Bro you're so annoying

Story by Taurpearl on SoFurry

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First story that I'm working on. Sorry about formatting issues I'm too tired to fix them.

Please criticize me !!!

Another day of being bored and beaten In this god forsaken classroom is going to be the end of me. Being allured by the luscious temptation of sleep, I just might give in, but It's not like I know anyone who would lend me their notes. Words and sentences seem just to just roll out of this professors mouth and straight into the mental trash bin. If it wasn't for this random, horrible, cell killing energy drink I would've lost all hope for getting through this class. The crack of the can was about 50 decibels louder than it should be thanks to lecture. The cool metal on my lip, the refreshing taste... holyshit this tastes of rancid ass sewer water. Glancing at me with eyes full of uninterested disappointment is this random squirrel, I can feel her judgement and look away awkwardly. Next time I drink something horrendous I'm aiming my spit take at her.

Giving up on the beverage, I put it on the shaky and ancient table. "Shit" It's going to fall over. I go to grab the rotating can, but it's too late now. It drops and quietly thuds onto my neighbors notes.

"I'm so sorry, holyshit" I whisper loudly before glancing at the poor soul I bombarded with canned acid. I look at him, he's a bright white wolf with pine green eyes. Why isn't he panicking? Why isn't he visibly upset? Why is this the first time I'm noticing him? "Don't worry about it, this happens all the time," he says with a chuckle. "It'll dry out, and I take most of my notes on my laptop. This stain is nothing." he whispers. I don't think I could be more embarrassed. He was smiling at me with the cutest face and his fur looked so soft that it was distracting. Ignoring the smell of wasted energy, he gave off the scent of vanilla.

Now is not the time to ponder about these things. "Are you really not bothered?" I say. "There are many more things to be worried about currently. An adorable worry-wart like you should try to understand that." Did he just call me adorable? I want to say something in return but my mind is in the gutter and my face is burning like magma. I look at him again but he just smiles and waves and turns back to his laptop.

The rest of the class felt like purgatory, but I have to stay after to ask the professor some questions. Thankfully he's not busy and I get to talk to him, but his old man aura makes him talk at one word per hour. Finally I'm free from the grasps of this lecture and my next class Isn't till an hour from now. I make my way to the cafeteria just to hang out and calm down. I put in my headphones, find a comfortable spot, and sink into the chair. Everything is perfectly normal until I see him again, standing with what it looks like to be soccer players. Is he on the team? It's not until now that I notice how tall he is. His legs are endowed like tree trunks and his arms are beautifully sculpted, like a Greek artist was commissioned with the most expensive wine. Everything about his body is perfect. I wouldn't mind if he were to pick me up and take me to his... is he looking at me? We meet eyes and he's opening and closing his mouth. Shit he's talking and walking towards me. I look away quickly and try to act as natural as possible.

Now standing in front of me, the wolf speaks. "Huh, didn't expect to meet you here. I would've thought someone of your focus would rather be studying than free loading." Why the hell is he saying this passive shit towards me. "Oh! I'm sorry I didn't see you standing there!" I muster. "Hmm... I am pretty sure that you've been seeing a lot of me, very recently, Mr. Rhino". My nerves are flailing and red burns in my cheeks. "Who the hell are you?" I say. "Well if you want an introduction, I'm no one other than Alex Lang!" He says while bowing like it's the end of a play. Before words can leave my lips he swiftly takes a seat right next to me. With elbows on his thighs and chin on his fists he looks at me with a suspiciously devious smile. "Now that I've blessed you with the knowledge of my name, It's time for some repercussions.

"Uh, my name is Bastien" I whisper. Ah I can't just stare at him when he's this close to me! "I know this is Japanese but I don't know this artist" says Alex, with one of my headphones in his ear. "AAAHHH! When did you get that!" Before I can yoink the wire out of his ear he stands up and just offers me the earbud. .

"Your name is just Bastien?" He interrupts."Bastien Kishima" I reiterate. Before I can react he's reaching for my hand and gives it a rough and firm shake. He bounces off the seat and speaks. "Well it was nice formally meeting you, Bastien. However, I gotta go get ready for my next class.Thanks for talking with me. His farewell was abrupt and short but the next thing I know is that he's walking away with a wagging tail.

