An Adjustment of Priorities

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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After infiltrating a strange facility having been created by Lawrence Limburger Modo finds himself being changed by a strange egg dropped onto his head by a black raven. His new transformation will have a greater affect on the planet, and more importantly his two bros, soon enough but for now the time has come to watch as the martian mouse evolves to a new form, the likes of which has never been seen before on planet Earth.

Commission for


Biker Mice from Mars: Rick Ungar

Commissions are open if you're interested!

Crimson laser fire tore through the metallic tower as the fight between three martian mice and horde of robotic sentries became ever more vicious. A few lucky shots were able to puncture through the barrier made from a desk and random bits of debris for which Throttle, Vinnie, and Modo had set up, yet thankfully enough said shots were unable to pierce anything vital within the trio. However the robots A.I.'s were growing ever more accurate in their aiming capabilities, as demonstrated by one stray blast of crimson photonic energy slicing across Vinnie's white fur, searing the biker mouse's flesh.

"Yoowww!!!" Vinnie howled as he fell onto his back while his right hand immediately covered his left shoulder.

"Vinnie!!" both Modo and Throttle cried out as they moved over to their injured bro.

"Are you alright?" Throttle asked even as he checked the fallen martian mouse over with the built in medical scanner contained within his green shades.

"I'm fine!" Vinnie cheerfully chirped, all the while putting pressure down onto his wounded body. "Just a little scratch is all!"

"Right." Throttle said with all of the conviction of an older brother listening to a younger sibling telling them an obvious lie. Turning his head the orangish-tan marian mouse was about to call for a retreat but gaped as he watched an angry Modo reach down and then pull up a massive section of the floor in front of him, his cybernetic right eye glowing red like the setting sun. Throttle swallowed heavily as he watched the larger martian toss said flooring across the room at the gathered horde of robots still firing onto them. Throttle barely had time to process what had just happened before an enraged Modo charge over the punctured barrier that they had created towards the robots. "Shit!!" Throttle swore as he found himself sweeping his head back and forth from watching Modo be an overprotective idiot, to worrying over the downed Vinnie.

"Come on!" Vinnie demanded while slowly picking himself, and his laser pistol, up from off of the floor. "We gotta give him some coverfire!"

"Right!" Throttle said as he helped to stabilize the younger martian. Once the pair were securely set into place both bikers took aim and then shot at the robots which were firing on the roaring Modo.

Because of his impressive display of physical strength there were only half as many robots left to take out, and so the rest of the battle was mercifully short, what with Throttle and Vinnie picking off those mechanical bots which were targeting the angry ball of grey fur punching and kicking his way through their remaining numbers. Once the last of them was down on the floor twitching in defeat Modo went over to one particular robot that was squirming around just a little too much for his liking and then blasted it several times until it went dead silent.

"It's over, bro." Throttle said as he walked over to place a calm, but firm hand onto's Modo's shoulder.

The grey mouse shivered for several seconds, the anger and adrenaline pouring out of him in short order, before the tension within his body finally abated. Once he was successfully calmed down the larger martian turned to look sorrowfully at his leader.

"Throttle, I'm..." Modo began to say but was quickly waved into silence by the orangish-tan mouse.

"It's okay. I know how you feel right now." Throttle admitted quietly before he turned to look at the now grinning Vinnie. Modo nodded but said nothing, as he couldn't trust himself to speak right then. "Come on." Throttle began as he turned on his heel. "Let's get Vinnie and then do what he came here to do so that we can get the hell outta this place."

"Hey!!" the white martian squeaked in indignation. "I'm not helpless!! See!" he said as he rolled his muscular shoulder several times. The fact that each time he did so his long white tail would sporadically twitch behind was not missed by either Throttle or Modo, though they chose to say nothing of this as Vinnie continued to speak. "All I need is a little TLC from Charley-babe back at the garage and then I'll be ready for action once again!" the white mouse declared while pumping a gloved fist into the air.

"Right." Throttle chuckled before ruefully shaking his head. "Come on then," Throttle waved the way forward as he began to take the lead through the hole in the wall that the mice had made when trying to escape from the robotic sentries.

Looking out to see if there were any more nasty surprises, which blessedly there weren't, Throttle crept his way out into the darkened hallway onto the balls of his booted heels. With his green shades flashing to show off their infrared setting, the leader of the biker mice looked around for several seconds before motioning for his bros to follow after him; down the silent hallway, around several corners, and then finally to the room for which they had been trying to access earlier the mice went. Seeing no one inside of the area Throttle reached out for the door handle and then turned it. When the door refused to open the muscular white martian mouse rotated his wrist hard enough to break the handle. Tossing the now scrapped metal over to the side out of the way Throttle carefully paced his way into the silent room.

Moving around the area to make sure that there were no traps lying in wait for them, Throttle waited for several seconds before giving the okay for his bros to enter.

