The World You Choose. - Chapter Nine and Epilogue

Story by Liki Wolfspirit on SoFurry

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Chapter 9.

Wanting to remain polite Liki decided after some more introductions and detecting no hints of true malice from the self proclaimed 'black dragon' to invite him into The Tower. At the top floor, Liki and the others carefully watched the young dragon in disguise peer curiously at the treasures they kept in the large room.

"My many powerful relics and~" Wrathion paused, his finger pointing down towards a glass case suddenly as he stared in surprise for a few seconds before managing to speak again. "Is this the skull of Sindragosa!? is it real?!" His voice asked loudly. "I have been looking everywhere for-"

"What." Liki barked softly with his arms crossed, eyeing the black dragon wearily. "Do you want...? You said your name was Wrathion and you're the Son of Deathwing...what are you wanting from us?" Liki waved his paws to tell Wrathion to get on with whatever he was visiting them for.

Wrathion stared at Liki for a second but then gave a grin and folded his hands both behind his back. "My apologies. I'm just very pleased to see that The Searchers are so well equipped and know the value of objects of power. I have heard all the rumors but to actually see your is amazing."

"How should we believe you in what you say?" Drailsin growled deeply, "If you're a black dragon perhaps you should show yourself. You could be anyone claiming you are Deathwing's son in disguise..."

Wraition grinned at the warlock, his red eyes flashing softly as he wagged his finger. "I'm sorry but I cannot do that. You have my word that I am who I claim I am, but you four of all people should know the value in remaining hidden. I am a black dragon, the entire world has wanted my kind dead for nearly the last several thousand years. Will it help to explain to you my birth?"

The group remained silent. They were all reluctant to trust someone who called themselves a black dragon, Drailsin especially. At the continued silence Wrathion seemed to take that as his que to speak.

"My egg was cared for within the Twilight Highlands. As you know, you rescued several hundred Twilight eggs from the peaks. You helped the red dragonflight save those eggs and then they began attempting to cleanse the unhatched eggs."

Wrathion placed a hand on his chest then with a smile and gave a small bow. "I am one of those eggs, the only one that survived the red dragonflights attempts of cleansing in their life giving fires. I have come here to thank you and give you my word..." The dragon looked up in his human form to stare them all head on. "I am not tainted...I am a true black dragon. I despise what my father has become and wish to see him defeated, so that I may begin trying to heal the black dragonflights reputation from the damage my father has done."

"So you want to thank us for saving your egg..." Liki said slowly, his eyes a softening just a bit but still holding a bit of weariness. "Then you're welcome, and then I suppose you are who you say you are. There's no other way you could see The Tower."

Wrathion nodded. "My second reason for coming here is to request that should you fight and defeat my father, I would like you to bring me...some part of his body."

"What part?" Liki asked curiously. "And further, why?"

"Any part really, whatever you may be able to get. I will understand if you cannot bring me anything, but I hope you would be able to. It is imperative to my ability to claim my right as his heir once he is killed. If I can claim my right to succeed him, I can purify and remake the rest of the Black Dragonflight. To redeem my flight after the betrayal my father committed."

Drailsin growled next to Liki. "Fancy words hiding your real intent...what do you really plan to do with whatever part of his body you get?"

Liki looked to his side in surprise. Drailsin had his arms folded, his claws and paws gripping over his own arms tightly. The warlock's eyes were glowing a bit and he seemed extremely agitated at Wrathion's presence.

"I'm afraid that I can't really say for sure..." Wrathion merely answered with a small grin at the warlock. "I can't tell if I can purify my flight without some piece of my father. Depending on what I may be able to recover, I plan to use it to prove my right as his heir."

"You really think that just because you end up having a scale from him or something that makes you the new ruler of the black dragonflight?" Drailsin growled again, his lips curling up to show his teeth. Liki was wondering what was getting the warlock so worked up.

Wrathion, however, seemed delighted in the reaction he was getting. "Well, it will prove that he is my father. There are not many black dragons who can claim that."

Drailsin stomped one foot forward and growled, readying his next barrage of words but Liki then stepped in front of him with his paws up while looking over his shoulder at Wrathion. "If you'll excuse us both a moment..."

Wrathion shrugged with his little grin and Liki then nodded to Drailsin, who scoffed and waved his paw to the side to open a portal to his room. Drailsin marched through it and Liki followed after looking back at Tenebrae and Kat'ern. "Stay with our guest for now."

When the portal closed behind him, Liki turned back towards Drailsin and he asked. "What has you so worked up about him?"

"No black dragon has ever been 'cleansed'! He's lying! Every single known black dragon in existence is tainted with the corruption of the old gods!"

"But what about the black dragons in Northrend?" Liki asked. "They claim they're pure as well."

"Those fakers...they're all tainted. That's why they refuse to assist the rest of the dragonflights in their attacks on Death Wing! They'll do nothing to help us in the final assault I can already tell you that, we will be lucky that they do not back stab us instead! The whispers claw at all of their minds." Drailsin pointed at where the portal had closed. "I will not help this self proclaimed 'Son of Deathwing' gain control over the entire flight! There's only one black dragon that is pure and that's-er..." Drailsin cut himself off suddenly and his anger faded.

"Why do you care so much about them? Do you know the real pure black dragon?" Liki asked carefully. Drailsin deflated slightly as he realized he had said something he hadn't meant to in his passion.

"There...that's on a need to know basis."

"Well with a black dragon at our doorstep I'm pretty sure that I kind of need to know." Liki frowned, and then waited for Drailsin to explain.

The Worgen warlock was not exactly quick with his explanation. The warlock looked away from Liki for several seconds before he finally answered and spoke. "It's...I know the dragon personally..."

