A Softer Side

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#7 of My Husband's Girlfriend - A Cheating/Cuckolding Series

Normally Fyr and Ropes' relationship is... volatile to say the least. But sometimes, once in a blue moon, the demon puma shows his wife a softer side.

This story was written for Fyrdrgon. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults. :3

A Softer Side

The sound of a knife scraping over toast was a strange one. Rough and rasping, yet pleasant, comforting as Fyr watched the butter slowly melt into the fresh, hot and golden brown toast. She heard the kitchen door open behind her as she reached for the jam, and beneath her already red scales the dragoness couldn't help but feel her cheeks flush in anticipation. She tensed slightly, wings twitching, the tip of her tail darting from side to side and her legs planting themselves more firmly against the cool linoleum of the kitchen floor. The knife in her hand trembled slightly as she began to cover her toast in a rich layer of the raspberry preserve, and she held her breath. Waiting, shaking in anticipation of strong hands upon her shoulders, her hips or her ass. Expecting at any moment to be spun round or dragged away from the counter, perhaps bent over it and fucked long and hard just as her husband had spent basically every waking moment of the last two days doing to her, and her alone.

Sure enough, a strangled gasp escaped her lips as Ropes' hands came to rest upon her flanks, roaming around the sides of her robe and wrapping around her at the loose, open front of the flowing pale blue garment. His hands crossed over her stomach and their palms stretched out flat, stroking, caressing her belly. The touch however, intimate as it may have been, was surprising to Fyr not in how rough or forceful it was, but in the complete lack of force and savagery behind it. She tensed, and whimpered softly as she felt warm breath upon her neck, and then a series of ever so gentle, soft pecks as Ropes' lips peppered her scales.

"Morning, my dear one..."

He growled to her, and Fyr readied herself to be forced down over the counter before her. To be forced to slide the plate with her toast on it aside to avoid her breasts being pressed down into it as Ropes abruptly grabbed the base of her tail, yanked it up and buried his rock hard, throbbing cock inside of her aching depths. Instead though she saw the puma's head tilt forward around her left shoulder, peering down with her at the toast and jam, licking his lips with a deep purr.

"Mmmh. Good call. Toast and jam would really hit the spot right now."

He kissed Fyr on the side of her scaled snout, then stepped away. Towards the bread box further along the counter, then with two slices in hand over to the toaster along the opposite wall nearby the stove and microwave. The dragon turned to watch him, eyes wide but a smile already flickering across her muzzle as she did so. It had been a long time, or at least, it felt like a very long time since she had seen this side of Ropes. It was so easy when he got into one of his moods, when his demonic side latched onto something and grew a little more dominant, to forget that there was so much more to the puma than just rough sex, dominance, and wild, savage passion. It was so easy when you were spending sixteen hours a day in an almost constant state of arousal, consumed by sexual pleasure being poured upon you in greater and greater quantities by the moment, to remember the times when physical pleasure and sexuality was not the core focus of almost every waking moment. It was even painfully easy to forget that there were more reasons, many more, why she and Ropes were married than just the fact that her mind, body and soul were capable of handling his demonic appetites more than most other mortals.

But now, watching Ropes standing by the toaster in just a pair of striped blue and white boxer shorts, hearing him hum some gentle tune and watching his hips, his tail sway in time with the music he was creating, it was just as easy to remember. For a moment, Fyr held back. She blushed. She began to move forward, to open her muzzle to speak only to close it again and fall silent, still. But after a few seconds of thought, she tried again. She picked up her plate with her own toast upon it, set it down upon the kitchen table in the centre of the room, then veered over to where Ropes was standing and gazing out of their home's window at the back yard beyond. Fyr touched him on the shoulder, and she couldn't help but gasp softly, happily when he turned to face her with the warmest, most tender of smiles. His pure white eyes still had their same, constant demonic glow about them, but even that ethereal light seemed more gentle than normal. Fyr took a deep breath, closed her eyes for a moment to centre herself, and then...

"I love you, Fyr."

Before she could do what she had been about to do, before she could embrace her husband and whisper those very same words to him, she felt the puma's arms wrapping around her. She felt his muzzle close to the side of her head, and another kiss landing upon her scales followed by the most tender, playful swipe of his rough, rasping tongue before he pre-empted her declaration with one of his own.

"I know there are times when I don't say it, or show it, nearly enough. But, you know I never stop feeling it, right? You know that no matter what else, no matter where I am, who I'm with... no matter what I'm doing, my love for you is as eternal as anything."

