Exploration RLA: Part 11: Ignorant Traitor

Story by Ryan-masterpaladin-Lewis on SoFurry

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#11 of Exploration RLA


Once again, same legal obligations apply here. To those who are legal to read this, please enjoy. This one is quite long.


Every now and then I would be dragged back into my thoughts of my old town. It was like a lingering nightmare waiting to cut off my supply of air. It would hide in my shadows and every now and then cause such nuisance to my sanity like a poltergeist playing a petty prank. But I was doing my best to keep it at the back of my head.

I conducted a regular training session ever since the incident with the sacrilegious village. Twice in the same minute I nearly had my head sawed clean off from the chainsaw maniac. I will never forget the blood crazed looked he had, while screaming that war cry. It reminded me of the incident back home, especially on this particular day.

I swung my blade around, practicing specific defense, counter, and offensive moves I had been learning for years. With each swing I would hear the chainsaw guy, the wedding guests as they were brutally murdered, and Sterling's smug comments. I had received a letter from Joe roughly a week ago that had finally told me that Sterling had died in that fire shortly after that horrendous incident.

I didn't have too much time figuring out that it was Sterling's gang that killed off those people, especially when he profusely apologized throughout the letter. I replied to him stating that I should have been smart enough to figure that out anyway. At least now I can rest easy that he's dead with his gang of thugs. But regardless it's not helping me sleep easier.

I never mentioned this stuff with anyone here. Only Alduin knows about the incident, and I don't plan on telling anyone else that. Fortunately Alduin was nice enough to keep everything a solid secret between us. It was another thing I could be grateful for.

I finished the hourly training ritual when the doorbell rang downstairs. I set the sword down and put a white undershirt on. I slid down the ladder leading to the door and clapped it back up, before answering. It was one of the bosses from the grocery store Alduin and I worked at.

"Hi Ryan," He said, "I was just coming by to check up on Alduin. I was only told that he got dreadfully sick and that he'd be unable to work for roughly four weeks."

"Yeah about that," I started. I had recited the story in my head repeatedly, "The only people allowed near Alduin is me and the doctor. He says it's extremely contagious, and occasionally has to examine me to make sure I can make it to work myself. Trust me on this one when I say it." He pondered for a moment and wished him the best of luck. He took off then without a second warning, almost speeding to get out of there. I idly shrugged and shut the door.

This wasn't the first time we've told them excuses. We needed to delay until they finish the concoction needed to get Alduin back into his body. But it's definitely harder than it looks.

"What kind of exam?" Draco chuckled, "I like physicals."

"Not those kinds of physicals!" I shouted. Draco laughed.

"Well if not me, you have an overdue appointment with Orion," Draco idly stated with a shrug.

"I'm aware of that," I said, "but I'm sweaty, smelly, and a little worried about Alduin. He's the only reason that squirrel sorceress Casdey is still alive right now. The next two weeks are going to be tough."

"Then again, he saved you from being Abigail's toy at CNY," Draco said, "and even more so he saved you from a premature beheading by a psycho. Regardless, your performances have earned you some good points in Central. A lot of people want to "meet you" for sure. So it's either them, Orion, or me with some octobond tape."

"Well fine," I said, "Just as soon as Orion shows up. You just love to watch me squirm don't you?"

"Awe come on I'm only teasing," Draco laughed, and almost right on cue Orion popped right in front of us.

"I heard a certain grateful human calling my name," The albino fox trotted in with a wide grin.

"You sure did," I said, "You got my room with me and some privacy."

"Privacy?" Orion's ears perked, "oh no. Remember that you owe me double. The second is that I get to fuck you in front of a live audience. Draco videotapes. Besides, think of it as a boost to your popularity. You already got popular with your previous couple endeavors. Most everyone saw your replay, and they were especially impressed when you fended off the half dozen people by yourself." I was in shock. This was like being in a porn shoot, only infinitely worse.

"Well, ok I understand. If it's what you want."

"Don't get me wrong," Orion stated, "we can do it in your room to prevent disturbances, but beyond that, it's my call." I nodded and clapped the ladder down. I was given a good smack right on the ass from the eager fox on the way up, and I couldn't help but giggle. It wasn't all bad when I thought about it in my head. And Alduin was capable of doing things outside his body not quite like before, so I had insurance that I wouldn't get hurt. At least not seriously hurt.

Orion finished the ascension up the ladder, who was quickly followed by Draco. The dragon held up a small hand sized console. I imagine it was like a miniature camera on it, but I couldn't see the lens directly. The fox caught my attention quickly, as he slipped his shirt off, exposing his white chest.

