DUI Part 3 - Night Cap

Story by Lykos Bane on SoFurry

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#3 of DUI

_So I've finally finished part three of this little set of 're-edits'. This one took so long because I had trouble deciding how to end the series and I got hooked on writing another story as well. Either way, this became a huge rewrite anyway. _ It tuns out that DUI is no longer just three parts.

A special thank you goes to my beast Toshiro for editing this re-write for me. He rocks!

Discalimer: This story features nasty interactions between dangly bits, as well as their interactions with not so dangly bits. Enjoy!

Roland felt like shit. He ached in places he didn't even know could ache. Joints along his back and tail reminded him of his age as he forced his body to unfurl from its curled-up position. Pushing his arms above his head, he arched his back into a full stretch. A yawn soon followed.

He was getting too old for this - or at least, right now he thought so. A slight inebriation hung over the morning haze, leaving him dizzy and confused. The wolf made a mental note to hold off on the drinking. The floor was an uncomfortable place to pass out.

The floor?

Roland sat up like a shot, his eyes wide open, and immediately regretted it. The bright morning light pierced the thin curtain covering the bedroom window, its radiance blasting the fogginess from the wolf's mind, leaving only the dizzy pain of his hangover.

He crumpled back to the floor. Without further thought, he dragged the thick comforter over his head in an attempt to block out the bright light, and was rewarded with the overpowering scent of sex. Lots of sex. The heavy comforter came off quickly, but this time Roland kept his eyes shielded. He eased his way out of the covers.

Memories of last night returned with the realization of who was now sleeping in his bed, leaving him curled up on the floor. In the state he was in, waking the couple on the warm mattress was the last thing the wolf wanted. Some miracle caught the whine in his throat, and released it as a low moan.

With those memories came a reminder of why he ached in such strange areas. Roland's tail curled up between his legs and engulfed his bare sheath in its fluffy warmth. It was all he needed to be sure he was still nude.

Fuck! Roland thought as he sat up again, mindful of his tail. And of the sore spot under its base.

The exploits of last night were strewn all about the room. The heavy scent of sex wasn't just coating the comforter, it was soaked into just about every part. Even his muzzle tasted of it, both inside and out.

Buck snored on the bed. His naked body was pressed firmly against Roland's wife's smaller form, spooning her tightly. Roland swallowed the visceral taste in his muzzle, his stunned gaze following the strong arm hooked over his wife's bare chest, preventing the vixen from moving away. The dancing of a white tail-tip showed that she didn't mind. The hyena stirred, moving in such a way that it looked like he was pressing his lap even tighter against her rear. After that, neither body moved.

Sacrificing comfort for caution, Roland grimaced and pushed himself from the floor. He succeeded in not waking either occupant of the bed. A quick glance around the room found a pair of boxers.

The wolf felt both light and heavy, a mixture that had him stumbling every other step. It didn't stop him though. He had a mission, and all other problems could simmer for now. After a night of drinking, the only thing that could fix him was a cup of black coffee.

The bedroom door eased closed with a quiet click. That simple barrier made the wolf realize that he hadn't been alone since yesterday morning. With a soft sigh, Roland felt better. There was no Kelly and no Buck. Just him. The old wolf had a new confidence in his step that allowed him to walk down the stairs without a single stumble.

He had a mug of coffee in his paw no more then ten minutes later. He carefully placed his lips against the rim of the cup, and gently tilted it back, the quick sip making a noisy slurp in the empty kitchen. The bitter flavor of the black liquid nullified the taste in his maw, the sudden scalding heat on his tongue and throat giving his brain something new to focus on and allowing his hangover to fade to a distant thought. Soon it would be gone.

Too bad other things weren't so easy to get rid of. How nice would it be to take a drink of coffee and have time go back a few days? Just take a long, hot drink and find your wife unfucked? To find yourself unfucked? It sure didn't stop the bath from starting upstairs.

Roland perked his ears and looked up at the ceiling, as if he'd be able to tell who was up. Even with the coffee a chill ran through him at the thought it was the young hyena. When the heavy drone of water didn't change to the higher pitch of the shower head, the wolf figured it was Kelly. The wolf, despite himself, smirked at the thought of the hyena taking a bath.

Buck didn't seem the type.

The lupine lifted the cup and absently took another slurp as he continued to look up at the ceiling, listening for any other hints at who was in the bathroom. The tub continued to fill, the heavy sound of water hitting water continued. If Kelly was up, then that meant...

Roland nearly spat his coffee out when he finally lowered his eyes from the ceiling and found Buck was watching him. The wolf coughed, barely managing to swallow the mouthful. A paw was up and wiping at his muzzle as the young male walked into the kitchen.

"You sound like you're sucking dick when you drink coffee, Roland," Buck growled. He still wore no clothing.

Roland was surprised to hear the hyena refer to him by name. He'd heard it enough when Buck referred to him while Kelly was present, but never in private conversation. It was...weird. The wolf remained quiet.

Buck found a mug hanging by a hook on the bottom of the cabinet. He picked up the pot of coffee Roland had just made, and poured himself a cup. The hyena moved through the kitchen as if he owned the place.

Roland never took his eyes off the other male's backside. The wolf cursed silently - how could he let a young punk like this get the better of him? Do all those things to him and his wife?

As if to answer his question, the naked hyena turned and faced him. A full show of masculinity was on display before the wolf's eyes. The white furred sheath was matted from a night of messy sex, but otherwise rested normally over a heavy pair of orbs. They remained nestled between the stud's thighs, which spread to accommodate them as the hyena leaned back against the countertop.

Buck cackled and pulled Roland's attention from its obvious target. The hyena couldn't help himself. He loved flaunting himself and for good reason. This wolf was as cock hungry as any bitch he had bent over.

Maybe even more so.

Roland growled softly as he looked away. He silently cursed again - he had to stop falling for that. It wasn't helping. Why was he so fascinated with the hyena? The wolf began to realize that it wasn't important to understand the fascination, but to make it end.

Buck pushed himself from the counter and slid into the chair across from where the wolf now sat, "Sleep well, pup?"

It was impossible to ignore the snicker behind the hyena's words, and Roland left the question unanswered. The wolf lifted his cup to his muzzle and took another drink, this time careful not to slurp. He was being careful not to give the hyena any ammunition.

Buck's tone was much more serious when he spoke again.

"I expect you to answer me when I address you."

And Roland snapped.

The speed at which the wolf pounced surprised even Roland. The hyena was one step ahead, of course: the younger male was ready, pushing back from the table as Roland came at him. One of the hyena's paws closed firmly on Roland's scruff, the other caught the snarling wolf's wrist. Buck squeezed down firmly with both grips finding their pressure points.

Roland brought his free paw up in time to catch himself from falling to the floor. His arm bent as the weight of the hyena came down upon him. The snarl continued until the young male pressed down on his pressure points and forced the lupine to go completely rigid.

