Surrendering Command (A Jeeves Disney Prompt)

Story by Avenginghobbits on SoFurry

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#8 of Smut

Captain Amelia takes some time off to visit her mistress, and utterly surrender to the delirous pleasures she has to offer. A prompt by Jeeves, who allowed me to post it here.

Note: This story was written by the very nice Jeeves, as part of one of his monthly Pateron Prompts, and he gave me permission to post it to my own account. This time, we get to explore two somewhat overlooked Disney characters, as least when it comes to written smut, namely Captain Amelia from Treasure Planet, and Peg Pete from Goof Troop. Bit of a crack pairing I know, but it's part of the fun, honestly. If you enjoy the story, I strongly encourage you all to please give him a follow on his his SoFurry account, his FurAffinity account, and maybe even consider sponsoring him on his Pateron account, since he is the writer. Remember, he wrote this, not me, so he gets all the credit. I am merely posting it here.

Surrendering Command

Captain Amelia revelled in control. Control saved lives in space. It kept a ship running smoothly, and when you had a crew you could trust under your command, it was easy to achieve. But, there was something about the Captain that, much as she trusted her crew and close as they became on their long voyages through the stars, she had never told them. Not because she feared it might undermine their confidence or respect for her. If she thought any of her crew held such close minded ideals, that in itself would have deeply harmed the trust they shared. But, simply because it was personal. Deeply, intimately personal to her.

Amelia loved being in control. She loved being in command of any and every situation she faced, and for everyone around her to know they could look to her for orders and a plan at any given moment. But secretly, deeply, and only around the right people... or, more specifically, the right person, she loved to surrender it. To surrender command, and surrender all control, wholly and shamelessly.

Feeling solid earth beneath her feet, having gotten over the slight disorientation of its overall lack of motion, the cat purred as she put a paw upon the electronic pad beside the door and it flashed across her fingerprints, analysing them in an instant before recognising their pattern and letting her in. Amelia entered eagerly into the home, not the most high tech dwelling on what wasn't the most high tech planet, but one that she revelled in visiting each and every time she had the chance. She stood in the hallway and considered calling out for the home's owner, her reason for visiting. Instead though, she simply blushed, looked around for a moment as though nervous that someone might see her, then began to remove her uniform... and indeed, every stitch of her clothing.

Soon, naked and even redder in the face, Amelia proceeded onward, leaving her clothes folded neatly upon an end-table next to the coat-rack in the hallway. She padded down the hallway and opened the door to the kitchen at its end, peeking through and sighing in disappointment as she found it empty, but entering herself anyway. Her disappointment only lasted a few moments though, for as soon as Amelia saw the bowl upon the floor, a throaty, lustful gurgle escaped her lips. Her cheeks flushed as she saw that bowl, its creamy white contents glistening in the light shining in through the home's rear window from the two suns hanging in the sky. Again she looked around as though terrified that someone might see, but again, of course, she was all alone here. Thus she shuddered in excitement as she dropped to her knees, then down on all fours, and crawled forward like a feral, quadruped kitty-cat to bow her head, and began to lap at the creamy contents of the bowl.

"O-oh... fuck..."

As soon as she tasted it and confirmed what she had hoped, that it wasn't cream at all, but cum, a hand fell back from where it was supporting her weight and drove itself urgently between Amelia's legs to start masturbating herself in earnest. She rubbed hurriedly between the flushed and swollen lips of her nether regions, and grunted into the bowl of rather warm, seemingly extremely fresh cum while trying to lick and guzzle down more of it even as she captured her own large, throbbing clit between forefinger and thumb and began to half massage, half tweak the hyper-sensitive nub back and forth.

"Mnnhhahah... god, yes..."

The more she drank from the bowl, the more shamelessly she both continued to drink and to pleasure herself. She pressed her whole muzzle into the bowl, slurping and guzzling down the cum loudly, and as though she didn't have arms to help her began almost chasing the bowl around the floor, pressing her face into it and trying to lick it clean of every remaining drop when it reached a point of being almost empty and the wild frenzy of her actions sent the bowl skittering across the tile floor. Amelia lapped it clean until there wasn't so much as a drop of the rich, sweet, slightly salty cum left, and only then did she fully surrender to her own lust, her face sticky and her eyes glazed as she rested her head and shoulders on the cool tile, raised her ass into the air on bended knees, and began to fuck her own pussy vigorously with three fingers of one hand while she continued to assault her clit savagely with teasing, squeezing, rubbing fingers of the other.

Amelia was so caught up in her masturbatory reverie, she didn't notice the kitchen's other door opening, not the one she had come through from the hallway but the one which led into the adjoined living room and dining area which comprised most of the rest of this modest, suburban style home's lower floor. She didn't even notice the footsteps on the tile floor until they were right beside her, and her head turned to see a pair of perfectly pedicured bare feet standing just inches away. She shuddered. She groaned in bliss, and without ceasing her masturbation rolled over like a feral kitty wanting her stomach rubbed, lying on her back and spreading her legs obscenely to show off her pleasure, and her soaking wetness, to the person responsible for bringing her here. To the one person not just on this world but in the entire galaxy who from the moment she had met her, Amelia had been so absolutely obsessed with that she couldn't help but want to serve her. To please her. To do anything in her power to make Peg not just happy, but_satisfied_.