The rest of the day was boring as shit but im finally back in my dorm and can relax. Only being able to fit about two people, the dorm is quite small and can barely fit two beds. My mattress feels like its made out of packed leaves and dirt but it's better than nothing. My room feels barren, the roomate barely even lives here and I don't really have that many material items, other than a few posters of some anime and games. Thinking back, I never really had that many things to call my own. My parents couldn't afford to spend money on gifts for me but it wasn't like I had nothing. Hopefully I can decorate my current room more in the future so people don't think i'm just a weeb with no taste in decoration.

I'm pretty much exhausted and I'm not horny enough to jack off so I'm just going to try to sleep. When I wake up things are a little different. First of all why am In a lecture hall? Second, why is there nobody here? Finally, why do I feel so warm? "Welcome Bastien" says a voice closer to me than I thought. I turn around and see him standing there, Alex... in the nude. " Ahh I see you've finally arrived, my horny rhino friend .Your desire, your passion, your lust, has all been focused on me recently. Don't think I haven't caught you staring." I want to say something but I can't. Its as if someone has sewn my jaw shut. Alex walks closer to me until he's right up in front of me. I'm panicking I want to tell him to put some clothes on but I simply cannot. I can see everything, chest, abs, thighs, and dick. I want to look away but... something is wrong with his body. It's like there are holes opening up in his skin, spiraling his fur and flesh. "Hey Bastien, I think its time I take care of you" He says as he wraps his arms around my chest and lunges forward touching his lips to mine.

My bed sheets are soaked in my sweat and I got class in 10 minutes, this fucking sucks. I'm more spooked than usual, I know I had a strange dream but its pretty much faded from my memory. Anyways I have to change my clothes and propel myself to class before I'm late. I arrive and quickly take my seat and almost slip off from all the sweat I earned by running full speed for 5 minutes. "Wow, you smell absolutely horrendous, my friend." Says the wolf. "Didn't want to be late..." I say in shortened breaths. "After this quick class ends I can just go take a shower anyway." "I am sorry to say my rhino friend but we do also have a test today, did you perhaps forget? I mean you happen to forgot to set an alarm so I wouldn't be surprised". "Suck my dick cum dog" I say, while reveling in the fact that I might fail this calc test. He giggles and says "Maybe after your quick shower". Shit in addition to my sweat my face is now burning up. Before I can say anything back I'm interrupted by the professor handing out stacks of stacked tests. Fuck.

AAAAAAAAHHHHH that was fucking rough. I flunked that test horribly but at least I can wash away my sadness and grime now. The showers are public but the stalls are private enough and I take quick showers anyway so there's really no threat of any shenanigans. Hot water and soft, bubbly body wash will make my mind more at ease, but the thought of some pervert lurking in the showers entertains my mind for a bit. Really, there's no one else here, but you got to be always be on the lookout, you know. Finishing my shower, I dry myself which takes no time at all because unlike my furry brethren, I got these awesome scales that dry quickly so I can leave quickly. With a towel around my waist I arrive at my locker to retrieve my clothes until I see him, Alex fucking Lang.

With an offwhite towel mixing into his cloudy white fur he prepares himself for potentially a shower, or maybe he's just here to perv on innocent men! Whatever he's doing it can't be as pure as just a simple shower. Uhh I should watch a little longer to make sure he doesn't perform any evil deeds. It's kinda crazy how fluffy the back of his neck is, like a fucking cloud of fluff. I want to suffocate in it... His tail is lightly swooshing around without a care in the world. I'm too distracted by the movements of his tail to react to him turning around in time and he looked into my eyes, first surprised, but then immediately amused. I might have flinched and now he's walking towards me with power in his stride. "Hey couldn't help but notice you've been staring at my ass for the past hour dude. It's nice seeing you again but please take me out on a date first before you eye fuck me" He laughs and walks past me but before moving on he outstretches his hand and passes me a piece of paper. Heading towards the showers he says "Here bro, I'll bless you with a little bit of beauty" and whips his towel over his shoulder exposing his ass to the world. Two chubby cheeks are now the focus of my attention whether I like it or not. Fuck why is he so beautiful everywhere on his body? Before I can analyze his butt more he finally enters the shower and I'm left with an erection, the aura of a pervert, and a note.