"You're not the first dog I've broken, pup" Buck panted heavily as he gripped the wolf, his muzzle pressed close against Roland's ear. "I know all the tricks. Been there, done that." The hyena shook both paws, which shook the wolf in turn.

Roland whined when he felt a knee pushing between his legs, and attempted to hold them together. But first the pressure grew, then the pain. They finally spread for the invading limb, which came to rest on the linoleum, between his spread thighs. The wolf squirmed; Buck's bulging lap was against his rump.

"It's always the same. You push and push until he breaks," Buck panted with the effort of holding the restrained wolf. "And when he attacks..." The hyena squeezed his paws again, claws digging in, and pushed down. He slowly forced Roland's head to the cold floor. "...you punish him."

The wolf didn't resist. He couldn't. There was nothing the wolf could do that didn't receive a squeeze to his scruff and wrist as a response. He finally whined and went limp beneath the hyena that pinned him.

"The next time you push, they won't snap," Buck snickered softly as he placed his body over the wolf. Pressing his weight down, the hyena released Roland's wrist, and began to rub firmly along the wolf's hip. "And then you can push them even further."

A tongue slipped into Roland's ear and caused the older male to hiss and tense up. It licked deep and vibrated with a growl from Buck's throat. Roland squirmed and then whined again, but found his head twisted for the hyena's tongue.

There was no fight left in him.

The hyena made a show of pushing the wolf's sweats down. He tickled his fingers along the waistband before they dipped inside. He only needed one paw to do it. The sweats betrayed their owner and revealed first the older wolf's firm rump, and then the heavy sway of his sheath. The younger male continued to push them lower until the elastic stretched wide above the wolf's knees.

Buck wiggled his hips and continued to move against the wolf. This little power struggle excited the hyena. He thought he was drained after last night. Yeah, it surprised him too, but here he was, rapidly swelling from his sheath. With a sway of his hips, the wolf's tail was snagged on Buck's hard cock and pulled through the tailored hole at the back of the wolf's sweatpants. Another sway in the opposite direction pushed Roland's tail up onto the hyena's hip and aligned the predators cock with its target. Both males tensed up.

"And I can push you so far, boy."

Roland's claws scraped along the ground as he felt the pressure under his tail. The cold floor under him supported his chin and chest as his rump was held in the air, reminiscent of a cat preparing to pounce. The older wolf closed his eyes tightly and waited for his body to yield once more to the young hyena's flesh.

Buck's powerful paws reclaimed their grip and shook the wolf's head. Those strong hips pressed hard against the lupine's upturned ass, as if he were trying to achieve even more control over the wolf under him. Or was it to show how much control he already had?

Buck thrust forward, firm and fast, and punished his wolf with an unyielding, forceful penetration.

Roland's head pushed back against the paw that gripped his scruff, eyes wide with a mixture of pain and shock, the sensation too much to convey with a yelp or a whine. His eyes just stared forward, muzzle open in a silent grimace. Regardless of the pain he was in, Roland couldn't ignore the heavy set of balls that now lewdly ground against his own thanks to the angle his ass was forced to hold.

Buck moaned deeply, "I bet you'll answer next time, won't you, pup?"

When Roland didn't reply quick enough, the hyena's grip on his scruff tightened again, pressing claws to pressure points. At the same time, Buck's hips rocked again to move himself within the old lupine. The wolf whined and clenched, gaining another pleasured purr from the dominant hyena.

"Yes!" Roland panted hard, his gaze still forced straight ahead of him. The next time the hyena's hips wiggled, the wolf's wiggled right along.

The added pressure of the wolf's voluntary thrust back against him caused Buck to cackle. This fucking wolf. This old lupine is the best fuck he's ever had. The hyena had met many willing bitches, but none like this. There was a reluctance in the wolf's movements and moans that drove the hyena wild.

What a slut.

Roland closed his eyes tightly, unable to move a muscle as the hyena continued to grind against him. He had no idea when the paw left his scruff, but he could tell that it had been gone for a while. Each thrust brushed his head firmly against the ground where he rested his cheek, his eyes turned back towards the male that tightly gripped his hips.

"F...fuck..." Roland panted hoarsely. The word was drowned out by the sloppy wet sounds of mating that filled the kitchen. The wolf watched his rump push back to meet the hyena's thrusts.

"Now..." Buck's cold nose pushed against the wolf's ear again, sharp breath blowing hot air into it with each collision of their bodies. "Sleep well, pup?"

"Mmmm... yes..." Roland whined softly. He just couldn't seem to help himself. As if the hyena had control over every part of the wolf's body except for his mind and that screamed at him to stop this... humiliation.

Buck growled low and pushed hard against the wolf's rump, thick shaft throbbing violently within, "Yes...what?"

No! Roland thought, his mind twisting its gears to get him out of this. He couldn't answer that. He knew what the hyena was expecting of him. Regardless, the wolf heard his voice coming with a shaky breath moments later and cringed.


The word wasn't lost to either of them. Buck remained quiet and let the slick thump of his hips hammer the word home into the wolf's very psyche. The body beneath him shivered as he practically felt the lupine accepting his place. Each thrust got the wolf to comply further and further.

"I didn't hear you," Buck snorted and doubled his efforts.

"Yes sir!" Roland was quick to respond, like he would get a treat. As he lifted himself from the ground and pressed his back to the hyena's chest, he realized that in a way he was. The new position made it possible for the wolf's muzzle to lift and rub back along the side of Buck's head. His spoke again before drawing breath. "Fuck me."

Roland's final defence snapped. His mind gave in to what his body already craved. Both males moaned deeply when the grey furred rump pushed up to meet the spotted lap. And that was about all the wolf could do.

The wolf bowed his head as the hyena leaned back with a throaty cackle that cut the old male's whines short. It was a loud bark of conquest that Roland feared would wake the neighbors, but Buck didn't care. He didn't care that the shower had stopped running. He didn't care that there were white socked feet coming down the stairs.

And he didn't care that the wolf reached back to stroke his dick. It only strengthened the bond. The pleasure would keep him on a short leash and bring him back for more, and by the looks of it, the wolf wanted it to be a very strong bond. His paw blurred like a piston along his throbbing dick, his pinky finger bouncing off his knot.

It was enough to keep Roland's attention off the fox that stood in the doorway to the kitchen.

Kelly smirked from her viewpoint, staying quiet while the boys mated on her kitchen floor. So Roland had some secrets from college he never bothered to share with her. She couldn't blame him though: something like this could severely hinder the wolf in the business world. A bitch got no respect.

And while Buck had quite the impressive bitch in the old wolf, right now it seemed that Roland didn't care. He held his ass high for the spotted beast behind him, with wide spread knees. Balanced on one paw, the old wolf worked his fist rapidly over his own impressive member. The slap of slick flesh combined with the rising musk of both males caused a tremor to run through the fox's sex that left her leaning against the wall.

Claws threatened to puncture Roland's hips as Buck's movements grew erratic. Something in the wolf told him that the hyena was about to cum. Something else scolded him for knowing the signs of the young male's approaching release. It had only been two days.