"Look at you, Amelia. Face covered in cum. Hands covered in your own juices. What would your crew say if they could see your right now?"

Peg practically moaned, teasing the cat as she stood there in nothing but a light pink robe whose front was unfastened and hanging open, ensuring that nothing whatsoever was hidden from view. Of course, even if her large soft breasts and curvaceous figure had been hidden, the robe that barely reached her thighs would have done little to conceal what rested between Peg's legs. Or rather, what right now was protruding obscenely out from between them at an almost ninety degree angle. The source of Amelia's latest meal, and her obsession with and addiction to peg at its most base, shameless level.

"Maybe I should take some pictures. Some holo-snaps to send to them all. Show them what a slut their Captain is as she gorges herself on my cock. Would you like that, Amelia?"

Peg growled as she reached out and started to stroke her cock, large, heavy balls to match it hanging beneath as though weighed down by the sheer volume of cum they must surely have contained. A strangled sob was Amelia's only attempt at a coherent answer, and as she pulled her hands away from her pussy, a hot streak of ejaculate sprawling out of her even as she did so, the cat dragged herself up to her hands and knees, and knelt, begging and open mouthed, before the woman for whom she would do anything. Her crew meant everything to her, and their respect for her authority and command was so, so important. But there was no doubt in Amelia's mind or indeed in Peg's that if she had actually intended to take those pictures, send them to the crew and ruin Amelia's reputation forever, the cat would have just let it happened, but posed eagerly for every lewd holo-snap.

For Peg, and more importantly for a chance to surrender herself wholly to Peg's cock, there was nothing in the universe that Amelia would not give up.

Thankfully though, given that she had a full week of shore leave saved up, they both knew that career suicide wouldn't be necessary to keep her there in Peg's home. And yet, as Amelia's eyes got wider with lust and hunger, and she stared up at Peg with more silent, desperate pleading to be given the command that Peg knew she was waiting for, suddenly even a whole week didn't seem like even close to long enough at all.


Peg growled tenderly as she shrugged the robe teasingly off her shoulders, licking her lips and squeezing the base of her huge cock so that a thick bead of pre-cum appeared glistening and oozing forth at its tip. The cat's eyes bulged at the sight of that pre-cum, and she gurgled loudly, delirious with desire as even without touching herself a puddle of arousal began to form on the tile floor between her legs.

Grinning, moaning, trembling in lustful excitement of her own given how long it had been since her dearest peg's last visit, Peg paused for just a moment or two longer to revel in the anticipation of what was coming. Then she smiled a more tender, almost loving smile, and wiggled her cock at Amelia's flushed, hungry face.

"Please me."


The next few hours were a blur for Amelia. A haze of lust. Of cum. Of screaming. Of sex. Of endless orgasms and mindless pleasure.

There were moments of clarity though, moments when the world would slide back into focus around her and her mind began recording memories of what was actually happening to her for a brief while. And in those moments, Amelia was reminded time and time again why she loved Peg so dearly, and why having Peg in her life made her the luckiest woman in all the galaxy.

"Nnnhhmmnnggahhhh... gnnhhhhnhh!"

Amelia gurgled in ecstasy as Peg's crotch slammed into the tip of her nose, the feline's eyes glazed over and bulging as she felt every inch of Peg's cock lodged deep in her throat and throbbing, cumming, practically flooding her stomach directly without even giving her the chance to taste it. Strong hands grabbed at her ears and held her in place through Amelia would sooner have walked the plank into a black hole than pull away from Peg's cumming cock, only to change their mind about ten seconds later and push her back and off the vast, still spurting shaft, Amelia wailing in dismay at first at being denied that nutritious protein treat but soon starting to shriek and howl in renewed euphoria as she knelt back, tilted her head, opened her muzzle wide and let Peg rain the rest of her copious orgasmic release all over her breasts, her face, and down her somewhat raw but still eager throat once again.


Amelia screamed and clawed at the couch over which she was bent, her clawed hands tearing the fabric to ribbons as she began to squirt violently over Peg's huge, dripping balls while they slapped against her nether regions, the well endowed woman's cock hammering deep into the feline's ass. Her whole body spasmed and shook with the force of her orgasm, and she felt despite how much of Peg's cum she had already guzzled down she was going to dehydrate herself with just how violently Peg's fucking made her squirt. It was insane that anything could feel this good. It was selfish of her to be hoarding all this bliss for herself, screaming and cumming over and over and over again when just one orgasm like this could have surely sated the appetites of almost any other person for weeks. And yet, there was a part of Amelia... a part of her which only awoke when she was with Peg, who was proud of that fact. Delighted by it. Enthralled by the obscenity and greed of her own lust, and eager to have Peg push it to new extremes with each and every one of the myriad orgasms she knew she was going to receive in pursuit of her mistress' own pleasure.


