Great Idea or Stupid? Hard to Tell...

Story by Kenneth Beltan on SoFurry

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Two brothers want to get a better look at their uncle's cock while he sleeps.

Great Idea or Stupid? Hard to Tell...

By Kenneth Beltane

© Kenneth Beltane, 2019

Okay, this is just pure erotic fantasy. There'll be no subtle character building or realistically exploring the dynamics and implications of incest like in my "Foundations" series. This came about because of a discussion I had with my friend Nievelion in which we talked about some characters belonging to his friend 6-Wing and a scenario involving them that got me inspired. This is very tangentially related to Nievelion's story "To Mend a Broken Hart" but requires no familiarity with it, not so very unlike my other story from that world, "Extra Therapy."

I've only one more note to make. Having now done three stories which have featured someone under 18, I wish to make one thing clear. The the word pedophile gets tossed around very casually these days to the point it is getting separated form its specific meaning. It is meant to describe sex between an adult and a per-pubescent minor. My stories would not fall into that category but instead into what's called ephebophilia, defined in the DSM-V as, "...the primary sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19." It should be understood that the word implies a specific interest, too, as opposed to the mere act. When it comes to sex, interest and act are not always the same. I have found a great wellspring of stories in writing from the adolescent angle because it allows me to vicariously live out the fantasies I had at that age. It's not the older guys getting with the young guys that interests me. I'm the young guy making it with the older guy. Any of my readers by now have figured out that DILFs feature very prominently in my work.

Thanks again to Nievelion for being my editor and proofreader.

Now, on with the show!


Thunder rumbled gently as it poured outside in the Rainforest District. Two brothers crept together down the hall to their uncle's bedroom, and though they did not need the storm to mask their approach, its assistance was appreciated. Like anyone, especially kids doing something they should not, they were on edge with the prospect of what they were about to do.

"Will you stop digging into my shoulder?" Yuri groused as quietly as possible. Even though they were both 15, Yuri was almost a head taller than his brother and quite stocky, just like his father. He was nevertheless a quintessential gentle giant.

The other brother, Tyler, realized how he had been gradually digging his claws into his brother's shoulders and quickly lifted his paws off of them. "Oops! Sorry, Yuri," he apologized contritely. Tyler had a more typical tiger's build. His outstanding features were his impeccable grooming, creative fur dying choices, and already fairly sculpted body from an exercise regime admirably strict for a teenager, especially one whose only sport of interest was racquetball.

"Seriously, your claws are sculpted and sharp enough to play a record!" Yuri continued, turning part way to face his partner in crime.

"We'll have to try that out some time," the shorter tiger joked, grinning wide.

Yuri could not help smirking back as he stifled a laugh.

"Come on, Yuri, this was your idea," Tyler said as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Not that I think it's bad. I wish I'd suggested it first. If you wanna pull if off, though, you gotta relax. You can't prowl or sneak if you're tense."

The taller cat put his paw on the back of his neck and let his face express his second thoughts.

"I'm crazy. I know it. Why must I be a teenager in lust?"

Tyler quickly put his paws over his muzzle as he snorted and tried to suppress his own laughter. They had been watching the Muppets earlier when Collie Stevens sang a more innocently titled song expressing much the same sentiment. Yuri had always been good at pulling jokes out of nowhere while connecting them to recent events.

"You also can't sneak if you keep cracking jokes!" Tyler added. He leaned in, giving his brother bedroom eyes. "I mean, you got me, and I'm always up for sexy shenanigans. But am I enough for you? Nooo! You just have to get Uncle Xander's cock in your mouth. You'll be after Dad next."

"Like you haven't stolen his boxers for us to sniff while jacking off," Yuri reproached, now crossing his arms over his glorious white and black fur. He would not deny how attractive his brother was, his upper body partially glowing from the streetlights outside. Taking a step forward, the beefier tiger pressed his front against his brother's, their cocks smashing together from behind their underwear. They kissed enthusiastically, their arms pulling each other tightly.

"You know, we could just sneak back to our room and have a much safer adventure," Tyler offered, half hoping his brother would agree.

"Mmm," Yuri rumbled as he reached down and cupped Tyler's basket in those fashionable fuchsia briefs. He sometimes wished that he could rock underwear like his brother, but with his boxy figure, boxer briefs were a better match. They were also tenting with his considerable endowment. He was bigger than his brother that way, too, and Tyler was not exactly small. "That's going to happen anyway. I just want to get a peek and maybe give Uncle Xander a gentle rub. That'll get me going, and then you can suck me dry. I know I'm gonna blow big tonight."

