Tending Companions

Story by WritersCrossing on SoFurry

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Writers Crossing writing prompt submission for the week starting 9/19/2019 and ending 9/26/2019 by TheWinterStar

Writing Prompt this week : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/551610963460227073/616768584953364500/fatdragon.jpg

Go fave the original authors work at the link below if you enjoy. They deserve the credit for the work so let them know!https://www.sofurry.com/view/1493688

Sunorae was nested down in a large pile of otherwise smelly and decaying straw. It was not the smell that bothered her, nor the itching in her scales when it poked her. Nor was it the clutch of eggs that had peeped and wiggled.

She was red in color with dark violet streaking in her scales, dark horns on her head that matched the spines on her back and talons on her feet. Her tail was curled around to lay the scorpion like barb by her side, wings shifting open and closed out of sheer boredom. Dragon like in appearance, she was barely the size of a house cat.

He is late... Of all times to stay out late hunting... She grumbled and laid her head down, looking out the small door where a glowing fire lit up the large main room of their ancient tomb home. Her own room only had a tiny fire that sat just close enough to provide her warmth.

Her hips shifted uncomfortably, the position itself was tiring enough, but she had a burning ache that demanded handling before the eggs hatched. Claws raking and relaxing over the straw clumps. Patience was a part of motherhood she struggled with. If she did not have the eggs she would have sought him down and mounted him herself! ... But eggs must be kept warm and safe.

After seeming hours, she heard him. His growled voice that spoke his guttural tongue. She recognized it as a sort of 'clan I am home', as the pack members answered back with a similar growl. She stood above the eggs, and let out a shrieky caw, then another.

"Urtud, I believe your pet is calling for you," a voice stated. Low, rough and hardly noticeable between high pitched cries.

His smell drew stronger, amping up her cries before the dirty and tired creature rounded the corner. His brown and black mottled hide was covered in dyed leather armor that concealed his more tan chest and belly. Paws already at work to take off his thick leather gloves.

Upon seeing him her words failed her, desire spirling into desperation. Letting out a long high pitched 'scree' while padding in place above the eggs.

He tossed his gloves onto the hay pile, "Sunorae, hush, yes I am here." His hands pulled at his chest armor, tossing it down as he approached her. Despite her barbed tail he gripped her by the back of the neck, silencing the noisy dragoness. As he picked her up his wrist twisted to flip her over and show her belly.

Her violet and pink belly scales shifted with every squirm, cloaca folds puffy, noticeably discolored a hue of blue, and leaking a clear fluid.

Sighing he sat down carefully in the straw near the nest. Adjusting her to hold her wings closed in his hands, and rub his thumbs along her front. "Are you sure you do not want to find a permanent mate? It would solve this issue a lot quicker than I can."

She let out a hiss, back legs kicking.

With a heavy breath he neared her cloaca, inhaling her fertile scent deeply. He would never admit it, but he enjoyed this as much as she did. Within seconds his mouth salivated, stiff whiskers pressed to her horizontal folds to nuzzle. Lips pressing to her before suckling.

Her burning and aching desire vanished, replaced with relief and pleasure. Her cries of demand still echoing back were met with weak moans. Forked tongue hanging from her teeth, trembling.

With a purr Urtud rose his nose up her front, tongue trailing like a feather over her folds, tip catching the edge. Thumbs continuing to rub along her soft scales, belly and chest then down again. His hot breath washed over her tiny body, tongue leaving foul smelling saliva smears.

Sunorae reached down and gripped his thumbs, holding tight as her hind legs closed against his whiskers. With a tremendous amount of effort and focus she managed to find her words. "<Urtud... Please!>"

His lips rose away, broad tongue licking over his lips. "So impatient, can't I just take my time?"

"<The eggs are ready to hatch, no, you cannot.>" Even between heavy breaths and her own moans she could hear the peeping offspring in the eggs.

With a huff he turned and laid her in the straw, holding her lower tail to keep her barb from thrashing. Leaning forward, he gave a firm lick from the base of her tail to her stomach, pressing hard on her cloaca. His free hand wandering down between his parted legs to grasp the aroused flesh under his loincloth. His green/brown eyes up on her, watching her writhe under his tongue.

