Precious Gem: Chapter Two

Story by YiffRUs on SoFurry

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As with the last installment, this story contains Incest and water sports. It also has some mild NC. Read at your own discretion.

Precious Gem

Chapter Two

Gem stared out the small window, arms clutching around herself. It had been a week since her father had caught her with Bailey. A week that had been less than kind to her. She glanced around her surroundings. Her father was at work, which meant until he returned home, she was locked in the basement. The space was dark and damp, holding a lingering smell of mildew. She couldn't help but wish they had a finished basement like most of the other homes in the neighborhood. The feeling of the bare, moist concrete floor and the cinder block walls made her shudder. It was just like a dungeon. She whimpered quietly and turned her gaze back out the small dingy window. The sun was reaching down to the horizon, he would be home soon.

The first day, after being found out, had been horrible, unmentionable. The things her father had put her through, had done to her, were to foul for words. For some reason, despite this fact, she couldn't help but to still love him. He was, after all, her own flesh and blood. He had raised her. She couldn't understand why he would do this to her.

As she thought about the past days, she felt a stirring in her loins. She growled angrily, glaring down at herself. Her form, completely devoid of any clothing.

"I do not LIKE this!"

Shouting at her own body, trying to deny the arousal she felt. How could she enjoy it. It was awful, and wrong. It was humiliating. She growled again, gripping her hand around the leather strap of a collar that now rested about her neck, tugging at it furiously. Of course, the well crafted collar stayed tight against her neck. She barked in frustration.

"Fucking thing is making me claustrophobic."

She had never thought about such before, since she never had need to wonder what wearing a collar felt like. But the sensation was bizarre, how such a thin bit of leather could make her feel so trapped, so closed in. It was driving her mad. She scratched and tugged at it more, but her efforts were to no avail. The thing simply would not come off.

She paused, ears pricking faintly. The sound of tires coming up the stone driveway. Her gaze turned back to the window as she watched the tires wind up the drive. Stopping just outside the window. The door on the car opened and she watched as her fathers pawed feet stepped out. The driveway was on the side of the house, and the basement window faced the end of it. Paws approaching towards the window. His figure crouching down to peer into the dingy glass to grin wryly in at her. His hand pushing the bottom of the window to allow it to swivel open on its center hinge.

"Hello slut, how was your day?"

Smirking at her as he spoke. His form, from the outside, mostly blocked by the two large bushes that flanked either side of the slit window. He couldn't help but grin, as much as she claimed to dislike her new status, every day he found her like this, standing by the window, peering out, and waiting. The open window allowed her scent to travel up to him. He already could tell she was aroused. He seemed unbothered when Gem offered him no response, simply shrugged his shoulders and stood up. Glancing casually to either side to be sure he was close enough to the house that the bushes kept him out of sight. As he stood, Gem responded.


She responded to him in a curt, short response. Frowning at him as he smirked at her, that smug expression causing her to grit her teeth together, lips curling up in a silent growl. One that her father simply chuckled at as he stood.

"You can't fool me slut." tapping his nose with a wink. "I can smell it on you."

"I am not horny!"

Gem growled the words back at him quietly, resisting the urge to yell at him, but not sure why. After all, if she yelled, someone would hear her, wouldn't they? Come and get her, or call the police. Yet, she found herself refraining from calling for help. Maybe she did enjoy it. She shook her head quickly, trying to dismiss the thought as she snarled out again.

"I am -not- horny."

"Fine...fine, we will "assume" your not horny now. But soon enough, you will be begging, like Daddies good little slut, wont you?"

Gem couldn't even bring herself to growl in protest to that. He was right. Only that first day, did she resist him from start to finish. But now, now by the time his knot was forming, she was all but begging him to ram it into her. Thrusting herself back against him like a wanton whore. Her own father. She buried her face into her hands for a moment. How could she have let herself get this way, in only a weeks time? She couldn't deny the fact that her father had always been impressive. Even attractive, he kept himself well maintained, he was fit. She had even, in the past, masturbated thinking of him after having accidentally walked in on him and her mother before he had kicked her out. The way he had been fucking her. With such strength and authority. She shivered at the memory. The sound of her father clearing his throat caught her attention.

