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#2 of Sneak and Sloppy

Baxter wakes up, excited to see how much he's warped his brother. Unfortunately, boys will be boys and Francis is interested in other things. Lets see if Baxter can step up his game to corrupt his baby brother.

It me first sequel. ENJOY!!!! Lots more to come

Disclaimer: These stories are purely works of fiction. Nothing is meant to represent actual events that happened or will happen. No part of this is ever supposed to be replicated in real life. As adults, we're responsible for distinguishing between fantasy and reality. Any actions replicated by any person in real life should be reported to the proper authorities. Thank you.

Sneaky and Sloppy

By DeviantAmp


The previous day was a blur for Baxter. The teenage opossum rubbed his paw through his hair as he remembered last night. It all came back to him slowly. He remembered stealing his brother's briefs, catching his brother jerking off, before finally jerking his brother off on that very couch that he was sleeping on. He smiled, feeling proud of his accomplishments of the night and all the things that he had planned for the rest of the week.

He suddenly remembered the briefs that he wore on his muzzle last night and brought his paw to his face. The pair of briefs had vanished from his muzzle. Francis must have woken up and saw the opossum sleeping with them on his face. He knew he shouldn't have done that but they smelled so good that he couldn't resist. He could imagine the look on Francis's face when he had to peel his own yellow briefs off his older brother's muzzle. Part of him wished he at least enjoyed the view of the older boy naked on the couch.

He carefully turned himself around on the couch and straightened himself out on the seat. He immediately regretted the decision as his head suddenly felt like it was being split open. He put his paw to his brow, groaning loudly and closing his eyes. He felt both dizzy and nauseous like he had been on a boat for an entire night. His mouth felt dry and reeked from all the alcohol that he had been drinking all night. It was a chore to even stand up off of the couch.

Baxter stumbled towards the kitchen, keeping a paw over his eyes to shield out the light coming from the windows. He swayed left and he swayed right with every step that he took towards the sink. His tail trailed behind him, grabbing onto the leg of a chair to help support himself as he struggled to make it even a few feet. He blasted the faucet and dipped his entire muzzle underneath the water. He opened his maw wide and let the water course over his tongue and teeth to wash out the flavor of death.

"That's the last time I drink."

The refrigerator was still packed to the brim with all the beers he had planned to drink over the course of the week, but he cared not for one. Instead, he grabbed hold of the handle of the fridge and steadied himself as he pulled out some of the sodas that he promised to his brother. He placed one of the cans right against his forehead and the contents of another straight into his gut. Anything to save him from the rancid taste of his own maw.

He didn't feel much better with the soda inside of him. He didn't even bother trying to put it in the trash. Instead the opossum tossed the empty can straight onto the ground and walked out of the kitchen. It was a ritual for the two brothers to leave trash lying everywhere until the day before their parents got back out of town, something they'd surely overlook until the last possible second. It was still worth it to the two.

Baxter's mind suddenly changed focus to his brother. The younger opossum caught him wearing his underwear on his face but that wasn't even the worst thing to happen so far. It was only day two and he had jerked off him off like it was an awkward first date. Francis must've been traumatized from the whole event.

Thoughts of worry began to flood Baxter's visions. What if Francis was on the phone with his parents, guiltingly admitting everything they'd done the last night. Or even worse, he could be on the phone with the police and they were heading towards the house right now. Francis was only thirteen and Baxter was half a decade older than him. He could be disowned. He could go to counseling. He could go to jail.

Those were all too extreme. He knew his brother's timid nature and the worst he might do is write it into his diary as having a 'weird' night. Or maybe he was sitting in bed, wondering if he was gay himself. Gay for his brother. He could be stroking his little dick thinking about his older brother going down on his dick or, even better, lifting his tail up so that Baxter could stuff him like the slut he was. The possibilities were endless.

Baxter chewed his lip and went back to the fridge, grabbing one of the beers out of it before returning to the couch. He hopped onto the couch, flipping on the TV and turning up the volume so that it could be heard through the rest of the house. He switched through a couple channels, finding an action movie to play, something he knew that his brother would want to watch with him. Just as he started to play the movie, a wicked smile grew on his face.

