Pizza, Purgatory, and Pokemon

Story by skiesofsilver on SoFurry

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A trade with krytalking from October 2018.

Thanks to yoshielder for the editing assistance!

Ed was bored. He had thought that taking a job at a pizzeria that delivered to every dimension would have added some excitement, if not spice, to his life, and yet here he was, three hours into his first shift, and all he had done was sit firmly with his ass in a chair while he waited for his very first delivery. He sighed and shifted around. He was bored, yes, and also a little horny. He flipped out his phone for the thousandth time today, but this time had a purpose. He glanced around, but there was no one else in the waiting room. Of course not--he was the only driver on graveyard shift, and so it was only him and Jim, the owner and the place's premiere pizzaiolo.

Ed pulled up his favorite streaming service on his phone and sat back. What to watch? Immediately, his eye caught sight of a certain stream, its icon that of a Shadow Lugia gal propping up her generous breasts into sight while winking seductively.

"Perfect," he said, leaning forward as he tapped its icon. Immediately the stream started, and it showed the Shadow Lugia girl sitting naked in front of her cam, moaning as she squeezed her breasts with one winghand while the other pumped a dildo in and out of her bared pussy. Moaning quite loudly in fact, Ed sitting up and quickly closing the app as he realized he had left his volume on full. He glanced furtively around, and this time Jim was standing in the doorway, regarding him with an odd glance.

"What was that, Eddie?" Jim asked.

"Nothing. Friend pulled a prank by changing my notification sound." Ed said, then frowned. "And it's Ed."

"Right." Jim nodded then motioned towards the kitchen. "Anyways, there's a pizza ready for delivery, Eddie. You ready?"

"Sure am!" Ed said, getting to his feet.

"Wait there," Jim said, disappearing behind the door. When he reappeared, he had a pizza box in hand. He held it out to Ed with a smile. "Here you go, Eddie. Your first pizza. Exciting, isn't it?"

"Sure is. And it's Ed."

"But don't let that emotion cloud your mind," Jim continued. "And definitely don't take any alternate forms of payment! The machine will take about anything."


"Yeah, Eddie, you know like..." Jim shrugged. "Services." He smiled and clapped Ed's shoulder. "You'll do just fine. Get the money, give the pizza, and get out. Easy, Eddie, Easy."


"No, no, easy, not Ed, Eddie."

Ed took the pizza and turned his back to the boss. He rolled his eyes as he put on his "Jim's Dimensional And Interplanar Pizza!" hat. He made his way to the garage door.

"Thanks for the advice, Jim," he said before entering the garage. "Services..."

Services indeed. He pondered this as he climbed into the delivery vehicle, a beat up sedan that was outfitted to travel the dimensional pathways. What had Jim meant by services? Like sex? Ed snorted as he set up his phone in the holder and looked down at the numerical address written on the box. He put it in, started the car, and was about to leave when he realized he was still a little horny. Perhaps it was the thought of services delivered in exchange for pizza, but he also pulled up that stream he had been watching earlier, the Lugia gal now sucking seductively at a thick dildo. Ed shivered as he pulled out of the pizzeria and onto the road. While he kept his gaze on the path ahead at first, soon the dimensional navigation set in and there was no traffic to contend with, just him in his car traveling at a set speed through a wormhole opened just for him. Well, really opened for the waiting customer at the end who was so desperate for pizza that they ordered it from another dimension. Ed snorted. It wasn't like he was any better. After all, the busty monster girl he was watching pleasure herself at the moment certainly didn't originate from his dimension, or at least he didn't think so. Things had gotten so strange since the invention of dimensional navigators, especially ones that affixed so easily to any old diesel car.

Soon enough, Ed left the wormhole and found himself driving down a road not so different than the one he had just left. In fact, the neighborhood he found himself in resembled any old suburb, with rows upon rows of similar looking houses and clean cut lawns. The difference here was that there was not a soul in sight, and the sky was an eerie pale yellow white that seemed to shimmer and flicker.

"Huh," Ed said, pulling up to the house the navigation told him to stop at. He looked at the house, brown and drab and no different than the others, save that there was no car in its driveway, though the delivery man suspected that was because the garage was actually being used for its intended purpose rather than storage. It looked normal enough, and yet Ed still felt wary.