"Do you? How do you know him?"

Drailsin gave another moment of silence and then sighed. "You've never seen my original body have you Liki...?"

Liki blinked. "Well that you mention it." Kat'ern could not shift since he never truly gained control through Tenebrea's method, and Tenebrae preferred to stay in his Worgen form. Liki preferred his wolfen form, he'd gotten used to it over the last several years. He had always thought Drailsin did as well.

"Then I'll start explaining by showing it to you." Drailsin said and then closed his eyes. There was a puff of black smoke which surrounded the warlocks body and then faded after a few seconds, revealing a slim and feminine Night Elf man. His eyes were nearly completely black, save for the purple irises that shined bright in that darkness.

Liki was stunned in awe, tilting his head in curiosity at what he saw as his slowly processed it. Several observations popped into Liki's mind all at once. First that Drailsin was a Night Elf...and for some reason, that explained much about the warlock's personality, but it left another question he had to ask.

"How..." Liki started to say, and Drailsin grinned.

"Is it I'm a Night Elf when Kat'ern once told you I was human? Yeah that's just a spell and well-"

"No no." Liki shook his head. "Not that..." Liki looked at Drailsin as the warlock tilted his own head, the new elfish ears slightly flicking in the air.

"How old are you?" Liki asked, and Drailsin blinked.

"Um...I'd uh rather not say to be honest heh heh. Why is that the first question that pops into your mind?"

Liki grinned slightly. "It explains a lot hehe. To be honest, after what you told me you did when we were in the past, I thought you might be a Night Elf. You always act like you know what is going to happen. All those years of experience must be effective." Liki paused. "Wasn't being a warlock frowned upon in Night Elf society before the Sundering?"

Drailsin chuckled. "It was. Despised and hated, it is difficult to hide your affiliation towards demons from your own people. For someone like me, born with the Eyes of the Void...It was indeed a chore to even get a moments privacy..."

"Eyes of the Void?" Liki asked.

Drailsin smiled. "It isn't something that's widely known, but it was a phenoma much like that of those born with Golden Eyes, like Tenebrae." He smiled slyly. "Those born with the eyes 'Dark and nearly void of light' are instead given the opposite treatment."

The Night Elf closed his purple eyes and sighed. "I was shunned by Night Elf society. I was not imprisoned, but finding any moment alone was impossible. My living arrangements were watched hard and my upbringing held in greatest secrecy. Everything was taken care of for me in a comfy, livable prison, locked away in a room and never allowed to go outside for nearly four thousand years."

"All because you were born with those kinds of eyes? That seems rather extreme."

"It does doesn't it? I am the first born with these legendary eyes, eyes signalling a destiny even greater than that of golden ones...Legend also said though, that the dark eyed child will bring about ruin to Azeroth."

"So you were shackled down with nothing to do." Liki nodded.

"I eventually got my chance to start planning my freedom, when the Sundering the panic that ensued I was able to escape my prison. Since that time I have hid myself and began living alone until just recently with you three. As you can tell, I eventually did become a warlock, and I have a natural affinity demons."

"How did you survive the Sundering?"

Drailsin looked to the side sadly. "I almost didn't...if it weren't for the Black Dragon Bel'thazar."

"Bel'thazar? Isn't that the name of the dragon you told me you spoke with?"

"That was the name he gave himself. Interesting name the name of a demon." Drailsin paused and chuckled.

"He had rescued me and kept me safe while the waters raged and the land shattered, carried me in his arms high above the sky. He said that someone had told him to find me, so he did."

"When we went back in time, I saw Bel'thazar again, and I told him to 'remember the one named Drailsin' and in doing so, just like Tenebrae did, I closed my own loop and kept my younger self alive. I wonder if Kat'ern closed one himself..." Drailsin brought a hand up to his chin and rubbed it thoughtfully, before chuckling and waving his arm. "In any case. Bal'thazar was a dragon who didn't mind my natural affinity towards demons. He saw good in me, and believed that he wouldn't have been told to save me by 'someone so powerful.' as the mortal he saw that day, commanding demons of all things."

Drailsin gripped his hand over his heart. "To be honest, my first thoughts and wants were to crush and ruin those I thought were my enemy, but then I realized that this was my chance to prove I was not going to be destroyer. I will be a builder. I've done my best to what I believe is best for Azeroth instead. And should I ever die...that's all I'll be, just...a 'good' person."

Liki smiled softly and he reached out and put his paw on Drailsin's shoulder. "You're a great person Drailsin, not just good, hell you and the others are the most amazing people I know. I couldn't think I could live through that. So many years being do you remember it all?"

Drailsin chuckled. "It's not easy...sometimes memories of my past catch up to me, like when I had nearly attacked you..."

The Worgen rogue grinned. "Naw, it's okay, I understand it. If you ever need to let go of more secrets, I'm here, and you should eventually tell Kat'ern and Tenebrae too."

Drailsin looked at Liki carefully and he nodded and pulled the Worgen's paw away from his shoulder. In another brief puff of smoke, the warlock returned to his Worgen form. He looked at Liki carefully and smiled. "I'll remember that, and yes, I will eventually tell them as well, I'll just have to wait for a good moment...perhaps when Tenebrae finally reveals that new form upon the world."

"Heh once he gets control of it without needed to have sex to reach it." Liki chuckled and Drailsin did as well.

"There are other secrets I may share...but...not yet..."

"It's okay. I love you." Liki shrugged and he blushed. "Whatever the package comes in. And I mean that...I do love you...I..." His charisma was failing him as he looked down while blushing all the more.

