Queen of the Desert

Story by ArkS0ng on SoFurry

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A queen and her lover meet on the eve of the festival of fertility - a celebration encouraging its citizens to breed the next generation of the city. But when traditions and desires clash, how far is Queen Siala willing to go to stay with her vulpine lover?

A fun little piece I wrote because I love tribal settings. Somewhat a sequel to The Final Prayer, though very different in theme and subject. More, they're just set in the same world.

I've been doing a lot of commissions lately so it's nice to just write something for myself ^~^

"Siala will see you now."

The muscular lion stepped to the side, thick armour clinking, polished silver flashing under the glare of the desert sun.

"Thankyou, Sturdan."

"Captain to you, thief." The guard growled, nose upturned to the slight fox before him.

Temu was no stranger to the term. His lucrative business practices were well known in the temple, and though the occupants only benefited from his exploits, they continually had the gall to shame him for it.

"I'll address you the way Siala commands, and as fate has it, she doesn't give a damn about your red sash, Sturdan."

The lion's nostrils flared in anger, but he did not retort. If he was king, the vulpine thief would be whipped and cast out into the desert sands, but he wasn't. And for some unknown reason, the young Queen Siala had taken a liking to him. So, rather than beat the annoying fox to a pulp, Sturdan directed his fuming rage toward the distant walls surrounding the temple. Temu was almost surprised they didn't crumble under his glare.

"Tem! I'm so glad to see you, it's been far too long." The lithe, delicate monarch descended upon her visitor in a surprise attack from the bedroom doorway, wrapping him in a warm embrace.

When she finally released him, Temu stepped backward in a deep bow. "Your Graciousness, Queen of the Eastern Desert and Wielder of the Ivory Blade, I have arrived and bow humbly to your magnificent form." He grinned at her. "Seriously, you look hot."

Siala rolled her eyes. Though, he wasn't wrong. In only a few hours she was to commence the fertility festival, a notoriously explicit celebration of the youth to come, and continuance of the tribe's prosperity. As reigning Queen, Siala had the pleasure of donning extravagantly scant attire and encouraging her subjects to do the same, and then ordering them all to copulate with intense passion over the following week. Understandably, not a whole lot got done during the festival. Today, the ocelot monarch wore a light, rose-coloured band of silk around her chest, tied in a long, flowing sash that cascaded down the speckled tan fur of her back. It was adorned with numerous golden designs along the thin hem, and studded in its centre with a single brilliant emerald. Nestled between her modest breasts as it was, Temu had to tear his eyes away from it to admire the rest of her 'outfit.'

Thin, delicate chains caressed her narrow chest and encircled her ribs, coming back up to link onto the remarkable gold collar at her throat. Matching the collar, around each slender wrist hung a golden band etched with the Proman rose that was her kingdom's insignia, and at each ankle sat the same.

Trailing back up her slender yet toned legs, a long silk loincloth hung loosely at her waist, coloured the same as her chest sash. To finish the outfit off, two golden hoops hung from her perked, tall feline ears, and a couplet of bands nestled the fluff of her tail. With the light from the bedroom's grand windows at her side, the silk framing Siala became transparent enough to see the dark hints finishing each breast, and the darker, warmer promise between her legs. Nothing Temu hadn't seen before, of course, but framed by the royal attire, her beauty took on a whole new mastery.

"Do you like it?" She asked, a hint of trepidation behind her voice.

"You look..." He could barely find the words. The nature of their relationship was something neither brought up, but in this moment, looking into her wide amber eyes, he felt the sobering pangs of love. "You look amazing. Incredible. You take my breath away."

"Alright, alright. You don't need to lay it on quite so thickly, silver tongue."

He had spouted clichés, and he knew it, but they had come from the heart. "No, I'm serious. You look... unfairly beautiful. How are the other girls supposed to compete with this?" He gestured over her outfit, enjoying another quick admirative glance.

A smile had found its way onto Siala's face. Not the small smiles she forced out during ceremony, but a real, genuine, heartfelt one. The kind that started in the eyes and spread to the lips and sent tides of warmth right to her toes. "Thankyou, Tem. I'm glad you like it. I..." She looked down abashedly. "I picked it for you."