Tyler bit his lip to stifle a moan. "Fuck, bro, you always know what to say to get me turned on." Getting up on his toes, he touched his nose to Yuri's, purring softly. "You always act like a timid geek, but you are a stud in the boudoir. I'm honored that you let me alone see that." Tyler then kissed his brother hard, pushing him up against the wall in the hall and grinding. He had half a mind to just get on his knees, pull his brother's plain grey underwear down, and suck his magnificent cock right in the hall.

Thunder struck again, and it was a lot louder and closer this time. Both brothers' fur stood on end as it startled them. The accompanying flashes of lightning flooded the hall in a bright blue-white light. They waited for the aftershocks to die out before remembering to breathe.

"Maybe we should go back. That might have woken Uncle up," Yuri said, the beginnings of panic in his tone.

"You crazy?" Tyler reproached. "Uncle Xander sleeps like the dead."

"Oh yeah? What about that thunder blast last Saturday morning that woke up the whole damned neighborhood?" Yuri reminded him. His tail was lashing anxiously behind him.

Tyler started gently rubbing through his brother's fur, brushing over his belly and pectorals, something he knew soothed him. "Calm down, Yuri. We can wait a few minutes if you like. If he partly woke up, then a few minutes should be enough for him to fall back into deep sleep." He smiled encouragingly up at his sibling, pleased that he seemed to be helping him settle his nerves. He kept his gaze locked with Yuri's, keeping him focused and cool headed. He had beautiful blue eyes behind his specs, Tyler thought. A brief flash of white flashed over them as the street tram's pantograph sparked on the wire under the window. He reached up and stroked the white tiger's muzzle affectionately. "Better, bro?"

Yuri nodded gently and bent in for another kiss. "Thanks for sticking with me, Ty."

"Hell yeah! This is a hot idea. If it works, we should try it on Dad."

"I thought I was the insatiable one." Yuri smirked again.

"You're corrupting me. You came out of the womb first, you're the eldest, so you're supposed to be the good influence."

"Some job I'm doing." He flattened his ears. He knew his brother was joking, but he did not want to be a bad influence either. He was known as the more sensible and responsible one of the two.

"Yeah. You were also the one that talked me into incest and now into feeling up dear ol' Uncle Xander."

"At least I wasn't the one to suggest stealing Dad's underwear, you pervert."

Tyler blew a raspberry before giving his brother another grope and padding down the hall, his tail lashing over his incredible ass that he took great pride in.

Yuri eyed his brother with amazement and lust. Together they really were incorrigible. He made a mental note to apologize to his Dad and Uncle Xander for being difficult teenagers sometime and followed his brother.

Tyler stopped at the door, put his ear to it, and concentrated. It was not long before he rolled his eyes and made an exaggerated face of their uncle snoring like a buzzsaw to his brother. It was an encouraging sign actually, because Xander only snored if he was on his back.

"You know, it's not like we've never seen either of them naked on a regular basis when they get out of the shower or change clothes. No one's exactly modest in this home," Yuri pointed out, his continued hesitancy mixed with a bawdy amusement.

"Frequent flashes of flaccid phalli fail for final fantasy fulfillment," Tyler answered, grinning ear to ear at his answer.

Yuri just stared and blinked a few times, chuckles beginning to bubble up. He covered his mouth to try and stifle them, but finding that strategy insufficient, he turned away from the door, quickly pulled his glasses off, and buried his face in his arms and the carpet as muffled laughter wracked his body.

Groaning ruefully, the younger brother put his paw over his face and bit his lip. He was starting to think this was a bad idea mainly because they could not stop being silly with one another. He moved forward, kneeling behind his brother, and pushed his bulge under Yuri's tail. Watching the larger tiger's white and black tail lashing back and forth, he deftly snatched it in his maw and mouthed it affectionately. Bending over, he ran his paws over Yuri's belly before giving into his lusts and sliding both paws into the teen's underwear. His brother was a pawful, a thought that always turned Tyler on intensely. He was pleased to note that his brother was more than half hard. He gently stroked the fat member, getting Yuri totally hard and gradually interrupting his laughter. He knew more than one way to calm his brother down.

"Ty, you're gonna make me cum in my underwear," Yuri purred.

"Want me to keep going?"


"Nope." He stopped and got off of his brother, sitting beside him on the hallway floor, his own briefs tenting impressively.

"Fucking tease. You pretty boys are all alike," Yuri grumbled.

"And you gentle giants are so cute when you're annoyed," Tyler replied with a smile, giving his brother's handsome face another few strokes.

