Delayed destiny ch 1

Story by Trollin67583 on SoFurry

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#1 of Delayed destiny

The first chapter is up. Feel free to tell me what you think. I already have multiple chapters written but I will post them every other day, Maybe more if I feel like it. The story gets quite out there later on.


First things first. Set your mind to a free state. You will need to use your imagination on this one. First the world is not a free place, in fact it's pretty strict. About 99% of people have really unique abilities. Now these abilities range from changing fur patterns or colors, to down right "magic". For the lucky people they develop the ability to control arcane powers, giving them abilities that range from telekinesis to control over elements. Me however, I was born unordinary, I have no uniqueness as its called. Me and all of my 9 brothers, yes 9 brothers were all born without any ability. I am the first of the second batch you can say. My mother had 2 sets of quintuplets. My name is Ajax lanton and I'm a leopard with a little fox in me, namely my muzzle tail and ears resemble a fox rather than a leopard I have royal blue fur with gold spots and turquoise tail ear, and finger tips, my belly was a lighter blue then the rest of my fur. I am 21 right now but this story begins when I was 17 so let's start there.

I awoke to my mom's voice yelling down the hall.

"Joe, Garrett, Lance, Seth, Carson, Ajax, Vince, Tony, Farren, and Kade! Get your asses up and ready for school." (mom)

Those are all my brothers in order. Our mother always made sure everything was in order, that was how she got all of us to cooperate and work together. We don't come from a rich family, but at least we were all together. Our dad works very hard at the factory to make sure we all have a roof over our heads, food in our bellies, and supplies for school and sports. We all know how lucky we were even though we weren't gifted with much and none of us had an ability like the rest of the world. Our mothers ability was order, she could keep order and see patterns everywhere she went and in everything she did. Our father just had a little bit of unnatural strength. Useful for a job in a steel factory. Me and my brothers lack of an ability meant that we had to stick together to make it through most school days. Especially when most people shunned us because we were the odd ones out. sticking together is gonna come in to play more down the line, stick with me and you'll see.

So we're on the bus to school along with all the hate and bullying that follow wherever we went, but again sticking together got us through all these years. One person in particular was a big advocate for the hate we received, Alex Brenton, he was a lion that acted like he owns everyone. his ability was pissing us off, no it was actually the power to sense aura and emotion. He knew exactly how to piss us off and how we felt about it but that didn't stop him from enjoying every second of our discomfort. More than once we beat the shit out of him for taking it to far but that never stopped him. He came walking by my seat and kicked my shin. Garrett who was sitting behind me grabbed his arm and bent it at an odd angle saying.

"leave us alone and you won't wake up in the hospital, got it." (Garrett)

Alex pulled away and walked past, brushing his arm off.

"Don't worry about him we don't need to get anymore trouble then what we already have." (me)

We got to school and went through our normal day until lunch when Alex and his friends started bothering us.

"don't you guys ever get bored of being unbearably normal" (Alex)

"Don't you get bored of being an unbearable dick" (Farren)

"Alex what did I tell you on the bus" (Garrett)

Garrett said that as he was standing up. I knew this wasn't going to end well as I stood up next to Garrett and I realized all of my brothers were getting up one at a time. It was at this moment I realized, we could probably take on this whole school if we fight together.

"why don't you faggots just sit back down and continue being sad pathetic nobody's" (Alex)

"well these nobody's wouldn't mind kicking your ass right about now" (Seth)

Alex started to walk away when he suddenly turned around and punched Seth in the jaw. It was then that Garrett started to swing at Alex when I grabbed his arm. A white flash took me over in an instant and I felt like I was moved from where I was standing. I felt my body moving on its own when I realized I was about to connect a punch on Alex. As soon as my fist hit his cheek he was launched across the room and smacked into a table. I had no clue what was going on.

I didn't even know I was punching him and then all of that happened. (me)

Where the hell did I hear that. (Garrett)

Wait why do I hear Garrett's voice in my head. (me)

What do you mean? I'm hearing your voice in MY head. (Garrett)

In an instant I was back in my body, standing where I was before. Me and Garrett where staring at each other. All of my other brothers were also looking at us. We all ran outside and behind the cafeteria to the weight room which was empty at the time.


"Ajax, you just got absorbed by Garrett." (Seth)

"What the fuck do you mean absorbed!" (me)

"well you turned into this white light kinda shit and went into Garrett"

"I mean I could see and feel but I had no control over what my body was doing"

"um... I think you mean my body" (Garrett)

"right your body, wait how the fuck does that make sense!"

"I don't know, you're the one that did it."

"did you see how fucked up Alex was after that punch? We sent him flying."

"ya how the fuck did you guys do that?" (Seth)

"I don't know. I just felt like I had to make Alex pay, but I was trying to make sure Garrett wasn't going to make anymore trouble so I tried to stop him"

"I wanted to make him pay as well" (Garrett)

"wait guys, maybe this is the power we've been missing" (Kade)

Everyone slowly turned to Kade, thinking about what he just said.

"I mean... you know what, that kinda makes sense." (me)

"OK well try to do it again." (Joe)

I looked at Garrett, he just shrugged and held out his hand. I grabbed at imagining being one with him. Nothing happened.

"well is it working" (Joe)

"does it look like it's working?" (me)

"well I don't know what's supposed to happen!"

"OK, how about we take this somewhere else? Let's skip and go home."

"dude are you kidding mom will fucking kill us." (Vince)

"vince you always were the most scared of us. She won't kill us when she hears that we have abilities."

"are you sure about this?" (Carson)

"yes, now let's get out of here before someone finds us"

So we walked home and our mom nearly did kill us. Once we finally told her what happened she let us go. We spent the next 5 hours trying to find out how to fuse again with no luck.

"hey you said you wanted to make Alex pay when we fused right?" (me)

"yeah I guess so why?" (Garrett)

"well, so did I, so maybe we have to be feeling the same thing, or thinking the same thing to fuse?"

"ya that could be it. Hey Ajax think of something and tell me what it is." (Farren)

"OK uh... Ok I'm thinking of.. I don't know... minecraft"

Farren held his hand out and I grabbed it in an instant I was seeing from farrens point of view.

Wow he just disappeared (Farren)

I can hear you

Wait is that you Ajax?

Ya it's me! Who else would be in your head rn?

That's awesome. Wait I wonder what kind of stuff we can do while fused.

Well do you feel stronger?

No but I don't know.

OK well try to do something.

Like what?

I don't know whatever comes to mind.

Well I do feel a kind of heat in me right now.

Ew I don't wanna hear about that!

No not like that!

Farren held his hand out and a fire appeared in his palm. Everyone was just staring at him.

Wow I didn't know we could do that! (me)

Ya neither did I. wait aren't people only supposed to be able to control one element?

Ya, why do you ask?

Cause, look.

At that moment he held up his left hand and created a water ball in it.

Everyone stared at that with even more shock. It shocked me so bad I was ejected from Farren. The fire and water disappeared.

"how the hell did you do that?" (Garrett)

"I have no clue, I just felt it and I was able to do it" (Farren)

"OK it's getting late and tomorrow is the weekend. Let's stop here and figure this all out tomorrow." (me)