Loving a Husky One: That Special Night

Story by Colord44 on SoFurry

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Loving a Husky 1: That Special Night

Finally at last, Nicholas and Chloe had made it to their one year anniversary date. It had really been that long with dating for them. By this point the fosky was 24 and she was closer to being the same age as him. The two were happy as can be that they had made it to this point. But this night they hoped it would lead to something more unaware that it really would. For this, Monique and Daniel said the two could have the run of Nicholas and his roommate's place for the night if Chloe and her guy wanted it which gave them more hope. The two felines also by this point were considering with moving in together themselves and the four had been talking about them doing it. But first Nicholas and Chloe had to get to that point themselves. For now this night was to be focused on and the other. It found the male fosky getting ready at his place in a suit. His long brown hair was braided for the occasion. "Here goes nothing," the male said to himself and left with the flowers for his girl in his paw.

Nicholas made it to her place and knocked on the door. Daniel answered it and let the fosky in. "Check you out man," the male feline said. "She's going to love what you have on."

His girlfriend Monique then appeared and she smiled. "Looking good Nicholas," the female feline said and then to her boyfriend, "Almost as good as Daniel."

"Right, if you say so," the fosky replied with a small smile.

"She's really excited," Monique commented. "Just make her happy."

"I will." The guy then walked to her bedroom door and knocked on it.

"One sec," came her reply. The door opened to reveal her.

"Hey there Nicky, oh you're so handsome," Chloe cooed. She was wearing sky blue for her dress which fit her frame well and was strapless. Even the necklace she wore all the time was on. Nicholas's mouth slightly opened at the sight of his husky girlfriend and she smiled.

"What's wrong?" she asked teasingly and spun around so he could see every angle. "You see something you love?"

The male got his act together and smiled. "Sorry love, it's just you are so beautiful I couldn't speak for a moment." The female got her fosky boyfriend with a kiss.

"You're such a sweet talker baby," Chloe said happily. The female had her purse with her. The husky spotted the flowers and sniffed them happily.

"Well, shall we get going?" The husky nodded and grabbed his arm. The flowers were left with her roommate and then the couple left the apartment and were soon in his car, driving with the sun setting.

"So where are we going?" Chloe asked him with a grin.

"A special place to celebrate," Nicholas shot back with a matching smile.

"Can I get a hint?"


"Awwww... Please?" the husky cooed, looking at him with loving eyes.

"Sorry love, not happening." Chloe mock pouted and her boyfriend laughed at how adorable she was.

"Oh fine, I'll find out soon," the female said, pleased she got him to laugh.

They made small talk as the male drove and soon they had arrived to one of the nicest restaurants in the city. Chloe gasped when she saw it. "Oh my god..." she whispered.

"Enjoy it love, it was recommended to me by one of my friends," Nicholas told her.

"Oh thank you for brining me here!" Chloe kissed his cheek since the guy was still driving.

Nicholas parked the car and he got out, opening her door. The husky smiled at him, and took his arm. They walked inside where they were escorted to a booth. There was soft music playing and candlelight which set the atmosphere. Nicholas and Chloe sat down and she grinned at him. "I'm already loving this baby," she said to her boyfriend.

"I'm glad you are dear," he replied to his girlfriend, grabbing her paws and squeezing them which the husky did back. "I want this night to be special for you and for us..."

"I can't believe it's already been a year... What a year it has been..."

"You said it."

Just then their waiter came up and the couple ordered what they wanted. Their drinks came out in a bit. Nicholas held his glass up to toast them and Chloe responded. "Shall I make it?" she asked and he nodded. "Then to us and many more years together..."

They clinked the glasses and drank. The two began to talk again, this time going to video games they hoped would come out, then more about things in the future, and then finally a little about their future. Chloe and Nicholas did see their job situations getting better and didn't mind sharing that. Just then the food came and the two began to eat. It was a delicious meal and finished with desert. After that, it was time to head back home. But only for this night to begin. The car ride back a little talking happened but the two were mostly quiet. In their hearts, they knew what they wanted next but weren't quite sure how to say or ask for it. They made it back to the apartments and it was night now. "Well, we're back," the fosky said softly.

"Yes..." Chloe replied and then frowned.

"What's wrong love?"

"It's just..." The husky looked to her boyfriend. "It's just it's been so perfect so far... I don't want this night to end baby..."

"And I don't either..." They smiled and came in for a kiss. Quickly, it became a steamy make out session in the car. Their tongues fought and the husky was grinding her body against his. He could feel his erection begin to form as his paws gripped Chloe's sexy ass cheeks.