"So is this thing that old fish-breath has been working on?" Vinnie asked as he walked over to a large machine which seemed to be pumping liquid tar through its pipes.

"I guess so, seeing as there doesn't seem to be anything else in here." Modo answered while looking around the empty interior in slight disbelief, his black nose reflexively twitched several times as he subconsciously tried to sniff the air for danger. "I'm somewhat surprised that this place is so lightly guarded." the grey mouse admitted somewhat trepidly.

"Guess fish-face is getting overconfident." Vinnie chuckled, his twin antenne twitching atop his head as he strode confidently about the room while his gloved hands placed themselves firmly onto the side of his hips.

"Let's not follow his example." Throttle commanded as he reached into one of the pockets of his utility belt to pull out a mini martian explosive. Moving over to the computer console set in front of the churning vat of rushing black fluid the orangish-tan biker placed the explosive onto the side of the control panel and then set the timer. "Alright. Let's get out of here."

The sudden cawing of a large bird made all three biker mice draw out their laser pistols. Moving so that they stood back-to-back the trio looked around the room for several seconds before another caw made them look up. What they saw made the martian mice stare in slack jawed confusion, as there on the rafters was a large black raven staring down at them.

"What's he doing in here?" Vinnie inquired as he slightly lowered his weapon.

"A sentry maybe?" Modo growled as he moved the muzzle of his gun towards the bird, daring it to move so much an inch from where it stood.

When the black feathered creature curled its head back to begin preening itself the biker mice found themselves slowly lowering their guard.

"Or...maybe it's just a silly little bird that got caught in here somehow." Vinnie chuckled.

"Well it's gonna have a fun time getting out of here once this place blows." Throttle said before nodding for the three of them to make their way towards the door.

Moving forward towards the exit, the digital ticking of the armed martian explosive counting down to zero echoing behind them, the biker mice never noticed the black avian flying up over their heads. What they did notice was the little 'gift' the black bird decided to supply them with as a small egg dropped down squarely onto Modo's head.

"Ahhh!!" the grey mouse squeaked before jumping two feet into the air.

Throttle and Vinnie were immediately by his side, their eyes hard as they looked at the gooey mess which was now covering the top of their larger bro's head.

"Guess the bird decided to make a 'yolk' out of us, huh?" Vinnie snickered as he looked to see Modo shaking off the sticky egg crude which now covered half of his skull.

"Very funny." Modo grumbled, clearly unamused.

A growl from the grey mouse made the white mouse reach a glove covered hand up to his mouth to stifle the laughter which was building up within his throat as he watched his incensed bro clench his teeth together in repressed anger.

A blast of laser fire made both martians freeze.

The sound of bursting flesh reached their ears made both bikers look up to the rafters. The duo blinked in stunned awe as they watched the remains of the black bird slowly float down to the ground, the sight of the leftover flesh dripping down onto the ground in large black droplets made both of their stomachs turn slightly. Turning to look at the only other person in the room, Vinnie and Modo gaped as they watched a scowling Throttle bare his blunt teeth at what was left of the rude avian.

"Modo," Throttle began, his voice tight with a bubbling roar that was just barely being held back.

"Yeah, bro?" Modo replied, his long grey tail curled around his leg somewhat fearfully.

"You ok?" the orangish-tan martian mouse questioned.

Reaching up to claw the dripping slime down from off of his head, and then grunting when the sticky goo seemed to cling to his short fur, the larger biker mouse answered with, "Yeah, though I suddenly want a hot shower."

"Let's get back home so that we can get you one." Throttle holstered his gun and then marched towards the open door leading out of the room.

Vinnie said nothing as he looked up at the taller martian mouse, who could only smile nervously back at him, and then went over to pat the other onto the side of the arm.

Heading down to where they had parked their bikes the trio were accosted by several more robots; the knowledge of the fireworks show which was soon to take place within the building gave the martians the courage they needed to quickly blast their way through the lot of them. Setting themselves onto their respective bikes the trio revved up their engines, moved to bump fists with each other, and then tore ass out of the building. By the time they were half a mile away the sound of a great explosion echoed within their large round ears.

Vinnie howled, throwing his head back and then pumping his fist into the air as he drove with one hand. Modo chuckled while shaking his head as he looked at the younger mouse with his patented big brother smile. Throttle, meanwhile, merely chuckled at his two bros.

The drive back to Charley's garage was rather peaceful, if somewhat uncomfortable for Modo, as the large grey martian found himself flicking his massive ears several times as the gooey egg crude still stuck into his head made the fur on top of his head start to itch. Vinnie and Throttle glanced sideways at their larger bro but Modo merely nodded to them to keep driving forward, and so the pair did, though not without sharing worried sideways looks at each other. The long drive across the country back to the inner city came to an end almost seven hours later, once it did though the biker mice from mars quietly set their bikes into the back of their human friend's garage and then killed their engines.

