One of Those Days

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Married life can be a blessing.

One of Those Days









Here's another Gruffy original for you - been a heck of a summer, but with the cooling weather my keyboard heats up. I hope you have a good time reading, and I shall look forward to reading your comments! Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well. Sharing the stories on your furry social media such as Twitter is also fantastic.

Have a good one!





Brad was just driving past the WalMart close to home when his phone made its usual personal message noise. Although he knew that it was kind of a naughty thing to do, the lion used a spare paw to tap the phone open while the other paw stayed on the wheel. A quick, clandestine glance showed the icon for a voice message from "KEVIN". The lion couldn't help but smile a little at the sight of the name, despite the need to keep his eyes on the road in the busy commuting traffic. He tapped the message.


The lion's stomach grumbled. It'd been too many hours since lunch and that had been a working one at the sandwich place with a chicken wrap that was nothing to write home about. The idea of Kevin already waiting home with a much chewier treat sounded great. He pressed the record button down with his thumb.

"About ten more minutes hun!" he hollered, to make sure that it would be caught by the phone. At least it sent it forward with a satisfied chime.

He'd only gotten past the next intersection when the phone came to life again.


The lion chuckled at the elongated pet name the wolf used. It wasn't very often that they got so lovey dovey, but this seemed to be one of those days. Not that he minded it. They were still going strong despite the honeymoon period being over. The thought made him glimpse at the silver band on his left paw.

"You know what the traffic's like!" Brad recorded his reply.

He did feel even hungrier by the time he finally parked his car in front of their house in Peak Suburbia. The big lion let out a deep sigh once the car stopped. He was glad for the day to be over, for food and spending time with his husband. The hot weather was taking care of the lawn mowing, because their front yard was yellowed and burnt. That was another less chore for him.


Brad grabbed his suitcase and stepped out into the afternoon heat. His neck already clung sweatily to his shirt collar by the time he reached the front door. At least he wasn't wearing a suit jacket today. At least there were some allowances in the dress code due to the heat that was probably starting to rival his ancestral savannah.

"Yoohooo!" Brad called out from the door. He was practically basking in the cool air flowing onto him. The amped up air conditioning was proving itself once again. What surprised him was the lack of the scent of cooking meat and accessory smells in the living room. The sliding door to the kitchen was open, and the table was set, as far as he could tell. Kevin had even put a candle in a holder on the middle, although unlit for the moment.

"What's up?" the lion repeated his call for wolves.

He began to undo his tie with one paw as he put his case down onto the couch. That too was a lupineless one.


The lion glanced at the door into the bedroom. Maybe the wolf was having a shower after doing some heavy duty cooking. Brad began to pad over. He'd have to change his clothes anyway to get comfortable for the food.

"Phuuhh..." sighed the cat. With his tie loose, he continued with the shirt buttons. The cooled air hitting his now bare chest body directly felt divine. By the time he got to the door, he was already working on the buckle of his grey dress pants.

"Kev, you in the-whoa!" the sight of his hubby stopped the lion dead. If it'd been for his thighs, his pants would've probably fallen to his ankles on their own accord with his paws suddenly unable to continue to work.

The beefcake of a wolf was on his spread knees on their bed with his broad back turned to the door, bare ass pointing straight at the lion in what could only be described as a calculated angle. One paw was holding onto the headrest for support while the other was holding one round, defined butt cheek out of the way with a glistening finger lazily pumping in and out of his quivering hole. Brad could see the pump bottle of lube lying on the bed, discarded near the wolf's knee.

Kevin's tongue was lolling out the side of his muzzle which was looking back over his shoulder at his husband. His tunnel twitched eagerly in anticipation around the probing digit once their eyes met, his tail giving a flick. The tail was proudly raised to cover none of his ass.

"'Sup babe." The wolf greeted in a lust-filled drawl.

"Damn, Kev..." Brad breathed heavily now, the heady scent of male arousal and lube that filled the room along with the sheer sight of the large male practically in heat never failed to get the lion's blood pumping in a heartbeat.

"One of those days, huh?" The lion spoke again. He recalled his earlier thought in the car, which had been proven true now. He was not taking his eyes off the spectacle of his horny husband fingering himself with need.

