Love of my Second World Life Chapter 8

Story by Malcomh on SoFurry

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#11 of Love of my Second World Life

First and foremost this story is copyright by me and may not be used in part or wholly without my express consent

Secondly I am "NOT' an English major I scraped by with a d average in school and do not need criticism on my writing abilities. This is a story of MY mind. There is no reason to tell me that I flunked in the English department.

This book is ongoing and I'm not sure when or how it will end as of yet. I have spells of inspiration and dry spells where I can't think of anything to write about. My real life is so boring that I created this world in my mind to have something to do.

Otherwise enjoy the story and understand that my life was influenced by authors such as Terry Brooks, J.J.R. Tolkien, and Ray Bradbury and several of the artists in SoFurry and the old Yiffstar.

Chapter 8

"Herod, stop the wagon." I said.

I then turned to the skunks and said plenty loud for the others nearby to hear as well, "How the hell can you judge someone without even knowing them. You sit there in your pompousness and claim that by making sarcastic statements, you are better than others. Your words have fallen on a person who thinks the whole bunch of you racists could just fall off the face of the planet. You judged either Navaja or myself without even knowing us."

There was a crowd starting to form around us then as I continued with my rant.

"You make stupid unbiased statements about us and you have never even really met us. Since the creator made Navaja, you have done nothing but give her grief. It is not her fault the creator passed before making her a mate. But yet none of you even tried to make friends with her. If you had of you would have found that she is one of the most wonderful creatures in this town. She has taken on the trials of being your medicine person and even though she has the abilities to cure most of your problems, you still call it witchcraft and stay away."

"You two skunks, who started me to this anger, come look at my chest and legs as well as my back. It was one of your kind that almost killed me. She was in this very park, crying her eyes out because her boyfriend left her. I felt so sad for her that I didn't even think about it being a trap. During the last full moon she transformed into a were and tore my body to pieces. If not for this lovely lady coming to my rescue I would have been dead long ago. She healed me to where I am now able to start getting around. She sacrificed her living space in order to help me. During this time I have come to know and love the most wonderful creature in this stuck up town and you have the balls to say a damn thing about it."

"If there are some of you who feel maybe that this wonderful kitty has some benefits to give you, her new place of residence will be on my farm and her office will soon be built on the same land. I know for a fact that she has done none of you any harm; it's not within her to be that way. Your words have scarred her to the point that she is afraid of feelings, and yet she still is willing to try and help you people."

"The harm you inflicted on this little creature of the makers, shows me that in spite of his being from my world he couldn't stop you from being the bigots that you are. Her life has been a severe hardship and I fully intend to stop that by becoming her mate. If you feel that this is an abomination, then look at how you all treated her. This young panthress has one of the most wonderful attitudes I have seen in my life and all of you made her feel second rate. If and when any of you decide to get over looking down your nose at the paring of us, then you are welcome on my farm. If you want to cause problems for her and I, I have some special talents from the other world I came from to take care of that too. If you wish to test me then be prepared for the ramifications of your actions."

With that I turned towards Herod and said, "Let's be off my friend."

There was a shout from the crowd saying, "How do we know she didn't give you some kind of love potion?"

I turned back to them and said, "Love potions only work on one who has a feeling for the other. Why would she have to give me a potion when I liked her before I even knew who she was? It was her tenderness in her caring for me that got me to see what she truly was and it was this that made me decide to try to have her become my mate.

There has only been a healing draught that she ever gave me to recover from five days of being in a coma. The rest is from my own heart and if you wish to find out why my heart was happy to find her come over to my place one day soon and I'll tell you my story. You then can judge if I was wrong in accusing you as bigots or not, but remember my warning, I will pay back any and all crimes against me or Navaja."

With that Herod called the team to a walk again and I returned my attention to the panthress whose body was pressed closely to mine.

She laid her head back on my shoulder and softly said, "you can really create a big stink over something I have hated all my life."

"I don't care what any of them think. I am in love with you and what I said is the truth, even the part about not giving us any grief."

With that she snuggled closer to me and we rode to the house with me holding onto the one thing that gave me cause to be happy again and feeling her soft fur rub my skin.

When we reached the house, Navaja got down from the wagon and gently lifted me down and took me to one of the rocking chairs on the porch. She sat me there and said, "I will join you here after Herod and I finish putting my things in the house."

She then headed back to the wagon and the two of them unloaded the stuff from the wagon to the spare room of the house. It took about another hour before they finished and when they finished they both came back to the porch.

Herod looked at me and said, "You may have made a few enemies today, my friend, however I feel you made a few friends as well. We will see how it works out."

With that he said goodbye to us and took the wagon back to his place.

When he was out of sight Navaja came over to me and asked, "Do you think you could handle me sitting on your lap?"

"As long as you forgive my maleness, having you on my lap will cause it to extend and get hard in the presence of your lovely body."

With that she sat on my lap gently and said, "I trust you so I know I will be safe even if you do fully extend while I am on your lap. I'm willing to accept the honest feelings of your body after what you did for both of us today."