"Hey, Charley! You here?" Vinnie called out after pulling his riding helmet from off his head. The white mouse set his kickstand down and then moved towards the front of the shop without thinking, his intent to see their human friend so intense that he barely even thought about the consequences of being seen by an unfamiliar human. Throttle and Modo chuckled, right before the larger martian mouse scowled.

"You okay there, Modo?" Throttle asked even as he made his way over to his bro.

Taking his helmet off, the grey martian mouse immediately reached up to scratch at his head. "I will be, once I get into the shower." he grumbled as he looked down to his blunt fingernails to see dark golden goop covering his nails.

Throttle opened his mouth to say something but was silenced when a yelp from Vinnie made him veer his head to the side.

"I'm fine, babe!" the youngest of the biker mice exclaimed but then yelped again after the sound of flesh hitting flesh filled the interior of the garage.

"Of course you're not." the sound of Charley's disapproving voice admonished from the front of the motor shop. "Now come over here so that I can look you over."

"Yes ma'am!" the happy chitter within the younger martia's voice was more than likely missed by the human but to Throttle and Modo it was as clear as day to hear. Well, to Throttle anyway, as when the orangish-tan biker mouse turned to share a bemused head shake with his larger bro he found his green shade covered eyes looking to see the last traces of Modo's long grey tail trailing towards the bathroom.

Inside the bathroom Modo grumbled at himself within the too small mirror bolted into the tiled wall, the handsome visage staring back somewhat tiredly at him let the biker mouse know that he really needed to catch up on his zzzs. An annoying itch coming from the top of his skull made the grey martian reach up to scratch at his fur once more. Modo growled, his single cybernetic eye glowed slightly red as he noticed more of the dark gold goo sticking itself onto his fingertips. At first he motioned to sling the odd rubbery substance onto the floor, but he then remembered that they weren't inside of their lair, but in Charley's place of business, and so he reached down to rub the gummy crap off onto his left leg. Turning on the tap Modo cupped his hand under the warm flow of water and then splashed his face. Shaking himself down, Modo blinked his single good eye to dispel the water trying to infiltrate the cybernetic optical sensor and then chuckled at his how dark fur was stained black. And then his head began to itch again.

Gripping the side of the sink hard enough to make the ceramic material crack slightly Modo just barely stopped himself from breaking the material. Seeing that his annoyance was now growing into possible violence Modo turned and then stomped his way back out into the garage.

"Hey, Throttle," Modo called out to the younger biker mouse, making him look up from where he was busy tinkering on his black motorbike. "I'm headed back to the lair. I've got to get this gunk off of me, otherwise I'm gonna bust somethin'!" the grey martian mouse sneered as the annoying itch persisted once more.

"Alright. You want me to take you back while Charley has a look over your bike?" the orangish-tan leader of the trio asked, his face conveying the question he didn't feel quite so comfortable asking.

"Nah. Lil Hoss didn't get beat up back there, so I think we'll be fine." Modo finished with a smile, knowing that his leader would worry if he didn't.

Throttle said nothing for a few seconds before silently nodding his head. "Take care. We'll be there before long."

Modo made an affirmative noise in the depth of his throat at that.

Moving over and then hopping onto his navy blue bike the grey martian revved up the engine, letting it purr for a few moments, and then hauled tail out of the motor shop towards the city stadium. Throttle let his black nose twitch a few times, his worry just that strong, before he took in a deep breath and then exhaled. Turning to look over his own mean machine the orangish-tan mouse silently convinced himself that everything would be alright, however the sixth sense that Stoker had cultivated within him all those years ago on Mars vehemently screamed at him that something was wrong and he should make a move to fix things before the situation grew worse. Without any hard evidence to suggest what could be wrong though the shade wearing martian pushed aside this mental notion, after all, the worse thing he could do as a leader was to baby a veteran warrior like Modo, as that would be a quickfire way to lose the older biker's respect.

The drive to the stadium was done in relative silence for Modo, the nightscape which covered the city acted like a peaceful balm to the martian's mind. He attributed these feelings to his advanced age, as being the elder of the trio he often found quiet moments to be more suitable to his senses as it gave him the peace needed to contemplate his existence. However, the peace he felt was slowly being shattered by the aggravating itch which ran across the top of his head. Gripping Lil Hoss's handlebars tight enough to make his knuckles rise up Modo pressed his booted foot onto the gas harder than he needed to, that shower he so desperately wanted was now something he was willing to go three times over the speed limit to get to.