I'm back in my room now physically clean but now mentally dirty. Shit I feel like I'm about to attract bees with how fast my heart is vibrating. I can't believe he left me his number with a coy little winky face and then fucking flashed me his ass! His perfect ass!! Bitch... Honestly though I could probably benefit from masturbating right now but I got to prepare for class and I also feel like doing so would be a sign of defeat. But there's no harm in sending him a text I guess.

Alex: Why did you send me a photo of a duck holding a knife saying Fuck You?

Alex: and anytime ;)

Bastien: I think its an appropriate response for the sins you've committed

Alex: Hmmm I'd say with the amount of perverted peeping you do on a daily basis would account for your sin count being higher than mine.

Bastien: Says the one who happily flashed me his ass

Alex: Hey I only did it cause you clearly wanted a peep and also cause I was feeling bad that you failed your test.

Bastien: Im sure if you actually felt bad you wouldn't just show me your ass

Alex: If you want, I could actually help you with calc cause im 100% sure I got an A and 100% sure you got an F

Alex: Im sure you'd love a personal tutor.

Bastien: Actually Ill take you up on that offer, you wanna tutor me in my dorm tonight?

Alex: Hmm my schedule is usually booked but I can assist you in your studies at around 7 tonight.

Alex: I hope you got a functioning calculator or I'm going to ditch you.

Bastien: Wow I can't believe you genuinely accepted my offer uh thanks

Alex: ;)

Bastien: no. I'll see you at 7

WHAT THE FUCK! He's actually going to come hang out with me this is incredible! I actually need help with calculus too it's a double win. But I got to go to class before I can revel in my achievement of catching the pervert.

I'm back but I have a problem now. My room fucking sucks and Alex is just going to call me out for having anime posters on my wall. I can't do anything to stop this but taking them down would be a pain. Before I could come up with a plan to censor my art I hear a knock on my door. It's not a surprise but Alex is standing there intimidatingly tall but now he's come equipped with a pair of round spectacles, one thick ass binder, and a backpack.

"Welcome" I say nervously.

"Yo. I've come with knowledge to spare"

"Honestly dude I'm pretty thankful that you're helping me out. I know you can be an ass sometimes but this is nice of you"

"Thanks, but I just have one question. Why the hell is half the shit in this room anime merchandise, I expected better of you" He says with sass

"Do you not have a desk?"

"Nah you're just going to have to sit with me on my bed"

"Oh I guess" he says timidly. It's strange, I would've expected him to say some perverted quip but he's acting more shy than I thought.

I take a seat near the head of my bed and sit cross legged facing Alex who is sitting across from me. I can't help but glance at his deep green eyes through his cute glasses but when we lock eyes I'm not the only one blushing.

"Ok what do you think you need the help most in calc"

"Everything" I say drawing out my syllables

Alex face palms and gives me a disappointed look which hurts like a stab wound.

"OK dude what do you even have in this class right now? Are you even passing?"

"I might or might not have a C minus currently"

Alex is visibly shocked and gives me a stressed look before getting on his knees reaching across the bed, grabbing my shoulders and shaking the life out of me.


He strengthens his grip, looks me in the eyes from point blank and says "I'm going to save you!"

"Ok, Ok, Jeeze calm down man it's my problem you don't have to save me you just have to teach me things I'm confused about, which is a lot but come on". I say.

Over the course of two hours, Alex thoroughly explained to me various topics of calculus that I struggled with. I underestimated him... he's an incredible teacher, I've learned much more on my bed in these two hours the past week of lecture. I'm happy I got to see the nerdier side of him and the glasses on his cute face perfectly contrasts his toned body.

"You really are perfectly fine with sleeping on cement aren't you? He says with a drawn out yawn

"My body aches from my game the other day and sitting for hours on this makes me worried for your spine when you sleep at night"

"You're on the soccer team right? I saw you were hanging out with jocks the other day and was curious".

