
Story by Runakei on SoFurry

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The clock read 2:07 a.m.

Alex silently groaned, time was seeming to run at a crawling pace. He was supposed to have a date tomorrow morning, and had even gone to bed at 10:00, just to make sure he was rested for it. But, here he was, awake, with nothing but silence and darkness to keep him company.

It wasn't as if he wasn't tired either. On the contrary, he was so tired his eyes were burning. Familiar shapes in his room seemed to blur together to make strange, fascinating objects. The blankets on his bed felt as if they were made of steal they seemed so heavy, and the bed was soft enough that he seemed to be swallowed up in it. Moonlight crept in through slits between the blinds of the single window to cast an eerie pale light strips around the whole room. The world around him was beautiful and quiet, yet Alex didn't seem to have the ability to close his eyes.

The clock read 2:08 a.m.

"Whoever is in charge of time is getting their ass kicked" he thought, still unable to close his eyes. It just didn't seem fair. Everyone else in the world got to sleep that night instead of him, on the one night of the year that he needed it the most. If he couldn't get to sleep, he'd sleep through the alarm he set. And if he slept through the alarm, he'd miss his date. And if he missed his date...

At the thought of his date, Alex felt extremely uncomfortable in his bed. His date was supposed to be a simple first date of coffee with a woman he had met from working part-time at a tennis club. Alex had been organizing some equipment in the store shed when he happened to look up through a window. On the court directly in front of him, was the most beautiful vixen he had ever seen. She was only a bit shorter than he was, probably around 5 feet tall, with a nice slender physique, that was only betrayed in two very distracting areas. Her white sports tee shirt fit loosely around her large bosom, allowing for full natural motion underneath, and her matching skirt rested a bit higher than it was designed thanks to her very round behind. Every step caused the skirt to lift to a suggestive height, and every swing caused her chest to be hypnotic.

Alex had been thankful at the time that he was in the storage shed, because he had quickly grown hard. Forcing his gaze away from the goddess beyond the window, he quickly finished his work in quite shame.

Upon finishing his task, Alex headed back to the club house. Once inside, the very first corner he rounded found him face to face with the vixen. Choking back waves of nervousness and partly shame, Alex asked her out. At first he was afraid he had been a little too direct, but a smile from her, who Alex had learned was named Amber, and a soft-spoken "Yes" quickly faded his fear.

The clock read 2:11 a.m.

Thinking about Amber made Alex feel warm, too warm. Warm enough that he had to force himself to move his heavy limbs and throw the blankets off of himself. Laying there on his bed, Alex was still feeling too warm. With considerable effort, he lifted himself to a sitting-up position, and swung his legs over the edge of his bed. His body screamed at him in protest as he stood up. Blindly stumbling through the room, Alex eventually found the window. Opening the blinds, Alex's eyes were treated to a sudden rush of light from the moon, which was bright enough that night to illuminate his whole room. Opening his window fully, Alex closed his eyes and leaned against the windowsill. The cool air that rushed into the room felt rejuvenating. Leaning against the windowsill for what felt like hours, Alex let the coolness of the night air wash over his body.

Finally opening his eyes, Alex crept over to his bed, Amber still on his mind. Despite the fact that it was quickly growing cold in his room, he still felt warm as he lay himself back down. Amber was filling every part of his mind. The way her soft voice charmed him, her equally soft look in her hazel eyes, the way her breasts bounced when swinging a tennis racket...

The clock read 2:17 a.m.

Forcing himself to turn away from the clock, Alex started to feel hot. Burning hot. Hot enough to have the need to remove his shirt. Cool air blasted his exposed fur, the moonlight changing the color of the fur on his chest and stomach from white to a pale gold.

All Alex could think about was Amber. It had been cruel enough that she had looked the way she did in her tennis outfit. Now she was invading Alex's thoughts with what she looked like, underneath her clothes. Before his tired eyes, she seemed to have appeared before the window. Walking over to stand next to him, she was dressed the same as what she was that afternoon, except with a tight shirt on that perfectly advertised the shape of what lay underneath. She had a smile on her face that was seductive, and yet could have been mistaken as innocent at the same time. Reaching down, Amber slowly grabbed the bottom of her shirt and lifted it up and over her head in one easy motion, breasts playfully bouncing into place once free of their cloth prison.

This was more than Alex could stand. He felt himself quickly getting hard. Amber seemed to notice this, as she gently grabbed his hand and guided it down to his pants. She gave a silent giggle as she pulled down her skirt to reveal a pair of snug white panties, and sat down at the foot of his bed, giving Alex an expectant stare. Taking the hint, Alex slipped his striped pajama pants off and threw them to the side. Amber's eyes slightly lit up as she was treated with a view of his briefs, a tent in the front to make them snug. Slipping his underwear off, Alex shivered slightly as the cool air seemed to kiss his bare member.

The clock read 2:24 a.m.