"If you are done day dreaming slut, I have something for you."

Gem tilted her head curiously and walked closer to the window, squinting her eyes as she peered up at him through the open space. No sooner than she had approached and looked up, a stream of liquid splashed across her maw. Gasping as she quickly shielded her eyes. She hadn't even had time to register the fact that her father had unzipped his slacks and held shaft in hand. Ready to aim his stream of urine into the open window.

"Open up"

His words firm, demanding in a way. Gem whimpered quietly, but did as she was told. She had discovered over the past week that her fathers piss was far stronger than Bailey's. Her brother/pets diet of the same dog food and water meant his urine was diluted. Her fathers though, was far more bitter. Pungent and musky.

She parted her maw for him, closing her eyes tightly as she tasted the first splashes of the golden fluid on her tongue. His aim sometimes faltering meant that her fur was splattered as well, the scent lingering as the fur was plastered against her maw and neck. His piss leaking from her parted maw. She always tried to resist swallowing, letting most of it leak from her aw and down into her blond and white fur.

Fortunately for her, his relief did not take long, and soon the flow of bitter piss came to and end. Her mouth full of the last of it. Her father peered down through the window, tapping his foot impatiently as he waited.

"You know you will not be allowed back into the house until you swallow slut. Do not make me wait."

Gem squinted her eyes shut, closed her maw, and swallowed. Her features screwing up as the foul liquid, still warm, washed down her throat. Quite different than it had been with Bailey, his was not as strong so it had not been nearly as repulsive. She gaged and shook her head, maw open as she tried to dispel the lingering taste. Her father chuckled and she heard his paws moving away from the window. She looked towards the stairs that entered the basement from the garage as she heard him lift the garage door. Walking to the steps she waited at the bottom for the door to open. It only took a moment before she heard him click the padlock that kept her contained, door opening and his form filling the door frame. The light in the garage back lighting him, causing his front to be mostly cast into shadow. But still, she could see the gleaming white teeth as he grinned at her.

"Such an obedient slut, come on then. Daddy had a long day and he needs to unwind."

Anyone could guess what he had meant by "unwind", his fly still undone and his shaft standing out proudly from its sheath. Gem caught herself staring at it, absently her tongue licked around her maw, making her cringe some since it picked up on the strong taste of his piss that still lingered there. She trudged up the steps and towards him, looking very much the part of an unwilling participant, but inside her heart had already begun to race, and butterflies swam in her stomach. She stopped once she reached the top landing, tilted her chin up and waited. She was only allowed into the house on leash these days, he said it was because he couldn't trust her. There was a light click as the retractable lead was attached to her collar. A sharp tug issued along the leash.

"Lets go then, no wasting time."

"Yes Daddy."

Responding quietly, glancing down as she followed his lead into the house. He lead her from one room to the next, up the stairs, and down the hall to his room. Opening the door, he lead her in. The bedroom was quite impressive, spacious and well furnished. The bed itself was a masterpiece. King sized with four Grecian style columns stretching up at the corners, almost to the ceiling itself. Between the two columns at the head and foot of the bed was scrolling iron bars, twisted and bent into twisting designs. Shadow issued a tug again to get Gems attention before moving into the room, leading her to the bed he attached the end of the leash to the headboard. Drawing his hand back, he delivered a firm slap against her bare rear with a smirk. Gem yelped and jumped.

"Up you go slut."

She scrambled up onto the bed, on hands and knees as she brought herself to the center of the large mattress. Facing towards the headboard. Her tail already raised and curled up over her back. She could hear him snicker at her, no doubt chuckling at the way she had set herself on display. She could feel the heat in her slit, feel the dampness against the soft fur framing her feminine folds. She even heard the quiet, needing whimper as it escaped her maw. But all these things she was helpless to stop.As awful, degrading, and humiliating as it was, she wanted it. So wrong it somehow made it right.