Fyr blinked. She blinked tears out of her eyes as she and Ropes looked at one another, face to face, eye to eye, muzzles so close the tips of their snouts were practically touching. Then he leaned forward ever so slightly as he continued to hold her, and as she embraced him in return, and they were touching. Nuzzling, nosing fondly back and forth before lips began to get involved. They kissed deeply, their tongues began to explore as they held one another so close, so fondly, and...

Both dragon and puma jumped sharply as with a loud twang of springs, the toaster popped up and announced that Ropes' bread was done. They blushed at their mutual shock, and laughed as they squeezed one another fondly for another moment or so within their arms before taking a step back. Soon they were sat at the breakfast table, both crunching toast, sipping coffee and chatting as though the last few days of wild, furious sex and the weeks, the months before that of cheating, of denial, of taunting and domineering conflict had not happened. It wasn't that they'd forgotten, or that either one of them was trying to ignore it. It simply wasn't relevant, wasn't a part of any interaction that they were currently sharing. That was one side of their relationship, one side of their life, and this was another.

It was towards the end of breakfast, plates long since empty and coffee cups getting that way too as their talking continued, that Fyr felt one of Ropes' feet brush against her leg. It could easily have been an accident, not that she had any reason to consider it either way, but by the time his toes caressed her lower leg and the scaled top of her foot a few more times, Ropes' smile made it more than clear that he wasn't just being restless in the motion of his lower limbs. Fyr smiled back at him, and raised a playful eyebrow as his foot ran up her leg, and up, and up, and...


Fyr giggled and moaned as she reached down beneath the table and grasped the foot teasing its way between her thighs, holding onto it but not by any means pushing it away. In fact, she spread her legs somewhat wider, the motion of her limbs against the lower portion of her open robe pulling its light fabric aside and fully freeing both her breasts, which had been drifting in and out of the puma's view throughout the meal. Leaning back in her chair, face flushing beneath her scales as her husband continued to beam and watch her across the table, Fyr tightened her grip upon Ropes' footpaw and pulled it against her crotch, feeling his toes drum against the smooth, scaled flesh upon her pubic mound. She stroked the furred upper portion of his paw lightly with her fingertips as she held it, and murmured to him casually despite the sudden heat and electricity they could both feel heavy in the air around them.

"Was your foot cold? Was it trying to find somewhere more comfortable to rest?"

Ropes grinned toothily, purring as his pure white eyes admired the smooth scaled, scarlet and sunshine yellow form of his voluptuous wife. His tongue flicked out around his muzzle, catching a loose crumb of toast, a fleck of jam caught in the fur at the edge of his lips. A gentle tapping rang out around the kitchen as they stared at one another, grinning, blushing, both knowing what was coming but waiting to see what form the coming actions would take. The sound of Ropes' tail swishing back and forth as it hung off the back of the chair, its tip knocking gently back and forth into each of the seat's wooden back legs. After a short while just looking, just admiring each other and revelling in the tension of the moment, the puma nodded.

"Something like that. I... I just wanted to touch you. To feel you close to me."

Fyr's cheeks flushed a little deeper, but Ropes chuckled softly.

"It doesn't have to be like that, though."

He nodded to her crotch, to his foot held against it, so close that the heel of his paw could feel the heat of his lover's nether regions radiating out against it considerably more fiercely than the surrounding flesh. When Ropes saw a slight flash of bashfulness, maybe even disappointment cross Fyr's muzzle however, he soon spoke up again. Not with brash confidence, not with any mockery or arrogance to his tone. If anything, he sounded a little bashful himself, as though perhaps he had been expecting Fyr to want to keep things a little more PG-13 than was actually the case.

"Or... it can be."

Sliding his chair back, pulling his paw free from Fyr's grasp as he did so, Ropes glanced down at his lap and then back across the table to his wife.

"You want me to get comfy, Fyr? C'mere... you can help."

His eyes remained locked upon Fyr as her eyes widened a little, and her face burst into the most gleeful smile of the day so far. She sprang from her seat, blushing a little at her own eagerness as Ropes chuckled, the chair almost toppling backwards and only being stopped by the dragoness' tail still partially wrapped around it. Fyr padded slowly, purposefully around the table, and as Ropes scooted his chair so that he was facing out towards her and providing her with a more open, accessible target in terms of his lap, she paused directly in front of him.

They moaned, together, in one deep, rumbling voice, as Fyr tipped her shoulders back, ruffled her wings slightly, and her robe fell away from her now entirely bare scaled body. There was already a bulge, a swelling lump in Ropes' underwear by that point, there had been throughout the meal as he watched his wife casually flashing her breasts at him while she ate her toast and drank her coffee. But now, seeing Fyr revealing herself to him with such purpose, that bulge grew and grew until it was straining against the fabric, the head of Ropes' uncut erection twitching visibly now. All it took was a casual flick of Fyr's head, no words, no sound of any kind, and Ropes pushed himself up off the chair just the tiniest bit. Lifting himself with both hands wrapped around the edge of the wooden seat's frame as Fyr leaned down, hooked her fingers around his boxers' waistband, and pulled the garment down and away from the male's body with ease.