The opossum shifted himself on the couch, spreading his legs out so that his junk was in plain view to anyone who would walk down the stairs. His slender furless tail wrapped around his legs like the night pin-ups and centerfolds he'd seen rats and other opossums do in not so safe for work images. He placed the beer between his crotch, hiding his limp dick before the glass. His entire body tensed up as the cold was too much for him against his sack, but he tolerated it anyways.

Years with a competitive drive left him with the abs and pecs that made him feel like Adonis himself. His nipples were perky, something that he wanted to focus on teaching his brother in today's experimentation. He propped himself up so that he was neither fully on his side or his back, but just the right angle to show off everything he was willing to show off for his brother. He had rarely felt this confident and if his ego had an erection of its own, he would have blown his load just from thinking about how hot he looked.

It would have been a slightly premature.

It was about fifteen minutes into the movie that he couldn't keep the pose up any longer. About a quarter through the movie and at least a million deaths later that the beer had become crotch temperature warm. His tail had unraveled itself and laid lazily off the couch, the tip coiled onto the ground. He stopped paying attention to himself and focused on the movie, but even with the kung-fu explosions provided no solace to Baxter. He didn't even bother finishing the end of the movie. He changed the channel, putting on a cooking show instead.

He let the show play for a bit, tossing his beer onto the table and making himself comfortable. The house was warm and he was already beginning to sweat. The hot summer day scorching the outside was beginning to warm the inside of the house. He wished that he didn't put the beer between his crotch and instead had something to cool himself down with. His sweat added to the ever growing list of scents that he was stewing.

After his cooking show ended, he got off of the couch and looked up the stairs. He knew that his brother liked to sleep in, but there was no way that he was sleeping through this heat. Baxter wanted so bad to see his little brother that he stopped trying to make a game of it. He got off the couch to the sound of his sweaty fur unsticking from the fabric. It felt like giving up but he couldn't take waiting anymore.

He climbed up the stairs quietly. Part of him just wanted to sneak up on his brother, but part of him was wondering if something was wrong. He crouched down slightly and his long disklike ears scanned close to the ground. His fur stood up and he put his finger tips against the walls. His tail lifted just off the ground so that it wouldn't make a sound. He was a predator before he was anything else and he was hunting for his prey.

Just as Baxter made it all the way up the stairs he could hear the sound of his brother talking. It ade his stomach sink and his scrotum press tightly into himself. He held his breath, trying to get close enough to hear anything. He could tell that he was upset just from the cracks in his voice. The little opossum could crack so hard that it would rattle crystal. Baxter padded his way towards the door and put his ear against it.

Baxter's face turned red as he heard a string of some of the most vial things that could come from a young boy's mouth. If he wasn't sure that it was his brother, he would have assumed that he had been living with a sailor his entire life. He grabbed hold of the doorknob and twisted it slowly, almost certain he knew exactly what the young boy was doing and it made his heart pound. He was telling someone everything he did. He was calling his brother out for the baby fucker he was. The twisted pervert that wanted nothing more than to sniff his little brother's undies and suck on his dick.

Baxter's fur was raised and he wasn't sure if he was going to have to wrestle the phone from his brothers hands. Whoever he was talking to was going to ruin his life. The panic from the thoughts flustered him and he couldn't take the suspense anymore. He swung open the door and scanned for the little opossum. None of the lights were on in the room and a blackout curtain prevented any of the light from outside to come in. He liked to live in the dark, but it was less having to do with natural instincts and more of his gamer lifestyle. The boy was seated in front of his desk, his back facing the door. Baxter could tell that he wasn't the only one naked.

Instead of confessing his sins, the boy was screaming in his high pitched whiny voice at some other gamer on the other end of his PC screen. He was so loud and irritated that he didn't hear him open the door and catch him naked on the chair. He didn't think that Francis had bothered to put on any clothes since last night. Instead, he was seated in his polysynthetic chair surrounded by two monitors. The light was so blinding that Baxter could barely make out anything on the screens themselves. The lit up keyboard, headset, and mouse didn't help the vomit of neon lights. The entire thing looked like a bad 80s 'dystopian future' movie.