"You had meant it then, back when I had attacked you? You were falling in love with me?"

Liki growled and he fidgeted. "It's like...the time I get to spend with you like's calming...I know I have nothing to hide here from you. You were my first after all...took my virginity. it's like, pure trust and faith? I just feel that heh, I want you to be great and good."

Drailsin smiled brightly. "Thank you. I wish the same for you and the others. To that end, we will use our great gifts for good in finding the Spark."

Liki nodded. "So then...what do we do about Wrathion?"

The warlock growled softly but then sighed. "I suppose we need to say we will attempt our best to get him what he wants. We will make the choice on if we actually bring him anything later on."


"I thank you for your time." Wrathion said as he Liki and Drailsin were showing him out. "And I will wait eagerly for any news."

"We will meet you at the location you gave us earlier once the battle is over." Drailsin said. "But we can't promise anything about bringing you any part of Deathwing.

The prince just grinned. "For all the Black Dragonflight, I hope that you will not fail me." He stared directly at Drailsin as he said it. This time however, Drailsin just grinned.

Wrathion's grin faded slightly but he then turned and walked away, his arms and hands held behind himself. Liki closed the door to The Tower behind him.

After this, Liki and the others spent the rest of their time preparing themselves for the upcoming battle. It was several days after that they received notification from the Bronze Dragonflight of their plans, and then, several days after that Drailsin was alerted to a sudden surprise attack on the Dragonflights at Wyrmrest temple.

Wyrmrest Temple was in a region of Northrend called Dragonblight. Wyrmrest Temple was a large central tower in the otherwise snow and ice covered area. The leaders of the dragonflights had meetings at the top of this tower. The leaders of four of the five dragonflights had been having regular meetings at the top of this tower. They had just been in the middle of their latest meeting when suddenly the Twilight forces of Deathwing had laid siege to the temple.

The forces of both the Alliance and Horde scrambled to coordinate assistance. Old prejudices were temporarily set aside as The Searchers joined in the effort aboard the airships of both factions in fighting back the attacking forces and clearing out the siege.

After killing the Twilight dragon Ultraxion atop of Wyrmrest temple, Liki and the others then joined members of the Alliance and Horde on the Alliance airship. There, they fought off the last two "champions" of the Twilight Forces, and then they finally got their chance.

Deathwing had been battling up in the atmosphere with the remainder of the dragonflights. With the last of his forces diminished, he was the only enemy left...


"Now Liki!" Thrall shouted out across the roaring winds on the deck of the airship. "This is our chance!"

Liki nodded and he held the Dragon Soul up at Deathwing. With a mental link, the leaders of the dragonflights told other dragons to disperse and they scattered through the air away from Deathwing. For a short moment, the great black dragon paused in confusion as his enemies scattered, but then the bright glow of the Dragon Soul caught his eye.

"No!" He roared, and he turned in his flight to come straight at the airship. "How did you get that?!"

Liki focused and he poured his emotions into the medallion in his paws. He urged the power of the Dragon Soul to attack his foe. The medal grew hot and warm as from the face that was pointed at Deathwing, the maw of a golden dragon emerged. With a shriek, a beam of pure energy fired from the Dragon Soul and shot through the air like a lightning bolt. The blast was so forceful that it pushed Liki back along the deck. Drailsin and Tenebrae caught him in their arms, and Kat'ern soon after, pushing him back and holding him steady.

With the shriek, Deathwing saw that the wielder of his own creation knew how to use it, and he tried to veer away from the blast, but only just barely avoided a fatal blow. Instead, the blast tore through the thick metal plates he had welded across his entire body, exposing the black dragon's spine and his half melted flesh.

Deathwing roared and retreated. Liki slumped down from hard exhaustion as his energy was sapped from his attack. Thrall called to the pilots of the Alliance ship. "After him! We cannot allow this opportunity to slip by! We end this today! For Azeroth!"

There was a roar of approval from both Alliance and Horde forces as the airship blasted off after Deathwing in a chase. With other mages, Kat'ern used his arcane might to propel the vessel through the air.

Tenebrae stayed behind with Liki, using his healing to rejuvenate the rogue for another attack while Drailsin stepped through a portal.

Deathwing's roar of surprise was all anyone heard as suddenly the warlock was on his back in midflight, opening up portals and summoning his demons onto the dragon's exposed spine. The people on the airship watched in amazement. From where they were and as they slowly caught up with the black dragon, they could see tendrils of Deathwings corrupted blood springing up from cuts in his exposed body, lashing out at Drailsin's demons but clearly, even Deathwing was being overwhelmed.

Drailsin himself stood in the middle of it all, just snapping his fingers and summoning more and more of his demons. His eyes glowed a bright purple.

Deathwing roared as the demons attacked him. "You pesky warlock! How dare you attack me..." There was a sudden pause. "! It can't be!"

The soldiers of the Alliance and Horde paused in their rushing as suddenly, up in the sky above Deathwing, a huge green portal opened and from void within, and a massive Infernal came blasting out of it like a meteor. It struck Deathwing in the eye, barrelling right into it and blinding him. Deathwing roared.

"I should've killed you when you were born!" Deathwing shouted out and then he spun in the air.

Drailsin was tossed from Deathwing's back along with most of his demons. Drailsin rapidly snapped his fingers left and right, opening portals up which deposited each and every one of his demons onto the deck of the Alliance gunship, before finally opening his last one which dropped him onto the deck as well. He landed and caught himself with his legs and knees, grunting as he knelt and then he stood up slowly. "That...was for my years of imprisonment..."

Liki would've asked what Drailsin meant by that, but Thrall called out to him. "Liki! Fire the Dragon Soul now!"

