Commission: Pop Goes the Dragoness

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#1 of Commissions

My first ever commissioned work. Hooray! Sonrouge came up with the idea, which is a bit different than what I'm used to, but we think it turned out pretty good. :3


The cute little green dragoness of only ten summers looked about frantically for signs of where she'd been and found none. The forest all looked the same here, and she'd long since lost any sense of direction in the shifting shadows. Her mother had told her again and again to stay close to the house, but she had felt confident that she knew where she was going.

Needless to say, she was wrong.

The sun had long past its zenith, and the shadows were growing longer. Her feet hurt from all the walking, and her stomach growled louder from the exertion and lack of food since breakfast. Her breath was losing its regularity despite her efforts to push down the panic, her confidence that she couldn't possibly get lost long gone.

She let out a small roar, nothing like what her parents could do but more like a cross between a squeak and a squawk, and strained to hear any response. She tried again and again for several long minutes, stopping only when her throat became sore. Had she been thinking more clearly, she might have figured that staying put after making so much noise would have been wise, but she was not. She moved yet again, trying to find anything that looked like she or anyone else might have passed through there before.

It was in this random scurry that she came across a sizable pond with a tiny waterfall feeding it. The mist felt nice on her scales, and the water looked clean enough to drink. She looked about, hoping to see any signs of intelligent life, but found none. Afraid and terribly alone, she set on sating her more immediate need. She crouched down at the water's edge, checking for snakes or other creatures before dipping her muzzle into the clear, clean water. It tasted funny, but a good kind of funny, and she drank her fill. It wouldn't replace the food she badly needed, but it would stop the cramps long enough to think a little straighter.

As she sat down at the water's edge, she realized how tired she was. Her muscles ached and her feet were somewhere between on fire and numb. Sliding forward she dipped them into the water, the coldness stinging at first but soon enough washing away the pain. It felt so good...why not take a swim?

The spur of the moment decision was acted upon just as quickly. She threw off her matching white shorts and t-shirt, quickly disposing of her panties as well, before jumping right in. She squeaked in the cold water, enjoying the surprise of the sudden temperature change, then began to wade around. It wasn't terribly deep, just enough to come up to her shoulders, and it felt really, really nice!

Some movement caught her eye in the water, and her predatory instincts locked on. The hunger the water had pushed away came back when she saw the fish darting about, but she restrained herself. Her instincts were keen, if underused, but she was lucky. The fish nearly managed to avoid her ambush before she caught it's tail, gripping it tightly with her claws before devouring it. She usually preferred red meat, but in her famished state the fish was the tastiest thing she'd had in weeks.

Unbeknownst to Tasha, she was not alone. Something near the water's edge watched the dragonling female intently as she played about in its water source. It knew she would serve its needs, and that she was willingly ingesting a great quantity of the first ingredient needed, but it needed to wait for the right moment to ensnare its prize.

The bath had been just the thing to cheer her up, and the forest seemed a lot less scary now. With food in her stomach and her body refreshed, she felt she'd be able to find her way home at last. She knew it would be getting dark before long, and her parents had to be worried. Climbing out of the water, she went to grab her clothes...only they weren't there.

She furrowed her brow in confusion. Thinking she'd just gotten turned around, she looked all along the edge of the pond. Still she couldn't find them. She gave a little frustrated growl, only to spot a flash of white among the plants near the waterfall. Wandering over, she could see the sleeve of her t-shirt among the vines, and it confused her more. Had she really thrown them this far? Why were the plants covering them already?

Shaking her head, she decided it didn't matter and reached out to pull her shirt free. It seemed stuck, so she knelt closer to begin prying it loose of the twirling vines. They weren't really moving, right? It was just the wind...when there's no wind. The bizarre nature of what she was seeing, as if the vines were playing tug of war with her, distracted her from the true threat. She squeaked in alarm as over a dozen of the ones near her hands suddenly wrapped themselves around her fingers, only to back right into a larger mass of the vines. Before poor Tasha even knew what was happening, she was tightly bound in thick greenery.