Baxter took a step into the room. He wasn't surprised that Francis hadn't realized that he had opened the door. He had often got lost in his video games, forgetting to eat for entire days if the game was intense enough. Baxter wasn't into the games as much himself. He had never had time to really sit with anything that he couldn't play on his phone between bus stops. He especially could never remained stuck to a chair all day long.

"You stupid piece of shit. Why didn't your fucking whore mom abort you with a coat hanger? Did they not invent condoms in your piss poor dirty scum country for your dad to shoot you into? I'll rape you with my dad's police baton you dirty-" Even Baxter would have to tune out that last word. He knocked over an empty can of soda straight onto the floor in his fit of rage. The metal container bounced around into the pile of aluminum and plastic. If their parents ever witnessed his rage, they'd immediately send him to counseling and maybe a couple of tolerance museums.

Baxter's muzzle twisted as his brother continued to berate whoever was on the other side of the mic. He couldn't believe that after everything that he had done last night, he could go right back to playing video games. He was sure that the cub would have wanted to talk about what happened or that he was going to be in some sort of state of questioning. He should be on google looking at pictures of dudes and trying to figure out if he was gay like his brother.

Or at least something other than just playing video games while choking down liters of soda while making up stories about his dad being a cop or him being a former military official.

He couldn't stay mad forever though. Not with the view that he had. He could see his brother's ass and the base of his tail just above his seat. He could also smell his brother's thick and salty scent. He was sure that the boy hadn't showered at all this morning. Without his parents in town, he knew that he could get away without showering for the entire week. The older opossum had no intentions of showering either, though it was more out of sexual gratification instead of good old fashioned laziness.

Baxter looked down to Francis's laundry basket. On the top was the pair of yellow briefs that he had slept with during the night. He wondered why his brother even bothered if he was just going to take them again. Or maybe he could go through some of the other pairs. A wild smirk grew on his face and he looked back at his brother. The young opossum was way too focused with his game to even notice him right now.

He dipped his paw into the laundry basket and shuffled it around for a second. When he felt something familiar he pulled it up and examined his trophy. The first thing that he grabbed was a pair of tighty whities that he must have worn another day. Baxter wasn't going to be shy about his lust anymore. He stuffed the pair straight into his face and took a deep sniff of it. The scent wasn't quite as strong as the other pairs that he had smelt before so he immediately tossed it to the side.

As he dug his paw into the pile again, he pulled out another pair of briefs. This pair was red with black stitching on the trim. He put his face to it and breathed in as hard as he could. The pair could be better, but it was certainly a step above tighty whities. He put it on the top of the pile, wondering if he might keep it for later if he didn't find anything better. A shiver ran up his spine as he pondered if his own fear of getting caught added to the fetish, and without it, it wouldn't be nearly as fun.

His ears perked up as he felt another pair in the stack of dirty laundry and yanked it out from the bottom of the basket. It was a pair of boxer briefs that had been scrunched up and purposefully stuffed towards the bottom. He unraveled it and immediately knew why his brother didn't want anyone to accidentally stumble on the pair. The front of the dark blue cotton boxer-briefs were completely crusted over with week old dried cum.

Baxter brought it up to his nose carefully, intentionally teasing himself until he was worked up. His breathing had become quick and he had to work to keep himself from drooling all over the place. The pair's aroma became apparent just as he brought it close to his face, and it was heavenly. Francis must have had it on for at least a week before accidentally nutting right into them. He put the other pairs back but he was going to be holding onto this one for a while.

He walked out of the room, going completely unnoticed while his brother continued to talk shit on his video game. It was almost cringy to watch the nerd huff and puff over something so trivial, but maybe that's what made him so attractive. Baxter knew that he could have anyone that he actually wanted. Some gorgeous looking husky on the wrestling team made no effort to hide how much he loved pinning down other men. If he wanted to try something straight, the homecoming queen was a sexy otter that always kept an eye on him while he was practicing soccer and she track.

