up, and another tells him he has

mail in his electronic box. The projects are all reports and he sighs, starting

the necessary programs to get the information, collate it and spit out a dozen

or so electronic 'pages' that someone else will read and take most of the

credit for. His mailbox has a few pieces of amusing 'junk' and 2 letters from

his Ex-Lover. These he dumps without even bothering to read. "Fuck Him.." He

keeps an ear to the wall, listening to the monitors that are set in each room.

He double-checks the report and sends it off, starting the second one up.

Going down the stairs he starts lunch, wondering if maybe the rabbit would like

something solid. He giggles as he thinks of what he did in the shower. "Not yet

then." He returns munching on a sandwich, and corrects a minor error. The

'workday' takes up 2 hours and when it is done, he sends it via the satellite

to the 'office'. Another bowl of soup and some herbs are given to the rabbit

who takes about half the bowl before refusing any more. Afril examines the

wound again, carefully cleaning it and then goes back to his gym to work out

again. Hot and sweaty, but for once not horny, he lazes in a smaller version of

the tub downstairs. A smile creeps across his lips as he dreams of having the

bunny stay with him, loving him and being loved in return. He shakes his head,

knowing that such things only lead to pain and anger. Afril sighs and gets out

of the tub, stepping onto a sauna, drying off rapidly in the hot air.

This time when he returns, the arctic fox lifts his charge up and carries him

to his office, putting him down on the 'pot', sliding the maleness into the

urine tunnel, and putting a strap on the fellow to hold him upright. "Be back

in just a minute.." Afril goes to his terminal and double-checks that

everything went well. It did. Too Damn Well.. 4 More Urgent Messages await him,

wanting collieries and another run of the numbers. The fox growls and starts up

the search-files, and math programs to re-do the numbers. A moan brings him to

his feet and he almost Runs to the bathroom. A pair of brown eyes stare at him,

Still a little glassy, but at least Alive. He watches, giggling as the brown

hips move, shoving the now erect cock into the space that funnels urine (and

other fluids) into the bowel. He kneels, flushing the commode, watching the

male jerk as jets clean his anus and cock off. Afril grins to himself, holding

the rabbit still long enough to unstrap and free his maleness. A hand strokes

his muzzle as he licks on the stalk, sucking the tip into his mouth.

"MMmmmmm..." The tasty rabbit-meat slides along his tongue as the brown hips

pump it between his lips. He strokes the beautiful body, teasing the pert

nipples, as small but fairly strong hands grip his head.

This time he gets a moan, as the nuts slapping his chin lurch, sweet cum

spilling out over his tongue. Afril lets it pool on his tongue, wishing it was

more.. He waits until the male is done and swallows. Another groan as a vacuum

pulls on the slowly softening cock. The rabbit flips on top of the fox, gasping

and panting. Carefully Afril lifts him, and ignoring the computers that are

buzzing at him, carries his lover up to the bath, to wash him gently, check the

wound (Healing nicely), and put the tired mammal to bed. Kissing the damp

forehead, he sighs softly and returns to his work.

* * *

When he looks up again it is nearly past supper. He warms some let-over stew

and goes up to find the male sitting in his hot-tub! "Well so you can walk..."

No reply. Afril's heart lurches.. He jumps into the room, And checks for a

pulse - To sink beside the tub as a hand pats him. He kisses the paw and

quietly leaves, stopping at the door as a soft snore catches his ear. Grinning,

he goes back down to compose himself. Finishing dinner, he read a little, put

the cleaned dishes away, and brought something up for the rabbit, who ate both

the sandwich and almost All the soup. Afril smiled and caressed the full little

tummy, giggling to himself as he lay the brown-furred head on his chest, and

drifted off to sleep.

