For You...Anything

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#1 of For You...Anything series

This is my second story submission to Sofurry! Thank you all for the positive comments and remarks about my first submission! I hope to continue adding more stories on here and growing in my writing style. As always, feel free to add your input, suggestions, comments, etc!


This story contains sexually explicit acts of consenting members of the same family. If such themes make you uncomfortable, please do not read any further. Otherwise, enjoy!

"For You...Anything" Story and characters © Takoda


The hot water felt revitalizing as it cascaded over my face, surrounding me in a liquid curtain of peace and serenity. Standing there beneath the shower head with one arm bracing myself against the wall, I held my eyes tightly shut, rapidly stroking my fully engorged erection. While my body was in the shower, my mind was in her bedroom - standing behind the naked ass of co-worker Veronica Redding, pounding at her wildly as if we were two feral canines doing what nature intended. Wet slapping noises echoed off the walls as I repeatedly slammed my crimson wolf cock deep in her tight, gripping pussy.

"huuuh... huuh.....huuuuh!" She moaned over and over while biting her bottom lip. Her eyebrows furled in tension at being filled so fully by my pulsing member.

To any observer, our thrusting would seem in conflict - her hips pounding backwards as mine surged forward. But for us, nothing else felt more in rhythm. My hands grabbed at the furred flesh of her tight rear as I sought out any possible way of burying myself further inside her. Our panting and moaning falling in sync as we ferociously fucked our way to beautiful release!

"huuuh... Koda! Cum inside me stud! Give me your wolf seed!"

I was more than happy to oblige her request. With increased vigor, I slammed deeper into her parting folds, trying to bury my engorged bulb where I knew it belonged. With each thrust, her lips stretched a little wider....wider.......wider, until my entire length burst inside, locking us together! The sheer force of it caused her to fall face down on the bed, ass high in the air as I fully inflated deep inside her. Short, quick jabs were all I could provide her now, any other movements impeded by the baseball-sized bulge buried behind her lips. Then I felt it. My heavy balls clenched tight... my hips tensed... my mind began swimming as I prepa - TAP TAP TAP TAP!!

"KODA! Stop wasting all the hot water! I still need to take a shower!" came the muffled voice of my younger sister outside the bathroom door.

Are you serious?! Are you fucking serious??! She had to bitch about using the shower when I was RIGHT THERE!? And then I knew it. I was going to have blue balls the rest of the day, courtesy of my 17 year old sister.

Aggravated about stopping me right on the verge of blowing my load, I yelled back "Geez! Just give me a minute Beth!"

"You've had 30... hurry up!" she growled back.

There was no use in trying to resume what I'd hoped to have finished by now. Sighing, I turned off the shower knob and grabbed a towel. Minutes later, I walked out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around my waist, shooting a bothered glare at my waiting sister as I passed by. A spicy, pungent odor hit me as I caught her passing drift, indicating to me that she was entering her heat again. Man! I really hated those times! Her sexual musk would waft throughout the house for days on end, and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it! It was during those times where I'd spend hours either in the bathroom or my room, repeatedly pawing off in hopes of alleviating some of my pent up urges.

I walked into my room and closed the door, attempting to shut out her lingering scent in the process. I grabbed my work clothes from the dresser and slipped on a pair of boxer shorts before putting on my dark blue polo and black slacks. After I finished dressing, I headed down the hall on my way to work, stopping by the closed door of the bathroom. I could hear the shower still running as I remembered Beth interrupting me earlier. Deciding to repay her for nagging me about taking long showers, I was about to knock when something caught my attention.

Coming from inside the bathroom were muffled sounds, repeating in a steady rhythm. I placed my ear against the door so I could hear them better. After only a brief second, I knew right away what it was. My 17 year old sister was masturbating in the shower! Immediately my pants begin to tighten as my swelling member poked from its sheath, straining in the tight confines of clothing. I knew she was getting close. I could hear her frantic moans rising in pitch as she neared her teenage orgasm. I was tempted to let her finish - to hear her voice cry out in ecstasy as she shoved her fingers deep inside her folds one last time before finally pulling them away, saturated in her juice! Instead though, I decided to repay her in kind.

