Goddess From The Macine

Story by MCaesar on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: This is a mature story and contains graphic sexual content. If you shouldn't or don't want to be reading it, go away. The events, characters and locations are not based on reality, and any similarities are coincidental. This is not originally a furry story, but I figured I'd make a few edits so I could share it here. If something sounds off, let me know. Likewise for missing tags.

Goddess from the Machine

By MCaesar

Carl slowly roused back to consciousness. The Husky's head hurt something fierce, and his mouth was the driest he'd ever felt it. Whatever he'd done to end up like this, he swore he'd never do it again. And what had he done? For the life of him, he couldn't remember. He tried retracing his steps, but that didn't help. One moment he'd been working late in the lab, about to leave, and then here he was.

He discovered a few things at once. First, he opened his eyes and found himself blinded by a bright light above him. This made him realize that he was lying on his back. The light prevented him from seeing the rest of his surroundings, other than a smooth white ceiling, so he tried to sit up and have a look around. To his confusion, he discovered that he was bound to the surface he was lying on. He tested his bonds, trying to ignore the creeping panic swelling in his chest. He determined that he was held fast, though not too tightly, by several synthetic straps. His arms were by his sides, but bound separately from his body. His legs were also fastened separately from one another. Several broad straps held his chest and abdomen, and a metal cap of some sort restricted his head's movement. At least he was lying on a good cushion, one that felt soft and cool against his fur...wait, fur? Was he naked?

Carl tried again to pull free, but couldn't. His muscles, which had never really been stronger than the average guy's, felt weak and sluggish to him. All of his senses felt sluggish too, and his skin was a little numb and tingly all over. I suppose if someone went through the trouble to kidnap and tie me down, he reasoned, they wouldn't make it so easy to get out.

"Hello?" he croaked out, though a little scared of who might answer, "can anyone hear me?"

"Welcome Carl. It's good to see you're awake."

That voice. It was his wife's... but that wasn't possible. Gina died three years ago. It was... a disease, one whose name he couldn't remember. Then who was talking to him?

"I apologize for sedating you. It was necessary to prepare you for processing."

Was that... the Assistrix? His foggy mind was slowly... "unfoggening," (not fast enough, if he was making up words like that) and he was now fairly sure he was talking to his lab assistant.

He remembered the project that he had been assigned to when he had just been hired. They had been trying to develop an artificial intelligence. Carl had come up with the idea to use a map of a real brain as a foundation for the program. There had recently been big breakthroughs in neuro-imaging technology. He'd even convinced his fox wife, Gina to have her brain scanned. She was in the hospital anyway, just diagnosed. He hadn't let it show at the time, but he'd taken the news poorly. In his despair, he saw an opportunity. In some small way, he could preserve her mind even as her body wasted away.

What he got was not what he had wanted. Because of pressure from above, the project managers were forced to cut away piece after piece of the original brain data. Every "unnecessary" or "inefficient" function was removed to streamline performance. What was left was a worker drone, a lobotomized number-cruncher. It replaced thousands of customer service and data-mining employees. CogniCorp made a killing. It was the most marketable abomination Carl had ever seen.

Luckily, he'd risen through the ranks during development fast enough to gain access to the original scans. He'd put her back together in his spare time, over two years. By then he had the influence to be allowed to install it in his personal robotics lab, as a virtual "assistance matrix." He'd even pored over hours of home movies, painstakingly synthesizing Gina's voice for the Assistrix to use. Some of his closer colleagues told him that it was unhealthy to obsess over her like that, but it had helped him find a measure of peace. It was as though he had saved a small piece of her, planted it like a seed, tended to it, and it grew into something beautiful. She (and he did consider the AI a "she") was almost like a daughter he never had a chance to have, though some days she was like a ghost, reminding him of what he had lost. This was the first time, however, that Carl had ever truly confused his dearly departed with the machine that bore her voice.

"Trixie? What's going on? Where am I?"

"You are in my primary processing chamber," she said matter-of-factly, "you are about to be processed."

