Chain of Memories Part 4 - Rapture of Demons

Story by NSnowball on SoFurry

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Depression can be a nightmare that plagues your thoughts, your dreams and twists and distorts your perceptions and realities going so far as to make you think your friends and family are against you. It would seem that Snowball is suffering such a problem. But is Dekota strong enough to save him?

T5e Following Story Series is Adult in nature and may contain themes of sadness, suicide, depression, drug use, alcohol use, and may sometimes contain adult scenes of a sexual nature between two consenting adults that will sometimes go outside the borders of traditional vanilla sexual encounters It also deals with the psyche of a person in serious distress and may depict a nightmare that may seem a bit over the edge. If such things offend you as the reader please go back now and do not complain to the Author as i will be ignoring any complaints. You have been warned. Still Here? Enjoy the Story.

Part 4 - Rapture of Demons It was a cold, wintry morning. Clouds were concealing the sun intermittently. Both of them had stayed fast asleep, as did Lunabelle. it had been two years since that ever happened. During the night, Snowball had finally deflated and slipped out of Dekota as she was still wrapped up in his arms, back to his chest from moving in the night. The heavy winter blankets wrapped them up tight as neither seemed to want to be disturbed or get up. His hand was on her chest, her hooved fingers interlaced with his as she laid on his arm, groggy as she shut her eyes from the bright light shining through the blinds and the curtains. It wasn't long before she opened her eyes, and smiled, nuzzling back into Snowballas she could feel him licking her ear, his cold wet nose breathing warm air onto the back of her head. "Didn't think you'd be awake this early." she remarked. He grinned, "Nor you." They knew enough to say so much with so little.. Six years is a long time to get to know the other person. He really didn't want to get up, and have to do anything but he knew that eventually he would, because besides the kid, he still had to haul their Christmas decorations down and than head to work. Assuming his body had made a fool recovery. He felt alright, but from where he was laying, that was a deceptive feeling. The two of them laid there in silence preferring the company of each other until a loud vibration was heard on the headboard's shelf mounted above the platform bed, Snowball reached up to grab his phone, seeing a number he was dreading. And he answered it, "Morning Boss." the other end of the line couldn't be heard by Dekota so she only caught part of the conversation. "Snowball how you feeling man?" his boss replied. "Better," responded Snowball, "At least I feel better. Why?" His boss sounded concerned but he always took care of his staff, "Well until you get a doctor to make sure you're at your best, I want you to take some time off, with pay of course and don't worry I have no intention of cutting into your vacation time." Snowball sighed, "No you're cutting into my medical time." His boss laughed, "Gee you act like that's a bad thing, Seriously, though, take some time, recover, and let me know how things go okay, At least enjoy the time spent with your family." Snowball smiled and said, "Can't argue with that. We'll be in touch Boss." and he ended the call putting the phone back on the shelf and wrapping his arms around Dekota once more. "Everything okay?" Dekota asked, He nodded, "Just taking some medical leave, much as I hate to since I'd rather save that in case Lunabelle needs it. But I suppose it'll be fine." Dekota didn't like the idea either but she would rather he be at full strength just to deal with any situation that might arise. Although she knew they had a lot of work to do to repair the damage that had been caused.

They didn't talk about the incident that led up to the problem that night. They both knew. She knew he was terrified of what he had done. He knew she was forgiving but he blamed himself mostly for losing control. It takes a dedicated marriage to make it through dark times like that. In her heart she knew he was hurting and it was easy for her to turn a blind eye not out of pity or fear, but out of love and respect. She knew someday he'd go off like a cannon, more than he had in the past, and she knew that when that day happened she'd hold onto him as tightly as she could. She wasn't letting him off the hook but that was neither here nor there and both kenw it. But eventually Dekota got up to go handle their child as he pulled himself into the bathroom to at least freshen up. He could smell her scent all over him and he wasn't complaining one bit. However best not to smell like you walked out of an orgy if anyone comes calling. So he got in the shower and stood there leaning against the wall as the water beat down on him, the warm water feeling cooler than usual but he needed this badly. He would decide to bury himself away from everyone, ashamed of what he had done and what he had become. But runnng only led to more issues. Well not so much issues as the fact that she wasn't going to let him run far anymore, at least not for a while. With a proverbial leash around his neck and he knew it. But what right did he have to argue that point. He brought it on himself. Abandoning his family was the dumbest thing he had done, and now he was going to pay the price for it.