TAP TAP TAP! "Beth, you okay in there? You've been in there a long time!" Grinning to myself, perfectly aware of what I interrupted.

"y-yeah... I'm...just about done!" she replied in a frantic voice.

"Well, you'd better hurry or you're going to be late for school!"

"I don't have school! Not while I'm.... you know" now her voice sounded a bit irritated

"Aaahh....its that time of season, huh?" saying with a slight snicker, alluding to what I knew she'd been doing.

"Shut up! It's not funny! How would you like to be out-of-control horny and not be able to do anything about it!?" now she was just pouting.

"Okay, okay....sorry. Just... uh...don't be wasting any more water" now I kinda felt bad for not allowing her to find some sort of escape from her raging hormones.

"Okay daaad" she said mockingly.

Our parents were gone for the weekend for some getaway time together, so it was up to me to watch over the place while they were away. It was Friday, and I needed to go into work to take care of some reports. Should only take me a couple of hours. Then I had the rest of the weekend off! I said goodbye to my sister, telling her to "behave herself" while I was at work. I chuckled as I walked out the door, thinking she knew full well what I meant by that.

The reports I needed to get done weren't very long, but there were twelve of them. I sat in my cubicle, typing away on the computer. Since Fridays were pretty low key, the office was fairly desolate, giving me peace and quiet to get things done. Even though it was absolutely quiet in the building, I was still struggling with my reports. You see, my mind was else where. Instead of focusing on the digital pages on the screen in front of me, I was thinking about the swollen, begging lips of my sister's fertile pussy.

I began subconsciously groping and rubbing at the rising bulge in my pants, fantasizing about satiating my sister's sexual appetite by feeding her my wolf meat. Images splayed in my mind of shoving my rock-hard shaft in and out of Beth's sopping love ho- FOCUS! I needed to get my reports finished... let alone, stop thinking about my sister! What the hell was wrong with me?! She's my little sister for barking out loud!

I stood up and got a drink from the nearby water cooler, trying to clear my head in the process. I was finally able to get my mind on track enough to get my reports finished by 1:00. Even though I had somewhat quelled them for the most part, my mind occasionally flashed to lewd images of breeding my younger sister. On the drive home, I figured I'd go for a run and then take a cold shower... hopefully cleansing out these dirty thoughts by then.

I parked along the curb in front of the house and walked inside. Dammit! Beth's sent had already grown stronger from this morning! The smell seemed to permeate the air, saturating every particle of oxygen with the spicy smell of her sex. I need to get out of here! I thought as I turned to leave again, stopping dead when I heard


I slowly turned toward the sound of my sister's voice, nearly having a heart attack at the sight before me! Beth was standing in the entry way wearing absolutely nothing... at all. Even though my conscience was telling me to look away, my mind held my eyes just as they were, staring wide-eyed at the naked form that was my sister. I couldn't help it! She had grown into a very beautiful woman over the past couple of years, her features filling out nicely in all the right places. And the fact that she was in heat...what was I supposed to do?!

Her pungent scent proved as an aphrodisiac while my eyes drank in her naked body. I noticed a very seductive look on her face - knowing I was under her spell, being transfixed by the sight of her standing there. My eyes studied every detail of my younger sister - her light gray chest fur, exposing two perfectly formed breasts, little pink nipples standing erect in the cool air. Her athletic figure giving her an hourglass shaped outline, from the twin orbs on her chest to the curvature of her supple waist. The gray fur continued down her chest...her stomach...her crotch; to where my eyes found the real treasure they sought.

Nestled perfectly between her thighs were two slightly-blushed fuzzy lips, swollen from desire and aching with need. I noticed that the short fur covering her entrance was wet and sticky with her sweet, she was horny! Her scent continued to radiate through the air, beginning to cloud my thoughts and obscure my better judgments. She walked toward me, swaying her hips with her tale wagging behind, eyes staring into my soul with her sexual obsession.

