Rough times in the ancient land

Story by Fluffy Daemon on SoFurry

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A little dragon brazenly wanders into the territory of the demon fox.

The dragon ends up getting severely punished.

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Rough times in the ancient land

It was late at night in the dense and silent jungle.

The 15 feet tall, feral demon fox was prowling around in his territory.

He was hungry.

Two long, dark brown horns adorned his forehead.

Two big, blood red wings graced his back, with shiny black fangs at the ends.

Purple eyes searched for food, a black nose sniffed for any scent trails.

The front of his body was covered in obsidian black fur down from the upper half of his muzzle, with the rest covered in fiery red fur.

A full, crimson red moon was visible in the dark night sky.

It was a good omen, he always had a lot of fun on the nights with a crimson moon, though this was the first time he'd seen a full crimson moon, instead of a sickle or half moon.

A 15 feet tall fox walking around on four paws made a lot of noise of course, but all the animals here were pretty big so hiding wasn't a possibility. The plants and trees were even bigger.

The cover of the night didn't help the other ferals either, for the demonic vulpine could see easily in the dark, so spotting them wasn't a problem either.

And when it came to a chase or a fight, the red furred, feral fox was faster and stronger than everyone else.

The only problem was actually encountering prey in this increasingly desolate land.

Flying would be faster, but it would make even more noise, and probably scare away every other animal in a ten mile radius.

In the last few weeks, he had encountered less and less other wildlife, and the trees were dying as well, slowly turning into rotting vegetation, the demonic vulpine had to hunt farther and farther away from his home.

He decided to go deeper into the jungle.

After a few minutes of walking through the dense foliage, and completely crushing it in the process, the huge demon fox spotted a big, feral dragon walking on all fours in the same direction a few yards ahead of him, back turned to him.

Dragons were generally lazy, stupid and had bad hearing, and were very prideful as well, the green scaled dragon being so close to the demon fox' territory was proof of that.

This particular dragon thought of himself as the king of the jungle apparently, walking around so carelessly, but the feral fox was the apex predator in this ancient world, and he would show the arrogant dragon soon enough.

He had time to muse over what he would with the dragon as he sneakily approached at a decent pace. It was true; the demon fox was hungry. In the past, he had killed a few dragons, bigger than this one, and he had tried to eat one of them.

It didn't taste good, and dragon meat was very chewy as well, it wasn't worth the trouble of ripping apart the hard dragon scales. He preferred eating different animals.

So, how should he punish the interloper? The carnivore was getting close now, allowing him a better look at his prey.

The dragon was 12 feet tall, horned and winged, with a big tail leaving a trail in the dirt behind him.

Well, he'd come up with something later. It was more important to not let the dragon get away.

The demon fox assumed a jumping stance, shortly before doing the jump, while using his wings for extra force as he pounced down hard on the smaller dragon.

The green dragon let out a startled yelp, getting smacked against the dirt ground with considerable force.

The huge, feral vulpine was all over the dragon, biting and clawing the surprised creature.

The jungle dragon tried to push the red furred vulpine off, to no avail, then partially succeeded in crawling away, all while letting out a lot of surprised and pained noises.

The feral demon fox dug his sharp claws in the dragon's right leg, easily puncturing the green scales.

The dragon quickly started running, knowing he was no match for the strong vulpine, but rended his right leg in the process.

The chase was on.

The dragon was moderately injured, having multiple bleeding cuts and wounds all over his body, although mostly on his right leg, making him slower, so it was easy for the feral vulpine to keep up.

The demon fox could end it right now, but he preferred playing with his prey, at least until he had figured out what he wanted to do with the green dragon.

He lunged for the dragon's tail, sinking his sharp teeth in right above the base, and pulling backwards.

The big dragon let out a loud whimper in pain as he stumbled and fell.

The green dragon pawed at the ground in front of him, trying to get away from the huge, red vulpine.

But the demon fox' teeth just went deeper, while he also slashed at the dragon's left leg, both of the dragon's legs now severely damaged.

The dragon was still letting out loud whines as the demon fox let go of his tail, grabbing the dragon's right leg with his teeth instead, and pulling to the left, making the jungle dragon roll onto his back in pain.

The huge vulpine let go of the big dragon's leg, taking a good look at his new catch.

It was a male, and it had softer, lime green scales all the way from the lower half of his muzzle to the tip of his tail. The dragon looked at him with big, brown, fearful eyes, lower half copiously covered in blood.

He could have a lot of fun with a male.

