Furry High School: Spring Romance: Chapter Eleven

Story by The Roz Wolf on SoFurry

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#11 of Furry High School: Spring Romance

Chapter Eleven

The sun crept slowly in through the windows, performing its usual task, as it's warm light spilled across the bed sheets over the sleeping lion, running up across his face. Kaipo grumbled softly, rolling over to his chest. He was halted as his form bumped against a larger body, his eyes blinking open, finding Robert there, quietly snoozing.

Oh cool, it wasn't a dream!

Kaipo wrapped his arms around the buff husky, nuzzling his face into Rob's shoulder, his chest rumbling softly from a happy purr. Rob's muzzle curled into a light smile, feeling the lion cuddling up to him as he awoke. The husky rolled slightly, wrapping his strong arms around Kaipo, nuzzling his cold nose and muzzle tip through his short locks "Mornin' Kai..."

"Morning Robbie..." Kaipo murmured, his face revealing itself from the gray fur, meeting that warm smile with one of his own, his arms looping around Robert's waist, cuddling himself tighter.

A light knocking on the door interrupted the pair, accompanied by Phoebe's voice "Kaipo! Robert! Wake up you two, or you'll be late to school." Kaipo glanced to the clock as his Mother's footsteps moved off down the hallway, his gaze shifting back to the husky as he nodded "She's right. We should get up."

"Yeah, we really should..."


Both furs chuckled softly, their muzzles touching in a tender kiss before their embrace reluctantly separated, each climbing off the opposite side of the bed. Robert gathered up his clothes from the night before, as Kaipo picked out a clean outfit, slipping his boxers on before turning around with his outfit cradled in his arms, his cheeks flushing faintly at finding Robert watching with that warm smile, stepping over to him, his paw touching the lion's cheek "Nice. Perhaps we should take a shower before breakfast though."

"Good...good idea..." Kaipo stuttered his soft response, nuzzling his cheek against the husky's paw before he drew it away and the pair made their way to the bedroom door.

Steam wafted through the bathroom as the sound of water showering onto fur mingled with it. The curtains were drawn shut around the bathtub, muffling the already quiet murmurs from within. Both fur's coats were slicked down, leaving their physique beneath fully revealed save for the gathering spots of lathered soap being rubbed in and accidentally washed off as Kaipo and Robert stepped around each other.

"Gotcha." Robert smirked slightly as he set a paw against the tiles of the bathroom wall, Kaipo trapped between his muscular arms as the husky leaned in, touching their lips together in a passionate kiss, his murr and Kaipo's purr rumbling into each other's muzzle.

The canine's paws slide in a soapy trail across the tiles, tracing up onto Kaipo's chest, stroking through the amber fur, matting it with white streaks of bubbles as they slunk downwards. One slide around Kaipo's waist, passing along his spine, curving around the rise of his tail's base. Two digits slipped between the crevice of the lion's behind cheeks, sending a shiver up through Kaipo's form, letting out a soft moan to Robert's lips. Robert's fingertips probed leisurely down the furry valley until finding the pink rosebud there, pressing one tip firm to it, slowly slipping the digit within.

Kaipo shuddered, feeling the tip parting his behind. Cradling himself to Robert, the lion's arms caught around his waist, their muzzles pressing tighter, sealing their kiss deeper as the hot waters poured through their furs. A weak moan stuttered between them as Robert's finger probed deeper into the lion's warmth, wiggling inquisitively, playfully as Kaipo's tongue pressed past both lips, seeking out the husky's. Wrapping his free arm tightly around Kaipo's waist, Robert sank down into the inch of water collecting on the tub's bottom, pulling Kaipo down into his lap as he began thrusting his digit, gently cuddling the squirming lion against his chest.

Gradually, his digit's teasing faded; pulling back from within Kaipo's warmth as Robert reluctantly separated their lips, mumbling, "We really should finish showering...we'll miss breakfast..."

