It's Always A Suprise! - Chapter Two.

Story by chrisclick on SoFurry

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#2 of It's Always a Supprise

Chapter Two

"Well, we could do this..." I whispered, as I leant in to kiss him again.

He returned the kiss, and our tongues entered each other's muzzles, passing saliva between us. I ran my paw up his thigh and as I reached his groin Lucas flinched and pulled away.

"Sorry Luke, I-I didn't me-" Lucas attempted to speak.

I put my finger over Lucas' lips to stop him from talking.

I whispered softly "It's okay, Lucas".

The reassurance bought Lucas' eyes back up to level with mine, as we shared a moment staring into each other's eyes, time passed quickly, unknowingly. My phone vibrated in my pocket, breaking us from our moment, I took my phone from my pocket and read the name. I returned the phone to my pocket and grabbed onto Lucas with both paws either side of his head and pulled him slowly towards me. Our lips met, and our tongues collided with each other once more. I attempted to run my hand up his thigh again, I reached his groin and felt a slight hesitation from Lucas but we continued passionately kissing. I felt a bulge beneath my paw, and I began to massage it through his jeans. A small moan from Lucas told me that he was in fact, enjoying it. I continued massaging his still growing bulge with my paw, and the moans continued slipping from Lucas' muzzle and we kissed. I moved my paw from the back of Lucas' head to meet with the other paw in the aid of un buttoning Lucas' trousers. As I attempted to, Lucas pulled away and shook his head.

"Not here, sorry. I feel like this is going too quickly. Only an hour ago did I tell you I was gay." Lucas said, apologetically.

"No, I am sorry. I shouldn't be rushing this." I said, turning away quickly.

"Luke, It's not your fault... I shouldn't be leading you on like this. You can probably guess that I do kind of like you by now?" Lucas giggled, trying to lighten the situation.

I swung my head round quickly "Really Lucas?".

"Y-Yes. Luke. I do like you, I like you a lot!" Lucas pleaded.

"Well, I really liked you too." I sighed

"L-Liked?" Lucas said, putting emphasis on the tense.

"You were just, unavailable for such a long time, and not to mention you were also straight, I just, kind of lost the spark I did have for you Lucas. It's not your fault. At all. But, it can still work. Just I am going to have to find that spark again." I said, sympathetically.

"Well, I suppose I should just lea- Wait, I can't... I can't leave the car otherwise I wouldn't get home... If you got out, I could bare thinking how you were getting on..." Lucas said "Well, looks like we're stuck here until you find that spark of yours"

"Oh, spark of mine? You're the one boring me" I giggled whilst crossing my arms.

"Oh really? We shall see about that Luke, Just you wait." Lucas ended.

Silence grew between us, and I grew uncomfortable on what was going to happen, or what the plans were. Lucas looks over to me, grinned held out his paw. I put my paw in his and we gripped tightly.


"Oh sorry." Lucas giggled.

I playfully slapped Lucas around the back of the head, Lucas looked at me as if he was about to pounce on me and I began to search for the door handle in preparation to run. Lucas calmed and relaxed back into his seat, I relaxed also. I looked over, smiled at Lucas who was looking across at me also. I clambered onto Lucas, and sat on his lap, facing him. Already feeling the bulge from earlier return. I pulled Lucas' muzzle closer to mine and kissed his softly then moved over to his ear.

"If you stop this time, this isn't ever going to happen. Ever." I whispered, with hormones rushing throughout my body.

I started rocking myself back and forth on Lucas' lap, causing him to grow more and more excited. I leant forward and our muzzles met, our tongues collided and saliva was swapped between muzzles. I let my paws fall down to the buttons of his jeans, first of all, following his chest down scratching through his t-shirt as I went. I reached the button, and slowly undid it, it quickly popped open from the pressure that pushed against it from inside. I undid the zip, and pulled down the trousers to his knees. I sat there, on his lap just looking into his eyes.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked.

"Yes." Lucas replied, unwilling to talk much as his mind was elsewhere.

I slowly peeled back the top of his boxers, revealing his sheath. Seeing this made myself grow in excitement. Lucas noticed this, and rather hesitantly and cautiously he extended his paw and began to massage slowly. I pulled his boxers down further and the tip of his dick began to emerge. I leant down and lapped at it, eagerly wanting more to emerge. The faint moans and sighs from Lucas encouraged me to go further. I was surprised, without me knowing, Lucas had unbuttoned my jeans and had his hand massaging my cock through my boxers. I grabbed the handle of the car door and pushed the door open, we both went tumbling out onto the grassy ground. I had Lucas underneath me again, only this time... slightly more accessible. I pulled Lucas' jeans completely free from his body, leaving only a t-shirt and a pair of boxers, that were more or less off anyway. I came muzzle to dick, I opened my muzzle slowly and took it inside my muzzle, Lucas groaned loudly and began thrusting into my muzzle. I forced his hips down, and began sucking on his emerged member. I ran my paw up the inside of his thigh and under his balls whilst still sucking on Lucas' dick. I massaged Lucas' balls in my left paw, and my right paw rested on Lucas' chest, digging my claws into him. He moans drove me crazy, and I moved the right paw down to my cock which began to drip pre and began to paw myself off with the taste of Lucas' cock in my muzzle and sounds of him moaning from pleasure. I felt his balls tighten in my paw, and I he was really close. His breathing became more frantic and his moans grew louder, He blew his load, and coated the inside of my mouth with it. The sudden shot made me go over the edge and I blew my load all over the inside of Lucas' thigh. I sat there, resting against the backs of my legs on the ground, completely naked lapping the dripped cum from Lucas off and making sure there wasn't any left.

I pulled my trousers up, and fastened them with the button. I looked at Lucas who laid on the floor, breathing heavily. I giggled, and poked him in the side signalling him to get up and sort himself out. I walked around to the other side of the car and got in, Lucas slowly fixed himself and got in the car also.

"I think I just found that spark" I said, winking at Lucas.

"Oh really?" Lucas said, licking me on the side of my muzzle.

Lucas drove the car out back onto the main road and started heading home.

"Thanks for tonight Luke... I know the thanks isn't much, but it's all I can do for now." Lucas said.

"It's fine, You in school tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah, I am free after second period though." Lucas answered.

"Ok, I'll try get out for that." I said.

Lucas pulled into my drive way, we kissed good bye and I left and headed for the door. I stopped looked around and waved at Lucas before entering my house. I got into the house and headed up stairs . I took my clothes off, which now smelt like Lucas and threw them into the wash bin. I slipped into bed and rested my head on the pillow.

"Are me and Lucas going out?" I thought to myself, unsure of what just happened.

I rolled over to my side, and fell swiftly to sleep.

Chapter two folks! =D

Chapter three will be here shortly! I need some input on this series!