Dragon Heart 5

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Chapter Five: New life, Old life

"Come on I just want to catch you!" a small blue dragon with yellow spicks going down his back to the tip of his tail ran after a much smaller butterfly. His blue eyes follow the butterfly as his tail with a small blade on the end twitched; as he crouched to the ground about to attack again. A large green dragoness sat outside their cave as she watched her son play, her face showed happiness to everyone around her, but her eyes and heart; held sorrow. It had been almost two years since she had last seen Brandon, running from him afraid, no ashamed; that she was rapped by someone who was once her friend. The Elders of the dragon had agreed among themselves that Drake would be held in the prison for his deed until they could better think of a way to deal with him. Vloor didn't like this idea at all; he wished that Drake would be killed on the spot for what he did to his daughter. But the other Elders didn't agree with him. Saira watched as her son came closer with a disappointed look on his face. "It got away mommy." He said with his tail and wings drooped down to the ground. Saira gave a small smile as she nuzzled her son.

"It's alright Greydor," she told him in a soft voice, "One day you'll catch one." The blue dragon looked up with his blue eyes as he smiled and nodded. Saira still couldn't understand how his scales were blue, while hers' was green; and Drakes' red. Her father told her after she gave birth to his egg that since Brandon was the first to mate with her, his scales would reflect what Brandon would be as a dragon. But even though Greydor had Brandon's scales, he wore his father face. His horn were pushed back just like his father, but they were yellow, just like his spicks and underbelly. Greydor had asked about what happen to his father to his mother many times, he learned from Snow and Vloor, his Grandparents; that his father was a human and always wanted to meet him. But Saira had always thought he meant Drake, and she couldn't see the male that did this to her; even though he gave her Greydor.

"Mommy?" asked Greydor nudging her leg with his snout, "Why do you look sad today?" Saira cursed to herself, she had thought that she had hid her emotions better; and on today of all days. For today was the day Saira and Brandon saw each other for the first time, and laid together on that very same day. She gave a small shaking sigh as she muster a smile,

"It's nothing young one," she told him, "Why don't you go see your Granddad and Grandma?" Greydor gave a happy growl as he nodded; he wanted to learn more of his father today. And he wanted to know more because today was his second birthday.

Greydor ran as fast as his legs took him toward Vloor and Snow cave, the Dragon valley was alive with life today as the first rays of light shot though the clouds from above. Hatchlings just learning to walk was outside looking up at the sky as they chirped with glee and confusion. The blue dragon smiled to himself when he remembered that he did the same thing. He rounded the corner around a small cave he uses to hang out, as he pushed toward his home away from home.

"Grandpa Vloor!" The great dragon turned around to see his grandson run up to him as he chuckled; moving his head down to nuzzling him.

"Greydor!" he answered back as the young dragon nipped at his nose, "Happy birthday!" Greydor looked up and beamed a happy smile at him. "So what would you like for a gift today?" asked Vloor, "Gold, sliver; a chest full of shiny things?" Greydor shook his head; there was only one thing that he wanted, something we waited for all year.

"Tell me more of my father!" he answered, "But I always want to know what he looks like!" Vloor seemed shocked at his answer, it has always been the way to give what ever the dragon asked for on his or her birthday; even for a one night stand. But since Greydor was so young he didn't know the matting one.

"That's all you want young one?" asked Vloor, "Nothing else?" Greydor shook his head.

"Mommy doesn't talk about daddy," he answered looking down, "That's why I ask you all the time to tell me about him." The elder dragon seemed sadden by this, a young dragon wanted to know about his father, who Vloor though seemed right to be named his father; and Saira wouldn't say. Out of fear; or shame?

"Very well," answered Vloor walking inside his cave with Greydor behind, "I will tell you, and also tell you something else; but remember." He told him looking back at him as he sat down, "Your mother is not to know of this; understand?" Greydor nodded his head as he sat down in front of his grandfather to listen.