A single squawk escaped her lips before her muzzle was forcefully shut by another bunch of the vines. She looked about fearfully, knowing only that she was now helpless as they began to move her behind the waterfall. A small alcove was hidden here, and a large plant had taken up root within. From it sprouted the countless vines that now ensnared her, as well as many others. The "flower" was closed at the moment, though she got the distinct impression it was watching her.

The thick mass restraining her began to thin out, leaving only behind as many as were required to keep her still. Several dozen knobby tentacles, much thicker than the vines, approached her and began to poke and prod, seemingly testing her out. She whimpered as they caressed her in places she'd been told not to let anyone else touch, not knowing why this was happening to her.

The plant was unlike any other. Rather than depend on the wind, or the digestive tracts of birds, or insects to propagate itself, it used the womb of larger female animals. For years it could remain dormant, awaiting the right kind of creature to come along, but always ready with its pool to begin the process. The regular residents of the forest had mostly avoided this place, but every so often the odd interloping humanoid would drop by, letting it perform its biological imperative.

Tasha eventually fell limp, her struggles gaining her absolutely nothing in the vice grip of the strange plant. She had been scared, then angry, then frustrated, but she had burned all that away in her futile fight to escape. She looked at the plant blankly, wishing it would grow tired of her and let her be or just eat her already. Whatever those thick tentacles were doing was starting to feel pretty good, though...

A small gasp escaped past the vines clamping her jaw shut as one of the tentacles brushed past her slit. She'd done that herself many times, but never had it felt like that! Poor Tasha had nothing to compare that feeling to, but she knew she wanted it to happen again. Another tentacle did it again a bit later, and it felt just as good. She started squirming again, only this time she tried to get the tentacles to move across her slit some more. They denied her the sensation, seeming to purposely come teasingly close only to move away before they touched her there again.

Tasha whined through her tightly bound muzzle, focusing so much on the tentacles teasing her all over she didn't notice the "flower" open up. In the very center of it was a huge "pistil", the flared top tapering to a long tube as thick as one of her father's fingers in his true form and longer than her own arm. Given that little Tasha wouldn't be able to touch her fingers together if she wrapped both hands around it, compared to her it was massive. All around it was a fleshy mat, like a million tiny fingers framed by short petals that glistened in the waning light. The four "stamen" were far more prehensile than the normal variety, the bulbous heads a full four inches in diameter.

Tasha squeaked in shock when one of the tentacles pushed against her slit. It didn't get very far, pulling back to let other tentacles attach themselves to the small scales surrounding her most private area. Her slit opened slightly at the tugging, the first tentacle pushing again and finally gaining access. Only managing a few inches at first, it pushed with tremendous strength and forced itself halfway to her empty egg chamber.

The little dragon chick's eyes bugged out from the sudden stretching, the good feeling suddenly overwhelmed by intense pain. Almost before she could process it, it was flushed away again by a cool liquid the tentacle began to pump into her slit. The good feeling returned with a new intensity, a need burning inside her that she had no idea what to do with. The knobs of the invading tendril rubbed all around, sending sparks to every corner of her body and quickly taking the burning and turning it into a fire. Unknown sensations rushed through her, peaking into an euphoric release that swept away her senses.

When Tasha finally came back to reality, the tentacle had left her slit and she was held right next to the flower. The need burned brighter than ever, the liquid dripping out of her slowly and causing a slight tickling sensation. A powerful scent hung in the air, a sweet smelling fragrance that clouded the poor girl's mind while enhancing her desire.

The vines binding her jaw closed finally released, but she did not call for help. Instead, her long forked tongue hung out the side of her muzzle while she drooled profusely, panting hard as if she were in season. One of the tentacles waved in front of her face for a few moments, the drugged girl straining to reach it before it finally pushed into her muzzle. More of the liquid began to pour down her throat, Tasha happily struggling to keep up. Her stomach began to swell as she was fed more and more, the dragonling looking as if she'd swallowed a watermelon by the time the tentacle pulled away.

The vines binding her lifted her up and over the "flower", a look of intense lust plastered across her innocent face. The head of the pistil seemed far too big to ever hope to penetrate as the plant clearly wanted, but Tasha humped as best she could to try and help. Tentacles pulled her now more malleable slit apart, and they lowered her on to it with great force.

