Marcus Lane - Chapter Eight

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#8 of Marcus Lane

The British countryside, full of charm and delight... that's until gay celebrity author Marcus Lane arrives back from San Francisco to fix his parents' house up and sell it.

His arrival in the village, combined with that of a famous film star in town to shoot a movie inspires jealously from a bored local teenager with a crush on both of them and the curiosity of Marcus' first ex which leads to a trail of comedic destruction.

Chapter Eight


_ _

Today seemed like the sort of day to repeat what Marcus had done on his apartment balcony or by the communal pool on a hot day; put his swimwear on and sit in a reclining chair with a cold drink.

His speedo was sitting on top of his suitcase and he eased it up his hind-paws.

He felt two muscular arms wrap around his chest

"These are cute," Ralph growled playfully, cupping Marcus' butt and feeling the material of the speedo between his fingers.

"You'd look good in one too stud," Marcus grinned, arching his butt against Ralph.

"As a matter of fact," Ralph said, biting down on his beck fluff before angling Marcus' muzzle to kiss him. "I have one myself."

Marcus closed his eyes as he and Ralph made out for a moment. He reached around and gripped the Doberman's butt, squeezing it as he slid his tongue into Ralph's mouth.

"You're thirsty today," Ralph chuckled as they broke off.

"I'm always thirsty," Marcus shrugged. "And no fox jokes," he added with a grin.

Ralph glanced over his shoulder and responded with a raised eye-brow and a half-smile.

Marcus and Ralph were in his parents' old bedroom, or the main bedroom as Marcus was trying to condition himself to call it. He wanted to de-condition each room of emotional attachment before the cottage was shown to any potential buyers.

His old bedroom still had all his old possessions in it, and try as he might, Marcus could not bring himself to throw any of them away. They remained in place and he decided not to show Ralph, wondering what he might think.

Instead, Marcus distracted himself with the naked, muscular Doberman in the room. He grinned and wagged his tail as he thought back to yesterday; sucking Ralph off in the garden, sharing more alcohol before Ralph had carried him to bed, shoved three fingers into his mouth and fucked his brains out.

They had gone to bed and slept in until eleven.

His tail hole felt a little sore from Ralph's sizeable knot, but he desperately wanted the Doberman back inside him, but another part of him was also craving something romantic.

"Ya know stud, we should go on a date tonight," Marcus suggested casually.

"A date," Ralph repeated, smiling to himself as he seemed to weigh up the idea. "Sure, any nice places to go nearby?"

"I'll consult trip adviser," Marcus chuckled before sighing.

"What's up?"

"I forgot Frank was coming to measure up the kitchen, so sunbathing outside and being out of the house definitely seems like an attractive proposition."

Ralph grinned and waggled his nub as he rummaged in his suitcase. Both of their suitcases were open on the floor with the clothes half spilled out.

Marcus looked in the mirror by the wardrobe and surveyed himself in his swim briefs; they were a light green colour with two white stripes down the side. Certainly fun for swimming in, although the communal pool in his old apartment complex was nicer than cold sea close to Little Hartbrook.

He smiled at the memory before remembering how he and Conor used to sit by the pool together.

No, don't think of that. You have a hot Doberman instead. Wow, wait until Conor learns about this. He'll be jealous as fuck!

_ _ Ralph had retrieved his swimsuit. Like Marcus' pair, it was a speedo albeit a white one with blue stitching. Marcus found himself licking his lips at the sight of the nicely defined contour at the front of Ralph's swim trunks.

"Hmm, that pair look familiar," Marcus said, scratching his muzzle. "Ah yes! I saw you wearing them in a photo some paparazzi took of you in Capri. Some jerking off may have happened when I saw it."

"That's the first time someone has admitted to beating one out over a pap photo of me," Ralph laughed. "Yes, I remember that vacation. Gunnar wanted to show me that beach, but some jackal pap kept following us," he explained before a forlorn expression crossed his face.


"My ex," Ralph explained, putting on a casual tone.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Marcus said, wrapping his arms around Ralph and giving the Doberman's butt a squeeze.

Ralph fixed Marcus a grin.

"We'd better make it outside, before something happens between us," he growled playfully.

"Or before Frank shows up," Marcus added. "Are you guys fucking in front of my marble slabs?"

Ralph responded with something between an unsure laugh and a cough.

"Well, we don't want that do we," he grinned before gripping Marcus' muzzle and fixing him a domineering grin as he gently squeezed under his mouth.

Marcus allowed his muzzle to meet Ralph's and they kissed for a minute.

"Right, let's go sit outside with a cool drink," Marcus said as they broke off. "I've got to do some writing."

He couldn't help but shiver with delight as Ralph growled, placed a paw down the back of his speedo and lead him out of the room whilst cupping his butt.