"Ahhh!" the Lugia moaned from Ed's phone. "This is, like, so sooo good!"

Ed smirked and closed the app, promising himself to watch more of it later, when he was off work and alone. He pocketed his phone and took the pizza, the box still as warm as when he had first touched it. Dimensional travel wasn't the only technological advancement in recent years. He stepped out of the car and furtively glanced around. There was still no one in the streets or their yards, making him the outlier if anything. He grimaced and shuffled towards the door, trying not to look at the sky that spooked him slightly. He rang the doorbell and stepped back. As he waited, he pondered. Should he smile? Say anything? Seem disinterested? His training hadn't been that comprehensive as far as customer service went. Ed decided to smile, figuring it was easier to do so now than later. Who knew what the customer would look like? He (or she) could be some twisted monstrosity or some sort of weird flat person or...

The door opened, and Ed's eyes widened. He hadn't been sure what to expect, but he hadn't expected his customer to be a human, not just a human, a female, a woman his age, if not a little younger, and a bombshell of one at that. Though she wore conservative clothes, it was obviously hard for her to hide her curves and her bust, Ed's gaze locking onto that bosom.

"Oh, hi," the woman said. "Are you the pizza man?"

Ed blinked as he realized what he had been doing. He looked up to her face and saw that she smiled at him, flicking an errant strand of blond hair away as she awaited her response.

"Er," he said. "I'm, uh, Eddie." He frowned and shook his head. "Ed. I mean, the pizza man, yeah."

"I see," the woman said, stepping forward and swaying her hips. Ed squirmed, and tried to turn away to hide his growing erection. He was hoping she hadn't noticed, but she locked directly onto the bulge in his pants instead, her smiling widening. "Excited, are we?"

"Uh..." Ed murmured. Training had definitely not covered this!

"It's ok," she giggled, her gaze flicking back towards the pizza. "How much will it be?"

"For a large pineapple pizza?" Ed said. "Um...15 D-bucks."

"15, 15..." the woman murmured, reaching into her pockets. She pulled out some cash and sorted through it. "Oh shoot."


"It's..." the woman held out the bills. "I only have 15."

"That's enough for the pizza."

"Yeah, but not enough to tip you." The woman pouted. Then she looked at him and smiled. "Unless...I can tip you some other way?"


"Oh, come now," the woman said, smiling slyly. "I know how you've been looking at me."

"W-what?" Ed stammered, blushing. "I..."

"Not that I mind," the woman purred, leaning forward and placing her hands on Ed's shoulders. "You're kind of handsome."

"Kind of?"

"Kind of a hunk, too..." the woman continued, her gaze dropping. "And I see you've got some D-bucks all ready for me."

Ed froze, unsure what to say. He was aroused, he did want to bang this chick, but...

"What's the matter?" she said. "Worried the big boss is going to find out? Just blame it on me. Tell him I took forever to answer the door. Come on. We can make this quick. I'm good at it, I promise."


"But what? Would you rather I tell you I'm a virgin?"

"No, but--"

"But what?"

But what indeed? Ed looked down at the woman and couldn't help but smile as she ran her fingers up his neck. Why was he saying no to this? He had taken this job for the excitement, and this...this was excitement indeed.

"Alright," he said. "Let's do this."

"Lovely," the woman said. "That's all I needed to hear."

Ed yelped as she pulled him into the house, she being far stronger than her thin frame had indicated. He stumbled inside as she closed the door and took the pizza from him, placing it on the foyer's table. She pulled at him again, and he stumbled after her even as he had second thoughts.

"W-wait!" he exclaimed. "Don't you have a husband or anything?"

"Nope!" she chirped, bringing him in front of an open door. "Just me for now." She looked up at him and motioned inside the door. "You coming in?"

Ed peeked into the room and saw it was a standard bedroom, nothing strange about it. There was a bed, a stand, a window and a mirror upon that stand, but that was it. He looked back to the woman and smiled.

He nodded and walked into the room, hearing her trail after him. He reached the bed as he heard the door close and he turned to see her facing him, smiling as she pulled off her top. He peered at her and felt his shaft stiffen. He wanted this. No, he needed this.

"Er," he said. "How are we--?"

The woman said nothing, slowly walking up to him while she slipped out of her jeans. Ed blinked when he noticed that she wore lingerie with zigzagged stripes that seemed to shift in coloration as she moved towards him.