The demon fox let out a growl as he stepped forward, planting the claws of his left hindpaw firmly in the middle of his prey's limp tail, and his left paw in the middle of the dragon's chest, making the feral dragon cry out even more.

Comparison time.

The feral vulpine crouched down, letting his huge package weigh down on the dragon's.

First the balls; each one of his black furred balls was the size of four basketballs combined, twice the size of the dragon's soft, lime green balls, each of them only the size of two basketballs.

Next came the sheath; the red fox' black furred sheath was 6 feet in length, much bigger than the mere 3 feet of the dragon's soft, lime green sheath.

And the feral vulpine's sheath was much thicker as well.

The demon fox was superior to the smaller dragon in every way. He gave a satisfied growl.

Now, time for an inspection of the dragon's 'offering'.

It was only fair that the demon fox could do whatever he wanted with the smaller dragon, for disturbing his hunt for food.

The dragon's butt was lime green and looked soft and yiffable, with the tailhole being nice and pink.

The feral vulpine was going to enjoy this.

The dragon rolled onto his belly out of himself, shakily and slowly standing up, his back rubbing against the red vulpine's package.

Then the dragon started walking forward.

It looked like this dragon didn't want to submit to the demon fox.

This would not do, he had to beat all the willpower and hope out of this dragon first to truly enjoy it.

The dragon's tail and chest got shredded even more as he kept stubbornly walking away.

The demon fox just kept his paws in place, just cruelly observing instead of smacking the dragon down again. His own fur was getting a bit bloody from all the dragon's blood now as well, he'd have to find a lake to bathe in later.

Forcing the dragon to the ground again wasn't good enough, he'd rather wait until the feral dragon started running again.

But the dragon jumped with a pained heave, and flew upwards and away, flapping his wings fitfully, lower half hanging down.

This excited the demon fox, flying was much more fun than running.

The majestic fox gave his prey a headstart of a few seconds, before curling his big, red furred fox tail vertically around himself, he didn't want his tail flying all over the place while in the sky, before taking to the air as well, with a mighty sweep of his red wings.

It took a few minutes before the hunter caught up with the scared and injured dragon, causing the big dragon to panic and fly even faster, but to no avail.

The demon fox was ready to have his fun now, smacking the dragon from behind with the full force of his body, before digging deep into both of the dragon's green scaled wings at the same time with his claws, piercing the webbing and pinning the raptured wings to the smaller male's chest, overlapping them and effectively locking the dragon in place.

This was a good spot, high in the dark sky, with the blood red moon shining down on them.

The huge demon fox 'hugged' the pathetically whimpering, and heavily trembling dragon closely to the front of his body, easily supporting them both with his mighty wings as they stayed in mid-air vertically.

He felt really good, and so very excited, holding his pathetic prey in the sky, completely at his mercy. It had been a while. He murred in pleasure.

The demon fox truly was the apex predator of this ancient land.

The dominant, red furred vulpine pushed his thick and heavy sheath against the underside of the wounded dragon's tail, slowly lifting it up until it was pinned between his furry body and the dragon's scaly body, giving the huge, feral fox free and unlimited access to the dragon's lime green butt and pink tailhole.

His shaft slowly started sliding out of his black furred sheath, first the tapered tip, then feet after feet of throbbing, dark purple flesh, eventually getting to full length.

The demon fox' mighty cock stood very proudly in the air, 12 feet in length, and 4 feet thick.

He rubbed it in between the dragon's buttcheeks and against the underside of his catch's tail at the same time, delighting in the increased trembling that this caused from the big dragon.

He was going to take his time with this one, no need to rush, he wanted to savor raping the dragon.

The virile beast slowly pushed forward, the tapered tip of his huge vulpine cock penetrating the dragon's pink tailhole, soon followed by more, stretching the dragon's pink ring wide.

So tight! Mmm, rawr.

This dragon must be a virgin. Even better.

By the time the feral vulpine's hot dick was halfway inside the dragon's tight butt, the dragon was loudly moaning in mixed pleasure and pain, and sporting a raging boner as well.

The dragon's pink cock with a tapered tip was only 6 feet in length, and 2 feet thick, which was about average for his size. Of course it was nothing compared to the majestic vulpine's cock.

It took a minute or two more before the demon fox had stuffed the full 12 feet of his monster cock inside the virgin dragon with a grunt, his black furred balls pushing against his captive's rump. At which point the dragon was squealing in a pleasant way, his front soaked in his own precum.