"You're not going to play bad beat music in the background for this are you?" I smiled wide from the statement. It was bad, I know, but I wanted to get a little satisfaction off of this.

"Of course not," Draco beamed, "it makes the whole sex experience seem cheap. I like to have some class when it comes down to it. Now action." I wasn't sure how many were watching now, or better yet going to watch it later, but I figured I might as well go with the flow. I leaned in and gave Orion a nice soft kiss on the lips. He kissed back and wrapped his arms around me, making relaxing motions. The sincerity yet gentleness of the fox's paw motions signified that he wanted to take over, and play total dominance. I let him, knowing I was going to let him milk it out for what it's worth.

'Maybe one day he'll owe me for saving his life,' I thought at the back of my head. I was snapped back to reality rather quickly, wrapping my arms around him, giving him security to move forward. He slipped his soft paws under my shirt and pulled up, and we broke the kiss only just long enough for him to slip it off and toss it aside, long forgotten. The fox motioned closer, tipping his feet on top of my shoes, and with a grin and swift movement, pushed me down onto my bed. My shoes had flown off as a result of it, still trapped under his feet.

Draco had made almost no movement the entire time thus far. He only had a wide smirk on his face, adamantly holding the small camera still. The fox got on top of me and kissed again, swiftly slipping my socks off, and tickling the soles of my feet. I merely let out a gasp, trying not to giggle uncontrollably from the tickling sensation. He broke the kiss again and started to tease.

"Is my pet ticklish today?" He giggled, and I shook my head no. I really didn't want to be tickled that much. "Awe, well let's at least hope you're sensitive today." He chuckled again as he fumbled his pants down slowly, showing that he wasn't wearing any conceited form of underwear. I blushed as I saw his hot pink flesh eager at full mast, and the tip was just lightly coated with the right amount of pre. This little show only made the bulge in my pants more apparent.

"Suck me off cutie," he said, and I obliged. As I leaned down and licked the pre off his tip, the fox winked at the Dragon on the sidelines, who proceeded closer, to give the audience a better view. I licked a couple more times before slowly consuming the hot cock in my mouth, sucking lightly and bobbing back and forth in a smooth motion. This released a slightly audible moan from the fox.

"I taught him well by the looks of it," Draco chuckled. He was right though, that first session I had with him on that fateful night of discovery did a number on my gag reflex. But I've able to do much better since, and hopefully Orion was benefiting all the more from it. A couple minutes of this and Orion had started panting, and he absentmindedly guided one of my hands to his heavy jewels. I smiled inwardly and lightly tickled them, while nosing my way inward, deepthroating him and inhaling a huge scent of his arousing musk. The fox soon seemed to have enough and slowly pulled off of me.

"Whew," he began, "not yet you lovely boi you. I'm not quite done yet." He laid me down on my front slowly, and quickly unzipped the zipper. And with one swift move, he tossed my pants off to the side, seeing the tented boxer briefs with a smile. "Not much originality in underwear." He shrugged and slipped that off too with one swift motion. I blushed as my fully erect cock was standing at attention. The fox grabbed my legs and spread them apart, motioning his still hard cock on mine.

"You just love to tease huh?" I smiled.

"It makes this all worth while," he said, grinding his cock on mine with provocatively small thrusts. "I want you to beg me to put it where it belongs." He chuckled again, grinding in just the right way. I let out a moan and arched my head back, his pre mixing with mine each time the tips meet each other. He kept that up ever so slowly, and after a minute, slowed down even more.

"Come on," he said teasingly, "beg." I felt him let off and I whimpered slightly. My cock was too eager to get cold now.

"Alright you win," I said and chanted, "will you please fuck me? Nice and hard too?" I grinned cynically and he matched it.

"Oh all right," he teased once more, "if that's what you truly want." He pulled back again and raised my legs up, exposing my awaiting pucker, before pushing in ever slowly. I moaned as he stretched my backside in a very familiar feeling. It never seemed to get old, and I stroked my cock a bit to keep it erect as he hilted his deep in me. He then pulled out right to the tip before slamming back inside. He kept this up a good dozen times, before getting into a real thrusting rhythm. He was good at this, and managed a loud moan out of me everytime he added a teasing gyration into his thrusting.

I could feel Draco's hot breath against my chest as I looked up at him, seeing him close eyeing the fox cock penetrating my asshole. I could almost swear he was drooling a bit. I figured dragons were always this sex crazy, but I couldn't really blame him.

