Night's Intimacy

Story by Felsune on SoFurry

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Night's Intimacy

By Felsune

The cat nodded vigerously. She had found a new reserve of energy after hearing those words, her cheeks were blushing a bright pink again. The fox simply grins and slides in his index finger slowly into her weeping slit, his thumb coming down to gently pinch her clit against his index finger, and slowly rubbing them together as his index finger began to move inside her. The sudden penetration into her moist warmth caused her to writhe in bliss. When he slowly began to rub her clit as well, she once more had to bite down on his arm to keep from screaming in pleasure. Knowing she loved his touch he grinned and slid another finger in, his middle finger and index now worked her inner walls as his thumb continued to caress her pleasure nub.

She felt the pleasure building once more. Her third orgasm began to rush at her like a stampede of horse! It was her third one in less than an hour, and she was wondering if she would last said hour. Her thoughts were scattered completely as he pushed his two fingers up into her g-spot. When her eyes rolled back and she whimpered in pleasure, he knew he had hit the spot, grinning evilly he began to pump his fingers into the spot, causing her to have both stimulants, her clit and g-spot, enhancing her pleasure and caused her orgasm to rip through her in a way that left her breathless and gasping for air.

Slowly he lifted her limp body up and rested her on his body, his member was so erect it hurt and he wanted nothing more than to burry it deep inside her hot moisture in a single thrust. But he firmly toyed with her entrance, never quite entering but always a constant contact. After about five minutes of this the cat got so hot that she couldn't wait any longer. With a groan muffled in his chest, she pushed down onto his shaft. His member was unusual for a Lupine and had ribs. She gasped as the ribs began to push into her, massaging her most intimate folds as it moved. As soon as the tip was in the first rib rubbed past her clit and into her walls.

Her inner muscles bunched and clamped down almost tight enough to cut off circulation. He only grinned and forced her to let him take it slower. His ribs continued to be her main source of pleasure aside from the fact that her aching emptiness was finally being filled. Lifting her head up he passionately let his lips catch hers, their tongues dancing as he held her close not wanting to miss a moment of his time with her. She whimpered in need as he firmly held her so she could not begin to furiously pump his hot member. With a slow steady pace he began to pull out and push in, his ribs giving the same pleasure going out as they did in. When his member was all but out, except for the tip, he slowly would sink her back down to be impaled on the throbbing member.

A few minutes of this left the cat feeling so desperate she actually growled a little. This caused the fox to laugh quietly and with an impish grin, he slowly began to pick up the pace. As the night wore on, he caused her to orgasm 3 more times, and when they finished, he lay her down. He had not cum, and had never planned to. Tonight had been all about her. He leaned down and gently kissed her cheek. She was made only more beautiful by the moons rays covering her from the window. Standing up and tucking her in, he crept over and climbed on, quietly pulling the window shut, and disappearing into the night. The sun would come up in a few hours, and he only was able to keep her safe from detection during the night. The next night would be only more of the same if she wished it. He felt a grin slide along his face as the anticipation of pleasuring her once more built up in his chest, the next night would never be able to come fast enough for either of them.

Night's Embrace

Night's Embrace By Felsune The air was cold. Frost formed on the ground around the walkways and the trees seemed to shake with a chill that had settled in for the winter. A cloaked figure stealthily moved along the pathway avoiding the lights and...

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