I wanted to back away. Or did I? I knew I should've turned and ran out the door, got in my car and drove until I ran out of gas... but I just stood there. I was frozen in place by my sister's mating dance, her swaying hips hypnotizing me with every turn they made. She advanced closer... closer. The scent rising from her crotch caused me to start drooling, the wetness between her folds inviting to fulfill my deepest desire to breed. Finally, she stopped just inches from me, lifting her arms and crossing them behind my neck. She stared at me with a lust-filled, begging look in her eyes

"Well big you like what you see?" she nibbled softly at my bottom lip, giggling when she saw the look on my face.

"What the hell's come over you Bethany? Didn't you take your suppressants?" I didn't know what to do. Throw my hands around her waist and tackle her to the floor, ravishing her as I knew she wanted, or to still take the high road and leave.

"Not this time. What's the point in taking them, only to go through every day feeling unsatisfied and empty? This time....I'm going to do something about it." She said that looking me straight in the eyes, like she had this planned all along.

"No... you can't! We can't! We're brother and sister, Beth! That would be incest. Besides, you're obviously not thinking clearly." I said half-heartedly, every other part of me wanting otherwise.

"I couldn't be thinking more clearly" she said matter-of-factly. "I've thought about this even before my heat started. Over and over again I've thought about it."

"I want you to mate with me, Koda. I want you to take me as your own and fill me in only a way that a male can. I want you to satisfy this burning desire inside me! I know you beat off every morning in the shower....and I know you knew what I was doing in there also...

So why don't we stop trying to momentarily satisfy our own desires, and truly fulfill them together!" I think she knew I was being won over. In one last good-natured attempt, I played the whole pregnancy card.

"But what if you get pregnant? What the hell would mom and dad think?!" Asking the question aloud actually did register with me, causing me to take a mental step backwards.

"You know I'm only your sister by name... not flesh and blood." She had a good point there. Bethany was adopted when she was 3 years old, the product of a broken family who decided they didn't want to go through the trouble of raising her. I was 6 when they brought her home, and ever since then I've considered her to be my sister, despite the whole adoption thing. I've grown so used to it over the years that I'd forgotten about the truth!

"Besides, growing up you've always been there for me. Whenever I couldn't talk to mom and dad about something, I knew I could come to you. You never judged me for who I was, and you've always loved me... even though I'm not your real sister." She started sniffling, holding back tears I knew were forming. She really did love me, I knew that. And I love her... I always have. But to actually mate with her and possibly father her puppies? I thought in silence for a minute, all the while she was gazing at me with pleading eyes. Loving eyes.

"I do love you Beth, but I don't know if this is something we should be doing. I really thi-"

"Please Koda? Please do this for me. I love you and I want you to be the father of my pups!" Tears were falling down her cheeks now; I knew it was more than just from lust and desire that she wanted me. It was love. I thought hard. I closed my eyes and just listened... listened to her sniffles and the feel of her arms draped over my shoulders. Listened to my heart, which strangely enough felt right about the whole situation. The thought caught me off guard.

Maybe she was adopted into my family for an unnoticed reason. Maybe we were meant to grow up together, going through all phases of life side by side and loving each other through every part of it. She never did have any real study relationships... and neither did I. Maybe it was because despite who ever we had feelings for; it really was us that were supposed to be together! The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. I opened my eyes and looked down into hers, which now were wet with tears. I gave her a soft smile, my heart melting inside, and whispered

"For you...anything"

Right then I knew it. It was like those three words were the key that unlocked a hidden truth deep within my heart. I knew that through whatever circumstances and trials came about in life, whatever our parents thought about our relationship, whatever road this would lead us down, I knew I would do it all for her. I would do anything for her.

Her face instantly lit up in a huge smile! She squeaked and sobbed as she bounced up and down, overjoyed with happiness at my words. She embraced me in a strong hug, burying her face into my shirt and cried, saying

"Oh thank you Koda! Thank you! I love you so much!"