"One of those days." The wolf replied with a grin. His eyes zoomed in on the tent that had exploded from his lover's groin. It looked extra obscene, the pants open, the belt buckle flopping to one side.

The business lion growled, a noise that didn't fit his clean cut figure. His pants came down with a bit off extra huffing and his boxers followed suit. Kevin continue to watch this spectacle of his own. He was still slowly jerking himself off from the inside, his finger plunging back and forth through his slippery hole.

"Now come and get your food, loverboy..." The wolf rumbled low, arching his back teasingly to highlight his manly curves. He wriggled his rear invitingly, which made his finger poke around his tender insides in a particularly pleasant way. "Hhmmm..."

"Oh fuck," the lion huffed.

Brad tossed his shirt off. His black loafers practically bounced off the walls of the bedroom when he kicked them from his footpaws. His red, barbed cock pointed the way to the bed where the wolf awaited.

"Yes please," the wolf leered at him.

The lion climbed onto the bed and proceeded on his knees, a bit clumsy with his weight causing the springs to press down and jiggle him about. The first thing Brad did upon reaching his lover was to grab his forearm and yank his paw away. His finger popped out of his asshole. It left the pink pucker slightly open, shiny and obviously well worked out. The silky, short fur of his taint was matted with the same lube. The air smelled of pre-cum. A fully knotted cock surely pressed itself against Kevin's belly, the pinnacle of his arousal.

"Hhmmm..." the wolf rumbled in response to the lion's slightly rough gesture.

Brad brought both of his paws down on the wolf's ass, a half-slap, a half-grope that rang through their ears. The lion squeezed on the wolf's buns with the kind of eagerness that only came from real need for physical closeness and the ultimate release it promised.

"Ah..." the wolf grabbed the headboard with his other paw and used his upper body for leverage to push himself back to meet with the grabby paws of his husband.

" been fucking around with yourself here since you came from work?" Brad groaned. His paws spread the wolf's ass open again and peered at the tightly pursed little hole that was being talked of. It dimpled inwards from the pressure of his thumbs against the muscles and tendons on his butt.

"Hhmm...maybe..." said the wolf, "...I couldn't help myself..."

"Sheesh," said the lion. His voice had taken onto a lusty timbre that matched that of the wolf who was acting so needy. Brad couldn't exactly blame him, either. It'd been a couple days since they'd shared anything more than a good grind and a blowjob. Now there was no questioning what the wolf wanted. And once the lion treated him to a sample of it, by sliding his rigid cock up the valley between the spread cheeks hard and heavy, the wolf shivered.

"Fuck yeeeah..." Kevin drawled, muscles tense and bulging for the lion's multisensory enjoyment. His needy asshole twitched and jerked against the warm flesh pressed against it, like it was beckoning his husband's meat to pop inside.

His submissive behavior was drawing the more predatory instincts out of the lion. Brad squeezed the round mounds of firm ass hard, pressing them to his cock to form a makeshift tunnel to grind through.

"This what you want?" Brad ground forward with his hips, rocking them forward, and was met with an equally enthusiastic pushback from his horny husband.

"Yesssss..." Kevin slurred, panting muzz hanging low. The lion growled again and slapped one fleshy glute hard. It was a pity to remove his paws from his husband's person, but sometimes one had to do little sacrifices for the bigger good.

"That's right, you big slut... it's what you need." The last word went out with a very deep growl, the lion quickly getting into the proper spirit of things. He knew his husband got off on the dirty talk when he got like this, besides getting his tight little hole stuffed with a big cock and then powerfucked into anal nirvana. One would never assume it of the tall, musclebound wolf by looking at him... but that just made it all the more exciting for Brad to see and enjoy his husband in this needy state.

It didn't help his own state that the wolf had a fantastic ass. Just hotdogging it the way he was made him leak and spill further musk into the bedroom air. The squeeze of his husband's crack was but a far cry of the milking tightness the wolf could muster once he had a thick shaft ploughing away at his rear.

"Yeah..." the wolf agreed without hesitation, "plow my ass..."

The lion growled, deep and loud. For a moment he was torn between all the things he could do, and boy did he want to do all of them, but he knew there was one particular item on that list that could drive his wolf practically mad with lust.