The demon fox slowly pulled out his pulsating shaft, then pushed back in again, faster this time, repeating the sloppy motion and speed increase until he got into a proper yiffing rhythm.

Being in mid-air made it all the more fun.

The demon fox' magic slowly started working into the pathetic dragon.

Raping him in plain sight in the sky wasn't good enough, oh no, the cruel vulpine would go much farther than that.

First the dragon's white claws and horns grew smaller and smaller, before falling off onto the ground far, far below.

The pleasant squeals turned into confused and scared whimpers through the ongoing changes, while the demon fox kept mercilessly pounding the green scaled dragon.

Next were the wings, the webbing tearing even more as they grew smaller with the feral vulpine's black claws still embedded in them.

Some of the bones broke as well, the wings not having enough room to shrink with the claws in the way. It must have been very painful for the dragon, before it was no longer a part of his body and tumbled down as well.

The only thing keeping the dragon himself from falling to the ground and dying a horrible death was the demon fox, both his saviour and torturer, for now.

The red vulpine was pretty much his God now, a god that was currently yiffing him, deciding over his fate; life or death, only time would tell.

After that, the dragon's green and lime green scales shrunk, until the point where their cohesion broke and they fell off in clumps, revealing the softer, bottom layer of scales in the same coloration underneath.

Now for the main part, the jungle dragon's entire body started shrinking, his trapped and wounded tail, his butt, tailhole, and insides, making him even more deliciously tight for the invading demon fox.

His head, torso, arms, and battered legs.

And, of course, his erect cock and balls as well.

The draconic, pink cock lost feet after feet in both length and thickness, the lime green balls shrinking dramatically as well.

The scared noises the dragon made became a pitch higher as well.

The drake's shrinking eventually stopped.

The demon fox momentarily stopped railing the poor dragon to get a good look at the new form of his prey.

Only 9 feet tall now, without claws, horns, wings, and scales, the small dragon looked more like a big lizard now.

And the juicy parts, the precum stained, cock and balls of the dragon, how laughably small they were now, even for a creature of his reduced size.

Each of the pathetic dragon's lime green orbs was now only a melon in size.

And the cute, pink cock that dangled uselessly in the air had shrunk to 2 feet in length, and 1 foot in thickness.

The little dragon's tiny package would barely be visible from a back view.

How shameful for the dragon, but so hot from the demon fox' perspective.

Pearl white precum surged from the winged vulpine's own immense length as it heavily throbbed inside the dragon.

He resumed pounding his dark purple shaft inside the little drake, harder and faster than before, each rough thrust accentuated by a short, sharp breath.

The dragon's squeals turned back to pleasant ones, surprisingly.

After a good, long time of yiffing the diminutive dragon, the demon fox' knot slowly started to grow, getting bigger and bigger every time he rammed his huge cock inside the green dragon, impacting the dragon's butt, causing the big lizard to bounce in the air.

Eventually the demon fox' knot reached full size, throbbing hard at 4 feet in length, and 8 feet in thickness, it would be a very hard fit for the little dragon.

He roughly pushed his huge knot against the dragon's sore rump for half a minute, in which the little dragon wildly squirmed from the raw force being exerted on his backside, before the throbbing, dark purple knot popped inside the little dragon. The smaller male squealed loudly from being stretched so violently by the huge demon fox.

The feral, black vulpine didn't stop there, even though he was already as deep inside the little dragon as possible. He jackhammered his massive shaft inside the green dragon for a while longer, ignoring the cries of his pathetic prey as his massive black furred balls kept pushing against the dragon's lime green scaled rump.

The demon fox let out a loud roar, before biting down hard into the dragon's neck, holding him still as the winged vulpine came, his huge, throbbing shaft gushing torrential amounts of demon fox seed into the little dragon. The red vulpine kept thrusting during all of this, albeit slower.

The jungle dragon orgasmed shortly after with a shriek, a few weak spurts of cum shooting out of his small dick and falling down to the ground.

After that, the only sound was the flapping of the feral vulpine's red wings, keeping them up in the air as he continued unloading in his prey.

Eventually the flood stopped, although the throbbing of his massive vulpine shaft went on for a while longer. He let go of the dragon's neck, having left a deep, red mark on the smaller male. The demon fox panted, he was feeling a bit tired now. He slowly began descending to the ground, the little dragon still tightly tied to him through his huge, dark purple knot.

After a minute or two, his hindpaws touched the soft earth and he released the clawed grip on his prey, going back on all fours, with the dragon under him.