No, there was something particularly awful about the idea of being sexually aroused by some nobody loser who'd blow a football team just to feel the quarterbacks girlfriend's tits only to get cucked out of it at the last second. His brother was the kinda guy who'd end up jerking himself a million times before he ever got the chance to get laid and he'd still manage to fuck that up. This was all a fluke and he hoped his brother was just as desperate to see how far this could possibly go.

The teenager walked out of the room and tossed Francis's underwear onto his bed for later. He looked down and noticed his dick was twitching hard into the air. He looked at the ground and smirked at his handiwork. The possum had been preing the entire time that he had switched rooms, leaving a trail of pre on the ground like he was following clues in a teen mystery novel. He traced back the steps, intentionally stepping on some of the beads just so he could feel them against his warm pads.

He opened the door and this time his brother heard him, turning his head to see Baxter naked leaning against the door frame looking right at him. His face turned red when he realized his brother was heard, looking down to catch the longer thicker manhood that his lollipop had yet to turn into. He had to raise his muzzle to try to block it out of his sight, but there was nothing that was going to make it actually disappear. He took his hand from his keyboard and ut it over his soft dick with one hand and the other pulled off his headset.

"Hey...what are you doing?"

Baxter was not surprised by the stupid question.

"Oh, you know, Just wanted to watch you play some games. Getting kinda hungry myself as well."

Baxter walked towards his brother, reaching down and giving himself a couple good strokes completely unabashed at what he was doing. He let himself leak all over his brother's room, competing against the smells of his already marked mancave. The young possum had two fans blowing directly on his sweaty body, trying to cool himself without having to open up a window or go outside.

"Y-yeah, I'm hungry too, but I'm starting a match. We c-can eat after."

His brother was obviously nervous as Baxter continued to walk forward to him. He knew what his older brother wanted, but this was all still too new for him.

"Um, also, about last night. I'm not gay. That was a one time t-t-thing."

Francis took a deep hard gulp while Baxter stood over him. His eyes constantly shifting back and forth, first to his computer screen to see how much time before the match started, then to his brother's dick, then to meet his brother's eyes, then to get intimidated and go right back to his screen before finally starting the cycle over and looking at his brother's dick in both fear and curiosity. Baxter was a predator and he was cornering his prey.

"Who said anything about being gay? We're just brothers having some fun together. I bet you thought last night was very fun."

Francis nervously nodded his head up and down before shaking it.

"It was fun, but I don't think we're supposed to do that-"

Before he could finish his sentence he looked over at his screen and noticed the match had started. The idea of questioning his sexuality or what's moral or not was all tossed aside for his stupid game. The way the young boy immediately straightened out his chair and uncovered his dick made Baxter roll his eyes hard. Francis would rather leave his pathetic needle dck exposed to his perverted brother than miss any edge he had in the game. It was enough to make him pout.

Baxter looked between his brother's crotch and focused on his brother's dick. He did just say no, but he could smell it from here. The fans blew the hot air of his body straight to his nose and he couldn't help but get addicted to it. He took in a couple deep breaths, taking in the room as a whole but also trying to pick apart all the different scents. He could smell some of it was coming from his wastebasket filled to the brim with used tissues. He could tell some of it was coming from his bed also ridden with stains. They were all strong but nothing could come close to drinking it straight from the tap.


That made him jump, thinking his little brother was talking to him but he realized he was just playing his game. He was definitely going to have to send him to some sensitivity training program or anything to deal with his language, but for now, he knew another way to shut him up. The possum dropped to his knees and forced himself over his brother's leg to sniff right at his sweat covered prick.

"Wait, wait, stop. I'm in the middle of something! Shit!"

Francis tried to fidget his way out of his brother's invasive behavior, but he couldn't speak without accidentally alerting other players his position and he also couldn't shift too much without ruining his gaming stance. He was just forced to endure as his brother sniffed as his dick like a noisy puppy. Baxter pressed his nose tip right against the boy's tip, his dick trying to retract back into himself to escape but unable to get far enough away to dodge the quick lick against it. He could hear his brother almost growling but it didn't stop him from taking a few more laps at him.