"Do you want a money shot Draco?" Orion asked with a chuckle, as he started to go faster.

"Do whatever you want, it's your show," The dragon chuckled, "but if you do, get Ryan off. You're letting him enjoy himself too much." I moaned again as my hand stroking myself off was batted away, and quickly replaced by a free paw.

"This coming from the master of dominance," Orion said as he continued speeding up his thrusting, getting more erratic by the minute.

"You better believe it," Draco grinned, "Dominating is best when you have total control of the sub's enjoyment. That's why I usually just fuck someone's face when they do oral, instead of letting them do their own thing." I idly passed the conversation by, paying more attention to the rough hot sensation building up in my loins. I was close, and Orion could easily tell.

"Get a close up on this Draco," Orion grinned and slowed down his thrusting, focusing mostly on jerking me off. I let out a loud cry of delight as the sensation sent me over the edge, and my cum shot out in spurts, getting all over my chest and face. I eventually settled after several shots, but I didn't go limp quite yet, since I still had a hard cock still up my ass. The fox grinned and quickly sped up, going as fast as he could, slamming in fast and deep. I tensed as I could feel the hot organ twitching and throbbing inside my sensitive walls. The fox gave a growl as he let out his climax deep in my ass, although he pulled out a bit, shooting a few shots high into the air, for the audience, before slamming back in me, and thrusting a few more times, pumping his seed in.

We remained in that position for a while, and I watched Draco turn off the camera, and put it in his pocket.

"That turned out better than I expected," The dragon said smiling, "why don't I leave you alone for a bit? Besides, I better get ready for my next planet fall." Draco clapped the ladder down and gracefully slid down with it, before clapping back up. Orion pulled out and laid next to me smiling.

"Are we even?" I asked him in a wonder. He gave a mock expression of thought before chuckling.

"Yeah, we're even, thanks Ryan," I smiled and hugged him lightly.

"So when's our next planet fall?" I asked him.

"It's tomorrow," He said, "It'll be on one that had been explored a couple times before, but need to recon some more information on."

"Danger level?" I asked.

"Both previous visits were safe ones," He confirmed, "the locals were very friendly and eager to help, but it never hurts to stay armed." I nodded and agreed, and lay back shutting my eyes. It had been a long day.

I was awoken after a good several hours in silence. Orion was already gone, and had taken his clothes with him, but he had left a note behind next to me.

"Meet the rest of us in the food store when you're ready, Silverine volunteered to pick you up at home." I cast the note aside and grabbed a change of clothes. I clapped the ladder down to head to the bathroom where I could freshen up. No one was around, thankfully, and I managed to get my morning rituals done fast. I was wearing a navy blue vest tied tightly over a white undershirt, and I had a pair of long uniform pants tied tightly by a belt. It wasn't too tight an outfit, but it gave me some sense of security.

I made the decision from the planet descriptions to travel light, taking only my sword slung over my back, and the CEO pistol nestled to my side. My pockets merely carried a few coins from previous paydays and a light snack. I wasn't expecting to be there long, and based on Orion's recollections, we'd be getting hospitality to a certain degree. I finished gathering my objects and sat down on the couch, flipping the television on to the local news.

Silverine popped in roughly 7 minutes later, spotting me on the couch in a pinch.

"You're packed light," He stated bluntly, and I looked up at him, flipping the TV off.

"Shall we go?" I asked, holding his hand.

"I assume Orion told you the planet details," he nodded, and I did the same, "good, you shall be off." He pressed the button on his teleporter, and within forty more seconds, I was in the familiar food store on Central. I was greeted with many grins from a good few people. Doran and Felicia were idly talking at a table, and Orion seemed to be bragging jovially with a couple other foxes.

"What's he talking about?" I asked the other two as I sat down with them.

"He's been talking about your fun with him yesterday," Doran said.

"You watched?" I asked flushing a bit.

"A lot of people watched," Felicia said, "it was being played live right here in the food store. You've got fans now." That would certainly explain the stares. I was certain I was still no where near as popular as Alduin, but then again, humans are a delicacy here on this outfit.

"So when do we leave for the planet?" I ask.

"As soon as Orion gets his butt over here," Doran stated. Felicia got up and walked over to the fox in question, and the wolf chuckled. "Do you know you packed very lightly?" Doran pointed out.

"Yeah I'm aware of that," I said, "it'll be enough."

"You're probably right," I said slowly, and heard a yelling noise as Felicia dragged Orion back by the ear.