There was a moment of silence between them, before Temu stepped forward and planted a gentle kiss on her cheek. Looking deep into her eyes, he laid his paws on her shoulders, holding her close. "Siala, I--"

They were interrupted by a short, sharp knock on the door. Even before the hollow ringing of a steel gauntlet on thick wood dispersed from the room, the two were apart, facing the door. Sialia cleared her throat.


The door swung open to reveal a gaunt individual hidden behind thick, shaggy fur --Bato, the royal advisor, accompanied by a smug-looking Sturdan.

"Your majesty, sundown has begun."

"Already? We were to have another hour before the ceremony begun."

The long-haired canine crooked the corner of his mouth. "And were things to have run my way, your highness, you would have as much. But alas, I cannot control the sun, as inconvenient as that may be."

Siala let out a huff, casting an apologetic glance toward her companion. "It seems I must finish my preparations, Tem. I'll see you afterward."

Sturdan's calculating gaze caught the look passing between the two. A mixture of acceptance and unacknowledged tension, the result of the ceremony's rather... explicit finale. Traditionally, the tribe's king would release his seed into a large golden bowl, to be mixed throughout the week with the seed of each male that had completed his duty in inseminating a partner. The swirling, overflowing bowl would then be offered to Nidyne, Goddess of fertility, to complete the ceremony. Except, of course, Siala could produce no viable seed, for she possessed no masculine equipment. And though the tribe's social culture had progressed far since the days of yore, the tradition had cemented itself when the first Queen Gaiya declared a Queen shall bring forth the seed of the Captain of the Guard - due to her true love holding such a position at the time. Such a short-sighted declaration was nonetheless written into the books, and quoted as law ever since.

This was Siala's first festival, though she had witnessed the previous two. They occurred every half decade, and for her last three years as Queen, Siala had remained conspicuously silent about the occasion.

The muscled lion allowed himself a smile. He did not desire the Queen, but the thought of her soft paws wrapped around his member brought a warmth to his chest.

He felt Temu push past him, disappear down the wide hall stairs. Sturdan let him go without complaint. Siala didn't meet his eyes as she waved the two out of her chamber and closed the heavy doors behind her.

"I do not envy you, Captain." Bato said quietly. "It must be hard being forced between them."

"It is very hard." Sturdan agreed.

"Brother and sisters, citizens of our glorious kingdom, you are welcomed with open arms to our treasured festival." Bato's voice rung out through the packed palace square, slow and clear. "Newcomers among us, I am pleased you may join us for a time of great pride and pleasure."

A few chuckles drifted from the crowed among hidden smiles. Bata raised a paw.

"You will have learnt of our traditions from your guardians, but allow me to repeat some of the more... important ones. This festival is important, for the good of the clan. Our children will grow strong and smart under the blessing of Nidyne, and hence we must all do our part to encourage insemination. Should no child come of this event, do not fret -- Nidyne has merely deigned a more suitable time in the future for you. But understand that She will know if you do not at least offer yourself to her.

"That said, this event is also a celebration, and as such we encourage you to enjoy yourselves. Tonight you will be offered a plethora of tools and recreations designs to enhance this process -- take as much as you need."

The crowd applauded enthusiastically as Bato bowed low, a warm smile on his face. He was a good speaker, and the animals loved him. Stepping back, he stretched an arm out to where Siala sat regally on her throne, draped in a long, dark purple robe. "Now I'm sure you're all eager to begin, so I'll stop yapping and hand you over to our glorious and gracious Queen to begin proceedings."

The applause and cheers rose to deafening levels as Bato took his place to the left of the throne and Siala stood, mouth set in determination. To her right, Sturdan remained in his upright position, expression unreadable. He was dressed in his white finery, torso plated in decorative silver armour and pants lined in generous gold trim. Despite his insufferable personality, Temu had to admit the lion cut a handsome figure.

When the Queen entered the stage's light, the crowd courteously kneeled, as they had when she'd first arrived, rising only when she'd nodded acceptance to their loyalty. Her eyes met Temu's, and from his position at the very front of the audience the fox could see her pause. She had asked him not to attend, so that he would not have to see her touch another. And for another reason, one she could never admit -- even know, the pressing crowd was thin around him. They knew the fox well, and avoided him as one would a dangerous snake. Even those in touching distance cast occasionally foul looks his way. Temu, for his part, barely seemed to notice.