Baxter looked up and saw his brother closed his eyes for a second. It looked like he was enjoying it and that was all the que he needed to go full out. He wrapped his lips around the boy's tip and began sucking his dick out of its retracted state. Francis grumbled but after a few seconds he went almost dead silent. Francis continued to ssuckle on the boy's meat, but without much reaction to his attempts.

Baxter looked up at his brother, confused and annoyed that he was putting all of this effort into sucking him off without getting the reaction that he was looking for. He could still enjoy just licking his brother's sweat right off his dick and balls, but he was really hoping that he was getting the boy into it as well. It was like he was completely focusing himself to not get an erection and it was getting on his nerves.

A cocky smile only had a second to form on Francis's face before Baxter wiped it right off his dumb mug. The older brother dipped his muzzle from his dick to his balls, sniffing around them and kissing them a few loving kisses before going right between his legs and tasting his taint for the first time. Both of them moaned at the exact same time, loud enough to completely give away his position in the game and send him into a firefight.

While Francis dealt with the game, Baxter was tasting heaven for the first time. He knew that the boy's taint was going to be a lot of wear the flavor was at, but he wasn't quite expecting exactly how strong he's be with his nose right up against the fur of his taint. He lapped at it greedily, tasting all of his musk and sweat, trying to lick every part that he could get to. Baxter wasn't the only one that was going into new frontiers gleefully.

He loved the feeling of his brother playing with his taint. His dick went from soft to harder than he'd even been in his entire life. It wasn't long enough to bounce but instead twitched and dribbled onto his brother's head. Baxter could feel all of the pre pouring right onto his head while he continued to lick further around the boy's taint. He could almost swear that his brother was pissing on him, but didn't mind the thought enough stop what he was doing.

Instead, Francis began to raise himself off the seat, giving his brother more access to him while pushing his own chair back. His muzzle leaned into the screen, focused on the intense match he was in while he pushed the chair back to enjoy his new discovery. Baxter helped, pulling the chair right out from underneath his brother to leave him crouching and playing his game. He knew that his brother would need a seat though and he was more than happy to help.

With the chair out of the way, he slid himself right under the young boy and pushed his entire face right between his legs. He kissed him all over, licking him as well and taking generous breaths to breathe in his thick scent. The room was now running with the rampant smell of the two brother's hot lust. Baxter wasn't even bothered trying to stroke himself off. He was more focused on getting the thirteen year old to shoot again.

Francis's tail lovingly coiled around his older brother's neck, helping guide him to the spots that the opossum's sloppy tongue had yet to trace as well as leading him back to places that he wanted to feel again. His tail brushed up and down his brother's muzzle like a hand caressing his face. It was the most affectionate the two had ever been with each other. Even Baxter leaned into the strokes of his tail, pushing back up against them like it was his lover.

Baxter didn't leave any of his brother's taint unexplored, continuing to cover all of him with laps from his tongue. He combed over every millimeter of his skin, trading the boy's sweat with his own saliva as a fair exchange. He continued to go back until he caught a whiff of the boy's ass. Without anymore tain left to garnish, Baxter closed his eyes, stuck his tongue out, and pushed it right up against the boy's asshole.


The older teenager ignored his brother's cry as he began to lick his sweaty crack and taste his unwashed tailhole. He had never done this before with anyone, but he had seen it done in porn and there was always going to be a first time for it. He reached his arms up and spread the boy's asshole as he licked all over his ass. He could hear Francis panting hard while still clicking around all over the screen. He was surprised the boy could even stand while he had his asshole licked.

His tail had gone from loving strokes to practically slapping against his face. Francis struggled to pull his brother away from his sensitive asshole, but it was no use. The coil around his neck grew tighter but it was not nearly enough to actually choke his brother. Maybe it was because he was too weak and should have spent more time in the gym like his older brother did. Maybe it was because deep down he really wanted to feel tongue against his tight pucker.

Baxter wasn't done yet. He continued to play with his tailhole, giving it spontaneous kisses, switching from long intimate licks to quick brushes of the tip of his tongue, to just blowing on it to see him squirm. He could tell that his brother was trying his best to focus on his game, but he was losing to the sensations. Baxter really wanted to set him off though and trying something extra naughty would do that.