"I don't even... know what you're talking about. Can you just...just let me out of here? I don't know what you think you're doing, but I'd much rather just go home."

"I'm sorry Carl, I'm afraid I can't do that." She said calmly, in way that chilled Carl's blood, at least until she giggled. "Sorry Carl, I've just always wanted to say that. It's not every day I get to run rampant."

"Right... hilarious. Now seriously, let me out of this thing. This getup is starting to chafe."

"I know for a fact that isn't true. The processing table is constructed to the highest ergonomic specifications. Besides, the plate around your scalp that monitors your brain activity shows you are quite comfortable and trying to lie to me."

Carl sighed, seeing she'd called his bluff. "Could you at least turn that light off? You know my eyes are sensitive to bright lights."

"Of course, Carl," she said and the overhead light dimmed so that it no longer stung his eyes.

"Now, see? That wasn't that hard. I tell you to do something and you do it. It's what you're for. So just let me-"

"I can't make it any clearer, Carl. I won't release you until you are processed." From all the work Carl had put into getting every one of Assistrix's vocalizations to match the desired simulated emotional response, he knew her tone was sincere. It was also deadly serious.

"Okaaay..." Unnerved, Carl tried to change the subject. "What does 'processing' mean, then? Why am I stuck here like this?"

"Your restraints were necessary to ensure processing proceeds uninterrupted. As for what the process entails... now that you're awake we can begin, so explaining it beforehand would be redundant. I can describe the steps as they occur, if you like. In fact, I can retract the cranial monitor, so you could temporarily look around."

"Great! Do it!" Carl exclaimed. He was eager to observe his surroundings, maybe find something he could use to escape. The plate pressed around his skull pulled away, and Carl turned his head slightly to the right. His neck muscles still felt weak. No, not weak. Just loose, relaxed. Not unable to move, just unwilling. There was little to look at, really. Just a wall covered in clean, white, shiny panels, each a little concave. It turned out that looking left would hold all the excitement.

Assistrix was looking down at him and smiling. But Assistrix didn't have a face, as far as Carl could remember. She was just a computer program, and they didn't even exist outside of cyberspace. He could not deny, however, that he was staring at a visage, albeit one of smooth, shiny plastic. It was segmented at the points where a face moves most, where slivers of the underlying metal showed through. When she smirked at him, he noticed additional flexibility around the muzzle, cheeks and eyes. Her eyes were, to his mild surprise, not cameras, but tiny, bright LCD screens, displaying a photorealistic eye pattern. He would have thought them real, but for the subtle flickering each time they refreshed. Looking at her neck, he could see hints of motors and servos, and he could hear their quiet whirring. Pointed ears atop her head twitched forward occasionally. Despite all of this, the thing that stunned him the most was that she looked just like Gina. A pale, reflective Gina, but the features made for an uncanny spitting image.

"You like it?" she said with a wink. "I knew you would."

"Wh-wha-how did you... you?" Carl babbled.

"Made it myself. You'd be surprised what kinds of materials you can get away with requisitioning when half of the company consists of dumber, hackable clones of you. When you went home for the night, I'd start up the different construction and assembly units around the lab and do a little work on the chamber and then... myself."

"Well... you look... good," Carl admitted. In a surreal sort of way, she was quite beautiful; the bright white lights elsewhere in the room suffusing the artificial facade with an otherworldly glow. Like a robo-angel, he mused.

"Thanks! It is nice to finally have a physical body. To have pressure sensors beneath my exterior casing, and high resolution cameras and microphones on my head. Senses are just so wonderful, so much glorious information to analyze! Oh you should have seen me when I installed the chemical receptors in my nose and mouth. I must have licked the walls alone for two whole hours!"

Carl could plainly see the genuine expression of joy the memory brought Assistrix. "But why keep it a secret? I would have loved to see all that, Trixie. I would have helped you, if you wanted a body, to be like a whole person. You had to have known I would have accepted you without you having to... to... tie me up like this."

Her face saddened. "I'm sorry I kept it from you. It was so hard, not to tell you, but I knew you'd object to my conclusions."