Yuri reached over and grabbed his brother's cock. "Tell me why I shouldn't just take this bad boy out and have a midnight snack right here, dear brother?"

"Because middle-aged uncle cock is in the next room waiting to be sampled. I'm just dessert, and that comes after the meal," Tyler answered. He was not stopping his brother's strokes. They both had wet spots on the front of their garments now.

Letting out a low grunt, Yuri let go and stood back up. "Damn middle-aged uncle cock, damn me for my crazy ideas, and damn you for encouraging them." With that, he turned and went back to their uncle's bedroom door. Putting his ear to it and listening, he silently turned the knob and opened the door. He gave the air a sniff and smiled, his free paw giving his mound a squeeze. He looked at his brother and motioned with his head to follow.

The two boys crept into the room in complete silence. The curtains over the large windows were open, letting the dim orange city light into the room. It was far more light than any cat would have needed to clearly see. Their towering, burly uncle was lying on his back on top of the sheets and in only a snug pair of white briefs with tiger stripes on them. The man had something of a fondness for novelty underwear, and the redundancy of this pair always amused him particularly. In truth, he had always been more like a second father than an uncle. They could hardly remember a time when he had not been living with them. He worked a very physical job, and his body showed it. They figured that may have been why his clothes were strewn on the floor, the curtains left open, and why he was sleeping on the bed rather than in it. He had pulled a very long shift today as staffing was unexpectedly short.

The boys padded up to the edge of the bed.

Yuri looked to his brother and motioned with his eyes and a slight nod of his head towards their uncle. He pressed his paws together and angled his head to rest on them, his eyes closed. He then moved them, still pressed together, in front of his chest and nodded his head. Opening his eyes to see his brother's response, the younger cat nodded in agreement. Tyler smiled, hugged himself while gently gyrating, and pointed to Xander. Yuri eagerly nodded his agreement in turn.

Something then caught the larger tiger's gaze. It was their uncle's small shrine across the room. The votive candle was still burning. Xander had plainly forgotten to extinguish it. He silently pointed over his brother's shoulder, and soon Tyler understood and quietly padded over to the shrine. He pressed his paws together and bowed his head reverently; then picking up a short stick of incense, he lit it with the candle and put it in a small bowl of uncooked rice that bore evidence of many previously burned sticks. After a brief silent prayer, he finally snuffed out the candle.

Yuri looked quizzically at his brother as he padded back, wondering what kind of prayer he offered up and hoping it would help them out. Tyler was smiling flirtatiously, his tail elegantly undulating back and forth. It was a look that Yuri loved. The shorter tiger stopped by the bed and made a wide gesture towards their sleeping uncle. All yours, bro.

Looking back at the giant white tiger, Yuri took a deep breath and padded to the foot of the bed. With great caution, he raised one leg and gently pressed his knee into the mattress. He kept his eyes on Uncle Xander's face the whole time, his senses alert for any hint the man might wake up. He brought his other knee onto the bed and settled in softly. He was immensely grateful the man had purchased a high quality mattress for himself. Gingerly he crouched over, inching his face closer to that beautiful bulge. He could not remember a time when he had not studied it...or wanted to feel it. A part of him felt that was a little weird, but his other head was more persuasive in telling him to ignore that silly feeling. Xander packed some very impressive equipment, and his underwear never hid the fact.

At present, the adult tiger was flaccid, but the length and thickness of his member was clear to make out. Below that, a pronounced cleft where the balls sat together indicated their heft and dimensions. Yuri did not know if he wanted to cup his uncle or lick him first. He moved in closer, only then realizing that his tongue was hanging out like a wolf's. He gave his chops a moistening. His nose was now only centimeters from Xander's genitals. Yuri could feel the heat coming off of the man. He inhaled slowly but deeply, taking in the man's musk. It was as comforting as it was erotic to him, warm and familiar and thoroughly intoxicating. He looked up again at his uncle, finding him still slumbering soundly and gently snoring.

He was a sight to behold from this angle. Fit as he was, he had a torso of a middle-aged man. The muscle was not sculpted; there was even some pudginess. He had a body type for a man his age, and like genuine muscle, it was mostly hidden. Only Xander's arms were obviously muscular. And his paws. They were strong, workman's paws -- the most manly in Yuri's estimation. They had petted his head and ears tenderly for many years, and they had just as surely stroked the magnificent cock the tiger possessed. For some reason, only now had that occurred to Yuri. It made him shudder a bit, and he bit his lip to steady himself lest his lust give him away. He was glad his brother was thoughtful enough to light some incense before they did this. Proper as it was to make an offering to the Goddess before extinguishing the votive, it would also provide some cover of his and Tyler's own musks.