"Of course I am! And I'm fuckin nice too. I've been playing since I was a kid, It's my favorite game ever! If you couldn't tell..."

"Yeah when I was in middle school I used to play goalie, but I sucked, and it was too stressful" I say "I quit playing sports during high school and that's why I look like this" putting my hands on my belly and giving it singular jiggle.

"Actually, I play goalkeeper" He says with a grin full of pride

"Ahh It's because you're like 80 feet tall, right?"

He gives me a disappointed look and sighs. "Playing keeper has always been my favorite position, but I only got into it because the kid who used to play keeper during my team in middle school got kicked off the team for picking dandelions mid match. My coach wanted me to try and I've been in love ever since."

"Hey, you're pretty adorable when you're nerding out. Your tail is wagging, and you seem so happy, you're really passionate huh?"

"Ha... thanks, you're really cute too and, you're kinda my type" Alex says looking away from my eyes.

I'm blushing now and hearing that gives me an incredible amount of joy. Before I can speak again I'm interrupted by him.

"Would you uh, want to come back to my dorm room with me and watch a movie or something?"

"YES" I blurt out awkwardly. Before I can recoil Alex starts laughing his ass off.

"Damn you seem really excited! I wonder why? Just leave your supplies on the bed and lets go."

Immediately after I stand up he takes my hand. His grip is strong and his hands are rough but comforting. I squeeze his hand back as he leads me out the door with a grin on my face. He said that it's only a five minute walk to his dorm, but I wish it was longer. Walking under the night sky, being illuminated by the moon while holding hands with a genuine hot guy is pretty much my dream. Entering his building he guides me to his room, unlocks the door, and we enter.

"Why the hell is your room so much bigger than mine! I exclaim. His room was enormous, well at least for a dorm and it only had one bed meaning he had no roommate.

"They gave me this big ass solo dorm cause I'm cooler than you, it's simple if you ponder it for a while.

He spins around with his backpack in hand and throws it on the bed before full speed sprinting and jumping into his mattress.

"Ahhhhhhh this is so much better than your shitty pile of feathers dude. Come on bro get over here." He says while patting the bed.

"I thought we were going to watch something?" I say

Before I knew it he was opening his bag and whipped out a laptop. "On this!" he says while holding it high above his head proudly.

I pounce on his bed, grab a pillow, and throw it at him with my entire ability. I do expect retaliation but they're just pillows so I can go all out. However I didn't expect a full fledged counter attack!

"Wow you really want to start an unwinnable war don't you!" he says before throwing two pillows one after the other at full strength. The first hits me in the stomach but I catch the second and then proceed to move closer to him and instead of throwing the pillow I slap him with it. Instead of attacking me again all I see Alex do is put his laptop on the ground under his bed, however that was the last thing I saw before being pounced on.

"Ahh" I gasp as he wraps his large beefy arms around my chest. I want to fight back but I never got the chance to learn how to wrestle. Before I can resist he flips me over and I'm laying belly flat on the bed. He pins my arms to the bed before sitting on my ass, grabbing a pillow that laid next to me.

"The sooner you admit defeat the less this will hurt" he says.

"I will never admit defeat!" I say valiantly before being bombarded with blows from Alex's soft pillow. After being sick of his assault I find the strength hidden inside of me and momentarily push him off of me. At least now I'm on my back but he crawls back on top of me and pins me down by my shoulders. It's not until now that I notice something important... I am really really excessively turned on right now. Right now isn't helping, instead of moving he's just looking into my eyes, as we lay, both panting with our bodies on top of each other. It's now that I notice that his crotch is directly on top of my growing bulge. I can feel his erection through his jeans rubbing all over mine. The heat coming off his body, the way he's pushing me on the bed and unconsciously grinding into me is overwhelming.

He opens his maw like he's going to say something but I take the chance and push my lips into his face. For a second that felt like an eternity are lips were locked together, the warmth of his mouth spreading to mine.