"You've had your fun Orion," Felicia stated, "now let's go." We all nodded and I held onto Orion's arm. He giggled, remembering last night as we warped away. Within forty more seconds of nausea, we arrived at our destination.

It was certainly a different environment from the last two. Although the last two had some technological innovations, this place was nothing but. In fact, only the indigo color scheme of the facility gave me the assurance that I wasn't still on Central. It was almost like straight out of a video game. Everything was metal, with doors that slid automatically open for commuters. There were numerous consoles in every room filling almost every obligation possible.

I was also set back a bit by the species. All of them seemed to be species of gerbils. Ranging from dark black to light brown fur, sometimes with white underbellies to mix. The outfits weren't all that original, looking like any other uniform I've seen. What really perplexed me about them was the end of their tails. The end of the tails widened off like a cylinder and plateaud off. I would almost go as far as to say they look like computer plugs.

This was actually confirmed to be the case, when I saw one of them plug their tail into a console, which opened a nearby door.

"Wow," I said slowly, "this looks really interesting."

"If you're done staring let's go," Doran snapped me out of it and I nodded. He seemed to know where to go, and we walked. I casually noticed the stares from most everyone as we made our way down a hall. It didn't seem like they were threatening stares, but they were enough to make my hair stand up on end. We got to a rather large door being guarded by two what looked like soldiers, and they stopped us right at hand.

"Only one of you can speak with our ruler," One of guards said. We nodded to each other and let Doran go ahead, since he was the team leader.


"What's the news on our old friend?" A man questioned as he stood on the railing of an outside balcony. They were stationed not too far off from the large complex that held the world's leaders and military. It was one he found uninteresting, from it containing mere vermin species.

"Clueless as always," The young lady answered, "he doesn't know that we exist, or that you are even alive."

"My question is how he got so far out of home anyway," The man replied, his description was known only to the partner he's talking with. The lady was a little less shy in that aspect. She sported on a tight blue uniform vest, sporting dirty blonde hair that didn't extend too long. The man was twirling a sword around, his only weapon at the moment, while the lady was armed to the teeth, in every type of weaponry possible. "Besides, he doesn't know you're alive either."

"Sounds like you're so anxious to meet up, plan on asking him on a date?" The lady teased. Her voice was smooth, and so was her dialogue. She held no holds for fear, especially for her capable companion. They were interrupted by a beeping noise, signifying an incoming transmission. It was there leader, who merely resorted to audio transmission.

"What do you have to report?" The voice didn't seem natural, like it was electronically disguised.

"He's here too," The lady replied, "Yet I don't think he's aware of our scheme."

"He may find out though," The voice replied, "it's better to eliminate vermin than risk them finding out." The voice then addressed the man. "You can have your fun with him all you want, just make sure he perishes. And don't be seen by anyone else. As for you lady, go and retrieve the sample we need from this planet. Over and out." The transmission faded, and the man gave a loud laugh.

"Just what I've been waiting for." He gave a large jump off of the balcony, landing gracefully on his feet, twirling his sword more as he broke into a run, sprinting towards his intended target.

"Let's see how the young target has improved," The lady said idly to herself, before jumping off in the opposite direction.


I was pretty sure Doran spent a good thirty minutes or so in the room. Who knows what they were talking about, and I wasn't completely interested in finding out why. Fortunately, it wasn't long before the wolf came back out and addressed us. I stood up, while Felicia and Orion stopped pacing.

"Alright, we all have a specific type of information to go recon," He said, "you can do whatever you like beyond that, but the ruler suggests that we do not leave the confines of the building. I told him that was fair." We nodded in agreement and he turned to Orion.

"Orion, you get to investigate their military, understand how they work," The fox nodded and began walking away.

"Felicia," he turned to the elf, "You get to take a run through on history and politics. To see how this planet was formed." She nodded and did the same, turning down a different fork than the albino fox.

"Ryan," He faced me, "you're in charge of investigating culture and normal living rituals. An escort has been assigned for you in the meantime, to help you get along with the others. He should be here shortly."

"Okay, but what will you be doing?" I asked curiously.

"I'll be investigating the biological traits of the species here," I nodded, "I'll wait here with you until your escort arrives."

More waiting, but it was something I was used to. Chess managed to increase my patients to very nice levels. Unlike Doran's meeting, it only took a couple minutes for my escort to arrive. He had a brown with salt and pepper type fur, and was a good half a foot shorter than I was. It made me feel better, considering I was the shortest on my exploration team.