The sounds of lockers shutting mixed with the conversations of the students traveling through the hallways, with the ringing of the bell sending the furs gathered in wave of students towards the next class. Val shuffled his way along with the rest, his backpack slung over just one shoulder, paw holding onto the straps as they slightly ruffled the shoulder of her black tank top, it's bottom dangling slightly over the waist of his small denim shorts. The muscular badger paused a moment, one ear twitching while he glanced back over his shoulder, finding a pair of furs shuffling through the crowd towards him.

"Val! Wait up!" Kaipo called out, he and Robert pausing next to the lockers, the lion huffing just a bit as Robert set a paw onto Val's uncovered shoulder.

"Val, me n' Kai had some...um...questions that we thought you could help us with..."

"Oh?" The badger quirked a brow, glancing between the couple. A little smirk played onto his muzzle as he caught sight of the lion's paw holding onto the canine's, his gaze leveling to both "I see you guys finally told each other..."

"Yeah..." Kaipo nodded a few times, a slight tint of crimson caught from under his amber fur "We...were having problems...with...um...doing...well...doing it." The lion hid himself slightly against the buff husky, gaining a soft chuckle from both Robert and Valentine.

"Doing it, hmm? Well, what's the trouble? Don't know how to?" Val winked "I'm betting that's not it though."

"Well..." Robert lifted his paw off Val's shoulder, rubbing the back of his own head with a nervous grin "I'm kinda...um-"

"He's big..." Kaipo spoke up, lifting his cheek from against Rob's chest "Really big...and it hurts when he tries to-"

Val nodded several times, his look taking on understanding while his smirk lingered "You're going to need lubrication. A lot. And...if Rob is as big as you guys say, you" The badger poked Kaipo's chest lightly "Are going to need some...training."

"Training?" The word brought a shared curious look out of the couple, sharing a glance with each other before Val gained their attention, the badger nodding once more.

"Training. You'll need to get a little...loose, back there." Val's smirk grew just a bit, while his fur was able to conceal his own creeping blush "I mean, I could...well...take a look to make sure, but I'll take you're word for it."

"Well...we could show you..." Kaipo mumbled, his flush growing deeper as did Robert's, the pair again sharing a glance "I mean...after track and wrestling we could..."

"I suppose...I mean, if it'd give you a better idea about it..." Robert mumbled softly, looking down to the floor, his paw rubbing more along the back of his head.

"Alright, I'll meet you guys in the locker room after then."

The soft murmur of conversation found it's way from the school onto the track as the team gathered there, some settled on the grass in the middle of the track, some settled on the track itself, and some more still seated at the bottom benches of the bleachers.

"Come on, I heard! I wanna know!"

Kaipo was settled in the navy blue shorts and white tank top of the track team, the lion resting his backside on the grass, his legs stretched out in front of him with tail drifting idly through the emerald blades of grass. A canine dressed in the track's outfit sat beside him, lightly prodding the lion's ribs while a smirk occupied his muzzle.

"Know what?" Kaipo light smirk met the Dalmatian's scowl.

"I wanna know how Robert was!" A grin spread slowly across T.K.'s muzzle "Or maybe...I should ask Rob how good you were..." He inched closer, his muzzle closing to the lion's smaller one, nearing enough to let the roll of his breath's heat be felt across the amber fur "That's what I really wanna know anyways..."

Kaipo's eyes grew a bit wider, inching as T.K. did, the couple slowly sliding across the grass as the feline stuttered for an answer "Well, it's kinda personal..."

"Val said you were gonna show him! Why can't I see?"

"Why? I thought you n' Val were boyfriends?" Kaipo quirked a brow, reaching out and prodding T.K. in the chest "What are you doin' lookin' at other guys' packages when you've got a boyfriend anyways?"

"But...but...Val gets to see! I wanna see too!" The Dalmatian took a bit of whine in his tone, sticking out his bottom lip, letting out a soft whine "Please Kai?" He drew out the request in his whine, Kaipo's look gradually fading with a sigh "Fine. You can come with Val after practice."

