Rant's Journey... and stuff

Story by Rant on SoFurry

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After I finally got dressed, and found out how to turn back into my human form we ventured down town and got coffee. He was dressed the same as the night before. A black hoody with a grey shirt undreneath, and black torn pants. He was sitting across from me quietly watching the busy street out the window. I kind of still wished he was watching me. The look on his face was slightly detached and blank.

I sipped my coffee nervously, waiting for him to say something. I had never been what you would call... tactful with human conversation, and it didn't make it easier in any way shape or form that he wasn't a human. (Or that I wasn't, for that matter...) I was also slowly being driven into madness by the terrible music on the coffee house's sattelite radio.

His eyes suddenly snapped to mine, "Calm down, you're unstable."

"Pardon me, I'm what?" I whispered, angrily.

"You have to watch your temper, anything could force you into hell hound form if you're not careful." he warned, looking back out the window.

I rolled my eyes and looked down at my coffee cup, "Are you going to be a ray of sunshine the whole trip?"

He scowled up at me, I could feel it, "It's a short trip, but we have somewhere to stop first, so lets get going, puppy."

He stood up and pulled me up roughly with him, his dark eyes shimmering.

I pushed his hands away and glared up at him, "You don't like this, do you?"

"Not really. I don't fancy myself a baby sitter, girl. I just want to get this over with."

"But..." I whined, letting myself trail off.

He sighed, "Look, I did what i had to do to get your attention and now I have you and we need to go. Okay? I am sick to death of wasting time and your dad is waiting on me. The longer I take the angrier he'll be getting."


"No... more... arguing." He grabbed onto my arm so tightly it felt like it would snap.

All of a sudden my head was spinning and I felt like I was falling, and a million pins were stabbing into my flesh along my spine. Vision blurring, I reached out for something to hold onto but found nothing of substance, in arms reach, until something dark and soft wrapped around me, pinning my arms to my sides. I tried to fight but found it completely useless.

When my vision came back, I was being held against Sydney's chest, he was still human and staring down at me. We were still in the same place on the surface world. My eyes widened as I peered up at him.

"What... the fuck... was that?" I squeaked, turning to hide against him.

He softened slightly, holding me where I was, "That was your true self trying to protect you. Have I made my point?"

"So... you didn't mean any of what you said earlier?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders gracefully, "More or less, no, but I was serious when I said we need to GO!"

I nodded, pulling away from him, still dizzy from his acting and from my own self being disobedient. He turned and walked away, pulling me behind him as a fast pace. The wind sweeping his long hair over his shoulders as he pushed forward. I hurried to walk beside him, not sure where we were going, and hpoing not to run into anyone I knew, because that usually was interesting. I wasn't so very lucky.

Two of my best friends that I played in a band with were sitting on a bench, smoking and talking, until one of them saw me with Sydney. He lifted his head with a sly smirk and wolf whistled. I shuddered and pulled my hood up, glaring at my friend, about to speak when he cut me off.

It was Sydney who he was addressing, to my shock and horror.

"Hey, Syd. I see you finally found your girl." Payne commented, standing up and shaking hands with Sydney.

"Nah, I always knew where she was, I just had to wait, y'know?" Sydney answered.

I scowled at both of them. "Wait... you two know each other?"

My friends laughed at the question and Sydney looked down at me, with a soft expression. "Girl, I've known both of them for longer than you've been alive."

"But you said..." I muttered, glaring up at him.

He grinned from ear to ear, "I said I was the best you had, not that I was all you had. I just had to play behind the scenes whereas these two got to be your close friends."

Savage and Payne, nodded and walked up close and bumping fists with Sydney the way humans would. Savage pulled me into a hug, away from Sydney and held me there. This was hard for me to take in, especially when it came to Savage. He'd been a very close friend of mine since the first day of high school. We even moved to the city together and now... I wasn't sure what was going on. We both had human promises, and plans. The only reason he and I weren't exclusive was because a) we were in a band together, and b) we were both way too easily attracted to the opposite gender.