"Greetings wise master," He gave a gentleman's bow and made introductions, "My name's Plug. I'll be your escort during your stay."

"Thanks," I said bowing back, "but I'm no master, and certainly not one for formalities. Just call me Ryan, ok?"

"Right this way then, Ryan," he nodded and began walking off. I gave Doran a quick wave, following the gerbil closely. The corridors were fairly straightforward. But not far off the navigation curve as Central was. I had to keep close mental notes of where he led me.

"So what do you want to see first?" He asked. I thought for a moment of my assignment for a good question, then answered.

"I guess since I'm looking at your culture, why don't we start with how you guys live?" I asked. He nodded and led me down a couple hallways. We got to a door with a panel next to it, and he lifted his tail.

"What's so unique about the tail?" I asked him.

"It's a unique device that's infused in our DNA at birth, it lets us sync into any piece of technology and control it with our minds." He explained.

"Wow, that's amazing," I said and thought, 'I don't think my home planet could do something like that for hundreds of thousands of years.' He opened the door after sticking his tail into the open slot. It let to a large hallway of corridors.

"The living quarters are in this quadrant. We're very communal, so plenty of people live in each quarter." The gerbil explained.

"How much is plenty?" I asked. He opened the door into one of the compartments. I was a little taken aback. Inside one compartment, which was fairly large, housed about a dozen and a half people, of both genders. I haven't in a commute like this since the YMCA back in New Zealand. I gave a small whistle, and Plug gave a chuckle.

"We're always comfortable around a lot of our own," Plug explained, "it's actually much more uncomfortable alone."

"Hey Plug?" One female asked walking up to us, "Who is this? Is he friendly?"

"Don't worry, he's alright, meet Ryan," Plug introduced, and I shook the lady's hand, before looking over the rest of the room. Everyone was looking at me, except for two, on a bed in the back of the room. And for lack of a much better phrase, they were deeply involved in sex. But something about the sex caught my interest. Although the woman had the breasts, she was the one with the penis, and she was thrusting with tandem into the man's vagina. This was something I had never witnessed before. Hell, I had never even imagined something like this, the mind boggles.

"Is something about sex perplexing to you?" Plug asked me chuckling. I shook my head quickly and looked back down at him.

"I'm familiar with sex, but this is quite different," I pointed out.

"In what way?" The lady asked.

"Well, your genitalia is opposite of mine," I pointed out, and this time they were the ones giving the blank wondering stares, although a more common sense thought appeared in my head. "You guys must be really comfortable together. You don't mind when people have it off in the same room as you?"

"Yeah it's pretty normal," The lady said, "although I'm interested in seeing what outsiders are like." I blushed from that statement and they laughed.

"Maybe later," Plug said, "Shall we move on?"

"Uh, yeah," I said lightly and left with Plug, waving everyone else goodbye. Even the two having sex waved back with the others.


Plug managed to show me a lot of places, and I got a pretty good map of the place in my head. He gave me a good run through of how they live their lives throughout the day from sun up to sun down. I even learned a few other things that I'm sure the other teammates were learning about.

"Any other questions?" Plug asked me, and I shook my head, satisfied I had enough information to give.

"That's all, thanks," I replied, "that helps a lot."

"Glad to help," he said, "I hope I'm not being inconvenient, but I have a quick errand to run. Will you hang around here for a little bit?"

"No problem," I said, "I might look around for a bit here, but I won't leave the floor." He nodded and sped off quickly. I figured he wouldn't be long, so I didn't plan on walking far. But I did decide to walk, to keep myself from being bored, and delving into my thoughts. I walked down a couple halls, until I got to a room I wasn't familiar with yet. It was a large boiler room. It had consisted of roughly three levels, and was seemingly inactive at this time of day. It would certainly explain the lack of people working around the area. Something in my gut told me not to go any further, for possible danger, but the curious side got the better of me, and I advanced.

There was a nearby elevator, still operational, so I decided to get on, and I moved up to the second level. For an elevator in a shut down boiler room, it moved very smoothly, and without very much sound at all. I got off and walked forward ever so slowly. As I did, there was no sound, only my feet clanking on the ground with each careful step. It was nervously quiet, much too quiet.

I had the feeling that I wasn't alone in there, and the presence my paranoia sensed wasn't friendly by any means. I walked forward a couple more steps, pulling the sword off my back ever so slowly, keeping it close just in case. I stopped moving, looking around without making a sound, and concentrating for the slightest noise.