She then leaned back to me and I could feel the soft fur of her body where it touched my skin and it made me feel wonderful. Before I knew what I was really doing I had placed my hand behind her head and started scratching behind her ears like you would do cat here to make it purr. To my surprise as I scratched I heard her start to purr in a very deep growl.

She turned to me and said, "How did you know to do that?"

"Its how we pet our housecats where I am from. They purr just like you."

She cuddled closer to me and said, "That makes me feel wonderful and I would never move if you wish to continue scratching me there."

She continued to purr as I scratched behind her ears for what seemed like hours but my legs began to cramp and I began to get tired. Navaja noticed my discomfort and gently lifted herself from me.

"You are tiring after the long day. We need to get you cleaned up and have a meal then get you to bed." She said.

She gently took me to the bathroom and started a bath for me. She then sat me on the edge of the bath and said, "When you are through let me know and I will come in to get you so we can have dinner." With that she took a large towel and a clean outfit and placed them within arm's reach and left the room.

I stripped out of the suit I had on and gently eased myself into the warm water. I cleaned myself as best as I could and then pulled myself back up from the water and dried myself off as good as I could. I then slid the suit on covering my maleness and slowly worked it up the rest of my body till I got the straps over my shoulders. When I finished that I called for Navaja to come get me.

She was there in a flash and took me to the dinner table and we ate a meal of something. I'm not sure what it was because I noticed a different smell in the room as we sat and it made me excited and gave me chills at the same time. Navaja noticed my expression and suddenly looked down and blushed.

"I am sorry, it is time for my cycle and I give off this scent to attract a mate." She said.

"I'm not; it is a very sexy scent my pretty panthress. I will however not do anything you do not wish. I can be a perfect gentleman or a complete male whore whichever the occasion calls for, but only if the other person wants it."

She half smiled at me and said, "I know that, however the problem is I think I want you to mate me. I am excited and scared to death all at the same time. When I am near you my pulse races and my body betrays me with its scent, however with my cycle starting it will drive me to want to mate. Now that I have you as the most caring person I have ever met I feel that I want nothing more than to let you mount me."

We finished dinner in absolute silence after she said that. You could cut the tension with a knife. After we finished she took me to the bedroom and put me on the bed sitting.

She headed out of the room saying, "I'll be right back. I just want to clean up the dishes."

When she returned she was noticeably shaking as she came and sat near me.

"We don't have to do anything you are not ready for my pretty panthress," as I reached over and took her hand in mine.

She then scooted over and said so softly that even I almost didn't hear her say, "I am afraid of becoming a woman. I am scared that it will hurt or not be what I think it will be."

"Oh my sweet Navaja. I think when you are ready to find out you will find it to be even better than you imagine. There is no reason to rush into this. I will love you anyway, besides it may be better for you if I am recovered more so I can be a more active partner for you."

She then said, "I think I had better go to the other room so stay for the next couple of nights so the temptation won't be there. I am just not sure I can keep myself from finding out if I sleep with you like we have."

"That is fine by me sweetheart. As I said when you are truly ready you will know and then so will I."

That night she slept again in the guest room and I didn't hear a peep until about sunrise when I was awakened by a soft sleek body snuggling up next to me. I knew it was Navaja by the feel of her lovely fur rubbing my skin.

"I thought you were going to sleep in the other room?"

"I tried, but I missed the feeling of your body next to mine, so I thought I would get a few minutes next to you this morning," she replied.

With that I reached my arm around her and I felt her shiver a bit as we lay there. Later when I reawoke she was still shivering a bit and she got up and left the room without a word.

I sat up and decided that I would find out if there were anything I could do to help her. She returned shortly with my food.

"Navaja, is there anything I can do to help you?"

She shivered again and snapped, "NO!!!" She then abruptly left the room.

After I finished eating, I started to work on standing up and I was surprised at how weak I was in short order. I had to relax after pulling myself up only two times and it took a long time before I felt ready to try again.

I heard the front door open and Herod say, "Anyone here?"

"In here," I called to him.

He came into the room and saw that I was working on standing. He then saw the concern on my face and asked,

"What is wrong?"

"Navaja's heat is making her crazy and she is confused by what she wants to do."

He looked at me and said, "I'll send Doreen over to see if there is anything she can do to help. That is really not my specialty."

"Anything to make her feel better. I hate to see the need and pain in her eyes."

He then said, "I'll go see what she is up to now then." And stepped back outside the room and went to the door and I heard it click as he left.

It wasn't but about ten minutes later and I heard the door open and Doreen's voice called, "anyone here?"

"I'm in here Doreen."

She came into the room and said, "Where is she at?"

"I'm not sure but I think she went to the other room."

She left the room and knocked on the other door and said, "Navaja, can I come in please?"

I heard the door open and close shortly after. I didn't hear another peep for quite awhile but I hoped that Doreen was helping Navaja.

When the door reopened, Doreen came to my room and said that, "Navaja is alright but she needs your help."

When she said that she looked down and looked embarrassed.

"What is it I need to do to help her, Doreen? I am willing to do anything I can to help her. I can't stand to see her like this."

She looked up at me and through her fully flushed face she said, "She needs to have an orgasm."

I was caught completely off guard by that and turned red as well.