Liki nodded and he stood up again, Tenebrae's healing had worked wonders and he was ready to try again. Liki held out the Dragon Soul and willed it to attack Deathwing once more. Again, the visage of a golden dragon emerged from the light of the medallion. With another shriek, it fired another beam of golden light. This time, Deathwing was too distracted by his pain to avoid the attack, and it pierced him right through his chest.

The soldiers cheered as Deathwing fell from the sky, giving out a savage roar as he fell from the sky above the great sea. Liki slumped as he snarled and panted, drained once more from using the Dragon Soul. Tenebrae was at his side right away again, his paws glowing a bright green as he started to heal Liki's body.

The soldiers were still cheering as Deathwing fell below the clouds. The airship followed down under them and Liki watched as when the clouds cleared they were met with the sight of the Maelstrom.

The Maelstrom was a large swirling vortex in the middle of the Great Sea. It was the where the Well of Eternity had been when it shattered. The vortex remained in its place, a link and connection between the planes of the elements, and was the vortex from which Deathwing had first sprung from and caused the cataclysm three years ago. The cheers died out as Deathwing, with the last of strength, angled his wings to guide his fall towards the swirling vortex.

"No..." Thrall growled. "If he gets to the Maelstrom..." He spun towards Liki."Can you fire again?"

"He needs more time." Tenebrae answered and Liki winced as his body burned from a bit of pain. Using the Dragon Soul to attack was far more taxing on his energy than using it bring back his companions had been.

"You...fools!" Deathwings booming voice laughed at them. "You can never defeat me...I am the Master of Death itself! I am Deathwing!"

The black Dragon's body splashed into the water of the Maelstrom, vanishing from sight.

The airship circled the Maelstrom, as everyone watched and waited. The waters began to churn and bubble, a bright orange glow emanating from within the vortex. With a roar, Deathwing's head emerged from the waters, along with most of his upper body. The rest of his form had broken apart into a terrifying form. His corrupted blood had become thick tendrils which wiggled and bubbled up from the water. Bits of his sharp scales and pieces of his armor layered the tendrils like thorns. His huge, clawed hands tore and gripped at the edges of land surrounded the Maelstrom.

Deathwing roared up at the airship in the sky. "Behold the true form of the Visage of Death! You shall all be drowned in blood!"

The corrupt dragon opened his maw and a beam of his very blood fired from his maw. It blasted the airship's hull and some of the soldiers were shaken from the deck of the ship, falling to their deaths in the waters below, where Deathwing's tentacles grabbed and ripped them apart.

The airship began to lose altitude. Deathwing roared once more "None shall stand before the might of Deathwing!"

"We will!" Liki shouted. "Kat'ern!"

The mage already knew what Liki wanted. The Worgen mage lifted his paws up into the sky, balling them up in fists. Arcane energy glowed around the entire warship as suddenly, the ship stopped falling from the sky. Kat'ern growled and gave a grimace as the ship shook and continued to slowly fall.

"Too...heavy..." He growled out. Quickly, several other Alliance and Horde mages came up next to him and joined their arcane energy to his own to help him keep them afloat. The ship stabilized and stopped it's fall entirely.

With the other mage's helping, they had managed to keep afloat.

"Can't hold this for long guys." Kat'ern said through his concentration, teeth grit as he snarled. Already the other mages that were pouring their own reserves of energy to the Worgen were looking incredibly drained.

"Just hold it long enough. Be ready with the Dragon Soul and take your shot when you can." Drailsin said as he snapped his fingers, making a portal appear and he stepped through it onto one of the precipices of land that Deathwing had dug his huge claws in.

Drailsin's own voice boomed, magically enhanced as he called out to the skies. "Leaders of the Dragon Flights!"

Everyone paused. Even Deathwing looked down at the small bit of rock on which the Warlock stood. Drailsin looked up in defiance at the huge, corrupt beast. His purple eyes glowed as purple flame appeared in his paws.

Drailsin waved his arms and behind him over five hundred portals opened all at once. Demons of all kinds stepped through the gates as Drailsin spoke. "My name is Drailsin! Those of you who know the significance of my name...I implore you...join me in my assault on this failed protector of Azeroth and redeem the black dragonflight's name!" The demons roared out with their Master's call

"Gladly!" A voice boomed as there was brief yellow flash and Nozdormu appeared in the air flying above Drailsin's army of demons. His bronze scales shimmered brightly and his eyes glowed brightly. "Brother! Sisters! Join us! We shall rid Azeroth of this stain and redeem ourselves as its protectors!"

There was another shimmer in the air as Ysera, the leader of the Green Dragonflight appeared. Her green scales flashed as she seemed to slowly materialize into existence. "Your use of demons has always been questionable to me Drailsin...but I will stand by you in this."

A large blue dragon flew down from the sky, coming to hover beside the other dragons. This was Kalecgos, the current leader of the Blue Dragonflight, the master's of all arcane energy. Ever since their last leaders insane attempts at destroying mortal kind, Kalecgos had worked hard to redeem his flight. "This is our chance to redeem ourselves. The Blue Dragonflight will do its part!"

Deathwing laughed. "You are all nothing to me! I will crush you like-Arggggh!" The black dragon cut off as a large red dragon flew over one of his claws, blasting it with hot fire. The leader of the Red Dragonflight, Alexstraza flew across each of the claws and bathed them in her burning fire. She then came to fly and hover above the other three leaders as he roared. "As the Life-Binder, it is my duty to fight this self proclaimed Aspect of Death. I will join you in this assault!"

Deathwing growled deeply, his glowing mad eyes going between them all, then settling on Drailsin. "You impotent intend to steal my right to lead the black dragonflight away?!"