I could feel the warmth from her tears start to soak through my shirt as she cried out in joy. I just held her, my eyes themselves welling up a little.

"I love you too, Bethany. I always will."

She looked up once more and kissed me! At first, I was a little surprised by her sudden action, but the last of my reserve melted away with her warm lips. I kissed back, embracing her in a passionate hug, the kind only shared amongst two furs in love. We stood there for several minutes, exploring each others' mouths and holding one another tightly. She gave audible murrs as we kissed, my tongue dancing and swirling around hers. I was becoming lost in the moment until her sexual arousal found its way to my nose once more. Breaking the kiss, with a little whine from her, I asked

"Wasn't there something you wanted me to do for you?" winking as I said it. Her seductive smile of sexual hunger returned and she let out another giggle. She stood upon her tippie-toes and whispered in my ear

"Lets mate in the shower... we both never got to finish what we started earlier". She gave a playful wink before turning and walked down the hall toward the bathroom. So she did know what I was doing in there when she interrupted me!

I walked down the hall after her and into the bathroom. She was bending over the tub to get the water going as I locked the door shut behind me. I turned and watched her, ass sticking out and giving me a front row view to her teenage vulva. Her lips were creased tightly together between her thighs, still blushing from being soo needy. The fur between her inner thighs was completely matted with her sticky juice, which I could tell was still trickling out of her engorged folds. I sniffed the air and shuddered in absolute arousal, walking up behind her.

Catching her by surprise, she let out a startled "yip!" as I began fondling and kneading her slippery lips between my fingers. They were so soft and delicate, swollen from her heat and yielding to my touch. The short, white fuzzy fur of her lips faded inside her crease to the dark pink flesh of her love tunnel. I could feel her warmth radiating out as a wave of her nectar began flowing, dripping off her lips to the tiled floor.

Not wanting any to go to waste, I got down on my hands and knees behind her and buried my muzzle right in between her lips! She pushed back against me, letting out a stuttering "oooooooohh" as I lapped at her sensitive flesh. First I licked along her slit from the top to the base, teasing her with my tongue by sinking it in ever so slightly with every pass. She quivered and cried at my tongue bath, rhythmically pushing back onto my face as I sought out her flowing honey. I nipped and sucked at her tiny love button, causing her to HOWL aloud and thrash against my muzzle, sending her over the edge!

Her howling echoed off the bathroom walls as my nibbling sent her into an intense, heat-driven orgasm! Her walls clenched and tightened around my muzzle, as if trying to invite me deeper in to her warmth. I felt a hot gooiness on my chin as her juice began pouring forth from her climatic release. Lapping and sucking at her entrance, I drank down the musky liquid as my sister continued trembling in her prolonged ejaculation. Slowly, less and less of her juice leaked from her folds and her spasms ebbed away. She breathed a contented *sigh* as I wiped my chin with my arm and stood up, licking my chops. She turned and sit on the tub's ledge and looked down between her legs to where I'd been feasting, softly rubbing her fingers over her still sensitive lips.

"Oooooo... wooow! I've never cummed so hard in my LIFE!" I couldn't help but smile to myself in taking pride for making my sister feel so good. It was a great feeling, after all. Causing the one you love to feel good by your own doing.

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed it. Oh, and thank you for the drink" I winked at her, causing her cheeks to blush at knowing what I meant by that.

"Uh...Koda? h-how does it... you know, taste?" She was referring to her own cum. I thought for a second, trying to place it into words.

"Well, it's kinda salty. A little musky with a tinge of sweetness. It's not bad really. The best part about tasting it though, is knowing where it came from.... or more importantly, who it came from." She smiled at me "oh, okay" and then asked

"Can I, uh, taste yours?" She was a little nervous and unsure, but seemed determined and willing.

"Well, of course you can. If that's what you want." She silently nodded while staring at the bulge trapped in my pants; eyes fixed like it had her under some sort of spell.