For a long moment, it seemed it wasn't going to happen. The tentacles pulled Tasha down hard, the pistil contracting suddenly at the same moment, and it went in with a slick pop. The pistil flared out again about 3 inches inside the girl's slit, a bulb showing exactly where it was inside her. The force did not let up, the bulb slowly traveling upwards as Tasha squealed in delight. Her addled mind registered none of the pain and all of the pleasure, her every muscle tightening up as yet another orgasm rushed over her.

When it reached the end of her vagina, the pistil revealed another unusual feature. The flared head caressed the tight opening to her egg chamber, latching on to it with a sticky sap. The pressure continued, forcing the pistil inside out. The outer layers attached to the mouth of her egg chamber pulled it roughly open, the inner part extending inside the still barren space, and there it stopped.

Tasha didn't notice the large bulge traveling up the pistil until it reached her slit. The bulge was solid but gave slightly to better fit, much like a reptile egg. Her vagina stretched once over again as it forced its way into her, another one reaching her slit immediately after. A third forced the second in, and a fourth was backed up by the time the first finally made its way to the end of the pistil.

Tasha did not and could not know that the plant reproduced by spores. The bulges were pods containing dozens of replicas of itself that would finish maturing inside their new host. The stamen, unlike a normal plant, were not needed for fertilization, but they served a different purpose that she would soon become familiar with.

The pods kept pushing into her, more than a half dozen either now rolling around in her egg chamber or forcing their way towards it in her vagina, as the "flower" began to close around her. The petals came up to her neck, only her head now visible as it continued its work. Inside, the finger-like flesh massaged her scales all over, helping the chemicals move through her at ever greater speeds. A tentacle even began pushing into her tail hole, throwing the overwhelmed girl into her third exhausting orgasm when she felt that wonderful liquid begin flowing into her bowels.

The sun sunk lower and lower, the forest appearing as night while the plant seemed still. It had pushed more than a dozen of the large pods into her egg chamber, but kept Tasha stuck where she was, mini orgasms quaking her tiny body at regular intervals. It wasn't until more than an hour after it had finished pushing its pods into her that the flower opened up, revealing a much more lumpy chick.

Tasha was flat out exhausted now. Every part of her screamed for rest, but some desire insisted she stay awake. The stamen waving around her had yet to do anything to her, but she could only drool as she watched them get closer. One pushed into her muzzle, which she gladly allowed, while another pushed into her tail hole. A third and fourth found their way into her slit, the bulbous heads stretching her now well used body even more as they moved.

The plant focused intently on the final phase of the implantation. The chick had proved able to hold quite a large number of its pods, and she would only grow bigger. Though it took no pleasure in the task it was performing, the evolution of its progenitors had found that pleasure for the victim was a wonderfully useful tool. With the right moves, they could modify the carrier to regularly crave the act. This one would serve nicely.

Tasha cared little about why she was being used. So overloaded was her brain that she did not mind that she had gained a lumpy belly to go with her still swollen stomach so long as she got more pleasure. Just a little more...a little bit more and she'd scratch that itch that had been just out of reach since she'd first been subjected to the plant's secretions. The stamen thrusting into her with abandon forced their way in deep and swelled further, a gurgled screech escaping her muzzle as she hit orgasm yet again the moment the plant pumped a new, thick syrup into every hole. She felt herself gain quite a bit of weight from it, but her body swelled only minimally in comparison.

She came down slowly, the plant disengaging itself from her fully while leaving her laying on its upturned flower. Her breath was ragged and hoarse, bubbles of the thick liquid coming out every so often. So tired was she that she fell deep asleep almost as soon as she stopped shaking.

Hours later...

Tasha woke slowly from the best nap she'd ever had. The forest was fully dark, night having fallen several hours previous, as she stretched the tiredness from her limbs. She slowly felt along her belly, finding that it was still lumpy, but her stomach was now back to normal. She pushed and got very little give to the pods inside her, her brain finally registering that the strange plant she was still laying on had made her a mommy.