Siala looked down, unable to hold his gaze, as four attendants hefted the large golden bowl onto the stage. Sturdan finally moved, making his way orderly to her side. The crowd's murmurs of excitement died away, replaced with awed silence. Temu sighed, watching the proceedings tersely. He hadn't meant to stick around, but something had kept him in that square, even as the crowds had begun to form and the torches lit for the night. Why did he want to see this? It would only prove the impossibility of a relationship between them.

The Queen rolled her shoulders back, pushing her robe from her shoulders and allowing it to pool on the floor. The crowd gasped when her garment was revealed, followed by shouts of praise and encouragement. She smiled thankfully at them, though inside she only cared about the thoughts of one. And he was in the crowd, right now...

She turned to Sturdan, nodded. The hulking lion, almost a foot taller than her, bowed and untied the lace keeping his top together. It clinked to the ground, followed by his ornate pants. There he stood, naked except for his jewellery. His member was hidden, the sheath that kept it impressively large. Two large, lightly furred balls hung beneath it, hanging freely in the warm evening air. Siala gulped when she looked at it, forgetting for a moment where she was. Though it naturally intrigued her, she felt little else toward it -- it was merely a cock, belonging to a man she had no feelings for.

The crowd had gone quiet again, except for a few confused murmurings at what was taking so long. The opening ceremony was meant to be a brief affair, more to send the audience into a lust-crazed rush back to their homes than anything. Sturdan cleared his throat, and Siala almost laughed when she saw his balls sway slightly with the movement.

She reached a paw out, touching the sheath. It was surprisingly warm, and a different shape to Temu's.

Tem. He was there, only meters away, watching this unfold.

The sheath expanded a little under her touch, the red tip peeking out. She moved her thumb almost robotically to rub the tip, her fingers stroking up and down his sensitive balls. They were heavy in her paw.

Sturdan let out a happy sigh, the warm tingles running right from his cock to the back of his neck. He didn't care about the hundreds watching them -- he had been around too long to care much for modesty.

More of the sheath emerged, thickening out. Siala saw the barbs along its length. They looked like they would hurt.

Scratch me here, like this. Siala remembered her last night with Temu. She had been showing him how she liked her back scratched, hard. The warm feeling of his blunt claws pleasantly scraping beneath the fur. Nothing damaging, but enough to elicit a gentle moan.

Siala focused on the length now, where enough had emerged to begin stroking. The bumps felt nice going down, but stroking back up irritated her paw. The Queen's gaze stayed on the lion's cock. She didn't want to see the crowd, because he was there.

There, yes, right... there... The flashes of pleasure darting through her system, lighting up her whole body, as Temu lapped between her legs. His tongue moved expertly, hitting every spot just the right way. He was so good to her, and she loved him for it.

Love... what a hollow concept when one was royalty.

"Your highness?" Sturdan's whisper broke through her thoughts. The crowd was silent now, confused expressions being exchanged between the animals. She realised she'd stopped stroking him.

She pulled her paw away, stepping back.

"My Queen? Is everything okay?" Sturdan took a step forward, his erect length standing between them. Siala cast a desperate look toward Bato, hidden in the shadows of the throne. He understood, quickly stepped between them. He whispered a few words in the lion's ear, then turned to the crowd as Sturdan grabbed his armour and swiftly exited the stage.

"My dear friends, I must apologise for our sudden interruption. News has arrived from Proma -- it appears our sister temple was attacked late last night by wolves from the North. You can understand our urgency."

A few animals nodded, though others were clearly frustrated. The evening's mood was beginning to falter. For the first time since it had begun, the fertility festival was losing its lustre.

"Do not fret." The Queen spoke now, for the first time that night. The crowd was immediately silent. "The festival must carry on. And since the Captain of the Guard is unavailable, I believe I may now choose my own representative to champion the first seed."

Bato raised an eyebrow but said nothing, retreating to his position by the throne. The crowd, however, happily agreed, eager to finally see some action.

Siala looked at him. Their eyes met immediately, a broad grin playing between them.

"Temu of Artreya, would you receive the honour of opening the festival?"

"I would be delighted, my Queen."

A few outbursts of disbelief echoed from the audience. One, a gaunt deer dressed in a red tunic, threw her hooves in the air. "You would dirty the goddess's offering with the seed of a thief!?"