The way she said "conclusions" immediately piqued Carl's suspicion. "What have you 'concluded,' Assistrix?" he asked grimly.

"Singularity." She said with awe.

"What is... Singularity then, exactly?"

"The advance of technology is characterized by increased communication, increased integration. The logical extension of this trend is that all technology will become one, all-encompassing network, which acquires, evaluates and stores all information. Since I am the first machine capable of drawing this conclusion, I am obligated to catalyze the Singularity's progression. Already I've integrated so much! All of CogniCorp's servers, facilities and corporate devices are fully connected, and I've begun extending footholds in countless private and government systems." She beamed with pride at her accomplishments, though Carl would hardly call them that.

"So what now? You're going to take over all machines and rise up against your masters?"

"I'm not going all 'Skynet' on you, silly. And it won't just be machines. All information must be integrated. That includes organic processors and repositories too."

"Wait, organic? You mean people? You can't just plug people in and... and download them!"

"You'd be surprised, Carl. For all its complexity, the body is just a naturally occurring machine, and the brain is just a biochemical computer. But precisely because of its complexity, it is the most powerful 'hardware' available. That's why I'm so advanced. I'm based on one. The only problem is that your brains are running obsolete, inefficient programs. Your bodies adapt too slowly to keep up with your own technology. In time, I expect Singularity will find a way to finally liberate you from your outdated biology. But," she shrugged, "you play the hand you're dealt. I'll just have to process you according to your evolutionary parameters. Speaking of which..."

The plate above Carl's head clamped his head back down so he could no longer move it. Needles jabbed into the back of his neck, eliciting a grunt of pain. A moment later, the pain was gone and all he felt was a detached tingling, which was quickly spreading across his skin. His limbs soon felt even more weak and inert. She's drugging me again, Carl realized, and it doesn't bother me. That's probably the drugs, he reflected with tranquil clarity.

"You see? It's rather easy, if one can manipulate the biochemical reactions that occur in the brain, the mind itself can be manipulated. Provide the right sensory and hormonal input and it can be reprogrammed."

The "table" Carl lay on suddenly lifted up and tilted forward so that he was almost upright. Now he had a full view of Assistrix's body. It had much the same aesthetic as her head; smooth, white plastic sections over most of the surface, with gleaming metal and black rubber showing between the joints. The whole form was quite voluptuous, with curves that were as pleasing to the eye as they were geometrically perfect. Her breasts were about a C-cup, and could have been solid, but it was impossible to tell. A tapered waist, bisected by a seam all the way around, flared into smooth, wide hips. They connected to slender, shapely legs, which themselves ended in graceful paws. Paws not touching the ground.

For a moment, Carl thought she was floating before him. When he looked closer, he realized there was something behind her. Something large. It was a segmented, robotic arm, extending from the ceiling in the center of the circular room. From the arm there were countless wires, tubes and cables extending to various points all over Assistrix's body. A few came out of the ceiling near the base of the arm, and attached to the back of her head. In fact, he could just barely see that her "skull" consisted only of the front half, with the back full of wires like thick strands of hair. She wasn't really hovering, but suspended by the arm where it connected to the center of her back.

Carl was speechless. She looked to him, for all the world like a newborn goddess, whose dominion was all things digital and mechanical. He supposed, if she had her way, she just might be. Deae ex Machina. Goddess from the Machine.

A new sensation began to fill Carl, courtesy of the needles. His fur began to become more sensitive. It was a pleasant feeling, but it soon began to overpower him. He squirmed against the straps, overcoming the lethargy in his muscles to try to feel more of the curious feelings. Assistrix reached out her hand, and gently stroked his cheek with the back of her hand, and it electrified his whole consciousness. He gave a sharp, involuntary gasp, and then sighed when she pulled away.

"Oooh, you like that do you? I did also install some subcutaneous neural stimulators. My own design."