"Okay, we lied a little... Sav. didn't need to be here. He was here because he wanted to be with you." Payne clarified, patting a stressed-looking Savage on the shoulder, then cleared his throat before anyone could say anything, "Can we stop wasting time now. I wanna see my family."

Sydney's eyes narrowed on Savage, "You driving the van?" he asked, dangling the keys in front of us.

"Uh, no... I'm not." He answered, giving a cold glance back at Sydney, his blue eyes unblinking.

Something was going on that I wasn't aware of, and honestly I already felt overloaded and just wanted to get this done with. I already felt like I was in my own little Hell, yet here I was, not even on my way there yet. It was incredibly frustrating. I sighed in annoyance and lifted a hand up, running it through my short dark hair, pulling at the bangs roughly as I did to distract myself from getting pissed off. Savage slid his hands along my sides, still staring Sydney down, both of them in complete silence as if having a conversation without saying anything. Savage looked down as I pulled my hair, the tip of his tongue pushing his lip ring.

"We're calling the back seat." he admitted.

"But the back seat's a bed now..." Payne said, not catching on to him just wanting to be away from Sydney.

Sydney looked down at me and smirked, "It's a long drive, are you ready?"

"Shouldn't I pack or something?" I asked.

"Nah, we did that for you while you were having coffee and flailing at Syd." Payne told me, as he, and Sydney turned to walk away.

I don't know what I had expected to see, but I didn't expect Savage's spray-painted and tagged camper van. I knew the van well. I had lived in it with Savage for the whole previous summer in Payne's backyard. Sydney opened the drivers seat door and jumped in, and Payne fought with the passengers side door, for a few moments before just climbing through the open window.

"Hey watch the paint, it's an original." Savage joked as he kicked the side door open with a loud crash, only to lift me up and practically throw me onto the bed in the back of his van.

I sighed, curling up in the blankets that smelled like him, letting my form shift in the comfort of his van. He grinned crawling over me, transforming before my eyes and using one of his back feet to close the door.

"To Hell, Jeeves!" He declared, motioning a black and red furred hand towards the front seat.

I giggled, pulling him down beside me, "How far away is Hell?"

He smirked, nuzzling his head into my neck, "Five hours."

He looked remarkably like Sydney did in Demon form, except for his fur color being black and much longer and thicker, though a little more coarse around his neck and his tail and face were wolfish, the teeth about half the size of Sydney's and the under bite not quite as prominent. His eyes also were luminescent and blue, dazzling and lacking a pupil.

"Da-a-amn..." I purred, peering up at him, "You've been holding out of me."

His lips parted in a grin, he reached over me and pulled the curtain that cut the front seat from the back of the van, "You guys might want to put on some music up there. Something loud and distracting..."

Someone up front grunted in disgust and the sound of a CD being put in a player followed closely by a Finnish metal band playing followed.

"Good pick." I giggled, before Savage rolled over top of me, kissing all over my muzzle and down my neck, his hands sliding under my t-shirt and hoody.

His claws, much sharper than Sydney's scraped at my sides as he slid my tops off, kissing along my stomach and over the tattoo on my left shoulder. I raised my arms, letting the shirts come off and blushing below him. He smiled down at me softly.

"Good to know I still make you blush after all these years, Rant." He commented, leaning his head down and carefully nuzzling one of my cheeks, but being careful with his long horns.

Murring softly I wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my fingers in the warmth of his rough neck fur. My lower body moving against him slowly. He paused, moving his head back and kissing me of the muzzle his broad tongue sliding into my maw, the twin piercings dragging along my tongue, making me moan softly.

He pulled back grinning and licking his lips. "Puppy wanna taste of her Savage?" he asked, pulling his shirt off and perching himself between my legs, one strong hand pressing my stomach down, while the others fingers pushed on his belt buckle teasingly.

"You gotta beg for it though." He winked, slowly unhooking the buckle and sliding it away, before moving the hand to my belt.

He flicked my belt open, tongue grazing along the waistline as he tugged them down roughly. My mind scattered at the feeling welling up inside me, he kept his eyes locked on me as I squirmed beneath him. He hooked his teeth around the side of my underwear, biting down and snapping them with ease, his wolfish tail high in the air behind him, dominant as always.