Amber smiled at him again, and nodded her head. Sliding her hand slowly into her panties, she winked at Alex, who took the hint. Gently wrapping his fingers around his penis, Alex resisted another shiver, not realizing how sensitive he was. Sliding his fingers up to his tip, he couldn't resist a third shiver. He definitely didn't remember being this sensitive. Figuring it must have been from stroking himself in front of a beautiful woman, he looked at Amber to see what she was doing.

Amber seemed to barely notice Alex as she was taking more and more interest in her own body. Fingering herself behind her panties, Amber leaned her head back and let out a moan so soft that Alex couldn't hear it. Lifting her right hand up to play with her breast, Amber looked as if she had forgotten all about the fox before her.

Alex wasn't as lucky. Watching a vixen go to town on herself was very distracting to a nineteen year-old man, especially when the vixen's breasts were as large as the ones she had. Alex started to fall under the spell of the bouncing orbs, eyes locked onto the perky pink nipples...

Alex's penis throbbed slightly, as if to say "Aren't you forgetting something? What about me, damn it!" _Tearing his eyes away from Amber, Alex once more wrapped his fingers around his penis, which has been dutifully standing at attention. He gave a few gentle strokes up and down the length, a wave of pleasure starting to wash over him. Feeling encouraged by this, Alex started to run his fingers up and down, working himself into a slow rhythm, moaning slightly as more waves of pleasure rewarded him. _"I've been needing this," he thought.

Alex had never truly realized how soft the fur on his hands was until now. It felt as if someone was running silk up and down his penis. That, coupled with the cool air of the room washing over the parts that weren't covered by his hand, was the best feeling he had ever remembered having. It was as if the rest of the room didn't exist at that time, all that was there was him, and the comfortable bed he lay in.

At least, that was true until he look up at Amber. The vixen was really working herself over now. Leaning back, with her back arched, Amber's left hand was moving in a steady motion , the front of her panties getting more and more wet, while her right hand now had a firm hold of her breast and was flicking her nipple with its thumb. Alex couldn't see her face, but she must have been slightly panting, because her chest was rising and falling from apparent heavy breathing. He could actually hear her quiet moaning, and could smell her excitement.

Aware that he was slacking off with the rhythm he had set, Alex once again tore his eyes away from Amber and started to focus on the task that was literally at hand. Gripping himself a bit more firmly, Alex renewed his stroking with a new, faster pace. To add to it, when his fingers reached the top, he ran his index finger over his tip, and when they reached the bottom, he added a slight squeeze to his knot. It had been so long since his last pawing off, he had all but forgotten that he liked that.

Alex started to pant himself, as his mind started to blank. He no longer cared about the time or what he was supposed to do in the morning. All he wanted was to lay there in his bed and let his fingers bring drowning pleasure to his body.

A bead of precum had been starting to form when Alex heard a sharp gasp. Looking up, he saw that Amber was no longer leaning back, she was now in doubled over with her legs spread as wide as possible, supporting herself with her right arm. Her left hand was furiously moving in and out underneath her now soaked panties, the slightly musky smell of her excitement now heavy in the air. She was panting frantically between loud moans, silence seemed to be forgotten.

Gripping himself tightly, Alex shut his eyes, trying to control his own breathing. Penis now throbbing, and his hips slightly bucking up and down, he knew he was getting close. Reaching his own right hand down, he rested it in his lap, partly to hold his hips down, and partly to get a gentle hold of his testicles. Rapidly moving his left hand up and down his throbbing, pre-dripping length, and gently squeezing and rubbing his own orbs in between the fingers of his right hand, Alex knew he was getting really close.

The room was filled with the sounds of moaning and heavy breathing, the pungent odor of female excitement was laying heavily over the two foxes, driving the poor male crazy. Amber gave one last cry, as her fluids rushed past her fingers, and then was quiet.

Eyes still clamped shut, Alex gripped himself as tightly as he could, and moved his hand up and down as fast as he could manage, until he got to the point where he was slightly concerned that he might rip his penis off. Gritting his teeth, Alex gave one last final stroke, ending with squeezing his knot, as his bucking hips helped usher in a blast of cum. His mind instantly blanked, so he was left with darkness and the sound of his own heavy breathing to keep him company. His limbs started to feel heavy again as his body slowly started to relax.

He lay there, eyes shut, breathing slowly returning to normal, for what seemed like forever, unable and unwilling to open his eyes. When he finally did open them, Amber, and all traces of her were gone. Looking back at the clock, Alex gave one last sigh, now sad that his dream had ended, and slumped his head back down onto his pillow, falling into an exhausted sleep.

The clock had read 3:00 a.m.

Amber slipped her clothes on, and came out from hiding behind a tree outside the window of Alex's room. Smiling to herself at the thought of how uncomfortable it was going to be to walk home in soaked panties, she set off in the direction of her house, determined to rest up for her and Alex's "second" date in the morning.

Gaining pride

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What goes around Comes around. part 2

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