Dragon Heart Six

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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Greydor still couldn't believe it; he was going to meet his father for the first time ever face to face! Sure he was human and he might not live as long as a dragon would, but still; he just wanted to meet him. He held the picture of his father tucked under his wing tighter, thinking the more he held on more; he would see him sooner. Saira held her eyes in front of them as she saw her son look at her and back to the front of them with glee and happiness across his face. She had to give a small smile at his; he needed to know his father. They both rounded the corner and made there way into a deep large cave; Greydor didn't understand why they were going here, he saw Brandon is a wood in front of a lake.

"Mommy?" Greydor asked tugging at her tail, "Why are we here? It's scary." Saira stopped and looked down at Greydor,

"Your father is here, and don't worry," she nuzzle him, "Everything will be fine." Greydor wanted to say something, but thought not to. He and every other hatchling knew that this is where they would send any dragon or dragoness that broke the rule of the Elders, so why was Brandon here?

"What did daddy do to be here?" Saira didn't say anything, she held her head up as she kept walking down the tunnel, at last she stopped as two dragon grabbed in gold cloth stood before her.

"Saira?" asked one o the dragons looking at her, "Why are you here?" she looked down at her son as he followed her gaze, "I see." He turned to the other dragon who nodded, "Would you like some time alone?" Saira gave a slight nod as they both left. Greydor saw that they were standing beside a large stone cell that seemed to be made from the cave itself.

"Ah so this is our son?" Greydor narrowed his eyes in the darkness as a large red dragon walked up toward the bars. His scales seemed almost a light red then most dragon that was red, maybe from lack of the sun. His left eye was closed with a scar going down almost to his lip which was smiling. "He looks so much like me."

Greydor stepped away from the unknown dragon, knowing that it was this dragon that raped his mother almost two years ago from his grandfather Vloor. Why did his mother bring him here?

"You're not my father!" he almost screamed, which caused Saira to flinch at him,

"Greydor..." the red dragon brought his paw up to pat Greydor head, but the blue dragon snapped and growled.

"Don't call me that!" he cried, "You're not my father!" he brought his wing up and threw the picture before Saira and Drake, "He's my father!" Saira heart stopped as she saw Brandon picture, while Drake growled.

"That human is not your father." He growled, "I am, no human can ever make a dragon carry a child!" Greydor stepped back even more; he looked to his mother with tears in his eyes.

"You...lied to me!"

"Greydor," she moved closer to him, but he backed away,

"You lied to me!" he turned as he ran as fast as he could out of the cave toward the only ones he knew he could trust.

"Greydor!" Saira ran after him as Drake gave an annoyed look.

"It seems that he doesn't like you." He turned around in his cell to see a two legged being wearing a black cloak. "A shame that the son turned on the father." Drake gave a growled,

"If it wasn't for the fact, that you could get me out of here!" he growled, "I would've killed you human." The human chuckled,

"Yes we know, now before I let you out, you must swear your loyalty to me!" Drake growled as he nodded,

"But my son comes with me!" the human nodded as he disappeared into the darkness.

Greydor lay beside Snow stomach as he cried with his wings over his head muttering 'his not my father,' over and over again. Vloor turned to him then outside as he saw that Saira had landed.

"Where is he?!" she asked looking in the cave to see her mother look up a bit then back to comforting her grandson. "Greydor!" she made her way over to him, but Vloor stopped her, "Dad?"

"Saira," his voice was low, "Maybe it's best that he stays with us for the while," Saira growled, "Just listen, if he goes with you, what makes you think he wont run away to find Brandon?" Saira looked down, she knew that he would do that, there were times she wanted to find him herself; but she still felt like she didn't deserve him. "He will come back when his ready," he answered, "Don't worry." Saira turned to her mother, who nodded to her. She turned around and flew off. Greydor soon fell asleep beside Snow as she looked up at Vloor.

"I think it's time that we bring him here," she told him, "Before Greydor goes off looking for him." The elder dragon nodded,

"Yes, I agree." He laid next to his mate as Greydor sniffed and shifted in place, "I'll find him tomorrow and bring him here." Snow looking down at Greydor,

"The sooner," she said lying beside Greydor, "The better."

The next day was sunny, no clouds in the sky as a six foot human opened his eyes to the clear blue sky. Rubbing his eyes he stood up, taking his shirt off and moving to the small lake before him. He ducked his head in and back out as he shook the water from his head. Taking his shirt he washed it then did the same with his pants and let them out to dry.

"It's a good thing I still have these," he took out an all black shirt and pant as he slipped them on. "I think the last time I was with..." he trailed off and he looked down, it had taking the human about a year to find the place where the dragons lived, but he didn't have the courage to see Saira, after he failed to keep her safe. He still felt like it was his fault that what happened to her, happened. And maybe that because she left to live with her kind; was because he failed. About three mouth back, he found Vloor wondering the woods, he didn't know what to do, confront him or run away. It was when he stepped on a dry twig did Vloor saw him. Vloor never blamed Brandon for what happened, even though he felt like it was still his fault. When Brandon asked how she was, that when he found out about Greydor. Still wearing the ring Vloor had giving him, he sae the world though the dragon's eyes; and the blue dragon. Almost as soon as Brandon saw him, he knew, even not by blood; he was his son. He had asked Vloor just a few days ago to take a picture of himself to give to Greydor, the dragon agreed, saying the young dragon always wanted to meet him. Brandon shook his head as he tied the last lance on his shoes and standing by the water again, wetting his hair so he could spick it up like he use to so long ago. When he was fully dress and washed, he picked up his sword and made his way to portal the area. This became the human job, asked by the Elders. He would scoot the area to see if any humans would come this way, if they did Brandon would firstly ask nicely for them to leave, if they refused; he would deposed of them. As he made his first round, the sound of beating wings filled the air, smiling he turned around to find Vloor landing with a grunt.

"Good morning Brandon." The human nodded to him as he made his way back to the same large circle portal he had made all the time.

"How's Saira and Greydor?" asked Brandon looking up at the large dragon. Vloor gave a slight sigh,

"Saira took the young one to meet his...father the other day and well..." Brandon looked down, "I never have seen Greydor so angry with his mother," Vloor said as he kept going, "He's even staying with us until he cools down." Brandon turned his head back up to him,

"What happen?" Vloor began to tell Brandon what had happen after Greydor finding out who his birth-father was.

"He cried himself to sleep last night saying 'Not my father'." He turned his head down to his human friend, "And that's why I'm here today," Brandon looked back up, "I think it's time you meant your son, and be reunited with your mate Brandon.