She then said, "As she has grown closer to you her body has changed over from a child that never felt any needs to what she is now. Her fully grown body has changed and it is making her have desires she never has felt before. I think if she has an orgasm the feelings will subside to a more manageable level for her."

She then said, "She still is afraid of sex so you will have to find some other way to give her pleasure. Since you were once mated with children, I feel you know how to do this."

"I think I can handle that if she doesn't freak out about what I am doing to her."

With that Doreen said, "I have already explained to her what you could do for her if she wanted to try." With that she went back to Navaja's room and said through the door, "He is willing to help if you are willing to allow him to." With that Doreen said, "I will send Herod over this afternoon to check on you."

When she left I heard the door to Navaja's room open and she entered my room trembling with fear. I then saw the tears in her eyes and my heart fell. It hurt me to see her cry.

"Sweetheart, please come over here."

She stood there and through a sobbing voice she asked, "You promised not to hurt me."

"And I never wish to hurt you, but the pain you are having now is something, if you will allow me, can be helped. I swear I will not do anything else to you until you are ready. I love you too much to make you hate me."

She came over to me and sat stiffly just outside my reach. She was shaking and when she looked at me I saw the fear in her eyes. "Doreen said I should let you touch me down there to make me feel better. I don't understand how that will help."

I smiled at her trying to reassure her and said, "From what she said to me, I can give you what your body needs and never even enter you. All I need to do is play with the part on the top of your womanhood's entrance to make you have an orgasm."

She then looked at me and said, "You better not try to do anything else or I will hurt you in ways you have not hurt before."

"I just want to help you sweetheart I would rather be killed than watch you suffer like you are. You already know I have sworn to you that I would never cause you pain if I can help it. I want to help you now to ease your pain and suffering so you can return to the wonderful lady I fell in love with."

I must have said the magic word because she slid over to me and wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. I gently placed my arms around her and gently rocked her. She slowly calmed down and looked at me with her pleading eyes.

"What must I do to have you make me feel better," she asked.

"Just allow me to have access to your wonderful body. I don't even need you to remove your suit as long as you are willing to get it wet with your body fluids that I am sure will flow from you when you reach the needed feeling."

"I would feel much better with the suit on. I do however want you to help me so if you wish you may place your hand underneath the material if you feel it is necessary," Navaja replied.

I then gently lay her back and slid myself next to her and as I gently touched her, I said, "Try to relax my pretty panthress."

When I had completed my task with Navaja, I noticed a complete release of her tension. For the first time in days she seemed to be relaxed. She looked at me and smiled the most wicked smile I have ever seen her have.

Gently pulling me closer to her, she said, "OH MY GOD that was wonderful. Thank you so much for helping me. I do not think I was going to make it much longer. I have never before felt the ache in my body to mate be so strong ever.

Doreen said it was because I was finally with someone I loved and I believe her. I was still afraid of what she said I needed to do to ease the power of my need."

She then hugged me to the point I had to gasp for air before she relaxed and then she said, "Thank you for helping me with my problem. I know it didn't do anything for your needs."

"Navaja, my needs are less dominant to me than they are in you. Yes I need to mate as well but it will never get to the point of controlling me as I watched it do to you. My animal side is well controlled, but when the time comes for you to want me to mate I will be ready to loose the beast within me as to give you the greatest pleasure I can. Just because my manhood is hard doesn't mean I have to mate, it just means that I am ready to mate. There is a limit to this however and I am getting close to that time and I will have to remedy it soon but that is another time. I just want you to be better."

She sighed and said, "Oh I am my love. Thanks to you I should be able to make it through the rest of this cycle. I may need help again when it returns though."

When that time comes, if needed, I will be more than willing to help again."

She then asked, "Can we just lay here together now so I can catch up on my sleep. I missed the feeling of you next to me."

"We most certainly can my sweet kitty."

With that she rolled and snuggled up to me in the spoon position and I gently wrapped my arm over her again. She was gently purring again and I thought to myself, there's a sound I am glad to hear again.

I was surprised by the next sound I heard was Herod returning to see if Navaja and I were alright.

I gently pulled away from her sleek form and greeted Herod softly.

He came in and saw that she was snoring and said, "You found a way to help I see."

"Yes I did and I think she will be way happier now because I didn't violate her."

"I'll leave you two alone then. I just wanted to make sure you were alright."

"We'll be fine for now Herod."

He nodded and said, "I won't return till the morning then and let you two get some more rest."

"Thanks," I said as he left.

I then gently eased back into the spoon position with Navaja and drifted off to sleep again thinking that life might finally given me a fighting chance again.

Love of my Second World Life Chapter 9

First and foremost this story is copyright by me and may not be used in part or wholly without my express consent Secondly I am "NOT' an English major I scraped by with a d average in school...

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Love of my Second World Life Chapter 7

First and foremost this story is copyright by me and may not be used in part or wholly without my express consent Secondly I am "NOT' an English major I scraped by with a d average in school...


Love of my Second World Life Chapter 6

First and foremost this story is copyright by me and may not be used in part or wholly without my express consent Secondly I am "NOT' an English major I scraped by with a d average in school...

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