Once he made his way into their hidden lair within the field scoreboard Modo set Lil Hoss into her designated spot, killed the engine, and then all but flew towards where the washroom was located. Getting inside of the blue tiled bathing area the large grey martian stripped out of his gear, marched over to where the towels were set, grabbed one, and then ran to the showers. Turning on the water to blistering hot Modo didn't care about how much pain he was probably going to feel in the next few minutes, the desire to wash his head down was just that desperate within his mind. Grabbing the shampoo that Charley had been kind enough to buy for him and his bros last week Modo placed a large glob into his organic hand, chucked the bottle to the side, and then furiously reached up to begin scrubbing his head. Like a cooling salve being placed onto an open wound the grey mouse found the annoying itch quickly evaporating as he scrubbed away at his scalp, though he did growl when he felt some of the annoying itch spread down into his large ears, but thankfully the feeling quickly passed after two flicks of his massive appendages.

Smiling pleasurably, Modo began humming as he soaped up his head, digging deep into his grey fur as he did so, and then placed his face under the steaming spray. He swiftly pulled back as the heat of the shower scorched him. Reaching down to turn on the cold water Modo waited for the water temperature even out before setting himself under the spray once more. Shaking his head after he became somewhat blinded by the cascading torrent the grey martian slowly began washing his muscular body. When the suds on his head were no more Modo went over to pick up the hastily discarded shampoo bottle in order to get some more lather for his chest and torso. The large biker mouse shook the container and then scowled when he found that it was now almost empty. A sense of shame quickly enveloped his mind as his embarrassment at being so selfish with the group's shampoo drew itself across his face, Modo made a mental note to ask Charley to buy the trio some more first thing tomorrow morning. Soaping up the rest of his body with what was left, while paying careful attention to his waterproof mechanical arm as he did so, Modo flexed his muscular form this way and that as he sought to wash over every inch of his heavily built frame. He found himself groaning in annoyance when he attempted to get to the line of his back, his inability to clean himself thoroughly back behind himself was quite evident as his fingers failed to get to certain spots. Usually his bros would help him with this, and he them in turn, but as they weren't here at the moment he made the best of the current situation, though he made a second mental note to make Vinnie thoroughly rub his backside down once the other got home.

'Should get Throttle to help.' he thought with a chuckle, the mental image of his two bros soaping him up with their smaller hands made him think back to the times on Mars when communal showers were a thing amongst the younger recruits. 'Man, I really miss those days.' Modo sighed as the memories of the good times on Mars before the war with the plutarkians crept into his thoughts; the days of training, wrestling, and swimming nude with those of his kind made the martian mouse sigh tiredly.

Anger quickly grew within his belly, his face dipping into a scowl as his single cybernetic eye grew red hot, 'Damn those stickin' fish!!' Modo growled, his lips pulling up to reveal his blunt teeth, all the while the anger within grew thicker as the memories of the times that were lost because of the plutarkians formed a deep pit of sadness within him. 'Gonna pay them back ten times over for what they did!!' the grey mouse snarled.

Shaking his head, Modo took a deep calming breath. 'But later, right now I need some sleep. Been a long day.'

The biker mouse spent several more minutes underneath the cascading spray cleaning himself before he shut off the water and then stepped out of the shower area. Taking his towel and then hitting the bathing room air vents Modo hummed to himself as he let the warm air work to dry himself down faster. Shaking his tail to get the last of the moisture free some minutes later Modo chuckled as he thought about how he had picked up that habit from Vinnie. 'Hope none of his other habits are rubbing off on me.' the large martian mouse thought. Closing his eyes Modo let his memories of the younger martian roll through his head before he again chuckled to himself.

Vinnie could be so adorkably cute sometimes.

Opening his eyes Modo finished drying himself and then sauntered his way out towards the sleeping area, a momentary thought that he should pick up after himself flitted through his mind but the grey biker pushed that thought aside, his bros wouldn't mind him being a little bit on the messy side after what he went through today. He would make sure to clean up once he woke up tomorrow though, he didn't want his bros to think that he was becoming some kind of stinkin' sewer rat by leaving his crap everywhere. Once inside of the shared bedroom Modo folded up his towel, placed it into the laundry hamper at the foot of his bed, and then began to do his evening yoga. Moving through various stances Modo found himself going through several with surprising ease, his body seeming to be not as tense as he thought it was as he extended the full length of leg out before kneeling down onto the floor to loosen his muscles. Flexing as he pulled himself back up and over into another stance, Modo guessed his shower must have relaxed him more than he thought.

An hour later the grey martian mouse decided that he had done enough for the evening. Returning to his upright position Modo let out a pleased sigh and then crawled his way onto his king sized bed. Crossing his legs underneath his massive frame once he was comfortably set onto his mattress the martian closed his eyes and then began to meditate on the events of the day. Several emotions passed through his mind as he thought over the odd information for which the mice had been sent via the recently repaired computer network which had been contained within their ruined ship. Said information had come through the cryptic line created by the Martian military so he, Throttle, and Vinnie had eagerly read over the data, and then found themselves completely baffled as to the information for which they had received.

