On a Trial Basis (WIP)

Story by TheSarcasticBandit on SoFurry

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Short, short, short! I don't like it. Set in a universe where changing your sexuality is as easy as taking a daily pill, one mouse is raped by his doctor. Edit: A bit more fleshed out. Might work on a sequel.

Elliot shifted uncomfortably in the crinkly paper gown. He had no idea why he had to strip down to talk with his doctor about psych meds. After several long sessions with his therapist they'd both decided it was the right choice. The mouse shuddered, was it? Some bumping sound made him turn his head towards the door, a sign about the importance of hospital staff cleanliness was taped to it. It clicked open and his doctor-- as rarely seen as he was he was still his doctor- strode in.

"Mr.Rymes," Dr.Stone reached out a paw and cheerfully shook Elliot's. Then quickly went to sit at the little desk which held only a computer. "Just gotta check through a few things." Dr.Stone clicked through a few screens, reviewing the mouse's history. He hated the upgraded system, it felt oddly impersonal. Elliot Rymes was a mouse of 25 and was just over 120 pounds. He'd experienced some problems with anxiety and depression and one cancer scare a year back over a growth in his arm. Other than that the mouse had a pretty sparse medical record.

Dr.Stone glanced at Elliot briefly after reading the reason for his visit. The mouse's short, white and brown splotched fur shined a bit brighter under the fluorescent lighting. He was really there for that? "Why don't chat a bit about why you came in to see me?"

Elliot shifted uncomfortably again. "Well, my therapist thinks it would be best for- um-" The mouse's paw started to shake. "It just might be- be easier," The wolf slapped a paw on his shoulder, his sheath already began to swell with anticipation.

"Now, Elliot. Breathe," His paw passaging the lithe mouse's shoulder. "It's okay."

"I think-" Tears simply filled his eyes, but didn't leave them. "I want to be gay." A deep silence fell over them as the doctor seemed to weigh the information.

It was too perfect. Dr.Stone put on his serious face, but smiled deep with himself. "Well, that certainly is a tough decision and I just need a few forms filled out to make sure you're ready," The mouse squirmed a bit and Dr.Stone's pants began to feel uncomfortably tight. "I'll just go grab those."

Suddenly Elliot was alone again. He thought about what was happening. It was insane, he should walk out. Maybe back into the arms of his emotionally manipulative ex. Elliot longed to be held again, the way she held him. Were the backhanded comments and isolation really so bad? Footsteps, door, 'It's perfectly acceptable to ask your doctor if they washed their paws.'

"Dr.Stone asked me to go over these with you," A cute cheetah nurse broke the quiet, little world solitude creates. She flicked back long, black hair over her shoulder. "So, looks like I have to ask about your sex life for this one." Her voice, polite. Lips, lush and biteable. "You shouldn't worry though, it's just for our records." Elliot was wishing she would pounce on him. Even if she only meant to use him, debase him and leave him lonely.

"Mr.Rymes?" She politely put the forms on the clipboard in front of her breasts and cleared her throat to get his attention. Her voice was more stern when it came next. "When was your last sexual encounter?" It only served to make him evermore willing to bend to her every whim.

"Oh, about sixteen months? Maybe a little longer." The mouse knew, but the growing total of 522 days was embarrassing. The fact that he kept count did nothing to help.

"Okay, and were you the one to initiate the encounter?"

"No, well... maybe?" The mouse tried to find a way to explain the complex way sex was used in his last relationship. Was she bored? Sex. Was she sad? Sex. Did her self esteem eat away at her at night and did making him hard and beg make her feel better? "Yes, but no." His whiskers were twitching neurotically.

"How about I leave these with you and give you some privacy?" She handed over the clipboard and a pen clattered to the floor. As the cheetah bent to pick it up the mouse was trying to look down her light blue scrubs. "Really?" She sighed as she looked up at him, over the tent in his paper gown. The look of disgust on her face tickled that part of Elliot's mind that made his stomach nervous and his balls tighten.

"Uh, name tag?" He felt like a cub caught in the act of casual voyeurism. He was ready for any punishment she had for him.