"Wow," he said, taking in her figure. Lithe and curvy, with just the right chest, the woman was perfect for him. It was as if he was in heaven, he supposed, or a very sexy hell, but he knew he was in neither because the dimensional pathway had taken him elsewhere. Where again? He wished he had paid more attention to the coordinates, not that it mattered. "So--"

The woman, now in front of him, embraced him and looked up at him expectantly. Ed wrapped his arms around her, closing his eyes as his lips met hers. He could scarcely believe what was happening, for it was all so perfect. This was a worthy replacement for whatever she would have tipped him, and this was only the beginning! He hoped more hot girls were short on cash for future deliveries.

All was going well with their makeout session until he noticed her lips felt thinner and harder. Her skin, so soft and smooth, felt rougher now, and he yelped as he felt something wrap around his leg and something else dart into his mouth. He opened his eyes and stumbled back when he saw that the attractive young woman he had been kissing was gone, replaced by a lizard like humanoid, her skin a scaly light green hide, her head reptilian and round with a short snout and yellow frills connected by its equally yellow lips and round circle of yellow around its black eyes. No, not it, but her, for the creature in front of him was no doubt female, her breasts and nethers covered by green lingerie with zigzagged stripes that matched the one going around her midsection. She smiled at him with her three fingered hands on her hips, thin tail curling and uncurling into a spiral.

"What?" the Kecleon anthro asked, her voice slightly sibilant yet oh so familiar. "Don't like what you see?"

"Um, er..."

The lizard smirked. Her body shimmered momentarily and her clothing simply fell away, revealing her modest, though attractive bosom and the slick, scaled slit between her legs. She pushed her breasts up as she sauntered towards the delivery man, hips and tail swaying.

"Still no?" she said. "That's ok. We're both disappointed."

"But..." Ed stepped back and fell onto the bed, his legs firmly on the floor while his back was against the sheets. He meant to sit up but the lizard was already standing over him, smiling down at him.

"But what?" she said with a titter. "It's the truth, Eddie."

"Ed," Ed said.

"Whatever," she said. "When this is over, you'll be...hmm, I'm not sure yet, but I'll definitely be your mistress."


"See? Already getting the hang of it!"

"What are you--" Ed paused mid sentence, wincing as he felt a sense of warmth to his lips. It didn't feel wrong, just...odd. He winced as he felt that warmth all over his body in seemingly random patches.

"What am I?" the Kecleon said. "Did you mean to ask who am I? Well, I am your mistress, of course. But also I am Lia."

"No, I mean..." Ed growled as he sat up, scratching at his warm, itching sides. He grimaced as his lips hardened and his nose began to dwindle away. "What are you doing to me?"

"Oh, that?" Lia said, tilting her head and flicking out her tongue. "I'm turning you into my lesbian lover."

Ed blinked. "What."

"Yes!" Lia giggled. "I mean, guys are nice sometimes, but girls are so much cuter, don't you agree?"

Ed meant to reply, but that itching warmth had only grown worse. He shook his head, some of his hair shedding from his head as he scratched and scratched at his sides. He panted and blinked as his face pressed out slightly as blue scales spread from his already scaled lips.

"Oh!" Lia said. "Your clothes seem to be such a bother. Need some help?"

"No!" Ed snarled, the fierceness of the word diminished by how it rose sharply up. He gasped and gripped at his smooth throat, shivering as scarlet scales covered the front his lengthening, thickening neck, blue scales forming around the sides and back. His fingers searched, but they could find no trace of his Adam's Apple, something distinctly upsetting until he realized said searching fingers were beginning to merge, five into four thicker digits as scales quickly overtook his hands and his nails pressed out into thicker, sharper talons.

"Oh..." the Kecleon murmured, drawing back. "Are you sure?" She prodded at his erection poking up against his jeans and giggled as he shivered. "How else am I going to get my D-bucks?"

"Stop it!" Ed begged, now taloned hands returning to scratch at his sides, tearing his shirt in the process and revealing the scaled skin beneath. He panted, his ears sinking into the sides of his head as the rest of his hair fell from his cranium. He looked up at Lia pleadingly, clenching his jaws as they stretched and surged forward while the scales swept across his head.