"You bet, you bitch..." Brad huffed. He pushed himself further away from the wolf so that he could drop onto all fours, elbows to the sides of the wolf's knees when he got himself in position and buried his muzzle to the wolf's spread out crack.

"Huhhhh...yeeah...aaaah..." the wolf moaned out immediately at the feel of his passionate lover's face being planted where it was needed. He pushed back, which served to encourage the lion to grapple, lick and kiss everything his fingers and his maw could discover.

The lion attacked his target with gusto. Everything there smelled clean, with a hint of musk and the lube that Kevin had generously applied. It was obvious that he had spent some time prepping his ass, and right now Brad enjoyed the results freely. What he tasted was lusty wolf and flesh, his tongue agile and aggressive in the way he slid it up and down Kev's ass crack. He licked down to the wolf's nuts. His nosepad rubbed along the path the had made and added another sensual element, when he snuffled and sniffled all the way over. He treated those big, closely tuckled balls to but a quick kiss and a sloppy lick before he headed back. There was somewhere else he needed to go, and there was only that much teasing he had the patience to do.

" my ass h-hun..." the wolf groaned. Kevin pushed his muzzle down against a pillow and moaned into it. Brad knew it wasn't to suppress them out of embarrassment, but because they sounded all the sexier when they were stifled out of passion.

Brad's tongue was raspy, and strong. It made every nerve ending on the wolf's muscled ring glow with pleasure. The lion served it with a layer of saliva to make it even more slippery, and rolled his tongue in quick, demanding circles. He didn't mind that his chin got wet almost immediately from the amount of drooling he did in no time once he'd gotten to sample his husband's hole. It was impossible not to with an ass like this.

The lion groped and massaged the ample muscled buns while he held them spread open. Those springy ass cheeks felt marvelously sexy in his paws, reinforcing the knowledge of just what kind of man was on his paws and knees in front of him, begging for his cock and tongue. Another lustful growl came from Brad's chest, one his husband surely felt with how firmly the lion's face was plastered onto the wolf's ass.

Kevin was moaning constantly now, a writhing mess under his husband's tongue. Brad knew just where and how to poke and drag that rough appendage to sent jolts of pure pleasure surging through his groin like electricity. The lion teased the seizing hole with the tip of his tongue, flicking against it rapidly. Whenever Kevin ground his ass particularly heavily against his muzzle, he would press his tongue flat to the tight little hole and apply just enough pressure that it almost slipped in. It was driving his husband wild with need, and he savored every second of it.


The more the beefy wolf moaned into his pillow for his husband to take him, the more aggressive Brad grew with his tonguing on the wolf's ass. It prompted him to add deliver a few hard slaps when he wasn't busy grappling on his rear.

"FuuuUUUCK yes...!" The wolf cried out into his pillow. The lion thought it sounded like he was biting it to cope with the intense pleasure. It wouldn't have even been the first time that his toothy lover had destroyed one of their pillow the process of sex.

Brad slurped down to the wolf's nuts again. He might as well give the poor lupine a moment to catch his breath while giving him a different kind of teasing. He nibbled the skin between his lips, covering his teeth in the process. It didn't stop Kevin's moaning in the least. The lion could hear the wolf's tail swish impatiently above his head.

'He's in goddamn heat...fuck!' the lion thought. Although neither of them was exactly frigid in their relationship, the wolf was now being unusually horny. He couldn't complain. This was a much better appetizer than anything the wolf could have probably cooked up, and Kevin was a fairly good cook,too.

"Ohh...aahh...ffuck..." the wolf huffed and puffed away.

The lion slobbered on the wolf's balls for a few moments before he went back to his prize. He decided to spare one of his paws to grab on the said pair of 'nads while his tongue found his partner's hole again. It practically vibrated in welcome once the lion got his tongue back where it belonged. The wolf was obviously ready to get rammed. None of this oral fun was really needed to prepare him for the actual event of taking dick. Both of them knew this was just for the sake of pleasure, drawing out the inevitable for just a little longer. Hearing Kev become a moaning mess was well worth the insistent throb of his own cock that was beckoning for him to skip everything else and just go for it.

With a parting slurp, the lion pulled back from his partner's ass and observed his work. That impatiently twitching hole was a matted mess, dripping with spit and lube. Beyond, the wolf's face was still buried in the pillow, hands gripping the sheets to the side of his head tightly. The small of his back was arched, and that broad ass tilted up towards the lion, pushed towards him with need.