Wait, had he been fucked that much in two days? Fucked enough to know the signs of when the young male was about to cum? Bred is more like it. Not once, since he met Buck, had the hyena's seed been wasted. Not like his own, which has been spilt on the floor or himself all weekend.

What a bitch.

His thoughts didn't halt his paw's rapid travel along his throbbing member. His knot swelled as if these thoughts were exciting him. That couldn't possibly be true though, could it?

Roland's panting increased to match the tempo at which he was fucked. A warm tingle filled his balls and made his rump sway back against Buck's lap. The pleasure was just too much. Roland loved it. He moaned. He moaned loud enough that the dominant hyena could tell he loved it, as if driving his rump back to meet his thrusts wasn't enough.

Buck took this as a sign to double his efforts and did so eagerly. His claws finally pushed through the wolf's pelt and pierced his flesh as he jerked the wolf hard against him. Again, both males moaned out together as they reached their peaks.

"You're a couple of sexy bastards."

Roland and Buck both froze. Their eyes locked on the smirking vixen, who continued to watch quietly. The wolf's eyes closed tightly and his body tensed up. A long whine issued from his muzzle as his cock jumped violently in his paw, hot liquid spraying into his fingers. Buck moaned out deeply, his cock milked by the lupine's passage. The hyena's hips wiggled hard against the wolf's ass as he once again claimed the male wolf in front of his own wife.

Such pleasure was just too great for the wolf and he chased after it, position be damned. It no longer mattered that his wife was watching. It no longer mattered that the hyena's jaws closed around his scruff. It only mattered that he achieved the pleasure he had so quickly grown addicted to. His whine changed to a growled moan as his climax reached a crescendo and broke like a wave on the beach.

Buck fought off the inevitable as long as possible, but soon joined into the wolf's blissful song. He hilted one last time and held himself there firmly. Thick ropes of cum shot deep into the wolf's bowels, adding another lining of his mark within the wolf.

And like that, it was over. Both males were left on the floor panting hard, Roland on all fours with the hyena's nose buried in the thick fur of his neck. Buck rested over the wolf's back, regaining himself as his flow pulsed, trickled, and stopped. Neither moved for a moment before Roland's lifted his gaze again. He met his wife's smirking face.

"Hehe... hey honey," Roland rumbled softly. His ears splayed a bit, but this time, the wolf didn't blush.

"Looks like the two of you had yourself some fun," Kelly said and finally entered the kitchen. Her paw dipped down and patted the wolf between his splayed ears. She looked refreshed after her morning shower, but she still smelt excited.

And she still smelt of sex.

Roland could only smirk, then nodded. He began to feel a bit exposed, "You could say that."

Buck finally moved. He squeezed the lupine's hips again and held them in place as he slowly eased from the velvet grip of the wolf's body. Both sang out again as the length fell from the wolf's body. Roland crawled forward as Buck leaned back on his legs. It was impossible for them not to pant.

Buck grinned up at the vixen, staying on his knees with his dick lewdly pointed up at her, "Good morning, beautiful. Sleep well?"

"Of course," Kelly said. "For some reason, I was worn out."

"I wonder why," Buck gripped his dick and gave it a playful shake.

Roland stood on shaky legs, something he was growing used to after this weekend. He was about to pull his sweats back up, but decided to just kick them off and stay nude. They landed in the mess he left on the floor, which he brushed across in a quick attempt to clean up.

At least he wasn't hung over any more.

Roland brought his paw to his head and rubbed slowly, then smirked at the other two before he gripped his own cock. "Its because her husband fucked her so well before she passed out." All three laughed. The wolf was in an oddly positive mood and decided right then not to dwell on it. He felt...good. It was definitely time for a shower.

Both males remained naked, much to the vixen's delight. Both males remained quite aroused as well, which didn't help matters. Kelly was excited, but she forced herself to restrain from mauling either one. She wasn't that needy of a bitch.Not like Roland.

She smirked at the thought, "You had better get cleaned up. You have to get to work."

The wolf's eyes rolled in their sockets, "Fuck. I forgot it was Monday."

Standing slowly, the hyena stretched and grinned at the wolf, "Come on, pup. I'll wash your back."

A confident stride carried Buck out of the kitchen with enough presence to get the wolf to step aside. Roland smirked at the nude hyena, then glanced at his wife with a bashful smirk, "You be good today."

"Says the married man who just got fucked in his kitchen," Kelly let her tongue wiggle playfully from her muzzle.

The vixen turned toward the kitchen as if the sway in her tail propelled her. The wolf reached out and caught it, and pulled the female back. Kelly squealed delightfully and put up her paws in mock defense against his chest. Roland's arms went tight around her.

"I'll give you married man," the wolf smirked as he leaned in and kissed his wife firmly. His body pressed tight to her own. He traced her cringe with his exploring tongue and pulled back, "People might question why you have wolf jizz on your clothes." Roland stepped away to avoid Kelly's retaliation and looked at his naked wrist as if checking the time, "I better get going or I'll be late.

"You Asshole!" Kelly laughed. The fox wondered if wolves ever grew up as she watched her husband make a hasty retreat from the kitchen. Her attention moved to her clothes and the wet spots Roland left from his messy sheath, and messier paw. She couldn't help but smile though.

Honestly, she was confused by the whole situation, especially last night. But everything just flowed so well. When things got... exciting, she expected her husband to put a stop to it. But he didn't stop it. She went along for the ride. And what a ride it was.

Kelly had a restless night. She was worried things went too far, but it seemed like he wanted it. If there was one thing she knew about Roland, it was that he was blunt. Everyone knew if the wolf didn't like something.

Instead of rushing off to change her soiled clothes, she decided to enjoy the wet spot. At least through breakfast. Kelly loved the scent of her mate. It was one of the many things she loved about him. The vixen poured herself a cup of coffee, then took a seat at the table. The bitter scent of the liquid added to the spice that now filled the kitchen. .

Did anyone know of this side of Roland? She wondered if Buck was the only one that had witnessed it. And who the fuck was this hyena anyway? His youthful appearance made him look a couple years younger then she was and not a collage friend of the old wolf. If Buck was really Roland's college friend, she really needed to learn the secret of what kept him looking so young.

When she came downstairs after her shower, knots quivered in her belly. She didn't know what to expect. Regardless, she was surprised to find them fucking again. Jealousy wasn't the first thing she felt at the sight. Frankly, she was still confused why she wasn't feeling some kind of envy at all.

The vixen loved her husband, regardless of age. And Kelly wasn't stupid, she knew what everyone thought. Rich wolf with a wife young enough to be his daughter had its implications. Who cared though? They both knew the truth and that's what mattered.

The money was nice, though.

A sigh of relief untied the knots in her stomach and a long drink of warm coffee washed them away. Thank god, the wolf was in a good mood. She wouldn't be able to forgive herself if she had misread him. The shower started upstairs. As Kelly took another drink, she wondered if Buck really was washing Roland's back.