The couple came apart, gasping. "Oh honey..." the female moaned. "Can we do more...?"

"Yes," the long-haired male answered. "My place is free."

"Let's go."

They got out of the car and up to the door where Nicholas swept Chloe off her feet. "Hey!" the husky stated with a laugh, her arms around him, legs kicking playfully, tail swishing. They got into the elevator and kissed again. This time Nicholas reached under her dress as they did so, feeling her panties while the husky went for his erection going on in his pants, rubbing it. The doors opened and they broke apart. The fosky still carried her and to his door and managed to get it unlocked.

"Nicholas!" Chloe said with a laugh as he carried her over the threshold and managed to get the door locked. He carried his girl to his bed where she dropped her purse in a corner before lifting up her dress so he could see her sexy pair of sky blue panties.

"Fuck me!" she demanded with her tongue out in a pant.

"Mmmmm... eager are we?" Nicholas said and kissed her. The husky found the buttons on his shirt and undid them. His arms went back so that article of clothing fell to the floor. He then traced with his fingers ever curve and line of his girl, even her tits and under her dress where her inner thighs and panties were, especially her pussy that was covered up. The couple pulled back breathless.

"Should I get any condoms out?" the male asked.

"No need," Chloe answered. "I'm on the pill. I want to feel it all my first time."

"Wait... first time?" Nicholas asked, surprised.

"Yes... I'm a virgin. I only have one virginity. And I want you to be my first; I want you to be the one who takes that from me..."

"Then you're in luck, I will so you'll be my first to." She snuggled into his neck with a happy sigh. "Wait a minute..."

He took her glasses and necklace off along with his own. The guy made sure to take his undershirt off before heading to his bedside table. She watched him with happiness seeing his muscled back in front of her. Nicholas put these things down and got something from a drawer. He then took his shoes, socks, and pants off. Now only in boxers, he returned, the item from the drawer placed to the side. He went in front of Chloe, kissing her neck, his paws fondling her tits. The husky moaned. "Oooohhh I've really wanted this from you..." she whispered with lust. They were lost in that and in love as this night really took off for them.

She began to moan with pleasure as his fondling on her tits got more loving. Nichols then pulled her dress down, finally exposing them and seeing her wonderful orbs of love. Easily d-cup, the nipples were standing up hard. To his surprise when the male looked, they weren't pink but dark brown in color. Still they looked wonderful. "Holy..." Nicholas breathed. Chloe opened her eyes and grinned at him.

"Mmmm, you love these nice ladies of mine?" the husky cooed.

"They are so gorgeous like you," he whispered. "How I've wanted this for so long..." The guy took the left tit into his mouth, just beginning to suckle and roll the nipple with his tongue, playing with it. Chloe gasped and moaned louder at what her boyfriend was doing. Then his mouth moved to her other nipple.

"Oooh... ahhhh..." the husky moaned, turned on even more by this.

Nicholas then broke off his sucking. "Let's get you more on the bed love," he whispered and moved her up to the pillows. Her dress then came off and was carefully set to the side. The fosky go on as well and went for her body again, kissing and licking his way south. Chloe giggled as it ticked. The male then reached her panties, and pulling back, slid his fingers under the elastic part of them and pulled them down. The husky lifted her legs up to help her boyfriend. He then quickly had his boxers off. Now naked, the fosky looked and saw her pink pussy folds, aroused and open a little like her legs. Chloe looked at him with a happy, lustful smile.

"I'm ready baby..." she encourage him.

"God you are just so damn gorgeous," he whispered and went to her slit. His tongue came out, swiping her virgin flower from bottom to top.

The husky arched her back with a cry. "OH MY GOD!" she stated. The male began to lick her cunt some more, swirling the lips. This felt so good to Chloe, more than masturbating. His tongue felt warm, wet, and silky smooth.

"Mmmm you are such a tasty girl," he told his girlfriend after pulling back for a second. Nicholas then went back in, his tongue going deeper into her opening. The inner walls were licked with love.

"OH! OH GOD!" Chloe cried with pleasure. Her tongue actually came out as she began to pant. Nicholas saw that and it was a turn on from him. It was so hot and he began to go harder and faster. "UNH UNH UNH!" The fosky then used his paw to spread her legs apart more to give his girl even more pleasure. Her body was squirming on the bed, tongue still out. The male kept going and the husky kept moaning. She then felt it coming.