It was sunny outside and Marcus slid his ray-bans up the bridge of his muzzle before settling into of one of the deck chairs.

The cool box was still sitting between the chairs and Marcus helped himself to a Higson & Pearidge cider before booting his laptop up.

Ralph stretched out, perking his butt and Marcus felt his speedo grow tighter as he watched the Doberman's muscles flex.

"My writing can wait," Marcus grinned as he placed his laptop on top of the cool box.

He walked over and put his paws on Ralph's butt.

"It seems my exercising will wait too," Ralph chuckled.

"Tsk, tsk, you can't have a sexy arse like that and expect me to behave mister," Marcus grinned.

Ralph smiled back and Marcus reached up to kiss the Doberman but he gave a start as he heard a cough behind them.

"Um, sorry to interrupt, but I just wanted to let you know I'm in the house," came Frank's voice. "But it seems I startled you anyway."

Marcus turned to see the black wolf in the doorway, dressed in shorts and a white t-shirt. His arms were neatly folded across his chest and the expression on his face seemed unsurprised.

"Oh, hello there Frank," Marcus said tersely. "It's okay, I remembered you were stopping by."

"Hey Frank," Ralph added in a more cheerful tone. "How are you doing?"

"Hi there Ralph, hope you're settling in okay? I just came by to do the measurements on the kitchen," Frank explained politely. "I hope I'm not bothering you two."

"Oh you're fine," Marcus said, putting his paws on his hips.

He noticed Frank look down and the wolf's mouth fell open slightly as he seemed to notice the pronounced bulge in Marcus' speedo (which still remained after he had felt Ralph's butt).

"Well, I'll get started," Frank replied, his voice suddenly sounding more flustered.

"If you need any help give us a shout," Marcus grinned.

"Well, what's a wolf got to do around here to get a cup of tea?" Frank chuckled, trying to regain his composure.

"You make it," Marcus said. "Milk is in the fridge. Tea bags on the side, oh and sugar is on the windowsill in a china jar, that's if you still put sugar in your tea?"

"Not since 2015," Frank explained. "Whilst I'm here I can start work taking the shed apart. I wanted to save it but I'm worried it'll fall down on someone. It's empty of stuff though, I checked."

Marcus glanced over at the shed and felt weird and sudden pang of sadness. It had been the place they'd snuck off to make out in when his parents were at home.

Pressing hips lips against Frank's, feeling their muzzles brush, the amazing sensation of the wolf's rough tongue sliding into his mouth.

_ _ "If it's falling down, it's falling down," Marcus said, fixing Frank a casual shrug. "Thanks though."

"You're welcome, but you'll be pleased to know the treehouse is structurally sound. That can stay, providing the next owners of the house want it," Frank continued.

"Okay, good," Marcus replied. "We never did stuff in there, actually we tried," he added under his breath.

"Fuck that feels good, keep rubbing your dick against my butt. I like being teased like that."

_ "Um, are we going to fall through the floor in here? I can barely fit!"_

_ "Babe, we're not going to fall through the floor, come on, be a dommy wolf!"_

_ "Okay."_

_ "Mmm, yes press your cock a little into my hole before you lube yourself, that's it!"_

_ "Fuck!"_

_ "What is it?"_

_ "I just banged my head. I don't want to do this in here."_

_ "But we can't fuck indoors, my parents are at home, and they think we're just looking at comics out here."_

_ "Sorry Marcus."_

_ _ "I'm glad you've now decided the treehouse is structurally sound, given the happy memories," Marcus continued, not bothering to resist the urge to fix Frank a cheeky grin.

"Um, yes I have."

"Good, just a shame you didn't feel that way when we were younger," Marcus teased.

"I'm sorry?" Frank replied, looking confused.

"When we were younger?"

"Uh, the only thing I remember was when we were little and pretending it was a castle and your cousin was trying to invade us," Frank claimed.

"Very well then," Marcus said as he sat back down. "He blatantly remembers what I was referring to," he added under his breath.

Frank turned and made his way back inside.

"Is there more to this story?" Ralph asked casually as he stretched out again.

"We almost banged in there," Marcus explained bluntly.

"Hmm, I'd be worried we'd fall through the floor," Ralph mused before he dropped onto his mat and began doing push-ups.

"Tops," Marcus sighed with a wry grin as he opened his laptop.

He began working on his article while trying to brainstorm ideas for the next Detective Forrest novel. Contractually, he was obliged to have it sent to the publishers by the end of next year and he already had an idea of what to write.

Detective Forrest returns to his hometown to solve a murder of a former lover.

_ _ Yes, that was a good idea. A return to roots kind of tail. Fan mail Marcus had gotten in the past always asked about Detective Forrest's origins, so now was an opportunity to stick to a formula that pleased everyone (murder mystery) while injecting something new.