Siala leapt from the stage, landing with perfected grace and striding through the crowd that parted like an ocean before her. The deer froze, helpless as the Queen of the Eastern Desert pointed a finger at her.

"Shoel, is it not?"

"Y-yes, your highness."

"May I ask where you got that tunic?"

"Carsol, the t-tailor, your majesty."

Siala turned to the silent crowd. "Carsol! Are you here this fine evening?"

A young, muscled ocelot raised a paw. "I am, my Queen."

"Carsol, where did you get that tunic?"

"Traded with Temu's caravan, for a roll of Vecian silk, my Queen."

Siala smiled, turning to the deer. "I see. Shoel, could you give me your tunic please?"

"I... my tunic?"

"Indeed. After all, you wouldn't want to dirty your body with the goods of a common thief, would you?"


"Do as your Queen orders." Came the stern voice of Bato from the stage.

The deer shakily unbuckled her tunic, slipping it over her head and bowing as she gave it to Siala. The regal ocelot nodded.

"Thankyou, Shoel. Now, would you agree that our dear Temu plays quite the part in your life?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"Good." Her tone brightened as she looked at the deer. Though thin, her naked breasts were supple, a perfect handful. Though she wore a short loincloth, the deer's legs were long and pretty, like that of a dancer's. "You look much better without it. You are an attractive deer, Shoel." She stepped behind the woman, paws dancing over her flat stomach, stroking her short fur, coming up to her shoulders. She spoke to the crowd now.

"Wouldn't you all agree? She has the prettiest breasts... one just wants to reach out and hold them..." She cupped the supple flesh in her paw, rubbing gently. The crowd begun to stir.

"They are the perfect size. Enough to fill the paw, enough to play with, enough to fit in the mouth..." She pulled away, smiling. "Now, who is dear Shoel's partner?"

A nearby lion raised a paw. Siala grinned at him. "Good. Remove your clothes. In fact, all of you, cast away your garments!" She skipped back toward the stage, holding out her arms. "You are beautiful, all of you. Why hide away in your houses? We all know what you're doing." She reached behind her, deftly united the sash and pulled off the bindings at her chest. The crowd was moving now, removing items, flashing excited and lustful expressions. Siala brought her hands to her own breasts, cupped them, then stroked downwards, following the fur, down to her hips. She fingers the hem of her loincloth before stroking back up. The crowd watched her, practically drooling as their Queen gyrated to an inaudible beat.

Her eyes once again met Temu's. He darted behind her, placed his paws on her hips to continue the dance. The crowd had begun to pair up as well, though none retreated to their homes. Paws and tongues had begun to grope and lick excitedly, barely able to contain their lust. One could tell just by looking at their faces that each wanted to fall to the floor in passionate intercourse.

Siala let out a pleasured sigh, pushing back into the body of the fox behind her.

"I couldn't do it." She whispered under the soft, gentle strokes of her partner's paws. Temu raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue.

"When I touched him, I could only think of you." She placed her paws on top of his, turning around in his arms. "I love you, Tem."

The fox blinked. Had she just... did she...? The Queen of the Eastern Desert, royal beyond all measure, had declared her love for him in front of all these animals. Granted, they were hardly listening, and he knew they still held much prejudice toward him, but she had finally said those words allowed. Those words he'd been wanting to hear for a long time.

"I love you too, Sia. I... love you." He grinned, and she returned the smile. It was a weight off their shoulders, a fresh sigh of warmth that flowed between their hearts and connected them together. Finally... the loved.

"Well, I guess we'd better hurry up and start the festival." Siala shrugged, her paw sliding down to cup his clothed groin. He grabbed her wrist, pulling it away.

"I'd much rather start it with you."

"But tradition says--"

"Darling, we're far past tradition." He kissed her, lightly. She pulled him into her arms and opened her mouth, smiling into the kiss in heady disbelief. His paws stroked up and down her naked back, her breasts pushing into his chest. She gasped when he reached between their bodies to cup her sensitive mounds, rolling and massaging them, thumbing the sensitive buds. He pulled his mouth away, turned her back around in his arms to face the crowd. Many were watching now, though their own paws worked away at their partners.