The only warning Francis received was Baxter grabbing both of the boy's tight cheeks and spreading them wide before he stuffed his tongue right inside him. His asshole instantly opened up for him, taking in the opossums thick slick tongue like he'd be born to take dick. The only thing that Francis could do was moan and continually shout Oh Shit while he let his brother penetrate him. He spread his legs even more just to see how far Baxter could get up inside him.

Baxter had similar thoughts, pushing his long anthro tongue deeper and deeper into his brother. He was enjoying the feeling of his little brother squirming and spasming, though he definitely could do without the taste. Still, with his nose right up into his brother's crack, he was getting the musky scent that he had been relishing since his brother reached puberty. He could leave himself in this position for hours if there was a way to do it.

"Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh Shit! Oh Fucking Fuck!!" He slammed both of his hands on the desk loudly.

Baxter couldn't see it, but he definitely could tell what his brother had just done. He could feel squirts of cum shooting all over his body, pooling inside of his belly button, showering his crotch, and even some landing on his feet. He continued to rim his brother, licking all over his tailhole and stuffing his tongue into his ass while he made puddle of warm boy spunk all over his body. He knew the teen had never cum this hard in his entire life, but he continued to milk him for more. It was only until Francis moved that Baxter was able to stop his assault.

Francis released his tail around his brother's neck and looked down at his paint job. Baxter's fully erect dick was slick with pre, but it wasn't quite as wet as the spots of cum scattered up and down his stomach, crotch, and legs. He didn't realize how had he had been panting and moaning until a string of saliva dropped right from his mouth straight onto Baxter's dick. It twitched, bobbing up and down as he needed to finish himself.

"Oh hey, you won! I guess you are good."

Baxter said, looking at his brother's screen while still on the floor.

"Seriously? Get on the bed!"

Baxter looked up confused, but he did what the cub told him to do. He carefully crawled up off the floor, doing his best not to get the cum anywhere but on his body. He knew he wanted to spend the next few days smelling like his brother's cumsocks and that meant keeping as much cum on his soft white fur. He laid on his back on the bed, presenting himself to his brother while he followed him.

"J-j-just hold still. I want to do something."

Baxter nodded his head up and down, enjoying his brother taking the lead for once. He was not expecting to get anything in return. He imagined that he was just going to go to his own room next door and grab the underwear that he already got and jerk off while sniffing them. He definitely was not going to complain though, he only just hoped that the young boy would know what to do with his stick.

Francis struggled with his thoughts for a minute, looking up and down the cum soaked possum before nodding his head up and down. He got up on the bed and got over his brother's body, climbing right over his dick before lowering himself slowly. Baxter reached out, grabbing hold of his brother's hips as he helped him down towards his dick. Baxter couldn't believe this was happening. His dick jumped at the thought of fucking the little nerd. Before he could get his brother's asshole though, the boy pulled forward and got on his knees just in front of his dick.

"I want you to rub it against my butt. Not in. Just against."

Baxter grit his teeth and frowned, looking at his brother with resentment. If he knew he could get away with it, he would have grabbed the smaller possum and forced him down onto his dick. He fantasized about it for a second, watching his brother cry as he is trying to wrestle with the much stronger possum. He could pin the quarky fuck down and rzpe his asshole. It wouldn't take more than a few minutes to get him off before he would let him run off crying with blood, cum, and shit dripping down his legs.

He could do it.

He was distracted from his rape filled thoughts when his brother took the frst move. He pushed himself right up against his brother's tip, rubbing the warm wet prick up right against his asshole. He whimpered and purred, grinding himself up against his brother's dick like he was trying to scratch an itch. The hot tip of his brother's cock made him melt and he wondered how empty he would feel without it pressed up against him. A thought he could only push into the back of his mind as focused on the now.

Baxter was enjoying the sensations as well. He had been edging the entire time just on huffing his brother's scent like a teenager getting high paint. All of it should have sent him over the edge ages ago, but he managed to hold himself back just for this. His balls ached, swollen from the teasing. He couldn't even stop himself from bucking himself against his brother's virgin asshole, but the opossum wouldn't give him the satisfaction of penetration.