Brad rumbled at the sight and lovingly rolled the wolf's balls in his palm for a few moments more, then brought his paw back up to poke at his husband's asshole with a finger. The response was immediate with the muscles in Kevin's broad back tensing visibly and his paws gripping the sheets just a bit harder.


"Damn, you really are desperate for some cock up your ass, aren't you..." Brad growled down at his husband who could only moan incoherently into the pillow he was indeed biting as the horny lion poked at his hole harder so the tip of his finger slid in. "Bottom bitch..."


He barely had to apply any force with how eager his husband was and how well prepared his hole was. The heated tunnel welcomed the lion back by clamping down hard. Kevin tried to get more of it in by pushing his ass onto the finger, probably beyond all control over himself.

The incredibly sexy sight made Brad bat the bed with his tail. He lurched forward and grabbed onto Kevin's neck furs. The thick, loose skin there took the brunt of his hold as he pulled on the wolf hard. He let out a deep sigh when his face got lifted up from he hot pillow.. Although Kev braced some of his weight on his paws, the lion pulled hard enough that his torso arched back from the yank.

"You want it?" Brad growled, in the most dominant voice he could manage. The lion shoved his finger in to the knuckle. The tendons and muscles under his grasping paw tensed, just like the tight hole that gnawed on his digit. The wolf gasped and moaned. Brad thought he could hear his feet shuffling along the sheets for purchase. "You want my dick?"

Brad curled the finger he had thrust so rudely into the wolf's butt. He knew that he was close to his target, and this simple movement drove his fingerpad right to the swollen nut of Kev's prostate.

The wolf almost howled. His insides clenched even harder than before. His cock jerked in the air between his spread thighs and oozed pre-cum onto the sheets. Brad smelled it and grinned victoriously. He didn't have to see it to know it was happening. It drove him as wild as the wolf was, with desire to fuck the wolf until he didn't remember what day it was.

"Do you?" he repeated his rough push. Spit flew from his mouth and landed on the wolf's back.

Kev's tail trashed from side to side as he made a desperate attempt to drive even more of his husband's finger into his ass.

"FUCK!" the wolf yelped.

"Good enough for me," Brad grunted.

He shoved the wolf down, the same time he pulled his finger out of Kev's rump. He almost lost his balance on the bed as he scrambled for the bottle of lube he knew to be there. It took him a second to find it. One of them appeared to have almost kicked or tail-swiped it to the floor. He splurted some onto his paw before applying a palmful on his aching shaft. Brad wasn't about to spend a lot of time rubbing it on himself. He wasn't going to risk popping prematurely on his paw when there was somewhere else he would rather spend his cum in.

"Open your ass for me," he growled. He gave one more slap onto the nearest rump cheek and waited, panting impatiently.

"Uuuuh..." the wolf moaned. He hurried to do what he'd been told to. Kevin reached behind himself to grab on his ass cheeks so that he could pull them apart.


The wolf flagged his tail up high. This exposed his white-furred taint and the hole that needed the lion's barbed attention. Kevin's paws forced the muscle ring flat and then made it yawn open, ever so slightly.

Brad hissed. He wasn't sure how he was going to last more than a few strokes in and out of that winking hole. The lion moved forward into position - practically falling inside the wolf, considering how Kev was lying down face down ass up, and the lion knelt behind him. He used one paw to guide himself while the other propped down to the bed for balance.


He wasn't about to miss his mark. The barbs on the pointed tip raked the silky inner surface of the wolf's well-readied hole. His girth soon spread him open and then plunged deep, going and going until his entire length was at home under that properly raised tail.

"Auuuhhh..." the wolf keened. Brad could tell it was not a sound of pain. His husband's tight furnace of an ass was practically milking him while he stayed balls deep, both savoring the complete sexual conquest of the muscled male and trying to steady himself so as to not blow his load right away. Kevin was seemingly having none of that though, his ass grinding up and down and left and right against the lion's groin, trying to get some movement going, more of the deep friction that was finally scratching his buried itch.

Brad grunted.

"Damn slut, can't even control yourself anymore now that you got what you need." The lion kept up the dirty talk, the words coming out naturally with the wolf now wrapped submissively around his cock and writhing from the pleasure it brought him.