It seemed that the plutarkians had come across a new kind of substance on one of the asteroids within the asteroid belt and had harvested some of it to make into a new kind of weapon. What specific type of weapon this was supposed to be the information hadn't specified, but it really didn't matter as the trio were quick to deduce that any weapon Lawrence Lactavius Limburger wanted to create spelled bad news for them and this planet, and so he, Throttle, and Vinnie swiftly headed out to the location where this mysterious substance was being stored. Getting through the facility, laser pistols drawn, the trio instantly found themselves surrounded by the robotic sentries guarding the area. Minutes later the mice found themselves desperately scrabbling to get to a safe location in order to defend themselves.

After that...well, what more needed to be said?

What the mysterious gunk they had found later exactly was Modo couldn't surmise, as he had never been privy to such a substance before, but it seemed rather odd that Lawrence Lactavius Limburger wouldn't have better guards keeping watch over the area. Reaching up to scratch at his head Modo tried to reason over what the 'big fish' had been thinking, but his thoughts were soon interrupted when he felt a familiar sensation running across the top of his head.

The martian mouse snapped his eyes open and then growled loud enough to actually be heard throughout the silent bedroom as he felt a familiar gooey substance trickling down from his head. 'Oh you've GOT to be kidding me?!?!'

Gripping his head Modo resolved to tear his own fur out if it would get the icky substance from off of his body, however, to his surprise, the biker mouse found himself gaping in disbelief as he felt something writhing on top of his head. Pulling his organic hand down after grabbing a chunk of...whatever was on him, Modo yelped in surprise as he watched a large mass of dark gold goo wriggle within his palm. Flinging his hand out as though he had been burnt Modo watched in stunned awe as the sentient bundle of living jelly splattered onto the wall...and then began creeping down the side of said wall towards him. Modo sprang up like a startled cat, his body all but cartwheeling out of the room as he sought to get as far away as possible from the odd ooze. Quick thinking made him pull the door to the bedroom shut, yet the reactive goop was quick to analyze and then solve the 'problem' set before it. Looking down Modo gaped as he watched dark gold tendrils snake their way out from under the paper thin crack at the door. Stomping down onto the goop seemed to make it recoil for a bit, however this proved to be a fallacy of action as the slimy substance latched onto his naked foot, gripping its way around his leg like boiling hot tar. When it began to pull him vehemently back towards the room Modo actually felt true terror latch itself onto his heart. Thankfully, despite being scared out of his mind, Modo was stronger than the unknown ooze, as evident by how he forcefully snatched his foot away.

'This has got to be a bad dream!' the grey biker thought as he hopped backwards on his untainted foot.

Bumping into the back wall dispelled this notion though.

Setting his foot down onto the strangely cold floor Modo tried to calm his breathing so that he would be able to think clearly but he rapidly found himself unable to do so as he the itch from before became an incessant ache at the same time a strange new pressure began to assault his skull. Reaching a hand up Modo didn't think as he ripped the goop he knew was on his head away and then flung the sticky mass at the bedroom door. His feet were in motion before the dark gold ooze could react. Getting to his dark navy blue motorbike Modo reached a hand out to grab at the handle, but then he suddenly stopped.

'What if thing gets to my bros.' that single thought made the blood inside of the martian's veins freeze.

Just the thought of Vinnie or Throttle being contaminated by...whatever this stuff was made the grey biker grit his teeth. Changing his handle's trajectory to the side of his bike, Modo pressed a silver button and then watched as a large laser rifle materialized into existence. Grabbing the weapon and then pressing another button onto his bike Modo watched as Lil Hoss revved itself up and then hauled rubber towards the exit of the lair. Smiling to himself the grey martian mouse moved the barrel of the laser rifle to bottom of his chin, and then closed his eyes.

'This stuff won't get to my bros!' was the last thought the martian before he pressed down onto the trigger.

His head was immediately jerked backwards making the shot of crimson laser which exited out of the barrel of the rifle hit the top of the ceiling instead of slicing through his face.

Not understanding what was going on Modo found his head shaking from side to side before his vision was suddenly engulfed in black. Basic instinct made the grey martian drop the laser rifle as he quickly attempted to use both of his hands to tear at the goop covering his face. Thankfully his strength was enough to rip the sticky material away. Once freed Modo threw the goop away from himself as hard as he could and then reached down for his hastily discarded weapon. He was unable to grasp it however as one of his legs forcibly moved him away from the laser rifle. Growling, Modo looked down at himself in fury. Said fury was quickly dispelled as the biker mouse stared down at his right leg...which was now entirely covered by light blue slime. The slime in question was hurriedly spreading itself around his other foot, locking him into place several seconds later as his stunned silence gave it all the opportunity it needed to cement both his feet into place. Now imobile the gooey substance began to travel up his calves towards his shins. Modo bent down in an attempt to tear the cold substance from off of his naked legs, but he was quickly forced back up as his body seemed to disregard his mental orders to instead follow the strangely alluring murmur which seemed to be repeating itself over and over along the edge of his consciousness.