"You've never been leader of the Black Dragonflight!" Drailsin roared back, and he lifted up the purple flames in his paws. The mouths of the other dragons all started to fill with fire of their own. "You've taken your duty and dragged it through the mud, and then spread your corruption through the other members of your kin! I will cleanse that corruption! Starting with you!" With this, Drailsin pointed his paw forward, and his hundreds of demons roared and charged forward. Those that could take flight did so, and zoomed towards Deathwing's head, while the rest closed in on the large claws clinging to the rocky cliffs.

"For Life! For Azeroth!" Alextraza shouted after Drailsin's demons charged and she poured her flames over the claw. Her fire did not damage Drailsin's demons, but Deathwing howled in pain and rage as he had to let go with his claw to avoid the fires. Drailsin's portals opened underneath his demons as some of the fell from the claw as it lifted up over the raging waters, bringing them back to another plot of land where they started to attack the claw that was latched on there instead.

The four dragons roared in unison and they fired beams of energy at Deathwing's head, each colored after their flight. The four beams locked onto Deathwing's being and began to pull on his very energy so as to bring the monster's head down, but it wasn't enough. Deathwing seemed to struggle, but he was able to resist the pull. "Your strength is great...but it is not enough! I AM DEATH!!!" Deathwing roared. His maw started to glow as he prepared a blast of his own to wipe out his enemies. "I AM THE CATACLYSM!!!"

Suddenly, a new, purple beam joined the other ones. Drailsin, his paws outstretched and his eyes glowing as the beam of energy flowed from his body tugged hard alongside the four dragons.

"WHAT?!" Deathwing shouted out as the combined force of Drailsin the other dragons suddenly pulled his head down, anchoring him to the rocky cliff. "IMPOSSIBLE!" There was a huge shaking thud as Deathwing's head was bound down by the power of the other dragonflights.

"It is time to finish this! Liki!"

A portal opened underneath Liki and Tenebrae then, bringing them to a soft landing right beside Drailsin. The warlock was now standing in front of Deathwing's eye, looking up into the maddened gaze.

"Your time is up..." Drailsin said and then turned towards Liki.

The rogue stood up slowly, his body recovered but he was also feeling a little numb from the display Drailsin had just shown. The warlock looked at Liki and he smiled. "As much as I want to be the one to deliver this blow. Only Liki is currently attuned with the Dragon Soul."

"You..." Deathwing growled, his eye's gaze narrowed at Drailsin. "Void child...what do you plan to do now hmm?"

Drailsin remained silent, his back turned from Deathwing as the aspect of death chuckled darkly, his voice still booming enough for everyone to hear. "Should you ever reveal yourself to you think they would still trust you? Would they still follow you?"

Liki growled. "Yes." He answered, and Deathwing's gaze flicked over to him. Drailsin's own eyes looked over, but he masked the brief glance quickly and kept his back turned.

Liki stepped forward as he held the Dragon Soul out and he started to pour his energy into it. "I would."

Deathwing laughed. "Should I tell you what he really is? A child of the void."

"I already know that." Liki snarled, the visage of the golden dragon appearing and readied its attack. This close and at point blank range, it was sure to finally destroy Deathwing. The corrupt dragon knew this, and seemed to finally accept his fate. His eye closed and he growled out.

"We shall much you truly know. When the truth is revealed...he'll lose everyone he cares for. They will turn on him and he will be forced to kill them. He is a child of the void, his kind are destined for evil. The Hour of Twilight...will still come to pass. You cannot stop it..."

Drailsin's paws clenched up into fists, but he didn't respond to Deathwing's comments, but only nodded towards Liki calmly.

Liki snarled and he held the Dragon Soul forward and with a final, loud shriek, the Dragon Soul blasted it's beam of energy right through Deathwing's eye socket and through his head.


The leaders of the Dragonflights conversed with Thrall over what would need to be done for the future of Azeroth. Not far away, Liki and Drailsin continued to stand aside the head of Deathwing. With his death, the tendrils of blood had lost their form and were washed way into the Maelstrom along with the rest of his body, leaving only the black dragon's deformed head behind on the precipice of land.

Tenebrae had gone to heal those wounded by the many battles and Kat'ern was still keeping the airship afloat with his arcane power. He was now being assisted by several blue dragons instead though, and there was no longer a rush on leaving.

The two Worgen stood together in silence, just looking at the lifeless head of their nemesis. Liki would give a few glances at Drailsin's face, but the Worgen warlock remained passive and neutral faced. Liki had so many questions in his head that he wanted to ask again, so many little holes that he now wanted filled about who Drailsin was. Deathwing had known him...that much had been evident.

"You should take two of his teeth..." Drailsin spoke out to Liki before the other Worgen could form a question.

"What?" Liki asked.

"For Wrathion..." Drailsin nodded his head over to Deathwing's open mouth. "Do it before anyone sees..."

Liki nodded and he quickly moved over to the big dragon's open maw and took out his dagger. After making sure that no one was watching him from the sidelines, Liki started to cut into Deathwing's teeth. They had become jagged and malformed from his transformation in the amalgamation he had become in the Maelstrom.

He paused in the middle of hacking through one of the teeth. "Wait...I thought you didn't want to help Wrathion."

Drailsin looked down at Liki while he was kneeled down and hacking at the teeth, then closed his eyes. "He was right about one thing...if I came out and attempted to lead the black dragonflight, I wouldn't be trusted." The warlock looked over at the other leaders of the dragonflights as they were conversing with Thrall.