"Eager are we slut?"

She felt the bed shift as he moved onto it, approaching her from behind slowly. She was not supposed to look, to watch as he moved into place. Any time she had tried, she was slapped. She whimpered again, wiggling her backside, tail flagging lightly as it curled above her back. She shivered as she felt his hand passing across her furred backside. Running down, caressing gently. She pressed back against the touch of his hand, the act of it causing the leash to draw taunt, making her have to strain against her collar. She squirmed when he withdrew his hand back again, whining as she tried to sneak a glance back. Her father gave her a scornful look, catching her peek he landed a harsh slap across her backside. The stinging pain making Gem yelp again, tail tucking between her legs.

What did I tell you about looking Slut. Is that allowed?

He frowned at her as she stared back at him, looking very much the part of a scolded puppy as her tail wrapped up and under herself. The soft plume of fur flush against the heat of her sex. She shook her head hesitantly, responding in a meek voice.

"No Daddy."

Shadow nodded his approval at her response. She turned her head to face forward once more. This time, both his hands moved to her form, sliding over the curve of her ass to her hips before his hands gripped tightly against them. He shifted himself forward, brushing tapered tip of his slick, hard shaft against her slit. She murred and tried to press back, tugging against the leash and collar. He snickered at her and her ears flattened atop her head.

"So impatient aren't we. Well, no matter."

No sooner than he had finished speaking, she felt him thrust forward, his thick shaft spearing into her tight cunny. She gasped and growled in pleasure. Still struggling to push back against him, wanting to thrust herself onto his cock. Her core embraced his length with undulating muscles. His approach was far different from Bailey's. While her fathers thrusts were more harsh, Bailey's had been more rapid.

Shadow started thrusting into her, slowly at first, toying with her a bit. Each thrust sending his throbbing red cock deeper into her wet walls. He growled out in satisfaction. He could only guess that Bailey had been the only other who had ever fucked her. She was so tight. His hands fell on her shoulder, to hold her in place.

"Beg for it my little slut, I want to hear you say it."

At first, Gem shook her head. Whimpering, not wanting to have to resort to begging, but her aching lust was burning within her. Her needs eventually winning.

"P..please Daddy, I am such a horny little slut. Fuck me. I need you inside me, filling me."

Her words holding a tone of desperation to it as she pleaded with him, begging for him to take her like a bitch. Her pleas rewarded as he delivered a harsh, firm thrust forward, nearly hilting himself within her. Tapered tip slamming against her cervix painfully. She cried out in pained pleasure, back arching. Her hips rolling as she tried desperately to grind back against him.


Her whimpered words bringing him to smirk again, corners of his maw curling up in a devious grin that revealed his teeth. He drew back again, slowly, before ramming one more almost to hilt within her. She moaned and started to pant, his thrusts beginning to pick up speed, each time he drew out nearly all the way before slamming back into her. Persistently battering the tip of his cock against her cervix, growling quietly in frustration as he tried to breach the muscle and into her womb. His claws digging into her shoulders. Another harsh, powerful buck of his hips forced her cervix to give way, muscle parting open and he came to hilt inside her core. Her inner walls spasmed around his shaft. She issued a loud, pained yelp. Tensing up around him. It hurt like hell each time he broke past her cervix, but only briefly.

Now that he had gotten past the cervix, the tight ring of muscle gripped around the upper portion of his shaft. He started thrusting more firmly, short quick paced jolts of his hips driving him repeatedly into her. His sack slapping against her, the sound muffled by both their fur. Growling out in a husky voice.

"How does that feel my little tramp?"

Whining in pleasure and squirming while he continued battering into her, cock pistoning in and out of her tight, dripping folds mercilessly. Her maw hanging open as she panted heavily. She murred.

" feels good Daddy."

