Baker's Goods

Story by Doods on SoFurry

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A little something I had thought of. Mostly smut, not any story. Hope you enjoy.

At four in the morning, I went to my bakery. I never understood why I started my own bakery, when I had to roll out of bed at three to be to work on time. Unlocking the door, flipping all of the lights on, before I turned the ovens on to preheat. By the time I put on my apron, Ben walked in. Ben is a leopard, who always had a smile on his face. He stood my height, around five six. He wore a shirt that showed off his arms and chest. A heavy tail the tip just touched the floor. "Morning, Rachel," he said to me.

"Morning, Ben," I replied. "Do you mind throwing the doughnuts in?"

"Of course," he said as he tied his apron on.

I returned his smile. "Thanks." I rolled up my sleeves as I dropped a mound of dough on the long table in the middle of the kitchen. My kitchen had three stoves along the back wall, with the table we used for all the cutting, and decorating of our goods in the middle, and a display case past that. The sales floor had three tables in it, and then the windows that pointed out to the parking lot, I haven't yet opened the blinds so I couldn't see out.

Olivia came in a couple minutes after I started my baking. The dalmatian lady said hello to everyone. Ben and I said hi back. Olivia scooted up next to me. "I see, Ben got here early again."

Ben wasn't scheduled to show up for another hour, but he did show up early most of the time. "Yeah, I guess so." Olivia grinned. "What?"

"You know what." She elbowed me as she got to work.

"Stop, Ben is three years older than my son. He isn't attracted to me." Ben was an eighteen year old college student, who had come back home for the summer. I gave him the job because I'm friends with his mom. "What would he want with me?"

"Stop putting yourself down." Ben came back into the kitchen moving a cart of baked goods. He looked up at us, squinting his eyes. "Ben, you think Rachel is good looking right?"

Ben stared at the floor. "Yeah, I mean, of course." He gave a short laugh, a bright blush showing through his yellow fur.

I am a red panda, I guess I should say. I have rust red fur, with a cream colored muzzle, that travels down to my stomach. My tail is overly bushy, at least I think so, with four black rings. I try and stay fit, my hips and butt may be a little bigger than I wanted. But my legs were shaped well. And I wasn't overweight so, I had that going for me. Olivia and I had been friends for several years, and she tried to make sure I looked at the bright side of things. She was the one who liked to point out I had a nice butt.

"Okay, enough," I said. "Let's get back to work."

We got everything done before we opened at six. Our display case filled, Ben helped the customers while Olivia and I continued baking. When we had everything made, Olivia helped Ben and I went to the office to handle the business side of the bakery. Olivia popped in around ten o'clock. "Ben's been talking about you again."

"Sure," I said.

"Can I just point out something?"

"If I say no will you still point it out?"

"Yes," she said. I shook my head and sighed. "Ben wants you. And you need to bust a nut."

"Bust a nut?" I asked.

"Metaphorically speaking. If you made an advance he'd go with it." I opened my mouth to speak but Olivia kept talking. "You didn't sleep with that guy last Saturday did you?"


"See, you need a good time. Just make an advance. I promise."

"I'm also his boss."

"He's leaving in a month anyway. Send the boy back to school with a smile and a story." Olivia stared me down waiting for some kind of response.

Ben knocked on the door before shoving his head in. "Yeah, we are getting swamped out here."

"Coming," Olivia said. "Just think about it Rachel."

At two o'clock we closed the doors and began cleaning up. I cleaned the dishes while the other two were behind me. "Hey can I get some help?" I asked. "Our dishwasher is still busted."

"Ben will help," Olivia basically shouted. "It's about time for me to leave anyway."

I grimaced and sighed at her. It wasn't that she was leaving, it was the obvious way she was pushing the two of us together. "Okay, see ya."

"Bye, Olivia," Ben said. He came over to me, grabbing some dishes and starting up.

"Thanks, Ben."

"No problem."

We washed in silence for five minutes. Finishing up the last couple. Olivia's prodding kept rushing through my head. I pulled my gloves off and stepped up behind Ben. He turned around and we stood face to face. I leaned in, pushing my lips against his. For a long moment he didn't move. And then his lips pushed against mine, his hands wrapped around my waist pulling me against his body. I wrapped my arms around his neck, my tongue shooting from my mouth into his. Breaking the kiss, I looked into his gold eyes. "I don't know what I'm doing, but just go with it," I told him.

"Yeah, sure."