"I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum...!" Chloe stated quickly feeling it about to burst. "Yeah, yeah , yeah...!" She then threw her head back and came with a cry. Her juices rushed out and Nicholas was able to taste her. He lapped up what came up.

"Mmmm such a good taste of you love," the male said to her.

Chloe came down from her orgasm and opened her eyes, looking to her boyfriend with a smile. "Oh honey... that was so good," she whispered. "I love you..."

"I love you to babe," the male told his girlfriend. He then lay down next to her and the husky rolled to her side.

"Well now, I shouldn't keep you waiting," the husky said seductively. "Let's see what you've got going on down there." The fosky was only too happy to go onto his back.

Chloe looked and saw his erected dick up. The knot was there to and while not the biggest thing ever, it looked thick and hard. The female licked her lips.

"You have a nice looking one for sucking..." she said to him in a lustful tone.

The female went to where it was, grinning at her guy. Her mouth began to kiss his meat, already loving how it tasted. The fosky grunted in pleasure. Chloe hummed and began to lick the length up and down before getting to the head. Kissing that, her mouth opened and she brought the head in. "Ooohhh ugh... that's feels good..." Nicholas moaned.

The female hummed louder, bathing his dick with affection and love. She began to take him in deeper and felt him place his right paw on the back of her head. Chloe was turned on and went down further, tongue wrapped around his meat, sucking. The husky then managed to get the entire dick into her mouth, pass the knot. "Ooohhh good girl..." the fosky praised her.

Chloe's tail began to wag back and forth, showing her guy that she longed to please him this way, and it gave her pleasure to. Her paws were on his legs now, still humming. All of this was just fueling the buildup for the long-haired male who felt it coming. Chloe also could tell because she could feel his dick throb. She knew what was coming. "Babe... I... I..." Nicholas gasped and then he began to come with a shout. Chloe felt his seed flood her mouth. She began to swallow it like a good girl.

The female was able to get it all despite what was shot out and when the last drop was down her throat, Nicholas's paw came off her head. The husky pulled off slowly and sexily, licking her lips. "Mmmmm that was such a good drink," she cooed with lust.

"Holy crap..." the fosky gasped. "That... that was such an amazing first blow job..."

"And I'd do it again and again," Chloe told him with a grin. "As long as you eat me out just like before babe..."

"God you're just an amazing husky," Nicholas said, holding his arm open. The female came in and snuggled next to him.

"And you are amazing to," she cooed happily.

The couple lay there for a minute, just loving the feel of the other's naked body against the other. Her especially since her boyfriend has muscles in the arms, chest, and the abs that showed. But this made them horny again and for more. "So, what now?" Chloe asked Nicholas. "Anything else you want to do?"

He didn't answer but looked over her shoulder and saw her shapely sexy ass sticking out. His paws reached out and grabbed the cheeks. "Ooooh you naughty male," she playfully scolded him, feeling that. "You can't keep your paws off my ass."

"Because you've got a great one," he shot back with a smirk. His grip on her cheeks tightened and the husky let out a moan. "Seems you love it. Wanna try something with this?"

His girlfriend knew he meant anal and was turned on. "Oh yes, I'd love to do anal."

"You mean it?" the guy asked, surprised and hardly believing it.

"I do love it, and I've had some fun with that hole with my toys."

"Wait... what toys?"

"I have a few," the husky said. "A girl has needs and sometimes fingers aren't enough. Don't worry, they're not that much bigger than you babe. And you feel so much better than them."

"Any related to video games?" he asked with a grin and the husky laughed.

"God no! If I did I could never play them ever again!"

"Just kidding love," Nicholas said. "But how did you even find out you liked anal?"

"I was masturbating thinking of you fucking me when I felt a sensation with my tail hole. I began to finger it and then after learning I liked that I began to try toys up my ass. I found I liked it and now I want your dick up there."

"Now who's the naughty one?" the male asked and the husky giggled. She then got on all fours, sticking her ass up at him. The guy rose up and saw her tail was going back and forth, able to see her virgin pussy and tight tail hole.

Chloe was looking at him with love and lust as he started at these and her rump. "Like it?" she asked, shaking her ass back and forth slowly. "You like looking at my big, juicy, furry ass?"

"More than you could know," the male answered and spread her cheeks apart. Chloe whimpered. Nicholas found her tail hole with his tongue and began to rim it. Chloe began to moan with pleasure.

The couple stayed this way for a good minute, Nicholas tasting that hole and his girl feeling the sensation and loving it. It was turning both of them on and got the fosky hard again. He then pulled out of her tail hole. "This is going to be so hot, I've always wanted to fuck you up the ass," he told her and Chloe giggled.