It couldn't have been longer then half an hour later when the wolf came back down the stairs. Paws worked with the length of fabric round his neck and easily figured the puzzle that was his tie, a routine they did every day. The tailored suit hugged Roland's form perfectly and commanded respect. The wolf looked like he was ready to take on the world. That wolf from the weekend was gone, either left behind upstairs or washed away in the shower. Either way, no one was gonna call this wolf a bitch.

Roland went into the small office across from the front door. A briefcase returned in his hand. He stopped at the door and glanced in the mirror to make sure everything was straight. Fingers played with the cuffs of his jacket before both worked the tie into the proper position. His eyes caught the vixen emerging from the kitchen behind him.

Kelly wagged as she hugged the wolf, firm and tight, "You're lucky you smell like that wet spot or people would wonder why you had wolf jizz on your suit."

Roland rewarded the vixen with an affectionate nip to the closest ear, "At least I'm smelling like me."

Kelly sniffed at his neck, as if checking. He had a warm, clean musk that covered his fur. It was very masculine, but definitely lupine. It also had a strong undertone of strawberries. She suddenly wondered why no one had questioned his sexuality before.

Buck thundered down the steps and stood by the two in the entryway at their base. He slipped an arm around Kelly shoulders when the wolf let her go. Roland couldn't help but smirk,. Even the sight of the younger male holding his wife like that no longer caused a strange feeling in the wolf, as if he were getting used to it.

"You two better not misbehave. Don't do anything I wouldn't," the wolf growled.

"And what might you not do?" Kelly smirked.

"Don't worry chief. I'll hold down the fort here." Buck snickered.

Roland growled a little more, but it was easy to see the mirth in his eyes. A paw slapped his suit covered ass when he turned to leave. By the time he turned back on them, both had looked away. Buck even whistled a bit. The wolf shook his head and walked out the door.

"Be good, pup!" Buck's voice made the wolf's ears splay before the door could cut it off.

Apparently, there was still a way to make the wolf blush.

Roland's paws were clumsy. They slipped along Sarah's body like it was unfamiliar terrain. Claws groomed deep furrows in the glowing black fur along the panther's back, and his tongue slithered hungrily along her neck and collar bone. It left a snail trail of saliva across both. His paws and his jaws found their targets at once, the wolf's teeth taking firm grip on the feline's neck as his fingers began to work the puzzle of her bra strap.

This was right. This is what he should have been doing. This is what an alpha wolf does. They breed and spread their seed.

If this is what they do, then why wasn't he hard? Why wasn't he doing it? Up until a few days ago, that was his personal motto. Breed and spread his seed. Yet, here he was with his incredibly sexy secretary and couldn't even make himself stir.

It didn't stop him from trying though. Fumbling fingers failed to unclasp the bra, much to the older wolf's frustration. His jaws squeezed down. A gasp escaped the panther as if her neck was a dog toy. At the moment, it pretty much was. Sarah pressed motionless to the old wolf, head tilted sideways. A sensation of power rushed through the lupine.

Roland's sheath continued to remain dormant. Not even a nudge. It was like he wasn't even interested. Maybe it was because of this morning. He is getting old. And he did get off while Buck was fucking....

The thought came so easy. Just like that. As if it were something that happened regularly. He got off while Buck was fucking him this morning and yet it didn't seem to faze him. It bothered him as much as the limp sheath hanging between his legs.

The frustration pushed his fingers to nearly rip the strap apart. The wolf's thumb finally hit the clasp just right to allow him to pinch what needed to be pinched. The straps leaped up Sarah's arms, releasing her breasts in the process. It was enough to unlock Roland's jaws. He pulled back enough to draw the garment from the feline's willing arms. Dark breasts swayed in full freedom without support, the old wolf staring openly as he dropped the bra to the floor.

Roland finally got the reaction he wanted. He told himself it was because these young breasts were staring at him. The once hidden tapered tip of the old beast's shaft pushed into the hot grip of his dress slacks. Yes. It had to be the breasts. The lupine's paws know this terrain perfectly. They squeeze down firmly on both as if wringing a sponge of water.

For some reason they reminded the wolf of the hyena's balls.

His pants became a little more uncomfortable.

The mixture of pain and pleasure was perfect. Roland knew just how much to squeeze and Sarah always told him that with her mewls. No matter how hard he squeezed, the wolf couldn't forget the last days. Seven was quite the number. He wasn't even sure if he had fucked Sarah that many times.

Ever since getting to work three hours earlier, Roland couldn't shake his thoughts. Thoughts about inferiority. Submission. A young punk like Buck never should have gotten to him like that, yet there was something about him that made the older wolf submit. He had no idea what it was. There just wasn't a conclusion Roland could come to.

The minutes droned together into one of the longest hours the wolf had ever experienced. Being alone in his office didn't help either. It left him to his thoughts. A part of him began to wonder if the young hyena really was better then him. There's no way. He was a successful businessman. Rich and in control.


By the time Sarah entered his office, he had himself fooled into believing he had something to prove. He was on her before she had a chance to even speak. She was the key to proving he was still in control; still a strong and proud alpha male. It was a good thing the black furred feline was used to her boss' sexual advances. Roland could tell she had a daddy complex when he hired her on. One of the best decision of his life.

It was a decision the wolf was thankful of making as he slowly slid Sarah's silk panties down her long legs. Uncovered, the spicy scent of her cunt filled his nostrils. It reminded him of his wife; of the scent she was giving off last night. It reeked of excitement. She looked good in nothing but her gray skirt. Very slutty. The wolf liked very slutty.

The whole time he slid down her body to kneel at her feet, the lupine told himself that he wasn't rock hard from the memory of licking his wife's pussy clean. He was throbbing because he had a sexy, young feline leaning on his desk, not because he spent the morning under Buck.

Roland was smarter then that. He knew he was lying to himself. He was hard because he was reminded of the weekend; of the things Buck did to him and his wife. Normally, something like an overnight trip to jail can easily be forgotten. Thanks to that hyena, the lupine wasn't going to forget his incarceration any time soon.

Probably never.

Even now, with his tongue preparing to plunge into this young thing's twat, Roland couldn't help but think about Buck. The further his tongue delved into the black cat's body, the less he thought about it, but the young stud was still there. He tried to block the thoughts by focusing on the pussy he was licking out. The lupine's nose danced against Sarah's clitoris as he wriggled his muzzle and moved his tongue within her.

It probably hasn't been that long since some young stud was fucking that cunt. It was Buck's voice. Roland heard the disembodied voice deep in his gray matter. You think a slut like her would only be using your dick? I bet even now, your tongue is licking flesh that recently rubbed against another male's shaft. Flesh that was coated in another male's cum.

But you like that taste, don't you?

Roland leaned back with a frustrated growl. His tongue pulled out of the panting panther with a wet slurp. The lupine just rested there with his gaze downcast at the bulge in his pants. It really was big, throbbing hard with forbidden thoughts about the weekend. It had to end. It just had to. Either that, or the wolf was gonna have to accept he was Buck's bitch.