"No can do," Lia said in a mock apologetic tone. "You're gonna be a girl, Eddie. A busty, lusty scaly Salamence lover. You're going to be so cute!"

"It's...not...Eddie..." Ed panted out each word, grimacing and shivering with surge of growth his snout endured until he possessed a slightly rounded draconic muzzle. He blinked, eyes watering as his pupils turned red. He closed his eyes and huffed, shuddering as three flat fins protruded out of either side of his head and two raised ridges started from the back of his skull and stretched to just above his eyes, knocking his cap off in the process. He opened his mouth to speak, but clamped his jaws shut as his teeth sharpened into fine points and more formed to fill the gaps in his elongated snout. He tried to speak just as his tongue thickened and widened significantly, causing his words to come out garbled and gurgled.

"What was that?" Lia snorted. "You do want help with your clothes? Sure!"

Ed heard a snap and felt some weight lift off of him. His eyes flew wide open, and he looked down to see he had been rendered naked, his clothes neatly stacked on the nightstand nearby, his cap at the top of the pile. He gaped at what he saw, or really, was seeing. His waist was compressing before his eyes as blue scales ran down his thinning sides while thicker, grayer scales formed just above his crotch and spread up to just under his puffier, pinker nipples. The scales swept up his arms as well, and he shivered as they reached his narrowing shoulders, shudders running down his increasingly scaly back while something began to press out of the base of his spine.

"That helped, didn't it?" Lia asked.

"No!" Ed growled, his voice high and feminine despite the hard point of masculinity that lay between his legs. "That didn't help at all! You're making me...making me..."

"So sexy!" Lia exclaimed. "I must admit I have a soft spot for scales and dragons and girls, but..." she giggled. "You already knew that. You're going to be so lovely!"

"I'm not a girl!" Ed protested in his lilting voice.

"Not yet, you aren't," Lia said, nodding. "We'll get there, Eddie."

"Let's not," Ed whined, whimpering as his hips pulled apart not so gently, cracking with gasping pops. "And it's Ed."

"Whatever." The Kecleon tilted her head. "You're right, it's not Ed. What about...Cassi?"

"Cassi?" Ed wailed while the scales spread down his legs, rendering them smoother, softer, and more slender. He wrigged his aching toes as they transitioned much as his fingers had, five toes merging into three thicker taloned digits that dug into the floor.

"Yeah!" Lia crowed. "It fits you so well. Cassi without the e, ok? You know, cute but uncomplicated."

"Cassi is a girl's name," Ed hissed, wiggling his butt as it plumped up from its previously flat shape as a thick tail, blue scaled on the top and scarlet scaled on the bottom, slowly tugged its way out of him.

"Yeah? And?"

"I'm not a girl!" Ed shouted.

"I know!" Lia huffed, but laughed. "But you've got girls!"

"What?" Ed exclaimed.

But it was true. The flesh beneath Ed's puffy, erect nipples began to surge forward, swelling ever so slowly into the start of breasts that wobbled from the changing man's harried breaths that only grew more panicked once he noticed their presence. Without thinking, he reached up and tried to push them back and was rewarded by electric tingles running down his spine, his shaft standing up stiffer than it had ever been before, so much so that it ached and he groaned.

"Boobs!" he said.

"Yep!" Lia said, clapping her hands, her own bust jiggling. "And I like them big!"

"No, no..." Ed said, shaking his head and backing away completely onto the bed. "They're not big! They're not supposed to be there! Stop this!"

"Nah," Lia giggled. "This is better than a tip. A lesbian lover with smooth scales, big breasts, and a cute little pussy...why would I stop, Cassi?"

"It's not Cassi!" Ed growled, tail lashing angrily behind him as it stretched out further still. "It's Eddie!"

"Is it?" Lia said with a laugh.

Eddie blinked. No, his name wasn't Eddie, it was...what was it? It was something simpler, a syllable shorter for sure, and yet...

Yet as he searched recent memory, he could only recall himself being called Eddie, not...whatever his name really was. Oh, and Cassi too, but that certainly wasn't his name.

"No, but..." he murmured.

"No buts!" Lia said sternly. "Though..." she peeked at his rear. "That does look like it needs some work."