She slipped off the tub and knelt down on the tiled floor before me, her face only inches away from my clothed member. Timidly, she reached up and fumbled around with my belt buckle before finally unclasping it and pulling it from my waist. Without shifting her gaze, she threw the belt to the floor and undid the button on my slacks, which made a "pop" as they flew open. She paused momentarily, as if digesting her current situation, before slowly pulling down the zipper of my fly. The strain on my cock eased as she unzipped further, exposing more of my navy blue boxer shorts while she slid my slacks down to my ankles.

My bulge was still restrained in my underwear, aching for release and stretching out the fabric with its fleshy tent pole. Giggling, Beth said "Looks like someone wants attention" as she grabbed the waistband of my boxers and pulled down. The material grazed the top of my sensitive shaft, causing me to shudder as it stretched to clear my length. The underwear slid down lower, lower, until it stretched over my tip with an extra tug. My freed member shot up from its sudden release, slapping Beth in the chin! She let out a startled "ahh!" and looked up at me, giving me a goofy grin. I couldn't help but laugh!

"hahaha! Sorry, sis! Someone's just a little excited to see you!"

I saw a look of fascination and awe on her face as she sat and stared at my bare cock, which was slightly twitching from anticipation and desire. She slowly reached out and grabbed it in her paw, lightly stoking and twisting her enclosed hand around it.

"It's so... hard... yet, kinda rubbery"

I closed my eyes and enjoyed her sensual exploration of my swollen shaft, exploring every part of it. She rubbed around my bulb, trying to cradle its enormous size in her palm. She stroked up my shaft to the tapered tip, where she flicked her thumb over its apex, causing me to twitch at the sensitivity. I savored in the sensations of my sisters paw on my bare flesh, my heart fluttering at the taboo act. My sister is actually touching my cock! I couldn't believe that this was actually happening! As my thoughts wandered about this unconventional display of affection being carried out between brother and sister, I suddenly felt something hot...moist...warm...

Warmth enveloped my shaft, followed by wet soft flesh gripping my length. I opened my eyes at the sudden sensation and looked down to see Beth's muzzle wrapped around my member! Her nose was tickling the fur of my crotch as she sucked on me, her eyes closed in pleasured bliss. Moans escaped her mouth as she suckled on me like she was a young pup looking for a milky snack. And I was going to deliver one...soon! I tried to think of something else to keep from exploding down her throat too quickly - writing budget reports, going on a run, my great aunt Judy... anything to keep my thoughts above the waist!

It took all I had not to spew my load at the first touch of Beth's mouth enclosed around my throbbing erection, but I was determined to hold on to the sensation for as long as I could! Her tongue explored the smooth length of my shaft, stroking along my underside in long, slow licks. Pre shot from my tip, causing her to have to occasionally swallow the accumulating liquid. Every time she did, her tongue would press hard against my length, pushing it against the roof of her muzzle, which in turn caused another spurt of pre. I heard squelching and smacking noises as she suckled on me, which did absolutely nothing to help me hold out!

"Go ahead brother... I wanna taste it" she said as she bobbed my cock in and out of her mouth. Hearing her say that is all it took for me to explode. My balls clenched tight and I felt my shaft begin pulsing inside her mouth as thick ropes of my wolf seed shot down her throat! She gagged at first with the sudden amount, but managed to stifle herself and drink it all down. Continuous splurt after splurt of cum shot out my tip and into her muzzle, filling her with my potent puppy juice. She moaned as she took my cock out of her mouth, leaving just the tip in her muzzle, and stroked me for all the cum I had left. I've never had such an intense orgasm!

"Ohh Beth... that was great!" I said breathlessly. My red shaft was wet with her saliva and still twitching with rhythmic pulsing, tiny spurts of cum still dribbling out. She licked her chops and cleaned her lips with the back of her paw, saying "mmmm... that tasted better than I thought!" She stood up and kissed me - I could slightly taste the saltiness of my own cum on her lips. It wasn't as bad as what I thought, almost like how she tasted. Beth broke the kiss and said

"We've been wasting water out here. Let's finish up in the shower."