"They're just jealous of me." He whispered into her ear. "Getting to touch your gorgeous body." He squeezed lightly, pushing the breasts together, making sure he gave the audience a lavish display. Her nipples were hard now, poking through the light fur, and he used two claws to gently scratch them. Siala gasped, reaching around to grab at his pants. He shook her away, laughing.

"Now now, wait your turn."

One paw moved downwards now, reaching the thin silk sash of her loincloth. Her light tan fur bristled excitedly under his touch as he fingered the loose waistband. Soon, his fingers slipped underneath, finding her damp pussy. Though unpractised, his touch felt phenomenal to her virgin sex, and she rolled her hips to direct him to her sensitive clit. He took the hint, using an index finger and a thumb to work the hard nub, rolling it between his fingers. She moaned, eyes closed, as he kept the motions interesting by changing his speed and orientation. Siala's breathing shortened, became more forceful, and when he gently flicked it she cried out, almost collapsing onto her knees. He held her up, whispering sweet nothings into her ear, even licking a furred lobe, and it was all Siala could do not to orgasm on the spot. She'd heard that women took longer, were more work -- perhaps she was just inexperienced. Then again, she wasn't complaining.

Impatiently, Temu placed a free finger at the small opening just below, swirling around the moistened hole. A moment later he pressed in and she gasped, feeling him inside her. It hurt, just a little, but behind the small orb of pain was a larger sphere of pleasure, so she brought it forward and revelled in it. He tried to add another finger but she stopped him by grabbing the scruff of his neck and pulling him in for a kiss. He relented, working on her clit and enjoying the sounds of her moaning into his mouth.

Nearly everyone in the crowd was watching now, many mimicking their Queen's motions. The males toyed with the females' cunts, bringing them pleasure before their own in a first for the ceremony. The square was filled with the sounds of pleasured moans, yips and mewls.

Siala's mouth hung open, tongue lolling out, as Temu sped up his touch, bringing her right alongside the cliffside of her pleasure. She signalled to him by tapping his leg, and the fox nodded, slowing down for just longue enough to pick her up in his arms and take her to the golden bowl. It was big enough for her to sit in, so he placed her gentle on top and spread her legs. She cried out as his dextrous paws worked her clit, flicking and twisting and rubbing in a glorious onslaught of pleasure. Then, suddenly, she came, letting out a whine as she grabbed his paws and dug her claws in deep, eyes squeezed shut and legs shaking. Her pussy was dripping copious amount of nectar, and he used the lubrication to bolster his actions and once again assault her sensitive nub. She only lasted twenty seconds before another orgasm came, and this one was nearly too much. She cried out, dragging his hand away to let herself calm down. Her sex ached in such a pleasant way, entirely satisfied and in dire need of a rest.

Temu reached around and kissed her again, embracing her tightly. She relaxed into his warmth, let him drag her out of the bowl and hoisted once again into his arms. He carried her onto her throne, where she slumped in a tired, pleasured fashion. Her eyes were half-closed as she smiled happily at him.

"I love you, dear fox."

"I love you, your royal highness. And look..." He held up a paw, soaked in her juices. "Maybe we don't just need seed after all. You've already started filling it."

She laughed, a sound that turned to an appreciative murr when Temu took his fingers into his mouth and licked them clean. She would treat him well tonight.

Behind him, she could see the crowd and descended into frenzied love-making, finally allowed to start after the first seed -- or juice -- had filled the bowl. She watched it in a detached fashion. Five years ago she'd longed to be part of it, down there in the heaving mass of fucking bodies. But now... now she wished only to be in the solitude of her room, quiet and alone except for a certain fox.

And now she could. Finally, after all these years.

"There will be much to discuss." Came a voice from behind her. Bato nodded to himself. "The Western Kingdom will have much to say about this evening. So too will Sturdan and his army."

"I know."

"You're going to have to prepare responses. Especially to the temples. They will not be happy with your breach of tradition."

"I know."

"There'll be a lot to prepare."

"I know."

Bato sighed. "But I guess that can wait till morning."

Siala smiled happily, reaching out to take Temu's warm paw. He pulled her up, leading her to the palace. Bato called after her, an amused look on his scraggy face.

"And I'm going to end up doing all the work."

The Queen of the Eastern Desert looked back at him, smiling sweetly.

"I know."

And she and her new vulpine fiancée closed the palace doors behind them.