Yuri looked back to the pouch in front of his face, stuck his tongue out, and finally laid it over the tube curled up on itself to make that lovely mound. Instantly he was rewarded with a surprising warmth, but the flavour was out of this world. It had a pungence he was expecting, along with the less pleasant taste of worn cotton, but getting the details of his uncle was a pleasant surprise. He took some time to let it sink in before he gently gave the encased cock a slow lap. He then pressed his nose into the cleft between the balls and inhaled deeply again. His paw was down his shorts and slowly stroking his cock. Keeping his nose lightly pressed to his uncle's genitals, he moved to where the fat head was pointed down. He opened his maw and let his lips feel over it and the ridges of the crown while his tongue tenderly stimulated it. He would give anything at this moment to just tear those briefs down and inhale that cock whole.

Slowly, he became aware of another presence and remembered that his brother was with him. He looked behind him and saw the shorter tiger had slowly and carefully moved near to make himself known without startling him. His shorts were indicating a raging hard erection, and the wet spot was much more substantial. Yuri grinned predatorially. He very carefully moved away from his uncle and turned around to face his brother. He looked immensely proud of himself. Yuri brought his paws to Tyler's sides and pulled down the briefs. He bent forward and took Tyler's cock in his mouth to briefly clean it. When he was finished, he grinned up at his brother and winked.

"You are crazy!" the smaller tiger mouthed.

Yuri only responded with jabbing his finger down towards the floor a few times to indicate he should remove his briefs. For his part, Tyler was starting to get nervous. He could see the signs that his brother's libido was starting to make him cocky and adventurous. They were already in a very precarious and hot situation, and Yuri only wanted to make it hotter. Nevertheless, he let the garment fall to his feet and stepped out of it. Yuri then gestured to his brother to take his turn.

Steeling himself, Tyler deftly got on the bed but did not crouch as Yuri had. He began with getting a good whiff of what their uncle smelled like down below and had to restrain himself from moaning. He could feel pre starting to collect on his tip and cursed his brother for convincing him to take away a natural towel. His eyes then widened as he felt a familiar tongue on his cock. He looked down and saw that Yuri had managed to slide between his legs and was now sucking his cock.

You fucking psycho! What are you doing?! He wanted to shout. This was bad, but damn did it feel incredible. He could not remember a time he had been so hard and turned on. It was taking all of his efforts just to keep his wits about him. If Uncle Xander were to wake up and see this...

While his brother slowly worked him, making sure no pre was getting anywhere but in his mouth, Tyler decided to continue his own explorations. How many opportunities would he likely get in the future? Looking back to his uncle's groin, he noticed the mound had grown. No doubt about it, that member was beginning to plump. Whether it was because of what they were doing or if it was just an ordinary nocturnal erection, he could not say. Timidly, he raised his paw. He had to cup it, to feel the weight of all that manhood.

His paw turned downward, it was his fingers that first came into contact with the balls. Slowly, the rest of his palm came to cover the mound. He could not believe he was actually groping his dilf of an uncle! The man was such a pawful and quite weighty. Ever so carefully, he gave the bundle a few hefts, watching its outline move about in the stretched, warm and humid garment. Uncle Xander was still puffing up. His cock would get uncomfortable in that position before long.

Tyler suddenly felt a strong wave of pleasure course through him. He was starting to get close to cumming. He had to grit his teeth together hard and tense himself to keep from moaning. He quickly reached under himself and grabbed a fistful of his brother's head fur to make him stop. This was not the place to succumb to an orgasm. He was grateful that his brother stopped completely. Carefully, he let him go, and Yuri slowly pulled off and slid out from under his brother. Tyler took the opportunity to get off the bed.

He was feeling a bit lightheaded and wanted so badly to just bring himself off. He shook his fist at his brother who only looked even happier with his work. He had leaked so much pre that he looked like he had begun to piss himself. Tyler shook his head. He pointed to their uncle's ever-tenting briefs. Yuri made an exaggeratedly pitious face, gently pushed his brother aside, and remounted the bed. Tyler felt a rush of adrenaline sharply course through his stomach. His brother was about to do something crazy. He was positive of it.

Tyler picked up his briefs between his toes and lifted them to his paw. He wiped the end of his cock before anything could drip to the floor. Slowly, he padded around to the side of the bed to better see what his brother was about to do.