"Come get me..." she told him, shaking her ass at him again. "I'm ready for some anal loving..."

The guy then reached for the item from the drawer and now she saw it was a tube of lube. The male squirted some of it on her tail hole, working it in with his fingers. The husky gasped and then moaned as she felt this. It was so different for him to stick those up her tail hole. And it felt better. When her tail hole was nice and lubed up, the tube was placed to the side and Nicholas roe so his dick was lined up with the target. "I'll start slowly," the fosky told her.

The male slowly began to insert his tool in that hole, slowly losing it up. Chloe gasped each time he did this as the guy pulled out and did this a number of time. But then Nicholas went further in. The husky began to moan. "Mmmmmmm..." she moaned. "Ahhhhhh...."

It was clear the female loved and enjoyed this. So the fosky went in deeper with each thrust, slowly getting stronger, faster, and harder. But Nicholas didn't go to the knot. His paw went on her ass cheeks, spreading them apart. As the guy did so, Chloe's moans got more passionate. Then Nicholas really picked it up. His girl felt this. "AH! AH! MMMH! AH! AH! AH!" she cried out. This was so hot and a turn on, Chloe began to finger herself and her tongue was out while panting. Even her tail began to wag back and forth at points.

"God... tight... hole..." Nicholas grunted as he kept the anal pounding up.

"HARDER! HARDER!" his girl begged.

"You want harder? Then try this!" His left paw spanked her left cheek. Chloe shrieked with pleasure.

"AGAIN! MORE!" she told him. So Nicholas began spanking both of her ass cheeks. The husky was loving this so much. The spanks were the good, pleasant kind. And the anal kept going for a while.

Finally after some time he pulled out of Chloe's ass and she slumped onto the bed. "Ooooh that felt so good..." she moaned with happiness.

"That was so hot," he whispered.

"It was... and I'd love to do anal again and again..."

"You naughty, dirty girl..."

"I know I am." The husky then recovered and went to the pillows and lay on them face up. Her guy crawled over to her. The female held her arms out to him and spread her legs.

"Come here," she moaned with lust. "Fuck my pussy. Take my virginity. Make me your bitch."

Nicholas was already hard and ready. He got into position and the couple kiss. His dick began to penetrate Chloe's tight, virgin pussy. Like with the anal, the fosky went a little in and out to get her loose. But then his meat went in more, penetrating her. The couple broke off with Chloe crying out with pleasure and Nicholas moaning. "OH MY GOD!" the husky cried.

"So tight..." he grunted. The fosky started slowly and her tongue came out in a pant.

Nicholas quickly found the rhythm and was soon thrusting in and out of her. Chloe with her left paw had spready the leg on the same side even more to get her boyfriend in deeper. The other paw was over her right tit. Her tongue was out as she panted from this. It was so hot. Their sweat and scent was mixing and filling the room. Her wonderful large tits were jiggling with every thrust. Then this got even hotter. "Get ready..." the fosky grunted.

The husky knew what was coming. Her guy pushed forward and his knot went into her pussy, joining the couple. The action broke her barrier and she cried out, feeling the pain but then the pure pleasure that followed a second later. "OH YES! FUCK!" she moaned loudly.

The couple came in for a steamy, hot kiss as Nicholas continued his thrusting, dick buried knot deep in his girl. They then broke it off and could feel it coming. "Chloe... Honey... I..." Nicholas grunted.

"Yes... Me to...!" she gasped.

The fosky thrusted a few more times and they came at the same time with cries of pleasure. Chloe grabbed her guy, wrapping her legs and arms around him tightly as he fell on her, holding him tight. To make sure every drop of cum went into her pussy. The two gasped as they got their breath back. Their virginities had been lost to the other and the sex had been so hot and great. "Oh my god..." Chloe gasped. "So wonderful..."

"You said it..." Nicholas managed to say. The two then got their break back and she still had her legs and arms around him as he pulled back, their noses touching. They shared a loving kiss.

"I love you..." the fosky whispered.

"And I love you..." she said softly, licking his right cheek. "I love you so much..." He licked her back and Chloe sighed happily. Nicholas's knot then shrank and he pulled out of the husky. But they knew this was just the beginning and continued to fuck throughout the night until they almost passed out from the efforts. The two were quickly asleep, happy and snuggled up. The night had been perfect and the sex could only get better along with their relationship.


Pics will be up soon.