Her words broken by her panting moans. Her body rocked back and forth from the power of his short thrusts, breasts swaying under her each time his hips rammed against her backside. Tingling pleasure swelling within her. She could already feel the base of his shaft beginning to swell within her, pressing against her g-spot, grinding into it with every thrust. She lifted a hand from under herself, placing it onto one of her swaying breasts she squeezed. Rocking back into his thrusts as best she could with the leash holding her. She found her nipple and took it between her thumb and forefinger, pinching it and twisting it.

"Do you want to cum Slut, do you want to be filled with your Daddy's cum while you scream in bliss?"

It was all she could do to nod, no longer trusting herself to speak as she writhed in building pleasure. Senses tingling as he persistently thrust into her. Moaning suddenly as she felt something pressing in against her puckered tail hole. Slowly forcing it open as the object was forced past the tight ring and into her ass. A soft click was heard before the small egg shaped device within her anal passage sprang to live, vibrating ferociously. She cried out loudly. Head tilting up. Her hand dropping away from her breast to instead move to her clit, grinding a single finger against it furiously. Her father barked at her angrily.

"Not yet you greedy whore."

His paw cuffing her across the back of her head. She let her hand fall still, but left her finger placed to her clit. Her fathers pleasure growls started coming more frequently and his knot had begun to swell, at first, gliding easily in and out of her narrow passage. It wasn't long though before it took a little effort to get the growing bulge to push in and out. Her inner walls constricting like a python around it every time it was forced into her. She was waiting until he knotted her, that would be when she was allowed to play with herself, and no sooner. Finally, with a grunt and a violent thrust, her father hilted within her again, His knot ballooning to full size quickly. She cried out in bliss and quickly started to grind her finger against her clit once more. With so much stimulation at once, the knot pressing firmly against the patch of nerves against her inner walls, the vibrating egg buried within her ass, and her own finger relentlessly rubbing her engorged clit, her orgasm quickly arrived. Screaming out in ecstasy. Her body stiffening in the moment, tensing up as she came, her nectars dripping and squirting out past his buried knot.

The muscles within her pussy quivered and spasmed around the throbbing cock, contracting around her father knot. The contractions of her inner walls driving him to his climax as well. A howling bark ripping from his throat as he tugged her back, pulling her as tight to him as he could. Cock twitching within her as he dumped his load of cum deep into her womb. Spurt after spurt of frothy seed spilling free. His sac tensing and drawing up against his body with each jet of cum he spilled. Her walls milking along his length in undulating caresses. His pawed hands gripping her hips again, so firmly, nails bit into flesh, threatening to break the skin.

Both their climax would linger on, each tense and panting. Once their mutual orgasm began to fade, Gem slumped forward, letting her head land against the pillow. Leash pulling tight again as she did this, forcing her to lift her head again or struggle for breath. With a careless tug back, her father tore his knot free from her used and dripping cunt. The result a slick, wet popping sound as the mixture of their fluids ran in against her fur. She cried out quietly. His needs satisfied, for now, he reached past her head and released the leash from the headboard before slapping her firmly across her slick, messy backside.

"I am done with you for now, so get off the bed, you know you are not allowed on the furniture."

With a cruel shove, he knocked her from the bed, leaving her in a heap on the floor. Blinking in surprise as she landed with a thud. She watched him as he pulled the blankets from the bed, tossing them at her.

"You can sleep in this filth slut, since you wont mind. And since you were such a good little whore, you can sleep with the vibrator in your ass. "

Taking the control dial, he switched it to high, grinning wickedly at her as she simply nodded her head, whine and squirmed before taking the pile of cum stained blankets to the corner of the room, dropping them onto the floor. She crawled on top of the pile, curling up and watching him a moment. He himself had sprawled across the bare mattress, back now facing her. Assuming he was going to fall asleep, she burried her maw into the cum stained comfeter, lapping up at the sticky stains. Little did she know that her father, still laying on the bed had turned his head, smirking as he watched her lap up his seed and her own fluids from the cloth.

//To be continued!