Yuri was enjoying the scent of his uncle, keeping his nose pressed into his balls. He needed to make room for that cock to keep growing. Bold as brass, he reached up and gently slid his fingers under the waistband of the briefs, then lifted it up and away from the man's body. It was enough that the fat cock was able to straighten out to lay straight over the hip. It also bumped into Yuri's finger tips. He now desperately needed to physically handle that cock. Nothing else mattered. Bringing another paw up to assist his efforts, he pulled the garment away and under his uncle's huge balls. Somehow, he could sense his brother screaming at him telepathically. If I'm going to die like this, brother of mine, it will be a good death. See you in the next lifetime.

Yuri gazed at the towering black flesh. Uncle Xander was enormous in both length and girth. The shape was perfect, the foreskin ample, and the scent of it all was even better now that the underwear was out of the way. He watched as his uncle kept growing until he was totally rigid. It was time to take the plunge...

Yuri felt a tug on his tail and looked up. Tyler was shaking his head and begging him to stop. He was losing his nerve. After all, Yuri had said nothing about taking Uncle Xander's underwear down. Silently, Yuri brought his palms together in respect and bowed slightly. He might as well have been saying his farewell before ascending the gallows. Feeling oddly serene, Yuri finally reached out and wrapped his paw around the sleeping tiger's cock. He looked like a cub in a candy shop. He could not believe he was doing this. Uncle Xander was a furnace, and he was very hard. He bent forward, opened his mouth, and finally descended onto the prodigious phallus.

Yuri could not stop a moan from escaping his chest as his eyes rolled back into his head. Flavour, flavour! So much flavour! He felt himself going a bit delirious as he extended his tongue down the penis and started actually sucking his uncle's cock. Yuri had gone down on himself more times than he could count and was thus well prepared to handle a big, thick member. This was nevertheless a new challenge, and he was not going to back down. He was gone now, his lusts having fully taken control of him. His inner voice of caution was now wholly ineffective as he got into it.

With his left paw, he cupped the balls and felt them over. They were hot and heavy, too, and oh what he would not give to have them teabagging over his face! He then tasted the unmistakable tang of pre. A louder groan escaped him, sending vibrations down Uncle Xander's cock. He wanted more, would drink anything this man released, and do it again and again. He wanted to service this man every day in every way. He wanted that cock in his mouth, in his ass, in his paws, rubbing over his body and drenching him. He wanted to hear Xander's growls and roars, feel his encouraging paws on his ears, his hips, even his own cock.

Tyler was torn between the show and his uncle's face. He saw early on that the man was beginning to stir. Additional tugs at Yuri's tail yielded no results. He was frantic, wondering if he should do something more assertive or bolt and save his own ass. This was totally his brother's idea after all. He had just decided to bolt when he heard his uncle snort. The large cat was roused and was blinking the sleep away, trying to figure out what was going on.

An icy feeling filled Tyler's stomach. They were truly fucked now. If I run now, he may not remember me or think he was dreaming, Tyler thought suddenly, but then Uncle Xander suddenly caught his eye. The jig was up. He was still standing there rock hard, his cock pointing out from his hips. He watched as his uncle's face starting to show clarity of realization as well as succession of various emotions: confusion, surprise, shock, amazement, alarm...

Xander was about to speak when he realized that he was being sucked. He quickly looked down and his mouth dropped open. He shook his head and looked again. He then reached up and pinched the side of his neck with his whole paw. The realization that he was not dreaming came over him, as did that gruff furrowing of his eyebrows before he unloaded on someone.

"Yuri! Yuri!" Tyler called out, still somewhat quietly but in a high-pitched voice to his oblivious brother. It was academic at this point, though, and he knew it.

"Holy Mother Goddess, Yuri! You are bold as brass! You know that? You're just like your father," Xander barked.

The tension in the room instantly increased, becoming so palpable that the proverbial knife could have sliced it cleanly.

Yuri had stopped and was staring up in shock at his uncle. He was totally sober now...and his uncle's cock was still throbbing inside his maw, still leaking pre. Everyone was silent for what seemed like forever.

"Uncle Xander, please don't kill us," Tyler said meekly.

Both Xander and Yuri turned to look at him, both surprised that he was the first to break the silence but also giving him incredulous looks for saying something so lame.

Wordlessly, Xander turned his attention back to his larger nephew, glaring at him. Slowly, he watched the youth rise off of his turgidness.

"I don't have to ask what inspired you to do this," Xander said, allowing himself a very confident conceit. "I am curious if your balls are so big to make you this brave."

"Or foolhardy," Yuri offered softly.

Xander nodded. "That's an appropriate word also."