'What the heck?!' Modo gasped as he tried to focus on the unintelligible words which echoed within his mind, yet trying to grasp onto them proved to be almost impossible, as every time he called out to voiceless mantra the unfamiliar phrase shattered like glass within his mind. Only to then reform itself seconds later.

To say that this little game proved to be maddening was an understatement, and yet it was nothing compared to having his eyes covered in cold slime once again. Modo roared as he reached up once more to tear the silky substance away from his face, but this time he found himself unable to do so as the silent whisper within his head became crystal clear, breaking his focus.

'Modo, we're friends right?' the voice of Throttle called out making the biker mouse gap slightly.

'Throttle?!?!' the mental image of his leader soon appeared within Modo's darkened vision. The sight of the other was a bit different however, as instead of his normal orangish-tan fur the slightly shorter mouse was covered by a dark purple rubber suit?!

'Who else, bro?' the other martian mouse sauntered over to him and then began to rub across his face, ironically enough everywhere the rubber suited biker mouse touched the dark gold slime outside in the real world traveled across Modo's face.

'Throttle, you've got to get out of here, there's something in the lair!!' Modo tried to warn the other even as he mentally moved his larger frame away from the shorter mouse so as to not contaminate him. The latex covered martian mouse merely chuckled at him, wiggling nose in a rather cute manner as if to gently chide him.

'It's okay, bro.' Throttle whispered as he moved himself closer to the larger biker mouse. Pulling himself into the older martian's personal space, Throttle nuzzled his head against the underside of Modo's face. For a moment Modo didn't know what to think about this as one, Throttle was never this affectionate, not unless he was drunk off his tail, and two, because he could almost swear that he could actually taste his leader's breath as he gently breathed along his neck. 'Everything is okay. You're safe.' Throttle promised, all the while reaching a latex covered hand out to rub small patterns along the larger martian's muscular pectorals. 'You'll always be safe here. This is our place, and no one can harm us here.' Modo shivered, though whether from the enticing words or the dark gold sludge dribbling sticky lines down up into his ears and then down the length of his neck onto his grey furred chest the martian would never be able to say. 'This is where you belong, Modo.' Throttle said even as he moved around out of Modo's sight. The larger biker mouse tried to turn his head to keep his focus on his leader but he found that he couldn't, neither there within his mindscape nor outside in reality, as his upper torso and thighs were completed covered in sticky dark gold goo.

Modo then whimpered long and low as he felt something thick and heavy press itself up underneath his tail. The larger martian clenched his eyes as he found himself being suddenly invaded by something cold as ice, yet he could not stop the incessant penetration as it continued to drive its way forward. Perplexingly enough the martian found his tail lifting itself up as if to present himself to the unseen invader. A strange coolness then reached out to caress his naked groin suddenly, 'It's okay. You're okay.' Throttle's voice whispered as the warmth slowly grew cold and then began to throb. 'You're safe. Everything's good here.' Throttle breathed into Modo's large ears. The massive appendages twitched as a biting cold completely enveloped their exterior, leaving the other momentarily deaf to the world around him. 'It's okay. We're here. We'll keep you safe.' Throttle's voice continued to whisper to him, and while he tried to resist it became harder and harder to fight back against those soothing words.

The pressure underneath his tail, which had sunk deep enough into him that he could feel the pressure now pushing into his guts, made Modo shiver and then groan. His wordless murmurs were quickly cut off as the gooey rubber which had sealed itself around his face sunk its way into his mouth and then down into his throat, choking the biker slightly before returning the ability to breath once again. Down below around his manhood, which had peeked itself out of his grey furred sheath to see what all the fuss was about, was silently enveloped by cold rubber. The cloying grip of the sentient goop wasted little time as it curled around Modo's already plentiful member before sliding a thin tendril down through his urethra and then into his testicles. The tickling sensation of this strange sounding left Modo rocking back and forth in slow measured pace as the sticky line flexed and then expanded within his sexual equipment, growing so large and fat that it was slowly ballooning the biker's shaft and testicles as it continued to wriggle within him.

'That's right. Enjoy this.' the rubberized Throttle commanded as more and more pressure built deep inside of Modo's most intimate regions. 'This is where you belong. Right here. With us.'

Modo found himself nodding without thought as his body slowly relaxed itself.