Marcus opened a blank document and began to bullet point ideas, although the sight of Ralph's butt flexing in his speedo was impossible not to notice.

His ex was murdered in an incident designed to look like an accident? Yes, he was working on a building project, he finds out something is crooked about it, and they kill him by pretending a wall fell on him.

Marcus smiled at his idea before glancing up. Ralph was now doing a plank with his hind-paws off the ground. The view of his speedo clad butt was divine.

"You know, if Frank wasn't in the kitchen I'd walk right over there and pull your swim trunks down to admire that handsome arse of yours," he grinned. "Maybe lick your arsehole whilst seeing if you can hold that plank."

Ralph responded with a domineering smirk over his shoulder before he stood up and walked over.

"Would you now," he growled.

Their muzzles touched and they kissed. Marcus reached around to grope Ralph's butt again, but then he noticed something on the hillside beyond the garden.

"What's that?" he said, breaking off.

"Something up?" Ralph asked.

Normally Marcus knew he would grin and say something like just my cock, but this time he felt too curious for a sassy remark.

"There," Marcus said, pointing to a large oak tree that grew in a field about halfway up the hill. "In the branches of that tree, it was a bunch of flashes, like a light or something reflecting in the sun."

"Perhaps there was a car on a road up there?" Ralph shrugged, reaching down to tweak Marcus' nipples.

"Unf, you've found my weakness," Marcus huffed. "Although be careful, Frank is behind us."

"I can tell he's on your mind a lot," Ralph grinned, pinching Marcus' nipples harder.

"Well, it's more I don't want him looking out of the window and watching," Marcus sighed.

"Noted," Ralph said, giving Marcus another kiss before getting off him to continue working out.

Marcus grinned as he went back to his ideas. He wanted to do something with Ralph outside, but the idea of doing it in front of Frank wasn't just awkward, it was the thought of making the wolf feel uncomfortable, which was weird.

You're long over him, Marcus reassured himself. You're just being polite.

He glanced over his shoulder and could see the faint outline of the wolf moving about the kitchen. Ralph was back on his mat now doing sit-ups.

Marcus sighed as he put his laptop on top of the cool box and stood up to stretch.

The green shed was a little way down the garden and Marcus decided to investigate just how warped the structure was.

The shed itself did look rickety as Marcus approached, but not in danger of falling over. Perhaps Frank had exaggerated.

Marcus reached out and gingerly touched the wall. It wobbled slightly.

"Huh, what do you know it is actually falling down," he shrugged.

He turned to walk back to the house. Ralph was ahead, doing more sit-ups. Marcus grinned as he wondered whether to tease the Doberman to get him worked up for when Frank had left.

The thought had barely left Marcus' head when he felt himself being grabbed in what felt like a rugby tackle and thrown to one side.

He wanted to shout out in alarm but he was bundled into the grass and there was a loud crash.

Marcus lay quivering in shock with his eyes closed. He was faintly aware of a pair of strong arms around his chest and someone breathing on his neck. He slowly opened his eyes, wondering what the hell had just happened.

The shed had completely fallen down onto the patch of lawn where he had been standing and it slowly dawned on Marcus what had happened.

The shed almost fell on me and Ralph pushed me out of the way.

"T... thank you stud," Marcus panted.

"You're welcome," Frank's voice answered.

Marcus gave a start as he realised Frank was laying on top of him with his arms around his chest. Ralph was hurrying down the garden with an expression of alarm on his face. He felt Frank release him as Ralph caught up. Marcus stood and dusted himself down.

"Wow, man you ran by in a flash," Ralph said to Frank. "That's the fastest I've seen someone move."

"The second I told Marcus that the shed was dangerous I knew he was going to touch it so I was watching and waiting for that to happen," Frank explained.

"Thanks," Marcus sighed quietly.

"I hope my rugby tackle didn't hurt too much," Frank said, putting a paw on Marcus' shoulder.

Marcus could see Frank's eyes were filled with concern.

"I'm fine," Marcus replied. "I think you cushioned the impact."

"That I did," Frank nodded.

Marcus knew he had to do something nice in return.

"Um, would you like a cup of tea?" he asked.

"Heh, I've finished for today. I've measured the kitchen and I know what to do there now, and you finished the demolition work on the shed for me, which was kind although not necessary," Frank chuckled. "Shall I pop by tomorrow again? Although it might be wise to actually text me your number now you have mine so we can arrange a time for me to come in and I don't disturb you and Ralph," Frank said wryly.

"Um, sure. I left my phone by my chair," Marcus replied.

He realised his voice was shaking slightly.

"You okay there?" Ralph asked, reaching over and put a paw on Marcus' rump.

"Yeah," Marcus replied, putting on a brave smile.