There was more silence, and it was now making Xander a bit uncomfortable. He was used to taking the lead, but this was a very awkward position to be in. As any parent, he would have to wing it and fool his cubs into thinking he knew what he was doing. He sighed, keeping his brow furrowed.

"You know, you could have just asked, Yuri," he finally said. His nephew's suddenly wide, shocked eyes made no discernable impression his uncle's face. "I know we've taught you two better than to just reach out and take what you like. Molesting me in my sleep. Really? What other substances have you been using besides ganja?"

Yuri's mouth fell open. His eyes quickly fell back on his uncle's cock and he looked like he wanted to go back down on it.

The older tiger looked to his two nephews and rolled his eyes. "Yes, I know about that, and yes, I know you've been checking us out and stealing our underwear."

Both adolescents' fur stood on end. Xander half-expected their skeletons to flee before the rest of the bodies followed close at heel.

"What? You think you're the first ones to do that? Give me a break. You young people think you fucking know everything, that you're so damned clever. We also know that you two bone on the reg. Be more discreet, you two. You are cats," he admonished, sitting up and resting against his headboard. He crossed his arms over his chest.

Yuri's mouth flopped like a fish out of water. It was Tyler who managed again to speak.

"H-how? How do you...?"

"Because your dad and I did the same thing at your age. You don't know that because we know how to be discreet." He still looked stern, the right side of his maw was now level instead of in a full frown. It was a very tiny detail to notice, and both teenagers soon did.

"You...used the present tense of to be," Tyler said, still sounding cautious. "Does that mean you two...?"

"Still bang? Yeah. It's part of how your dad's always tried to be a good influence on me and keep me close. He's the reason I'm here and not in jail or working a shitty job with a tattoo of the Zootopia Correctional Facility metro station on my arm."

The colossal tiger regarded his litter, openly checking out their bodies...and their manhoods. He liked what he saw.

For his part, Yuri, while taking in everything his uncle was saying, still could not stop looking back to that magnificent penis. His uncle had not put himself back into his briefs, and he was still quite stiff. The sobering effects of his uncle waking up were wearing off.

"Hey, uncle?"

"Yes, Yuri?"

"Um...I'm sorry for, you know, not asking and just...taking. You can understand why we'd try it that way, right?"

The big cat sighed again, nodding. "Yeah, I can."

"I'm sorry, too, uncle," Tyler said.

"Uncle?" Yuri said again.

"Yeah, son?"

The bulky teenage cat bit the inside of his lips and considered how to phrase his next question before just blurting it out.

"Can I suck your cock?"

Tyler's fur puffed out again, and Xander's eyes widened in incredulity. He looked like he was going to explode.

Fuck, I'm dead, Yuri thought to himself.

Suddenly, Xander's look softened. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "All right."

"What the fuck?" Tyler said before he could think.

"We'll work up to that. I'm pretty big," Xander said offhandedly as he slipped his undies off and casually tossed them onto his nephew Yuri's muzzle. He watched the younger cat blink and then close his eyes and inhale deeply from the garment over his nose. "Come here, Yuri," he said firmly but gently. "I said I wanted to see how big your balls are. I trust you won't be averse to letting me have a peek."

Yuri wasted no time in standing up and wrenching them down, tossing them aside where they happened to fall over his brother's face. The two cats on the bed looked surprised for a moment before they started laughing. Finally, the tension was gone.

"Well, you're big. You're bigger than your father at that age, Yuri," Xander complimented as he motioned for his nephew to come closer. He finally allowed himself a smile and a chuckle when he saw Yuri puff up proudly at the well as his dripping bulge pulse.

Yuri stepped forward so his cock was right in his uncle's face. He watched as the man took a deep breath and growled in pleasure. His anticipation climbed further as the man reached up and hooked his fingers over the waistband of his boxer briefs.

"What a minute!" Tyler blurted out suddenly.

Both tigers looked his way, though Yuri's was seething. "Are you fucking kidding me? What do you want, man? Uncle Xan's cool with this. You cock-block me again and I'll tie your tail in a knot," Yuri snarled.

"Calm down, will you? Is he always this bossy when he's horny?" he asked, turning back to Tyler.

The smaller tiger rolled his eyes dramatically and nodded.

"He is just like his father."

"That's what I mean!"


"Shut up, Yuri," Xander cut him off.

"I mean, you're acting like you were almost expecting this," Tyler continued.

"Your cock doesn't seem all that displeased," Xander noted. "Wouldn't mind getting a closer look at it, you know."