A small clank from behind and I turned like lighting, holding the sword high with one hand, my other arm ready to parry, and no one. I stayed still, not letting down my guard, and realized how fortunate I was for that. A loud clank from above and I looked up. A fast blurry figure approached from above, holding a weapon as if to stab. I jumped back quickly, missing a messy death by mere inches. I rolled back, quickly back on my feet in under a second. I looked to see the kneeling figure. As he stood, I recognized who it was.

"Been a long time, loser," He said slowly, showing his face, nothing of him had changed at all.

"Sterling?!" I said, holding the sword down just a tad bit to my front. Sure enough, it was him. The same voice, same clothing and blue bandanna that signified his gang. Something wasn't right, Joe said he died in a letter.

"I died in a car crash 10 months ago, is that what they told you?" He chuckled as we slowly circled each other, he was twirling his sword vertically in his right hand.

"You're the one who killed my family," I said sternly, proving my theory correct.

"You catch on quick, as expected," he chuckled, "after all we both know where you and I come from." He clutched his sword properly in a millisecond and slashed at me. I dodged to the side quickly, avoiding another quick death, and slashed back at him a couple, followed with a missed stab. My heart was pumping quickly. His blade wasn't one of PVC pipe this time. It was real, and I could tell from his combative demeanor, he was fighting to kill. Any wrong move could spell my death, the second he knocks me off my feet, I was dead.

"What do you want?" I demanded. He gave a snide chuckle before rushing me. I dodged a stab, and flipped back to avoid another slash heading for my neck. My heart pumped faster, like any second could be my last. My breathing grew fast and heavy, my natural fight of flight response threatening to take over.

"Just a little taste of your own medicine, that's all," He charged again, and I brought my sword to block. Our blade's edges grinded together, and he hit it a couple times more, nearly knocking it aside and I jumped back.

"That's doesn't even make sense!" I shouted, as we circled each other again.

"There's nothing to revenge than taking what you cherish most, and I saw your comrades will be a welcome addition," he mocked.

"Leave my friends out of this," I shouted.

"Oh I prefer to get rid of you first to satisfy my revenge," He began, "after all like you, I'm human, and it's in our nature." He swung his blade back, and kicked a nearby barrel lying on the ground toward me. I stepped back, knocking it aside with my free hand, and brought the sword up just in time to parry a fatal stab, and the ground seemed to fade beneath my feet. I gasped as we both went off the platform edge, quickly heading toward the first level.

'If I fall I die,' I quickly thought, and thrusted my body weight behind me, backflipping and landing hard on my feet on the steel floor. The landing shock hurt, but nothing as bad as it would have been. Sterling flipped onto his feet a good few feet away, and as I looked at him, I got angry.

"You got everyone involved just for that?!" I shouted again. It was my turn to rush, and I did so aggressively. I slashed at him, which he parried, and I quickly brought the blade to my face, blocking a couple counters, although his second swipe knocked my blade to the air. I jumped forward in a split second decision, and caught the blade quickly. And then, with one swift movement, I swung on the ground, and felt my blade collide with his chest. His shirt tore, but another sound of screeching metal was apparent. I looked up at sterling swung back several feet. A huge deep scratch appeared on his chest, but no blood escaped from it at all. I was baffled, it was like he wasn't human, at least not anymore.

He looked down at the scratch and back up at me, before laughing out loud. I was pretty sure he thought that he could've been dead on normal circumstances. When he settled he charged one more time, this time going at a faster speed. I deflected another stab, then grabbed his sword arm with my free wrist. We spun around a bit, me still holding his wrist tight, and I brought my other arm to hold his other back, when he tossed his sword into his other hand. From there we struggled to hold on, giving the stare of death into each other's eyes as my muscles shook, about to give way. Sterling quickly pulled off, swung behind me, and kicked me hard in my lower back. I went flying a good feet, and landed hard on my back, down on the ground. My sword flew out of my hand a good several feet, and I quickly looked up at him. This was it, I was going to die.

"And I only have them to thank," He said slowly, almost low enough to be talking to himself.

"Them?" I asked confused, trying to get up.

"Almost made a Freudian slip," he said, "enough talk, die loser!" He jumped on top of me, knocking me back down, and I held my hands up, grabbing and stopping his blade as he made to drive it through my heart. I pushed back against him hard, trying my best to keep the blade from descending further, but his grip was getting strong, and the acid in my muscles was weakening me at an exhilarating speed. Any longer, and I was going to lose the struggle.