"It's fine the way it is!" Eddie protested, rubbing his legs together as his thighs thickened. He frowned and shook his head. No, that wasn't true. His butt should be flatter, not so soft and plush, right? Right?

"Nuh-uh!" Lia shook her head as well. "It's not. I like something I can grope, but first things first."

She leapt and pounced onto the bed, landing on her hands and knees in front of Eddie, who lay propped up on his arms. Before he could react, she quickly straddled him and dipped her head low between his legs, eyeing his twitching cock momentarily before looking at him with a smile on her yellow lips while her long, pink tongue dangled out of her mouth.

"Wait, wait," Eddie panted. "What are you doing?"

Lia winked and her whole body shimmered. For a moment it seemed almost as if she had simply vanished, save for the fact that her silhouette and her red zigzagged stripe were still visible. Eddie got his answer what exactly she was doing when he felt her invisible tongue wrap around his cock. He shuddered and moaned, widening hips bucking as he thrust. She went up and down his throbbing, aching cock and, rather than provide relief, it drove him mad with arousal. Despite his changes, he wanted what she was doing more than anything, and so he relaxed mentally even as his body tensed up. He hissed and dug his talons into the sheets as she licked and licked. When she gave a particularly tender lick, he shuddered, breasts heaving, and it was then that she stopped.

"Why?" he mewled. "Don't stop!"

"Are you sure, Cassi?" Lia asked. "One more lick and you won't be able to go back."

Eddie froze.

"Go back?" he said.

"Well, yeah," Lia said, giggling. "It usually goes soft after it lets out its load. Are you a virgin?"

"No!" Eddie hissed, then frowned. He felt like he should be upset about something else, and yet...yet he so dearly wanted the Kecleon to continue, to let him climax and let out so much that was unneeded. He frowned. Unneeded? Why had he thought that? Of course, it's not like he needed all his sperm; it had to come out sometime, whether it was now or beating himself off to that Lugia gal later So then why was he hesitating? But, he wasn't hesitating, she was except...except he hadn't told her to go on.

"Yes," he said. "Do it."

"Ok, Cassi!"

Eddie wanted to protest that wasn't his name, but then she was on him again, licking invisibly at his stiff shaft. He shuddered and moaned, eyes widening as he realized all too late why he shouldn't have said for her to go at it. He was changing, had changed, and she had just warned him that this would seal all of that. He had to--

But it was all too late. In the next moment, he came, his seed spilling out into the Kecleon's open maw. No, it was something more than seed, he realized as Lia shimmered back into existence. He watched her hungrily slurp at his still stiff member as it spurted out more and more of his seed and more of him, that outer of layer of him that was ill at ease with his scaly, feminine form and what Lia had done to him. No, was doing to him, though the worry of what that exactly was dwindled away as she fed off him and his essence.

"More?" Lia asked when she had slurped up what he had released. His shaft still stood stiff and hard between his legs even if scales had covered the rest of his crotch.

Eddi blinked, considering the question. More? Could he really do more? He thought there was usually some time between, a sort of...the words escaped him, but he hardly cared. He was ready, and so he nodded. Lia smiled, winked, and went to work. She was visible this time, and it went even faster. This time was also even more intense than the last, Eddi panting as she came and came and more and more of her escaped while she lashed her tail against the headboard. Pizza, dimensional driving, and more fear about her change left her. Her last bit of masculinity left her too, and she was happy to see her shaft start to shrink as Lia licked at it as if it were a melting popsicle.

"More," she panted. "More!"

Lia laughed and obliged, working at Eddi's shrinking shaft as his likewise shrunken testicles drew up tight against his crotch. In the next moment, a thin slit opened, feminine folds spreading to accept what remained of his masculinity. Eddi shuddered and in the next moment ceased to be male, her nubby shaft now a clit, her testicles turned ovaries traveling along her forming inner passage and her nethers slick and puffy and ready to take in.

"See, Cassi?" Lia said, poking at Eddi's slit and causing the new female to shiver. "I told you that you'd have a cute little pussy."

"Pussy?" Eddi blinked and looked down at her slick, scaled slit. "I have a pussy."

"Of course you do!" Lia snickered. "You're a girl."

"I...I...." Eddi still stared at her pussy. "I'm a girl."

"Totally!" Lia crowed. "You're a cute girl. Mmm. But you need some work."