"Of all the dragonflights, only Nozdormu really trusts me, and I think that's only because he was able to see my future and past. Now that he can't sense the future as well, his support alone would not get me where I want. The others only give me token support. As a being with eyes of the Void, I'm mistrusted. I have no choice but to hope Wrathion is as pure as he says he is."

Liki nodded in understanding, and returned to his work of hacking away at the teeth. "I suppose it would be easier for a dragon to actually take control of a dragonflight anyway." Liki commented, at which Drailsin only hummed softly.

Liki eventually managed to break off two big parts of a tooth and he tucked them into his pockets, the 'pocket space' within them hiding them from sight as they returned to the group and prepared to go home.



Liki landed at the site which Wrathion had told them to meet with him. He came alone, as asked. Liki knew though, that the others were listening through a gated portal and Drailsin could drop through portal to aid him in an instant, and the others wouldn't be far behind him.

Wrathion's base of operations was a manor in the foothills near Gilneas itself. A small, hidden manor known as Ravenholt. The black dragon prince was already at the doorway waiting for Liki, a bright and huge grin on the teen's face.

"Fantastic! I knew I could depend on The Searchers in ending my father! You've done the whole world a service."

Liki nodded slightly. "Thank you, but please, let's just get on to business." He watched Wrathion carefully as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the two big pieces of Deathwing's teeth he had cut from the dragon's maw.

Wrathion's eyes widened. "You're taking me up on my offer?"

Liki merely nodded, as he handed the teeth out to Wrathion. The prince took them and he eyed them in awe. "Yes...these are his...I can feel his essence within them. Perfect."

The black dragon grinned widely and he suddenly smashed them together in his hands, a bright glow of magic blinding Liki for a moment.

"Whoa! Hey!" Liki growled as he shielded his eyes.

"Yes..." Wrathion's voice gleefully spoke from in front of Liki as he worked his own essence and merged it to that of his Father's. The glow of white light faded slowly and Liki was able to lower his arm and blink his eyes clear of the bright light.

Wrathion now held two glowing daggers instead of teeth. The blades were curved and pointed like the teeth had been, glowed with an orange light and the hilts were adorned with an eyeball. Liki watched Wrathion hold the daggers in both of his hands, but then he noticed that the eyeball actually blinked...

"What...what did you do?" Liki asked in amazement.

"I've purified my Father's latent essence and fused it to my own." Wrathion spoke gleefully. "With these...I can control and command any dragon to my will!"

"What? Why would these daggers help you gain any control on a dragon?"

"You don't understand, these are now the very essence of the Black Dragonflight, anyone in possession of these daggers can rule over any flight, force them to do their bidding!"

Liki narrowed his eyes. "That's not what you told us."

Wrathion chuckled. "I told you that having a piece of my father would help me in asserting my right to rule, and they shall, by force. Of course though..." The prince eyed Liki and he pointed one of the daggers at him. "I won't abide anyone standing in my way."

Liki held up a paw, the other one moving his back to finger the hilt of one of his swords. "We have no intention to." He kept his gaze squarely on Wrathion. "As long as your plans are peaceful."

"My plans are to bring back the purity of my flight, and for that, every corrupted dragon must be destroyed. And especially the void child should he stand in my way..."

Liki's eyes widened, and Wrathion smiled widely. "Oh! He told you!?" The prince laughed loudly and then suddenly, a green portal opened up beside Liki as Drailsin stepped through. It closed behind him as the warlock looked down at Wrathion with rage in his eyes.

"Enough!" Drailsin barked. "You won't say another word!"

"Oh you haven't told him everything have you..." Wrathion grinned and he flicked the dagger towards Drailsin. For some reason, Drailsin froze up at the gaze of the eye on the dagger's hilt. The eye stared right at Drailsin, glowing slightly.

"Why don't you trust your companions...Bel'thazar?" Wrathion's own eyes glowed brightly as he smiled.

Liki stared at Drailsin and turned towards him. "What...what is he saying?"

"Why yes..." Wrathion snickered and he twisted the dagger a bit in his hand. Drailsin winced and gasped as the twisting motion itself seemed to be like the dagger was in his side. The warlock clenched his side with his paws as he stumbled and knelt down. "Why don't you explain fully Drailsin? Why don't you reveal yourself for real to your companion?"

Drailsin growled in defiance, his eyes glowing bright purple. "You think that think you can control have no idea what I am..."

"You are a void child." Wrathion smiled and he twisted the dagger once more, making Drailsin wince again and slump on the ground, clutching his sides and panting in pain. "That much you have already told Liki. But you should be entirely honest with those you trust. Should you not?"

Liki knelt beside Drailsin and picked him up in his arms, growling at Wrathion. "Put those things away!"

Wrathion looked at Liki for a moment and then at Drailsin for a moment longer before he pulled the dagger back and hid it behind his back. With the eyeball of the dagger no longer looking at him, Drailsin gave a sigh of relief as the digging pain in his side was removed.

"Tell him." Wrathion commanded, and Drailsin growled deeply again. Wrathion sighed softly and he walked across them, keeping the dagger's eyes hidden still. "Look at him Bel'thazar. He cares for you even now, knowing you hide secrets from him. You will never find another like him. You'll need him, and you know it."

"I..." Drailsin panted while his ears were folded back.

Wrathion continued. "Can you imagine my surprise when I first heard of and saw you? A warlock with the eyes of the void...and then imagine my further surprise when I met you in person. We both know exactly what you really are. You're not just a void're a Void Dragon..."

Liki looked up at Wrathion at this, then looked down at Drailsin's face, the warlock avoiding his gaze. "What? A...Void Dragon? Like Ultraxion?"