Then a shot rang out loud. And an incredible force blew Sterling's sword away. He looked baffled as the sword landed several more feet away, and I took the split second distraction to kick him hard off of me. We both rolled to our feet, and I quickly retrieved my sword, hearing the loud hum of a nearby machine. I looked up and saw a large console gun pointed in our general area. Plug was in control.

"Plug!" I shouted, quickly turning to face Sterling. He reached for his sword, but another shot knocked it off the edge of the platform, and out of sight.

"Damn you, fucking rat!" He shouted.

"Looks like we have the upper hand here," Plug stated. Sterling regained his cool and chuckled, then leaning close to the ground launched himself nearly three stories high onto the third platform. I looked up at him, my sword at the ready, wondering how he accomplished such an inhuman fleet, while preparing for the worst.

"You may have been able to prolong your life," he yelled down at me, "but it's not like you can stop your inevitable death now is it?" With those words he took off, jumping out a nearby window and out of sight. I just stood there for a minute; not moving until my heart finally settled to it's normal pace about a couple minutes later. My breath returned to normal shortly after as questions began to flood through my head.

'How is he alive? What happened to him to make him so powerful? Even more importantly what's he doing millions of light years away from Earth?' Even more questions like that flooded my head, and as I pondered them, I holstered the sword back on my back, then jumped down to the platform where Sterling's sword had dropped. I found it under some crossed support beams, and held it closely, examining it. It wasn't as long as mine was, but it was a little wider and thinner, allowing for stronger and quicker slashing. At the time I was examining it, I didn't notice Plug approaching, and I saw him quickly beside me.

"Are you ok?" I nodded in assurance, "did you two know each other?" I looked away scratching my head.

"More or less," I said, "weren't you supposed to be on an errand or something?"

"Not much of a good question after I saved your life eh?" he asked, "I was talking with the person I needed to, when we heard your struggle going on. The security cameras caught the whole struggle."

"Thanks for that," I said nodding, "really, if you didn't, you'd be cleaning up on aisle two."

"Don't mention it," he said, "I like you, it was only natural to help."

"I owe you one though," I said, "if there's anything I can do to help, now or in the near future, let me know ok?" He stood there thinking for a moment.

"Are you staying over the nocturnal period?" I nodded, "then I would request a favor. My bunkmates and I haven't stopped talking about your opposite genitals comment. It's made me curious, I was wondering if you could show us." I thought about it for a moment. Although it was going against my no sex at work motto, it was a reasonable request for a local saving my life. I nodded, smiling.

"Ok, I do have one more request though," I said, and he looked at me, "you can tell your leader and stuff what happened here, but don't tell my comrades about it. They get worried enough about it as it is."

"You got it," he said, and we began walking back. As we did he relayed the message to someone else, probably the security head.


"Not so hot without your sword huh big shot?" The mysterious woman from before began as she reconciled with Sterling. He growled.

"None of your damn business bitch," he began, "he was lucky that pussy rat was packing heat, or Ryan would be face flat dead right now."

"You should take a chill pill," she said, "assassinations come easier when one is calm."

"I'd like to see you do better," He said. She chuckled greatly.

"Don't worry blueberry," she said teasing his bandanna, "next time I see him. I will. Be sure to take notes."


"Go on Ryan, show us," The lady from before suggested, whom I learned was named Outlet.

"Yeah," everyone else agreed. All the commuters who lived in the room were eager to see, and I blushed a deep cherry red. After a scratch of the back of my head, I shrugged and thought it could be worse. I slowly stripped down, until I was nude in front of them. To them, it was interesting enough to see someone with no fur in the buff, but the fact that I was a male with a penis made things even more interesting to them. I wasn't stimulated for sex yet, so my cock still lay flaccid before them.

"Wow," everyone said collectively. I blushed again and shrugged.

"If that all you want to see?" I asked.

"Well, I'm interested in seeing you use it," Outlet raised her paw.

"You mean it, in front of all of you?" I asked.

"Nothing wrong with that," another gerbil said, "we see it all the time."

"Well," I drifted, "okay then. Who wants to volunteer?"

"How about Plug since he saved your life?" Another lady pointed out.

"Me?" Plug asked, "are you serious?"

"Why not?" she asked. Plug thought for a moment and gave up.

"Okay then," he said and slowly stripped down until he was nude.

"Don't worry," I said, "I'll try not to hurt you, or get you pregnant either."

"Thanks," he said nodded more reassured. He sat on his bed, pussy exposed in plain view, and I walked up slowly, sitting next to him. He blushed as I leaned in to kiss him slowly. No one deterred from watching, this was quite an intriguing show to them. The gerbil in my grasp did his best to kiss back. We slowly rubbed each other with our hands to get more aroused. We kept kissing until I was at full mast, and he blushed looking down at the full length.

