The Black Volcano

Story by Sukkubus on SoFurry

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The Black Volcano

Well... I want to tell you another story... Did you read „Vladia's story" yet? No? Then do it now.

This is a true story, too. Really. I'm a demon. Trust me. A friend of mine mentioned, that several elements from this story (and the last) indeed belong to him and not to me, as I may have claimed. I told him, that he said it's a true story himself and that I am an evil demon and take all the elements I want and he agreed.

So... In the northern area of the Ocean of Blades - no idea why it's called the Ocean of Blades, I never heard of a special amount of blades there, but I was never there myself, so I don't really know - was the Black Volcano.

The Volcano (and the ocean) do not exist anymore, they are "gone with the Darkness" as we say.

The Darkness was a kind of dark veil that lay on everything and manipulated time. On some places, during the Darkness' existence only a few seconds went by, elsewhere millions of years. It would have destroyed the world if a dragon and a parrot wouldn't have stopped it. Yes, the same guys who unintentionally screwed up Vladia's life. I like them.

I hatched during this period and I can say it wasn't dark on the inside. Indeed we had normal sun, just as now. Or suns. There are many minor suns beside the one in the middle of our solar system. At least all this sungods have their own suns.

The Cyclopes on the Islands of Skibutar believe the sun is the eye of a giant Cyclops. They are right. More or less. One of the minor suns is indeed the eye of a Cyclops, but he isn't very big. Indeed the eye is the biggest part. I know this, because I saved his life when Vladia tried to get rid of some of the minor suns to make sunrise more predictable.

I did this because I like sunlight. I'm not the kind of demon who lurks in the dark, you know. I prefer to appear as a normal girl, or even better, to tell everyone I'm an evil demon but are trusted nonetheless since nobody believes it, and then attack the people who trust me. Well, when I say "people" I mean "girls" and when I say "attack" I mean... you know. Demon. Evil. That stuff.

And before you ask, there are demons who rape boys, too. But I'm for girls only. Once killed a guy, married his wife, killed her, raised their daughter a few years, than told her, I killed her parents, raped her, tortured her, killed her and made a jacket from her skin. That was fun.

I see I lost the focus... Back to the Black Volcano. The Black Volcano was a god. And a volcano, of course. He had many children with several goddesses. He was very big and inside the crater, in a lake of lava, was an Island where his wives and his children lived.

His first wife was Shabba Klath, the ancient goddess of the fallen moon. No idea which moon fell where, but that was what she was called. They had a daughter, the Moondragon, a giant beast, bigger than the biggest whales, bulky, and with six eyes and a skin like the surface of the moon. Since the Black Volcano himself most of the time did nothing, not even speak, she was in charge.

There were many other children, but the most famous ones were the four of the Black Volcano and the Double Snake, a reptilian goddess: Surquima the Bright and Surulam the Glowing, mighty dragons, looking like they were made from brown glass, with black eyes, lots of spikes and glowing blood. They were called Sulphurspewers, and there were indeed others of this species, children of other volcano gods and reptilian goddesses, but that's not important now.

I forgot to mention the other two, didn't I? They were the Helldragon, a giant red dragon with three heads, and the Spider Queen... well, a giant spider. Surquima is missed today, probably gone with the Darkness. Surulam is still around, indeed he did help the dragon and the parrot fighting the Darkness and saving the world.

Today he is the Ambassador of Vulkania in the Civilized Kingdom. It's not a real kingdom anymore, it's kind of a squishy thing between monarchy and democracy. The queen is, since a few hundred years - most of them inside the Darkness - one of Surulams daughters, but she does not know, that he is her father I.

lost the focus again...

The Helldragon made a deal with The Rockdevil's Shadow, who was the ruler of the Rockhell (inside a giant rock, called the Hellrock - I know that's ridiculous) and became ruler of one of the circles. This isn't a hell like my one. There isn't one single demon. And the Condemned Souls got no bodies for a long time. After the Darkness, when the real Rockdevil (a mortal dinosaur, a staurikosaurus to be exactly) came to Rockhell and was declared the ruler, some of the souls finally got bodies, biological bodies, called hellbreed.

The Rockdevil tried to conquer the world, but failed, of course. The Helldragon is still there, I think. He has a daughter, as far as I know.

The Spider Queen is... Well, you can't really say if she is dead or just asleep. But she has millions of children, spiders of all kinds and sizes. I layed some of them, it's strange, but it's fun.

But I wanted to tell about the Black Volcano. Something about the Moondragon and her kin who... No, they didn't do anything, they were attacked by... No... bless it, I have no idea what I wanted to tell you. Well. I think I told enough nonetheless. For today.