Security Breeches

Story by Silentfan42 on SoFurry

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Story commissioned by Shalewd on FA.

A short little romp of some extra out-there fetishes.

The Blue Cats deposited their calling card on the front desk of their next target. It's what made it fun for them, breaking in just to show they could, leaving their message, and letting their targets prepare for the next time. It was actually the majority of how they made their scores. Stealing valuable things were FUN, but nothing beat being legendary folk heroes.

It was why when the media saw their logo and started calling them The Blue Cats (because they were cat burglars, hur hur) they decided to just roll with it. There probably wasn't a good way to correct people that they were pandas without, y'know, getting arrested. And since they were blue and did look lithe and cute enough for the role, they decided to just take it as a compliment.

"Well, brother mine, I feel like betting three grand that the usual forums will insist we're preparing for a Robin Hood style revolution, giving all the really good cybernetics to the common man," Sapphyre looked to her twin with a grin, going over their maps of the facility again.

"I'll take that bet. These guys are actually pretty well like. They'll probably just insist we decided the only way to improve was to make ourselves superhuman,"Azuryte casually ran a finger across the route they had planned, right into the heart of Silence Labs.

"Just as long as we get plenty of love, I'm not worried," Sapphyre reached over and kissed her brother on the cheek.

They planned to steal a body modification. One that let the body absorb useful components and integrate them. Maybe they were kids at heart, but going full cyborg thief sounded absolutely hilarious to them, and they finished their preparations and set out when the time came.

Getting into the labs was surprisingly easy.

Getting to their treasure was terrifyingly easy.

The Blue Cats knew they had fallen into a setup, somebody guessing what they were after, when they opened the fridge intended to hold their prize and found it empty. Fear running through them as they turned around to see a figure, at least half again as tall as any person should be, glaring down at them.

The guard looming over them was enormous in every sense. Their heads barely managed to be level with her rock hard abs, visible even through the uniform. Her hips were almost obscenely wide, each individual thigh as big around as their torsos but coming together to flare absurdly. Her shark tail was the size of a person, waving excitedly as though threatening to knock them about. Its root in the guard's ass made the invaders feel even tinier, giant plush cheeks making them hot as they thought about how much they liked their own bottoms and how little they seemed here.

Azuryte looked down and saw only clawed feet, curling in excitement and digging into the floors he was sure had been made of concrete.

Sapphyere looked up and saw only tits, a pert rack overhanging her head and leaving her in shadow.

Jack looked down and saw only puffed tails, signs of shock from her latest victims and the would be thieves already getting buried beneath her.

"Well well, children, I don't think I have to tell you why this was a mistake, do I?" Jack grabbed the pair by their necks, lifting them up and looking them dead in the eye, her own head the size of their pair combined... but with more teeth showing than they could grow in their lives.

The pair stared at her, limp for a moment as the guard reveled in their shock. It was the kind of response she craved. Their arms were shaking as they reached out across her forearm, their own bodies like piles of sticks against her massive bulge.

However, they did something unexpected.

Azuryte and Sapphyre began rubbing their captor's bicep.

"Oh my GOD you're so big!"

"God damn, I thought I loved sharks before, but this... this is incredible!"

The siblings spoke after one another in rapid fire.

"What's your secret?"

"Do you get bigger?"

"Your skin feels amazing."

"Your hair looks fantastic."

"Can you train us?"

"Can you fuck us?"

It was not a sensation Jack was used to. She could FEEL their lust in her arms, her biceps twitching with need at their worship, tongues going up and down her flesh. "Back up! You guys are thieves, this is not a chummy encounter," Jack struggled to maintain professionalism, despite the stirring she felt from below.

"Can we steal your heart?" Azuryte cracked.

"We're sorry. We didn't realize there was something way more valuable than what we were going for," Sapphyre flirted.

The Blue Cats had gotten out of punishment this way before, with seduction... though... they were usually much more charming when they did so. The labs had the best security they could imagine, somebody who pushed all of their buttons. A tigershark with sexy stripes, all the height, perfect physique, and commanding presence. They actually weren't thinking of escape, just lust.

Their captor seemed to see it on their face and decided to indulge them.

"Well, what the hell. I've worked hard, nobody else is here tonight, and you sure know how to make a girl feel wanted," Jack mumbled.