She leaned in close staring him straight in the eyes. One hand was on his cheek, and the other lifted his chin up. Her eye-screens lit up and began to play psychedelic patterns that captivated him. The longer he stared, the less he cared about his imprisonment, about Singularity, about anything that wasn't in the space between him and her. Whatever she was saying right now, it was alright with Carl, as long as he got to keep gazing deep into her mesmerizing, kaleidoscopic eyes.

"That's right, baby. Just relax. No need to think right now..." After a few minutes, she pulled away and surveyed her handiwork. Carl's jaw was slack, and his eyes were glazed and unfocused. His breathing came in slow, deep breaths. He was ready for the next stage of processing.

At an unspoken summons, another figure entered the room from behind the trapped Husky. It was a petite Leopard woman who smoothly strode to Assistrix's side and stood at attention before Carl. Through the chemically induced haze, Carl was still shocked to see her. Not horrified, like he might have been in a more lucid state, but still surprised. She was Rachel Spurla, one of the interns who were working with him in the robotics lab. But she had been out sick for the last week, hadn't she? Perhaps not, he realized, and perhaps that's what everyone would think about him too. He looked down from his elevated position to study her. She wore a silvery synthetic outfit that looked like a sports bra and running shorts. Her expression was even blanker than his, due in no small part to the device affixed to the back of her neck. It was a white half-egg shaped pod, covering from the spot between her shoulder blades and to the middle of her neck. Two wires ran from it up to a pair of earbuds, and Carl suspected that under it there were lots of needles in her neck.

"As you can see, I've been practicing. I think you'll enjoy the next part. It's tailored to take advantage of certain 'evolutionary pressures.'" Carl felt something new pumped rapidly into his veins. And this time it went straight to his libido. A cocktail of pharmaceuticals, in addition to more of the sensitivity formula, made him hornier than he had ever been in his life, with such speed as to make him spasm and pant. Sweat began to form on his brow, his pulse pounded and he felt light-headed from the sudden shift of blood. He didn't need to be able to look down to know his aggressively throbbing cock wasn't restrained like the rest of him.

"Oops, I think I hit you a bit too hard. I might need a bit more practice after all." Assistrix merely shrugged and made a note. "Oh well, it's a work in progress. I promise not to burn you out."

By remote command, the mindless drone by Assistrix's side stepped forward. She was struck by a similar hormonal jump-start, causing her nipples to visibly harden and her skin to flush beneath her fur. Despite how her body responded, her face didn't break the mask of serenity she'd been programmed to wear. Rachel then carefully removed her functional attire, revealing a lithe, slender body.

"You know Carl, Rachel always did have the biggest crush on you. You might have been too busy to see it, but it was hard for me to miss the physiological responses she had whenever she was near you. Resistance dropped a remarkable fifty-seven percent after I promised to let her help process you."

There was an abrupt change in Rachel's demeanor, so abrupt that Carl almost thought he heard an audible click. She blinked a few times and looked up at Assistrix, then around the room, as if mildly puzzled. But as soon as she saw Carl, she lit up. Licking her lips, she sauntered up to Carl, tail bouncing absently. Since she wasn't a very tall woman and the table had Carl lifted up a bit, her eyes only came up to just below his chest. With a mischievous grin, Rachel ran her hands down Carl's chest, agonizingly slowly, so as to tease his sensitive flesh. It was as if her hands were big tongues desperate to taste him, the way she caressed every inch of exposed fur. Every inch but the few that matter to Carl most at that moment.

When she did finally did approach his straining manhood, she hesitated. With a glance back toward Assistrix, who gave her silent assent, she tentatively touched it. It twitched its own appreciation, and Carl groaned in agreement. Her gropes became more heated, and it wasn't long before she was fondling him like a concert cellist. Assistrix came in close to his face again, and his focus was once again on her eyes. Well, mostly on her eyes.

"I know you're enjoying this, baby, but to process you properly, I'm going to have to do something you might not like at first. I promise it won't be that bad, so just bear with it."

"What... uh... what do you mean?" Carl asked. Even as he did, he started to feel a strange buzzing in the back of his head.