"No no...he's much worse and far more powerful than Ultraxion. He's several times more powerful than any of the leaders of the other dragonflights in fact." Wrathion knelt down, a smile still on his face as he spoke.

"Show yourself Bel' me your true form. If you don't, I will kill Liki here and now, and his death will be on your hands."

"You..." Drailsin growled. "No! I'm not Bel'thazar, he's dead! I'm a Night Elf void child. Bel'thazar was just the name of the dragon who saved me during The Sundering!"

"You've hidden yourself for nearly 15,000 years, ever since you were born." Wrathion continued as if Drailsin hadn't disagreed. "Can you imagine how hard it was for me to connect all the little dots? You've done very well in hiding yourself...thankfully I had all the time in the world to put the pieces together."

Wrathion suddenly held the dagger out once more, the eyeball fixating on Drailsin once more and the warlock howled out as the prince twisted the dagger in the air.

"Enough!" Liki shouted and he shot up, swinging one of his swords through the air. It connected with the dagger and knocked it from Wrathion's hand, sending it clattering across the ground.

The prince jumped back in surprise, and a look of fury came over his face. "How dare you strike me!"

Liki jumped up as he brought up his second blade and he stood in front of Drailsin as the warlock panted on the ground. "I don't care if your story is true! I won't let you hurt him with those daggers. Hand em over!"

Wrathtion grinned and his eyes glowed brightly as he chuckled. There was a small puff of smoke as suddenly, several rogues appeared around them. Liki spun around in surprise. "Wh-how!? Why couldn't I sense them?!"

"Everyone has their own secrets..." Wrathion said and he kneeled down at where the other dagger had been knocked away, picking it up. He turned and waved his hand above his head. "I can see I can't depend on Bel'thazar to actually take up the mantle he intended to. He refuses to embrace what he is and without that, he could never truly lead my flight into a new age. I can't trust you either Liki, so you both have to die, I'm terribly sorry about this..."

Drailsin growled as he managed to slowly start standing up while he laughed. "You got it all wrong little prince..."

Wrathion paused and turned around slowly. Drailsin suddenly started to rise up with his body limp, and his eyes glowed brightly as his voice laughed, though his mouth did not move. Liki turned towards him and watched as black smoke slowly began to wrap around the Worgen's body in the air.

Drailsin's eyes were the only thing still visible in the darkness of the smoke, as they shined brightly and then started to grow in size. The black smoke billowed and grew as well, as a deep and rumbling growl filled the small lawn of the hillside manor.

"I'm more than happy to embrace what I am...if it means I stop spoiled brats like you from gaining power they shouldn't be allowed to have. I will keep the Dragonflights pure my own way..." Drailsin's voice had become dark and gained an echoing quality. The smoke continued to billow and flow around Drailsin as his eyes were now high in the air over the group of assassins, Liki, and Wrathion. The smoke had the distinct from of a large Dragon, but as it constantly shifted and twisted it never really seemed like he had a physical body.

"So this is your true form is it...?" Wrathion stepped up and he held up both of the daggers, their orange eyes locking on Drailsin's own in the darkness. "Bel'thazar! I now command you! I command you to-"

Suddenly, two long, black tendrils lashed out from Drailsin's body and took hold of both of the blades. Wrathion balked in surprise as they were wrenched from his grasp as easily as taking candy from a toddler. The daggers flew into the darkness of Drailsin's body and the glow of the orange eyes were lost in the Void Dragon's body.

"Those will no longer have any affect on me..." Drailsin's voice growled, his purple eyes narrowing dangerously at the prince.

Wrathion's mood did a complete turn around and in a puff of his own black smoke, he transformed into his dragon form. He was still an adolescent, so his dragon form was still much smaller in comparison to Drailsin. "Kill the rogue!" He shouted as he then flew off into the air.

The agents around Liki and Drailsin reacted to the command, shaking off their own shock at Drailsin's new form and they all hurled daggers at Liki.

The Void Dragon roared, his body's vapors reaching out in tendrils once more and catching each dagger in the air halfway to their target. With a swift flick, the tentacles sent them back to their owners, each one embedding itself in their necks.

"Run away little prince!" Drailsin roared up into the air after the retreating black drake, rearing up on his hind legs as he did. "Next time you pick a fight you should know exactly what it is you're messing with!"

Liki looked up at Drailsin in awe, and as the Void Dragon settled back down and he noticed Liki's intense stare the purple eyes shifted away, the dark and smokey head shifting away too. "So..."

A short moment passed in silence and then Liki folded his arms and gave the dragon a firm stare. "So..."

Drailsin sighed and his eyes closed for a moment. Slowly, the smoky clouds that made up his body began to shrink down and reform into that of the Worgen body he had previously, clothes and all. The murky clouds swirled around him and then faded away along the ground at his feet, at which point he opened his eyes and gave a small smile at Liki.

Liki smiled as well and he tilted his head. "Void Dragon eh? Never heard of one of them before."

"And hopefully, no one ever will need to. Please help me keep this a secret." Drailsin whined, his ears folded back.


Drailsin looked to the side and he sighed. "What I told you before was mostly true. Void children are viewed with disdain, they are locked away and kept from society. The only difference with me is that I'm also a dragon. I'm the first ever Void Dragon. I was born into the Black Dragonflight while Deathwing, back then called Neltharion, was its leader. It was my birth that had Neltharion looking into how he may be able to...use me as a weapon, and subsequently become corrupted by the Old God's."

Liki shook his head. "What was it he had meant back at the Maelstrom?"