Back outside in reality, the dark gold oozing covering the upper portion of the martian mouse's covered frame leeched down further across Modo's body until both his arms, lower torso, groin, and thighs were completely submerged in goo. Small twitches overcame the sealed martian mouse as the mysterious slime invaded every follicle of fur along his body, seeping down into his unseen skin until it invaded his nervous system. The large biker then really began to squirm, his organic system fighting like mad to try and purge the invader which was attempting to overtake his body like an out-of-control virus set to hyperdrive. Yet the fight had already been lost, as evident by how Modo's pink fleshy brain, which had already been slightly contaminated from earlier on, became fully submerged in dark goo. The influx of electric signals which the organ controlled were swiftly contained, assimilated, and then given new commands as the unknown goop reworked Modo's entire thought process to suit its needs. The twitches came to a halt several minutes later, silence then returned to the interior of the lair as what was once Modo was quietly reshaped into...something else.


That was a question for which honestly had no unbiased answer, and yet it really didn't matter as Modo, or what was left of him, completely gave into what was happening to him.

Growth slowly began to overtake the martian mouse's form as the dark gold ooze used the organic and inorganic material of Modo's body to feed and thus expand itself. First the biker mouse grew taller, as evident by how his encased form rose up several inches in the span of only a few minutes. Once he was at least nine feet tall, his previous seven feet being completely dwarfed by this new development, Modo then began to expand outwards. Muscles, both within his biceps and thighs, swelled with dark gold goo, the bulk of which caused ripples to appear upon the martian's towering form as what were once bones were mutated into carbon based ligaments which were now stronger than steel. Interestingly enough, as Modo's form grew outwards strong lines began to appear upon his gooey form. Tight lines carved themselves out along his abdomen forming a finely made eight pack, while his already massive legs curved and flexed, revealing gargantuan tree trunk thick limbs which looked to be strong enough to kick his way through solid cement. Not to be outdone, Modo's long whip-like tail thickened as the dark gold goo hardened around the appendage giving it a deadly snap, the force of which could make a king cobra slither backwards in fear. Up above Modo's previously handsome face flexed and then wriggled as the living slime reshaped his nose, cheeks, skull, and ears until Modo once again looked like...Modo once again. Higher on his head the martian mouse's massive ears twitched within the air as they filled out wider and wider so as to give the rubber mouse the ability to take in even the most minute of sound. That the hoops on his left ear were reshaped by the rubber went completely missed by the transforming biker mouse, that was until the goop readjusted the top of his head so as to create a latex 'plate' for which his new dark blue antennas could poke out from.

The darkened interior of Modo's mind was soon filled with blinding color as twin crimson eyes blinked open to reveal the expanse which was his and his bro's lair, that one of his eyes was slightly darker than the other went completely unnoticed by the martian mouse as his vision was now twenty-twenty once again. What didn't go unnoticed though was the fact that Modo could actually feel both of his arms now. Looking down the rubbery rodent flexed his fingers, the strange new claws on the end squished into his gooey palm almost comically as he did so, and then blinked in slight awe as he noticed that both of his arms were now...well...not actually flesh and blood anymore, but tangible once again. Bringing both appendages up to his face Modo reached forward to nuzzle his mouthless face into both of his palms, the sensation of actual being able to feel both his hands brought a happy moan from the martian, it had really been too long since he had been able to enjoy having both appendages relay the sense of touch back into his brain. The question of how the rubbery goo had been able to convert the metal of his right arm into whatever it was now wasn't even given thought by the martian, that was just how happy he was right now.

His sense of joy was slowly interrupted by mind splitting bliss as down below his slimy manhood pulse and throbbed for attention. Moving his hands away from his face so that he could look down at himself Modo cocked his head to the side in slight confusion as he watched his purple tinted goo shaft rise up for his approval. The martian mouse nodded without thinking as he looked at the increased size of the piece of rubber which was now his foot and a half sex organ. His sense of pride became magnified as the sudden sensation of electric shocks running through his groin nearly made his knees buckle. Gasping and groaning as a low wailing noise escaped from out of his throat, the reformed Modo knelt down onto all fours and then began to screech out loud. Between his legs the biker mouse's twin testicles, which had nearly doubled in size, grew even wider as something began to form within them. Modo continued to let out his high pitching mating call, his mind slowly recognizing that this was the sound he was making, as new life formed from within his most sensitive region.

Slowly, because this was a delicate process that his body would not let be compromised, the inside of the biker mouse's low hanging orbs bulged as small spheres grew within them. Shaking his muscular rump and whipping his long dark gold tail behind him, Modo groaned as his rubbery body congealed spheres of liquid goo within his sack. Bobbing his head down to stare in between his massive thighs, Modo looked on in silent approval as his purple 'flesh' expanded outwards, growing larger and more pronounced, all the while small feelers expanded outwards. Small lines formed underneath the now two and a half long shaft, becoming the ridges that he would need to stimulate the advanced sexual biology that belonged to those of his kind.

Those of his kind?

This thought made Modo grunt in solemn lonesomeness, as Vinnie and Throttle were not of his species.