"Oh Ropes..."

She moaned as she regarded his now bare, exposed erection, scaled cheeks burning as he murmured tenderly back at her, settling down into the chair once more and reaching up, out towards her with both arms.

"You did that, Fyr. You made me feel this way. Just the sight of you. Just being with you. I... I love you, Fyr. But, I need you, too."

Fyr's heart was thundering in her chest as she sat down upon Ropes' lap, legs spread and stretching out behind the chair, arms encircling Ropes' sturdy shoulders while his wrapped around her lower back. She felt his erection twitching between them, pinned between her mound and the lower portion of her stomach, and of course the puma's own flat, fluffy torso. She blushed, feeling it strain and tremble as they kissed, and feeling it twitch sharply several times when finally their lips broke apart, only to resume its stiffening and quaking all over again as another deep kiss followed as soon as they had caught their breath. Her own body ached, longing to be filled by Ropes' manhood. Yet she resisted, not for any negative reason, not because she had anything that kept her from wanting this. Indeed, she held back precisely because she wanted it so badly. Because she felt as though when they began to fuck as she knew they eventually would, they might lose some of this tenderness. They might get swept up in the same violent, carnal passions that had consumed the last forty eight or so waking hours of their lives. And as good as that felt, as incredible as the last couple of days had been... that wasn't what she wanted, or indeed what she needed right now.

She needed this.

She needed Ropes. This loving, kind, wonderful man to care for her and kiss her and let her do the very same to him. She needed them to have a chance to wind down from all the fire and fury to which they had subjected one another, and just to bathe, to roll around in the pleasantly warm, rich ashes of all that they had wrought.

So they embraced. They kissed. They held one another for a minute more. No words needed, just murmurs, smiles, eyes locking and seeing in their partner's gaze the same joy that was present in their own hearts in that moment. For five minutes they lingered there, so close, so intimately entwined, so worked up and set separate. For ten. Twenty. Thirty. For an hour they sat at the kitchen table and cuddled, and made out, and revelled in being so close without ever demanding more. At least, they did so right up to the moment when they didn't restrain themselves any longer.

Nothing changed, not really. It was more of a natural shift, at least, that was how the two of them justified it in their wordless, almost soundless exchange of looks, of smiles, of playfully pecked kisses leading up to the moment in question. They weren't doing what they were doing now because they needed it, because they craved it on any lustful, primal level, though that was undeniably true and entirely coincidental. When Fyr rose up upon her lover's lap, when her husband's arms moved down to support her plump ass, and his body slid forward a little on the chair to give his erection a more prominent positioning, they did so not because they needed it, but because they knew in that moment what they wanted more than anything else was to be closer to their lover. And what better way to be close, than to be within and around them, entwined not only in heartfelt adoration, but in unabashed sexual devotion.

Still they kissed. Still they embraced as though practically nothing had changed, and indeed the only thing that had changed was that now between kisses it wasn't just the gap between their last breath and this one which was rendering the pair gasping and flushed. Now, alongside their long, luxurious make-out sessions, pleasure washed over them as Fyr rose and fell gently upon her husband's erection. With his hands supporting her ass and assisting her every lift at times, and with her strong legs pushing up and off the floor below entirely on her own at other moments throughout, Fyr rode Ropes without ever losing sight of why she was doing so. She slid herself up and down his large, thick, straining cock not because she needed to cum, not because he needed to, not because of how hot Ropes' face looked as it twisted in pleasure, not because of how good it felt for either one of them. Not for any purely physical reason whatsoever. Fyr bounced gently but insistently upon her lover's member because they wanted to be closer, to be ever more intimately bound to one another. And there was no better way to feel that closeness, no more intimate, physiological a representation of the warmth and adoration and tenderness they felt for one another in those moments than the sensation of Fyr's hot, wet pussy wrapping tight around Ropes' cock as side slid down to the hilt upon it. A feeling they sought out and repeat over, and over, and over again.

"I love you, Ropes..."

Fyr moaned softly as she ran her hands through the fur upon her lover's head, caressing his ears, leaning down to plant soft kisses on his forehead while he growled and tenderly allowed his head to drift between the breasts resting in front of his face, suckling upon her swollen, erect nipples in turn as his hands held her up, only the first few inches of his cock now slipping in and out of her glistening depths.

"I love you, Fyr."