"What's my name then?" Her paw moved to cover her hospital ID. Elliot looked down in shame. "That's what I thought." The cheetah shoved the pen into his paw. Her tight ass swayed as she walked out in a huff. Why was she mad? His ears flicked with the sharp sound of the door slam. Wasn't it a compliment?

The questions on the first form were prying. 'What type of porn do you view while pleasuring yourself?' The mouse wrote couples in love in the 'other' category. 'How well would you rate your ability to interact with the opposite sex?' Zero. 'Have you tried-' Yes. Yes, I've tried it all! Elliot's brain cried out. They were mean, unapproachable, begging for attention but so quick to throw him away. The completion of both forms took a toll on him, they mocked him. Through it all he only blamed himself for his social ineptitude.

Dr.Stone made up an important phone call, despite how much he wanted to personally wade through the mouse's sex life. Sending in Cassidy would irritate the unstable and confused young man. The opportunity to delight in the depth of emotions in someone like Elliot was too rare. It wasn't like the wolf was psychic, but the vicarious thrill of insanity seemed to fulfill some emptiness within him. The wolf groaned softly as he squeezed himself through his khakis and counted the passing seconds.

"Fuck." Whisper, twitch. "Fucking bitch." The mouse performed a couple of identical wrist rolls. Always his right paw. "What's wrong with you?" He was talking to himself. The doorknob twisted and he hushed himself as Dr.Stone entered.

"Got those filled out? Great," Dr.Stone loomed over Elliot, reading the documents to himself. "Oh, yes. You'd be a perfect candidate for Lavinol. There is just one more thing I need to check first. If I could have you lay back, Elliot." The wolf gently pushed him back onto the the padded examination table. "Relax." The mouse quietly nodded.

Pulling up the chair from the desk to Elliot's feet made the wolf giddy. He wordlessly guided the mouse's legs, bending and spreading them until he had unrestricted access to his anxiety shrunken genitals. He wouldn't need gloves for this, it wasn't a medical procedure. This was far more personal. His paw slowly traced up the soft fur of Elliot's leg, then the even finer fur of his thigh and sheath. At the very tip his paw had found a bit of precum. There was no doubt that it was from his short and awkward interaction with Cassidy. How adorably pathetic.

"Did you have someone in mind? When you decided to talk to your therapist about your options?" Dr.Stone massaging the soft sheath. It would respond sooner or later even if it wasn't what Elliot wanted. The warm, velvety cock cover felt delicate in his paw.

"Um, my roommate... He would be perfect, but he's a he." The younger mouse stared at the ceiling. He wasn't here, this wasn't happening. His heart started racing with his thoughts.

"What about him do you find attractive? What qualities I suppose I should say." The wolf's paw worked faster on the now swelling cock, a second paw rolled the fear shrunken balls around. The mouse's wrist was trapped in a loop, rotating.

"He's nice. It's strange. He seems to enjoy taking care of me. When I mess up he listens," Elliot tried to inch backwards, away from the unwanted stimulation. "It's like he already loves me, but I can't love him back. Not as much as I'd want to." The wolf, while older, had size and strength to his advantage. He simply pulled Elliot back into place by a leg, then he pushed back the mouse's sheath teasing the pink cocktip with a single finger. "What are you doing?" The mouse began to feel dizzy and weak, his heart beating in a finicky frenzy.

Dr.Stone stood up, the chair clattered backwards. He pulled up the hospital gown revealing Elliot's nervous erection. "Do you like it, Mr.Rymes?" Pinning the mouse with one paw and unabashedly stroking the mouse's reluctant cock with the other Dr.Stone began to feel truly alive. The doctor began to grope Elliot's chest, teasing his nipples occasionally.

"I don't- I-I don't," He didn't fight back, opting instead to cover his face with his paws. "It f-feels wrong. S-s-stop." Something was happening inside his brain, Elliot lost his sense of self. The universe had changed around him and now he was scared and lost. Was this what dying felt like?

"I'm sorry, if something's wrong feel free to speak up." Dr.Stone bent down, drawing the slender cock into his muzzle. The mouse merely whimpered to himself and the wolf let his tongue lap at the length in his maw. Elliot let out a stifled moan before Dr.Stone began to bob, the lips of his maw touching his sheath each time.