A bright grin spread across T.K.'s muzzle, nodding before a stern voice caught both's attention, finding Coach Parker standing out in front of the group on the track as both Coach Williams and Hill ushered the remaining furs out onto the grass, leaving the Doberman padding in front of the felines, speaking as he paced "Alright, before we begin today, I have an announcement. As most of you know, in two weeks we'll be having the last meet of the season prior to the State Invitational. And as I'm sure you all know, the school's Spring Dance will be taking place that day. Rest assured, our meet will be finished in time for you all to get there. So stop hassling me about it." The Doberman paused, turning to face the team "Now, with that settled, break off into groups, and let's begin."

The scent of sweat saturated the gym, the moisture clinging onto the mats rolled out over the floor. The team of furs sat on the lower benches of the bleachers, their forms shown off a bit both by the circumstance of their fur, matted down by the sweat worked up throughout practice, along with the navy blue and white singlets that covered their forms yet left a bit of each fur's strength revealed. Robert was seated on the lowest bleacher, with Matt on one side of him, and Kessel seated on the other. A tiger, just as muscular as any of the furs gathered, paced in front of the team, his white fur striped with black concealed by a pair of navy blue shorts, white and blue sneakers, and a long-sleeved navy blue shirt. One paw held a clipboard against his hip, the feline pausing with a swish of his tail to one side, looking out over the gathered students "Okay, we've got a big meet against Tennenbury High School in two weeks. Of course, I know most of you were expecting to attend the Spring Dance, so you needn't worry, we will be finished in time for the dance. So keep that in mind. We had an excellent showing against them last month, but expect that they'll be just as ready for this. Now hit the showers."

"Go ahead and head out to the jeep Matt, me and Kai will be there in a few."

Robert lingered in the lockers, a towel wrapped around the buff husky's waist, his fur faintly damp from the showers. The sound of talking had slowly died away as the team filtered out of the room, with the equine and the husky last within.

"Ahlright Rob. Ah'll be waitin' on yah, so dun take too long..." Matthew nodded while pulling his shirt on, the equine adjusting his jeans before glancing to the husky once more, a little smirk forming on his muzzle "Don't get too sweatah eithah." He chuckled softly as the husky squirmed in his embarrassment, trying to break his own smirk with a scowl, and failing "Shut up. We won't be long, I promise."

Kaipo was settled beside Robert, the lion still in his full outfit, while the husky had kept to just his towel. Both Val and T.K. sat on the bench opposite the couple, each holding their own unique mischievous smirk "Well," Val spoke up finally, breaking the few moment's silence "Let's see this ?really big' cock..."

Rob nodded slowly, diverting his gaze down to the floor while he opened his towel, leaving just the husky's sheath to view, his lightly furred sac settled between his thighs. Kaipo peered over the canine's lap, coughing softly "Um...I think we need to get you excited...for a better view, I mean..." The lion's paw strayed onto the husky's lap, stroking fingertips across his sheath, shivering the husky as he wrapped an arm around Kaipo, drawing him to his side, their lips touching in a tender kiss. Slowly, the touch of lips, the teasing motion stirred the canine's length, the pink tip sliding from his sheath, its size winding up through his stomach's white fur.

The pair of the opposite bench both found their jaws slightly hanging, T.K.'s tongue hanging slightly from his muzzle as he watched the pair, licking over his lips before glancing to the badger beside him "That is pretty big..." Softy he mumbled, the words getting a nod as Val's response "Damn...I thought so, but...well...damn..."

The pair of canine and feline slowly broke their kiss, becoming aware once more of where they were, and the two furs watching them. After a moment of awkward silence, Robert cleared his throat "So what do you two suggest? Kai's never had anything back there, and I don't wanna hurt him..."

"Oh...yeah, of course not." Val straightened up on his bench, clearing his throat also "I think I have something that might be able to help you two. I can bring it tomorrow, if you want."

Both Kaipo and Robert's eyes met just a moment before each faced back to Val, each giving a nod "Tomorrow sounds good." Kaipo spoke up as Robert finished "But...what are you bringing?"

Smirking as he stood of, Val raised a paw with his index finger extended, giving a little wave with it "You'll just hafta wait and see."