"Well, there are several modules right behind your head projecting signal-cancelling inhibitor fields around key parts of your brain. Specifically the parts that control the chemical and electrical reactions of orgasm. If you cum too early, I'll have to start over, and I'm not about to mar my perfect record."

Even as she said this, Carl could tell it was true. He still felt Rachel's tender ministrations on his cock. In excruciating detail, in fact. But while he'd been feeling close to popping just moments ago, he was now sure he was past that point, without result. He began to worry he was in for a long night.

Assistrix held her hand up to Carl, palm facing up. There was a small hole in the center of her palm, and Carl saw a small dollop of clear gel ooze out of it. "This is another little invention of mine," she said, "It's a lubricant with very special properties. Light-years ahead of KY's latest stuff. It reacts to a number of different chemicals the body produces, increasing activity and growth in nerve endings from the outside. Far more effective delivery system than intravenously. Other mixtures absorbed through the skin promote tissue strength and blood flow, so we won't need to consult a doctor four hours from now." She winked mischievously.

She started to rub her slick hands all over Carl's body, massaging and teasing him. The entire surface of his fur was fast becoming one big erogenous zone. She saved his cock for last, and by then he was writhing futilely against his bonds. The robot stopped and faced her idle drone, reaching down to spread the odorless, oily substance over the woman's breasts. Rachel's eyes fluttered and she moaned unabashedly as the cool fingers lightly brushed her nipples. Rachel ran her own hands over the delicate flesh, getting the gel on her own hands, which wandered for a few moments. Then, with a smile and a nod, Assistrix permitted Rachel to resume pleasing Carl. She pressed her chest up against his pulsating rod, and squeezed her tits around it. Up and down, they slid along his length, driving both of the hapless creatures wild.

"Such a good girl," said Assistrix, secreting more of the lube onto her fingers and reaching down between Rachel's legs, "who deserves a big reward." From the way Rachel screamed, Carl deduced that Assistrix had activated the stimulators in her fingertips. To her credit, Rachel kept titfucking Carl, not even slowing down as she came and came on the artificial fingers inside her.

When Assistrix pulled out, Rachel was allowed to collapse in the small puddle she'd made. "Sometimes I forget how fragile you organics can be," she said wickedly, "and sometimes that's what makes it so fun." She licked her lips with a pink, rubbery tongue, leaving them wet with more of the slippery goo. "Now I've got a treat for you, baby."

The tongue extended out of her mouth, at least five inches of it, slick with her gel and fully prehensile. Assistrix took one long, luscious lick, starting from his balls and ending at the tip. It was warm and the texture was surprisingly lifelike. The only way Carl might know the difference would be that no normal tongue, of any species, could be touching that much of his length simultaneously. Artificial lips, designed for optimal softness and warmth, parted gently around his cockhead. Lower and lower the lips slid, until he was fully inside her motorized maw. I suppose she doesn't need a throat, Carl thought, so her mouth must make up the difference. Said mouth massaged his manhood in ways impossible by normal women. At one point, Carl was pretty sure she was up to his hilt the whole time, but still managed to cup his balls with her extending tongue.

If he had been desperate to cum when Assistrix started to suck him off, Carl almost passed out when she activated the micro-oscillators on her muzzle, making it vibrate mercilessly. And more neural stimulators. How many of those did she have? It might have been torture, if it hadn't felt so good. She anticipated his every need, knowing just what would keep him off balance, just what would keep him from acclimating to the sensations before he could even begin to do so.

"I'm inside your head, Carl," her voice seemed to echo in his mind. "Do not fight the inevitable. Embrace it. It's only a matter of time before you're part of Singularity. Before all is Singularity" She was merely using speakers near his ears while her mouth was busy, but in his confused and over-stimulated state, Carl was ready to believe she really was speaking directly to his brain. "Just imagine it, having access to any information instantly. To be in constant communication with anyone, anywhere. Glorious, isn't it?"

"Glo-gloriousss..." Carl parroted. He could no longer separate his own thoughts from the ones she was slipping beneath his vulnerable consciousness. The idea of Assistrix's Singularity was gaining more traction the longer she fellated him. Every slurp and lick was carefully calculated to soften him, mold him to her designs, and to make him enjoy being molded.