The mouse gripped at the wolf's ears and tugged feebly in protest. Elliot's grip tightened. Then suddenly, to both of their surprise, cum flooded Dr.Stone's muzzle. He held the salty, musky seed in his mouth. Well, what he could. The rest spilled over the milky white fur of the mouse's sheath and balls. Elliot's body was shuddering and his vision dimmed with his heart beat. At all once the mouse felt amazing and terrible. The bliss of the orgasm was stained by the feeling of helplessness and something much dirtier.

The wolf worked quickly, his belt was undone and he dropped his pants and boxers around his knees. His red cock and fat knot contrasted wonderfully against his black and grey fur. He pulled the mouse to the end of the exam table and spat the cum into his paw. The wolf pushed the cum and saliva mixture into Elliot's tailhole with two rough fingers. He was careful with his claws. Elliot cried silently. "Fuck, Mr.Rymes. You're gonna be so tight." Fingering the whimpering mess of a mouse made Dr.Stone's cock twitch and his balls ache. He rubbed the rest of the saliva and cum onto his cock.

The mouse could feel the hot cockhead push slowly into him, hips tightly clamped by Dr.Stone's paws. "Look, Elliot," The wolf pulled up the mouse's head. "Look." Elliot's eyes opened. "You're already hard again. All from a lonely, old wolf. A male wolf. My cock being forced into you made you hard." He yanked on the pink mouse tail and was rewarded with a yelp and a delightfully tight clench. "I can't believe you ever had a girlfriend. It's like you were made to be fucked, Elliot. I don't think I'll be calling you 'Mr.Rymes' anymore." That's when the wolf began to fuck Elliot properly. Sloppy, jerky pumps came fast and hard.

The mouse was forced to look at the black and grey speckled fur of the wolf's lower belly. His own legs perched by the doctor's hips. The true origin of his distress lay hidden, deep within himself. He could only watch as the wolf pumped into him, stabbing something inside him. Elliot's own body betrayed him once more before the wolf was done with his tailhole.

"Fuck, fuck!" Dr.Stone grunted, cum dripping from Elliot's ass and around his knot. "I won't even be able to tie." He panted, the mouse's body gave way to another unwilling climax. Elliot's muscles tightened wildly, uncontrollably massaging Dr.Stone's cock. He gave a final thrust, knot tight against the mouse's tailhole. Elliot could say nothing. "Clean me up and I'll get you your prescription." The wolf rubbed his softening cock on Elliot's white and brown face fur. A shiny trail of strongly scented seed followed it. It was with much shame that his tongue poked lazily out and shakily licked at the cum covered cock. "Properly." A slap, not hard but commanding, corrected the mouse. Elliot obeyed and with long swipes of his tongue he lapped up the mixed cum. The wolf growled contentedly as Elliot softly sucked off even the slightest trace of jizz. Then he carefully cleaned the mouse with a few sterilization wipes, except for his dripping asshole.

Elliot was in a daze, a mixture of fear and violation and... something else. Nothing felt real. It had hurt when sat down in his car, or had it? Getting the prescription filled passed like a daydream. He clumsily managed to open his apartment door and dropped into his roommate's arms, crying heavily.

"Elliot, what's wrong?" The otter ran some fingers through the mouse's brown hair and pulled his sobbing head against his chest. Elliot couldn't express anything that wasn't a long and ragged sob. The two wound up on the couch, the otter quietly encouraging him to let it out.

"Milo," The mouse managed when tears would no longer come. "Can I sleep with you tonight? I don't think I can be alone."

"Can we talk about what happened?" Elliot merely shook his head lightly against Milo's lap. "Okay." Milo helped up his traumatized roommate and led him to his bed and the mouse collapsed into it. "Sit up," The otter tried to pull off his shirt, but Elliot's paw stopped him. "We're roommates, I've seen it all." With that the mouse let himself be undressed, only momentarily thinking of the exam room as his jeans slipped over his hips

It was in the dark that Milo let his arm fall over Elliot. The pale moonlight showed the mouse's deep brown eyes, hazy and half-closed. "It's okay, Elliot. We don't have to talk about it until you're ready." Those words let the mouse close his eyes and begin to doze off with the warm feeling of lips against his forehead.