And loved it.

"Something wrong?" Sarah grinned, "Why'd you stop?"

Roland didn't answer. There really was no answer. He continued to stare at the outline of his cock in his suit pants. The weight of the panther's gaze kept Roland on his knees. Silent conflict continued in the old wolf. The wolf's mind fought tooth and claw with his body, trying to force it into acceptance. It was putting up a great fight.

Roland finally found his strength and slowly stood up, much to Sarah's displeasure.

"Awww," the secretary cooed. "You were such an eager pup."

Roland's eyes snapped up and locked with the panther's. Then narrowed. He growled low. That word. That fucking word! It was the only word going through his head right now. The sound took on many voices, but most of them belonged to the hyena. Buck may have gotten away with it, but there was no way Roland was going to allow some young girl to do it too.

There must have been something intimidating in the wolf's gaze because the feline's small ears flicked back. The muscles around her nose quivered as if she were fighting off a hiss. Without a shirt covering her, the wolf could see dark black fur brushed out in distress. The sight only fueled the wolf's fire. This was the look the lupine was used to. This was how people reacted around him. Around power.

For a brief moment, Roland wondered if he had looked at Buck like that in the jail cell. Had the young male just played off that one moment of weakness? Thankfully, the thought was lost when the panther collided with the desk in her attempt to back away from the wolf. The sensation of dominance was intoxicating to the lupine.

Sarah could only scoot herself onto the desk. She regretted the moment she let that word slip from her mouth. A hungry fierceness hid behind the wolfs eyes. It was the look of a hungry predator and she was caught in his line of sight. The change was sudden. One moment he seemed docile, the next angry and vicious. He looked dangerous and unstable. When he bared his fangs, Sarah turned to the left and attempted to run for the door. A firm grip on her upper arm stopped her as the wolf pressed forward.

A sensation of weightlessness came over the panther as the wolf's paws carried Sarah from her feet and set her down on the table with enough force to leave her breathless. She caught her breath after a few moments, but it was more then enough time for the old wolf to open his pants and push them down to his knees. Something on the desk was jabbing into her back, but it wasn't enough to take her gaze from the proudly throbbing dick that stood from the wolf's groin.

Roland couldn't help but grin. His dick was throbbing hard and not due to thoughts of the weekend. Those lovely eyes devoured his cock with such hunger, it was impossible not to be excited. This bitch wanted him. There was an overpowering sense of confidence coming over the wolf. He felt like he did before that fateful night in jail. He felt like himself again.

Sarah gasped at Roland's display of strength when the wolf grabbed her wrists and pulled her toward the edge of the desk. Her legs closed instinctively and the hard ridge of her knees pressed into the wolf's groin. It did little to deter the horny male. A slight twist wedged his hip between her knees. Little effort was required to spread them wide. The hard wolf-dick rested across the panther's pubic bone, soaking already wet fur with his slick and scented fluid.

This was right. This was how it was supposed to be. In his power and in his control.

Sarah cowered when Roland leaned in and snarled, much tot he delight of the power-drunk lupine, "What was that, kitty?"

"You were such an eager..." Sarah trailed off when the dangerous fangs came closer, displayed in silent warning. She looked away, eyes rolling frantically for a way to get out. The cold chill of fear tickled her spine and once again made her sleek form squirm like a serpent. Their pubic bones ground together hard.

"I don't seem to be the eager one, kitten," Roland teased.

The wolf's dick traced Sarah's sex like a kid's crayon, outside the lines. It slid across her clitoris steadily enough to increase her gyrations. By the time the wolf's dick sawed between her wet folds, the panther's netherlips were coated in lupine musk. Another cunt marked with his scent. This was his pussy and anyone that came near it would know.

Sarah squirmed under her captor, but couldn't shake him. Her legs were only permitted to close to the point of the wolf's hips. With his paws pinning her wrists, there was nothing protecting her from the pointed tip of the old wolf's shaft. From the heat at her tunnel, it felt as if it has found its mark. The only thing to move on the feline were her large breasts, the instant after Roland's hips collided with her groin. The panther was a ball of taut, coiled muscles. Her jaws were spread in a silent, choked moan. No one had ever taken her like this. It almost...


A cry was forced from the feline with the next stab of the wolf's cock. Once again, the sensation wasn't the gentle start she was used to. She couldn't push the wolf off of her; the words just wouldn't come to her mouth. When she struggled though, Roland's paws would just grip tighter. The pressure threatened to crush her wrists like brittle sticks. Could he actually do that? The feline wasn't sure of his power, but it was just one of many fleeting thoughts as the wolf's pace increased.

Roland's loins were on fire. Every inch of the feline's twat was absolutely shocking. It felt like the friction created static shock between their bodies. The wolf loved being fully enveloped in her slick heat, the way her cervix kissed his cock tip, the pressure of his fuzzy sheath grinding lewdly against her leaking groin. It already made his sheath feel slimy. His knot was inflating at a fierce rate and knocked firmly at the bitch's labia. Pressure guided the wolf's thrusts. The more he had against his growing knot, the more pleasure he got. And it only increased the more the pressure built around his knot.

Sarah noticed when his thrusts got much more shallow. She constantly had most of his large dick in her now. When the knot began to push harder at her entrance, the feline panicked. They never tied before. It was something she was terrified of and something, thankfully, the wolf didn't like doing 'on the clock'. At the moment, it felt as if that wasn't an issue.

When the orb of flesh punched into her, Sarah proved the discovery of her voice with a shrill yowl. Her back arched and she pushed up against the wolf. The action was met with a frightening reaction from the wolf. Firm jaws bit down hard on her throat and pushed her head back to the desk. She saw stars, her head swimming when the wolf jerked his still swelling knot back out of her cunt.

Roland gave in to instinct. This was no longer about pleasure for him. It was about domination. It was about breeding. It was about proof. This bitch was his. And he was going to make it perfectly clear to her that he wasn't a puppy. From the sounds of her cries, she was fully aware of that.

Each pump of his hips seemed to drive the panther's hips away more and made it harder for the wolf's knot to find a new home. No matter how hard he held her throat or wrists, she was trying to get away. He growled a low warning when he released her wrists. She only had to obey for a moment as his paws dipped down to her hips. She did. Roland pulled her retreating hips back to the edge of the desk and stabbed sharply into her again.

Sarah cried out again, "Sir!" her paws pushed hard at the old wolf's chest, "You're....you're hurting me..."

Roland just snarled and pressed down more firmly ontop of the female. He didn't care. It meant that the message was getting through to her. He should have told her that taking the knot was a part of her job description now. This was just on the job training.

Sarah weakened. Her paws fell limply to the desk as the wolf's hips bunched her legs up so her ankles draped over the wolf's hips. The angle was perfect for both of them and they called out their appreciation. It no longer sounded like the panther was in pain. The knot started to force its way back in.