Drailsin growled softly and closed his eyes once more. "As a being literally born of the Void...I'm labeled as a form of evil incarnate. Deathwing was saying that if I ever revealed my true being to Azeroth, they would hunt me down and attempt to destroy me, and that in my own defense, I would have to wipe out all life on Azeroth, thus fulfilling the prophecy of 'The Hour of Twilight.'"

"You wouldn't do that though." Liki said softly as he reached up over his head and sheathed his swords.

Drailsin chuckled slowly. "Are you sure...?" Drailsin said sadly. "Do you remember when we helped Nozdormu retrieve the Hourglass of time?"

Liki nodded. The Searchers had went through time to what Nozdormu had called 'The End Time.' a small pocket of time showing a possible future should Deathwing had succeeded in his plans. It had been a lifeless planet...silent and empty. Murozond, the maddened future self of Nozdormu himself, had attempted to keep them from getting the Hourglass so that they could then also go back and retrieve the Dragon Soul.

"Do you also remember the fearful Murozond had been of me...?"

Liki paused, at which Drailsin sighed deeply. "He called me the Void bringer...I had thought it was just another term for being a Void Child, but now...what if...what if I'm the one who drives Nozdormu insane? What if Murozond was actually the good guy and he was right? That Deathwing's Cataclysm was actually a blessing we couldn't understand? What if I am the one who really does bring about the end of all life?"

Liki shook his head again. "You won't."

"How can you know for sure?" Drailsin asked wearily. "You saw what I am and what I can do...that wasn't even one percent of my power..."

"Because whatever happens, I will always stand by your side, and the others will too, and as long as we stand by your side, we can overcome anything that comes our way without having to destroy the rest of the world." Liki giggled. "You have all your demons too after all. You've gone this far without having to resort to your true powers, you can continue to do so."

Drailsin chuckled, and he closed his eyes and turned towards Liki. Liki watched in awe as Drailsin's chest became clouded and dark once more as he reached into his own chest. From within the void that was his own body, he pulled out the two daggers Wrathion had just created.

"These are powerful relics..." Drailsin said as he held them, his chest reforming to its solid state. "I had to assume my true form just to be able to become immune to them."

"We'll keep them under lock and key. Several locks and keys." Liki said as he looked at the daggers with narrowed eyes. "We shouldn't have trusted Wrathion..."

"No...we can, he just...tried going about things the wrong way. He knew what I was, and believed the only way to truly stop me was to control me..." Drailsin chuckled. "I don't think he'll make that mistake again."

Liki nodded and grinned at the Void Dragon in disguise. "You gonna tell Kat'ern and Tenebrae?"

"I will...just like I had told you before when I gave you the story about me being a Night Elf. I'll tell them when a good opportunity arrives." Drailsin went wide eyed a moment. That story was true by the way, just replace my being a Night Elf with being a Dragon."

Liki shrugged. "A little white lie. Whatever secrets you may have, I trust you, and I'm here for you."

Drailsin smiled brightly as he murred deeply. "That means a lot to me. Thank you told me before that you loved you still think you do?"

"Makes me love you all the more, really." Liki blushed a bit.

The Void Dragon laughed. "Hehe, all right. Let's return home. There's lots of things to prepare for I suspect..."

Drailsin waved his paw and a green portal appeared next to him. Knowing what he did now, it was much more obvious to Liki why Drailsin had the powers he did and why how commanded so many demons. was still just Drailsin. He wasn't some evil super being looking to destroy the world. He hated what he was branded as and wanted to prove that brand wrong.

No matter what was going to happen in the future, that was the truth, and Liki would do all he could to help.


End of Cataclysm

Thank you for reading this story! This inspiration hit me when pondering imagination and watching the Tenth dimension theory videos and explanations.

The Tenth dimension is basically...if you can imagine it, it becomes real. Heh, an odd and confusing thing.

I feel though, that this is a kind of actuality. You can create and imagine entire worlds, entire universes of your own, and you can also place yourself in someone else's world and universe and make your own stories within them, and then someone else can imagine placing themselves in your world of that world; creating infinite possibilities, and then even more infinite possibilities.

The simple thought of this is: If you believe hard enough, whatever you want can be made into reality.

Perhaps that what dreams are. But I like to use this as a theory that somewhere, in some timeline of some possible universe, Rook exists exactly as I have imagined him and written him. In essence, Rook IS me. In some timeline of some possible universe Liki also exists and Liki is also me. We are the masters of our own lives, and we make of them what we will and what we can with what we are given.

We are meant for greatness in some and then only as a bystander in others, but the many different possibilities are there. Perhaps this is what happens when we die; we are given the chance to live a different life, whatever we could imagine. I hope that this is what I get to be, and thus I write about it hehe.

Then again, we're probably closer to digitizing our brains into computers than we are to crossing time and space to find the one universe with the timeline where our imagination is real.

Anyways, thanks again for reading. The story will continue through the other expansions, next being my favorite, The Mists of Pandaria!

The World you Choose. - Chapter Eight.

Chapter 8. Liki continued to howl even as he materialized within the Caverns of Time in front of Nozdormu's pedestal. His howling anguish was the last thing the bronze brood expected to be hearing and Chromie was quickly squealing. "Oh my gosh...

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The World you Choose. - Chapter Seven.

Chapter 7 "Does everyone understand what it is we're trying to do here?" Drailsin asked everyone about an hour later in The Tower's main floor. They were sitting around a table, with Kat'ern and Tenebrae listening to Drailsin tell them his plans....

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The World you Choose. - Chapter Six.

Chapter 6 (About 7 years later) Liki hummed to himself while he was making his way through Stormwinds busy market place. The Worgen waved lightly at someone nearby, who smiled slightly at first, weary of him. Liki didn't let this reaction...

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