"Work?" The word echoed through Eddi's mind and she frowned. "Wait, aren't I supposed to be, like...working?"

"No, silly!" Lia laughed. "Why would you be working?" She tilted her head. "You just need some work. Those breasts--too small! Your butt too! And where are your wings?"


"Yeah. You should have wings."

"Should I really?" Eddi's frown deepened. "I totes don't think--"

"That's the problem!" Lia said, snapping her fingers. "You're thinking too much. We can work on that."

"No, no..." Eddi shook her head. "Don't do anything. This is, like, all wrong."

"Silly, silly Cassi," Lia said, shaking her head. "We'll work on that."

"I'm not--"

But Eddi's protests were cut short as Lia abruptly ducked her head between the Salamence's legs. In the next moment, Eddi was moaning, eyes wide as Lia's snout dug into her pussy and her tongue flicked forth to expand the female's new depths. Eddi shivered, lifting her claws to push Lia away, but then she wondered why she would do that. Her lover was just loving her after all, and--

"No!" Eddi gasped, but she was enjoying it all the same. "But don't, like, stop!"

She felt her lizard lover inside her, questing tongue digging deeper and deeper into her sensitive inner walls. She panted and cried out as the Kecleon nudged against her clit, the pleasure overwhelming her entirely. Her legs quivered, and she felt her thighs thicken so that Lia's frills rubbed against them. She whimpered, fully formed thick tail swaying and slapping against the walls. While Lia continued her ministrations, thin tongue darting in and out of her passage, her breasts began to swell once more. They quickly lost their once modest size, filling out into sizeable tits that Eddi reached up and pressed back as if that would stall their growth. In fact, the touch of her claws on her sensitive scales only intensified her pleasure, and soon she was squeezing and caressing the softly swelling flesh. Each touch coupled with Lia's loving sent shockwaves through body and brain, but it affected her mind the most. Thoughts were simply pushed out by the pleasure, floating out of her headspace where they popped into nothingness. It was pleasant, this emptiness, not so heavy and concerning, and so she didn't mind as more and more trifling things like years of schooling, assorted gaming trivia, dreary dreams never to be realized and minor mechanical tidbits drifted away in favor of simpler, sexy knowledge of loving and how to be a lover and that emptiness. No, not just emptiness--lust rushed in to fill some of that space, along with intimate knowledge of the lusty lizard currently making her love her life. She was becoming a bit of a ditz, sure, but she wouldn't have to think so hard with Lia around.


Lia was soooo smart and also such a skilled lover, and currently Eddi appreciated her more now than ever. But when had she ever had the time to appreciate Lia before? That question lost its relevance and meaning as past memories were swept away in favor in mostly nothing, but also something of Lia. Of course she loved Lia! She was a lesbian except...except wasn't she a man? No, that was silly. She had a big breasts, a pussy, and a butt that was getting bigger while her mind became emptier. No, not empty--filled with what was important: lust, love, and Lia and most of the time all three at once. She shivered in bliss as more and more of Eddi slipped away--Eddi, since she was Cassi.

"More!" she cried out, squishing her huge breasts, the scaled flesh sensitive and swollen. She tweaked her nipples and her shoulder blades ached. "Like, so much more!"

Lia obliged Cassi and Cassi enjoyed it all the more, except...except she wasn't Cassi or Eddi or Eddie. She was Ed. No, no, he was Ed. Except...was he Ed? Wasn't she Cassi? Ed was some boring man who worked a boring job. He was kind of cute, sure, but nothing compared to Cassi, a Salamence with all the curves in the right places, smooth scales, wide hips, a big, bubbly butt, bigger breasts, a thick tail, thicker thighs and claws she knew how use to just right to pleasure her lovely Lia, along with her snout that she couldn't wait to dig into her lover's folds. Oh, and her wings! Where were those again?

Still groping herself, still being pleasured, Cassi turned her head to look over her shoulders and found that she had no wings. She wondered what this meant, but something was building and her shoulders ached and--

And she achieved climax. She cried, red wings bursting from her back. She against the bed, shuddering as pleasure racked her body, her tail flopped about, and her new wings flapped wildly. She panted and hissed, shivering even more as Lia ever so slowly extricated herself.