The wolf was crazy with lust. So far gone from his normal, calm demeanor. He was just a beast, doing what a beast is supposed to. His cock swelled even more, the edge of climax reinforcing it with new vigor. The only thing that prevented him from tying was the female's body, which gradually yielded to the male.

So close now. The wolf drooled as he released the panther's throat and lifted his muzzle. He didn't care. He left the female's throat as wet as his balls now were. He moaned out in a long, low whine. Push. Faster. Roland's hips stayed snuggled against Sarah's groin. Almost there. Roland could feel the build of a heavy released pushing through his knot. It was inflating more so and would definitely catch with the next full thrust.

Almost there.


Sarah jumped at the alien sound. It didn't come from either of them. Her eyes darted to the left and saw the hyena before Roland could. Both were distracted for a moment. Sarah displayed the legendary feline agility and pulled away from the wolf in his moment of distraction.

Roland's growl was cut short as he looked back in time to see his cock pop free of the feline's cunt. It jumped once. The wolf whined in frustration as his hips thrust on their own once...twice....before his shaft surged.

Once again, the wolf's seed was wasted, his orgasm ruined; shot off across his desk in thick gobs of slime with as little pleasure as a morning piss.

Sarah quickly pushed her way past Buck, arms across her chest in an pointless attempt to maintain her modesty. The hyena had already watched her get plowed. There's not much modesty left after that. At least she still had on her skirt.

Buck couldn't get the smirk off his face as he regarded the panther, who made a mad dash for the restroom at the office's reception. He called after her, "Didn't mean to interrupt. Just here to meet up with your boss for a bit of lunch." The hyena was all grins when he looked back at the wolf.

Roland continued to stand next to the desk, dick leaking the last of his climax. The wolf's jaws clenched, his chest lifting and falling as he looked at the mess left on the desk, as if following the broken trail of semen to the tapered tip it originated from. Inhaling deeply, Roland enjoyed the lingering scent of their sex before it was chased away by the hyena.

The next breath flooded his nose with that familiar musk. It was always so strong on the hyena. Roland knew it wasn't an unwashed stink, having obediently scrubbed him that very morning. No, this was a natural musk the hyena carried with him. It smelled so heavily male. It made the wolf shiver, and his ears and gaze stayed down before the younger male. The sound of his office door closing was a relief to Roland. At least Sarah didn't have to see their interaction.

Buck didn't come all the way in though. He just smirked by the doorway. The hyena spoke softly, "Mmmm... diggin' your self deeper, eh, pup?"

That word again. God damn that word.

Roland clenched his teeth and looked at the hyena. He spoke with as much disdain as he could muster. "What do you mean?" It kind of hurt the wolf that he couldn't muster more, like he just didn't have it for the hyena.

"Lunch time," Buck said. He patted his leg as he turned towards the door. "Come pup."

Roland narrowed his eyes as the hyena exited his office. He looked down and sighed again. It was hard not to feel disgusted with himself. The mess on his desk could wait until later. The old wolf danced in place, stuffing his still swollen member back into his pants. Adjusting himself left his paw slick with the combined juices of his union with the panther.

His panther.

A slight grin touched the sides of Roland's muzzle before he grabbed his coat. Once again, he found himself following the hyena.

"Does Kelly know about your office escapades, pup?" the hyena grinned from his seat across the table from the squirming wolf. "I bet she doesn't know about the bitch you were fucking Friday night either."

"How did you know...?" Roland started.

"Oh come on! You reeked of cunt!" Buck replied a little more loudly then the wolf would have liked. It wasn't proper restaurant etiquette. Roland could practically feel the eyes of the other patrons resting heavily on them, as if their conversation was the center of attention.

Roland's discomfort was obvious. His eyes darted about quickly, between long glances at Buck. At least the hyena had waited until their hostess walked away from the table before he began to speak. The wolf slowly shook his head. He remembered the party he was at, the one where he drank too much. He did fuck that bitch good.

"Now that you're listening," the hyena leaned in as if he were conspiring with the wolf, a plan of great importance. Roland found himself leaning in as well, ears perked, "you've dug yourself into quite a deep hole here. Not only did you cheat on your wife with another guy, but you've been fucking around behind her back."

"So..." Roland began, "she knows about...us."

"Yeah," Buck said, "but she thinks its just a fetish. Something that she can't provide. That bitch really does love you." Buck cackled softly, still speaking in that soft conspirators voice, thankfully. "Is it Roland? A fetish? My dick?"

Roland blushed. The blunt manner at which the hyena spoke got to him for some reason. Talk of this type didn't typically bother the old lupine, having quite the dirty muzzle himself, but when in reference to himself, it was embarrassing.

Yet, it was all true. The wolf found himself thinking more and more about Buck. He tried to deny it, but just nodded his head.

"And its just mine, isn't it, pup?"

Roland realized then that it was. He nodded again.

"Do you know why?"

Roland did. He blushed a bit darker, cringing as if anticipating a reprimand. It wasn't about sex. It wasn't about being gay or straight. It was about domination. The act of submission is what was getting the lupine off. It was what kept bringing him back to the hyena.

They both knew it.

"Good afternoon!" A cheerful raccoon stood by their table, dressed in a suit that was almost as nice as the wolf's own. As if the prices on the menu weren't enough, the friendliness of her expression was edged with a careful arrogance that telegraphed the elegance of the restaurant. The 'coon looked between the two males and continued to speak, "My name is Heather, and I am your waitress today. Do you have an idea what you might like to drink?"

The raccoon's gaze landed on the wolf, who looked like he was some sort of successful businessman. His fur was well groomed and his suit well pressed. He was obviously the one to order first. When the uncouth and young hyena spoke up first, her ears perked in surprise.

Roland noticed, and stayed quiet.

"I'll have a whiskey sour," the hyena said with a pleasant smile.

There was a pause. "Of course. May I see your ID, sir?" the waitress replied and matched the hyena's smile with one of her own.

"Mmm," Buck started searching his pockets, then growled low, "Damn it. I seem to have left my wallet at home."

"Oh, I'm sorry sir," the waitress said in a friendly manner. "I need to see ID before I can serve you alcohol."

Buck sighed then nodded, "I understand. I'll have a soda then."

The waitress looked at the wolf. Roland smirked, "That whiskey sounds quite nice, sweets. I'll have one of those."

Heather didn't even bother asking the old wolf for ID. If he was under 21, then he needed the drink. The raccoon wrote down their drink orders and nodded to them both, "Certainly. I'll let you have a few moments with the menu."

Both males nodded as she walked away. Buck didn't try to hide the fact that he was checking her out before she disappeared into the kitchen. He snickered when he turned his gaze back onto the wolf.

"That sucks. That works about 80% of the time."

Roland just watched Buck quietly for a moment. Did the hyena just not have ID? The next question made the wolf's throat go dry. Was the hyena really too young to drink? How old was Buck?

"What's wrong?" Buck grinned, "Never been fucked by a 19 year old before, pup?"