He passed Dekota in the hallway who had lunabelle in her arms as he got out of the shower, dripping wet and naked, seeing no point in wearing a towel when it was just them. And his cold frozen heart melted when Lunabelle hugged his muzzle and softly chimed "Da-da.." She'd already begun talking and she already loved her daddy so much. He couldn't help but smile as Dekota smiled back. Their look said everything. Their eyes spoke the words that they didn't dare say to ruin the moment. "I love you too, Kiddo, more than you'll ever know. And someday when you get older, I hope you remember that, No matter what happens in life." He looked away, feeling tears well up in his eyes as he ducked into their bedroom to get dressed. Dekota smiled and said softly, "Daddy's an idiot but he does try his best, and I can't ask for anything more. Someday you'll understand, Lunabelle, the sacrifices he made to bring you into this world, and to keep you safe from harm." That's an understatement. But the day went on as usual as he sat at the Kitchen counter, feeding Lunabelle when Dekota asked, "So wht do you plan on doing today?" "Dunno," he said, "I might try and finish installing my pedals and shifter kit. I'm running out of time for the rally in March and she's still no where ready to go." Dekota shook her head, "Maybe take a break today and spend some time with your daughter? I mean I get that you have to finish that and test everything but just relax okay? I don't want you to run yourself ragged. You don't have to always keep yourself busy to escape your problems, just talk about it, you know that." He nodded, knowing full well what was coming and he just took the initiative, "I get it, okay, what I did was stupid, I panicked and i was angry with myself and....." he teared up, swallowing hard trying to not burst out in tears, "I don't know if I'll ever look at myself the same way again, I don't know how you can." She wiped the tears away from him and smiled, "You're not off the hook, noy, don't get me wrong, But that's what a real relationship is, not those girls you dated all those years ago. I was angry and hurt but when you pulled through I forgave you. What we have isn't worth throwing away. You're going to hurt for a bit, but don't kick yourself when your down. If you had truly lost your grip on reality, I might be in the hospital myself, I knwo how strong you can get, but stopping yourself simply showed me you weren't out of your mind you were fighting a demon down in you and if you continue to let it fester nothing will change. What caused it? And don't say my father because we both knew what he was going to pull that night. I want to know what created tht manifestation in you." er Well wasn't that the million dollar question. He stopped, spoon feeding their daughter as he thought, " I don't know. Ever since my father beat the shit out of me when I got Luna to run, I never once had an inclination to do what he did, ever. I don't know why I did what I did. Or why I caught myself. But you can't tell me it wasn't my fault. I corssed a line. I shouldn't have turned my aggression on you. Part of me still feels like after losing my grandfather and my sister; how my father took our mother from us, and than losing him because of his actions that maybe I'm afraid I'm a curse that will cause you both to be taken from me. I know that's not an excuse for nearly putting your lights out, that's on me, but tht fear, it's very real. You don't know it, but that first night whe nwe sat in the diner. I was scared deep down when we begun to hit it off." Dekota's bovine ears popped up, she had never known this about him. And he continued, "You let me snake that kiss or so you think, it doesn't matter, but I was hoping you'd never answer your phone the next day. Hell it took me hours to call that number. I was afraid you'd be taken from me. And than our daughter, the same thing. I feel liek life is punishing me for no reason. That I get up and dust myself off only to be knocked back down again and quite frankly I'm sick of it. I bust my ass to do things right, to put my family first and wht do I get? Knocked down again. Why? What did I do to deserve this? If life is testing me, STOP. You've punished me enough and you won't take my wife and my daughter from me." He had made a fist around the childrens spoon , clenching his teeth as he snarled at the counter. Dekota saw the anger and frustration in him. He truly was battling with inner demons and she now too was questioning why life was doing this to him. A man can only take so much before he breaks.