His left hand stroked up his length, thumb keeping a hard pressure to milk a dollop of pre from the mushroomed tip. With a heavy breath his tongue pressed hard on her folds, tip slipping in to tenderly force her open.

She let out an excited call, wings fluttering against the straw pile. The scalled folds of her cloaca twitched under his touch, leaking warm salty and sweet fluids for him to lick up. Legs pressed together around his wet nose.

Urtud huffed, fist slamming on his base, matching his eager licks. Tongue squirming in to writhe in her, drinking her fluids as her cries urged him on. His saliva dripped from his maw, soaking her and the bedding beneath. The peeping of the eggs grew louder, he was running out of time.

He rolled, fist with her tail holding his weight as he shifted to stand on his knees above her. Using it like a handle to pull her down closer. Grinding his tip on her folds and up across her front. "Almost Sunorae..."

Her hands grasped toward him, wings flapping as she attempted to get up.

His left abandoning his flesh as he scooped her up under her wings to pull her up. Resting back on his ankles while he held her to his front. Bringing her barb up to trap it between his index and middle fingers. Right descending down to pull on his throbbing flesh.

The tiny dragoness gasped as she was pressed down, surprise and fear washing over her face before it was replaced with the pleasure she craved. Folds twitching just under the tip, walks shifting along, squeezing him. She could feel his heart beat, his flesh throb. Head up her mouth opened, tongue lulled out while he stared down at her.

His broad tongue found her teeth, tickling the roof of her mouth. "So close," he whispered, reeking saliva wiped across her face.

Sunorae's wet folds continued to leak, making easy work of the otherwise impossible task. Relishing the feel of his large tip sink deeper and folds stretch internally. Her hind legs twitched, hands grasping his stomach fur.

His below average sized flesh was massive for her, stretching her, applying pressure to her internals. Blatter fit to burst were her ducts not clamped shut from his flesh pushing them shut. Just two inches in he shuttered.

A dreamy gaze crossed her scaly face, the slight pain deep in her gut as his tip pressed to her ever tender cervix. Her feet pressed to his lower stomach, anchored on the strap of his loincloth.

Pleasure boiled as he shifted her, holding her firmly as he drew her back and forth on the single inch, careful and slow. Teeth grit, drooling as he refrained from bucking his hips or yanking her too hard. His hands squeezed tighter around her form and the lower shaft as he stroked up into her.

At the peak she let out a broken, breathless and tiny roar. Claws scraping his flesh and fur, tail barb shifting as it dripped venom to the straw below. Her inner muscles squeezed, shifting inwardly as they instinctively attempted to draw him deeper.

Urtud growled, shivering as his tail tossed up. His warmth flooding her before it streamed out down his shaft and balls that flexed as it pumped. His tongue found her mouth again, this time curling around her slender forked tongue like a bit of string. Then he pulled out, a gush dumping onto the floor as he laid her on the straw.

She rolled over, trembling weakly as her gaped cloaca continued to leak his semen.

Taking a moment the two caught their breath, straw kicked over the mess to be forgotten. Both licking themselves clean before the noisy eggs drew their attention. Urtud laid behind the nest, playing with Sunorae's tail while she began to mother them.

The hatching took a good hour or so, and the small reddish colored offspring imprinted on her while she cleaned away the remaining fluids and egg shells. In time all seven were hatched and cleaned, and he took her and the hatchlings into his arms.

New additions had to be presented, so he carried them into the main chamber, where he got to a knee and laid them out on the floor for the chieftain.

The old war scarred gnoll sniffed curiously, but his ghastly form did not frighten them. Instead the young dragons, wingless with tiny teeth, made him chuckle as they hissed and reared up at him. He grunted with a nod, and Sunorae hushed them.

"<Now run along and play.>"

They clambered up a pile of treasures. Old bones and hides, sprinkled with the occasional pile of jewels that they playful challenged each other over. A small red one nestled over a pile of stolen coins where he wiggled his tail before using a coin like a sled and sliding down into his siblings.