The giant fox sat down on all fours, forcing the dragon in the same position under him.

The little dragon let out soft whines, still dazed from the whole ordeal, clawing at the ground in front of him, in a futile effort to get away from the alpha predator. But the green dragon was firmly tied down thanks to the demon fox' gigantic purple knot.

The red fox was content in allowing his prey's useless escape attempt, it just added to his pleasure, both mentally as well as physically, the omega dragon's squirms further enticing his huge cock that was still buried deeply inside the dragon's tailhole, as well as his heavy black balls which were firmly pressed against the dragon's cute little rump.

After a few minutes of one sided struggle, the jungle dragon gave up, and the whining stopped as well.

Quite a while later, the demon fox' knot slowly started deflating. The red predator forcefully pulled out his knot, now at half the full size, with a sharp tug, followed by the rest of his 12 feet, slick, cum covered cock. The little dragon let out a loud shriek as the knot, still very large even at half size, popped out of his tailhole.

As the tapered tip of the giant fox cock left the dragon's pink tailhole, virile fox cum almost immediately gushed out of the green dragon's tailhole, splattering the dragon's lime green rump, the backside of his little balls and the ground beneath him. What used to be a small, tight, virgin tailhole had turned into a gaping hole with white fox cum steadily flowing out of it.

The demon fox let his still erect dick rest on the dragon's back.

But the ravenous fox wasn't satisfied with just yiffing the little dragon once.

He bowed his head and closed his front fangs on the scales of the dragon's neck, then lifted his head again, lifting the green dragon up in the air, and starting to move forward, searching for a suitable place to yiff the dragon again. The sky was fun but he wanted to try something else now.

Meanwhile the small dragon flailed helplessly. The tapered tip of the giant fox' slowly softening cock poked the dragon's butt several times while the smaller male swung around.

But first the dragon had to be cleaned, the fox didn't like getting dirty.

Eventually he found a nice, big, blue lake. He released the little dragon from his fanged grip at the edge of the lake, letting the dragon fall to the ground. Then the demon fox quickly pushed his right front paw against the dragon's rump, shoving the green dragon into the cold water, while the dragon let out a little shriek.

The little dragon got fully submerged into the water, and it took a few seconds before he appeared above the surface again.

The green dragon swam away from the demon fox, paddling with all four paws as fast as he could. The red fox didn't like getting wet if it wasn't necessary, so he patiently waited until the dragon climbed out of the water on the opposite side and made a run for it, before giving chase.

He flexed his mighty, crimson red wings, before taking to the air and following the green dragon. The fox flew right over the lake, easily outpacing the small dragon and catching up again within a matter of minutes. He struck down right on top of the running dragon, landing with a thud that knocked the air right out of the little dragon.

The demon fox got off of the dragon, moving backwards.

The little dragon was still lying spread out on the ground, exhausted and in pain.

The fox rolled him over onto his back. The green dragon was shivering, wet and cold, but the fox' cum had been cleaned off from the swim in the lake. It was a very alluring sight, the wet green scales shimmering in the moon light, the dragon's lime green sheath was even more pitifully tiny than before, thanks to the cold. The dragon's front- and hindpaws were raised defensively, giving the alpha fox a good view of the dragon's wet, pink tailhole.

The demon fox' cock started sliding out of his black furred sheath again. He pounced on the defenseless dragon, uncaring for the dragon's attempts to push him off. His hot, lustful breaths blew in the dragon's face. He bit down hard on the dragon's neck, ceasing the little dragon's useless struggle, although the dragon's fighting spirit had long been extinguished already. Then the fox pinned down both of the dragon's front paws with his own, and the same for the hindpaws. The green dragon's tail had already been rendered mostly immobile from the wounds the demon fox inflicted earlier, laying flat on the ground, the perfect landing approach for the fox' massive, rapidly lengthening monster cock.

The red fox let go of the dragon's neck once the dragon was properly pinned down and ready to receive his dick. It took a bit of positioning since the fox was so much bigger than the dragon, but he found the right angle quickly. The giant fox grinded his throbbing purple shaft against the lime green underside of the dragon's tail, poking the little dragon's tailhole with the tapered tip that was still covered in cum. The dragon whined, but he did not dare resist anymore.

Rough times in the alley

It was a cold, dark night in autumn... Fluffy Daemon stood with his back against the alley wall, his paws in his pockets, in an almost casual way, barely visible in the unlit passage, with his black coat, a brown T-shirt visible through the...

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