"How do you feel?" Lia asked the Salamence. Cassi blinked, her eyes glazed over in pleasure and her maw hanging wide open. She shivered again and tried to think of a response, but her mind was currently dull and unresponsive. She just wanted to live in the pleasure, and yet she felt like she should answer her question.

"I..." she panted. " sooo good!"

"Lovely," Lia said, crawling on her hands and knees towards Cassi. Her scales shimmered and she disappeared, but Cassi could still feel her as she felt over her large breasts, thick thighs and plush rump. She giggled. "You look good. Big tits, soft rear, hmm, and those thighs! Girl, you have got it going!"

"Like, totally!" Cassi said, smiling. Still panting, she sat up and embraced her invisible lover, giggling as their tits touched, her bigger breasts overpowering Lia's smaller bosom. "I got you, mistress!"

"Yes," Lia laughed. "You do. Forever."

"Forever?" Cassi's eyes widened. "That's like...a long time! A lot of years! Like, more than a century!"

"Yep! Is that alright with you?"

"Alright?" Cassi blinked and she giggled. She tickled at Lia's visible stripe and heard the lizard laugh. "It's all awesome, mistress! We can try out so many things! But..."

"But what, Cassi? Remember what I said about butts?" Lia snorted, teasing at Cassi's rump.

The Salamence tittered and shifted her rear around.

"I know but..." She smiled. "I totes owe you!"

"Owe me?"

"Yeah! For like, loving me and stuff!" She growled and pushed at the Kecleon, Lia reappearing before her eyes, cute and sexy and vulnerable to her amorous advances. "It's my turn to love you, mistress!"

"Oh?" Lia smiled. "Seems like you've fallen to lust, Cassi. Totally and completely. Well, if you must love me, I won't stop you. Go on right ahead!"

Cassi did so, and quite enthusiastically at that.

Sometime later, both Pokegirls lay close together on the bed, cuddling each other and merely enjoying each other's company for the time being. Cassi hissed and reached over to cup Lia's bed, giving them a good squeeze and eliciting a moan from the Kecleon. Suddenly, a bell chimed and Lia sat up.

"What was that?" Cassi asked.

"Pizza," Lia said.

"Pizza?" Cassi said, frowning, then she smiled broadly. "Oh, pizza and that means, like, a pizza guy!" She flapped her wings excitedly. "Can I seduce him, Lia?"

"Can you?" Lia's eyes flicked over Cassi. "You could, if you think you can entice him to stay in purgatory forever."


"Be sexy, Cassi. Invite him to lust, and if he does, well..." She smiled. "This bed might get a little crowded, but would you mind another lovely lady?"

"Totes no!" Cassi exclaimed, then looked away. "I mean, you're, like, lovely, Lia, but more girls, more fun, right?"

"Right," Lia said, smiling. "Off you go then."

Cassi giggled and hopped off the bed, wiggling her hips and tail as she made her way towards the door.

"Wait!" Lia called. "At least put on some--'

But it was too late. Cassi was out the door and on the way to another. She shortly arrived at the entrance and paused at the door, for sitting on the table near the entryway was a pizza box. She reached out and touched the box and felt that it was warm. Afterwards, she looked out the window and saw a car parked near the house. Why did she have a feeling that there should be two cars and not one? She frowned and looked back to where she had come from.

"Like, Lia, I think--"

The bell rung through the house again and she turned towards the door. Her frown deepened as she tried to understand the situation, but then a vapid smile overcame her snout. She rushed towards the door and opened it. Standing on the doorstep was a bored looking and kind of cute young man who wore a cap that looked familiar and yet was just beyond her memory. The man looked less bored when he caught sight of her, eyes widening and something stiffening in his shorts.

"Hey there!" Cassi said, wiggling her bust enticingly. "I'm Cassi."

"Uh..." the man murmured. "It's 15 D-bucks..."

"15 D-bucks?" Cassi blinked and patted her non-existent pockets. "I'm so sorry, but I'm, like, all out of money! Can we totes fuck, instead?"


"So sorry," Lia purred, materializing next to Cassi in the guise of a woman. "But we can make it up to you." She placed a hand on Cassi's shoulder. "Both of us."

"Both of you?"

The girls nodded, Cassi more excitedly than Lia.

"Then yeah!"

"Lovely," Lia said, smiling. "That's all I needed to hear."