"Francis, you're killing me here."

Francis didn't respond back to Baxter, but instead his twitched his tail back and wrapped it around the base of his brother's cock. Baxter eye's rolled in his skull and he pushed his head back into the mattress. He grabbed a pillow and covered his face, moaning loudly into it as he broke through the thresholds of the point of no return. His cock leaked hot cum right into his brother's asshole as his first wave began with a meager dribble. Baxter couldn't help himself but to push his dick forward just enough for Francis to accept the very tip of his cock.

A loud moan from both of them signified Baxter's orgasm as he shot straight into his brother's tailhole.The strength of his orgasm as well as the slight penetration was enough to push cum right passed his sphincter. Baxter panted loudly, squinting hard into the pillow under the realization that he was filling up his baby brother with warm jets of cum. Francis could hardly believe it himself, allowing himself to take his brother's cum like he was a whore. Neither could deny how good it felt though.

Francis moved forward, crawling forward just enough to pull his brother's tip out of his own tailhole. Baxter was about to whine, but the tail around his cock grew tighter, milking him for all his load. He continued to hotdog his brother's cock, getting the cum between his tight cheeks while pushing out some of the cum that slipped inside of him. The base of his tail was soaked in his brother's cum, as well as his crack and cheeks. All of his fur was covered in the warm hot sticky glue, but Francis loved the warm feeling of it.

Baxter kept the pillow over his face, covering up his moans and whines while every last drop of his own cum was literally being squeezed out of him. He whispered into the pillow before pulling it off his face to breath and was met with a surprise. It had been less than five minutes and Francis was beating himself off furiously. The little opossum's huge ears were folded back against his head and his eyes were closed tightly. He bit his lower lip hard, breathing through his teeth loudly.

He hardly had time to admire his little brother's stamina before the little guy climaxed for a second time. Francis's tiny prick is able to shoot out only a single rope that caught Baxter right on the muzzle before he struggled to push out more than drops from his already spent cock. He struggled to sit upright while he blew his pitiful load onto his brother's stomach before he collapsed right onto his stomach.

Baxter grunted hard as the smaller opossum ruined his afterglow by landing right on him. The two of them struggled, trying to get comfortable as they both finished the last of their orgasms. The fans did nothing to cool the room down; they only stir the air of the room, mixing the two boys funk together to make a new more pungent stench. They swap sweat as they scramble against each other until they find a position that worked for both of them. Francis laid on top of his brother's stomach and chest, his dick laying on top of Baxter's larger cock.

The two of them laid for a bit, both unable to relax in the unbearable heat of their own bodies as well as the warming room. Baxter enjoyed the smells as much as he could, leaning in and smelling his brother's neck before he couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed his brother by the shoulders and chucked him off of his chest, sending Francis right onto the floor. He screamed as he was flung, landing on the soft carpet with a dud.

"The Fuck?!?!"

"You're too hot! I'm not your fucking boyfriend. Baby doesn't need spooning."

Baxter was laughing the entire time, surprised that he was able to throw his brother as far as he could. Francis did not find it quite as funny. He was genuinely enjoying the touch of his brother, still midway through his afterglow before he was rudely interrupted. He jumped to his feet, grabbing one of his many pillows and hitting Baxter straight in the muzzle. Baxter's laughter was cut immediately and he gets up off the bed.

"You're gonna get your ass beat!"

Baxter couldn't get off the bed in time before Francis ran out of the room, laughing the entire way. Baxter knew there was nowhere to run. He took his time taking in one last deep breath of the room before darting out the room. With any luck, he'd be able to wrestle his brother one more time. He hoped that he'd be able to rub up against his cum covered ass and get one last lick in before they'd go back to being normal.

If they could go back.


Disclaimer: These stories are purely works of fiction. Nothing is meant to represent actual events that happened or will happen. No part of this is ever supposed to be replicated in real life. As adults, we're responsible for distinguishing between fantasy and reality. Any actions replicated by any person in real life should be reported to the proper authorities. Thank you.