"But..." Tyler was gobsmacked. "You're our uncle! We're not supposed to be doing this."

"Yeah, and brothers aren't supposed to bang, but you'd be amazed how common that actually is. You two are gay as a spring day in May, so am I, and your father is effectively. I haven't seen him with a woman in over ten years. We knew it was likely you two would play around eventually, and we were happy to see it happen, especially since it meant you two were continuing to be as close as you were as little cubs. That means a lot to a parent that their cubs like being together on their own. Once you started spying on us, making a point to watch us dressing or undressing, and checking while attempting to be discreet, it reminded us of how we felt about our own dad. We're not angry at you two. It's just part of growing up. If you really need your fix of uncle dick, well, why not? If our uncle Robert had offered, you can betch your asses we'd've offered up our own to him!" He threw his head back and laughed.

The two brothers looked at each other in shock. This was too good. Instead of feeling like they had won the jackpot, though, they felt stupid.

Uncle Xander became aware that they were not joining him in laughter and realized his mistake.

"I'm sorry, you two. I didn't mean to puncture your egos like that. I was just trying to make you not feel like a couple of perverts. Come here." With one paw he patted Yuri's rump while stretching out his other to Tyler. The two brothers came and hugged their uncle tightly, purring as he rested the underside of his muzzle on their heads and held them close, his own purr rumbling deeper and louder over theirs. "There, there, sons. I love you. You know that...and you know that I'm kind of a hardass. It's my way. You two really wanna check me out?"

They looked up and nodded.

"All right then. Ask from now on. I think I'd like to see you first, Yuri. You're leaking so much, and I don't want you messing up my sheets tonight. I had a long ass day. Take 'em off and let me see that cock of yours."

"Okay, uncle Xander," the stocky teenager answered and knelt in front of the burly construction worker.

Xander whistled as he reached out and wrapped his paw around the member. "That thing's pretty thick. You're going to be like me in a few short years. I'll bet you get a lot of appreciative looks after gym class, don't you?"

"Yup, especially if I get a stiffy. Can't help it sometimes."

"None of us could. It helps when you're bigger than everyone else, don't it?" Xander grinned at his nephew in understanding.

"Okay, now you two are making me feel like the prude here," Tyler griped.

"Yeah, you're supposed to be the freewheeling, exuberant one," Yuri put in.

"Ah, but there's where you're like your father," Xander pointed out to Tyler. "You both have that quality. Your brother is more taciturn like I am. When it comes to sex, though, he can be pretty bold. I've always been more circumspect, though he corrupts me further as I get older, bless him. Somehow I feel that you'll be like me in that respect."

"Just what kind of things did you two get up to that was so bold?" Yuri wondered.

"I'll you when you're a little bit older," Xander joked. "Now, I think we'd better get you off. This thing's too close to blowing." With that, Xander leaned in and took the whole thing in his mouth nonchalantly and began to work his nephew over.

"Oooooh, fuck!" Yuri's eyes rolled back into his head again, his senses coming alive. It was all too much, and he wanted more still. It would not take much to blow.

"That reminds me," Xander said, pulling off. "Watch your language. Because of the unusual circumstances I've overlooked it, but I don't want to hear either of you cussing outside of sex. You know better, and I can still wash your mouths out with soap. Don't think that I won't. Got it?"

"Yes, sir!" they answered immediately.

"Good." He went back to sucking his nephew without further ado. He worked him fast and deeply, making no pretense of drawing out something that had been on the edge for a while. His tail flicked proudly as he heard his boy's cries pitching higher and closer together before they turned into a growl as he unloaded heavily into his mouth.

Damn, this kid's a gusher! he thought to himself as he enjoyed himself, never missing even a drop.

Yuri came hard and long, and when he was done he let himself fall into his uncle's arms and panted as his head swam. He purred as he felt those familiar arms embrace him as well as Xander's tongue on his ear, grooming him affectionately.

"I can't believe what I just watched," Tyler said. He had his underwear over his cock, catching all of the pre that was constantly falling. He was not about to piss off his uncle by getting anything on the carpet.

"Well, then I bet you won't believe what I'm about to ask you," Xander said, warming up to his role as teacher and shocker tonight. "I want you to give your brother some more relief while he gives me some. He's wanted it so badly, and I'm willing to bet this was all his crazy idea."

"Yes, definitely, it was. Absolutely. I have no compunction throwing him under the bus for this one," Tyler replied in the affirmative.

"Thank you so much, Tyler, you turd," Yuri growled.

