Mothers and Daughters

Story by DeadCerberus on SoFurry

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Just a silly little story staring Event and her young daughter Tinsel, who's started going through THAT teenager phase, you know the one.

Anyway thumbnail originally from this pic

by GreatBritainBill aka DeadCerberus

There she was, she was doing it again. It wasn't even December and she was doing it again. As soon as the snow had started to fall out had come the lights, the banners, the red and green... everything, baubles hanging from the rafters, and of course, the clothes.

For most of her life Tinsel hadn't know what her mother did, only that it involved a lot of dressing up and camera's, and also that winter was her busiest and favourite time of the year. When Christmas season came around Event pulled out a massive container full of thematically appropriate stockings, sweaters, arms covers, and panties and didn't put them away till the last snow melted. When she was little Tinsel used to love playing dress up with her mother, just the two of them.

That is, until her first year of high school. She had been so exited to move up, at least until a few months in when she had seen some boys snickering at her behind her back. It took a while to figure out why but eventually one of the boys had waved a calendar in her face and mockingly asked if she was going to pose for them like her mother.

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It had only taken a little more digging on her part to find a seemingly endless cornucopia of similar pin up and.... other things, that made her long Rena ears blush red. That had been the last straw. Tinsel had already started to get a little... tired with her mom's constant Christmas cheer, but this was too much.

Which lead to today. The first few flakes had started to fall just hours before and Event was already bustling around, pulling down boxes full of decorations. "Tinsel sweetie, could you come help me unpack some of these?"

"I'm BUSY mom!" Tinsel made sure to yell down the hallway. "But hunnybun look! It's your favourite snowman sweater." Event didn't let it bother her, she knew teenagers could be moody and besides, it wast he most wonder time of the year! Who could be sad now?

"UGH. I hate Christmas!" Tinsel made sure to slam her door for emphasis. Putting on the latest Dominated Reflex album to drown out her moms carols. There was no way she was ever going to turn out like her, but fortunately she had a plan. One of her favourite bands, Lead Disguise, was playing downtown tonight. Now sure, she didn't have a ticket, or a ride, but that was no big deal. She would just hop on a bus downtown and walk. And if she looked like she belonged it would be easy to sneak in, right?

So over the past few days she had been gathering materials. Her mother had all different colours of eye shadow and lipstick for her, UGH, photos. So it was easy to swipe some black ones. More difficult was clothes, cause she didn't have any money to buy anything in black leather. So instead she had taken some of her old bright and colourful stuff and dyed it black.

It had been especially pleasurable to dunk some of the red and white stockings into the pot, though they still looked stripped when they came out. Still, they were black now and that's all that counted. After about half an hour she was ready. Sure her mascara wasn't exactly on symmetrical and she may have gone a bit to hard, even for what she wanted, giving herself some raccoon eyes. But it worked.

And sure her dyed clothes looked kinda shabby and there was still some red poking through, but that was fine. The point was she was ready for the concert, and there was no way anyone would ever say she resembled a pinup model!


All that was left was the sneaking out. She needed to make sure her mom didn't burst into her room and figure out she was gone. Momentarily turning down the music she stuck her head out the door. "Mom!" she screamed down the hall, "I'm going to bed turn down the darn music!" Before slamming the door once again.

There, that should keep her from coming in. Event may have kept her from putting a deadbolt on her door but there was no way she would just burst in while she was sleeping! Still, just to be sure she turned out the lights and stuff a few pillows under her sheets. There, a foolproof illusion.

Actually getting out of the house was the easy part. Rena's were naturally athletic so all she had to do was wait till she heard her mother at the other end of the house, then slid out her window and hope down to the ground. Nothing to it.

The bus stop was only five minutes away and then she'd be on her way to the concert. Tinsel couldn't help but do a little jump for joy at the thought. Finally, her new image started today!

Event couldn't help but smile as she saw Tinsel's little performance on the way out. Her little girl was just so happy to be getting away with something, even if she really wasn't.

Of course she had known what her daughter was planning. Tinsel wasn't nearly as sneaky (or quite) as she thought and besides Event had been much better at the whole sneaking out thing when she was her age. Considering the things she got out to, going to a registered concert in the city was child's play.

Plus she knew Tinsel had her phone and would call for help if anything happened, and if Event had scoped out the concert the other day, chatted up a security guard at the venue, and gotten them to promise to look out for her little girl what of it? Tinsel didn't need to know. She was just out for a night of fun.

Turning back to her decorations, Tinsel's outfit had given her a thought though. It had been ages since since she had tried on her leathers. Would there be a way to make that Christmas themed?

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