I pulled his apron off of his shoulders, untying it and letting fall. I grabbed the front of his pants, pulling them open, I reached into his boxers. His cock was already hard, pushing against his underwear. I pushed his pants down, his cock coming in to view. A bright pink dick, pulsing with veins along the sides, his cock had been circumcised, with a large head, swollen and turning a shade of purple. I wrapped my hand around his member, giving him soft strokes. Falling down to my knees, I gave his head a lick. He tasted of sweat, an overwhelming smell of arousal filled my nostrils. I slid his cock through my lips, keeping my teeth covered, my tongue running along the bottom side of his dick. It had been a while since giving my last blowjob, but from Ben's moan, I figured I was still doing alright. I sucked his head, jerking the rest of his dick. I had never been much for sucking cocks, but I did try. Grabbing onto Ben's hips, I let his dick slide over my tongue, the head touching the end of my tongue and I let it slide into my throat. Ben grabbed the back of my head, he humped my lips. My throat squeezed, I suppressed my urge to gag. Ben was enjoying himself and I wanted him to continue.

It wasn't long before Ben pulled his cock from my throat. He reached under my arms, picking me up with relative ease. Plopping me down on the dough table. He pulled my apron off, then worked my pants and underwear off of my legs. I pushed my knees together, even though his cock was just in my mouth, I didn't want him to see my pussy for some reason. His hands moved up my legs, to my hips, he leaned in kissing me hard again. My legs released, and the next thing I realized his fingers were rubbing along the outer lips. I moaned into his mouth as his finger found my clit. Ben got down on his knees, pushing my legs apart, and he buried his face in my crotch. His warm, wet tongue slid between my lips.

"Holy shit," I moaned. I couldn't help myself, I grabbed the back of his head pushing him as deep as it could. His tongue didn't stop moving inside of me, his nose rubbing against my erect clit. A wave of pleasure crashed over me. I fell back onto the table. Ben pulled away from my crotch. His muzzle soaked with my liquid from my body.

"Did you want to keep going?"

I panted on the table, I hadn't wanted him to stop, but as I looked at him, his cock bobbing. "Yeah. Hold on." I slid from the table. My legs feeling like jelly as I ran to my office. In my purse from I had a couple of condoms. I had them from my date on Saturday, but it didn't go to plan, I guess they would be some use. I ran back to Ben. Ripping one of the squares loose, throwing the rest on to the table. "Here, put this on."

He opened the package, the condom was bright blue, I didn't mean to get colorful rubbers but whatever. Jumping up onto the table, I spread my legs wide open for him. Ben held the base of his dick, I watched as his head vanished into my body. I grabbed him, pulling him against me. "Do you want me..."

"Put your dick in me," I ordered him. He did as told. Slamming his cock inside of me. He picked a pace, our bodies slapping every time they met. A steady pap, pap, pap, filled the room, along with gasps from both of us. I pulled Ben to the table top with me, laying on my back, allowing the leopard to fuck me how he wanted. His humps went from pulling his cock out almost all the way, to small fast thrusts. His groans grew, his cock swelled in my body. Edging me closer and closer to cumming.

"Fuck, I'm cumming!" He yelled. His body slapped against me, pushing all the way in. His cock twitching inside of me. But I hadn't cum myself. He laid on top of me. His cock softened in me.

"No, keep going." But his cock slid from my body. I rolled him over. His cock had softened but not completely. I pulled his condom off, tying the end and throwing it on the floor. I bent down sucking on his dick, cleaning the cum from him. He let out groans that could've been pain or pleasure, I wasn't sure. But his cock had become hard again. I grabbed another condom, ripping it open, this one green, and I rolled it down his dick. Climbing on top of him I sat down, his dick sliding in me. I dropped my hips hard. I put my hands on his chest as I rode his dick. Rolling my hips, his cock sliding back and forth. I could feel my orgasm building. It was getting closer and closer. Moans came from my mouth in a constant stream, I could no longer hear Ben, all I focused on was my climax.

I think Ben came again, I wasn't sure. His cock began to soften but I hadn't came yet. His dick started to shrink more. I found his nipples and pinched them. He howled, it did the trick, his cock stayed hard long enough for my own climax to hit. I slid down him all the way. My cunt squeezed around him, I let out my own howl as I came.

I fell on top of Ben. "Oh, man," I said.

"I know. That was something." He kissed the top of my head. "Not bad for my first time, huh?"

I sat up, staring him down. "You were... You were a virgin?"


I rolled off of him. "Are you serious?" He nodded. "Well, alright."

He pulled the condom off of his cock, tying the end and letting it fall next to his other condom. We got dressed. I didn't know what to say.

After we had cleaned up the mess we had made. "Okay, well, that was fun."

"I agree."

"But it can't happen again."


"It just can't happen anymore." I looked him up and down. I bit on my lip. "Alright, maybe one more time." It happened a lot more than once. And at the end of summer Ben did leave with a smile on his face.