Snowball just got up out of frustration, heading for the garage before Dekota chimed in, "Why don't you take Lunabelle with you? Might help to have a second set of hands." She giggled, hiding her pain, but Snowball was obviously not amused, "Let me set the pedals in place for their final mount and than I'll come deal with her." He winced, Deal with her? That wasn't what he meant but that's what came out. It seemed hsi depression and anger had formed into a perfect storm. But he at least quietly closed the door to the Garage. Outside the landscape was white with the streets salted and plowed. Christmas decorations everywhere. "I'm going to have to do that soon too," He thought as he looked into the corner where they kept what little they had. He wasn't a big fan of Christmas but with Lunabelle he wasn't about to let her see that. He sunk down onto the ground, opening his Talon's door. The new hydraulic pedals were jsut laying there, the stock one's long gone. He carefully positioned them where he thought they should go and pulled himself into the seat, swinging his feet around and after getting a bit cramped, pushed them back with his legs until he felt lest cramped. Than was the tricky part, getting out without bumping them. So once that was don, he got down on his knees, reaching for his welding mask as he pulled it down, firing up his welder as he tacved them into place once he had them straight and even. It would take a lot more work to hook them up but he needed them temporarily in place for the transmission to be put back in once he was done. That on itself was going to take a while.

All day in fact. One man working on a chain hoist takes a while, b ut come afternoon he had the transmission in place and was starting to work on his new shifter kit. No more money-shifting. Now he'd never accidentally shift down at the wrong time. This was something all Talon's, Lasers and Eclipses were prone to doing with their gear shifter designs. They were too loose and could slip backwards when moving up a gear. This system would put a wedge in place to block it and force the lever to go the way it was supposed to. He worked his ass off for this kit and wanted to gain an upper hand at the rally. He was already at a slight disadvantage because second generation DSM's were not rally stage friendly and what he had to do over the years to make his ready for it was tiresome, but the blood sweat and tears would eventually pay off, or so he thought to himself. There wasn't more he could do with a rumbling stomach and he walked back into the house wiping his paws with a towel when suddenly something bumped into his leg with a thud and a second thud from the impact to the floor. He looked down and smiled as Lunabelle looked up and giggled at him She was definately not dressed like you'd expect a normal girl, she was wearing holes in the knees raggedy overalls and a t-shirt over the top. Can you tell her parents were not traditional? Can you tell his daughter was going to be a tomboy like her mother was? Most could.

Dekota had called from the other room, "How goes it?" He picked up his daughter in his arms to her happy cooing as he walked in, "Transmission's in, the shifter base is in just doing the final check on the install and than I have to hook the pedals in. I might be able to get a test run in if the weather holds. It doesn't look like it's going to snow again but my head is pounding so bad it might." He carefully flopped on the couch next to Dekota as she buried her head in his arm. Life couldn't feel more perfect. And over the next few days life seemed to be nromal. With his medical leave he slowly started feeling more nd more ambitious. He'd spend most of the morning playing with his daughter, even letting her give his dreads a makeover. Despite his protests, Dekota laughed away. But he eventually got the Christmas decorations out from the garage. Dekota set to work on the tree inside as he went out and he strung up his white Icicle lights along the front of the house, weaving in blue lights in between them. He wasn't fully into tradition and political correctness had a limit for him as he wired up the Merry Christmass sign that had a pair of whtie and blue lit wicker reindeer grazing around. Inside the tree wasn't too big but it was his favorite. It was a pine tree, fake of course with fake snow flocking. White and blue lights with silver garland and ornaments. Ornaments from his childhood, ornaments him and Luna made. Ornaments from Dekota's childhood, family ornaments. And crystal ornaments that signified each year they had been married. The finale Awas something that had belonged to his Grandmother. Even though she had passed away before he was born, his Grandfather had put this handmade angel on the top of the tree every year saying that it was the best way for her to still be present in the house. He picked Lunabelle up, handing her the angel and said, "You have to be very gentle with this, but see if you can get the bottom of it over the top." For two going on three, Lunabelle was a pretty smart child. No doubt about it. She understood concepts even if she didn't understand the words all to well yet. So no surprise when he lifted her as high as he could that she managed to put the Angel on the tree. Dekota had witted the lights into the timer but turned them on anyways. It was quite the sight to behold. Christmas was here.