Roland was speechless. The words from the hyena just repeated in his mind. Nineteen!? The hyena was young enough to be his son! He was being fucked by a kid! The wolf shook a bit as the news sank in.

"Awww," the hyena noticed the wolf's tremble. "Its ok, pup. Age doesn't really matter." He smirked, letting both meanings of his words sink in as Roland stayed quiet.

"What does matter though," Buck's voice grew quiet again, "is that I know your secret. I could destroy you by letting out that you're some little street punk's bitch, but that really doesn't suit me does it? What good is an old wolf with no money?"

Roland could feel his blood boiling a little. What was this kid getting at?

"I think that it might hurt to lose that wife of yours though," the hyena cackled softly, the sound like nails scraping along a chalk board to the lupine. "I know your secret, pup. So its time to make a deal."

The wolf's blood went from boiling to frozen in an instant. Blackmail. This kid was going to blackmail him? Roland narrowed his eyes. He was a crude businessman. There was no reason beating around the bush.

"How much do you want?"

"Oh," the hyena shook his head and grinned, "No no, boy. I'm not after your money. You'll support me well enough as you have been these last couple days." He leaned in again, very quiet this time. "What I want is you, pup."

Roland could hear his heart beating in his chest. This was getting to be too much. He felt lightheaded. "M...me?"

"Yup." Buck leaned back in his seat and regarded the wolf with that same confident glare. Roland was actually impressed at how cool he was being. "I want it to continue. I want you to continue servicing me as you have been this last weekend. You're my bitch Roland. There's no denying that. And you've grown into the position much quicker then I would have expected."


"Submit to me fully, pup. Its as easy as that. Everything you have, is mine."

Roland still couldn't react. He couldn't say anything to the young male across from him.

"You give me this, and I won't say anything. About any of it. Your wife can think you're still enjoying a kink. Your comrades in business think of you as the alpha wolf... for some reason." Buck licked his lips, "but behind closed doors, you're mine."

A glass was placed before Buck not even a second after he finished talking. The whiskey sour was placed before Roland, the waitress politely waiting for attention rather than interrupting. "So today we have..."

Roland hardly heard anything. Buck nodded to the waitresses, who started to recite the restaurant's lunchtime specials. The wolf heard none of it though, so deep in his thoughts. There was no joke behind the hyena's statement. He was completely serious and Roland knew it. This was getting out of control.

"For you, sir?"

Roland didn't react. He was dwelling on his recent conversation with Buck.


"He'll just have the steak, rare."

Roland looked up, dragged from his thoughts, just in time for Buck to order for him. The raccoon smirked sideways at Roland before she nodded her head and wrote down the order. There was something in the look, an 'I know what's going on here' that made the wolf clench his teeth. The fire of humiliation burned at his cheeks and ears.

"One lobster, and one steak, rare," Heather repeated. She waited for a single nod from Buck before he walked away. She never once regarded Roland again.

"So," Buck leaned in, "what's the verdict?"

Roland growled low at the kid. There were so many things he should be doing at that moment, like telling the hyena off, but he just sat there passively. Buck's presence was so overwhelming to the wolf that it kept him in line. He inhaled slowly before exhaling deeply.

"I..." Roland didn't even know what he was saying, or what his answer would be. He couldn't give in to this, not to that extent.

Buck nodded again, a grin on his muzzle once more, and the uncertainty was enough. "Understandable. It is a huge decision." The hyena snickered softly, "Besides, regardless if I tell your wife or not, I'm going to fuck you again."

Roland tensed at the words, but didn't deny the hyena. There was no point. He just shook his head slowly. How could he let it to get this far? If he said yes, there would probably be no end to it. If he said no, he'll probably lose his wife...and then get fucked by Buck anyway.

"I'll let you have until this evening to decide, Roland," Buck finally said.

The wolf had no idea why it always caused a reaction when the hyena would use his real name. There's no way he was getting used to being addressed as pup by the young male. Was there? Could he fall that far so quickly?

And just like that, the conversation was over.

"So I was thinking of at least staying another night tonight," Buck said calmly as he reached over and took Roland's whiskey. The cup was empty after one tilt of the cup. It was back in front of him empty except for the shaken pile of ice.

"Kelly's ok with it. Said I just had to ask daddy."

Roland smirked with the hyena.

"You know I'm not going to say no," the wolf stuck his tongue over his teeth at the younger male.

It was so easy to slip into that mode with the hyena. Joking around with the bastard that was trying to blackmail him for control of his life; his very empire. Inside the wolf was a tumultuous beast, a knot of anger and rage. It seethed at the hyena through smirking eyes. Yet the pleasant conversation continued.

"Another drink, sir?" Heather asked, as she set their meals down before them.

"Uh?" Roland glanced up at the raccoon before he caught Buck's head bob in a single nod. She didn't see it. "Err...yeah. I'll take another one."

The waitress smirked and nodded her head, then glanced at Buck, "Another soda for you sir?"

The hyena only nodded his head and she was off. He looked back at Roland and grinned, "Very good."

Roland hated that his tail wagged, but it did. He let it sway for the rest of the lunch too. It helped sooth the beast within. Perhaps it was something that could be ignored. Like it would all pass by. He really wished it would.

No matter how much he tried to ignore it though, he still raged inside. Every whiskey the bastard stole from him only tightened it, as four more times the wolf was forced to order as if for himself. Not to mention the fucker ordered the lobster. That shit isn't cheap.

Regardless, the wolf remained calm. Why let on that there was anything wrong? He was just having lunch with a friend. They actually had reasonable conversation throughout. Their conversation ranged from Roland's success as a businessman to the cause of their joint incarceration Friday night. The wolf couldn't help but get uneasy when it touched on this as he thought it would lead to more discussions about a taboo subject matter.

It never did though.

An hour later, their plates were being removed by an eager raccoon. Buck and Roland both wore smiles on their muzzles. They even found themselves laughing a few times. Roland felt a little more at ease. Maybe this boy wasn't so bad.

"Oh," the hyena said with a glance at his wrist. There was no watch, "Look at the time. I better get going."

Maybe this boy could even be bearable.

Buck stood from his chair and nodded to the wolf, "I'm sure I've kept you from work long enough."

Maybe even...

The hyena leaned in and spoke softly, "I expect an answer tonight, pup."

...a blackmailing bastard!

Just like that, the knotted beast inside the wolf tensed again, coiled to spring like a jack-in-the-box. Roland met Buck's eyes and saw the mirth behind them. The fucker knew. The fucker could see the anger building in the older wolf. The wolf clenched his fists, but didn't say anything. Miraculously, he drew strength from somewhere to merely nod his head, not leap from his seat and strangle the hyena where he stood.

Buck loved the way the wolf looked back at him. The hyena didn't care if the wolf started a scene in the restaurant. He practically stood there daring him to. When the wolf just nodded, he smirked. This was going great. Mr. Businesswolf didn't know how to handle this situation. Buck was going to exploit it for every bit he could.