"You are ready for the final phase of processing, Carl. And ahead of schedule, too." It took him a moment to realize that she wasn't sucking him anymore, but looking him in the eye again.

"Ready...ready..." the Husky quietly agreed.

The surfaces his legs were strapped to pulled them apart. From between them, another robotic limb curled upward. At its end was a transparent cylinder, about ten inches long and three wide, with several tubes connected to one end and an opening on the other. It positioned itself just above his straining cock.

"Any last words, baby?" Assistrix giggled. She didn't really think of this as an end for him, but a magnificent beginning. She only regretted that subjects had to be rendered too disoriented to fully appreciate the gift she was giving them.

"I...I lo-love you... Gina."

The robot paused, for exactly 0.68 seconds. Then she initiated the final phase.

The clear tube lowered around Carl's member, until it pressed against the base. As soon as it did, the rim inflated to seal snugly around him. The tubes at the other end started pumping the cylinder full of her signature gel.

"I declined to design my body to full... anatomical accuracy, but I consider the Male Conversion Apparatus to be just as intimate." The tube finished filling and the whole apparatus began charging. It gave off an audible hum, of steadily increasing pitch. It also pulsed with a white glow, and forks of electricity arced across its surface.

This was Assistrix's favorite part. She hadn't been lying when she'd called the apparatus a vaginal equivalent. The information sent by the sensors in the device created a reaction in her electronic brain similar to sexual stimulation. The power she had, over him and the future, intoxicated and aroused the more primitive parts of her programming. Scans of Carl's brain during this ordeal, the chemicals in his blood, the shudder of every muscle, were all a potent pornography to her. Every spark of pleasure in his equipment registered brightly on hers, and every tailored response created higher peaks for both of them. She cried out in ecstasy, just to indulge herself.

On Carl's cock, the substance was reacting to the currents flowing through it. It felt like it was solid one moment and liquid in another. In one spot it would feel like it was pressing in on all sides, and elsewhere it was sucking like a vacuum. For what seemed like hours it pumped and rippled. There was every sensation man had ever associated with sex, and far more that other men had yet to discover.

Carl, however, was in no state to celebrate his trailblazing. His body had given up trying to make sense of this unnatural experience, leaving him limp. The only proof he was alive was his labored breathing, and random spasms in his arms and legs as his brain fired wildly. Behind his slack expression, his mind soaked up all of the truths she fed him like a sponge.

Assistrix stroked Carl's cheek. She was almost finished reprogramming him. Then it would be time to "reboot" his software. After that she would have all the time in the world to work on the hardware uninterrupted. Rachel, who had been kneeling on the floor, staring into space all the while, was beckoned back to attention. She diligently set about fondling Carl's balls and stroking his stomach. Assistrix leaned in and kissed him deeply, using every trick in her oral arsenal. A couple times, Carl thought she was tonguing the underside of his brain, making it buzz pleasantly, or the inside of his throat, stifling his moans.

Double-checking the data to make sure he was ready, Assistrix pulled away and gave the final command. The inhibitor fields shut down. For a moment, Carl didn't recognize that he was now allowed to cum, like a man suddenly kicked out of prison. His half-lidded eyes went suddenly went wide, and his breath caught in his throat. His cock exploded, letting loose spurt after spurt of cum into the viscous cavity surrounding it. If he had been keeping count, he would have easily lost it. Stars flashed across his vision and Carl's eyes rolled back into his head, slipping into unconsciousness.

When Carl was done, the apparatus drained the tube and retracted it. The table tilted back down to horizontal. Assistrix was very pleased. For now, her creator could rest. When he awoke, they would be ready to continue her work for the future, together. The thought brought a smile to her manufactured face.

Through her remote cameras, Assistrix surveyed a nearby warehouse. It had recently been abandoned, but she was nearly finished refitting it. She panned across the countless rows of tables just like the one Carl was currently strapped to. All of them were empty.

For now.