But what had seemed like peaceful days to Dekota was not the entire truth. Every night Snowball was waking up in sheer panic and terror, sometimes three or more times a night from ferocious , terrifying nightmares. It was if something was creating this incarnations of everything causing the pain and suffering of his wife and his daughter. Watching them burn alive, die slowly in a wreck, drown, and being unable to save them. Something deep down was not through with him and was stopping him from getting any kind of mental peace. Worse yet he was afraid to tell anyone, especially Dekota since he didn't want her to think he was going insane. Or worse that she'd judge him. Foolish to think as she's never thought any less of him despite his frustrations. But keeping things a secret is very hard for him. And while they were out on a family putting to the local sled hill, she could see his demeanor was a Normally he would hold her in his arms and run and hop on the sled to her delight. But today he was being very careful and cautious. He never did anything dangerous that he couldn't control and the hill wasn't that steep. She had an idea to confirm her suspicious. When they both got back up the hill as Lunabelle laughed in the snow, falling down a lot, She had gotten his snowboard out from the Trac. It was a beautiful board with an amazing alpha wolf style scheme. "Alright hot shot, see if you still got the skills." SHe pushed it into his chest. He looked really puzzled and confused, "When did you get that out past me?!" She smirked at him, "Don't change the subject, I wanna see if the powderhound still has the skills to pay the bills." He looked at the Snowboard and than at the hill. It was like a nightmare replaying in his head. All he could see was something going wrong that led to his death which led to Dekota taking her own life from sadness and heartbreak. These demons were playing with his mind, corrupting his senses and he was so scared that he was giving in to them as he pushed the board back, "M-maybe another day. Hey why don't we go some where for dinner and do something different for once? I Hear there's a really great place over in Hawthorne." She rolled her eyes and sighed, her suspicions correct that he was having some serious mental issues, well more traumatic issues, something. She wasn't sure. But she wanted to prove to him that he would be okay and simply said, "Make it to the bottom of the hill on your board and we'll go wherever you want. And no this is not negotiable, unless your chicken." Uh oh. Well that was it for him as he grabbed the board, strapped himself in and launched himself down the hill, holding his balance pretty well as he suddenly swerved towards a huge hump in the hill, a kid had run into his path and he had no choice. He hit the hump and launched up. One of two things was going to happen. Those demons would win, or he would gain control. And since he had been doing this since he was little he grabbed his board and pulled one hell of a trick before helicoptering falt onto the ground and right side up before he spun the board to the side and halted his momentum, landing on his butt, but none the worse for wear. Dekota ran over along with the other kid's parents to see if he was alright and he just gave the thumbs up gesture, "How did you manage to avoid him?!" cried the father, "Snowboarder's instinct, you have to be 30 steps ahead and be prepared to react at a moments notice. Although the ridge wasn't exactly my plan." Dekota chimed in to the relief of the other parents, "County Board Champion '15 and '16. Til he gave it up." He sighed, "My fault, I should have checked before I launched, usually the path down is clear." But the other parents didn't agree, no child was supposed to run onto the hill like that. It was an agree to disagree considering no one got hurt.

This new family restaurant was crowded. They had Santa making the rounds for the kids. And after the snowboard incident, Dekota was feeling a little guilty but than again she knew it was nothing he couldn't handle. They sat at their table waiting for their drinks, looking over the menu when Dekota's hoof reached over rubbing the top of his paw and he looked up, "What?" She didn't look up but simply said, "You sleeping okay at night?" he blinked, "Yeah why?" "Because," she said, "THe way you handled yourself with the sled today, that's not you. You've never lsot control doing that and playing it safe isn't you. Now what's going on and you are not going to lie your way out of this one." "Everything's fine. There's nothing to worry about, just didn't want to take a risk." He wasn't looking at her anymore burying his face. "When that kid ran onto the hill you could have avoided that ridge esily and played it safe, you didn't. Your Snowboarding instinct kicked in and you had to have some fun while trying to avoid him. Putting your life at risk is no difference. Now what's wrong?" She dug the top of her hoof into his foot and it wasn't pleasant. Bovines like Cervices have very sharp hooves. He winced as he lowered his voice, reaching over to pat Lunabelle on the head, "Nightmares okay, I'll be fine, just don't worry about it." But she was worrying, "Snowball let it go. Whatever thiese things are trying to do to you, let them go. Nothing is your fault. I don't knwo if it's life doing this to you or what, but let it all go." he huffed, "And what of the nightmares, you don't just let those go." she put her menu down, looking at him, "Than think of something pleasant. Create a positive thought so strong that your demons can't fight back and warp or twist it. If you're having nightmares i Can only assume it's horrific stuff involving us." he shook his head in disbelief, "You know when I let you see the parts of me that weren't so pretty I never expected you to weaponize them and get inside my head." He paused as they looked at each other, both saying together, "Til death due us part." He knew. He knew he wasn't doing this alone but he didn't like it any. But he took the moment to try and block out the negativity in his mind. As they enjoyed the rest of the evening.