And so it went for a week the fox bathing his new love, feeding him, watching

him gain strength.. Once, he awoke to find himself on his belly, butt raised as

the male buggered him rapidly, grasping his ass tightly, moaning. The fox

moaned himself, thrilled to be taken again. That whole day was spent in bed,

the two male mating and snoozing and cuddling. Then the day arrived when Afril

had to run errands. He spent all day away from the house, buying groceries,

some new software that looked interesting and a statue of a rabbit, nude and

Quite male, that looked so much like his friend he Had to wonder... By the time

he got back it was dark and although he was Tired, he was still grinning at

seeing his lover again. Putting everything but the statue away, he walked up

the stairs, wanting to surprise his Love. As he opened the door, he found a

lucid male, sitting on his bed. "Hello, the voice said, quite different from

the voice he heard so many times before... Well - if you could call moans,

grunts and other noises of pleasure talking. Afril's tail fell to the floor.

There was no warmth, no pleasant feeling, just a quiet monotone of rejection.

"Hello. I see you are feeling better..." The rabbit nodded, yawning. "Just a

little tired. If you will excuse me..." Afril almost dropped the statue. "I

think I will go back to sleep." The fox tried one last time to reconcile who he

had been with. "Would you like some companionship?" "If you don't mind, I would

prefer to sleep alone." Afril nods, eyes closed so the pain doesn't show. "Good

Night." He closes the door, stifling a sob, but unable to stop the tears

flowing down his cheeks. He walks along the hall and down the stairs the way a

condemned man walks to his fate. "Fool," he growls bitterly, "Never fall in

Love with someone you don't know.." Carefully putting the statue on a shelf, he

kisses it and fetches a blanket from the closet, and sits on the couch, staring

at the staircase, as if hoping the Old rabbit he knew and Still loved would

come bouncing down it to jump in his arms.. "Fool..." He curses, allowing

himself one sob of pain. Then wrapping the blanket around himself he listens to

the whirr of machinery, and cries himself to sleep.

* * *

He awakens to something warm and furry lying beside him. Thinking maybe the

House had heard him cry and sent one of the sexy mannequins he built for those

times when he Really needed to hump Something, to comfort him, he sighs and

opens his eyes... To stare into a pair of brown ones. "Why do you cry?" The

hand pats his cheek, still damp. Afril gulps and tries to say something, then

yelps when his morning erection is stroked by a smaller version. "I Love you.."

he blurts, ears turning red. "You are crying because you Love me?" The fox

shakes his head. "No, I am crying because I don't know if you even care..

for..." A hand was tickling his cock-head. As he watches, Boojum squeezes his

dick, wiping the pre-cum onto his palm and licking it seductively off. "For..."

He says. Afril shudders, laying on his back. "Does it matter?" Afril nods,

sitting up. "I have had loves and lovers... I can't do it with just a friend."

The rabbit pushes him back down, and straddles his hips. "Just a friend? You

save my life, loved me tenderly - I wasn't so out of it I didn't notice - And

you are worried about friendship?" The fox's ears turn pink, and he nods.

"Silly fox... I may in time, love you, but even if I Don't, I will Still be a

friend and Lover."

Boojum rubs his rump all over the horny fox's dick, watching this sink in. He

presses a paw to the muzzle, stifling the next question. "Yes, I will stay.. if

only until I find another place to live." Afril grabs the rabbit and hugs him

so tightly and fiercely that the rabbit can't Breathe for a moment. "And you

are the jealous type..." Warm wetness on his cheek tells him the fox is crying

again. "Now Now.... It's alright. I am here.." Something else warm and wet is

pressing against his leg, and he giggles, squeezing it with his thighs. The fox

moans and wriggles, sniffling a little. "Sorry... I will Try not to be so

possessive..." Again the paw stops him from speaking. It is replaced by a

muzzle as Boojum kisses him, moving the canine maleness to his ass. With a

shuddering gasp, he slides it under his tail, feeling it swell as it invades

him, his own dick stiffening as well. The rabbit sinks to the hilt, and rubs

the big knob with his tail. He waits a moment, then grinning mischievously,

starts bouncing up and down, sliding along the fox's cock, watching him shudder

and shake and moan, blue eyes alight with lust and love. "So Lover... What's

for breakfast?"

The End