She stepped into the shower and stood aside to let me in. I followed suit, removing my polo shirt and stepped over the ledge, closing the glass door behind me. The water was nice and hot, causing the bathroom to begin filling with steam. Beth and I were standing face to face, with the stream of water hitting my shoulders. I noticed that she was shivering a little, so I pulled her into another intimate embrace. It felt so right - the both of us naked pressed up against each other as the water cascaded down around us.

I simply adored this feeling of complete trust and love as we both stood there; arms wrapped around one another and the feeling of bare fur pressed against fur. My still engorged member was sandwiched between her thighs, trapped in a furry cocoon of security and warmth. Her tender folds lightly kissed the top of my shaft, spreading apart ever so slightly around my length as I held her close. She crooned and moaned into my shoulder as I grazed against her most sensitive of areas. The water providing as a lubricant as I subtly began rocking back and forth against her, her thighs acting like a furry vise around my wet erection.

With every thrust I could feel her delicate lips caressing my cock, spreading around it and coating it in a thin layer of her juice. She gasped and twitched with every thrust, pushing down against my probing as I slammed into her again and again. Now her gyrations were more focused upon my lap as she grinded against the length of flesh stroking her outer lips... over and over again. Though I was not actually inside her craving pussy, the sensation of her folds grazing the length of my shaft sent me into another mind-blowing orgasm!

I gritted my teeth and slammed into her thighs one last time before spewing my wolf cum all over the back of the shower wall. She tightened her legs around my orgasming member, flexing hard as if trying to lock it in place! I pulled her close as she buried her head below my chin, breathing deeply as I came down from the second orgasm of the evening. None of us spoke; we simply held on to each other and let our hearts do all the talking. I felt so content and happy in this place... this place with my sister. Like nothing else in the world mattered and no one else could say otherwise about our love. This I knew was truth.

The hot steam continued to surround us in a blanket of serenity as we awoke from our blissful state of mind. "Turn around" I whispered into her ear as she turned and was now standing below the flowing shower of water. With both arms pressed against the wall, she stuck her rump out toward me, giving me complete and unhindered access to do whatever I wanted with her. She was aching with desire from her heat, and I wasn't' about to deny her what I knew she'd been craving all along. I lined up my post-orgasmic erection with her folds and gently pushed inward.

She silently gasped as my thick member spread apart her virgin lips, sinking deeper and deeper into her body. Into her soul. I trembled at the sensation - her pussy so tight and wet as I pushed in deeper, before pressing against her membranous barrier. I'd already suspected she was, but this confirmed her virginity. I pulled back so only my tip remained nuzzled between her lips, before I lunged forward in one swift movement, breaking through her barrier and claiming her innocence for myself. I felt her body tremble around my cock as her inner walls grabbed at me, flexing and adjusting to the unfamiliar intrusion.

Beth gritted her teeth and let out fast, sharp breaths as she adjusted to the pain of being stretched for the first time. It hadn't hurt as much as she anticipated, but still the feeling was a stinging sensation deep within her tunnel. We both kept still until her muscles relaxed and her body was able to continue. The feeling was indescribable! Her virgin walls clamped and grabbed at my intruding appendage with great pressure, drawing me deeper into her passage. She was so tight! I could feel every ripple of her silky flesh, every pulse of her vaginal muscles as they caressed my rock hard shaft.

"Are you ready?" I asked, not wanting to continue if she was still in any pain. She gave a labored "ya-yeah" and turned her head to look back at me. I could still see a discomfort look on her face, but also a look of complete trust that I would not hurt her. She smiled at me, flexing her pelvic muscles, causing me to shudder and twitch inside her. Slowly, I pulled back about half way, and eased back in - her muscles yielding a little easier each time as they grew accustomed to my width. With every pull, her tunnel grabbed and pulled back against my flesh, not wanting to let go of what her body needed. Soon I was thrusting faster and faster, my swelling bulb catching on her furry lips, stretching them apart with its inflation.