"I'm sorry if that was too overbearing of me" I say while moving my head back down to the bed. Instead of responding back Alex chuckles before moving his hands from my shoulders to the back of my head and aggressively moving his lips to mine. I can't think correctly, his tongue is rubbing all over mine and he tastes amazing and so refined. He then fully gives in and actively starts rubbing his bulge against mine. I can't help but moan into his mouth as he pleasures us both.

He finally lets up with the biggest smile I've ever seen on a person's face, taking a few strings of saliva with him. After getting my breath back I asked him "Do you think you want to take this a little further tonight?" and which he responds with "Lets just take off everything but our underwear and see where it goes. Here I'll give you a little show!"

He then stands up across from the bed and slowly takes off his shirt starting with the bottom. He first reveals his abs on his fluffy white stomach before exposing his thick and meaty chest and then finally having his whole torso exposed. He lifts his shirt and gives it a twirl before tossing it at me. Next he turns around showing me his back before unbuttoning his pants. Now bending over lewdly with his ass angled out, he slowly reveals his cheeks still covered by fabric. After he gets them lower then his ass he drops them and steps out and climbs towards me on the bed.

I can't believe im not bleeding out from my nose right now. He asks " Do you need help getting out of your clothes?" Instead of saying anything I nod my head and look at him. He wraps his arms around me in an embrace and rubbed my back before grabbing my shirt and lifting up. He tosses my shirt away and grabs both of my soft pecs rubbing them and circling his thumbs around my nipples. I'm moaning and breathing to his movements. He then goes lower and grabs my hairy belly and starts massaging and jiggling it.

"Mmmmmm Bastien you're much sexier than I expected. You got a cute belly. Its fun to shake around" he says while having the time of his life.

He then lets go and lowers himself to my thighs. He grabs the waist of my shorts and I help him a little bit and he slides them off clean exposing my full erection through my bulge. He lowers his head to it and is feeling it with his nose, inhaling my scent, and breathing it in. He looks at me and I see his needy green eyes, begging. I nod my head and he then immediately licks my bulge through my underwear eliciting my loudest moan yet. His warm and moist tongue is teasing me through cloth and I can't bear it. He laps up lower and licks where my balls are, making my silently cry out in pleasure.

I lightly grab the wolf by the chin and lift him up so he meets my eyes. "Please take off my underwear now. Give me the real shit". The suspense is killing me. I've never shown anyone my dick before and I've never gotten blown. He finally places his hands on my band and slowly reveals my dick first and my balls second.

"Holy shit you are beautifully equipped my friend." I can't help but sink more into the mattress at that comment. I'm about six inches long but my balls are a little big. I'm relaxing until I feel a warm paw pad grab my dick softly. He gives me a few slow and antagonizing strokes. He pokes my tip and takes some pre-cum with him before tasting it. Again he lets go and brings his maw forward sniffing and inhaling my sweat and scent. He places his snout under my balls on my taint and breaths in. He then surprises me by dragging his tongue across my taint to my balls before slowly dragging and tasting them. While he's lapping across my sac I decided to put my hand on his cute head and pet him while he's pleasuring me. He then puts one of my balls in his mouth and sucks on them forcing me to moan loudly. Its so erotic knowing this jock has my balls in his maw and hes gladly sucking on them. He then decides that's enough for my testicles and licks up to my shaft starting from the bottom and moving until his tongue is covering my entire tip. He then takes the final step and puts a few inches of my tool into his mouth while enticingly twirling his tongue around my tip. I'm trying my hardest not to blow my load early but If he doesn't calm down I might cum. Finally he's bobbing his head and rhythmically sucking my cock he goes about half way before trying to deep throat the entirety of my dick. I'm surprised as his nose is now touching my belly and he stays there for a few seconds. Fuck, I'm really going to cum down his throat, I'd feed him my seed and he'll glady swallow it like he needs it to live.

"I"m about to fucking cum!" I say already shaking with anticipation. He then goes full speed deep throating my cock until I release my pent up load down his throat. The first three shots go directly down to his stomach but he pulls off and I point the rest on his face painting him with the rest of my load. Alex is now covered with my sticky seed while some is still dripping off the side of his mouth.