"I don't hear any begging, puppy." he said in a warning tone, his tongue pulling the fabric of my underwear into his maw for him to tear them away and spit onto the floor.

He waited a couple seconds before opening his maw as wide as possible and taking my lower parts in them, his broad tongue pressing into my slit and flickering at the entrance, causing suction that made me shudder and quake with pleasure.

"Savage! Savage, no! I want to taste you. I want you in my mouth. I want you to watch as I deep throat your cock!" I wailed, gripping the sheets as his teeth dug into my flesh.

He pulled back, licking up my slit and slicking the tip against the clit, watching me thoughtfully, my form shivering at his touch. He pulled himself up, boxers still on and pulled his legs under me and my upper body forward, his claws digging into my sides.

"We'll have to see about that last part, girl. My body grew everywhere with the transformation, y'know. Now get it going." He told me, pushing his boxers down so a bulging sheath and black furry balls became visible.

Nervously I lowered my head to his sheath, lapping at the thickening bulge and pushing the skin down with my nose, trailing up to the head of his canine member and licking softly before opening my hungry maw and taking him into my mouth, broad tongue running along the bottom and coaxing his cock towards my throat eagerly. He groaned, bucking his hips into my face, his still growing cock pushing down into my throat.

With a sigh, i felt one of his hands drift to my neck, massaging my throat as he kept pushing it in, his other hand on the back of my head making me his bitch. "I'll tell you when I'm done growing and ready to fuck, baby. Don't you worry."

I grunted happily, shivers running down my spine as I sucked him off, the whole situation getting me ready for him to take me. I was murring around his shaft as it slid down my throat, starting to leak precum as he kept bucking softly at my maw, drool uncontrollably leaking out the edges of my mouth as I sucked, unable to properly close my lips around his shaft.

Suddenly he grabbed the extra skin at the back of my neck and tore away, murring softly and pulling me up to him for a kiss, slowly sliding me back against the bed, his throbbing shaft rubbing between my legs.

"Do you think you're ready?" he asked, tapping my chin with a clawed finger.

I gasped softly, barely having a chance to breathe, "Do I have a choice?"

"Always and never." he responded, gripping onto me and parting my pussy lips with the head of his cock, "And by the way... I love you."

With a sharp yip I felt him bury himself into me, gripping onto my ankles and pulling them to his shoulders his hips bucking continually as he drove into me. Every thrust made me moan louder, his tall ears twitching at every sound, loving every moment it seemed. I arched my back, howling out as I orgasmed, feeling my warmth hugging his cock tightly as he slowed down, lowering my legs and laying himself over top of me. Licking at one of my breasts, and taking the other in one of his warm strong hand he murred constantly, feeling me shiver and squirm beneath him, my paws running along his back and shoulders, massaging roughly as he kept pounding.

He pulled me into a kiss, tongue slipping against mine as he picked up the pace again, a wet slap every time our hips met. It dawned on me that with the sound he was all the way inside of me. His musky odor invaded my nostrils all of a sudden and as usual I wanted nothing more than for him to finish up inside of me. I wanted nothing more than for him to make me his.

"You're mine." He snarled, possessively as if reading my mind and as I wrapped my legs about him, he started ramming harder.

Harder, harder, more needfully a thicker part of him slapping at my pussy, entering and tugging on the entrance. Oh no... he had a knot for me. I whined, waiting for him to bury it in and lock himself deep inside of me. With a sudden slick noise he knotted my pussy, still bucking hard but with smaller motions, my walls hugging him tightly inside of me as I felt him twitch and throb as he came, pumping his seed deep into me and his knot keeping it in, still humping softly.

"Ooooh fuuuck yesss." he growled as I leaned up licking his chin and muzzle submissively.

A strange tingling sensation started up my spine and to the back of my neck, where it stayed turning slowly into a hot nearly unbearable burning sensation. I closed my eyes tightly, shuddering at the sudden pain.

He gave me a quizzical look, "You feel that too?"

C-c-c-YEAH! TBC <3