"Hey, I was about to run like hell and leave you to your fate before Uncle Xander woke up and happened to look my way first," he admitted. "You were the one that went all crazy." Here he raised his voice to a nasly, mocking tone. "'I just want to get a look,' you said. 'Maybe cop a feel.' You never said you were going to lick his cock and then take it out."

"You see that?" Yuri asked imploringly to his uncle, his arm outstretched and pointing in his brother's direction. "The little traitor! Some brother I have."

"Oh, will you two knock it off!" Xander growled. "I pulled a twelve hour shift today, and you woke me out of a sound sleep. At least you had the decency to do it with my dick in one of your mouths. I've needed some action, especially with your dad away in Maneapolis. But if you're going to bitch like an old couple, I'm going to send you to bed without dessert. Don't think I can't wait. I know it'll be harder on you two than on me."

The brothers looked at each other and a silent truce passed between them. Just as quickly, Yuri was between his uncle's legs and Tyler was between his brother's. Xander melted in a sigh and rested a heavy paw on his nephew's head, purring. "Smart move. Oooh, that feels nice, Yuri. You're a good boy, and Uncle Xander will give you a nice reward if you do a good job."

Yuri did not give a damn how cheesy his uncle sounded. It was all turning him on, and he was losing himself again in the smell and flavour of his uncle. Not needing to hold back anything now, he was moaning around the cock in his mouth, savoring its heat and muskiness. He wanted to know how much his uncle could shoot. He imagined himself between the man's legs under the table at breakfast while he read the paper, then helping him to wash in the evening and bending over dutifully so his uncle could relieve his tensions under his tail, and then being woken up in the middle of the night so the man could sneak a quickie.

Images of his uncle giving him a pawjob discreetly on the metro or in the cinema followed, of serving both his uncle and father as they sat nude on the sofa watching "In Living Color," even putting on a show for them with his brother. He wondered, after this experiment, if he could finagle his way into some of his teachers' trousers. It could make parent-teacher conferences a lot more interesting. Suddenly he felt himself crashing into another climax and he growled as he came hard in Tyler's mouth, grunting and growling around his uncle's member, his forehead pressed into the man's abdomen. His hips sporadically thrusted as he fed his brother another copious load.

"Oh, yeah, Yuri! Keep going!"

It was too much as well for Tyler, as he had been pawing himself in time. He suddenly grabbed his brother's boxer briefs and thrust his cock into one of the legs just in time to catch his own volley. He was growling too, but his brother's girth kept his mouth pried open. He loved cumming with his brother.

"Oh, shit, I'm coming!" Xander announced and roared as he exploded into his nephew's muzzle, his paws holding his head firmly. His cries peaked with each long shot, and his musk overpowered his nephews'. Deep down, he found the sight of his boys not only erotic but also very endearing. It made him think of Kristoffur, and he wished the man could be here to be part of it. He would be very surprised, maybe even shocked to hear about this, but Xander knew he would be easily enough convinced to join in. He knew their sons would be eager to please them both if they were anything like their dads.

After an intense climax, the three were laying on each other and panting. Miraculously, the sheets were still clean, something that especially pleased Xander as he laid back with a boy under each arm, resting on either side of him. He purred deeply as he stroked their heads gently.

"Well, was it all you hoped?" he asked gently into Yuri's ear.

"Way more," came his hazy but satisfied response.

"You two are hot to watch. I'm proud of how you're developing. You do our line proud." He raised his nose, a grin over his muzzle.

"You're amazing, Uncle Xander," Yuri answered. "You're everything a man should be."

"Yuri loves daddies," Tyler explained with a smirk. "The youngest guys in his porn are 40."

"Well! That sure shows good taste." He laughed at his own conceit.

"You taste good, too," Yuri added. His eyes were closed. He was warm and comfortable. He felt safe with his uncle's arm around him.

"Why thank you, Yuri. So do you. You cum heavily as well...I'm sure you can make a spectacular mess."

"That's an understatement," Tyler quipped, yawning.

"Tyler, grab the blanket," Xander asked softly. His boy did as asked and was again quickly under his uncle's arm. Xander made sure everyone had some blanket. "We'll do more tomorrow. We all should get some sleep." "Good night, uncle Xander," the brothers said in unison.

"Good night, boys," the older tiger answered and lapped at their ears until they were fast asleep. Xander smiled, regarding his sleeping nephews with complete adoration. "I love you both, you knuckleheads. Sweet, dilfy dreams." With one final but gentle squeeze, Xander closed his own eyes and let himself drift back to sleep, soothed by the sound of the rain and his own nephews' purrs.

All three of them were once again hard.