"Holy fucking shit that was amazing. You are so good at sucking cock Alex" I say while petting his head rubbing my cum into his fur, making a mess of him.

"Bastien... I need you to fuck me tonight" he says panting, covered in my load.

"Please, this is embarrassing but I've never gotten this far before and the only thing I desire right now is you're fat cock taking me, making me yours.

" Hmm I don't know I just came but I might consider it" I say taunting him. There's no way in hell I would deny his offer and I'm already getting hard again.

He then proceeds to turn away from me while on his knees and takes off his underwear exposing his perfect round ass to me. I can see his balls which are plump and fluffy and I can see a small amount of his dick.

"Please!! Bastien, fuck me with your tongue and take me with your fat cock."

"I would never deny you, Alex" I say moving closer to his ass. I put both my hands on his round cheeks. They're soft but strong and feel amazing to move around in my fingers. While im playing with his ass Alex cant stop moaning and I take this chance to finally move my mouth to his ass. I'm reluctant at first but I press my tongue against his tight hole and do little circles around it. Unlike an ass normally smells, his is enticing and manly and his scent is like fallen leaves in the autumn. I now press my tongue into his entrance and try to reach as deep as I can. This elicits a loud continuous moan but I still go slow fucking him with my tongue while rubbing his ass cheeks with my firm grip. My cock is at full mast again and I have a feeling Alex wants me to fuck him soon. I pull out my tongue and test to see how easy my finger slips in. I again tease his hole by circling it around before slowly entering. It's easy, so I do it again with two which this time he's tighter so I go slow pushing my fingers in his ass sliding my saliva deeper to lube him up. Now he's moaning along with the movement of my fingers and when it's easy to slide in and out with my fingers I finally pull out.

I now approach his ass with my cock leading me. I slapped his ass cheeks a couple of times before hot dogging my cock between his cheeks. I can feel his breathing with my cock on his ass.

"Hey I'm going to start now" I say grabbing my dick and pointing at his entrance. I put my tip on his hole and push lightly, both of us moaning as my dick connects us. I let it rest there before moving in slowly until im half way in.

"How are you holding up" I ask wondering how he can take a dick up his ass. "Actually I wouldn't mind if you could go a little faster" he says. "Alrighty!" I say while pushing the second half of my dick all the way in his soft and warm insides. He grunts very loud but I don't stop and I start humping slowly. His moaning is low and miss matched but they're so motivating. I want to switch things up so I pull out all the way before quickly shooting the whole thing inside. I repeat this for a few minutes until I feel that he's deserved enough.

"I need you to fuck me at full speed please!" he says begging pushing his ass on my cock. Instead of responding I change my position and position myself so I'm above him so I can get a cleaner angle of entry. Like how he wanted I quicken the speed of my pumping until he's moaning and constantly making noise. I can't believe I got this wolf to be so needy for my cock. But I can't think anymore I need to fucking cum soon. I'm not just fucking him at full speed but with full strength too. My balls are slapping against his balls roughly and the sounds of it ring across the room until Alex interrupts "FUCK ME! I'm gonna cum please!" This sets me off and I've stopped holding myself back and I'm hitting my dick into his soft prostate as hard as I can.I decide to grab his dick to encourage him to cum and he Immediately ejaculates into the bed sheets covering it with his seed. I can feel his ass contract on my dick while he cums and it makes me go over the edge.

"YES, FUCK" Alex screams without a care while I fuck my second load straight into his ass, breeding him, claiming his insides. My orgasm is much longer this time while I continue to thrust myself into the moaning mess below me. I pull out of his ass with a pop and see the cum leak from it dripping onto my softening cock and bedsheets.

"Hahahahaha, holyshit that was absolutley incredible. Thanks for helping me out Bastien"

"No problem man, you really made my entire day and honestly I could pass out right now."

Alex turns around and pounces on me, hugging me. "Let's sleep together. We can clean up together in the morning.

I grab two fallen pillows and give one to him.

Alex has me wrapped around his strong arms, I'm perfectly protected being trapped against his warm stomach and thick arms.

"Ahhhhh" Alex sighs. "Im looking forward to fuck your dumb ass tomorrow, pervert.