The big cat huffed and slapped that meaty ass again before grabbing hold of the base of the wolf's tail and tugging at it. That was just enough so his husband could feel the added rough sensations he knew he enjoyed. His other paw that was supporting his weight on the bed moved to a more agreeable position between Kevin's shoulders to press the wolf down onto the bed and dominate him even more fully. It also let Brad to lean down until his muzzle was just an inch away from the wolf's ear.

"I'm going to fuck your ass raw...bitch!" he growled in his best bedroom voice. He was definitely in the mood to back his lewd words up with action, too.

"Oh...fuck me," the wolf panted.

"Gonna breed your little hole..." Brad grunted.

That was more or less the extent of the dirty talk he could muster. His sweaty husband's scent filled his nose, now that his face was down close enough that he could sample all of it. He licked the side of the wolf's muzzle and gripped harder onto the body underneath him. Brad ground both his excited hips and his chest to the wolf. His erect nipples stroked against fur and sent sparks of pleasure through him.

"Hrrmmmm..." the lion growled.

Brad's instincts got the better of him. It was too much effort to keep himself still. He buried his muzzle to Kev's neck and rolled his hips experimentally. The familiar heat stroked along his length and encouraged further movement. A thrust, a pull, his ass cheeks flexing together to drive the smooth in and out motion.

'Lawdy!' Brad thought.

He wasn't going to start out easy. This was going to be quick and raw and both of them knew as much. They were both well beyond exercising self-control anyway.

The warm tunnel was gripping and massaging the lion's cock without pause. His grip on the wolf's tail tightened and he started using it as a makeshift handle to pull his husband's ass back into his thrusts. It wasn't really needed as Kevin was already eagerly gyrating his hips in tune to the vigorous pounding against his muscled buns,. Still, it felt dirty and sexy and the aggressive gesture fit the moment just perfectly.

The wolf's head was on its side on the pillow now, tongue lolling out of a panting, moaning muzzle. Brad watched the large male's eyes roll back from the sheer euphoria that thick cock plowing through his ass could make. The pillowcase darkened with the expanding blotch of saliva on it. Brad picked up his pace, pounding into that springy cushion of an ass with heavy thrusts. This was giving his partner more of what he was craving like the doting husband he was.

As the lion watched his lover's face frozen in a perpetual silent gasp, an idea crossed his lust filled mind. The paw on the wolf's back slide up to his muzzle to press it harder into the pillow, rough enough to really feel it but not as much as to actually hurt. It was a dominant gesture in itself, but Brad wasn't done perving around yet. He put two of his fingers together ,slid them into the corner of Kevin's open muzzle and growled out a definite command.

"Suck, bitch."

The wolf moaned and complied. His continued moans were now muffled with the erratically pumping fingers he tried to suckle on while that barbed cock piledriving through his ass practically made him see stars.

Brad rumbled with satisfaction and wriggled those fingers against his husband's tongue as much as he could without interfering with the constant, heavy fucking. Pounding that tight hole into submission wasn't an easy task, but it was definitely one of his favourites even when it was proving the old joke true about men not being able to concentrate on more than one thing at the same time. Already he could feel hints of that familiar fire building in his loins as his sensitive barbs raked through the spasming tunnel of warmth and tightness that seeked to milk out every last drop of seed out of him. It only aroused him further knowing that only part of that was involuntary, as a result of him pummeling the wolf's prostate and stretching out his horny little hole. The rest was Kev being a thirsty hornwolf with a taste for rough buttfucking.

"Nnnhhhh..." he groaned into the wolf's neck.

Brad was determined to make his husband spill himself first, solely from having his brains fucked out. It was a supremely erotic display that the lion could never have enough of, and from the noises and body language and the increasingly erratic clamping of that asshole over his thick leaking shaft as it pistoned in and out, Kevin was about as close as he was, too. He must've been really playing with himself good before Brad arrived. It probably gave him an unfair advantage in that sense.

He began to lick over the wolf's neck and over to his muzzle, almost to the spot where his fingers disappeared into Kevin's maw.

"Cum for me," Brad panted, "show me how much you like it..."