"Yes!_Ahhhhhgnhhhffuuuuuuuck yesssssss! _"

Peg's own wild cries echoed around the hallway as Amelia lay back on the stairs, eyes glassy, mouth agape, toes twitching and a vein pulsing in her neck as Peg fucked her and came in her for the fourth time in succession without stopping, and she herself came for the... no. No, there was no hope for Amelia to remember how many times she'd already cu. They were ceaseless. Endless. Back to back to back with each one more intensely devastating than the last. Even now, as Peg's latest orgasm ceased and she renewed her savage thrusting in search of another peak to sate her seemingly limitless lusts, juices were gushing from the seal formed by Peg's huge cock in her once tight, now obscenely stretched and well-worked pussy. The stairs beneath her were a veritable waterfall of intermingled ejaculate and cum, and even as she lay there and gleefully allowed herself to be pounded senseless by Peg, Amelia found herself fantasising that somehow she would find a way to both get fucked by Peg_and_ lie between their legs as Peg fucked her, so that she could drink the overflow of their combined juices even as Peg ploughed them out of her.


"H-hahhhfuck... yes. Oh god, o-ohhh... fuck, that's... aaahhh..."

Peg collapsed back against the tile wall of the shower's interior as Amelia's fist slurped out of her pussy where it lay tucked away behind her heavy balls, and she looked down to see the obedient, lust-crazed cat spend a few moments licking feverishly at her own hand before turning her head, eyes bulging, and whirling around as she dragged herself shakily to her feet. The glass of the shower's door and that entire wall really was covered in thick streaks of Peg's cum still rolling and oozing their way down the glass, and before Peg could say anything, Amelia was licking the glass. Ravenously seeking to clean up each and every droplet that Peg had spilled. Peg grinned, and stepped up behind her moaning, feverishly licking fuck-toy.


She growled to Amelia, giggling as the cat shuddered, groaned, and actually squirted a little at that comment, which coming from Peg was akin to a blessing from a Goddess.

"My slut."

Peg moaned as she reached a hand down between Amelia's legs, and pressed four fingers immediately and easily into the sloppy, well-used and loosened depths of her lover.

"And to think... it's_tomorrow_ that you're scheduled to go into heat, right?"

She teased, giggling as while still hungrily licking every last drop of cum from the shower's condensation coated glass wall, Amelia gurgled a blissful affirmative.


Peg sighed in delight, grinding her thumb against Amelia's swollen clit while her fingers pumped in and out of the cat, feeling her tense up, feeling the spasming, the gush, and revelling in the euphoric, orgasmic shriek that followed.

"You think you're out of control now, Amelia? You think you've surrendered completely? Just wait till you feel my cock inside you, my cum flooding you while your heat is coursing through your body. Trust me, my sweet little pet. You think you've cast aside your authority, your dignity, and your command to me_now_? Oh, just you wait till you feel some of the things I'm going to do to you, some of the things I'm going to ask you to do for me while you're in heat. They'll be so humiliatingly obscene. So shamefully selfish and greedy. So degrading, you wouldn't even let someone join your crew if you knew they'd done even a fraction of them. And yet... when I ask tomorrow, what are you going to say?"

She kept her fingers in the feline woman all the while, and at that moment rubbed firmly at the upper wall of her pussy's interior, fingers dragging firmly across Amelia's overworked, over-sensitive g-spot.


The cat shrieked in helpless, agonisingly intense ecstasy.

Peg grinned, and repeated the motion with some added pressure to Amelia's clit.

" Yessss!!"

The cat sobbed, one hand clenched into a fist and thumping the glass of the shower wall so hard that for an instant Peg was actually worried it would simply shatter. She grabbed the cat by the hips as a result, whirled her around and pressed her to the rear, tiled wall of the shower, and a moment later her recently spent but still rock hard cock was probing at the opening to Amelia's gaping, dripping, still desperately needy pussy.

Peg drove deep into her, each and every inch of her foot long cock disappearing in barely a second, and once more, spasming, cumming, squirting and screaming to the heavens where somewhere high above her ship was floating in orbital dock, Amelia cried out her frenzied but sincere answer to Peg's question... and indeed to any question that her mistress could ever,ever ask of her.


By Jeeves.

More Than a Match Part 2 (A Jeeves Prompt - Posted with Permission)

**Note:** This story was written by the very nice Jeeves, as part of one of his monthly Pateron Prompts, and he gave me permission to post it to my own account. This is story picks up where the previous prompt, "_[More Than a Match Part...

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More Than a Match - Part 1 (A Jeeves Prompt - Posted with Permission)

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The Essence of a Family (A Jeeves Prompt - Posted with Permission)

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