And there was something to be said for the wolf's ass too. It felt amazing, like he had discovered the same mold from which his sheath had been cast. That meant his dick belonged there. Buck bet he could get the wolf to agree to that as well.

The table cloth threatened to rip in his fists as the wolf watched the hyena walk away. The confident swagger in his step. Roland's teeth clenched with the wound up rage. It was building just watching the bastard. He began to think bad thoughts. Fantasies about guns and violence. Things that could put a stop to what he couldn't do alone.

Maybe he should call the cops? What would that do besides humiliate him further? He'd have to tell them what was going on. All of it. Yeah... some 19 year old kid has been having his way with me and my wife all weekend. I want you guys to stop it.

Roland shook his head. The law was a dead end. They couldn't provide any help. As bad as things were, no laws had been broken. Everything had been consensual. Everything. No. It had to be something else.

Maybe a weapon? If he couldn't find the nerve to stand up to the kid, could he find the nerve to pull a trigger? Roland had fired a gun a few time. He took some pleasure in pulling the trigger in fact. Only, he'd never pulled it with the muzzle pointed at a living thing. It was one thing to fire at a paper target, but a whole different ballgame when pointing it at anything else.

Maybe...something! The wolf felt so helpless! If he didn't do as the hyena asked, his marriage would be ruined. He loved Kelly, even if she did start off as a trophy wife. She was closer to Buck's age then his own. It didn't change the fact that he loved her now though. So many emotions clashed inside the wolf, caught in an endless war to figure out which emotion would drive the wolf onward.

"Will there be anything else, sir?"

Roland answered the coon with a slight shake of his head and she placed the leather folder containing his bill on the table. The raging storm within the wolf calmed to an uneasy serenity. The lupine wondered if this was how someone felt at the onset of a breakdown, calm and easy, accepting of their insane anger. Just like that, it was all clear to the wolf.

There was no maybe about it.

It had to stop.

Perhaps a living target and a paper target weren't that different.

After lunch, the wolf drove across town. As the car rumbled across some railroad tracks, Roland couldn't help but think of the 'bad side of the tracks'. The environment took on a noticeable change in both structure and atmosphere. Yards were lined with cars that looked like they hadn't started since a week after they left the lot. Lawns, or what you'd refer to as lawns, were overgrown with splotches of brown where heavy items had sat for a year too long. What had once been well cared for only moments ago, before the tracks, was now neglected and depressed.

Roland wondered if Buck was from the 'bad side of the tracks'.

He had picked up his phone and dialed the office. After two rings, a familiar voice purred softly, "Hello?"

Good girl, the wolf thought.

"Sarah?" Roland replied after a moment.

"Mr Johnson?" Sarah had a slight quiver in her voice, like she was trying to cover a smirk. She was obviously embarrassed about her encounter with Buck.

"I'm not going to make it back to the office today," Roland spoke with a steady growl. "Go ahead and lock up and call it a day."

"Are you sure, Mr. Johnson?" She sounded uncertain.

Roland reassured her, "You'll still get full pay. Just enjoy your day."

"Thank you," the panther purred.

"See you tomorrow, Sarah."

"See you then."

"Oh," Roland nearly barked, "Sarah?"

There was silence on the line and Roland thought he didn't catch her, then "Yes?"

"I'm...uh..." Roland struggled with the words, "I'm sorry about earlier. You know...if I hurt you and stuff."

The silence again, but she was still there. He could hear her breathing. It didn't take her long to reply, "I'll see you tomorrow, sir."

Roland shut off the phone before he could say anything else. He wanted to talk to her more. He wanted to tell her what was going on. He felt like it may have helped, but it still wouldn't put a stop to it. So there was no need to bring it up. Especially with his secretary.

The car turned into the strip mall and parked soon after as the sky gave way to rain. It was a normal strip mall. The kind you see driving down every street in every state in every country in the entire world. A liquor store and a pawn shop bookend the set of stores, with everything from a laundromat to a sex shop between.

The rain tapped on the windshield, an off tempo pattern that matched the beat of his heart. Roland stared through the clear orbs of water that collected on the smooth surface of glass. The world beyond looked twisted and wrong through them, much like the dark thoughts going through the wolf's head. The water gathered into streams that ran like small rivers across the car's hood. It only added to the distorted view the wolf had. A neon light flashed steadily in the sex shop window, the pink glow flooded the car interior.

He felt manic. One moment he felt slightly relieved that it could all be over. Another moment, he felt depressed at the road ahead. And even happy at another moment thinking about how easy it would be. The hyena was trying to blackmail him The conversation at the beginning of lunch kept going through his mind on an endless loop. His plan remained the same. He could feel the courage building in him, fed by his anger, stress and anxiety.

It would be so easy.

Roland's attention was on the pawn shop. It would be the best place to get what he needed. He knew there were certain loops he needed to jump through to get the gun. The wolf hoped money could get him through most of those loops. Everyone needed money, right? Especially on the bad side of the tracks.

Rain blew into the car as Roland opened his door and slipped from behind the wheel. The large pawn shop loomed in front of him. The wolf's knots coiled tighter with each step toward the entrance. Exhaling slowly, the lupine readied himself for the situation ahead. He stopped under the protection of the build to keep himself dry.

Kelly came to mind before he could get the nerve to enter. If he did what he was setting himself to do, what would she think? Wouldn't he just lose her anyway? The wolf's common sense came through the consternation that drove him and stopped him in his tracks.

The neon glow reflected off the dark glow of the Pawn Shop's tinted windows. It was the first time that the wolf noticed the lights taking shape. Backward letters appeared then disappeared, only to show up again a few moments later. It was just his luck too. The one thing he was trying not to thinkg about.


It showed over and over. The anger grew again, each time and each time, the wolf came closer to opening the door. His paw shook, held out toward it. Kelly once again stopped him. Every part of him was pushing for the pawn shop though. It would be so easy.

What was he doing? He couldn't kill the hyena could he? And then it was perfectly clear. He couldn't kill the hyena, but he could take away any power he might have. His options were to kill the hyena and definitely lose the vixen when he goes to jail....or he could come clean to his wife and possibly lose her. The hyena couldn't blackmail him then. Buck wouldn't have any leverage.

This time, the glowing letters didn't get him angry. This time, it gave him an idea. A grin curled at the corners of the wolf's muzzle as he turned away from the pawn shop. The wolf pulled his phone out and dialed a quick number. He held it to his ear as he headed toward the flashing neon. They perked when he heard the line connect.

"Kelly?" Roland growled softly, his grin spreading, "Are you free? Can we meet up?"

"Yeah," Kelly chuckled, "sure."

"Lets get coffee at that place by my office," the wolf's teeth reflected the pink neon now. "Meet me there in an hour. Alone."


"Love ya, babe."

Roland hung up the phone before he could get a reply. The wolf on the outside and the beast on the inside were both grinning viciously as Roland entered the sex shop. He might lose Kelly, but at least he'd be getting his revenge. Yeah, this idea was much better

To be concluded...