The lion slammed his hips down and ground his dick back and forth inside his partner. He used his knees on the bed for extra strength to rattle the wolf as hard as he could. His tiredness from the weather and the work were forgotten, now that he was chasing the climax that he wanted to share with his husband. He needed it as badly as Kev did, that was for sure. The lion could swear the bed was starting to creak a little from their joined effort.

"Yessssss..." Admission, submission, complete surrender... it was all in that slurred, drawn out word the wolf mumbled out around the fingers he was so dirtily suckling on. Every single jackhammer thrust into his ass poked and ground against his buried pleasure nut. That spot sent what felt like liquid fire surging through his groin every time his husband's thick cock raked against it - until it simply became too much and he exploded from inside.

The moment Kevin felt himself finally slipping into utter bliss, in a show of his strength he pushed back against his lover's groin so hard he lifted the lion's knees off the bed slightly. He wanted Brad inside him as deep as he could go in that moment, and the feeling of warm fullness was simply wonderful. The tide overtook him and he spilled himself against the bed without ever touching his own erection, yowling in sweet release.

Brad groaned in lust. He slipped his paw down over the wolf's belly to grab his twitching shaft and the knot at its base. The squeeze sent another thick glob out of the wolf's gaping piss slit and up the lion's arm. The air smelled so damn sexy, the scent of musky cum an aphrodisiac even in such a thoroughly sexual moment. It was almost a moot point, because he was already there. Brad's balls pulled closer to his own flexing butthole, clenching in rhythm with the muscle inside his loins that worked to pump every single drop of his cum into the wolf's bowels. His teeth found the skin on Kev's neck and bit. Hot breath and spittle burnt against the groaning wolf's throat. Their bodies shook together, again finding a kind of a synchronization through their intimate connection. The lion held his arms and even his legs around the wolf, curled into his contorted position on the bed in the heat of their romp.

They panted and growled. The room reeked of sex, and the paird had surely destroyed the entire set of sheets and pillows on their marital bed. Their half-collapsed, sprawled positioning, more of a tangle, really, persisted until -


That was Brad.

"...Hrhmm...did I - " Kev mumbled.

The wolf cracked an eye open. The lion's squirming motions were especially interesting when Brad's dick was still inside his rump. His questioning note was replied with a huff.

"No, my knee - "


Brad slumped to his side and then to his back on the bed. The wolf sighed when he felt his husband slip out of his ass. His hole made a particularly raunchy noise akin to a deflating balloon. His tail tried to tuck itself over his butt but ended up resting on Brad's leg instead.

"Awh..." Kev pushed his head against the pillow. His cheek landed on the large spot of his saliva. It started to feel cool already. Even that felt surprisingly pleasant.

"Phew..." breathed the lion.

Brad stretched his ankle carefully to ease the twinge of discomfort on his knee. He knew it was because of sitting too much at work, combined with the monotonous car drive and then the surprise bed aerobics. He wasn't about to start complaining about the afternoon sex.

"So what brought that on?"

Kev chuckled.

"Do I need a reason?"

"Maybe not," the lion addressed the ceiling. "You were just a little more...fucky than usual..."

"Fucky? Uhm..."

"Horny," Brad said. "Slut - "

"I get the picture," Kev agreed. "I...might have been warming up when I texted you."

There was no embarrassment in his jot, just amusement and a hint of pride, even, the lion could tell. He peeked at the wolf from the corner of his eye.

"Oh so that's why you were voice messaging me..."

"Well not just that," Kev blew him a kiss. "I also knew that you were driving..."

"Heh heh." Brad patted the wolf's well bred ass amicably and leaned in to kiss his husband on the cheek. "You're a treasure."

He nuzzled Kevin's cheek affectionately.

"I know," the wolf wagged.

They shared a quiet moment with no words needed before the lion spoke again.

"You also need a shower. We both do," he said. Brad proceed to get off the bed and stretched out in proper feline fashion.

The wolf apparently didn't need much rest either because he practically hopped off his slumped position on the bed, his earlier slumber gone.

"Whooop! Round two!" He proclaimed while taking off in the direction of their bathroom. The lion could see a tiny trickle of seed running over his balls from the cleft of his ass when his tail swung upwards.

"Oh boy..." Brad sighed, albeit jokingly, and started after the lupine with his spent cock stirring again.

"Shouldn't we like order a pizza before we - "



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