"Brandon was the first ever human I saw that loved a dragoness like your mother more then any other male. He was kind and caring and would do anything to keep her safe. He was tall; for a human his age I mean." He stopped for a second as Greydor just stared at him with wonder. "I gave him a sword to keep your mother safe from danger; he only used it for training, but did use it to save your mother one day." Vloor stopped as he took a deep breath remembering that faithful day, finding Brandon lying on the ground on his knees holding his bleeding chest from the claw mark Drake had given him. If he hadn't made it in time with the Elders to stop Drake; he might have died.

"Are you okay Puppy?" asked Greydor using the nickname he was taught when he first learned to talk. Vloor gave a slight nod. "Who did daddy save mommy from?" he asked moving a little closer. Vloor thought for a moment, when his turned back to Greydor, that's when he knew he had to tell him.

"Do you know that red dragon locked up?" Greydor nodded, "That was the dragon your father fought, that dragon rapped your mother, his mate; and he fought him." Greydor eyes widen,

"How tall was daddy again?" Vloor smiled,

"When you stand on your hind legs," answer the old dragon, "That's how tall he is." Greydor was shocked again, he remembered seeing the red dragon just once, a scar over his eye, and he was huge. He was taller then his mother and looked strong. "Your father didn't care how big he was." Vloor went on, "He just knew he had to fight to keep your mother safe." Greydor thought for a moment, why wouldn't his mother tell him about Brandon? He would speak to her that night to ask. "Know, you asked what he looked like right?" Greydor nodded his head fast; Vloor stood up and left, leaving Greydor alone for a while. When he came back, he held a picture in one claw as he past it to Greydor on the floor. "That's him just a few weeks back." Greydor looked up shocked, "I have been seeing Brandon every few weeks to see if he's alright, he is human after all." Greydor looked down at the picture to see a human sitting on a rock, his right leg higher then his left as he posed in the sunlight. His hair was longer, but spiked; brown with yellow tips. His skin that was showing was tan yellow; on his left hand he saw a dragon ring the same to Vloor on his claw. His clothing was a blue over coat, which held cuts marks around the edges; with a white shirt and pants. His green eyes pointed toward the water before him as he held a sword with a green hilt in his left hand. His left ear seemed to point upward almost elf like with a gold earring hanging down. There was hair on his chin showing that he looked more in his twenty then only eighteen.

Greydor brought his claw up to the picture as if he could touch him; Vloor saw this as his face grieved with sadness. "You may keep that if you like." Greydor looked up at his grandfather as if he was pulling his leg. "You need it more then I do." Greydor gave small smile as he held the picture close to him almost in tears. "What's wrong?" asked Vloor bending down to the young dragon. Greydor looked up and smiled,

"I know what my daddy looks like now!" he hugged his leg and nuzzled him, "Thank you." Vloor gave a small smile as he nuzzled him back, when he heard a soft tap on the wall ahead of them. Vloor looked up to see Saira; Vloor saw the look in her eyes when he knew why she came.

"Greydor," he whispered, "Hide the photo from your mother, and always know this; Brandon is and always will be your father." Greydor looked up and nodded; tucking it under his wings as he made his way to his mother.

"Hi mommy!" he called, "What are you doing here?" Saira gave a slight smile.

"You're going to see your father." Greydor eyes widen,

"Really?!" Saira gave a nod as Greydor pulled at her tail, "Let's go let's go!" Saira gave a smile but it disappeared when she saw her father face.

"He has a right to see him." She answered, knowing what he was thinking.

"He has not!" he growled, "That bastard is not his father and you know it!" Saira looked away, she saw Greydor talking to Snow and pointed to Saira, Snow gave a sad look on her face as she shook her head.

"Drake is..." began Saira,

"Not his father!" Saira looked up, "Only by blood yes, but never by name; he doesn't not even have the right to call himself a man after what he did to you!" Saira looked away as she left; "He will never forgive you daughter!" he called after her, "He knows who his father