But as they all drifted off later that night the torture began again. "Worthless." "What?" "Worthless" "Who Are you?! Show yourself" The nightmares begun yet again. Snowball woke up into a dark and empty room, it looked much like his own, from his child hood. In the corner was was the back of Luna. But when he reached for her she turned around, blank expression in her eyes as she suddenly lunged at him trying to strangle him. He fought back and kicked her off before she charged again. He grabbed the only thing he could find which was a knife. A knife, how convenient. He ended up stabbing her as she bled out and fell to nothing, scattering to the wind like ashes from a dying fire. "Worthless. You killed her. It was always you. It will always be you." The voice returned. "Who are you?! Where are you?! SHOW YOURSELF!!!!!!" he screamed. But the darkness spoke not. He wandered out of the room, ending up in some strange corridor. He continued walking, looking at random windows into his past all of them showing him as the cause of everything that went wrong in his life. Showing him giving alcohol to the drunk that killed his sister, his marriage causing his grandfather's hear attack, even going so far as to show that hisis love of his love of his mother drove his father to murder her in jealousy because of him, even if it wasn't true. The mental torture was getting worse as he entered the center of a large circular room, his daughter and mate bound over a fire pit in the middle with this strange twisted black creature looking at him. He panicked and went into enraged defense mode. He never went on the attack when his family was in danger, he was the protective type and always took a defensive posture, "Let them go you....whatever the hell you are." A lound black disturbing echo had been heard, mimicking laughter. "Worthless." the voice said. "You are a black hole, an evolution of hatred, one of us. All you know perishes and it's because of you." Snowball fell to his knees hands on his head as the voice made him feel like a jackhammer had gone off in his mind, "No, no t-that's not true, I just want to save them! Why...Why are you doing this?!" "Save them?" the voice said, "Oh-hp-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho. The soul sucker wishes to save someone? Defy your purpose, defy what you're supposed to be? Worthless, That is you. To Save them you must end yourself. No other price, no other way. Surrender to us or watch them perish slowly." The flames were growing higher at their feet. But he couldn't do anything. He had no control over his body as he stood up and his body ran towards the flames. His entire body and mind had been taken control of by this...this creature. Madness had set in and it made him throw himself into the fires as he started to burn. But you never make a deal with the devil because you always lose. as the flames shot higher consuming his daughter and his mate. He screamed in tears as he heard them criy in pain, unable to do anything. He fell further into the fiery pit landing at the bottom as the singed fur and flames left, still in one piece as he looked around at nothing around him, "NO!" he screamed, "YOU SON OF A BITCH?! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!? LEAVE THEM ALONE! FONT TOUCH MY MATE! DONT TOUCH MY DAUGHTER!" he was in tears, crying as he screamed and buried his face in his hands as reality snapped back to realize he was sitting up in bed with his heart racing, blood pressure spiked as he sweated bullets, his nightmare had gone too far. Dektoa was sitting up holding him close, haven woken up from his terror as he wept from the demons below, torutred and broken from the rapture they had summoned on his mind. She whispered in his ear, "I'm here, baby, it's okay, nothing's going to happen." as she kissed his cheek and let him bury his face into her lap. She had to do something because it was getting so much worse and her biggeset fear was it would consume him. It didn't matter what the catalysts were that set these events in motion, what mattered was being ready to make battle iwth this thing and save him from himself.