The puma growled to his wife as her snout nuzzled at his chest, kissing, nipping at the flesh beneath while he threw back his head, eyes wide, muzzle open and panting. It felt incredible, her pussy wrapped around every last inch of his member as she rocked back and forth, never once lifting away from him now but still stimulating them both as the chair creaked slightly beneath them. He carressed her sides, her back, teasing around the base of her wings and at times just pulling her closer to him, holding them tighter together as they shuddered and moaned and revelled in the depths to which they were utterly lost in one another.

There was no announcement, no roars or growls or savage snarls when their orgasms rushed to greet them after a long, slow, deliciously languid fuck that lasted a good deal of what remained of that morning. Indeed it was Fyr that gave the first long, ragged groan of wonder and joy as she felt Ropes' cock throb inside her before suddenly, wonderfully she felt it begin to let loose, the puma's face still set with the same passionate, playful, somewhat overwhelmed and goofy grin that he had been sharing with her for the past five minutes or so as they bounced and rocked and kissed. She quickened her pace against him as his cock twitched and spurted hot, copious ribbons deep inside her pussy, every bit as potent and voluminous as if he'd had her bent over the table snarling and roaring and making the whole kitchen ring with the sound of his thighs and balls slapping against her. She shuddered happily, blissfully as Ropes' fingers traced seductively down her spine, only for one hand to sweep around and dart down between them as the other wrapped around her back and pulled her tenderly against him.

"Cum with me..."

He gasped breathlessly between pulsing strokes, pressing his thumb to his wife's clit and beginning to work it in firm but gentle circles.

"I won't stop until you do. I... I w-won't stop for anything..."

He promised, shuddering, huffing, flushed and still letting loose inside of Fyr's clutching, sopping wet depths.

"...but if you can, Fyr. Oh god, i-if you can... cum with me. Please."

And as she flung her arms tighter still around Ropes' neck, as she buried her face in his fur and felt her own body explode, soaking the male's crotch and the chair beneath them, hearing her juices dripping down to the floor below while her pussy began to convulse, squeeze and clamp down hard around him, Fyr whimpered softly, breathlessly. She had cum so many times in the last couple of days at Ropes' behest, but not like this. It had been so long, so long since he had made her cum in this way. So gently, so calmly, yet with such intensity that it just seemed to go on, and on and on and on. So quiet and tender, yet so passionate an orgasm that she was glad they had their arms around one another, certain there were a few moments at least when she had lost consciousness as it wracked her scaled form.

The two of them rest together, clung together, trembled and clutched and twitched and throbbed and spasmed desperately together. They huffed, gasped, they giggled and laughed in wondrous joy through the pleasure as their eyes met, as their noses and lips bumped drunkenly together. Their orgasms only lasted a little longer than might have been expected through virtue of how long they had been building up, even less of that time spent lost in the heights together before Ropes' earlier peak began to wane, but it felt like an age. They lived in those moments. They existed outside of reality within that orgasmic high, two separate minds and hearts, yet two bodies that moved as one, and two spirits, two souls that burned together like a singular white hot star. They rocked, whimpered and moaned together amidst touches, kisses, amidst looks of such intensity and yet intimacy that they alone seemed to last an entire separate eternity before passing on by. And then, eventually, finally, they gave one last whimpering, giggling gasp, and collapsed limply into one another's arms.

Even when it was over though, even when they were spent, that didn't change anything. And that, in a way, was the best part of the whole occasion. Even more wonderful than the hour long build up, even more wonderful than that intense yet intimate release. The fact that they were so close, so tenderly engaged in this act of simply being together, that the climax wasn't really the climax at all. It was a peak of pleasure, sure. But it didn't end things, just as it hadn't been the reason, the driving force behind that act beginning.

They sat together. They whimpered. They blushed. They kissed and embraced. They rested in their wetness, their fatigue, their spent satisfaction, and they used all of it to remind themselves why they were sitting there with their spouse, with the man and woman of their respective dreams. Not just because of the passionate peaks, not just because of the mountainous highs, but because of all of it. Because of everything they could offer one another from sunrise to sunset, from dusk to dawn of each and every day.

"Do you... ah... do you want to move to the couch? O-or... to the bedroom? Somewhere a little more comfortable?"

Fyr whispered to Ropes as they rested together, kissing, trembling, still rocking gently against one another's spent nether regions even in the immediate wake of their shared peak. Her scaled cheeks flushed beneath the surface though as she saw the answer in her lover's eyes even before he opened his muzzle, and she giggled happily, joyously when he took a deep, ragged breath, and spoke them aloud anyway just to let Fyr hear him say so once again.


Ropes murmured, kissing the dragoness on the tip of her snout.

"Anywhere, so long as you're there with me."

By Jeeves

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