He followed Ralph and Frank back towards the house. His phone was next to his laptop. Marcus paws shook slightly as he texted Frank his number but he forced himself to relax.

"How did you know I was going to touch the shed?" he asked once he had finished texting.

"Remember that fireworks display we went to one New Year's Eve in Mr McTaggart's field, we were fourteen at the time?" Frank began as he checked to see if Marcus' text had come through. "One of the rockets didn't go off and you began walking out to investigate. I had to hold you back."

"Oh, yeah," Marcus replied with an embarrassed chuckle, which he quickly disguised as a brave laugh.

"Heh, you're a fearless fox," Ralph chuckled.

"Just make sure that fearlessness doesn't get him into trouble," Frank replied. "Anyway, I'll see you both tomorrow, unless you're out in which case I'll find the key."

Frank left and Marcus waited for a moment before sinking back into his lawn chair.

"Fuck, that was scary," he sighed.

Ralph reached over and put a paw on his chest.

"Why don't I pick somewhere for dinner?" he suggested. "Ya know, take our minds off it."

"That sounds good," Marcus grinned. "I'd never say no to a dinner date with a hot Doberman."

He couldn't help but notice the contour of Ralph's sheath in his swim briefs and his paw ventured out to fondle it.

"You go from almost being crushed to horny in a matter of minutes," Ralph chuckled.

"Says the stud who stuffed his dick in my muzzle yesterday," Marcus grinned. "Not that I'm complaining. Shall we go inside and get ready?"

"I already know what that's code for," Ralph replied as he pulled Marcus out of his seat. Marcus couldn't help but shiver with delight as he felt Ralph's paw down the back of speedo.

He allowed Ralph to lead him back indoors and upstairs.

"We'd better shower first," Marcus suggested.

"I also know what that means," Ralph chuckled.

Marcus took Ralph's paws and they stumbled into the bathroom making out. Their speedos were pushed down their hind-paws as soon as they broke away and Marcus turned to run the shower.

Sexual things in his parents' bathroom (with its blue and white tiled floor, the black and white painting of a lighthouse and the row of multi-coloured china fish hanging on the wall) felt strange, but as Ralph began squeezing his nipples again any feelings of awkwardness melted away.

They stepped into the shower and immediately Marcus got to his knees and began licking at Ralph's sheath. He then took the Doberman's hefty balls in his mouth and sucked on them earnestly. Above the sound of rushing water, he could hear Ralph letting out deep groaning noises so he sucked harder.

"Fuck, you've had practice at this," Ralph growled.

Marcus felt the Doberman's paw holding him in place. He grinned and moved up to start working on Ralph's cock. The tip was already glistening with pre and he moved to clean it off, but he felt Ralph gently push him away.

"As you teased and left me hanging outside, I'm going to repay the favour," Ralph said with a growl. "You'll get my cum all right, but once we've eaten dinner."

"Aww, do you have to do this to me?" Marcus sighed as he got to his hind-paws.

"Yes," Ralph grinned. "That's the rule of tonight, to help take your mind off the shed, and to show you whose boss."

"That's fair," Marcus said, albeit with an eye-roll. "Although I'm expecting a very pent-up Doberman when we get back."

"Oh I will be."

Marcus grinned as they finished washing themselves. Soon enough, they felt clean so he shut off the water and they went to get dressed.

As he fished through his suitcase, Marcus tried to think of the last time he'd gone on a dinner date.

With Conor, six months ago, we went to that seafood place by the bay.

The memory was somewhat soured by the fact Conor had gotten drunk and tried putting a paw down the waiter's trousers. At the time, Marcus had laughed it off as one of the Corgi's antics. Now it felt embarrassing.

He pushed the memory away as he selected a silky blue shirt to wear with a pair of white jeans.

Ralph had put on a maroon button up shirt that somehow brought out the deep brown colour of his eyes.

"Gosh," Marcus breathed. "You're a catch."

"Why thank you," Ralph said, looking slightly bashful.

"Come on, let's go and eat, and then I can get you off," Marcus grinned, taking his paw.

"Is that the only reason you want to eat?"

"No, I'm also hungry and don't want my stomach rumbling loudly," Marcus explained.

"Fair enough," Ralph laughed.

They made their way outside to Ralph's Lotus and climbed in.

"I saw some decent looking places in the larger town nearby as we drove here to film," Ralph explained. "We'll head that way and have a look."

"Sounds good stud," Marcus replied, thumping his tail against his seat.

Ralph fired the engine up and they drove off. As they sped along the lane, Marcus noticed Oliver Durrence and his husky friend walking along with their bike. They both stared at the Lotus as Marcus sped by.

Marcus gazed back and then shrugged to himself.

He was going to have a nice dinner followed by a hot Doberman on top of him. That was more than enough to take any troubles of silly neighbours or falling sheds away.