That thought made Modo blink.

And then a heavy throb below his body made him warble out loud.

Slowly, much like everything else which had taken place tonight, a large bulge traveled up through his engorged shaft. Reaching a rubbery hand down to help the mass move out into the slightly uncomfortably warm lair Modo felt the hole beneath his tail flex, liquid rubber seeping down around his lower calves onto his thighs as his body readied itself to be bred. A few seconds of the bulb traveling through his manhood found Modo wailing in absolute bliss as white froth, which would have been his semen an hour earlier, spat out from the expanded hole on the end of his manhood. What followed soon after was nothing less than his first egg, the squishy white shelled sphere gently tugging outwards as Modo's hand restlessly forced it to exit from his throbbing sex as another soon followed after it. When the slimy concentration of rubbery goo shot out onto the floor next to its brother Modo felt as though he could have passed out from the pleasure.

The martian mouse huffed quietly, his crimson eyes clenched tightly shut as his rubbery brain tried to comprehend what had just happened.

Blinking a few minutes later the gooey martian looked down at what he had birthed, and slowly his crimson orbs began to twinkle.

Standing back up onto his feet, or what counted as feet at the moment, Modo grunted as he thought over the surprise Throttle and Vinnie would receive once they returned to the hive.



No. Hive.

That's what this place was now. Turning to look around him Modo came to the realization that this is what their home was, a hive where he and the untainted martian mice would bond and grow their numbers. This strange land, while quite unfamiliar to the martian mouse, was now their home, Mars would no longer be able to sustain them, as there was nothing there anymore, however, here in this place there was an abundance of resources, both organic and inorganic, which could sustain them. Of course there were several issues which would need to be 'dealt with', namely the plutarkians and other aliens out in space that would likely look to try and conquer them once again, but they would be easy enough to dispose of. Modo's crimson eyes narrowed dangerously as he thought over ripping all those who try to oppose them apart, a dark glimmer sparkled within the martian mouse's orbs as he thought over one plutarkian in particular that he would take great satisfaction in eradicating.

However, there was also the matter of the humans.

They would be somewhat trickery to handle. Not because they were all that great a threat, the small rubberless creatures were easy enough to cow into submission at the slightest hint of a threat once their 'nuclear toys' were taken away from them. Yet Modo didn't want to dispose of all of them, his memory of the kindness that Charley had shown him and his bros was cemented too deeply into his mind for the goo to filter out. The thought of contaminating them made Modo scowl though, the humans didn't deserve this advancement in evolution, they were too young. Too stupid and irresponsible to use it for what it was meant for.


Only he and his kind would be able to fully utilize what Modo had now, but that meant that he and his bros would have to 'shepherd' them away from this land, perhaps away from this entire country, soon enough.

They couldn't take the risk of humanity trying to attack them, especially since there was only one of the newly created martians on the planet right now.

Pumping his hand down the length of his squirming manhood, Modo closed his eyes as he thought over how to best handle the situation before him. A shudder traveled throughout his body as his third egg gushed out from his sex, more eggs soon grew within his testicles but the martian mouse was able to hold back from expelling them.

He needed to save the much more fresh concentrations of rubbery contamination for his bros.

Looking down at himself Modo realized that they would be afraid of his new form, a dark chuckle rolled within his throat as he thought over how terrified he would have been had he seen what he was now two hours prior. Closing his eyes the biker mouse willed his rubbery form to create thin lines across his chest and pectorals, once done he then mentally commanded them to turn black while leaving a silvery rubber circle within the middle. He knew that his leader liked to be in control and this new vestment would allow Throttle to play with him in anyway that he liked once he was contaminated. Down below dark gold rubber formed thick bands around his calves and wrists, they quickly turned black as well. Vinnie would like those, as the smaller martian liked to look at males who exude confidence and masculinity, it would take a while to purge the feelings of lust that he had for their human friend, but after being bred by both himself and their leader the younger male would come to love the thrill of what their people had to offer him.

Thinking over Charley Modo decided that perhaps it would be a good idea to leave the females of their species uncontaminated, as that would give Charley organic friends which would act as a bridge between humans and the newly created martian mice.

Modo let this thought roll around within his head at the same time he willed the white-blue rubber along his feet and thighs to form thick boots he could walk on. This dense goo would help to assimilate debris which he walked on once he had reconfigured the hive into a proper dwelling for himself and his bros. Turning to look to his left Modo found himself nodding in approval as he noted the dark gold rubber which he had thrown off from his body earlier creeping around the corner as though it were searching for him. Looking past it the rubbery mouse chuckled as he noted the strings of liquid rubber for which that piece of goop had converted the lair with.

Blue Dragon Dreaming Story Commissions Open!

Story Commissions Now Open! Will write 1000 word stories for $10! There is nothing that I won't write, but feel free to ask me if you're not sure. XD

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