Outlet giggled as Plug leaned down, and began sucking on the tip, descending along the length slowly. I gave a shiver of delight, bring a hand down his front, and rubbing over his seemingly aroused snatch. This little movement made the guy shudder and moan on my cock, which made it all the more pleasurable.

The teasing continued, as he started a steady bobbing rhythm on my member, and I slowly pushed a finger into his pussy, gingerly exploring his inner walls. I slowly pushed in and out, driving him wild with the teasing, and he sucked a little harder. His moaning grew a little louder as I added a second finger into his boy pussy, feeling the vaginal fluids coat my fingers. And I pulled him off me slowly before I felt like pushing in a third finger with it, and instead pulled my fingers out.

"Ready for the real round?" I asked him. He nodded slowly, and I instructed him to lie down on the bed. He did so, resting his head onto the pillow, and I got up on top of him, stroking my dick a bit keeping it erect, as I aimed the tip at the entrance to his snatch.

"Go easy on me," he said nervously and I nodded. With a slow movement I pushed myself slowly into the gerbil. He moaned, shuddered and clamped tightly as I entered.

"Relax," I said, "it'll hurt less going in." He nodded and tried his best, and within a half a minute of pushing in, I had hilted in his warm wet walls. I was moaning myself a bit. I hadn't felt this since the discovery night when I had it off with Gareth. I slowly pulled out a bit, before pushing back in slowly, resulting in another moan from Plug, who gripped the sheets tightly.

I had begun a slow but steady thrusting rate, doing my best not to go too hard on him. Sex always felt good, and this was no exception. I was just used to the usual roughness of some back on Central, like with Draco. I had nearly forgotten about the audience, this was like my second performance technically in two days. I should start asking for tips or autographs. Some of the other gerbils were now nude as well, and touching themselves not taking their eyes off me and plug. Some of the others were engaging with each other, aroused by the performance.

"You can go... faster," Plug moaned, his vagina was leaking fluid all over my member, lubricating it to make the pain lessen on him, so I obliged. I gripped his shoulders lightly, and started to go faster and deeper. I didn't speed up instantly though, I more gradually sped up so that he would get more comfortable with it.

Shortly though we were both panting and moaning after that, and I was sweating on top of that. It was obvious that Plug was going to cum first, and I kept slamming into his pussy until he did. When he came it felt different, a flood of fluids came out and washed over my cock. I kept reminding myself not to get him pregnant, knowing he was the one with the vagina. Because of that, I pulled out quickly as I got close to climax. I gently turned him around and thrusted my cock into his ass.

He sure didn't expect it, but the lubrication made it easier on him as I pounded harder, until my climax came hard. My cum flooded his inner anal walls, and some of it leaked out when I pulled out. But I did hold it in for a bit, to bask in the afterglow.

"Wow," Plug said, "that was great. It was even better than I expected."

"I'm glad you enjoyed that Plug," I said kissing his cheek.

"Thanks Ryan," he said, and giggled when he looked at the others. I turned and did the same. They looked right at me expectantly.

'Oh boy,' I thought.


Dear Diary,

This latest trip was full of enjoyments and danger, as well as anger that had been built up inside me for just a couple months short of a year. The man responsible for the destruction of my previous life is not dead. Not only is he alive, he seemed to have gotten to superhuman strength, like he wasn't a human anymore. I fear that because of the bizarre way the whole situation happened. It won't be the last time I see him.

I didn't want to tell my teammates because I didn't want them to be in danger from Sterling also. Because of that they also didn't know I was nearly killed on that trip either. In fact besides the arrival and departure to and from the planet, they don't know really what I did besides the information I did give them about the planet. They also happened to walk right in on my session. I was enjoying some time with a few of the others, including a couple of the females too. Let me tell you that was quite embarrassing.

Sterling had left his sword from the fight, so I decided to sneak it home with me. I told everyone else that it was a gift from Plug the gerbil and they didn't question it further. I added to my drawer of things to cherish, like souvenirs from the planets. Alduin has much the same thing, albeit a much bigger collection.

I still have so many questions lingering about the trip, but the time to answer them shall eventually come soon. At least as long as I am not on exploration, Sterling doesn't know where I live, nor where and who I work with. As long as I'm vigilant, I won't let Sterling hurt a single friend of mine.


Ryan Lewis