"nnuuuh...nuuh...nuuuhh!" Beth gasped each time I buried my hips in her rear, driving harder and harder. My wet balls slapped against her sensitive button with my carnal pounding, giving her extra stimulation and causing her pussy to flex with every slap. She was now thrusting back against me, her juices coating my cock with lubricant, easing my passage with every lunge of my slick member. The taboo nature of our mating only heightened the sensations I was already feeling! I'm breeding my little sister... and she feels soo damn good!

The burning need to be mated was causing Beth to slam herself back against my forward thrusts, her body driving her wild with the magnified stimulations she was feeling. I knew there was only one way to truly satisfy her breeding lust, and that was to tie with her. She knew it to, that being locked together would satisfy her natural instincts and fulfill her need. She slammed back hard, crying out

"huuh.. oh FUCK! TIE ME!"

I wrapped my arms around her chest and rammed into her with renewed vigor, shoving my meaty bulb against her fuzzy lips and grinding it between them. After a few hard jabs, I felt her lips struggle to spread around my forming knot, before it suddenly plunged in and was completely engulfed within her silky warmth! She grasped and clamped down behind it - muscles contracting trying to pull it deeper. Once buried inside, my knot quickly inflated to its baseball size, making it impossible to pull back out until she was properly bred. Her panting was growing quicker and higher, until in a loud voice she screamed out "ooooh God! KOOOODAA!"

Suddenly, her muscles pulsed and rubbed firmly along the length of my buried appendage, trying to coax out my wolf seed by massaging it with her burning flesh! I felt liquid warmth surround my member as pressure built up in her flooded passage, her tunnel sucking at me with every rhythmic pulse. She moaned out loud as her orgasm raged within her pelvis, being driven by her intense obsession to be mated and filled. She thrust back against me with every contraction of her muscles, her furred cheeks grinding against my lap. With every backward thrust from her, I felt the tip of my cock press against the back of her tunnel, kissing the clenched entrance to her awaiting womb. Thoughts of filling my younger sister with my fertile wolf seed was all I could handle!

In one final thrust, I slammed against her ass, pushing her up against the shower wall as my own orgasm flooded through me! My heavy balls twitched and clenched as they delivered thick, creamy ropes of cum into her begging tunnel. My seed jetted out my tip, plastering her inner flesh with white globs and overflowing her passage. My knot kept every single drop of our mixed juices inside her, giving it no place to go but deeper. Our potent love mixture bombarded the entrance to her womb, pressure building as I continued pumping out my seed. Finally, her orifice gave way and a torrent of my puppy juice flooded inside!

I felt every surge of cum as it shot through my pulsating shaft and into the womb of my sister, no doubt rushing up her ovaries to fertilize our future pups. Her muscles continued to spasm and clench around me, greedily milking me for more of my juice. Both of us were at a loss for words as we were completely engrossed in our powerful orgasms. I guided my sister as we took a couple steps backwards and lowered ourselves down, my knot still holding her firmly in place. We laid on the tub floor, resting against the back wall. She sat in my lap and leaned against my chest, her neck pressed against my cheek.

Our organs were slowing in their pulsing as a few drops of cum still leaked out my tip. She crooned and murred at being so filled...and finally, satisfied by our mating. My arms wrapped around her waist and rested on her lower stomach, feeling slight muscle clenches from her intense orgasm. My hands traveled down to our junction, and I could feel her lips sealed tightly behind my knot, preventing any cum from escaping. We sat there and listened to the streaming water, feeling it tap against our fur in a steady beat. I embraced her tightly, never wanting to let go of this moment.

I don't know how long we sat there in the cascading water, surrounded by a blanket of warm steam. All I knew was that there was no where else I wanted to be, or no one else I wanted to be with. I had found my love, my mate, my wife and have proclaimed my love and affection to her through giving her my seed. I would be there with her through it all, for our pups, for her. No matter what life would throw at us, I would never let her get hit. I would do it all for my sister... for Beth. For her, I would do anything.