The plant seemed totally disinterested in her now that she carried its pods, or it might have gone dormant for the night. Nothing she did seemed to get it to respond, and several minutes of attempted stimulation got her no more of the wondrous liquids it had been filling her with. Disappointed, Tasha got down slowly to look for her clothes, wondering how she could possibly find her way home in the dark after such a disorienting experience. She didn't even possess the illusion of knowing where she was anymore. Maybe she should stay here? Even if her parents never showed up, would it be so bad to have that experience over and over again?

It was about then that she heard a gurgling. The pods moved slightly, and it felt almost like bubbles inside her stretched skin. She put her hands on her belly, but did not hear it again. She did, however, swear she could feel it getting larger little by little. Watching her scales, she soon discovered to her surprise that it was! Slowly, relentlessly, her belly lost its lumpiness and rounded out, continuing to grow. Her eyes bugged out when she saw it wasn't just her belly that was growing. Her hands and arms were quickly following suit. Her chest, her tail, her wings, and even what she could see of her legs and snout were all slowly bloating!

It took her a few moments to realize she was feeling lighter by the minute. The more her body bloated, the lighter everything became. A quick jump into the air sent her several feet upwards, far higher than she had ever jumped before. She came down slowly, floating closer and closer to the ground as every part of her grew ever larger. The stretching of her entire body should have hurt, but something about it reminded her of what the tentacles had done all over her.

She squeaked in surprise as a sudden growth spurt expanded her torso at least another foot, the rest of her body bloating proportionally to match. She could no longer move properly, as if she was in far too many layers of clothing, but she didn't even pay attention. The growth had triggered a new orgasm, her little body spasming wildly even as she began to float upwards. When she regained her senses, she gasped when she saw she was at least fifteen feet off the ground! She was flying!

Her torso, were she able to look down at it anymore, was a good five feet in diameter now, her scales stretched tightly all over her skin. She rose higher as her body filled with gas, passing through the branches of the canopy rapidly. The leaves and branches brushing up against her stimulated her hypersensitive body, her screech of renewed orgasm ringing out quite a ways from that height. Emerging from the canopy, Tasha looked like a large, scaly balloon. Her extremities were starting to be subsumed into her ever increasing girth, Tasha herself oblivious to it all in her pleasure soaked brain.

It was another strange facet of the plant's reproductive cycle. To spread its spores as far and wide as it could, it had developed a delayed chemical process that would begin to produce vast quantities of gas when certain factors were met. The liquids it had filled her with would begin to react with the pheromones a female would put out when pregnant and the catalyst of the matured pods to lift them high into the air for the final stage. They would also free her from pain, the female's enjoyment of the experience speeding up the process.

Higher and higher she floated, the air growing thin and cold. From a distance, one could not tell that the now eight foot across green balloon had once been a four foot tall dragon chick. Even her wings and tail had nearly disappeared into her inflated state. Tasha registered the lack of oxygen, and the fact that she was losing consciousness, but still failed to care. The spiking pressure inside of her triggered one final orgasm before it became too much. She blacked out just as her body burst, the plant's spores scattering far and wide in the wind high above the earth...

Tasha woke up with a start, her sheets shredded from her thrashing. She looked about, feeling around to confirm that she was actually in her room. What remained of her sheets were soaked in fluids from her slit, and the room was filled with the scent. As far as she knew, she hadn't yet come into season her first time, but it smelled very close to what her parents room did whenever her mother had. If she had hit it last night, it would explain the dream...somewhat.

Her whole body felt sore, though. A good kind of sore, in a way. She pulled off her night shirt and examined her body, finding no evidence of having burst, inflated, or even been stuffed full of anything. She sighed heavily, wondering if she'd ever feel something as good as what her inexperienced brain had apparently cooked up. She'd have to ask her mother if she ever had dreams like tha-

Tasha's train of thought came to a screeching halt when her eyes fell on the pot in the corner of her room. In it, right next to the fern, was the unmistakable shape of the plant from her dream...only in miniature. A small pod still remained attached near the soil from where it had taken root, and she got the distinct feeling that it was watching her. She watched it as well, the idea that such a thing might be her own child slowly seeping into her stunned mind when it moved.

Its tiny tentacles waved about towards her, as if beckoning, and she gasped when her body responded with a twinge of pleasure...