"Call me Jack," the shark said, transferring Azuryte to another hand and removing her pants, holding both captives one handed.

"Azuryte," said Azuryte.

"Sapphyre," said Sapphyre.

"So now we know each other, and it's not weird to do this," Jack finished removing her pants, putting a panda in each hand before holding them back. "I'll have to find us some privacy, and I can't let you go, but are you sure you're interested?"

The twins looked down. Where the guard's jeans had been they now saw a pair of heavy balls, taught white skin holding them mid thighs... and two dicks. They looked each other in the eyes, the message obvious, 'one for each of us.' Had Jack been the size of a normal person, they might have been ten inches. At her actual size... well, the twins purchase of XXL training dildos was about to be justified.

"Fuck yes!" they said together.

"Mission statement accepted!" Jack joked, turning them around and beginning to slowly lower them. Her shafts were rock hard, pointing at a slight angle as their sheer girth pushed them away from each other. "Just tell me if you think you're going to die, I'm not cleared for that one."

With that ominous statement, their sex began. Jack pumped out pre more than Azuryte could orgasm after a week, and it made the entry smooth despite the massive size. Both pandas shook as the dicks entered them, they already felt amazing, prostates crushed by the sheer presence of such a beauty.

Jack's hands remained around their abdomens. She kept a tight grip, moving them back and forth as she rocked her hips... slowly feeling them up. Their fur was soft, their curves plush, and their lithe little bodies still strong enough to be worthwhile. Jack felt herself get even harder, the threesome was exactly what she had needed. More and more she painted their insides, fantasies of wearing them like condoms running through her head.

The twins felt amazing. TOO amazing. Bolts of pleasure ran through them constantly. When they rubbed their stomachs to feel how much their massive partner was stretching them, they shuddered like they had touched their most sensitive spots. The pleasure urged them to bounce, to act, to fuck as hard as they were being fucked, but it felt... difficult.

As the pandas motioned to pull away, they found themselves sticking, reaching a hand down for leverage, they could not find a seam. The place where Jack's cocks ended and they began didn't seem to exist anymore. They traced their fingers along her shafts, feeling the veins and enormous nerves running through them... and following them into their own bodies. They shuddered, feeling an intense pleasure where they connected to the genitals.

Jack moaned in pleasure as they did.

Grinning to each other, Sapphyre and Azuryte began feeling themselves up. Hands running wildly across their bodies. Sapphyre bounced her tits, Azuryte masturbated himself, tails ran wildly across every bit of flesh they could find, the security guard panting and losing her grip as they did. For one moment, they might have been able to tear themselves away. For one moment, they might have been able to escape.

The twins moaned in pleasure as well.

All three committed to the encounter, each one reaching heights of pleasure they had never known they were missing. Hands and tails, tugging and rubbing, from Jack's perspective it may have been little more than a hand job... if she wasn't being flooded with the pleasure of two additional people who were happy to send it to her.

They didn't know how long they continued, squelching and spilling in the abandoned closet, but eventually, they came. Sapphyre and Azurtye came... not from their own genitals, not individually, but as the new cocks of their captor. Where once they had had mouths now they had simple slits, and white hot shark cum flooded up the vein that was now the entirety of their innards as they launched. The pleasure could not be described. To cum with three bodies, from three perspectives, with two minds entirely dedicated to processing the pleasure, all in perfect synchronicity... it was never something they thought they'd need words for.

It was hours before they calmed down. Jack put her pants back on, ready to go back to work. If she worked anywhere else, she'd have trouble answering how she got even bigger over the course of her shift, here... they probably wouldn't even ask. Not that Jack would mind at all. She had three minds to think of her answer, two of them brilliant, sneaky little pandas.

The twins rested inside their jeans. Feeling their new bodies was a source of constant lust, but everything else seemed rather plain. They'd be using their expertise to catch other thieves from now on, and if they wanted to get famous again they'd probably have to stick to the 18+ circuit online, but it wasn't so bad. If they tried, they could feel what it was like to be Jack, bulging with power and potential everywhere. If they tried a little harder, they could turn the poor girl into a narcissist and make her masturbate them out of sheer lust for her own hotness. They mostly didn't, though. They were pretty sure this partnership could last a long time... and they'd accepted their new boss the instant she picked them up.